MIME-Version: 1.0 Sender: paul.betafive@gmail.com Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 15 Aug 2013 04:48:21 -0700 (PDT) Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:48:21 +0100 Delivered-To: paul.betafive@gmail.com X-Google-Sender-Auth: huhj1-OckIaBNV5Xp7RNrt5HVRk Message-ID: Subject: opkg-0.2.0-rc1 From: Paul Barker To: opkg-devel Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=f46d04389435085cc304e3fb0db3 --f46d04389435085cc304e3fb0db3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 As the svn head before any of my commits has been in production use in projects like OpenEmbedded for a long time, I decided to make only minimal changes to opkg before pushing out a release. Relative to svn head a few weeks ago, all I've done is: - Fix obsolete function use in configure.ac - Replace GPLv3 licensed sha256 implementation with GPLv2 licensed implementation so that it can be used more widely - Ensured that 'tests/regress', 'CONTRIBUTORS' and 'ChangeLog.ipkg' files are included in the distribution So this should be an almost drop-in replacement for people who've been using svn head recently. I've created a release branch 'opkg-0.2.x' and a tag 'opkg-0.2.0-rc1' in the Subversion repository. The release candidate is also available as an archive: https://opkg.googlecode.com/files/opkg-0.2.0-rc1.tar.gz The gpg signature for this file is attached to this email if you wish to verify it. There are a couple of known issues which can be seen in the issue tracker (https://code.google.com/p/opkg/issues/list) but nothing appears to be a show-stopper. However, I'd like this to get some serious testing before I drop the release candidate qualifier and call it a stable release. Any help with this would be appreciated, especially short test reports for different use cases, platforms and distros which can be submitted to this google group. Any bugfixes required for this release will go on the opkg-0.2.x branch, further development towards an 0.3.0 release will occur on trunk. Changes since 0.1.8 =================== - Added basic regression test suite - Added man pages for opkg-cl and opkg-key - Added the `overlay_root` config option - Added the `--prefer-arch-to-version` option - Added the `--force-postinstall` option - Added the `list-changed-conffiles` command - Added the `opkg_compare_versions` function to libopkg - Allow external gunzip binary to be used to perform decompression if the OPKG_USE_VFORK environment variable is set - Do not read /etc/opkg/*.conf if -f option is specified - Detect and handle circular dependencies - Replaced GPLv3+ licensed sha256 implementation with GPLv2+ implementation - Use `ln -snf` rather than `ln -sf` in update-alternatives - Many other bugfixes, improvements and cleanups... -- Paul Barker Email: paul@paulbarker.me.uk http://www.paulbarker.me.uk --f46d04389435085cc304e3fb0db3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name="opkg-0.2.0-rc1.tar.gz.asc" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="opkg-0.2.0-rc1.tar.gz.asc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_hkdwge2d0 LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KVmVyc2lvbjogR251UEcgdjIuMC4yMCAoR05V L0xpbnV4KQoKaVFFY0JBQUJBZ0FHQlFKU0RManlBQW9KRUJ3b0psbzdVUFFEZzFRSUFJbDFySXNJ WFZ1NXo5SWNDM1JhZy81dwpaMkRXYXVZYXlQU2FoMlkyNTJWbEhITHNQbEk0UnlYVE95NFFMaDNo NFllTmxHc1hZK0Zqd3BVNmhvZFpuazZsCjhFYVg0ZXFwbGJ1a2IvQVVRZm8xRmY3RlF2TE9uYmow c3BGMXBiUThHNXZ2WXg1KytSZm01ZXR2QlE0Wm9VTy8KdXc2MGY2TmR2VWU2MWxOSkRoTUFJUVlG Q2hhRktmajFFN0xlNTU1bGJsSllNdUlaT3A5RWFNNEVxTHBXVUlvRwoxVFgrcjIxQkI2WmwvVStQ dVJXbHU3MS8wQ2FVMFI2QmhjVzFlUitIdnEvMEhIdEVsOFBnYW1IZGs2cGdHVU0wCmVseVkvUzN1 SmtQcnlldjFxSnE4ckV0MXJSYjdkMXQ4VlVwbE1JWWVub0psQ3JrQ2ZaN1NjT3NieThYMFMyST0K PVJGdGkKLS0tLS1FTkQgUEdQIFNJR05BVFVSRS0tLS0tCg== --f46d04389435085cc304e3fb0db3--