file | bgeot_comma_init.h [code] |
| convenient initialization of vectors via overload of "operator,".
file | bgeot_config.h [code] |
| defines and typedefs for namespace bgeot
file | bgeot_convex.h [code] |
| Convex objects (structure + vertices)
file | bgeot_convex_ref.h [code] |
| Reference convexes.
file | bgeot_convex_structure.h [code] |
| Definition of convex structures.
file | bgeot_ftool.h [code] |
| "File Tools"
file | bgeot_geometric_trans.h [code] |
| Geometric transformations on convexes.
file | bgeot_geotrans_inv.h [code] |
| Inversion of geometric transformations.
file | bgeot_kdtree.h [code] |
| Simple implementation of a KD-tree.
file | bgeot_mesh.h [code] |
| Basic mesh definition.
file | bgeot_mesh_structure.h [code] |
| Mesh structure definition.
file | bgeot_node_tab.h [code] |
| Structure which dynamically collects points identifying points that are nearer than a certain very small distance.
file | bgeot_poly.h [code] |
| Multivariate polynomials.
file | bgeot_poly_composite.h [code] |
| Handle composite polynomials.
file | bgeot_rtree.h [code] |
| region-tree for window/point search on a set of rectangles.
file | bgeot_small_vector.h [code] |
| Small (dim < 8) vectors.
file | bgeot_sparse_tensors.h [code] |
| Sparse tensors, used during the assembly.
file | bgeot_tensor.h [code] |
| tensor class, used in mat_elem computations.
file | bgeot_torus.h [code] |
| Provides mesh of torus.
file | dal_backtrace.h [code] |
| Get debug information.
file | dal_basic.h [code] |
| Dynamic array class.
file | dal_bit_vector.h [code] |
| Provide a dynamic bit container.
file | dal_config.h [code] |
| defines and typedefs for namespace dal
file | dal_naming_system.h [code] |
| Naming system.
file | dal_singleton.h [code] |
| A simple singleton implementation.
file | dal_static_stored_objects.h [code] |
| Stores interdependent getfem objects.
file | dal_tas.h [code] |
| Heap implementation.
file | dal_tree_sorted.h [code] |
| a balanced tree stored in a dal::dynamic_array
file | getfem_accumulated_distro.h [code] |
| Distribution of assembly results (matrices/vectors) for parallel assembly.
file | getfem_assembling.h [code] |
| Miscelleanous assembly routines for common terms. Use the low-level generic assembly. Prefer the high-level one.
file | getfem_assembling_tensors.h [code] |
| Generic assembly implementation.
file | getfem_config.h [code] |
| defines and typedefs for namespace getfem
file | getfem_contact_and_friction_common.h [code] |
| Comomon tools for unilateral contact and Coulomb friction bricks.
file | getfem_contact_and_friction_integral.h [code] |
| Unilateral contact and Coulomb friction condition brick.
file | getfem_contact_and_friction_nodal.h [code] |
| Unilateral contact and Coulomb friction condition brick.
file | getfem_context.h [code] |
| Deal with interdependencies of objects (getfem::context_dependencies).
file | getfem_continuation.h [code] |
| Inexact Moore-Penrose continuation method.
file | getfem_convect.h [code] |
| Compute the convection of a quantity with respect to a vector field.
file | getfem_copyable_ptr.h [code] |
| A smart pointer that copies the value it points to on copy operations.
file | getfem_crack_sif.h [code] |
| crack support functions for computation of SIF (stress intensity factors)
file | getfem_deformable_mesh.h [code] |
| A class adaptor to deform a mesh.
file | getfem_derivatives.h [code] |
| Compute the gradient of a field on a getfem::mesh_fem.
file | getfem_error_estimate.h [code] |
| Definition of a posteriori error estimates.
file | getfem_export.h [code] |
| Export solutions to various formats.
file | getfem_fem.h [code] |
| Definition of the finite element methods.
file | getfem_fem_global_function.h [code] |
| Define mesh_fem whose base functions are global function given by the user.
file | getfem_fem_level_set.h [code] |
| FEM associated with getfem::mesh_fem_level_set objects.
file | getfem_fourth_order.h [code] |
| assembly procedures and bricks for fourth order pdes.
file | getfem_generic_assembly.h [code] |
| A language for generic assembly of pde boundary value problems.
file | getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h [code] |
| Semantic analysis of assembly trees and semantic manipulations.
file | getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h [code] |
| Compilation and execution operations.
file | getfem_global_function.h [code] |
| Definition of global functions to be used as base or enrichment functions in fem.
file | getfem_HHO.h [code] |
| Tools for Hybrid-High-Order methods.
file | getfem_im_data.h [code] |
| Provides indexing of integration points for mesh_im.
file | getfem_im_list.h [code] |
| This file is generated by cubature/make_getfem_list.
file | getfem_import.h [code] |
| Import mesh files from various formats.
file | getfem_integration.h [code] |
| Integration methods (exact and approximated) on convexes.
file | getfem_interpolated_fem.h [code] |
| FEM which interpolates a mesh_fem on a different mesh.
file | getfem_interpolation.h [code] |
| Interpolation of fields from a mesh_fem onto another.
file | getfem_level_set.h [code] |
| Define level-sets.
file | getfem_level_set_contact.h [code] |
| Non frictional level set based large sliding contact; for details see: A. Andreykiv et al. A level set based large sliding contact algorithm for an easy analysis of implant positioning 2012 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 89, pp. 1317-1336 2D and 3D Examples of the usage: test_contact.cpp.
file | getfem_linearized_plates.h [code] |
| Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick.
file | getfem_locale.h [code] |
| thread safe standard locale with RAII semantics
file | getfem_mat_elem.h [code] |
| elementary computations (used by the generic assembly).
file | getfem_mat_elem_type.h [code] |
| Build elementary tensors descriptors, used by generic assembly.
file | getfem_mesh.h [code] |
| Define a getfem::getfem_mesh object.
file | getfem_mesh_fem.h [code] |
| Define the getfem::mesh_fem class.
file | getfem_mesh_fem_global_function.h [code] |
| Define a mesh_fem with base functions which are global functions given by the user.
file | getfem_mesh_fem_level_set.h [code] |
| a subclass of mesh_fem which is conformal to a number of level sets.
file | getfem_mesh_fem_product.h [code] |
| A kind of product of two mesh_fems. Specific for Xfem enrichment.
file | getfem_mesh_fem_sum.h [code] |
| Implement a special mesh_fem with merges the FEMs of two (or more) mesh_fems.
file | getfem_mesh_im.h [code] |
| Define the getfem::mesh_im class (integration of getfem::mesh_fem).
file | getfem_mesh_im_level_set.h [code] |
| a subclass of mesh_im which is conformal to a number of level sets.
file | getfem_mesh_level_set.h [code] |
| Keep informations about a mesh crossed by level-sets.
file | getfem_mesh_region.h [code] |
| region objects (set of convexes and/or convex faces)
file | getfem_mesh_slice.h [code] |
| Define the class getfem::stored_mesh_slice.
file | getfem_mesh_slicers.h [code] |
| Define various mesh slicers.
file | getfem_mesher.h [code] |
| An experimental mesher.
file | getfem_model_solvers.h [code] |
| Standard solvers for model bricks.
file | getfem_models.h [code] |
| Model representation in Getfem.
file | getfem_Navier_Stokes.h [code] |
| Navier-Stokes dynamic brick.
file | getfem_nonlinear_elasticity.h [code] |
| Non-linear elasticty and incompressibility bricks.
file | getfem_omp.h [code] |
| Tools for multithreaded, OpenMP and Boost based parallelization.
file | getfem_partial_mesh_fem.h [code] |
| a subclass of getfem::mesh_fem which allows to eliminate a number of dof of the original mesh_fem.
file | getfem_plasticity.h [code] |
| Plasticty bricks.
file | getfem_projected_fem.h [code] |
| FEM which projects a mesh_fem on a different mesh.
file | getfem_regular_meshes.h [code] |
| Build regular meshes.
file | getfem_torus.h [code] |
| Provides mesh and mesh fem of torus.