GetFEM  5.4.4
getfem::virtual_fem Class Referenceabstract

Base class for finite element description. More...

#include <getfem_fem.h>

Inherits dal::static_stored_object, and std::enable_shared_from_this< const virtual_fem >.

Inherited by getfem::fem< base_poly >, getfem::fem< bgeot::polynomial_composite >, getfem::fem< FUNC >, getfem::fem_global_function, getfem::fem_level_set, getfem::fem_product, getfem::fem_sum, getfem::interpolated_fem, getfem::projected_fem, and getfem::torus_fem.

Public Member Functions

virtual size_type nb_dof (size_type) const
 Number of degrees of freedom. More...
virtual size_type nb_base (size_type cv) const
 Number of basis functions.
size_type nb_base_components (size_type cv) const
 Number of components (nb_dof() * dimension of the target space).
const std::vector< pdof_description > & dof_types () const
 Get the array of pointer on dof description.
dim_type dim () const
 dimension of the reference element.
dim_type target_dim () const
 dimension of the target space.
vec_type vectorial_type () const
 Type of vectorial element.
virtual bgeot::pconvex_ref ref_convex (size_type) const
 Return the convex of the reference element.
bgeot::pconvex_structure basic_structure (size_type cv) const
 Gives the convex of the reference element.
virtual const bgeot::convex< base_node > & node_convex (size_type) const
 Gives the convex representing the nodes on the reference element.
bgeot::pconvex_structure structure (size_type cv) const
 Gives the convex structure of the reference element nodes.
const base_node & node_of_dof (size_type cv, size_type i) const
 Gives the node corresponding to the dof i. More...
bool is_lagrange () const
 true if the base functions are such that $ \varphi_i(\textrm{node\_of\_dof(j)}) = \delta_{ij} $
bool is_polynomial () const
 true if the base functions are polynomials
template<typename CVEC , typename VVEC >
void interpolation (const fem_interpolation_context &c, const CVEC &coeff, VVEC &val, dim_type Qdim) const
 Interpolate at an arbitrary point x given on the reference element. More...
template<typename MAT >
void interpolation (const fem_interpolation_context &c, MAT &M, dim_type Qdim) const
 Build the interpolation matrix for the interpolation at a fixed point x, given on the reference element. More...
template<typename CVEC , typename VMAT >
void interpolation_grad (const fem_interpolation_context &c, const CVEC &coeff, VMAT &val, dim_type Qdim=1) const
 Interpolation of the gradient. More...
template<typename CVEC , typename VMAT >
void interpolation_hess (const fem_interpolation_context &c, const CVEC &coeff, VMAT &val, dim_type Qdim) const
 Interpolation of the hessian. More...
template<typename CVEC >
void interpolation_diverg (const fem_interpolation_context &c, const CVEC &coeff, typename gmm::linalg_traits< CVEC >::value_type &val) const
 Interpolation of the divergence. More...
virtual void base_value (const base_node &x, base_tensor &t) const =0
 Give the value of all components of the base functions at the point x of the reference element. More...
virtual void grad_base_value (const base_node &x, base_tensor &t) const =0
 Give the value of all gradients (on ref. More...
virtual void hess_base_value (const base_node &x, base_tensor &t) const =0
 Give the value of all hessians (on ref. More...
virtual void real_base_value (const fem_interpolation_context &c, base_tensor &t, bool withM=true) const
 Give the value of all components of the base functions at the current point of the fem_interpolation_context. More...
virtual void real_grad_base_value (const fem_interpolation_context &c, base_tensor &t, bool withM=true) const
 Give the gradient of all components of the base functions at the current point of the fem_interpolation_context. More...
virtual void real_hess_base_value (const fem_interpolation_context &c, base_tensor &t, bool withM=true) const
 Give the hessian of all components of the base functions at the current point of the fem_interpolation_context. More...
void add_node (const pdof_description &d, const base_node &pt, const dal::bit_vector &faces)
 internal function adding a node to an element for the creation of a finite element method. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for finite element description.

Definition at line 255 of file getfem_fem.h.

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