Transcribed from the 1856 Melville and Co. edition by David Price, email ccx074@pglaf.org.  Many thanks to Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library, UK, for kindly allowing their copy to be used for this transcription.

Book cover

Directory & Gazetteer


Wymondham, Fakenham, Thetford,
Lowestoft, Beccles, Bungay,


A Descriptive Account of each Place,


Price to Non-subscribers, 10s. 6d.






p. iiiPREFACE.

In submitting this Work to the Public, the Publishers beg respectfully to tender their sincere thanks to the numerous Subscribers who have honoured them with their patronage; also those Gentlemen who have so liberally furnished them with information.

Messrs. M. and Co. trust that the arrangement of the Directory will meet the approbation of their supporters, as the greatest care has been taken to render it as correct as it is possible for a work of this description to be.  The Proprietors are determined that neither expense nor labour shall be spared in the production of their works.


Norwich, August, 1856.

p. ivINDEX.










Beeston St. Andrew
















Buckenham Ferry




Bury St. Edmund’s




Carlton St. Mary








































Horsham St. Faith’s












Kirby Bedon








Melton (Great)


Melton (Little)


Melton, near Woodbridge




Needham Market


Norwich, History


„ Directory


,, Public Offices and Institutions




Plumstead (Great)


Plumstead (Little)






Rockland St. Mary






















Trowse Newton

























Norwich is a city and county of itself, and the largest on the eastern side of England.  It is distant 108 miles N.E. by N. from London; 43 miles N. from Ipswich; 42 miles E. by S. from Lynn Regis; 19 miles W. from Yarmouth; and 72 miles N.E. from Cambridge.  Its population, according to the census of 1851, was 68,195 inhabitants, and it has 36 parishes.

It is delightfully situated on the banks of the river Wensum, and at one time contained so many gardens and pleasure grounds, as to be frequently termed “a city in an orchard.”  The streets of Norwich have of late years been much improved; they are well paved, and contain some good shops.  In the environs are some beautiful walks, and villa residences of the inhabitants.

The Market Place is a fine oblong square, surrounded with shops.  In the centre there formerly stood a cross, which was erected in the reign of Edward III., and contained a small chapel, or oratory, which was taken down in 1732.  Opposite the Gentleman’s Walk is a fine statue of the late Duke of Wellington, erected in 1854.  The statue of Lord Nelson, which until lately stood near the Guildhall, is now removed to a more suitable situation in the Upper Close.  The market days are Wednesday and Saturday—the latter the principal one; and no market is better supplied with the necessaries and comforts of life.  The Skin Market is held in the Old Haymarket, opposite the Savings’ Bank.  The Fish Market is held behind the houses on the west side, and is well supplied.  Norwich is considered exceedingly healthy.  It is defended from the easterly winds by the Mousehold Hills, which, combined with the abundance of springs in the city and its suburbs, and the Health of Towns’ Act, render it an extremely healthy locality.

Norwich seems to have arisen from the ruin of Venta Icenorum, now Caister, the capital of the Iceni, 3 miles south.  In 575, it is said to p. 2have been fortified by Uffa, first king of the East Angles.  In 642, it was a chief seat of his successor Anna.  In the time of Alfred the Great, and afterwards, it was attacked by the Danes, and became the capital of Guthrum.  The place rose to importance, and had a mint; and in the reign of Edward the Confessor it was of that greatness, that it had 25 churches, and 1,320 burgesses.  In 1094, Bishop Herbert de Losinga moved the see here from Thetford.  This bishop, in 1096, began the cathedral.  In 1336, a number of Flemish weavers settled here, and greatly improved the worsted and clothing trades.  In 1565, a further accession of these artizans was obtained, in consequence of the persecution in the Netherlands.

Next to Manchester, London and Glasgow, Norwich is one of the largest seats of the weaving trade.  The previous remarks shew that it is of great antiquity; and the trade has taken fresh vigour from the introduction of the factory system.  The chief productions are bombazines, crapes, gauzes, challis, mousselin de laine, fillover shawls, silk shawls, bandannas, camlets, mohair, paramattas, poplins, bareges, glove cloths, sewing cotton, coach lace, horse hair, sacking, sailcloth, &c.  There are also dyeries, foundries, machine works, tanneries, breweries, maltkilns, coach works, rope works, chemical works, soaperies, paper mills, pianoforte and organ works, and the boot and shoe trade employ several hundred hands.  Norwich has a Chamber of Commerce.

The city and county of the city are governed by a corporation, consisting of a mayor, 16 aldermen, and 48 councillors, with a sheriff, under-sheriff, recorder, judge of the borough court, town-clerk, clerk of the peace, coroner, jailer, superintendent of police, four sergeants-at-mace, water-bailiff, bellman, &c.  There is a separate commission of the peace, with 26 justices, holding quarter sessions and daily sessions.  The Borough Court is held every day.  There is also a Court of Pleas and Court of Conscience.  The revenues of the corporation are about £15,000 a year.  The city returns two Members to Parliament.  Assizes and quarter sessions for the county and city are held at the usual periods.  There is a County Court; Will and Ecclesiastical Courts are held for the diocese and archdeaconry.  There is a large fair for horses and cattle, called Tombland Fair, held on the day before Good Friday, and pleasure fairs at Easter and Whitsuntide.

Norwich Castle is situated on the summit of a hill, nearly in the centre of the city.  It has a most striking appearance, and is full of interest, both to the antiquary, artist, and historian.  A stone erection, or royal castle, is believed to have been built here on Uffa’s intrenchments, about the year 642, and was one of the chief seats of Anna, king of the East Angles.  It was often attacked and nearly destroyed by the Danes, but was partly rebuilt by Canute, after he had obtained sole power in England.  Mr. Wilkins says, although the greater part of it might be built in the reign of Canute, “it is, notwithstanding, in the style of architecture practised by the Saxons, long before England became subject to the Danes, and is the best exterior specimen of this kind of architecture extant.”  The promontory on which the keep of this castle is built, appears to be chiefly the work of nature, excepting p. 3what has, probably, been thrown out from the inner vallum; for it may be observed that the ground from the castle, for the best part of a mile southwards, is nearly level with the upper ballium, although it dips to the west, and most rapidly to the east.  The area of the whole castle, including the three ditches which circumscribed it, could not be less than twenty-three acres; and the principal entrance was from Berg or Burgh street, i.e., the street leading to the castle—through the barbican or advanced work at the entrance of the castle over a bridge—across the outward vallum which was at the south end of what is now called Golden Ball street.

The interior of the castle has undergone such a number of alterations, with the view of adapting it to its use as a county gaol, that all traces of its ancient apartments have long been lost.  It formerly contained a royal chapel, free from ecclesiastical control, and dedicated to St. Nicholas.  The first rural dean of the deanery of Norwich, in 1221, pretended to spiritual jurisdiction in this chapel, but for his temerity was obliged to supplicate forgiveness from the king.

The castle was originally defended by three walls and ditches; each ditch having a bridge over it.  The outer ditch has been filled up from time immemorial.  The middle one was levelled in the last century: traces of it may be discovered on the north side, where the yards of the houses are often from 18 to 20 feet below the road.  The inner ditch extended round the bottom of the hill upon which the keep is standing, and is now a tasteful plantation with a gravelled walk in the centre, bounded by an iron palisading.  It is worthy notice that the space within this palisading, although in the centre of the city boundary, is the property of the county.  The bridge which crossed the inner ditch is still standing, and consists of one large circular arch, 40 feet in span.  It is supposed that this is the original bridge erected by the Saxons: at its termination upon the hill are the remains of two circular towers, which are believed to have flanked the portal of the ballium wall.  Upon this bridge the county criminals are executed: the thoughts of the visitor will probably recur to one, who a few years since suffered for crimes unparalleled in atrocity.

The fine panoramic view which a walk round the summit of the hill affords, will not soon be forgotten by a stranger.  We may venture to assert that no town in the kingdom contains in its centre an elevation which affords so extensive and agreeable a promenade.  All the churches and public buildings in the city may be distinctly seen, bounded in the distance by Mousehold Heath, and the pleasant villages of Costessey, Thorpe, Catton, Bixley, and Whitlingham.

At the east end of the castle stands the New County Gaol, erected in 1824 upon the site of a less convenient building, pulled down for the purpose.  It is surrounded by a high wall cased with granite, and surmounted by battlements.  The interior is commodious, well adapted for the health of the prisoners, and in every respect suited for proper prison regulations.  The governor’s house faces the entrance, and commands an entire view of the various parts of the building.  Besides the family apartments, it contains a committee-room for the visiting magistrates, and a chapel for the prisoners.  From this, branch three p. 4wings, each of which contains a double row of cells upon the upper and ground floors.  Crossing these, are single rows of cells, and an arcade for the perambulations of the prisoners when the weather will not allow their walking in the yard.  Behind these are three other wings with arcades below, and upon the upper floor, double rows of cells: in all there are 225 cells, and the average number of prisoners is about 120.  The tread-mill here is not altogether “labour in vain;” for attached to it is a machine for raising water.  Not only is the silent system adopted, but at the mill each prisoner is separated from his neighbour by a wooden partition.  Industry is the order of the day; mat-making—oakum-picking—carpentry—shoe-making, and other useful occupations, tend to make the prisoners contributors to the cost of their maintenance.  A schoolmaster is kept, and every official is considered his auxiliary.  The chaplain and governor are both known to be indefatigable in their efforts to create in the minds of the prisoners a distaste for vicious pursuits; and in not a few instances have they been attended with complete success.

Upon the spacious declivity at the foot of the bridge is held the Cattle Market, the largest in England (London excepted).  The market is held every Saturday, and upon that day the visitor will have an opportunity of witnessing such a show of agricultural live stock as no other provincial town can furnish.  Moreover, he will not fail to be interested in the portly appearance and rich brogue of the principal actors in the busy scene; for various specimens of the “Norfolk Farmer” may here be seen to full perfection; and we would strongly advise that the chance be not neglected.

On the north-east side of the castle, at the bottom of the hill, stands the Shirehall, erected in 1822, and opened in the following year.  It is an imitation of the later period of the pointed style of architecture.  The County Assizes and Sessions are held in this building, which by a subterranean passage and ascending shaft, communicates with the castle above.  There are two courts, and other convenient rooms.  In the Grand Jury Chamber is a full-length portrait of one of Norfolk’s most celebrated worthies—the late Thomas William Coke, Esq., Earl of Leicester; and also one of Lord Wodehouse.  Upon the spacious plain, fronting the Shirehall, is held the Annual (Tombland) Fair, which commences on Maunday Thursday, and terminates upon Easter Tuesday.  The newly-erected building to the north-west of the Shirehall, is the County Police Station.

The Guildhall is an ancient building, situated at the north-west end of the Market-place, and is used for an assize and sessions court, for a police station, and for the meetings of the Town Council, and various other purposes.  The building is an erection of black flint, the cornices, window frames, and battlements being of freestone.  Some of the original windows, with flowered points to the cusps, are still remaining; but the greater part are modern, as are also the additions upon the south, where formerly was a chapel dedicated to St. Barbara, in which the prisoners assembled for divine worship; upon the site of this is a porch, ornamented with a gilt figure of Justice.  Adjoining the east side is the Police Office.  In the front of the building, towards the p. 5Market-place, are square panels, with remains of shields and supporters of the time of Henry VIII.  The interior is chiefly modern, with the exception of the room called the Mayor’s Council Chamber, which retains much of the furniture of the time of king Henry VIII.  It is situated at the east end upon the second floor, and is adorned with half-length portraits of many of the ancient civic notables and benefactors of the city, amongst which will be found Lord Chief Justice Coke, Archbishop Parker, and many others; the full-length portrait on the left side of the entrance is Sir Benjamin Wrench; that on the right is Thomas Emerson, Esq.  In the windows is painted glass of various periods.  The greatest object of attraction in this room is a glass case, containing the sword of the Spanish Admiral Don Xavier Winthuysen, who died of his wounds at the battle of Cape St. Vincent, February 14th, 1797.  It was presented to the corporation of the city by Lord Nelson.  Within the case is the letter which accompanied the presentation, and which is in the hand-writing of the great naval chieftain.  Opposite this room is the old Common Council Chamber, in which the mayor and magistrates hold a petty sessions daily.  It contains fine full-length portraits of Elisha de Hague, Town Clerk, 1825, and other civic worthies.

The Court in which the Assizes are held is upon the ground floor toward the west; and there are several smaller apartments in the building devoted to municipal purposes, in some of which are the regalia of the corporation, including the snap or dragon, formerly carried before the mayor on his election; the gold chains worn by the mayor and sheriffs; the sword of state, presented by St. George’s Company in 1705: a curious mace of silver gilt, with beautiful crystal, presented by Queen Elizabeth; two maces of silver gilt, presented by the Duke of Norfolk and Sir Robert Walpole in 1670 and 1734, with other civic paraphernalia.

St. Andrew’s Hall is a very noble structure, and is in the pointed style of architecture.  Its length is 124 feet, and there are two aisles 70 feet broad.  The roof is supported by twelve pillars, and there are fourteen windows on each side in the upper tier, and six in the lower, two in the east, and three in the west end, which were formerly decorated with stained glass.  Originally there was a handsome steeple in the centre, which fell down in 1812.  The Hall is principally used for the festivals, concerts, public meetings, and various other purposes.

The Public Library is opposite the Guildhall.  It is a handsome edifice, with Doric portico, and contains about 30,000 volumes, including a valuable collection of books, called the City Library.  The library is open from ten in the morning till nine in the evening, except from the first of May till the end of August, when it closes at eight, p.m.  There is a reading-room attached for the convenience of readers.

The Corn Exchange is situated in Exchange Street, which commences at the north end of the Gentlemen’s Walk.  It is a large structure erected in 1828, at a cost of £6000.  It is about 120 feet long, 90 feet broad, and 27 feet high, and is supported by two rows of pillars.  The building is principally lighted from the roof.  At the east end are portraits of John Culley, Esq., the originator of the building, and p. 6Thomas William Coke, of Holkham, afterwards Earl of Leicester, justly regarded as the father of Norfolk agriculture.

The Chamber of Commerce is situated at a short distance from the Corn Exchange.  It is a handsome building, ornamented in front by Corinthian columns and pilasters, surmounted by an entablature.  It contains a well-supplied Reading-room, which is open to strangers gratuitously.

The Post Office is situated in Post-Office Street, which is approached from the Market-Place, by Exchange Street.  It is a convenient though not an attractive-looking building.  There are two London deliveries daily.

The Norfolk and Norwich Museum is in St. Andrew’s Broad Street.  It is a handsome building, with commanding exterior, erected in 1839.  Its contents are varied, extensive, and complete.  The birds especially are very numerous, a large portion of them being foreign.  The mammalia include many valuable specimens; and one of the largest provincial collections of animals from Australia is to be found within these walls.  Amongst the fossils are some rare specimens of animals long since extinct.  The shells and minerals are deserving attention, as is also the entomological department.  The antiquities exhibit many remarkable articles; the coins and seals are particularly worthy the attention of the curious.  There is also a valuable botanical collection, which contains the Herbarium of the eminent botanist, Sir James E. Smith.  The Museum is open free every Monday, and on other days visitors are admitted on the production of an order from one of its members.

The Literary Institution.  This society occupies several rooms in the same building as the Museum.  It contains an excellent and rapidly increasing Library of about 15,000 volumes.

Adjacent to the Museum is the Free Library, a spacious and convenient building, erected in 1856, upon a part of the site of the ancient palace of the Dukes of Norfolk.

The Bazaar is a handsome structure, in St. Andrew’s Broad Street, erected in 1831, by a company of shareholders, and now let for various purposes.  One portion of the building is occupied by the Government School of Design, in which instruction is given in drawing, painting, modelling, and designing.

The Assembly Rooms are at the south end of an open plain, in the parish of St. Stephen, and were erected in 1754 upon the site of the College of St. Mary in the Fields.  Public meetings are occasionally held here, and the proprietors of the leading exhibitions of the kingdom, during their stay in this city, generally fix their paraphernalia in one or other of the convenient compartments of this spacious building.

The Theatre Royal is situated at a short distance from the Assembly Rooms.  It is a well-built though somewhat plain-looking edifice, erected in 1826, adjoining the site of the old theatre, which was built in 1757.  The interior is upon the model of Drury Lane, the embellishments are both chaste and handsome, and the arrangements are well suited to public convenience, being upon the same plan as those of the p. 7metropolitan theatres.  The building is but rarely used for other than dramatic entertainments.

The Bethel Hospital for Lunatics stands in the street of the same name, upon the site of the old City Committee House.  The building is well adapted for the purpose for which it was designed.  There is a handsome committee room containing several portraits, one of which is that of the worthy foundress, painted in 1724.

The City Gaol is at the end of St. Giles’ Street.  It was completed in 1827, from a design by Mr. Philip Barnes, a native of Norwich, at a cost of £30,000.  The front elevation is massive, and is supported by rusticated Tuscan columns.  In the wings are niches with cross arrows.  The building encloses an area of 1a. 2r. 34p., and contains 114 cells.  The governor’s house stands in the centre, and commands a view of the entire prison, which is well ventilated, and supplied with water pumped by the tread wheel.

The Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, founded in 1771, for the relief of the sick and maimed poor, is an extensive brick structure, situated without St. Stephen’s Gates.  It deservedly ranks as the most useful institution in the county, and is supported by donations, legacies, and voluntary subscriptions, and also by a large proportion of the proceeds of the Norwich Musical Festival.  Since its foundation, it has admitted about 45,000 in-door, and 35,000 out-door patients.  Three physicians and four surgeons regularly attend gratuitously.  The Hospital contains 144 beds for the reception of patients.

St. Giles’ Hospital, commonly called the Old Men’s Hospital, is situated in the parish of St. Helen.  It was founded as early as 1249, by Bishop Walter de Suffield, for maintaining four chaplains to pray for his soul; and also to be an asylum for the aged, decrepid and infirm clergy of the diocese of Norwich, and to support 13 old people, who were to have their lodging, and one meal a day for life.  It subsequently received considerable augmentations, and can now accommodate 200 persons.

The Cavalry Barracks are situated in Barrack Street, in the Hamlet of Pockthorpe, on the site of the Old Manor House of that hamlet.  They were erected by the Government in 1791, at an expense of £20,000.  The buildings are of brick, and form three sides, the centre being for the accommodation of the officers; upon the upper part of this are the national arms sculptured in stone, and surrounded by military trophies.  The wings are appropriated to the reception of the soldiers, and are capable of containing 320 men and 266 horses.  The high wall which surrounds the entire barracks (including the spacious parade ground) encloses an extent of about ten acres.

The Dungeon Tower is opposite the Cavalry Barracks, upon land called the Hospital Meadows.  It is a large round tower of brick, originally surmounted by a battlement.

The Institution for the Indigent Blind is situated in Magdalen Street.  The establishment is devoted to two objects—a hospital for the aged blind, and a school for the instruction of blind children, who are taught the manufacture of baskets, mats, and other articles, by which they may obtain a livelihood.  These may be purchased in a shop adjoining the institution.

p. 8Doughty’s Hospital, in Calvert Street, was founded in 1687, by William Doughty, who bequeathed £6000 for building and endowing it, for 24 poor men and 8 poor women, of the age of 60.  Since its foundation, the hospital has been augmented by several benefactions.  It is a square building of almshouses, with a garden in the centre.  Each inmate has a tenement of one room for his or her own use, and there is one of two rooms, the residence of the master.  There is now accommodation for 28 men and 16 women, who each receive 5s. 6d. per week, and the master 11s. per week.  Each has also a supply of coals, and a suit of purple clothing annually, with other advantages.

The Cathedral is one of the chief ornaments of the city, and is a very fine edifice, principally in the Norman style of architecture.  It has a nave and choir, with aisles, transept, several small chapels, chapterhouse, and cloisters.  These, with the Bishop’s Palace and the Deanery, constitute a great mass of ecclesiastical buildings.  The Cathedral is 407 feet long, and the breadth across the transept 178 feet, and across the nave and aisles 72 feet.  The cloisters form a square of 174 feet, inner dimensions.  The large west window is composed of elegant perpendicular tracery, and contains some elegant stained glass, inserted as a memorial of the late Bishop Stanley.  On the south side of the nave, between the sixth and seventh pillars, is the tomb of Chancellor Spenser, upon which, in accordance with the leases, the dean and chapter formerly demanded the payment of their rents; and between the next pillars stands the tomb of Bishop Nix, a violent persecutor of the Reformers, who erected the roof of the transepts.  He suffered a long imprisonment for aiding the cause of the pope against Henry VIII.  The space which this tomb occupies, as well as that between the two next pillars to the west, was formerly enclosed as a chapel, the roof of which is remaining, displaying obtuse arches inserted between the Norman piers; the vaulting, which is rich, is considered a good specimen of the latest florid style.  On the west side of the ninth pier, on the same side, is the tomb of Bishop Parkhurst, the eminent lexicographer, a very excellent prelate, and a great promoter of the reformed religion.  In the ninth arch of the south wall is a monument to Dean Gardiner.  Opposite, on the east side of the ninth pier, is the tomb of Sir James Hobart, attorney-general to Henry VII.  A chapel was formerly enclosed here, which belonged to the Hobart family.  In the centre of the nave will be observed a chaste marble slab, which covers the remains of the late highly-esteemed Bishop Stanley.  The Bishop’s Palace is partly Norman.  It has a grand hall and a large chapel.  The Deanery and Prebendal Houses are the remains of the Priory.  Among the cathedral appurtenances are three ancient gates of remarkable structure—the Erpingham gate, St. Ethelbert’s gate, and St. Martin’s Palace gate.  The Cathedral precincts form a peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean and Chapter, who appoint a coroner and ecclesiastical judges and officers.  The Bishop has the remarkable privilege of being the only abbot in England, being Bishop of Norwich and Abbot of St. Bennet’s-at-Holm.

The Free Grammar School is situated near the western door of the Cathedral, and was originally a chapel dedicated to St. John.  It was p. 9erected about 1315, by Bishop Salmon, lord chancellor, who endowed it with four priests, one of whom was to sing mass for his soul, those of his parents, and of all his predecessors and successors.  The portico, which is singular in construction, was built by Bishop Lyhart in 1463.  The buttresses at each end of the south side are especially worthy notice; they are ornamented with rich columns representing the trunks of trees, from the tops of which spring imitations of branches.  In this grammar school, in addition to many eminent scholars, were educated the celebrated Hero of the Nile and Trafalgar, Lord Viscount Nelson, and Sir James Brooke, the Rajah of Sarrawak.  The celebrated Dr. Valpy was once head master.


All Saints’, situated at the east end of Westlegate Street, is a small structure, with a square tower, and three bells.  The font is very ancient, and curiously carved with figures of the Twelve Apostles, St. Michael and the Dragon, &c.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of Mrs. Sculthorpe.  Rev. Thomas Gurney, M.A., is the rector.

St. Andrew’s “Broad Street,” to which it gives name, is esteemed the finest parochial church in the city, excepting that of St. Peter’s Mancroft.  The tower, which has ten bells and a clock, was rebuilt in 1478, and the nave and chancel in 1506.  The interior is neatly pewed, contains a good organ erected in 1808, and several handsome monuments.  At the end of the north aisle is a sumptuous monument, with recumbent effigies of Sir John Suckling and his lady.  To the altar belongs a handsome and costly set of plate, of which two noble flagons, weighing nearly 60 ounces each, were given by L. Goodwin, Esq., in 1704.  The church of St. Christopher, which stood in this vicinity, was burnt down in the reign of Henry VIII., and its parish united with St. Andrew’s.  The parishioners are the patrons.  Rev. J. Brown is the incumbent.

St. Augustine’s, situated in St. Augustine’s Street, is an unpresuming edifice with a square tower, containing a clock and three bells.  The tower and porch were partly rebuilt of red brick in 1726.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the dean and chapter.  Rev. M. J. Rackham is the incumbent.

St. Benedict’s, Upper Westwick Street, is a small structure, with a tower, round at the base and octangular above.  The patronage is in the gift of the parishioners.  Rev. W. Goodwin, incumbent.

St. Clement’s, Colegate Street, is one of the most ancient churches in the city.  The venerable structure consists of a nave and chancel, and has a square tower, in which are three bells.  It was thoroughly repaired in 1845, at a cost of £430.  In the churchyard is the “Leper’s Tomb,” which, tradition says, was raised over the remains of a leper, who, being permitted burial here, bequeathed his lands to the church: but Blomfield discredits this legend, and conjectures that the leper died in the lazar house, without St. Augustine’s gate, which entitled him to burial here, that building being in one of the detached parts of this parish.  The p. 10living is a rectory in the gift of Caius College, Cambridge.  Rev. R. Rigg is the rector.

St. Edmund’s, in Fishgate Street, a small structure, founded about the time of William the Conqueror, has a tower and one bell.  Among the relics formerly preserved here, was a piece of the shirt of St. Edward the King and Martyr, kept in a box of crystal, and visited with great reverence.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the Rev. C. Brereton.  The Rev. J. Pearson is the rector.

St. Ethelred’s, in King Street, is a small fabric, with a short tower and one bell.  In the burial ground was formerly an anchorage, which continued till after the Reformation.  Rev. J. Deacon is the incumbent.

St. George’s Colegate, a large handsome gothic structure, rebuilt at different periods, has a lofty tower, in which is a clock and three bells.  The interior is neatly fitted up, and there is a good organ.  In the chancel is a fine altar tomb to Robert Iannis, a great benefactor to this church and the city; and near it a beautiful mural monument to John Herring, Esq.  The window over the communion table is beautifully adorned with stained glass.  The churches of St. Margaret at Colegate and St. Olave, in Cherry Lane, were taken down, and their cures consolidated with St. George’s; the former in 1349, and the latter in 1546.  The dean and chapter are patrons.  Rev. A. W. Durdin, incumbent.

St. George’s Tombland consists of a nave, chancel, and side aisles, has a handsome square tower, which contains five bells, and was erected by the parishioners in 1445.  In the interior are several spacious galleries, and many monumental inscriptions.  Rev. K. Trimmer is the incumbent.

St. Giles’ was founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Elwyn the priest, who gave it to the monks of Norwich, and the patronage is consequently vested in the dean and chapter.  It was wholly rebuilt in the reign of Richard II., and is now one of the handsomest churches in the city.  The tower (120 feet high) contains a clock and eight bells, and is surrounded by a cupola and battlement.  The chancel has been demolished since the year 1581, when the dean and chapter, to quit themselves of the expense of repairing it, gave all the materials to the parish, for “a stock to be put out for the encouragement of poor trades.”  There are many curious old brasses, and several neat mural monuments.  Rev. R. Sedgwick is the incumbent.

St. Gregory’s, Pottergate Street, is a lofty gothic structure, consisting of nave, side aisles, and chancel, the latter built in 1395; since which, the whole pile has received many reparations.  In the tower are a clock and six bells; the font is very large, having an octagonal top, and on its eight sides the four evangelists, and figures emblematic of the four quarters of the globe.  In the nave is a fine brass reading-desk, in the shape of an eagle with expanded wings.  Among the monuments is one to Sir Francis Bacon, a Judge of the Court of King’s Bench, in the time of Charles II.  Here are also some ancient brass inscriptions.  Rev. W. R. Sharpe is the incumbent.

St. Helen’s, Bishopgate Street, belonged to the monks who demolished it, and consolidated the cure with the church of St. Giles’ Hospital, now p. 11called the Great Hospital.  The whole of this hospital church, which serves also as the parish church of St. Helen, and is partly converted into lodgings for the almspeople, is still standing.  It has a square tower at the south-west corner, with one bell; the choir is turned into lodgings for the almswomen, and part of the nave and aisles is divided into apartments for the men.  The church is neatly fitted up with open seats, and opposite the altar stands a modern seat of gothic carved work.  Rev. W. F. Patteson is the incumbent.

St. James’, Cowgate, includes within its parish the hamlet of Pockthorpe, and part of Mousehold Heath.  It is a small structure, with a tower, rebuilt in 1743, and contains three bells.  It was re-pewed in 1842.  This was a well-endowed rectory till 1201, when it was appropriated to the cathedral priory, and is now a peculiar of the dean and chapter.

St. John’s Maddermarket is an ancient but handsome church, consisting of nave, side aisles, and a fine tower, in which are six bells.  It is dedicated to the Holy Trinity and St. John the Baptist, and was founded before the survey made in Edward the Confessor’s time.  The lead was removed, and the roof covered with slate in 1835.  It contains many ancient sepulchral inscriptions, with a few brasses and several neat mural tablets.  Lady Margaret, Duchess of Norfolk (second wife of the duke, who was beheaded in Elizabeth’s reign), died at the Duke’s Palace, in this parish, in 1563, and was interred with great pomp on the north side of the choir, where a mural monument was raised to her memory in 1791.  The living is a rectory in the gift of New College, Oxford.  The Rev. J. Perowne is the rector.

St. John’s Sepulchre, a commodious structure, at the south end of Ber Street, dedicated to St. John the Baptist and the Holy Sepulchre, consists of nave, chancel, and transepts, with a lofty tower, in which are five bells and a clock.  Rev. Thomas Calvert is the incumbent.

St. John’s Timberhill, an ancient pile, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, and situated at the north end of Ber Street, was founded soon after the priory, to which it was appropriated.  It consists of nave, chancel, and side aisles, with chapels at the east end, and has a small wooden steeple, with one bell.  It had formerly a tower, which fell down in 1784, and was never rebuilt.  The Rev. S. Titlow is the incumbent.

St. Julian’s, situated in King Street, a small ancient fabric, with a round tower; was founded before the conquest.  On the south side may be seen the ancient entrance, in the Saxon style, but now disused.  In the churchyard was an anchorage, demolished at the dissolution of religious houses.

St. Lawrence, Upper Westwick Street, is a handsome gothic fabric, with a fine tower, 112 feet high, containing a clock and six bells.  The windows are large and beautifully foliated, and were formerly decorated with stained glass, all of which was destroyed by the Puritans in 1643.  Over an arched door, on the western side, are two ancient carvings, one of which represents the cruel martyrdom of St. Lawrence.  The original church was founded in the Confessor’s reign, on the site of a quay for landing fish, but was taken down in 1460, and the present p. 12one completed about twelve years after.  Rev. P. U. Browne is the incumbent.

St. Margaret’s, Westwick Street, consists of nave, chancel, and side aisle, and has a square tower, in which were five bells till 1830, when four of them were sold to assist in defraying the expense of covering the structure with blue slate.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich.  The Rev. J. W. Cobb is the rector.

St. Martin’s at Oak, in Oak Street, consists of nave, chancel, south aisle, and a square tower, with three bells.  It derived the latter part of its name from a large oak, formerly standing in the churchyard, with the image of St. Mary in it.  This was much visited in superstitious times, and several legacies were given towards repairing and painting it.  The oak now standing on the site was planted about 50 years ago.  An alabaster tomb, with effigies, remember Jeremiah Ravens and his wife.  Rev. C. J. Blake is the incumbent.

St. Martin’s at Palace, situated opposite the entrance to the palace, is a venerable structure, consisting of nave, chancel, and side aisles, with a tower and five bells.  In early times a boys’ singing school was kept here; and in 1500 John Blomfield gave a robe of worsted linen, lined with blue silk, for the boy bishop.  Rev. A. Braddell, incumbent.

St. Mary’s, Southgate Street, consists of nave, transepts, and chancel, with an ancient round tower, with six bells.  The body of the church was built in 1477.  It contains six antique stalls, and several neat monuments.  Rev. C. Morse, incumbent.  St. Mary’s in the Marsh.  The Rev. J. C. Matchett, incumbent.

St. Michael’s, Coslany Street, usually called St. Miles’, is a commodious and handsome structure, with a lofty embattled tower, containing a clock and eight musical bells.  The interior of the church is handsomely decorated, and two of the windows contain some ancient painted glass, but the heads of the figures were taken off to gratify the Puritans in the reign of Cromwell.  The altar-piece represents the ascension, and the four evangelists; and the floor in front is paved with black and white marble, brought from the domestic chapel of the Earl of Yarmouth, at Oxnead.  On the south side is a chapel of beautiful workmanship, erected of flints and freestone, and considered one of the finest specimens of flint-work in the county.  The church contains a very old font, several mural monuments, and some ancient brasses.  The living is a rectory in the gift of Caius College, Cambridge.  Rev. R. Rigg is the rector.

St. Michael’s at Plea, situated on the north side of Queen Street, is so named from the Archdeacon of Norwich holding in it his Pleas or Courts.  It is built in the form of a cross, and has a square embattled tower, with two bells.  There are eight ancient paintings near the pulpit, well worthy of inspection.  The living is a rectory in the gift of Sir T. B. Leonard and J. Morse, Esq.  Rev. Charles Morse is the rector.

St. Michael at Thorn, in ancient deeds, called St. Michael’s super Montem, has still a large thorn tree growing in the graveyard.  It is a small structure, with a tower, built in 1436, in which are three bells.  Rev. C. T. Rust is the incumbent.

p. 13St. Paul’s, in St. Paul’s Street, is an ancient fabric, with a small tower, the upper part of which was octangular, but was rebuilt in 1819 of white brick, with a stone coping.  It contains a handsome screen and sounding board, and was renewed in 1841.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the dean and chapter.  Rev. B. Cook is the rector.

St. Peter Hungate, on Elm Hill, one of the oldest churches in the city; was anciently called Hungate, or Houndsgate, from the hounds formerly kept there for the use of the bishop.  The old church was demolished in 1458, when the present one was commenced and finished in 1460.  It is a cruciform structure, of black flint, with a square tower and two bells.  Over the communion table is a handsome window of ancient stained glass.  Among the plate belonging to the altar is a curious old cup and cover.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the lord chancellor.  Rev. S. Titlow is the rector.

St. Peter’s Mancroft stands in an elevated situation, near the upper side of the Market-place, and is a handsome cruciform structure of freestone, begun in 1430, and finished in 1455.  It stands on the site of a former structure, and is considered the finest parish church in the city, measuring 212 feet in length and 70 feet in breadth, having a noble tower 98 feet high, containing an excellent peal of twelve bells, with a clock and chimes.  The bells were exchanged for the old peal of ten in 1775, at the cost of more than £800, raised by public subscription.  The interior has an elegant appearance; the clustered pillars supporting the roof, with the arches surmounting them, are lofty and slender, and the windows are large and handsome.  The organ, a fine-toned instrument, was erected in 1707.  The decorations of the altar are elegant, and the plate massive, especially a superb standing cup and cover.  The altar piece represents the delivery of Peter from Prison, and the east window is decorated with stained glass.  In the vestry are several ancient books, among which is a beautiful manuscript bible, written on vellum, in 1340, and a more ancient manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul, with a comment finely illuminated.  Here are several fine old paintings, and a piece of tapestry, dated 1574.  Over the door hangs an old carving, in alabaster, of nine female saints, among which is St. Margaret holding down a dragon.  The capacious old font is surmounted with a lofty covering of costly tabernacle work, and near the north door are two carved stalls.  Rev. C. Turner, incumbent.

St. Peter per Mountergate, in King Street; so called from a gate anciently placed near the churchyard; was erected in 1486, and has a fine square, embattled tower, with a clock and five bells.  In the chancel are 24 stalls, which belonged to a college of secular priests, that stood at the north-east corner of the churchyard.  A tomb, dated 1623, on the south side of the altar, with recumbent effigies, remembers R. Berney, Esq., and his wife.  In the nave is interred Thomas Codd, who was mayor in Kett’s Rebellion, and was a great benefactor to the city.  The heads of his will are read annually on the Sunday before St. Thomas’ Day.  Rev. G. Day is the incumbent.

St. Peter’s, Southgate Street, is an ancient fabric, consisting of nave, chancel, side chapel, and a square tower, in which are three bells.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich.  Rev. J. Deacon is the rector.

p. 14St. Saviour’s, Magdalen Street, a small fabric, dedicated to the transfiguration of our Saviour; has a square embattled tower, with a clock and bell.  It contains several neat mural monuments.  In Bishop Oxford’s time it was appropriated to the almoner of the cathedral convent.  Rev. S. O. Attlay is the incumbent.

St. Simon and St. Jude’s, Wensum Street, consists of nave and chancel, with a tower, in which are five bells.  It contains some ancient brasses, and several monuments and effigies of the Pettus’ family, upon one of which is a recumbent figure, in complete armour, of Sir J. Pettus, the first of the family who was knighted.  The church is of great antiquity, and was held by the bishops before the removal of the see to Norwich.  A new gallery was erected in 1835, and the body was re-pewed in 1838.  Rev. C. Holloway, rector.

St. Stephen’s, situated in Rampant Horse Street, is a commodious gothic structure, consisting of nave, chancel, side aisles, and two side chapels, with a square tower at the west end.  The nave is divided from the aisles by fluted columns, with pointed arches, and the east window is richly beautified with stained glass.  It is neatly pewed, and the altar is remarkably handsome.  There are several old brasses and many mural tablets.  In the vestry is a manuscript description of the church, written by Benjamin Mackerell, author of a history of Lynn; also a curious old alabaster carving.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the dean and chapter.  Rev. S. O. Attlay is the rector.

St. Swithin, Westwick Street, is a neat structure, with a square tower and three bells.  During the cleansing of the church in 1834, an ancient portrait of Edward the Confessor was found nailed under one of the seats, where it is supposed to have been placed for security during the civil wars.  The altar-piece is a painting of Moses and Aaron.  On the font are carved emblems of the Trinity, Eucharist, and the Passion, with the arms of East Anglia.  Here are also three stalls.  The living is a rectory in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich.  Rev. C. Day is the rector.

Lakenham Church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist and All Saints, upon an acclivity above the river Yare, about a mile and a half south of the Market-place.  The benefice is a vicarage united to Trowse Newton, in the gift of the dean and chapter, and enjoyed by the Rev. George Carter, M.A.

Heigham Church, dedicated to St. Bartholomew, stands on elevated ground above the Wensum, about a mile W. by N. of the Market-place, and is a small edifice, with nave, chancel, south aisle, and a square tower, in which are three bells.  A mural monument remembers the pious Bishop Hall.  The rectory is valued in the king’s book at £6. 13s. 4d., and in 1831 at £211.  The bishop is patron, and the Rev. W. Robbins, M.A., incumbent.

St. Mark’s Church, Lakenham, is a handsome edifice, in the pointed style of architecture, with nave, tower, and three bells.  Rev. W. R. Nevill, M.A., incumbent.

Trinity Chapel, Union Place, was built by the Baptists, but was consecrated in January, 1839.

p. 15Christ Church, New Catton, is a neat erection in the early English style, erected in 1841.  Rev. R. Wade, B.A., incumbent.

St. Matthew’s, Thorpe Hamlet, is a neat edifice, erected in 1851, and built of rag stone.  Rev. G. W. Grogan, incumbent.

The remaining hamlets will be found noticed separately.


The leading denominations of Dissenters have commodious places of worship, some of which, on the score of antiquity, or of modern architectural merit, are not undeserving attention.

The Old Meeting House, in St. Clement’s, was erected in 1693, and belongs to the Independents.  Its first pastor, Bridge, seceded from the Establishment in the reign of James II., and sat in the Westminster Assembly of Divines.  It is a large building of red brick, fronted with four Corinthian pilasters.  It will afford accommodation for about 700 persons.  There are spacious School-rooms connected with this building, in which a large number of children are educated upon the British system.

Prince’s Street Chapel (Independent) was built in 1819.  It is a building of white brick, with boldly-displayed cornice and pediment, and a Grecian Doric portico of four columns.  It will accommodate upwards of 800 persons.

The Tabernacle (Countess of Huntingdon’s), a plain but commodious structure, is situated in the parish of St. Martin’s Palace, and will accommodate 1000 persons.  The celebrated George Whitfield preached in this building.

St. Mary’s Chapel (Baptist) was originally erected in 1744, but was rebuilt in its present handsome style in 1811, and considerably enlarged in 1838.  It will now seat 900 persons.  The Rev. J. Kinghorn, a celebrated Hebrew scholar, was one of its ministers.

St. Clement’s Chapel (Baptist) is also a large building.  It was erected in 1814, and contains about 900 sittings.  There is a spacious School-room adjacent to this chapel.  The celebrated Mark Wilks was once the pastor.

Ebenezer Chapel (Baptist) Surrey Road, was erected in 1854; it is a spacious building, and although without galleries, is capable of accommodating a large congregation.

Calvert Street Chapel belongs to what are called the Wesleyan Reformers, and is the largest Wesleyan Meeting-house in the city.  It was opened in 1811.  It is a red-brick edifice, containing upwards of 1000 sittings.

St. Peter’s Chapel, near the Theatre Plain, is a neat, commodious building, held by the original Wesleyan Conference.  It contains 900 sittings.

The Unitarian Chapel, situated in St. George’s Colegate, is unquestionably the most handsome meeting-house in the city.  It is known as the Octagon Chapel, which will indicate the plan upon which it is constructed.  It is surmounted by a dome, supported by eight p. 16Corinthian pillars, in excellent imitation of marble.  There is a portico to the south front.

The Society of Friends have two meeting-houses in Norwich; one of which is in the Upper Goat Lane.  It is a fine white-brick structure, with Doric portico, and lighted by a dome lantern.  It was built in 1826.  About 700 persons can be accommodated in this building.  Adjacent to it are several convenient rooms for committee and other meetings.  The other is the Gildencroft Meeting House, St. Augustine’s, an ancient-looking edifice, erected in 1680.  There is a spacious burial-ground attached, in which are deposited the remains of Joseph John Gurney and other eminent Friends.  It is worth remarking that the building is supported by two lofty oak pillars, cut out of single trees.

The French Church is an ancient building in Queen Street, occupied by the Swedenborgians, (which was formerly dedicated to St. Mary the Less.)  After the parish was united to others, the building was used as a cloth exchange, and subsequently was granted to the French Protestants.  It has a square tower, nave, and chancel.

The Roman Catholics have two chapels; one called The Chapel of the Apostles, is situated in Willow Lane, and is a handsome building of white brick, in the Corinthian and Ionic styles.  The interior presents a truly gorgeous appearance.  The other is called St. John’s Maddermarket Chapel.  It stands near to the church of that name, and is a large building, erected in 1794.  There is a dwelling for the priest adjoining.

The Jews have a handsome Synagogue in St. Faith’s Lane.  They were formerly very numerous in this city.

CEMETERIES.  There are two Cemeteries in Norwich.  The New Cemetery, situated upon the Earlham road, is corporate property, and was opened in 1856.  It contains 35 acres.  The Rosary Burial Ground is pleasantly situated at Thorpe, and was registered in 1821.  It originally contained 5 acres, but has recently been considerably enlarged.

p. 17CLERGY, GENTRY, &c.

Abbot, Rev. J., Catholic Priest, St. John’s Maddermarket

Adams, Miss Frances, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Aldred, Mr. James, St. Giles’ street

Alexander, Rev. John, Congregational Minister, Prince’s street Chapel, Gildengate street

Alderman, Miss Sarah, Cross road, St. Giles’ road

Allison, Mr. James, Front row, New Lakenham

Ames, Mrs. Mary, Willow place, New Lakenham

Andrews, William, Esq., Magdalen street

Archdall, Rev. George, D.D., Canon of Norwich Cathedral, the Close

Asker, Mrs. Frances, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Atkins, Mr. Alfred, Trafalgar place, New Lakenham

August, Mrs. Mary Ann, Unthank’s road

Bacheldar, Miss Sarah, Newmarket road

Back, John Alfred, Esq., St. Giles’ street

Bacon, Mr. Richard, All Saints’ green

Bailey, Mrs., junior, St. Benedict’s road

Baker, Mr. John, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Baker, Mr. John, St. Catherine’s plain

Baker, Mrs. Maria, Newmarket road

Baldwin, Mr. William, Hamlet place, Grapes hill

Balls, Mrs. Elizabeth, Colegate street

Banks, Mrs. Mary, Grove road, New Lakenham

Banks, Mr. William, Earlham road terrace

Barber, George, Esq., Thorpe hamlet

Barcham, Mr. William, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Barker, Miss, Dereham road

Barker, Mrs. Mary, Chapel field

Barker, Mrs. Susan, Distillery street

Barlow, Mr. Richard, St. Margaret’s plain

Barnard, Charles, Esq., Gildengate street

Barnes, Mrs. Amelia, Bracondale

Barnes, Mrs. Mary, St. Stephen’s gates

Barnham, Miss L., Newmarket road

Barrett, Mr. George, Alma terrace, St. Augustine’s road

Barwell, Henry George, Esq., Surrey street

Barwell, John, senior, Esq., Surrey street

Barwell, John, junior, Esq., Surrey street

Bean, Miss, Dereham road terrace

Beare, Miss Amelia, Gildengate street

Bellin, Benjamin, Esq., Grove road, New Lakenham

Bensly, Mrs. Harriet, Newmarket road

Bensley, Charles, Esq., Thorpe hamlet

Bennett, Edward, Esq., Newmarket road

Berwick, Mrs. Mary, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Betts, Mr. John, West Pottergate

Biggs, Mrs. Mary, St. Stephen’s square

Bignold, Sir Samuel, M.P., Surrey street

Birt, Mr. Robert, Bethel street

Bishop, Rev. Wm., Curate of Heigham Church, Holl’s lane

Blake, Rev. Charles Jex, Incumbent of St. Martin at Oak, the Close

Blake, R. W., Esq., Colegate street

Blake, Mrs. Jonathan, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Blencowe, Rev. George, Wesleyan Minister, Calvert street

Blunderfield, Mrs. Amelia, Newmarket road

Blyth, Miss Rhoda, Mile Lane, Newmarket road

Boardman, Mrs. Frances, Newmarket road

Boardman, James, Esq., Newmarket road

Bolingbroke, C., Esq., St. Giles’

p. 18Bolingbroke, F., Esq., Thorpe

Bolingbroke, Horatio, Esq., agent for the Economic Life Assurance Society, St. Giles’ street

Bone, Mrs. Mary, Cross street, St. Giles’ rd.

Booten, Benjamin, Paragon street

Branch, Mr. Thomas, Bethel street

Brock, Miss Ann, Willow lane

Brown, Mr. George, Upper St. Giles’

Brown, Rev. James, Broad street, St. Andrew’s

Browne, Mr. Nichols, Bracondale

Browne, Philip, Esq., Thorpe hamlet

Browne, William John Utton, Esq., the Crescent

Brown, Mr. William, Lower Close

Brownfield, John, Esq.  Newmarket road

Bugden, Mr. Thomas, Gildengate street

Bull, Miss Jane, the Crescent

Bunn, Mr. William, St. Catherine’s plain

Bunting, Mr. John, St. Giles’ road

Burgess, Mr. John, Lower Close

Burrell, Mr. William, New Catton

Bush, Mrs. Mary Ann, Prince’s street

Bush, Mr. Robert, Earlham terrace, St. Giles’ road

Butcher, Captain, Grove rd., New Lakenham

Butcher, Jeremiah, Esq., Newmarket road

Butten, Mrs. Mary, Mile lane, Newmarket road

Candler, Miss, Thorpe hamlet

Calvert, Rev. Thomas, Perpetual Curate of St. John’s Sepulchre, All Saints’ green

Calton, Mr. John, Paragon street

Canham, Mrs., Grapes hill

Cannell, Mr. Henry, Newmarket road

Cannell, Mr. Nunn, Newmarket road

Capes, Mrs. Frances, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Carpenter, Mr. Philip, St. Benedict’s road

Carter, Miss Eliza, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Carter, Rev. George, Vicar of Trowse and Lakenham, Lower Close

Cater, Mr. William, St. Stephen’s gates

Cater, John, Esq., Town Close, Ipswich road

Cattermoul, Mrs. Sarah, St. Catherine’s pln.

Cavendish, Mrs. Mary, Crescent place

Chambers, Mrs. Grice, Upper Close

Chambers, Mrs. Mary, Theatre street

Chapman, Mrs. Jane Emily, Pottergate st.

Chittock, Mr. Timothy, Calvert street

Church, Mrs., Southern Buildings, Lady’s lane.

Churchman, Mrs. Sarah, Holl’s lane

Christie, Mr. T., Colegate street

Clarke, Richard Calver, Esq., the Crescent

Clayton, Rev. William Ray, Incumbent of Great Ryburgh, St. Giles’ street

Clifford Mrs., Earlham terrace, St. Giles’ road

Coaks, Richard, Esq., Golden Dog lane

Cobb, Rev. John Wm., Rector of St. Margaret’s, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Cockburn, Major James, Bracondale

Colby, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Stephen’s square

Cole, Mrs. Ann, Thorpe hamlet

Cole, Miss, Lower Close

Coleman, Mrs. Sarah Ann, Thorpe hamlet

Collyer, Colonel Wm., E.I.C.S., Tombland

Colman, Mrs. James, Ipswich road

Colman, Mrs. Jeremiah, Newmarket road

Colman, Mr. Robert, Newmarket road

Colman, Mr. Thomas, Lame Dog road

Cook, Miss Charlotte, Thorpe hamlet

Cooper, Carlos, Esq., Barrister, Orford hill

Cooper, Miss Louisa, Thorpe hamlet

Cooper, Mrs. Sarah, Lower Close

Copeman, Dr., Bethel Street

Cope, Mrs. M., Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Cork, Mrs. S., Hampden place, Dereham road

Cousins, Mr. William, Bethel street

Cozens, Mrs. Mary Ann, Pitt street

Crane, Captain, Royal Navy, Dereham road terrace

Crane, Mr. Samuel, Chapman’s yard, St. Giles’ street

Crisp, James, Royal Navy, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Croker, John Michael, Esq., Newmarket road

Crook, William, Esq., Mile End lane, New

Crosse, Mrs. D. A., Orford hill

Cubitt, Miss, Lower Close

Cubitt, William, Esq., Gildengate street

Davis, Rev. David, Minister at the Octagon Chapel, Dereham road

Darkins, Mr. Canuel, St. Stephen’s road

Davey, Miss, Magdalen street

Davy, Mr. William P., Thurso place, Dereham road

Day, Miss E., Lower Close

Day, Miss Harriet, Pottergate street

Decaux, Mrs. Mary Ann, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Decaux, Mr. William, Adelaide buildings, Dereham road

Deeks, Mrs. Christiana, St. George’s middle street

Denny, Mrs. Sarah, Crescent place

Deuge, Mr. Isaac, Trafalgar place, Dereham road,

Doone, Miss, Lower close

Dove, Dr. Harry, Tombland

Devear, Mrs. Maria, Cow hill

Devereaux, Mrs. Mary, Adelaide buildings, Dereham road

Devear, Miss Ann, Cow hill

Devear, Mrs. Emma, Cow hill

Dewing, Mrs. Mary, St. Giles’ road

p. 19Dimond, Mrs., Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Diver, Mr., Rising Sun road

Dix, Miss Charlotte, Chapel Field grove

Dixon, Mrs. Emily, St. Catherine’s plain

Dixon, Mr. William, Valentine street

Dodman, Mr. John, Keyzor place, Holl’s ln.

Doughty, Mrs. Julia, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Drewell, Mrs. Mary Ann, All Saints’ green

Druery, Mr. J. H. E., Barrister, Cambrian place, Heigham road

Duckett, Mr. James, St. Giles’ hill

Durdin, Rev. Alexander Warham, Incumbent of St. George’s Colegate, Unthank’s road

Dyson, Mr., Thorpe hamlet

Eaton, Thomas Damant, Esq., Chapel Field grove

Edgar, Mrs. Elizabeth, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Edwards, Mrs. Elizabeth, Newmarket road

Eldridge, Mr. James U., New Catton

Elliott, John, Esq., the Crescent

Ellis, Mrs. Mary, Gildengate street

Ellis, Mr. Richard, Chapel field

Elmer, Mr. James, New Catton

Enfield, Wm., Esq., Colegate street

English, Mr. Richard, Holl’s lane

Etheridge, Mrs. Elizabeth, Thorpe hamlet

Evans, Rev. Edward, Curate, St. Stephen’s, Surrey street

Evans, Mrs. Louisa, Upper Surrey street

Everett, Mr. Robert, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Fickling, Miss Caroline, Mile Lane, Newmarket road

Fisher, Mrs. Sarah, Distillery street

Fishwick, Rev. John, Catholic Priest, Willow lane

Fiske, Mrs. Hannah, Thorpe hamlet

Fitt, Mr. George, New road, Town close

Flower, Mrs. Frances, Chapel field

Ford, Mr. Robert, St. George’s plain

Foster, Mr. Samuel, Grove road, New Lakenham

Foster, Sir William, Bart., Thorpe hamlet

Foulger, Rev. William, M.A., Upper King street

Foulsham, Mr. Thomas, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Fox, Mr. William, Lame Dog road

Franklin, Mr. Charles, All Saints’ green

Franklin, Rev. Henry, rector of Barford, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Freeman, Mrs. J. C., Langham place, Dereham road

Frohawk, Mr. Nicholas, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Gardiner, Miss Anne, Newmarket terrace

Garrard, Miss Mary Sophia, Thorpe hamlet

Garwood, Mrs. S. A., New Catton

Geary, William, Esq., Gildengate street

Gibson, Misses E. and M., Lower close

Gibson, Mrs. Rosamond, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Girling, Mrs., Paragon street

Goddard, Mrs., Chapel field

Gooch, Mrs. Amelia, Newmarket road

Gooch, Mr. William, Unthank’s road

Goodwin, Mrs., Willow lane

Goodwin, Rev. William, Perpetual Curate, St. Benedict’s, Chapel field

Goose, Mrs. Hannah Maria, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Goots, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Stephen’s road

Gould, Rev. George, Baptist Minister, St. Mary’s Chapel, Unthank’s road

Grand, Mr. John, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Grand, John, Esq., St. Giles’ street

Grant, Mr. George, William street

Greaves, Miss, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Grimmer, Mrs. Martha, Newmarket road

Grogan, Rev. George William, Incumbent, St. Matthew’s, Thorpe hamlet, Lower close

Gunton, Mrs. Mary, St. Giles’ hill

Gurney, Mrs. Eliza P., Earlham road

Gurney, Rev. Thomas, Incumbent of All Saints’ Church, All Saints’ green

Habberton, Mrs. Elizabeth, Unthank’s road

Hall, Mr. Charles, Rose lane

Hall William, Esq., Ipswich road

Hallett, Rev. John, Congregational Minister, Old Meeting, Unthank’s road

Hallam, Mr. James, Keyzor’s terrace, Unthank’s road

Hammond, Mrs. Emily, Magdalen street

Hansell, Mrs. Mary, Lower close

Harmer, Mrs. Mary, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Harris, Mrs. Sophia Elizabeth, New road, Town close

Harrison, Miss Matilda, Unthank’s road

Harvey, Mr. James, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Harvey, Miss Mary Ann, Unthank’s road

Harvey, Robert John, Esq., banker, Bracondale

Hart, Mr. John, Chapel Field road

Hawkins, Miss Martha, Unthank’s road

Hawkes, Mr. William, Unthank’s road

Henley, Mrs., Newmarket road

Henley, William, Esq., Newmarket road

Herring, Miss Lucy, Bracondale

Hibgame, Major E. T., Rising Sun road

Hibgame, Rev. Edward, Rector, Fordham in Cambridgeshire, Lower close

Hickman, Mrs. E., Heigham terrace, St. Benedict’s road

Hill, Mrs. Frances, West Pottergate

Hill, Miss J., New Catton

p. 20Hill, Mrs. Mary, Thorpe hamlet

Hilling, Mrs., Hall lane, New Lakenham

Hinds, the Right Rev. Samuel, Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the Palace

Hogg, Mr. James, Distillery street

Holl, Mr. Robert Durrant, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Holloway, Rev. Charles, Rector of St. Simon and Jude, the Close

Holmes, Mr. Benjamin, New Catton

Hopson, Mrs. Charlotte, Castle meadow

Hoop, Mrs. Mary Ann, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Horn, Mr. Robert, Distillery street

Hornor, Charles, Esq., Saint Martin’s Palace plain

Hornor, Mr. William, New Catton

Hovell, Mr. Richard, Bloomsbury place, St. Benedict’s road

Howes, Mr. John, the Crescent

Hubbard, Mr. Arminger, West End terrace, Grapes’ hill

Hunt, Mrs. Harriet, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Hunter, Mr. John, Colegate street

Huson, Miss Mary, Crescent place

Hutton, Mrs. Elizabeth, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Ives, Captain Ferdinand, St. Catherine’s hill

Ives, Miss, the Crescent

Jackson, Mrs. Charlotte, Lame Dog road

Jackson, Mrs. Mary, Bracondale

Jay, Thomas, Esq., Heigham grove

Jay, Mrs. Charlotte, Newmarket road

Jay, Mrs. Hannah, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Jennings, Misses, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Johnson, J. G., Esq., Mayor of the City, St. Giles’ street

Johnson, Mrs., West Wymer street

Johnson, Mrs. Sarah, St. Stephen’s road

Kemp, Mr. Isaac, Rising Sun road

Kempster, Rev. John Joseph James, Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion, Tabernacle

Kent, Mrs. Catherine, William street

Kerrison, Mr. John Bitton, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Kerrison, Roger, Esq., Tombland

Kidsdale, Mr. A. T., St. Benedict’s road

King, Mr. Hammond, Newmarket road

King, Mr. John, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

King, Mr. Samuel, Chapel Field road

Kinnebrook, Mr. William, Earlham road

Kitmer, Miss Charlotte, Queen street

Kitson, John, Esq., Secretary to the Bishop, Thorpe hamlet

Ladell, William, Esq., Newmarket road

Laflin, Mr. Joseph, Laflin buildings, St. Benedict’s road

Lancey, Mrs., Bloomsbury place, Dereham road

Landy, Mrs. C., the Crescent

Langton, Mr. Edward, Bethel street

Layton, Mr., Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Laws, Mrs. Mary, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Leeds, Mrs. Julia, St. Giles’ street

Leggatt, Mr. Samuel, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Leist, Mrs., New Catton

Lindley, Miss, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Lister, Mrs., Bloomsbury place, St. Benedict’s road

Littlewood, Mrs. Sophia, St. Stephen’s road

Littlewood, Mr. Leonard, Colegate street

Lloyd, Mr. Francis, Hall road, New Lakenham

Lohr, Mrs. Eliza, Colegate street

Longe, Mrs. Mary, Crescent place

Lord, Mr. Aaron, Tudor cottage, Unthank’s road

Lowne, Mrs. Mary, Thorpe hamlet

Lynn, Mrs., Hall lane, New Lakenham

Mace, Mr. Joseph, Distillery street

Mackie, Mrs. Mary, Cambrian place, Heigham road

Mannering, Mrs., Thorpe hamlet

Mann, Rev. John, Wesleyan Minister, Rising Sun road

Marcon, Mrs. Jane, St. Giles’ street

Markland, Mrs. Elizabeth, Magdalen street

Marrison, Mrs., Thorpe hamlet

Mason, Miss Sophia Ann, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Massary, Mrs. Alfred, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Massey Thomas, Esq., Thorpe hamlet

Matthew, Captain Charles, Bracondale

Mayes, Mrs. Mary, William street

Mayes, Mrs. Margaret, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Marystone, Samuel, Esq., Lower close

Middleton, George, Esq., the Grove, Ipswich road

Middleton, John, Esq., Surrey street

Middleton, Mr. Thomas, St. Stephen’s gates

Miles, Mr. William, Bloomsbury place, St. Benedict’s road

Millard, W. S., Esq., Catton, near Norwich

Miller, Mrs. Mary, Grove place, New Lakenham

Miller, Mr. Robert L., Unthank’s road

Mills, Miss Mary, St. Stephen’s road

Mitchell, Mr. Samuel, Unthank’s road

Money, Miss, St. Catherine’s plain

Monument, Miss Ann, St. Stephen’s road

p. 21Moore, Mrs. Mary, Laurel cottage, Unthank’s road

Morland, Mrs. Amelia, Castle meadow

Morris, Mr., Thorpe hamlet

Morrish, Miss Emily, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Morse, Miss Emily, Lower close

Mott, Miss, Tombland

Muskett, Mrs. Emily, Thorpe hamlet

Muskett, Mrs., New Catton

Neave, Miss Matilda, Newmarket road

Neve, Mrs. Martha, Chapel Field road

Newbegin, Mrs. Sarah, Hay House, Unthank’s road

Newby, Mr. John, Holl’s lane

Newman, Mrs., Holl’s lane

Newson, Mrs. Allen, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Newton, Miss Charlotte, Albert place, St. Stephen’s square

Nichols, Mrs. Hannah, Chapel Field road

Nokes, Mr. William, Distillery street

Norris, Mrs. Lucy, Thorpe hamlet

Norton, Mr. John Culley, Westbourne terrace, Unthank’s road

Nursey, Mr. Richard, Chapel field road

Norton, Mrs. Phillis, Lower Goat lane

Oliver, Mr. John, Grove road, New Lakenham

Osborne, Rev. John Francis, Chaplain to the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital, Newmarket road

Ostler, Mr. Charles, William street

Page, Edmund, Esq., Newmarket road

Painter, Miss Kate, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Palgrave, Mr. Thomas, Hall road, New Lakenham

Parr, William Burrell, Esq., Upper St. Giles’ street

Paul, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Giles’ hill

Pearson, Rev. James, Rector of St. Edmund’s, St. Giles’ street

Pellew, the Hon. and Very Rev. George, D.D., Dean of Norwich, Deanery, Lower close

Perowne, Rev. John, Upper Surrey street

Pettingill, Mrs. Sarah Ann, Chapel Field road

Phillips, Mrs. Dinah, William street

Phillippo, Matthias, Esq., Newmarket road

Pilgrim, Mr. John, Chapel field

Pitman, Mrs., Newmarket road

Plummer, Mr. Charles Taylor, Grove road, New Lakenham

Plummer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Lady’s lane

Plumtree, Mrs. Elizabeth, Lower close

Polding, Rev. John, Catholic Priest, Willow lane

Pole, Mrs. Ann, Bloomsbury place, St. Benedict’s road

Poole, Mrs. Mehetabel, Theatre street

Poole, Thomas, Esq., the Crescent

Pork, Mr. George, Dereham road terrace, Dereham road

Porter, Miss Rebecca, Thorpe hamlet

Postle, William, Esq., Chapel Field grove

Potter, Mrs. Ann, Newmarket road

Powell, Mrs. Anne, Theatre street

Power, Rev. Alexander Bath, Newmarket road

Pratt, Mrs., Newmarket road

Pratt, Robert, Esq., Newmarket road

Priest, Mr. George, St. Stephen’s road

Priest, Mrs. Lucilla, Keyzor’s terrace, Unthank’s road

Priest, Mrs. Sophia, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Pryse, Miss, All Saints’ green

Pulley, Mrs., Surrey street

Puxley, Mrs., All Saints’ green

Quintan, Capt. Saint James, Lower close

Ranking, W. H., Esq., M.D., Upper St. Giles’ street

Ransome, Mrs. Susan, Bracondale

Ray, Mr. Robert, Trafalgar place, New Lakenham

Ray, Mr. John, Rising Sun road

Raynes, Michael James, Esq., St. Giles’ road

Rayson, Mrs. Ann, St. Catherine’s plain

Rayson, Mrs. Mary, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Read, Miss Jane, Lady’s lane

Read, Trivett, Esq., Newmarket road

Read, Mr. Charles, Eaton cottage, Unthank’s road

Rees, Mrs. Charlotte, Front row, New Lakenham

Riches, William Daniel, Esq., the Crescent

Riches, Mrs. Joshua, Chapel field road

Rigg, Rev. Richard, Bethel street

Ringer, Mrs. R., Paragon street

Ringer, Miss Susan, St. Giles’ road

Rising, Miss Martha, Rowling’s buildings, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Rix, Henry, Esq., Golden Ball street

Robbins, Rev. William, Rector of Heigham, the Crescent

Roberts, Mr. B. M., Thorpe hamlet

Roberts, Mr. Joseph, Holl’s Jane

Roberts, Mrs., Thorpe hamlet

Robertson, Miss, Lower close

Robertson, Mrs. Phœbe, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Robinson, Henry William, Esq., St. Faith’s lane

Rolfe, Mrs. Harriet Ann, Lower close

Rose, P. W., Esq., St. Giles’ road

Royal, Mr. Daniel, Distillery street

Rust, Rev. Cyprian Thomas, Curate, St. Michael at Thorn, Surrey place, New Lakenham

p. 22Sainty, Mrs. Mary, Bethel street

Sanders, Mr. John Clement, Mile lane, Newmarket road

Sayer, Misses, West Pottergate

Scott, Mrs. Ives, All Saints’ green

Scott, Rev. Thomas, Baptist Minister, Thorpe hamlet

Scott, Mr. William, Trafalgar place, New Lakenham

Seaward, Mr. George, St. Benedict’s road

Sedgwick, Rev. Richard, Rector, St. Giles’, Lower close

Seeley, Mr. William, St. Stephen’s road

Shalders, John, Esq., Bethel street

Sharpe, Rev. William Robert, Perpetual Curate, St. Gregory’s church

Sharton, Mrs. Mary, Chapel field

Shickle, Mrs., the Crescent

Shirley, Mr. Thomas, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Sillett, Mr. James B., All Saints’ green

Simmons, Mrs., Rowling’s buildings, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Sizeland, Mr. Adam, Bethel street

Smith, Capt. Alexander, New road, Town close

Smith, Edward, Esq., Calvert street

Smith, Mrs. E., Grove road, New Lakenham

Smith, Mrs. G. W., St. Giles’ street

Smith, Mr. J. D., Magdalen street

Smith, Mrs. Rebecca, St. Stephen’s road

Smith, Mr. William Lyall, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Smith, Mr. Baker, Hall road, New Lakenham

Snape, Mrs. Jane, St. Giles’ street

Sothern, Miss Hannah, Lady’s lane

Sougher, Mr. Sherlock, Bloomsbury place, Dereham road

South, Mr. George, Unthank’s road

Sowels, Mr. John, Paragon street

Sowels, Mrs. Mary, William street

Spelman, Mrs., Heigham grove, St. Giles’ road

Spelman, Miss Jane, Holl’s lane

Spinks, Mr. John, Valentine street

Spratt, Mrs. Emma, Albert terrace, Unthank’s road

Spratt, Mr. James, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Standard Cubitt, Esq., St. George’s plain

Stebbings, Mrs. Ann, Newmarket road

Stedman, Mr. Charles, Heigham terrace, St. Benedict’s road

Steel, Mrs. Margaret, Pitt street

Steel, Mr. Henry, Rising Sun road

Stephen, Mrs. Sophia, Paragon street

Steward, Timothy, Esq., Unthank’s road

Steward, Mrs. Elizabeth, Bracondale

Stewardson, Mr. Edward, St. Giles’ road

Stocks, Rev. Edward, Newmarket road

Stark, William, Esq., St. George’s plain

Suckling, Mr. Morris, Distillery street

Sudbury, Mr. Thomas, Mile lane, Newmarket road

Suffield, Mrs. Elizabeth, Thorpe hamlet

Swann, Mrs. Ann, St. Martin’s palace

Symonds, Rev. Henry, Minor Canon, Cathedral, Lower close

Talbot, Mrs. Anne, Lower close

Tattan, Mr. Charles, William street

Taylor, Mrs. George, Newmarket road

Taylor, Mrs. J., Surrey street

Taylor, Mrs., Mile-end cottage, Newmarket road

Taylor, Mrs. Mary, Bank street

Taylor, Rev. Arthur, Surrey street

Tebble, Mrs. Thomas, Hall lane, Lakenham

Thirtle, Mrs. Elizabeth, Heigham terrace

Thompson, Mrs. J., St. Benedict’s road

Thompson, Mr. Robert, Calvert street, St. Saviour’s

Thorold, Mr. William, Thorpe hamlet

Thurtell, Mr. Thomas, Hall road, New Lakenham

Thurston, Mr. Samuel William, Duke’s Palace road

Titlow, Rev. Samuel, A.M., Rector of St. Peter at Hungate, the Crescent

Tolson, Mrs., London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Trory, Mr. William, Unthank’s road

Trimmer, Rev. Kirby, Rector, St. George’s Tombland, the Close

Turner, Charles, Esq., the Crescent

Turner, Rev. Charles, A.M., Incumbent of St. Peter’s Mancroft, the Crescent

Turner, Mr. William, Heigham road

Unthank, William Clement, Esq., Unthank’s road

Varlow, Miss Charlotte, Tombland

Venning, John, Esq., Surrey house, Surrey street

Vincent, Rev. Charles, D.D., Grammar School, the Close

Wade, Rev. R., Christ’s church, New Catton

Ward, Mr. John, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Ward, Miss, St. Catherine’s plain

Warner, Mrs. Jane, Front row, New Lakenham

Warren, Mr. Benjamin, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Warren, Mr. Thomas, Albert place, St. Stephen’s square

Warren, Mr. William, Bracondale

Wassar, Mrs. M. A., Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Watts, Mrs., the Crescent

Watts, Mr. James, Rising Sun road

Watten, Mrs. Juliet, St. Catherine’s plain

p. 23Webster, Mr. Hammond, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Webster, Mr. Thomas, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Wells, Mrs. Ruth, Castle hill

Whaites, Mr. Robert, Newmarket road

Wheeler, Rev. Thomas A., St. Clement’s chapel, Golden-dog lane

Wheelhouse, Mr. William, St. Giles’ road

White, Mrs. Rebecca, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Whitred, Mrs. Mary, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Wilde, Mr. Stephen, Unthank’s road

Wilde, Mr. William, St. Stephen’s road

Wilkinson, Benjamin, Esq., Newmarket road

Willett, Mrs. John, Newmarket road

Willins, Mrs. Eliza, Westbourne terrace, Unthank’s road

Williams, Mrs. Sarah, Lame Dog road

Willison, Mr. Robert, Albert terrace, Unthank’s road

Winter, Mr. Ambrose, Cambrian place, Heigham road

Wiseman, Mr. Samuel, Gildengate street

Witting, Mr. Peter, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Wodderspoon, Mr. John, Lower close

Womack, Mr. George, Thurso place, Dereham road

Woodcock, Henry, Esq., St. Giles’ street

Woodcock, Thomas, Esq., Surrey road

Wodehouse, Rev. Charles Norse, Canon of Norwich Cathedral, Upper close

Woodrow, Mr. John, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Woods, Mr. Alexander, Somerset place, Holl’s lane

Woods, Miss, Crescent place

Woodward, Mrs. Elizabeth, Point-house cottage, Ipswich road

Wollaston, Mr. Drewry Ottley, Brunswick house, Newmarket road

Wright, Mrs. Harriet, the Close

Youngs, Mrs. Elizabeth, Unthank’s road

Young, Mrs. Frances, Chapel field


Abbott, Edward Jesse, draper, hosier, haberdasher, &c., St. Stephen’s street

Abbott, William, boot and shoe manufacturer, wholesale and retail, Magdalen street

Abrahams, S. S. and B., watch makers, Bethel street

Abel, Cain, whip manufacturer, Golden Ball lane

Abel, George, broker, Ber street

Abel, Frederick, brush maker, Unthank’s road

Abel, William, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Abel, John, the Rising Sun, horse breaker, Rising Sun road

Abel, Daniel, upholsterer and cabinet maker, Pottergate street

Adams, William, George and the Dragon, Cowgate street

Alborough, Edmund, shopkeeper, Pottergate street

Aldhouse, Anne, broker, St. Augustine’s street

Aldous, John Tunget, baker, Trory street, New Lakenham

Aldous, Charles and John, builders, St. Stephen’s street

Aldous, James, grocer and tea dealer, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Alden, Edward, baker, St. Martin’s at Oak

Alden, Robert, carriage lamp maker and brazier, St. Stephen’s plain

Aldis, James, plasterer, Prince’s street

Aldis, Jane, staymaker, Prince’s street

Aldrich, Ewing, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Aldrich, John, grocer and draper, West Pottergate

Aldridge, John, grocer, Church street, New Lakenham

Alexander, Henry, baker, Heigham street

Alexander, John, bookseller, &c., Middle street, St. George’s

Allan, Henry, corn merchant, Distillery street

Allen and Co., woollen drapers and tailors, Upper London street and Bank plain

Allcock, Trivett, private lodgings, Upper King street

Allen, Bryant, dyer, Scoles’ green

Allen, George, manufacturer, St. Stephen’s street

Allen, John, guard to the Eastern Counties’ railway, Thorpe hamlet

Allen, Mary Ann and Charles, boot and makers, Brigg’s street

Allen, Robert, gardener, Grove place, New Lakenham

Allington, John (late Diver), family grocer, Upper walk, Market place

Allison, Sophia, working cutler, Upper market

Allman, George, cordwainer, King street

Allthorpe, James, retailer in beer, King street

Allured James, general outfitter and water-prover, St. John’s Timberhill

Allwood, Thomas, sub-sacrist, Lower close

Ames, Francis, green grocer, St. Benedict’s road

Ames, James, bootmaker, St. Benedict’s street

Ames, Robert, Bear inn, Market place

Ames, Thomas, watchmaker, West Wymer street

Amies, Benjamin, glover and hair dresser, St. Catherine’s plain

Amies, John, carpenter, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Amies, John, the Hoop, St. Stephen’s road

Anderson, George, publisher, agent for Blackie and Son, St. Giles’ street

Anderson, Joseph, baker, Pump street

Andrews, Brothers, druggists, Bridge street

Andrews, Mrs. Emily, milliner and dressmaker, West Pottergate

Andrews and French, soap boilers, Fishgate street

Andrews, George, labourer, Chapman’s yard, St. Giles’ street

p. 25Andrews, Richard, estate agent, Lame Dog road

Andrews, Richard, wire worker, St. Miles’ street

Andrews, William, draper, St. Stephen’s street

Andrews, William, horse breaker, Westlegate street

Annison, Robert, shopkeeper, Globe street, Union place

Anns, C., lace dealer, Upper market

Anthony, William, wine and spirit merchant, Upper market

Archer, Elizabeth, Coachmakers’ Arms, St. Stephen’s gates

Archer, Henry, baker, Ber street

Archer, Samuel, shopkeeper, Peacock street

Arle, John, Combers’ Arms, Magdalen street

Armes, Amelia, dress maker, Surrey road

Armes, Daniel, Queen Adelaide, West-end street

Armes, Frederick Thomas, Rose and Thistle, Barn road

Armes, Robert, currier, h St. Giles’ street

Armes, William, Cow and Hare, Heigham street

Armiston, Edward, clerk to the Eastern Counties’ station, h Thorpe hamlet

Armstrong, Henry, draper, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Armstrong, William, draper, St. Benedict’s road

Arnold, Edward, wholesale and family chemist, Orford hill

Arnold, Maria, brewer and wine merchant, St. Margaret’s plain

Arnup, Thomas, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Artis, Francis, baker, Castle meadow

Ashen, Robert, brazier, St. Stephen’s

Asker, Eliza, Swan Hotel, Upper market

Asker, Jane Harriet, glove manufacturer and hosier, Gentlemen’s walk, Market place

Asker, Samuel Hurry, solicitor, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street; h Chapel field grove

Ashford, Henry, Chronicle office, Market place

Athow, Edward John, wine and spirit merchant, Castle street

Atkins, Henry, Free-trade tavern, St. Augustine’s street

Atkins, Thomas, the Shuttle, Heigham street

Atkinson, John Goldsmith, solicitor, agent to the Church of England Life and Fire Assurance Society, Post-office street

Atkinson, Richard, builder and carpenter, Bethel street

Atthill, Henry, deputy chief constable county police, St. Stephen’s square

Attle, Samuel, Foresters’ Arms, Ber street

Augood, Henry, fish dealer, Rising Sun lane

Austrin, Mrs. A., linen draper, hosier, and haberdasher, Orford hill

Avey, Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, Ber street

Aylmer, John, Waggon and Horses, Tombland

Back and Co., grocers and tea dealers, 3, Haymarket

Back and Co., wine and spirit merchants, 4, Haymarket

Bacon, David, Horse and Groom, Castle street

Bacon, Josiah Newbegin, rope and sacking manufacturer, Davey place

Bacon, Richard, proprietor and publisher of the Norwich Mercury, London street

Bagshaw, Joseph, fish salesman and game dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Bagshaw, George, fishmonger, St. Miles’ street

Bagshaw, Esther, marine dealer, King street

Bailey, Elijah Crozier, solicitor and clerk to the board of guardians, Little Orford street

Bailey, John, hair dresser, West Pottergate

Bailey, Isaac, builder, West Pottergate

Baker, Charles, tea dealer, and register office for servants, Redwell street

Baker, Mrs., corset and bandage maker, chest expanders, &c., St. Benedict’s road

Baker, George, ironmonger, &c., h Heigham road

Baker and Hornor, furnishing and wholesale ironmongers, oil and colour merchants, tin, copper, zinc, and iron-plate workers, Post Office street

Baker, Henry, classical academy, Rising Sun road

Baker, James, Bess of Bedlam, St. Martin’s at Oak

Baldry, William, land surveyor, St. Stephen’s road

Baldwin, Henry, baker, St. Martin’s at Oak

Baldwin, John, fishmonger, William street

Baldwin, William, brewer, St. Giles’ hill

Bales, George, butcher, St. Benedict’s street

Bales, Jonathan, Wine Coopers’ Arms, St. Augustine’s street

Balls, Benjamin, carpenter, Pottergate street

Balls, Daniel, builder, West Pottergate

Balls, Frederick, the Victory, Rampant Horse street

Balls, James, coal merchant, City road Heigham fields

Balls, James, Green Dragon, Little London street

Baly, William, accountant, Thorpe hamlet

Bancalari, Dominico, green grocer, Ber str.

p. 26Banham, Henry, blacksmith, Holl’s lane

Banham and Scotter, boot and shoe makers, Wensum street

Banks, William, woollen draper, Earlham terrace, St. Giles’ road

Barber, Charles James, accountant, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Barber, Frederick W. shoemaker, Somerset place, Holl’s lane

Barber and Co., shoe manufacturers, Rampant Horse street

Barber, James, clerk, New Catton

Barber, John and Sons, merchants, Haymarket

Barber, J. L. and Co., cotton manufacturers, St. Martin’s lane

Barber, Sarah, the Three Tuns, King street

Barber, William, bricklayer, St. Martin’s at Palace

Barclay, Arthur Kett, licensed maltster, King street gates

Bardwell, Everett, solicitor, Lower close

Bardwell, George S., accountant, house, estate insurance, and loan and share agent, Newmarket road

Bardwell, M. G., printer and publisher, Goodman’s yard, St. Stephen’s street

Bardwell, William, baker, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Barker, Benjamin, boot and shoe manufactory, Orford hill, h Hall road, New Lakenham

Barker, George, hosier, &c., h Thorpe hamlet

Barker, Robert, plumber, glazier, and painter, St. John’s Timberhill

Barking, James, boot maker, St. Benedict’s street

Barking, Thomas, carpenter and builder, Pottergate street

Barley, Christopher, spirit merchant, Bridewell alley

Barlow, Janet, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Barlow, George, George inn, Hay hill

Barnaby, Swash, hair dresser, St. James’ str.

Barnard, Charles, the Champion, Chapel field road

Barnard and Bishop, ironmongers and iron founders, 3, Gentlemen’s walk, Market place, Calvert street, and Norfolk Iron works, St. Miles’ bridge

Barnard, Charles, ironfounder, Gildengate street

Barnard, Dennis, auctioneer, Castle street; h Bracondale

Barnard, John, game dealer, Fye bridge

Barnard and Boulton, manufacturing, furnishing, and general ironmongers, London and Castle streets

Barnard, Stephen, last maker, St. Mary’s street

Barnes, Charles, printer, St. George’s plain

Barnes, Edward Ramsbottom, baker, St. Miles’ Thorn lane

Barnes, Fidda, steward to Mr. Girling, Earlham road

Barnes, John, iron and brass founder, St. Miles’ foundry

Barnes, John, boot and shoe maker, St. James’ street

Barnes, John Edward, West-end Retreat, Holl’s lane

Barnes, Matthew, bricklayer, &c., Rowling’s buildings, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Barnes, Richard, commercial traveller, Distillery street

Barnes, Mary, Woolpack inn, St. George’s plain

Barnham, James, solicitor; offices, Rampant Horse street; h Grove cottage, St. Stephen’s road

Barnsdale, Ann, Orphan school, Pottergate street

Barton, Henry, commercial traveller, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Barwell and Son, importers of foreign wines and spirits, dealers in Bass’ Burton ales, Scotch ales, London and Irish stout, St. Stephen’s street

Barwell and Sons, importers of foreign wines and spirits, porter agents and seed merchants, St. Andrew’s hill and London street

Barwell, John, spirit merchant, Surrey street

Bassham, Mrs., day school, St. Giles’ hill

Bateman and Co., tea dealers, A 1, London street and Swan lane

Bateman, Frederick, M.D., surgeon, St. Giles’ street

Bateman, John, silk merchant, Pottergate street

Batley, Richard, shopkeeper, St. Catherine’s plain

Batley, William, chair manufacturer, Lower Westwick street

Batson, Edward, corn and seed merchant, Magdalen street

Batson, John, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Baxter, Benjamin, chemist, St. Benedict’s street

Battram, William, Cock, Old Lakenham

Bavin, John, straw bonnet, millinery, and lace warehouse, London street

Baxter, Benjamin, shopkeeper, St. Paul’s street

Baxter, Neville Plummer, fireworks artist, Brazen Doors road

Baxter, Maria, baker, Brazen Doors road

Baxter, Robert, Wheatsheaf inn, Bethel street

p. 27Bayes, Elizabeth and Sons, wholesale hat and cap manufacturers, and manufacturers of waterproof clothing, tailors and woollen drapers, Red Lion street and Orford hill

Bayes, William, furrier, St. Martin’s at Oak

Bayfield and Son, ironmongers, Magdalen street

Bayfield, Mrs. J. F., register office for male and female servants, St. Stephen’s road

Baylis, James, crape manufacturer, Thorpe hamlet

Baylis, Andrew, shopkeeper, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Baylis, Henry, accountant, Pottergate street

Bealby, Robert, grocer, William street

Beales, Mary, basket warehouse, Tombland

Bean, Francis, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Market place

Beare, Samuel Shalders, wholesale leather merchant and currier, Bridge street; h Town close

Beaty, Henry, decorative painter, Little London street

Beatley and Son, hat and cap manufacturers, hosiers, and outfitters, London street

Beck, Samuel, coffee and eating-house, Castle hill

Beckham, Benjamin, Shoulder of Mutton, St. Stephen’s street

Beckwith, Augustus Adolphus Hamilton, solicitor, Palace street

Beddingfield, Nelson, licensed to let gigs and horses for hire, Westlegate street

Beddingfield, John, commercial traveller, All Saints’ green

Bedford, Philip, ironmonger and tin-plate worker, Pottergate street, h Thorpe hamlet

Beeston, Margaret, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Beeton, Samuel, Curriers’ Arms, St. Giles’ street

Beeton, John, Wild Man inn, St. Andrew’s hill

Beha, Lickert, and Co., watch and clock makers, jewellers, &c., St. Stephen’s plain

Belding, William, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, Magdalen street; h New Catton

Bell, J. Crawford, surgeon, Prince’s street

Bell, George, builder, Peacock street

Bell, John, Sir John Barleycorn, Cowgate street

Bell, John, Old Cat and Fiddle, Botolph street

Bell, Matthew, Lock and Key, Ber street

Bell, Michael, grocer, Ber street

Bell, Robert, clock and watch maker, Davey place

Bell, Stephen, brewer, Carrow hill

Bellamy, William, schoolmaster, Lower close

Boloe, Henry, silk finisher, St. Benedict’s road

Belson, Robert Howes, plumber and glazier, King street

Bending, Thomas Firth, boarding school, Magdalen street

Benest, Edward E., city surveyor, New Catton

Benest, J. S., civil engineer, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Bennett, Daniel, baker, Ber street

Bennett, James and Son, tailors and drapers, Wensum street Tombland, h Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Bennett, John, shopkeeper, Church street, St. Miles’.

Bennett, Robert, jun., baker, West Pottergate

Bennett, Sarah, milliner and dress maker, Botolph street

Bennett, William, baker, Cowgate street

Bennett, William, commercial hotel and boarding house, Exchange street

Bennett and Bream, wholesale grocers and tea dealers, Upper market

Bensley, William, shopkeeper, Union place

Benslyn, Thomas, confectioner, Pottergate street

Berry, John George, baker, Ber street

Betts, Charles, Lord John Russell, St. Benedict’s road

Betts, James, wheelwright, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Betts, John, register office for servants, Castle meadow

Betts, John, Bakers’ Arms, St. Mary’s street

Betts, John, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, and outfitter, Market place and Exchange street

Betts, John, grocer and tea dealer, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Belts, Thomas, French Horn, Pottergate street

Bexfield, Benjamin, gentlemen’s day school, Lady’s lane

Bexfield, Christiana Mrs., milliner and dress maker, Lady’s lane

Bexfield, James, shopkeeper, Rising Sun lane

Bianchi, Giovanni, figure and model maker, Bridge street

Bilby, Thomas, agent to the People’s Provident and Traveller’s Marine Insurance Company, St. Catherine’s plain

Bilby, Walter, cattle dealer, New Catton

Bilby, William, hair cutter, Pitt street

Bingham, Thomas, tailor and draper, Post-office street

Birch, Isaac, clerk to the Unity Fire office, St. Giles’ street, h King street gates

p. 28Bird, Jane, shirt and collar maker, St. John’s Timberhill

Bishop, George, draper, silk mercer, and baby linen warehouse, Haymarket

Bishop, John, ironfounder, h Foundry road

Black & Co., confectioners and fruiterers, Haymarket, Market place

Blackburn, Edward, shopkeeper, Pottergate street

Blackburn, J. R., currier, St. Stephen’s plain

Blackbourne, William Berry, Victoria Gardens, St. Stephen’s gates

Blake, Benjamin, butcher, Lower Westwick street

Blake, E., & R. W., yarn manufacturers, St. Edmund’s

Blake, Francis John, solicitor, Upper King street

Blake, George, brick manufacturer and merchant, Brazen Doors road; h Newmarket road

Blake, James, Pheasant Cock, St. Catherine’s plain

Blake, John Joseph, solicitor, Palace street

Blake and Everitt, finishers, Gildengate street

Blake, Robert Wiffen, wool spinning factory, Old Lakenham and Fishgate; h Colegate street

Blake, Robert, soap boiler, h Newmarket road

Blake, Samuel, butcher, Bridewell alley

Blakely, Edward, silk mercer, shawlman, draper, &c., Queen street

Blakely, Miss, ladies’ boarding school, Lower close

Blakely, Misses, ladies’ boarding school, St. Andrew’s broad street

Blanch, John, London Steam Packet inn, St. Catherine’s plain

Blanchflower, William, Cock inn, Upper St. Giles’

Blandon, William, draper, Ber street

Blazeby, James, cabinet maker, Bethel street

Blazeby, John, turner, Globe lane

Blazeby, Thomas, wine tavern, St. Benedict’s street

Blazeby, William, whitesmith, Scoles’ green

Blazer, Robert, butcher, Regent street, Union place

Blazey, Walter, Golden Fleece, Fishgate street

Bleakley, Elijah, surgeon, St. Andrew’s broad street

Bliss, Joseph James, chemist and dentist, Magdalen street

Bloch, Israel, jeweller, Pottergate

Blofield, Thomas, ironmonger, Bridewell alley; h William street

Blogg, William, day school, Upper King street

Bloom, Thomas, carpenter, St. Giles’ road

Bloomfield, George, Norfolk and Norwich chop house, Upper market

Bloomfield, George, coffee and eating house, Castle street

Blyth, Edwin Arthur, dyer, Sussex street, St. Augustine’s

Blyth, Francis, engineer, h Trafalgar place, New Lakenham

Blyth, James, bushel manufacturer, New Catton

Blyth, John, shopkeeper, Prince’s street

Blyth, John, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Blyth, John, bricklayer, William street

Blyth, John, shoemaker, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Blyth, Jonas Norman, fishmonger, St. Benedict’s street

Blyth, Joshua, shopkeeper, World’s-end lane

Blyth, Mary, baker, Barrack street

Blythe, Mary Ann, Artichoke, Magdalen st.

Blyth, Robert, iron founder, Westlegate str.

Blythe, Thomas, wheelwright, St. Augustine’s street

Blyth, Sarah, green grocer, St. Miles’ street

Blyth, William B., bootmaker, Bethel street

Blyth, William, timber and slate merchant, St. Faith’s lane

Boardman, Brothers, wholesale tea, coffee, and spice merchants, Cundall’s court, Gentleman’s walk

Boardman, Alfred, grocer, tea and coffee dealer, Davey place

Boardman, James Theobald, tea merchant, Newmarket road

Boardman and Sursham, family ale brewers, corn and coal merchants, Wensum street

Boast, John, shoemaker, Lower Westwick street

Bolingbroke and Company, ale and porter stores, Bank plain

Bolingbroke, C. and F., manufacturers of paramattas, poplins, &c., Colegate street

Bolingbroke, Charles Nathaniel, manufacturer, St. Giles’ street

Bolingbroke, George Errington, Norwich Wine Company, Upper St. Giles’ street

Bond, Joseph Daines, tailor and draper, Davey place; h Upper Goat lane

Bond, William, tailor and hatter, Upper London street

Bond, Thomas William, Publisher of the Norfolk News, Bedford place, Unthank’s road

Bone, Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, Lady’s lane

Bone, Francis, baker, St. Benedict’s street

Bone, Nicholas, toll collector, Lady’s lane

Booth, Thomas Henry, Shakespeare tavern, Colegate street

Booty, Horace John, schoolmaster, Thorpe hamlet

p. 29Booty, John, gardener, St. Stephen’s road

Borking, Thomas, tailor, Willow lane

Borrett, William, dealer in tobacco, cigars, and snuff, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Bassey, Robert, King’s Head, Magdalen str.

Baston, William, boot and shoe maker, Castle street

Boswell, John, smith and bell hanger, St. Andrew’s hill

Boswell, Thomas, toy and carriage manufacturer, St. John’s Maddermarket

Boswell, William, carver, gilder, and looking-glass manufacturer, Magdalen street

Boulger, Joseph Patrick, surgeon dentist, Willow lane

Boulton, Edward, shopkeeper, Gildengate street

Boulton, Richard, gardener, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Boulton, William Staples, ironmonger, &c. h the Crescent

Boughton, Samuel, glover and hair dresser, Red Lion street

Bowen, Sarah, Albion Tavern, Heigham street

Bowers, William, plumber and glazier, Pottergate street

Bowes, William, harness maker, St. Benedict’s street

Bowgen, John Hart, coal merchant, Victoria spirit vaults, Lower Westwick street

Bowhill, Henry, broker, St. Andrew’s broad street

Bowhill, O. H., shoe manufacturer, Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Bowthorpe, William, boot and shoe maker, Unthank’s road

Boyce, James, Lord Raglan, Barrack road

Boyce, John, commercial traveller, Chapel field road

Boyden, Eliza, seminary, Pottergate street

Boyles, Robert, Jubilee inn, Ber street

Bradfield, James, patten and clog manufacturer, Little London street

Brady, Mary, seminary, Pottergate street

Branch, George, cutler, and manufacturer of surgical and dental instruments, Golden Ball street

Brandford, Benjamin, maltster, Thorpe hamlet

Bray, Charles, White Lion inn, White Lion street

Bray, Richard, tailor and draper, St. Giles’ street; h Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Brazell, Richard, the Half Moon, Upper market

Bream, Charles John, wholesale grocer, Upper Market place

Breeze Robert, sadler and harness maker, Magdalen street

Brennan, Elizabeth, haberdasher and Berlin repository, Upper London street

Brett, Elethea, the Portland Arms, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Brett Isaac, boot and shoe maker, Upper King street

Brett, Thomas, shopkeeper, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Brewster, James, Upper market, butcher

Bridges, John, butcher, Heigham street

Bridgman, William Kencely, dentist, St. Giles’ street

Briggs, John, the Waterman, St. Margaret’s plain

Briggs, Samson, tailor and clothes renovator, Golden Ball street

Brighten, Charles George, confectioner and dealer in tea, and branch post-office, St. Stephen’s gates

Brighten, Maria, milliner and dress maker, Bethel street

Brightwell and Son, solicitors, Surrey street

Brightwell, Thomas, jun., solicitor, St. Giles’ street

Brinkely, James, Southgate lane, Front row, New Lakenham

Bristoe, Mary, Market Lane tavern, Market lane

Britcher, Thomas, bricklayer, Pottergate street

Brittain, James, railway agent, Heigham road

Brock, Margaret, baker, St. Martin’s at Oak

Brock, Samuel, baker, St. Augustine’s street

Brooks, Cooper, currier, &c., St. Stephen’s plain

Brooks, Henry, plasterer and bricklayer, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Brooks, James, builder, Tabernacle street

Brooks, James, leather seller, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Brooks, John, shoeing smith, All Saints’ street

Brooks, Thomas, builder, Bridge street; h Thorpe hamlet

Browe, Christopher, bricklayer, Front row, New Lakenham

Brown, Abraham, painter, Chapman’s yard, St. Giles’ street

Brown, Alfred Hall, trimming, wool, and haberdashery warehouse, London street

Brown and Bailey, builders, West Pottergate street

Brown and Edwards, Misses, furriers, Castle meadow

Brown, Frederic, tailor, &c., Colegate street

Brown, George, clothier, Bridge street

Brown, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, agent to the Alliance Fire and Life Assurance Company, Gentlemen’s walk, Market place

Brown, John, baker and shopkeeper, Philadelphia

Brown, John, carpenter, West Pottergate

p. 30Brown, Maria, millinery establishment, Bridge street

Brown, Robert, bone crasher, bone mills, St. Benedict’s lane, h Unthank’s road

Brown, Rose Ann, Corn Exchange tavern, Little London street

Brown, Sarah, dyer and dresser, Tombland

Brown, William, shopkeeper, St. Margaret’s

Brown, William, brazier, St. Miles’ street

Brown, William, Queen Victoria inn, Magdalen street

Browne and Barker, hatters and hosiers, London street

Browne, Barnabas, baker, City road

Browne, Charles, provision dealer, and ham and bacon curer, St. Stephen’s street

Browne, David, seed establishment, wholesale and retail, Upper London street, and Sprowston

Browne, Frederick, merchant, King street

Browne, George Augustus, merchant, Bracondale

Browne, George, Unicorn, St. Stephen’s street

Browne, Hill, grocer and tea dealer, Ber street

Browne, Henry, Ten Bells, St. Benedict’s street

Browne, Henry, White Rose tavern, Back of the Inns

Britcher, Charles, plasterer, Pitt street

Browne, John, Adelphi inn, White Lion street

Brown, John, architect and surveyor, Upper King street

Browne, John and Sons, wholesale bar and pig-iron merchants, general ironmongers, Upper market

Browne, Joseph, tobacco pipe maker, St. Stephen’s street

Browne, Joseph, match manufacturer, Silver street

Browne, Maria, baker, St. Swithin’s

Browne, Mary Ann, Royal Oak, St. Augustine’s street

Browne, Robert, green grocer, Botolph street

Browne, Thomas, green grocer, King street

Browne, Thomas, fishmonger, Fish market

Browne, William, land surveyor and estate agent, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Browne, John, shopkeeper and blacksmith, Barrack street

Browne, William, clerk of St. Stephen’s parish, Lame Dog road

Browne, Samuel, wholesale and retail grocer and tea dealer, St. Martin’s at Palace

Browne, William, merchant’s clerk, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Brownsell, William, Pope’s Head, Upper market

Bruff, Robert, beer retailer, Charing cross

Brunning, John, flyman, St. Catherine’s plain

Bryan, Mary, fancy repository and Berlin warehouse, Haymarket

Bryant, Samuel, the Toper, St. Michael’s at Thorn lane

Bryant, Thomas Reynolds, medical galvanist, Pottergate street

Buck, Charles Harrison, boot and shoemaker, Back of the Inns

Buck, William, tailor, Upper Goat lane

Buck, Zachariah, Mus. Doc, organist of the cathedral, the Close

Bugg, Isaac, solicitor, Surrey street

Buckenham, John Charles, watch and clock maker, Tombland

Bullard, Richard, Anchor Brewery, St. Miles’ bridge; h St. Giles’ street

Bullard, Robert, orange merchant, Swan lane

Bullard, William, Windsor Castle, Silver road

Bullen, Mary, milliner, &c., London street

Bullen, William, hairdresser and green grocer, Golden Ball street

Bultitude, Edward, cabinet maker, Charing cross

Bunn, John, architect and surveyor, Pottergate street

Bunn, Thomas, butcher, Distillery street

Bunn, Thomas, grocer, St. Benedict’s street

Bunnett, Edward, professor of music, Upper close

Bunting, James, Earl of Leicester, Brazen Doors road

Bunting, James, shopkeeper, St. Mary’s

Bunting, John, shopkeeper, St. Mary’s street

Burch, Conrade, fruiterer, West-end street

Burcham, Samuel, ironmonger, oil, and colourman, Charing cross

Burdett, Jonathan, brewer, the Dial, Dereham road

Burgess, Richard, Fishmongers’ Arms, Fish market

Burman, Henry, basket maker, St. Mary’s street

Burrage, Frederick Joseph, academy, Golden Dog lane

Burrage, Edward, confectioner, bread and biscuit baker, Upper St. Giles’

Burrage, Edwin, confectioner, Elm hill

Burrage, John, tailor and draper, Davey place, h St. Benedict’s road

Burrage and Jeffries, tailors, clothiers, and hatters, Davey place

Burrage, Sarah, school mistress, Upper Surrey street

Burrage, Susannah, agent for Rose and Company, tea dealer, Little Orford street

p. 31Burrage, William, the Plasterers’ Arms, Cowgate street

Burrell, Benjamin, carver and builder, King street

Burrell, Jane, tripe dresser, St. Michael’s at Thorn lane

Burrell, John, horse-hair manufacturer, Gildengate street

Burrell, Robert, Rose tavern, St. Martin’s at Oak

Burrell, Thomas, Fireman’s Arms, Church street, St. Miles’

Burrell, William, green grocer, Cowgate street

Burrows, Anthony, shopkeeper, St. Paul’s street

Burrows, George Crisp, general agency and emigration office, Post-office street, h Palace plain

Burrows, Mary, Jolly Dressers, St. George’s plain

Burrows, Robert, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Burrows, William, Duncan Arms, Magdalen street

Burton, Frederic Charles, professor of music, St. Stephen’s road

Burton, William, the Boatswain’s Call, St. Augustine’s street

Burwood, John, commercial traveller, Langham place, Dereham road

Bush, Edward, watch and clock maker, Union place

Bush, George, fancy repository, Briggs’ street

Bush, Rebecca, Alma tavern, Pottergate street

Bush, Thomas, the Globe, bricklayer and plasterer, Globe street, Union place

Bushell, James, wine merchant’s clerk, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Bushell, William, butcher, Norfolk street, Union place

Bushnell, Joseph, general shopkeeper, Suffolk street, Union place

Bussey, Benjamin, shopkeeper, Gildengate street

Butcher, Robert, wholesale grocer, tea dealer, and cheese factor, Bank plain; h Newmarket road

Butcher, John, fishmonger, Ber street

Butcher, Simon, broker, St. Augustine’s street

Butcher, Simon, shopkeeper, Pitt street

Butcher, William, auctioneer, Theatre street

Butcher, Walter Wilton, Red-house inn, St. John’s Timberhill

Butler, James, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Butler, James, green grocer, St. Catherine’s plain

Butler, John, the Bee-hive, Palace plain

Butler, Thomas, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Buttifant, David, hair dresser, Golden Ball street

Buttifant, H. and J., ironmongers, oil and colourmen, William street, West Pottergate

Buttifant, Josiah, secretary to the Provident Building Society, St. Andrew’s plain, h Cow hill

Buttle, Richard, the New Star, Quay side

Buttle, Henry, East-end Retreat, Thorpe hamlet

Buttle, Henry, the Dreadnought, King street gates

Buxton, Isaac, manager at Bolingbroke and Co.’s ale and porter stores, Bank plain

Buxton, Joseph, clerk and revenue officer, Heigham road

Buxton, Stephen, shopkeeper, Thorpe hamlet

Cadge, William, surgeon, All Saints’ green

Caley, Nathaniel Henry, silk mercer and shawl manufacturer to the Queen, London street

Calver, Eliza, shop keeper, Lower Westwick street

Calver, French John, Old Crown, St. Martin’s at Oak

Calver, John, boot maker, Church street, St. Simon’s

Calver, John, saddler, All Saints’ green

Calver, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, Upper Market-place

Campion, Edward, brush maker, West Wymer street

Campling, Brown, and Co., shoe manufacturers, Pottergate street

Campling, George, shop keeper, Magdalen street

Campling, Jacob, Jolly Brewers, Magdalen street

Campling, James, bookbinder, St. Stephen’s street

Campling, James, City of Norwich Agricultural Implement Repository, house and estate agent, Golden Ball street

Campling, John, fish dealer, Magdalen street

Campling, Paul, butcher, West Pottergate

Campling, Thomas, plumber, St. Mary’s street

Campling, William, draper, Barrack street

Candler, John, plumber, St. Saviour’s lane

Candler, John, wholesale and retail stationer, Rampant Horse street

Cann, Samuel and John, timber merchants and saw mills, Philadelphia

Cannell, Albert Francis, tailor, Lower Goat lane

Cannell, Elizabeth, private lodging house, Unthank’s road

p. 32Cannell, Henry B., clerk of East of England Bank, New Catton

Cannell, John, saddler, Ber street

Cannell, Robert, baker, King street

Canner, John, Prince of Wales’ Feathers, St. Benedict’s street

Canham, Sarah, broker, Ber street

Cannon, G. W. S., the Anchor, Rising Sun

Canham, William, travelling draper, St. Stephen’s square

Caprani and Co., wholesale dealers in and importers of hardware and fancy goods, White Lion street

Caro, Simon, teacher of the Hebrew and Chaldee, Westlegate street

Carr, Charles, Briton’s Arms, Elm hill

Carr, William, Cellar-house inn, Bridge street

Carter, Edward, grocer, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Carter, Henry, shopkeeper, Rose lane

Carter, John, dyer, All Saints’ street

Carter, James, Shoulder of Mutton, St. Augustine’s street

Carter, Thomas, shopkeeper, St. James’ street

Cartwright, E., day school, New Catton

Cartwright, Henry, gun maker, Rampant Horse street

Carver, Rebecca, grocer and tea dealer, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Carver, Ruth, day school, West Pottergate

Carver, William, boot and shoe maker, Jolly Millers, Trowse Millgate

Case, Philip, dress manufacturer, warehouse St. George’s; h New road, Town close

Casper, George, shoe manufacturer, Lower close

Casson, Daniel, Jolly Farmers, Charing cross

Castle, William, hair dresser and perfumer, Upper market

Castley, Thomas Godfrey, tea dealer, grocer, and cheese factor, St. Stephen’s street

Caston, James, grocer, St. Benedict’s street

Caston, Thomas, watch and clock maker, Briggs’ street

Catchpole, John, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Catling, Alfred, baker, King street gates

Cattermole, David, Coach and Horses, Thorpe hamlet

Cattermoul, James, Eagle tavern, Newmarket road

Cattermole, John, Recruiting Sergeant inn, Ber street

Cattermoul, William, dyer, St. Andrew’s hill

Cawdron, Henry, Greyhound inn, Rampant Horse street

Cawdron, Jonathan, lathe and tool maker, Duke street

Challis, Thomas, boot maker, Upper London street

Chamberlin, James, inspector of weights and measures, Upper Goat lane; h Newmarket road

Chamberlain, William, cabinet maker, Cowgate street

Chamberlin, James, grocer, tea dealer, and wine merchant, agent to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and the National School Society, Post-office and Dove streets

Chamberlin, Sons, and Co., drapers and silk mercers, wholesale warehousemen, Market place, h. Catton

Chandler, Samuel, register office for servants, St. Stephen’s road

Chaplain, George, gate-keeper to the Close, Lower close

Chapman, Abel, butcher, Magdalen street

Chapman, Daniel, Hop Pole tavern, St. Faith’s lane

Chapman, Miss Emily, boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Chapman, John, shopkeeper, Union place

Chapman, Luke, green-grocer, St. Benedict’s road

Chapman, Philip, Gardener’s Arms, Tinkler’s lane

Chapman, Samuel, butcher, Upper St. Giles

Chapman, Thomas Robert, butcher, Upper market

Chapman, William, baker and confectioner, Wensum street

Chase Charles, grocer, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Chaston, Thomas, head-ostler at the Swan hotel; h Sothern’s buildings, Lady’s lane

Chettleburgh, Robert, saddle and harness maker, Queen street

Chettleburgh, Henry, confectioner, Rampant Horse street

Chedwick, Francis, confectioner, Magdalen street

Chipperfield, Charles, flyman, St. Stephen’s gates

Christie, Thomas, clothier, Magdalen street

Christmas and George, Messrs., lock and whitesmiths, Cow hill

Church, Charles, bill deliverer, Theatre street

Church, George, teacher of music, Theatre street

Church, William, shopkeeper, Upper King street

Clabburn, James, plumber, St. Martin at Oak

Clabburn and Sparks, wine and spirit merchants, Magdalen street

Clabburn, Thomas, manufacturer of dresses, Pitt street

p. 33Clark, Samuel, clerk, Distillery street

Clark, Thomas, auctioneer and appraiser, Ivy cottage, Lakenham

Clarke, Ann, green grocer, Ber street

Clarke, Charles, brewer and maltster, St. Miles’

Clarke, Frederic, vinegar brewer, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Clarke, Frederic Edward, tunist, Prince’s street

Clarke, George Oliver, accountant, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Clarke and Hunter, upholsterers, cabinet makers, carvers, gilders, paper hangers, decorators, and auctioneers, Dove street

Clarke, James, Grapes commercial and family hotel, Upper St. Giles’

Clarke, John, the Ship, Cowgate street

Clarke, John, shoe factor, Distillery street

Clarke, John, general manufacturer, Calvert street

Clarke, John Welham, cabinet maker, h. Highbury villa, Bracondale

Clarke, Joseph, farmer, Old Lakenham

Clarke, Maria, straw bonnet manufacturer, milliner, &c., St. Gregory’s church alley

Clarke, Maria, dress maker, Pottergate street

Clarke, Royal, coal merchant, William street

Clarke, Samuel, inspector, Castle meadow

Clarke, Samuel, butcher, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Clarke, Sophia, Saw Mills tavern, Fishgate street

Clarke, William, the Queen of Hungary, St. Benedict’s street

Claxton, George, baker, grocer, and tea dealer, Tinkler’s lane

Claxton, Walter, baker, New Catton

Clayton, George, fish dealer, Fishmarket

Clayton, Thomas, Black Boys, Barrack street

Clements, Charlotte, Coachmakers’ Arms, Bethel street

Climpson, Edward, tailor, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Cletheroe, James, cow keeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Cletheroe, James, plumber, glazier, and painter, Distillery street

Clitheroe, William, boot and shoe maker, Botolph street

Clowes, Francis, auctioneer, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Cobb, Leggatt, butcher, St. Augustine’s street

Cobb, Robert, Leggatt, butcher, Magdalen street

Cocks, Dennis, tailor and clothier, Magdalen street

Cocks, Thomas, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Cocks, Thomas, tailor, Elm hill

Cocks, William, blacksmith, St. Catherine’s plain

Codling, Arthur John, boarding and day school, Magdalen street

Codling, Robert, Three Turks, Lower Westwick street

Coe, Mark, Plough, Castle hill

Cogman, Frederic, tailor, &c., Prince’s street

Cohen, Joseph Louis, letter founder, Scoles green

Cohen, Philip, orange merchant, Swan lane

Colby, Richard, printer and book-binder, Golden Dog lane

Colby, Samuel, Bullock and Butcher, St. Giles’ hill

Coldham, John, the Duke of York, Thorpe hamlet

Collett, Robert George, Tuns tavern, Whitefriars’ street

Cole, Elijah, Wheatsheaf inn, Castle hill

Cole, Emma, baby linen warehouse, London street

Cole, John Beck, woollen draper and tailor, Post-office street

Cole, Mrs. Sarah, ladies’ boarding school, Newmarket road

Collins, James, boot and shoe maker, Davey place

Collins, Mary, shopkeeper, Heigham street

Coleman, George Lovick, draper and mercer, Market-place

Coleman, Samuel, Albert tavern, Ber street

Coleman and Son, silk mercers, drapers, and hosiers, London street

Coleman, Timothy, the White House, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Colman and Glendenning, wholesale and retail ironmongers, oil and colourmen, dealers in lead, glass, and paper hangings, and wholesale saddlers’ ironmongers, &c., Rampant Horse street

Colman, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, Market-place

Colman, John Daniel, builder, Magdalen street

Colman, William, farmer and dealer in horses, Crescent road

Colsey, Emily, stay maker, St. Andrew’s

Coman, Thomas, John, and Henry, grocers and tea dealers, St. Benedict’s street

Cooper, Eliza, Wine Coopers’ Arms, Lower Goat lane

Cooper, Emanuel, surgeon, Tombland

Cooper, Jeremiah, Keel Wherry, King street

Cooper, John & Sons, jewellers, silversmiths, and watchmakers, London street

Cooper, Nathaniel, Royal Oak, Heigham street

Cooper, Robert, solicitor’s clerk, Private road, Mill lane, Unthank’s road

p. 34Cooper, Robert Harris, silversmith, London Street; h Unthank’s road

Cooper, Samuel, the Cow, Cow hill

Cooper, Susanna, seamstress, St. Giles’ hill

Cooper, Thomas, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s street

Cooper, Thomas, Gardeners’ Arms, St. John’s Timberhill

Cooper and Watson, surgeons, Tombland

Cooper, William, the Plough, St. Benedict’s street

Cook, Edward Thomas, boot and shoe manufacturer, White Lion street

Cook, Samuel, brush manufacturer, Davey place

Cooke, Charlotte, dressmaker, St. Giles’ str.

Cooke, Edward, leather cutter, St. John’s Maddermarket

Cooke, John, Fox and Hounds, Ber street

Cooke, William, chemist and druggist, St. Giles’ street

Cooper, Carlos, barrister, Old Lakenham

Cooper, John Norton Valentine, solicitor, the Crescent

Coote, George Mark, bookbinder, ruler, account book manufacturer, engraver and printer, Hay hill

Coote, Maria, dealer in hams, tongues, &c.  Hay hill

Cootes, Benjamin, shopkeeper, St. Miles’ street

Copeman William, agent to the Legal and Commercial Life Insurance Company, the Manchester Fire Insurance Company, and the Times Life Assurance and Guarantee Society, Gentleman’s Walk, Market-place

Copeman, Bell, draper, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Copeman and Sons, wholesale and retail grocers, and general commission agents, Gentleman’s Walk, Market-place

Copland, John, Town House tavern, St. Andrew’s hill

Cordran, Fanny, coach builder, Magdalen street

Cordran, William, cabinet maker, Brown’s court, St. Stephen’s

Core, Joseph, commercial traveller, Heigham road

Cork, Henry, butcher, St. Augustine’s street

Corrick, William, cabinet maker and upholsterer, St. Giles’ street

Corsbie, Dennis T., accountant, West End terrace, Grapes hill

Corsbie, Joseph, accountant, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Corsbie, Samuel W., solicitor’s clerk, Distillery street

Cossey, Robert, Royal Oak, St. Martin’s at Oak

Cott, Thomas, pawnbroker, Pottergate street

Cousins, James, fruiterer, Church alley, St. Gregory’s

Cousins, Thomas, boot and shoe manufacturer, wholesale and retail, Bethel street

Cowan, Charlotte, William the Fourth, Gildengate street

Cowan, Alexander, travelling draper, Lady’s lane

Cowan, Charlotte, Tuns tavern, All Saints’ green

Cox, John, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Cox John, cabinet maker, Laflin’s buildings, St. Benedict’s road

Crancher, John, Recruiting Sergeant, Ber street

Craske, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Lower Goat lane

Craske, Josiah J., draper’s assistant, William street

Crawford, William, boot maker, Bank street

Creak, James Henry, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, wholesale and retail, Bridewell alley

Crickmay, Edward, surgeon, Magdalen street

Crickmore, Henry, White Hart inn, Upper market

Crickmore, William, shopkeeper, St. Miles’ street

Crisp, John Wiseman, tailor, draper, and clerical robe maker, Castle meadow

Crisp, Thomas Dawson, manufacturer of dresses, Pitt street

Crook, John, surgeon, London street

Cruso, Lydia, ready-made linen warehouse, Briggs’ street

Crosskill, Robert, cork manufacturer, Bridge street

Crosskill, William, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Cross, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Lower Goat lane

Cross, James, corn merchant, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Cross, John, accountant, Dereham road

Cross, William, butcher, Rose lane

Crosse, Thomas William, surgeon, St. Giles’ street

Crowe, Charles, upholsterer, Elm hill

Crowe, Edward, Balloon tavern, St. Margaret’s

Crowe, Elizabeth, ladies’ boarding school, Calvert street

Crowe, George, White Lion, St. Benedict’s street

Crowe, J. and Sons, cabinet makers and upholsterers, carvers, gilders, paper hangers, and decorators, St. Stephen’s street

Crowe, William, cabinet maker, h Newmarket road

p. 35Crowfoot, William, broker, Ber street

Cubitt, George, chemist, agent to the Clerical Medical and General Life Assurance Society, General Fire Assurance Agent, and Secretary to the Norwich Union Provident Society; Gentleman’s Walk, Market-place

Cubitt, James, grocer, King street

Cubitt, Samuel Durrant, wholesale ironmonger, oil and colour merchant, Mitchell’s court, Market-place; h Victoria street

Cubitt, Thomas, Two Brewers, Magdalen street

Cubitt, Thomas, glover, St. Augustine’s road

Cubitt, William Jeary, corn and seed merchant, Magdalen street

Cudbard, John and Charles, machine makers, Theatre street

Cudden, Ann, the Rifleman, All Saints’ green

Cuddon, Brothers, conveyancers, Bethel str.

Cullen, Christopher, watch and clock maker, jeweller, &c., Pottergate street

Cullingford, Frederick, marine store dealer, Ber street

Cullington, John, butcher, St. Augustine’s street

Culley and Hart, merchants, Duke’s Palace

Cullington, Mary Ann, boot and shoe maker, Queen street

Culyer and Bowen, plumbers, &c., Pottergate street

Culyer, Charles Arthur, cooper, Rampant Horse street

Culyer, Thomas, dyer and confectioner, St. Augustine’s street

Culyer, Thomas, gothic carver, Pottergate street

Culyer, William, commission agent, Grapes hill

Cundall, B., Son and Co., silk mercers and drapers, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Cunney, Robert, carpenter, New Catton

Cunningham, Thomas, Eight Ringers, St. Miles’ street

Cunningham, William, Princess Royal, Rampant Horse street

Cunnington, William, small ware dealer, Little Orford street

Cunnington, William, turner, Willow lane

Curson, Miss, Superintendent of the Magdalen Institution for Young Women, Lower close

Curtis and Balls, builders, West Pottergate street

Curtis, George Wm., grocer, Thorpe hamlet

Curtis, William, currier, St. Benedict’s street

Cushing, William, the Albion, Market-place

Cushing, James, boot and shoe maker, Distillery street

Cushion, William, timber merchant and builder, Rising Sun road

Custance, Jonathan, dealer in stationery, Magdalen street

Cutmore, William Thomas, the Mazeppa, Cowgate street

Dack, Jonathan, fishmonger, Fishgate street

Dade, Charlotte, milliner, Swan lane

Dady, George, wine and spirit merchant, Old Post-office court

Dady, Daniel, green grocer, St. Stephen’s street

Dadworth, Thomas, printer, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

D’Alberg, Catherine, shopkeeper, Palace plain

Dallinger, Joseph, engraver, copper-plate printer, and lithographer, Davey place

Dalrymple, Arthur, solicitor, St. Giles’ street

Dalrymple, Donald, surgeon, Surrey street

Dambrooke, John, Jolly Butchers, Ber street

Daniels, Thomas, tailor, &c., Albert tavern, Dove street

Dann, James, fruiterer, Magdalen street

Daplyn, Mary, baker, St. Augustine’s street

Darken, Canuel, builder, St. Stephen’s gates

Darken, James, pianoforte warehouse, Pottergate street

Darken, James, news agent, Little London street

Dashwood, Lancelot, surgeon, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Davey, Jane, milliner, Upper St. Giles’

Davis and Company, surgeons, Pottergate street

Davis, Samuel Strangeman, agent for the Norfolk and Eastern Counties’ Coal Company, Mile lane, Newmarket road

Davison, John, Crooked Billet, Heigham street

Davison, Matthew, baker, Rising Sun lane

Davy, John, clerk, St. Swithin’s

Dawbarn, James, coal and salt merchant, Castle meadow

Dawes, Larrance, Robin Hood, Dereham road

Dawes Larrance, carver and gilder, St. Andrew’s hill

Dawes, Robert, builder, undertaker, &c., Hampden place, Dereham road

Dawson George, brickmaker and farmer, Drazen Doors road

Dawson, Jonathan, butcher, Magdalen street

Dawson, James, the Black Eagle, grocer and tea dealer, Wellington terrace, Union place

Dawson, James, King’s Arms, Thorpe hamlet

Dawson, Philip, butcher, Magdalen street

p. 36Dawson, Samuel, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Dawson, William, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Dawson, William, Punch and Chop-house, Upper market

Dawson, William, baker, Rupert street, Union place

Day, Alfred, solicitor, All Saints’ green

Day, Starling, accountant, New Catton

Day, William Hawkes, surgeon, Surrey street

Daynes, John, the Arabian Horse, New Lakenham

Daynes, John, watchmaker, Pitt street

Daynes, John, bookseller, Back of the Inns

Daynes, Maria, Crown and Angel, St. Stephen’s street

Daynes, Richard, confectioner, Lower Westwick street

Daynes, Robert, Coach and Horses, Bethel street

Daynes, Samuel, printer, St. Stephen’s street

Dead, Mrs., day school, Somerset place, Holl’s lane

Dean, Alfred, Black Swan tavern, Upper market

Deane, James, boot and shoe manufacturer, Bridge street; h Gildengate street

Death, John, cooper, Bishopgate street

Devereaux, Edmund, plumber and glazier, Middle street, St. George’s

De Carle, Henry, stone and marble mason, Chapel field road

De Carle, James J., grocer West Wymer str.

De Carle, William, commercial traveller, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Decomy, William, banker’s messenger, Prince’s street

Deeks, John, George the Fourth, Ber street

Delf and Co., drapers, &c., Tombland

Delph, William, plumber, St. Augustine’s street

Delph, William, Prince of Wales, St. Augustine’s street

Denmark, William, Seven Stars, Barrack street

De Vear, John, merchant, Lower close

Dennington, Miss Sarah, St. Saviour’s Infant school, Golden Dog lane

Dennis, Charles, whitesmith, St. Stephen’s gates

Dent, Thomas, butcher, Ber street

Denny, John, green-grocer, Union street, Union place

Debbage, James, the Fountain, St. Benedict’s street

Devear and Phillips, woollen warehousemen, Davey place

Dew, Britiffe Edward, hair dresser, King street

Dew, Mr., superintendent of the Rotary Cemetery, Thorpe hamlet

Dewing, David, agent to the Scottish Provident Institution, &c., St. Catherine’s plain

Dexter, Robert, assistant draper, Bracondale

Dickinson, Richard, accountant, St. Stephen’s road

Dickinson, Richard, butcher, St. Benedict’s street

Dickinson, Richard, saddler and harness maker, Castle meadow

Digby, Peter, Catherine Wheel, St. Augustine’s street

Digby, Richard, Anchor of Hope, Bracondale

Ding, James, baker, Pottergate street

Diver, Isaac, King’s Head, Gildengate street

Diver, Jabez, shopkeeper, St. Paul’s Church plain

Dixon, Benjamin, M.P.S., chemist and druggist, Rose corner, King street

Dixon, Elizabeth, clear starcher, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Dixon, Thomas, watch and clock maker, Bridewell alley

Dobson, Richard, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Dobson, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Dodson, William Robert, silversmith and jeweller, Upper London street

Doughty Richard, King’s Head, Davey place

Doughty, Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, King street

Doughty, John, carpenter and builder, Crook’s place

Douglass, John, shopkeeper, Silver road

Dove, Harry, surgeon, Tombland

Dover, Charles, Mill tavern, Mill lane, New Catton

Dowde, Mary, midwife, St. Margaret’s alley

Downing, Joseph, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, and fishing tackle manufacturer, Gentleman’s walk, Market place

Dowson, John Withers, solicitor, Castle meadow

Dowson and Sons, coal merchants, Duke’s Palace

Drake, Brazilla, the Duke of Norfolk, Church street, New Lakenham

Drake, Charles, surgeon, All Saints’ green

Drake, Francis, White Horse, St. Miles’ street

Drake, John, green grocer, Ber street

Drake, Mary, pork shop, Church walk, New Lakenham

Drake, Samuel, shopkeeper, Lower Westwick street

Drane, Hannah, ladies’ school, Rigby’s court

Drane, Henry, Carrow inn, King street gates

p. 37Drane, Joseph, decorative painter, Rigby’s court

Drane, Wm., Curriers’ Arms, St. Stephen’s back street

Draper, Henry, manager of the Electric and International Telegraph Company, Market place

Drage, William, World’s-end, World’s-end lane

Driver, William, banker’s clerk, St. Benedict’s road

Duffield, Abigail, shopkeeper, Middle street, St. George’s

Duffield, George, grocer, St. Mary’s street

Duffield, Henry, tailor, Exchange street

Duffield, William, tailor, Grove place, New Lakenham

Dunch, Denmark, the Jolly Maltsters, Cowgate street

Dunham, John, grocer, Trory street, New Lakenham

Dunmore, Robert, corn merchant, St. Benedict’s street

Dunn, James, Queen’s Head, Quay side

Dunn, James, green grocer, Quay side

Dunn, John, baker, West Pottergate

Dunn, Richard, plumber and glazier, Surrey road

Dunn, Samuel, hair dresser, Magdalen street

Dunn, William, match manufacturer, Silver street

Dunnan, Robert G., accountant to the Equitable Fire-office, Bank street

Dunsford and Suggett, surgeon dentists, St. Giles’ street

Dunsford, James, surgeon dentist; h Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Durrant, George, solicitor, Surrey street

Durrant, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, Ber street

Durrant, Robert, grocer, Church street

Durrant, Thomas, shopkeeper, Sherbourne place, King street

Durrant, Zachariah, the Greenland Fishery, St. Mary’s street

Dye and Palmer, solicitors, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Dye, M. and W., tailors, drapers, and hatters, Bank plain

Eagle, John, grocer and tobacconist, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

East of England Bank, Haymarket

Eastaugh, Mary, York tavern, Castle meadow

Easton, Haylett, Elephant, Magdalen street

Easton, Isaac, Unicorn, St. Mary’s plain

Easton, Zachariah, pork shop, St. James’ street

Eastwood, James, the Tuns tavern, St. Miles’ street

Eaton, Mary Ann, Rose inn, St. Stephen’s street

Edgar, Thomas, brush manufacturer, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Edwards, Edward Manning, hair cutter and perfumer, Upper London street

Edwards, Anne Elizabeth, milliner and dress-maker, St. Stephen’s square

Edwards, Robert, Lame Dog road

Edwards, Sarah, publican, Briggs’ street

Edwards, W. P., linen draper, hosier, haberdasher, &c., St. Stephen’s street

Egmore, Randall, superintendent of the City Mission, Grove road, New Lakenham

Eke, Francis, Odd Fellows’ Arms, Ber street

Ellingham, Henry, plumber and glazier, Elm hill

Elliott Miss, E., milliner and dress-maker, Upper King street

Elliott, George, Duke tavern, Tombland

Ellis, Benjamin, Dove tavern, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Ellis, Mary, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Ellis, Samuel, green grocer, St. Martin’s Oak

Ellis, William, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Ellison, Frances, barometer and thermometer maker, and fancy repository, Dove street

Ellwood, Henry, butcher, St. John’s Timberhill

Elmer, John, accountant, St. Catherine’s terrace

Elvin, Elizabeth, midwife, Ber street

Elwes, Jonathan, dealer in tobacco, St. Stephen’s road

Emery, George, farmer, Eaton; h Pier Cottage, Union place

Emms, Charles, Wine Coopers’ Arms, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Emms, William, Crown inn, St. John’s Timberhill

Empson, Ezra, baker, St. Augustine’s street

Empson, Samuel, grocer, New Catton

Enfield, William, manufacturer, Colegate street

Engall, Joseph, green grocer, St. Augustine’s street

England, Robert, builder, St. Giles’ hill

English, Joseph, tailor, woollen draper, and hatter, Upper London street

English, Mark, the Sawyers, St. Paul’s Church plain

English, Robert, builder, St. Giles’ hill

English and Son, drapers and silk mercers, London street

Etheridge, George, goldsmith, Gentleman’s walk

Etheridge, Thomas, junr., Clerk to the Eastern Counties’ Railway Company; h Thorpe hamlet

Everett, Thomas, merchant, Bracondale

Evans, Charles, barrister, and Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich, Upper King str.

p. 38Evans, George, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Evans, Harry, Clerk to the E. C. R. Comp., Lower close

Evans, John, shopkeeper, Bishopgate street

Evans, Robert, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Ewing, John William, nurseryman and seedsman, Exchange street

Fabb, Charles and Ruth, shopkeeper and dressmaker, St. Augustine’s street

Fair, Thomas, green grocer, Bishopsgate street

Faircloth, George, shopkeeper, Julian street

Fairhead, John, shopkeeper, Thorpe hamlet

Fairhead, Mary Ann, beer shop, Pottergate street

Fairman, William, hair-dresser, Barrack str.

Fairweather, Henry, upholsterer and cabinet maker, St. Giles’ street

Fairweather, Lydia, linen draper, silk mercer, hosier, and haberdasher, London str.

Fake, John, the Wrestlers, St. James’ street

Fargus, Johnston, agent to Virtue and Co., publishers, Rose lane

Farman, Henry, the Jolly Skinners, St. Martin’s at Oak

Farman, Robert, gardener, King street

Farmer, Charles Adolphe, and Huke, James William, Pharmaceutical chemists and druggists, Upper Market-place

Farmer, Benjamin, schoolmaster, Colegate street

Farnell, James Thomas, boarding and day school, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street

Farnell, William Keeling, boarding academy, Theatre street

Farrow, Mrs. Maria, French corset and stay maker, St. Giles’ hill

Farrow, Thomas, green grocer, Union place

Fearnley, Joseph, jeweller, London street; h Holl’s lane

Fearnside, Benjamin, broker, Palace street

Featherstone, Thomas, accountant, Distillery street

Feek, William, horse-breaker, livery and commission stables, St. Giles’ road

Felmingham, William, commercial traveller, Distillery street

Felstead, James, shopkeeper, Mill street, Crook’s place

Fenn, John, grocer, New Catton

Fenn, Robert, grocer, Magdalen street

Fenn, Thomas, Hen and Chickens, St. Mary’s plain

Fenn, Thomas, boot and shoe warehouse, Pottergate street

Fickling, Robert, solicitor, Prince’s street

Fiddeman, Robert, Cabinet Makers’ Arms, Redwell street

Field and Bignold, solicitors, Upper Surrey street

Field, Edward, solicitor, Surrey street

Field, Robert, chair maker, Queen street, Crook’s place

Figg, George, Boar’s Head inn, Surrey street

Filby, W. E., spirit merchant, Stamp Office yard

Finegan, William Thomas, teacher of French, Cow hill

Finch, William Henry, whitesmith and bell-hanger, Waggon and Horses’ lane

Firth, Ellen, ladies’ boarding school, Crescent

Firth, George Warren Watts, surgeon, St. Martin’s at Palace

Fish, William, music seller, Bridewell alley

Fisher, George, shopkeeper, Union place

Fish and Son, dyers, Lower Westwick street

Fisher, James, solicitor, offices, King street, h Lower close

Fisher, James Cracknell, grocer and tea-dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Fisher, Robert, grocer, St. Augustine’s street

Fisher, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, St. Martin’s at Oak

Fisher, Robert Watts, builder, Museum court, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Fisher, Thomas, builder and surveyor, St. Andrew’s Broad street, the Crescent

Fisher, William, builder, Calvert street

Fiske, Francis Robert, draper and silk mercer, London street

Fison, Thomas, accountant, St. Augustine’s road

Fitch and Chambers, chemists, Market place

Fitt, Benjamin, pipe maker, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Fitt, George, Builders’ Arms, Pottergate street

Fitt, James, butcher, Ber street

Fitt, John, carpenter, Rising Sun lane

Fitt, Robert, gin-shop, Castle meadow

Fitt, William, butcher, Ber street

Flatt, John, ironmonger, Magdalen street

Fletcher, Ann, dyer, Quay side

Fletcher and Alexander, booksellers, printers, publishers, bookbinders, and wholesale stationers, agents to the National Mercantile Life Assurance Society, and depot of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Fletcher, Josiah, bookseller, &c., Market-place; h Unthank’s road

Flood, Harriet, draper, St. Benedict’s street

Florence, George, Rose tavern, St. Miles’ Thorn lane

Flower, Jonathan, draper, Wensum street

Foot, Henry, silk manufactory, Calvert street

Folk, Charles, baker, Gildengate street

Folk, Charles, baker, King street, Crook’s place

p. 39Ford, Elizabeth, milliner, Pitt street

Ford and Son, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturers, Colegate street

Ford, William, shoe manufacturer, Earlham road

Ford, William Foyster, shoe manufacturer, Calvert street

Forder, Ellen, schoolmistress, Horn’s lane

Forrester, George, land agent, agent to the Union Fire and Life, and General Hail Storm Societies, Upper close

Forster, Edwin, tobacconist, St. Stephen’s st.

Forster, John, umbrella, parasol, and straw hat manufacturer, Upper London street

Forster, Samuel, general shopkeeper, Barrack street

Forster, Thomas, tea dealer and general shopkeeper, West Pottergate

Forster, Thomas, shopkeeper, Queen street, Crook’s place

Foster, Augustus and Son, Norfolk hotel, St. Giles’ street

Forte, William, and Watts, William Henry, paper hangers, St. Augustine’s street

Foulger, Robert, coachmaker, Mason’s court, Ber street

Foulsham, Henry, currier, leather merchant, and dealer in grindery, wholesale and retail, White Lion street

Foulsham, Thomas, Coach and Horses, furniture broker, Red Lion street

Foulsham, William, hairdresser and tobacconist, Bridge street

Fountain, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Heigham street

Fountain, Henry, William the Fourth, King street, Crook’s place

Fountain, Mary Ann, the Hay Trussers, King street

Fountain, Mrs., general cooking, luncheon, and dining establishment, London street

Fountain, Thomas, accountant, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Fox, Elizabeth, baker, Lower close

Fox, Frederic, solicitor, Surrey street

Fox, Isaac, Queen’s Head, St. Giles’ street

Fox, Joel, furrier, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Fox, John, shopkeeper, Fishgate street

Fox, John, surgeon, Upper King street

Fox, Thomas Colman, solicitor, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Fox, William, baker, Cowgate street

Francis, George, Jolly Dealers, and shoemaker, Castle hill

Francis, Joseph, tailor, Charing cross

Francis, Thomas, green grocer, St. John’s Timberhill

Francis, W. B., surgeon, Colegate street

Frary, Richard, piece broker, St. Andrew’s hill

Frary, William, watch and clock maker, St. Benedict’s street

Fraser, John, draper, St. Benedict’s road

Freeman, Charles Jeremiah, and Wells, W., cabinet makers and upholsterers, Upper London street

Freeman, Charles Robert, tea warehouse, Exchange street

Freeman, Charles Robert, corn and flour dealer, Upper market

Freeman, Charles Robert, wholesale grocer and foreign fruit merchant, Upper King street, h Eaton lodge

Freeman, Henry, and Nash, Charles, cheese factors, wholesale grocers and tallow chandlers, Upper market

Freeman, James, boat builder, King street

Freeman, James, bread and biscuit baker, St. Giles’ street

Freeman, Richard, boot and shoe maker, St. Benedict’s street

Freeman, Samuel, Dyer’s Arms, Quay side

Freeman, William, baker, Union place

Freeman, William, jun., carver, gilder, and printseller, Rampant Horse street

Freestone, Anthony, baker, Church street, New Lakenham

Freestone, Edward, solicitor, Little Orford street

Friar, William, sawyer, Chapel street, Union place

Frohawk, M., farmer, Valentine street, Heigham

Fromow, John, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Fromow, Stephen, cattle salesman, St. John’s Timberhill

Fromow, William, chemist and druggist, St. Augustine’s street

Frost, Charles, carpenter and builder, Chapel field road

Frost, Hezekiah, gardener, Lower close

Frost, James, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Frost, John, boot and shoe maker, Lower Westwick street

Frost, Mrs. Mary, staymaker, Davey place

Frost, Robert, portmanteau and trunk manufacturer, Davey place

Frost, William, Temperance hotel, Upper walk, Market-place

Fuller, Benjamin, commercial traveller, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Fuller, Edward, tailor, &c., Red Lion street

Fuller, James, saddler, Market-place

Fuller, Robert, Trumpet inn, St. Stephen’s street

Fuller, William, tobacconist, Red Lion str.

Furse, James Thomas, window blind manufacturer, upholsterer, &c., Tombland

Furse, Maria, dyer and dresser, Gildengate street

p. 40Fussey, Susan, butcher, Ber street

Futter, John, shopkeeper, St. Mary’s plain

Futter, Nathaniel, green grocer, Ber street

Gaffer, Samuel, house agent, Paragon street

Gage, Lydia, lodging house, Queen street

Gapp, John Smith, Black Horse, St. Giles’ road

Gardner, Maria, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Gardner, William, paper and rag merchant, St. Paul’s opening

Gardiner, William, Cock, Upper King street

Gardner, Thompson, green grocer and fruiterer, Upper St. Giles’ street

Gardom, John William, silk manufacturer, mills, Lower Westwick street; h. Unthank’s road

Garner, Francis, fishmonger, Cowgate street

Garnham, William, grocer and tea dealer, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Garrett, John, travelling draper, Pottergate street

Garrod, Edward, editor to the Norfolk Chronicle, private road, Unthank’s road

Garthon, James Slapp, surgeon, Upper St. Giles’ street

Gazely, James, green grocer, Lower Westwick street

Gaul, Edward James, shuttle maker and turner, St. Augustine’s street

Gay, Mrs., brush maker, Upper market

Gaze, George, timber merchant, Hamlet place, Grapes hill

Gaze, Matthew, builder, King street

Gaze, William, millwright, St. Paul’s back lane

Gaze, William, register office for servants, Westlegate street

Gedge, Frederic, dyer, St. Benedict’s

Gedge, George, plumber, glazier, and painter, Wounded Hart lane, Upper market

Gedge, William, hairdresser, St. Benedict’s street

Gedge, William John, hairdresser, St. Martin’s at Oak

Geary, William, shawl manufacturer, St. Augustine’s street

Geldart, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, Wensum street; h. Thorpe hamlet

Geldart and Son, importers of foreign wines and spirits, Wensum street

Gent, David, St. John’s Head, St. Miles’ street

Gent, George, shopkeeper, St. Miles’ street

George, John, fishmonger, St. Benedict’s street

George, Misses, ladies’ academy, Colegate street

George, Richard, coal merchant, Quay side

George, William Morris, carpenter and builder, Pottergate street

Gerrard, George, the John Bull, Crook’s place

Gerred, William, hairdresser, Botolph street

Gibbs, Richard, Rose and Crown, Bishopgate street

Gibson, Charles Mends, surgeon, Bethel street

Gibson, Matthew, brush maker, Paragon street

Gibson, Samuel, butcher, Gildengate street

Gibson, William, baker, St. Catherine’s plain

Gidden, S., shopkeeper, St. Stephen’s street

Gidney, Samuel, the Bushel, St. Augustine’s street

Gifford, Samuel, stationer and shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Gilbert, James, plumber, Magdalen street

Gilbert, William, carpenter arid builder, St. Augustine’s

Gill, James, grocer, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Gill, John, china and glass warehouse, St. Giles’ street

Gilman, Charles Rackham, solicitor, secretary to the Norfolk Farmers’ Cattle Insurance Society, St. Giles’ street

Gilman, Charles Suckling, solicitor, stock and share broker, secretary to the General Hail Storm Insurance Society, and the Norwich Chamber of Commerce, Fisher’s lane, St. Giles’ street

Gilman, Charles Suckling, boot and shoe manufacturer, Bethel street

Gilman John, carver and gilder, Upper London street

Girdlestone, D., hair restorer, Lower Goat lane

Girdlestone, Reuben, hairdresser and perfumer, and branch post-office, Upper St. Giles’ street

Girdlestone, Thomas, Horse Shoes, Palace street

Girling, William, corn chandler, Golden Ball, Golden Ball street

Gissing, Robert, commercial traveller, West Wymer street

Gittings, Cornelius, porter merchant, Calvert street

Glendenning, J. B., ironmonger, St. Stephen’s gates

Goat, Charles, Old Goat tavern, Upper Goat lane

Goffin, Matilda Elizabeth, boot and shoe warehouse, Palace street

Goggs, William, grocer and tea dealer, Upper St. Giles’

Golder, Edward, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Goldsmith, James, boot and shoe maker, Back of the Inns

p. 41Goldsmith, James, tea, coffee, and spice dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Goldsmith, Thomas, confectioner and baker, St. Stephen’s street

Goldspring, Mrs. E., dressmaker, William street

Goldsworth, James, beer retailer, St. Stephen’s street

Gooch, George Carver, decorator, Upper King street, and Castle meadow

Gooch, Noah, brewer and beer retailer, Charing cross

Gooch, Richard, astrologer, Southwell cottage, New Lakenham

Gooch, Henry James, the Sons of Commerce, St. Michael’s at Thorn lane

Gooch, Isaac, the Queen Victoria, Queen street, Crook’s place

Gooch, Joshua, coach lace and fringe manufacturer, Dove street

Gooch, Robert, bookseller, White Lion street

Gooch, S. J., currier and leather seller, Davey place

Gooch, Thomas, the Fortune-of-War, Calvert street

Gooch, Thomas, brush manufacturer, Grout’s thoroughfare

Gooch, William, Baker’s Arms, Lower Westwick street

Good, Thomas, boot-tree and last maker, Magdalen street

Gooderham, Samuel, tunist, Elm hill

Gooderson, John, and Moll, William, family linen warehouse, Upper Market place

Gooderson, William, machine maker and wheelwright, Chapel field road

Gooding, Harriet, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Red Lion street

Goodson, William, butcher, St. Benedict’s road

Goodson, Sarah, butcher, Upper market

Goodwin, John, solicitor—office, Willow lane—residence, Thorpe

Goodwin, Dr. John W., Queen street

Goodwin, Charles, surgeon—agent for the National Life Assurance Society, Willow lane

Goose, Jacob, green grocer, Rising Sun lane

Goose, Robert, builder, Union place

Goose, Mrs., milliner, Briggs’ street

Goose, William Henry, artist, Briggs’ street

Gorell, Robert Atkinson, silk and cotton merchant and yarn agent, Tudor cottage, Unthank’s road

Gosnold, Henry George, clerk, Bethel street

Goulder, Elizabeth, milliner, Magdalen street

Gowen, Susan, broker, Pump street

Gower, Thomas, concentrated pure lemonade manufacturer, Gun lane

Gowing, Charles, saddler and harness maker, Castle hill

Gowen, Jeremiah, draper, St. Mary’s street

Graham, Nathaniel, baker, Union place

Grand, Edward, tailor, Upper King street

Grand, George, tailor, draper, and hatter, London street

Grant, Frederick, working jeweller, Ber street

Grant, Henry, grocer, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Grant, Thomas, chemist and druggist, Ber street

Graver, Abraham, green grocer, Magdalen street

Graver, Thomas, baker, St. Paul’s Church plain

Gray, Francis, tailor, Surrey street

Gray, James, hair dresser, Bethel street

Gray, Mary Ann, butcher, St. Benedict’s street

Gray, Richard, tailor, West Pottergate street

Green, Ann, dressmaker, milliner, and straw bonnet maker, register office for servants, Post Office street

Green and Company, wholesale boot and shoe manufactory, Bethel street

Greene, Charles Jeremiah, tobacconist and tea dealer, Rose lane

Green, John, City of Norwich inn, St. Stephen’s plain

Green, John, gardener, Asylum lane

Green, John, plumber and glazier, Pottergate street

Green, Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Colegate street

Greene, Robert, basket maker, St. Benedict’s street

Green, Robert and Son, timber merchants, Garden street, St. Michael’s at Thorn lane

Green, Susanna, shopkeeper, St. James’ street

Green, William, clerk to Dean and Chapter office, Lower close

Green, William Dann, the Bee Hive, St. Paul’s Church plain

Greenhill, J., chemist and druggist, St. Giles’ street

Greeves, Benjamin, butcher, Upper market

Greeves, Henry, butcher, Market place; h Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Griffin, Mrs. E., carver and builder, Cow hill

Griffiths, Hannah, plane, saw, and brace manufacturer, Lower Goat lane and Pottergate street

p. 42Griggs, Frederic William, pawnbroker, Upper King street

Griggs, William, tax collector, St. Benedict’s street

Grimmer, Samuel, spirit merchant, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Grimes, John, Norfolk and Eastern Counties’ Railway tavern, Upper King street

Grimes, Maria, shopkeeper, Botolph street

Grinling, George, accountant, Unthank’s road

Grinter, Charles Edward, bookbinder, Gildengate street

Groom, George, dyer, Brazen Doors road

Groom, George, shoe manufacturer, St. Stephen’s street

Grout and Company, silk mills, St. Benedict’s

Gun, Robert, coach maker, Grove place, New Lakenham

Gunton, Alfred, surgeon dentist, St. Giles’ street

Gunton, Henry, watchmaker and jeweller, corner of Rampant Horse and Briggs’ streets

Gunton, Thomas, horse hair seating manufacturer, St. Martin at Oak

Gurney, Francis, fishmonger, St. Paul’s street

Gurney, Richard, A. F., surgeon, St. Giles’ road

Gurneys, Birkbecks and Co., bankers, &c., Bank plain

Haddon, Mary Ann, grocer, tea dealer, and confectioner, Rose lane

Haggath, Thomas, tailor, New Catton

Hague, Francis, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Charing cross

Hague, Francis, the Pigeons, Charing cross

Hagon, George, tailor, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Hagon, William, broker, St. Martin at Oak

Haldenstein, Philip, cap and shoe manufacturer, Bridewell alley

Hales, James, cabinet maker, St. John’s Maddermarket

Hall, Charles, butcher, Upper King street

Hall, James, draper, Regent street, Union place

Hall, James, painter, All Saints’ green

Hall, James, plumber, glazier, and to the Waterworks’ Company, Magdalen street

Hall, Mrs. Lucia, dressmaker, William street

Hall, Timothy, boot maker, Ten-bell lane

Hall, Robert, umbrella maker, All Saints’ green

Hall, William, engraver and copper-plate printer, Back of the Inns

Hall, William, White Lion, St. Martin’s at palace

Hallows, George, saddle and harness maker, Rampant horse street

Hallows, Joseph, hair dresser, Royal Hotel street

Ham, Mrs. C. eating house, Orford hill

Hamley, O. S. commercial traveller, Distillery street

Hammond, John, Victoria tavern, 4, Upper Walk, Market-place

Hammond, Jonathan, shoemaker, Bridge street, Saint Lawrence

Hannah, Peter, licensed dealer in tea and coffee, Pottergate street

Hannant, Nathaniel, baker, Magdalen street

Hannant, Richard, grocer, tea dealer, and provision merchant, dealer in British wines; Agent for Horne, Robins, and Co’s. Uncoloured Teas, Rose corner

Hansell, Henry, solicitor, notary, public proctor, deputy registrar of the Archdeacon of Norfolk, agent to Scottish Widow’s Fund Life Assurance Society; office, Upper close

Hansell, Joseph, commercial traveller, Distillery street

Hansell, Robert, solicitor, Surrey street

Hansell, Sarah, earthenware dealer, St. Augustine’s street

Hansell, Mary, straw bonnet maker and blocker, John street, Rose lane

Hansell, William, green grocer, Church street, Union place

Hanworth, George, traveller, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Harbord, Joseph Massingham, saddle and harness maker, Upper St. Giles’ street

Harcourt, Anthony, gig manufacturer, Vauxhall terrace, Julian place

Harcourt, James, professor of music, Colegate street

Harden, Charles, baker, Tinkler’s lane

Hardesty, Alexander, stationer, &c., White Lion street

Hardesty, George, grocer and tea dealer, Charing cross

Hardiment, Eleanor, green grocer, St. Martin’s lane

Hardiment, Jarvis, china warehouse, St. Benedict’s street

Harding, Levi, Crocodile, Heigham street

Hardingham, William, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Hardy, Charles, whip maker, Saint John’s timberhill

Hardy, Francis, schoolmaster, St. Stephen’s road

Hardy, James, grocer, tea dealer, and tallow chandler, wholesale and retail, Rampant Horse street

Hardy, Johnson, boot maker, St. Benedict’s street

p. 43Hardy, Michael baker, St. Catherine’s plain

Hardy, William Edwards, plumber, glazier, and painter, Dove street

Hardy, William, timber merchant, Pitt street

Hardy, William, Cherry Tree, Gildengate street

Hardiman, Sarah, academy, Bracondale

Hare, Edward, clerk to the Savings’ Bank, Lower close

Hare, John, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Hare, William, fishmonger, Upper market

Harley, John Payne, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Harman, Adam, the Flying Dutchman, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Harman and Sons, wine, brandy, ale and porter merchants, St. Andrew’s hill

Harmer, D. and Company, merchants, wharfingers, and general agents, Duke’s Palace

Harmer, Daniel, maltster, King street

Harmer, Elizabeth, hair dresser, Ber street

Harmer, James, fruiterer, St. Stephen’s str.

Harmer, Robert, upholsterer, Carrow hill

Harper, Ambrose, builder, Southwell road, New Lakenham

Harper, George, dyer, Calvert street

Harper, James Cursey, brush, patten, and clog maker, St. Benedict’s street

Harper, Joseph, dyer, &c., Bridge street

Harper and Sutton, druggists, Bank plain

Harper, William, William the Fourth, second Cross street, Union place

Harply, Thomas, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Harris, James, green grocer, Ber street

Harris, James Thomas, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, Ber street

Harris, Thomas, gardener, King street

Harris, William, Angel, Trowse Millgate

Harrison, Francis, confectioner, Elm hill

Harrison, John, grocer and tea dealer, Globe street, Union place

Harrison, Robert, grocer, Elm hill

Harrison, William Thomas, baker, Golden Ball street

Harrison, William, boot and shoe manufacturer, Bridewell alley

Harrison, William, confectioner, Saint Andrew’s hill

Harrison, William, tailor, St. Augustine’s street

Harrison, William, miller, New Mill yard, St. Swithin’s

Harrod, H., solicitor, agent to the Rock Life Assurance Company, Bank street

Hart, Charles, general merchant, St. Giles’ street

Hart, J. Crown tavern, St. Stephen’s street

Hart, Philip W. coach builder, St. Giles’ gates

Hart, Robert, slaie and reed manufacturer, Golden Dog lane

Hartley, William, hairdresser and umbrella maker, Little Orford street

Hartmann, Francis Alexander, M.D., Surrey street

Hartt, Catherine Miss, boarding and day school for young ladies, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Hartt, William George, jeweller and silversmith, London street

Harvey, John, boot-maker, London street

Harvey, Samuel, shopkeeper, Fishgate street

Harvey, John, comb manufacturer, Saint John’s Timberhill

Harvey and Hudson, bankers, Upper King street

Harvey and Stannard, pawnbrokers, William street

Hase, Thomas, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Hatcarton, Joseph, confectioner, Swan lane

Hatch, Frederick, baker, William street

Hatch, William Proctor, the Express Train, Rose lane

Havers, James Reynolds, Beehive, St. Stephen’s street

Havers, William Henry, pawnbroker, St. Paul’s opening

Haward, Ann, dressmaker, Theatre street

Hawes, Ann, clear starcher, Surrey street

Hawes, George, plumber, glazier, and painter, Mariner’s lane

Hawkes, Robert N., wool dealer, Willow lane

Haworth, William, shoemaker, St. Miles’ street

Hawyes, John, tailor, West Wymer street

Hay, William, surgeon dentist, Post office street

Haymoss, William, Two Quarts, Pottergate street

Heasel, the Misses, ladies’ boarding school, Surrey road

Heaviside, John, artist, Church street, St. Simon’s

Heigham, Richard, commision agent, Langham place, Dereham road

Hemmant, George, draper, Exchange street

Hemnell, Johnson, railway coffee house, Rose lane

Henderson, John, draper, St. Benedict’s road

Hepperson, Mary, dealer in haberdashery and fancy articles, White Lion street

Herring, Henry, grocer, King street

Heseltine, James, Royal Hotel, Market place; h Old Lakenham

Hawing, Joseph, Plumbers’ Arms, Princes’ street

Hewett, Thomas, baker, Rising Sun lane

Hewitt, George, Red Lion, Red Lion street

p. 44Hewitt, George, shoe warehouse, West End street

Hewitt, James, carpenter and builder, St. Augustine’s road

Hewitt, John, land agent and surveyor, Bethel street

Hewitt, William, surgical instrument maker, St. Giles’ street

Heyward, Cary, brazier, Ber street

Heyward, James John, watch and clock maker, Little London street

Hicks, William, confectioner and tea dealer, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Higgins, Henry, congreve and box manufacturer, Mill hill, New Catton

High, George, Eagle tavern, West Pottergate

High, George, grocer, New Catton

Hill, James F., professor of music, St. Giles’ terrace

Hill, Horace, professor of music, Pottergate street

Hill, Lot, bookseller, Bridewell alley

Hill, John, grocer and tea dealer, Gildengate street

Hill, John, grocer, Cowgate street

Hill, John, grocer, St. Augustine’s street

Hill, John, grocer and tea dealer, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Hill, Joseph, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s street

Hill, Michael, tailor, Palace street

Hill, Robert, baker, King street

Hill, Robert, hairdresser, Red Lion street

Hill, Samuel Secker, manager to Harveys and Hudson’s bank, Mile End lane, Newmarket road

Hills and Underwood, licensed rectifiers, vinegar makers, and importers of foreign wines and spirits, St. Faith’s lane

Hill, William, post-office, Thorpe hamlet

Hilling, Mary, Steam Packet, King street

Hinchly, Samuel, Napier tavern, Castle hill

Hinde, Francis, manufacturer; h All Saints’ green

Hinde, Ephraim and Francis, manufacturers of silk and worsted, Botolph street

Hindes, Henry, sack manufacturer, Red Lion street; h St. Augustine’s road

Hindes, James, rope and sack manufacturer, Magdalen street

Hindes and Sons, rope, cord, twine, and sack manufacturers, Red Lion street

Hindes, William, cord-spinner, St. Benedict’s street

Hindle, Thomas, fruiterer, Ber street

Hinsby, William, architect and surveyor, Princes’ street

Hipper, James, tailor, Rampant Horse street

Hipper, William, draper, St. Benedict’s street

Holder, Reuben, general warehouseman, St. Stephen’s street

Holl, George Norton, boot and shoe-maker, Castle street

Holl, George, boot and shoe maker, All Saints’ green

Holl, Harriet, confectioner and baker, Gildengate street

Holl, Robert D., boot and shoe maker, Exchange street

Holl, Robert shoemaker, Dereham road

Holland, Catherine, provision dealer, Lower Goat lane

Holland, Edward Christopher, surgeon, St. Stephen’s road

Holland, Emily, private lodging house, Unthank’s road

Holland, Francis, butcher, West Wymer street

Hollis, Robert, Shakespeare tavern, Theatre street

Holmes, Mrs. Esther, establishment for young ladies, St. Stephen’s road

Holmes, Edmund, the Drum, St. Swithin’s

Holmes, Henry, tobacco and cigar dealer, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Holmes, James, general dealer, King street

Holmes, John, boot maker, Surrey street

Holmes, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Rigby’s court

Holmes, Richard, accountant, Distillery street

Holmes, Robert, hairdresser, Palace plain

Holmes and Sons, iron founders, Castle hill

Holmes, Thomas, broker, Quay side

Holmes, William, shopkeeper, St. Paul’s back lane

Homan and Co., shoe manufacturers, Upper Market-place

Homœopathic Hospital, the, supported by voluntary contributions; physician, Edward Christopher Holland, St. Stephen’s road

Hood, Robert, builder, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Hood, Robert, builder and carpenter, Sussex street

Hodds, Catherine, grocer, Ber street

Hoods, Richard, tailor, Elm hill

Hook, Joseph, shopkeeper, Surrey street

Hook, Samuel Beckett, tailor, &c., St. George’s plain

Holl, Alfred Samuel, commercial traveller, Rising Son road

Hooper, John, chemist and druggist, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Hopkins, John, tailor, Bethel street

Horn, Robert, shoemaker, Cambrian place, Heigham road

p. 45Horne, Caroline, tobacconist, Back of the inns

Hornor, Charles, land agent, St. Martin’s at Palace

Horne, John, estate agent, Castle hill

Horne, Robert, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, Little London street

Horner, R. J., Ironmonger; h St. Giles’ street

Hospital, St. Helen’s, for aged persons of both sexes, Bishopgate street

Hotblack, John, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, Orford hill

Hough, Joseph, grease, oil and pitch manufacturer, Castle hill

Houghton, David, silk dyer, carpet cleaner, and blanket scourer, St. Giles’ street

Houghton, Henry, tobacconist and fruiterer, St. Giles’ street

Houghton, James, dyer, Ten Bell lane

Houghton, Robert, builder and baker, Ber street

Hovell, William, basket and sieve manufacturer, Charing cross

Howard, Miss Ann, ladies’ boarding school, Unthank’s road

Howard, Mrs. Ann, private lodging house, Grove place, New Lakenham

Howard, Charles, builder, Bishopgate street

Howard, Daniel, baker and shopkeeper, Barrack street

Howard, Emanuel Simon, Venetian blind manufacturer, Rose lane

Howard, George, coachmaker, Rampant Horse Back street

Howard, James, Sardinian tavern, St. Stephen’s street

Howard, John, carver, Bethel street

Howard, Robert, grocer and draper, New Catton

Howard, Thomas, Red Lion, Bishopgate street

Howard, William, butcher, New Catton

Howard, William, Duke of Marlborough, Fishgate street

Howell, James, currier, Castle hill

Howell, William, leather seller, Lower Goat lane

Howe, John Carter, Red Lion, Magdalen street

Howes, Abraham, boot and shoe maker, Rampant Horse street

Howes, Ann, shopkeeper, Pottergate street

Howes, Edward, green grocer, St. Paul’s street

Howes, George Smith, City Arms’ spirit vaults, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Howes, Henry, Half Moon, King street

Howes, Henry William, gig builder, Ber street

Howes, James, White Lion, Magdalen street

Howes, James, gardener, Magdalen street

Howes, James A., reporter, Valentine street

Howes, Robert Harvey, Adam and Eve, Tabernacle street

Howes and Son, grocers and tallow chandlers, Lower Goat lane

Howes, Thomas, coach builder, Castle hill

Howes, Thomas Self, coach builder, Rose lane; h Upper King street

Howes, William, green grocer, Cowgate street

Howlett and Co., wholesale and retail furnishing ironmongers, bar-iron merchants, oil and colormen, &c., Haymarket

Howlett James, carpenter, Pottergate street

Howlett, Richard, tailor, Bridge street

Howlett, Thomas, grocer, St. Swithin’s

Howlett, Walter, tunist Valentine street

Howlett, William, pianoforte, harmonium, and music seller, organ builder, repairer, and tuner, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Howman, William, White Lion, St. Martin’s at Oak

Hubbard, George, shopkeeper, King street gates

Hubbard, Henry, Stag’s Head, Prince’s street

Hubbard, Horatio, eating house, Upper market

Hubbard, James, brewer, and wine and spirit merchant, Magdalen street

Hubbard, Mary Ann, artist, All Saints’ green

Huby, Richard, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Hudbud, Stephen, auctioneer and valuer, St. Benedict’s street

Hudson, George, boot and shoe maker, West Pottergate

Huggins, Charles, the Barge, King street

Huggins, John, smith in general, Rising Sun lane

Huggins, Maria, upholsteress, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Hughes, William, the Bath House, St. Martin’s at Oak

Hull, Amos, shopkeeper, Peacock street

Hull, William, baker, St. Mary’s street

Hulme, John Hughes, dentist, druggist &c., St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Humphrey, William, shopkeeper, Pump street

Hunt, George, clerk, Post-office, Dereham road

Hunt, George, shopkeeper, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Hunt, James, confectioner, St. Stephen’s street

Hunt, John, shopkeeper, Quay side

Hunt, John Edwin, Cricketers’ Arms, Red Lion street

Hunt, John, confectioner, St. Benedict’s str.

p. 46Hunter, William, cabinet maker, Dove street

Hurn, Miss Elizabeth, milliner, Bank street

Hurn, George, rope manufacturer; h Newmarket road

Hurn and Co., hemp merchants, Dove street

Hurrell, William, fishmonger, Magdalen street

Huson, M. and Company, milliners and silk mercers, London street

Huson, Richard, brazier and tin-plate worker, William street

Hutchinson, Charles, physician, Surrey street

Hutton, John, tea dealer and coffee roaster, corner of Briggs’ street

Hyams, Emanuel, Birmingham warehouseman, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Ibrook, Richmond, clerk, Newmarket road

Ineson, Joseph, rag merchant, St. Andrew’s; h Distillery street

Isaac, Edward, baker, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Isaac, Edward, baker, Upper Regent street, Union place

Isaacs, John, slipper manufacturer, Gildengate street

Iverson, Edward, baker, West Pottergate

Ives, John, Baker’s Arms, Ber street

Ives, Elizabeth, White Lion, Upper King street

Ives, Charles, butcher, Magdalen street

Ives, George, auctioneer, appraiser, and estate agent, Upper King street

Jackson, Edward, butcher, Bridewell alley

Jackson, James, teacher of music, Cowgate street

Jackson, Joseph, draper, All Saints’ green

Jackson, William, musician, Prince’s street

Jackson, William, senr., musician, Fishgate street

James, Benjamin, jeweller, St. Andrew’s Broad street

James, Grace, milliner and dressmaker, Rose lane

James, Henry, chemist, St. Martin’s at Oak

James, John, shopkeeper, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Jarrold and Sons, publishers, wholesale booksellers, manufacturing and fancy stationers, bookbinders, and steam printers, depository of the Religions Tract Society, London street and Exchange street; and 47, St. Paul’s Churchyard, London

Jarrold, Samuel, printer and publisher; h Bracondale

Jarrold, Thomas, printer and publisher; h Thorpe hamlet

Jarrold, William Pightling, printer and publisher; h Newmarket road

Jarvis, Henry, manager to the goods department E. C. railway station, Rose lane

Jarvis, Joseph, shopkeeper, Fishgate street

Jarvis, Thomas W., clerk at Vinegar Office, Langham place, Dereham road

Jarvis, William, Drovers’ inn, Trowse Millgate

Jarvis, William, schoolmaster, Trafalgar place, New Lakenham

Jay, Charles, fishmonger, Fish market; h Unthank’s road

Jay, George, yarn factor, Albion Mills, King street

Jay, Joshua, dyer, Bethel street

Jay, John, lead, glass, oil, and color merchant, St. Andrew’s hill

Jay, Jonathan, shoemaker, Valentine street

Jay and Pilgrim, solicitors, Toll’s court, Briggs’ street

Jeary, Robert, stationer, bookseller and printer, Bridewell alley; h Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Jeckells, George, grocer and cooper, Ber street gates

Jecks, Charles William, timber and slate merchant, St. Faith’s lane

Jeffries, George, gun and pistol maker, Golden Ball street

Jeffries, Walter L., clothier, Davey place; h William street, Heigham

Jeffries, William, shopkeeper, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Jermy, Jeremiah, fruiterer, Pottergate street

Jessup, Benjamin, solicitor, Bridewell alley

Jessup, William, Lion and Castle, St. John’s Timberhill

Johnson, Ambrose, chemist, Lower Westwick street

Johnson, Jacob, woollen draper, London str.

Johnson, Dr. James, Theatre street

Johnson, James, shoe manufacturer, St. Giles’ hill

Johnson, John Godwin, Esq., surgeon, St. Giles’ street

Johnson, Robert, universal register office for servants, house and land agent, Gun lane

Johnson, Susanna, confectioner, Rampant Horse street

Jolly, Charles Wilson, coach builder and harness manufacturer, St. Stephen’s gates; h Newmarket road

Jolly, John, King’s Arms, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth, linen draper, hosier, &c., Briggs’ street

Jones, James, butcher, Grove place, New Lakenham

Jones, Peter, plumber, St. Margaret’s alley

Jordan, John, boot and shoe maker, St. Miles’ bridge

p. 47Keddington, Frederick, butcher, Ber street

Kahler, John Henry, baker, Rose lane

Keith, Thomas Moore, solicitor, Bracondale

Kemp, Daniel R., merchant’s clerk, William street

Kemp, George Pank, hairdresser, Exchange street

Kemp, Henry, subscription reading rooms and billiard rooms, Market place

Kemp, James, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Kemp, James, baker, Union place

Kemp, James Samuel, the Sun, St. Mary’s street

Kemp, Mrs. Mary, tea dealer, Golden Dog lane

Kemp, Thomas, saddler and harness maker, Castle hill

Kemp, William, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Pitt street

Kemp, William, the Tuns inn, Rising Sun lane

Kempster, Mrs., seminary for young ladies, Tabernacle-house, Norwich

Kent, Alfred, dealer, Upper Goat lane

Kent, Henry, hosier and shirt maker, London street

Kent, Robert, boot and shoe maker, White Lion street

Kent, Thomas, Light Horseman, Barrack street

Kenyon, John, saw and file manufacturer, Lower Goat lane

Kerridge, John, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Kerr, John, plumber and glazier, Lower Goat lane

Kerr, Stephen John, printer and binder, Distillery street

Kerridge, John, the Reindeer, St. Benedict’s road

Kerrison, James, watchmaker, Magdalen street

Kerrison and Preston, solicitors, Bank street

Kerry, George Caythorpe, accountant, Elm hill

Kett, George, butcher, Ber street

Kett, George, draper, Lame Dog road

Kett, George, dealer in live stock, St. Catherine’s plain

Kett, George William, the Swan, Magdalen street

Kett, Henry, coach and gig builder, St. Giles’ street

Kett, William, draper, London and Exchange streets

Kew, Flora and Charlotte, hair dressers and perfumers, White Lion street

Kew, Louisa, milliner and dressmaker, St. Giles’ street

Key, George, meat shop, St. Martin’s at Oak

Keyzor, Michael, optician, Market-place

Kiddell, Joshua, manufacturer, Calvert street

Kilburn, William, clothes shop, St. Benedict’s street

Kilburn, William, the William Tell, Castle hill

Killington, Samuel Foysder, plane maker, Pottergate street

Kinnebrooke, David, pianoforte manufacturer, St. Catherine’s terrace

King, Alfred, dyer, Tinkler’s lane

King, Edward, butcher, St. Catherine’s plain

King, George, grocer, West Pottergate

King, George, White Lion, Prince’s street

King, J. and J., glass, lead, and colour merchants, Prince’s street

King, Russell, wool-sorter, Ber street

King, Samuel, Theatre tavern, Bethel street

King, D. and Son, plumbers, glaziers, and painters, Prince’s street

King, Tyrrell, umbrella maker, St. Saviour’s lane

King, William Howes, tailor, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Kingdom, Priscilla, the Wine Vaults, Queen street, Crook’s place

Kirkham and Howard, upholsterers, Redwell street

Kitton, Frederic, tobacconist, Haymarket

Kitton, George, grocer, tea dealer, and tallow chandler, corner of the Haymarket

Kitton, John, seed crusher and oil merchant Rose lane; h the Close

Kitton, Robert, architect and surveyor, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ road; h Ber street

Klein, Herr Herman, professor of languages, Prince’s street

Knevett, Henry, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Knevett, Jonathan, linen draper, St. Benedict’s street

Knight, Charlotte, pawnbroker, Ber street

Knights and Ballard, pawnbrokers, All Saints’ green

Knights, Susanna, Boarded-house inn, Castle meadow

Knights, Thomas, furrier, Castle meadow

Knights, Thomas, bird preserver, Upper King street

Knights, James, pawnbroker, St. Benedict’s street

Lacey, William, White Horse inn, bricklayer and plasterer, Castle hill

Lacey, John, bricklayer and plasterer, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Lacey, William Randall, carpenter, builder, and general contractor, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Lacey, Esau, shopkeeper, Norfolk street, Union place

p. 48Lacey, George Plummer, builder, Surrey road

Lacey, James Wilkin, builder, Surrey street

Lacey, John Greenwood, plasterer, Ber street

Ladbrooke, John Barney, artist, Bridge street

Lake, James, outfitter, Red Lion street

Lake, John, private lodging-house, Grove road, New Lakenham

Lake, Samuel, baker and confectioner, St. George’s plain

Lake, William, classical and boarding academy, St. Benedict’s road

Lake, William, tea, coffee, and foreign fruit warehouse, and sole agent in Norfolk to Brecknell, Turner, and Sons, wax and tallow chandlers to her Majesty, Surrey corner, St. Stephen’s street

Lamb, Benjamin Charles, coal merchant, Magdalen street

Lamb, Edward, bookseller, Elm hill

Lamb, James, butcher, Upper market

Lamb, Miss E., milliner and dressmaker, Grapes hill

Lamb, Robert, butcher, Palace street

Lamb, William, pork butcher, Grapes hill

Lambert, Francis, tea, coffee, and spice warehouse, Lower Goat lane

Lambert, Mary, ladies’ boarding school, Queen street

Lammas, Brothers and Co., wholesale tea dealers, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Land, Henry, baker, Colegate street

Land, Thomas, agent to the Hill Life Assurance, King street

Land, William, church and house bell hanger and gas fitter, Hay hill

Lane, Humphrey, sugar boiler, King street

Lane, Isaac, provision merchant and cheese factor, Stamp-office yard, Saint Andrew’s Broad street

Lane, James, carpenter, New Catton

Lane, Joseph, worsted seller, All Saints’ green

Lantenant, Camille, professor of the French language, Prince’s street

Lantenant, Madame, ladies’ boarding school, Prince’s street

Large, John, tallow chandler, Whitefriars’ street

Larke, Frederick William, boot and shoe manufacturer, St. John’s Timberhill

Larke, Hannah Susanna boarding school, Cow hill

Larkman, Robert, the Saw Mills, St. Benedict’s

Larkman, William, baker, King street

Larkman, William, green grocer, St. Augustine’s street

Larkman, William, tailor and cap manufacturer, Gildengate street

Lasker, Mary Ann, Goldbeaters’ arms, Bethel street

Lavitt, Charles, ironmonger, Botolph street

Lawcons, Virtue, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Lawn, William, Adam and Eve, St. Benedict’s street

Lawrence, William, upholsterer, Ten Bell lane

Lawrence, Thomas, meat shop, St. Faith’s lane

Laws, James, publican, Wine tavern, Upper St. Giles’ street

Laws, John, baker, St. Michael’s at Thorn lane

Laws, John, the Hospital School-boy, Whitefriars’ street

Laws, Lubbock, Lord Howe, St. Benedict’s street

Laws, Robert, bonnet blocker, Westlegate street

Laws, Robert, Swiss Cottage tavern, St. Benedict’s road

Lawton, William, Curriers’ Arms, Union street, Union place

Lay, George, chemist and druggist, Wellington street, Union place

Leamon, William, George inn, St. Stephen’s street

Leath, Thomas, house and estate agent, William street

Leaton, Mary Ann, Rose tavern, St. Stephen’s street

Lee, George, commercial dining rooms, Market-place

Lee, William, boot and shoe-maker, All Saints’ street

Leech, George, whitesmith and bell-hanger, Upper Goat lane; h. West Pottergate

Leech, James, baker, Little Queen street, Crook’s place

Leech, Jane, stay maker, St. George’s plain

Leech, John, boot and shoe manufactory, Somerset tavern, Queen street, Crook’s place

Leech, Philip, builder, St. Martin’s lane

Leeds, Edward and Charles, whip makers, All Saints’ green

Leeds, Sarah, shopkeeper, Tinkler’s lane

Leeson, Richard Croft, cabinet maker, and upholsterer, St. Giles’ street

Leest, Mrs. Harriet, furrier, William street

Leggatt, Daniel, shopkeeper, Thorpe hamlet

Leggatt, John, whitesmith, Scoles’ green

Leggatt, Sarah, bonnet maker, Crescent place

Legood, James, Bricklayers’ Arms, Castle hill

Leist, James, dealer in Birmingham and Sheffield ware, Wensum street

Le Maitre, H., wine cooper, St. Stephen’s

p. 49Leman, Robert, managing clerk to the Norwich Union Fire Office, Surrey street; h. Newmarket road

Leman, Thomas, baker, All Saints’ street

Lemmon, James, printer, bookbinder, and ruler, Gun lane

Lemon, William, horse-breaker, George inn, St. Stephen’s street

Liffen, John Palmer, bookbinder, Gildengate street

Lincoln, James, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Lincoln, James, shoe manufactory, Ten Bell lane

Lincoln, John, pipe and lucifer manufacturer, Pump street

Lincolne, Miss, ladies’ academy, Surrey street

Lincolne, Morris, hairdresser, New Lakenham

Linford, Robert, watch and clock maker, Red Lion street

Ling, Abraham, Shirehall tavern, Castle hill

Ling, George, builder, All Saints’ green

Ling, Harriet Elizabeth, ladies’ academy, Bethel street

Ling, Henry, schoolmaster, Unthank’s road

Ling, William Samuel, tailor and robe maker, Castle meadow

Lingwood, Mr., superintendent of the Boys’ Home, St. Faith’s lane

Lenny, Samuel, merchant, Pottergate street

Linsey, Robert, shopkeeper, Church street

Linstead, Robert, shopkeeper, St. George’s plain

Lister, Son, and Co., manufacturing cutlers and surgical instrument makers, Haymarket

Littell, Charles, boot manufactory, Upper market

Littell, Henry, commercial traveller, St. Stephen’s road

Littleboy, George, solicitor and merchant, Lower close

Littleboy, John, clerk at Gurneys’ bank St. Benedict’s road

Littlewood, Ephraim, the Ship, King street

Livingstone, Thomas, shopkeeper, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Livock, Joseph, whitesmith, Elm hill

Livock, Samuel, shopkeeper, Brazen Door’s road

Livock, William Thomas, tailor, draper, and hatter, London street

Lloyd, J. P., boot and shoe manufacturer, Davey place

Lloyd, Richard, clerk to the Eastern Counties’ Coal Company, William street

Lloyd, Thomas, general mason, Rose lane; h. Bloomsbury place

Loades, Benjamin, land surveyor, Pottergate street

Lock, Charles, confectioner, Exchange street

Lock, Elizabeth, Rainbow tavern, Holl’s lane

Lock, Henry, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen’s street

Lock, Henry, civil engineer, St. Catherine’s plain

Lofty, James, hairdresser, St. George’s plain

Lomas, Eliza, milliner, Lower Goat lane

Lomas, William, saw maker, St. Gregory’s church alley

Lonergon, Francis, the Dove, St. James’ street

Long, Edward Slingsby Druery, solicitor, Willow lane

Long, Joseph Page, baker, St. James’ street

Long, Thomas, commercial traveller, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Loombe, Thomas, boot and shoe manufacturer, St. John’s Timberhill

Lord, James, Eagle tavern, Lower Westwick street

Lord, John, wool warehouse, Fishgate street

Louth, Robert, Rampant Horse commercial and family hotel, and wine and spirit merchant, Rampant Horse street

Love, Charles Teasdale, plumber, glazier, and painter, Palace street

Love, Ebenezer, grocer and tea dealer, White friars’ street

Love, Henry James, clerk to the Unity Fire Office, Keyzor’s terrace, Unthank’s road

Love, William, Queen Caroline, Cowgate street

Lovett, Henry, general dealer and fancy repository, St. Stephen’s street

Lovett and Kidd, fancy repository, Bank street

Lovick and Company, glass and china dealers, Bridewell alley

Lovick and Johnson, woollen drapers and hosiers, London street

Lovick, Thomas, Bridge tavern, Wensum street

Lowe, Alfred, tea dealer and baker, Holl’s lane

Lowe, Francis, baker, Ber street

Lowe, Joseph, confectioner, Gildengate street

Lowne, James, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Lucas Brothers, builders, &c., St. Giles’ street

Lucas, William, plasterer, Chapman’s yard, St. Giles’ street

Ludlow, Henry, banker’s clerk, Grove road, New Lakenham

Lulham Brothers, shoe manufacturers, Surrey street

p. 50Lusher, Mrs. Emily, private lodging house, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Mace, Gilbert, match manufactory, Barrack street

Mace, Mary Ann, the Grapes, Church street, St. Miles’

Mackie, Arthur, nursery, Ipswich road

Mackie and Stewart, nursery and seedsmen, Exchange street

Mackley, George William, working jeweller, Westlegate street

Mackley, John, the Cow, Barrack street

Mackley, John Edward, tailor, Westlegate street

Mackley, Richard, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Mackley, Thomas, Black Boys, Colegate str.

Mackney, Charles, Exmouth tavern, St. Stephen’s street

Madders, Anthony, accountant, Thorpe hamlet

Madge, Giles, tunist, Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Madge, Robert A., teacher of music, Pitt street, St. Mary’s

Madge, Harriet, milliner and dressmaker, Pitt street, St. Mary’s

Mallett, Charles, tailor and draper, London street; h. Unthank’s road

Mallett, Francis and Charles, woollen drapers, tailors, and hatters, London street

Mallett, Frederick, general shop, St. James’ street

Mallett, Joseph Henry, wool merchant, Upper King street

Maltman, Miss Jemima, dressmaker, St. Benedict’s road

Malvon, Jeremiah, sugar boiler, St. James’ street

Mann, Charles Clabburn, tailor, Theatre street

Mann, George, the Golden Lion, King street gates

Mann, Joseph, grocer and tea dealer, St. Benedict’s road

Mann, Samuel, boot and shoe manufacturer, Magdalen street

Mann, Thomas, linen draper, St. Giles’ road

Mann, Matthew, Woolpack, St. Martin’s at Oak

Manning, George, hardware dealer, Westlegate street

Manthorpe, Thomas, butcher, King street

Mare, Stephen, builder, Lady’s lane

Marsack, Blackall, surgeon, St. Giles’ street

Marshall, Joseph, tailor and trouser maker, Rampant Horse street

Marshall, Peter, clothier, Ber street

Marshall, Robert, general shop, Lower Westwick street

Marrison, John, butcher, St. James’ street

Marrison, Robert, gun and pistol maker and engraver, Orford street

Marshall, Joseph, Queen Adelaide, Pitt street

Marshall, Robert, confectioner, Magdalen street

Marston, Richard, confectioner, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Martin, John, George the Fourth, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Martin, Mrs. Rebecca, pill-box maker, West Pottergate street

Martin, Robert, sheriff’s officer, Hay hill

Martin and Son, boot and shoe makers, St. Gregory’s church alley

Martin, Thomas Lillystone, umbrella and parasol manufacturer, Upper London street

Mason, Henry John, auctioneer, Duke’s Palace road

Mason, Henry, hairdresser, Ber street

Mason, John, accountant, Distillery street

Mason, John Leeds, Sir John Barleycorn, Orford hill

Mason, Robert, tailor, West Wymer street

Mason, Samuel, basket maker, Ber street

Mason, William, White Horse inn, Magdalen street

Master, Alfred, surgeon, Bethel street

Massingham, Arthur, clerk, Grove road, New Lakenham

Massingham, Henry, clerk, St. Catherine’s plain

Massingham, Robert, baker and confectioner, Bethel street

Matchett and Stevenson, printers and publishers of the Norfolk Chronicle, Market place

Matthews, Joseph, the Mischief tavern, St. Paul’s back lane

Matthews and Son, practical botanists, St. Benedict’s road

Matthews, William, Cupid and Bow, Palace plain

May, James, boot and shoe maker, Upper St. Giles’ street

May, William, fish dealer, Cowgate street

May, William, the King of Prussia, Ipswich road

Mayfield, James, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Mayhew, George, grocer and broker, Heigham road

Mayhew, James, livery stable keeper, Chapel field and St. Giles’ street

Main, Susan, stay maker, Briggs’ street

Mays, George, solicitor, Grove road, New Lakenham

Meachen, George, carpenter, St. Benedict’s road

Meachen, Stephen, builder, William street

p. 51Meadows, Cornelius, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, wholesale and retail, Magdalen street

Meadows, George, earthenware dealer, Westlegate street

Meadows, Jonathan, shopkeeper, St. Mary’s street

Meadows, Jonathan, coach builder, St. George’s bridge street

Meadows, Miss Susanna, milliner, Prince’s street

Meal, Frederick, broker, Tombland

Mealing, Samuel William; and Mills, Robert, maltsters and merchants, King street

Mealing, Samuel Woodcock, corn merchant, office, King street; h. Ipswich road

Mear, William, architect and surveyor, Lower close

Meen, Henry Percy, butcher, St. Stephen’s street

Mendham, Wace Lockett, town clerk, solicitor; office, St. Andrew’s, h Unthank’s road

Merry, Robert, boot and shoemaker, King street

Metcalf, Francis, dyer, &c., Colegate street

Metcalf, Simon Watling, clothes dealer, St. Benedict’s street

Mc‘Michael, Daniel, tea dealer, Valentine street

Mickleburgh, John Henry, clothier, St. Margaret’s plain

Middleton and Answorth, manufacturers, Calvert street

Middleton, Edward, hairdresser, &c., St. Giles’ street

Middleton, George, shawl manufacturer and farmer, Ipswich road

Middleton, James, clerk, New road, Town close

Middleton, James, shopkeeper, Calvert street

Middleton, John, boot and shoe maker, St. Augustine’s street

Middleton, Jeremiah, Crown, Bridge street

Middleton, John, tobacco manufacturer, Trafalgar place, Dereham road

Middleton, John, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Middleton, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, West Wymer street

Miles, Charles, chemist and druggist, St. Stephen’s street

Miles, Stephen, manufacturer, Gildengate street

Miles, Susan, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Millard, Charles William, surveyor, Prince’s street

Millard and Son, land surveyors, Prince’s street

Miller, Alfred, baker, Chapel field road

Miller, Amelia, tobacconist and importer of cigars, London street

Miller, George Robert, cabinet and picture-frame maker, St. Andrew’s hill

Miller, George, butcher and grocer, City road

Miller, Son, and Bugg, solicitors, Surrey street

Miller, Henry, solicitor; offices, Surrey str., h Town Close lodge, Newmarket road

Miller, Henry B., solicitor; h Ipswich road

Miller, John, the Factory, Cowgate street

Miller, John, carpenter, Gildengate street

Miller, Wallace Shade, tobacconist and cigar importer, London street, h. Grove road, New Lakenham

Miller, William, tailor, Grapes hill

Mills, Miss Ann, boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Unthank’s road

Mills, Frederic Anthony, surgeon; surgery, All Saints’ green, h. Newmarket road

Mills, Jacob, accountant, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Mills, James, brick, tile, pipe, and pottery works, Castle meadow

Mills, Jeremiah, Pheasant Cock, St. Miles’ street

Mills, John, Corn Exchange tavern, Bridge street

Mills, John, Queen’s Arms, Magdalen street

Mills, Mary Ann, the Bell, Lower Goat lane

Mills, William, glover and leather seller, Golden Ball street

Milnes, Charles, Golden Can, Gildengate street

Minns, David, butcher, St. Benedict’s

Minns, Edward, carpenter and builder, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Minns and Foyson, builders, Castle meadow

Minns, Isaac, shopkeeper, King street, Crook’s place

Minns, Robert, the Jolly Hatters, Cowgate street

Minns, Samuel William, tailor, Golden Dog lane

Minns, Susanna, Eagle tavern, St. Gregory’s church alley

Minns, William, boot maker, Rising Sun lane

Minns, George William, builder; h Tombland

Mingay, George, fancy repository and London boot and shoe warehouse, Haymarket

Mingay, Francis, French polisher, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Mitchell, Frederick G., grocer, &c., Palace street, Tombland

Mitchell, John, travelling draper, Dereham road terrace

Moll, George, livery stableman, Black Horse yard, St. Giles’ street

p. 52Moll, Richard, cabinet maker, St. John’s Maddermarket

Moll, Robert, Black Horse inn, St. Giles’ street

Moll, William, assistant draper, Heigham road

Monney, James, grocer, Bethel street

Monsey, James, cooper, St. Michael’s at Thorn lane

Monsey, Robert, green grocer, St. Benedict’s street

Monteith, George Lovell, commission agent, Unthank’s road

Moon, Robert, boot and shoe maker, New Catton

Moore, Charles, umbrella maker, St. Martin’s at Oak

Moore and Company, wholesale haberdashers, hosiers, and lacemen, Castle street

Moore, Eleanor, Two-necked Swan, Upper market

Moore, Elizabeth, Jolly Dyers, Wensum str.

Moore, Elizabeth, the Suffolk Arms, St. Martin’s at Oak

Moore, Forster G., soda water manufacturer, St. George’s; h Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Moore, George, Brazen Doors’ tavern, Lame Dog road

Moore, Isaac, hairdresser, St. Giles’ hill

Moore, James, hairdresser, Ber street

Moore, James, tailor, St. Catherine’s terrace

Moore, John, the Globe, Rising Sun lane

Moore, John, Fair Flora, Lower Westwick street

Moore, John, Jolly Dyers, Fishgate street

Moore, John, clerk, Rose lane

Moore, Joseph, grocer and register office, Magdalen street

Moore, Norris, the New City, King street, Crook’s place

Moore, Norris, carter, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Moore, William, hairdresser, Ber street

Moore, William, builder, Trafalgar place, New Lakenham

Morgan, A. F., surgeon, St. Giles’ street

Morgan, Edward and Co., stock and share-brokers, St. Giles’ street

Morgan, J. and H., brewers and maltsters, King street

Morgan, Richard, clerk, Newmarket road

Morgan, William Robert, pawnbroker, St. Saviour’s lane and St. Paul’s street

Morris, George, Red Lion, Magdalen street

Morris, John, slate, cement, glazed stoneware, and pipe merchant, King street

Morrison, Peter Archibald, wine and spirit merchant Gaol hill, Market-place

Morter, Robert grocer and tea dealer, Rupert street, Union place

Mortimer, Mary and H. E., milliners and dressmakers, Willow lane

Mortimer, Thomas, commercial traveller, St. Catherine’s plain

Mounsear, William, upholsterer, Pottergate street

Mountain, John, sack weaver, Mill lane, New Catton

Mousir, Robert, bookseller, St. Giles’ street

Mower, Edward, tailor, Fox buildings, Herring’s row

Moy, George, fishmonger, St. Benedict’s str.

Moy, James, the Tiger, Fishgate street

Mullinger, Samuel, Rose commercial inn, St. Augustine’s street

Munday, Thomas, grocer, Mill lane, New Catton

Munford, George, the Royal Oak, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Murnane, John, Bell commercial and family hotel, and wine and spirit merchant, Orford hill and Cattle market

Murry, James, tailor, Mariner’s lane

Murray, Joseph, carpenter and joiner, New Lakenham

Murrell, Gibbs Howes, brick merchant, Duke’s palace

Murrell, James, earthenware dealer, Chapel field road

Murrell, William, Lord Nelson inn, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Murrell, William, iron founder, Crook’s place; h St. Stephen’s square

Muskett, Charles, printer, bookseller, bookbinder, and stationer, Haymarket

Muskett, James, grocer and tea dealer, St. Benedict’s road

Murton, William, brazier, St. Miles’ street

Myhill, Benjamin, baker, St. Martin’s at Palace

Nash, R. S., Norfolk Railway house, Foundry bridge

Nash, Joseph, provision dealer and purveyor, Post-office street

Nash, William Spooner, wholesale stationer, horse-hair and rag merchant, Lower Westwick street

Neale, James Frederick, grocer and tea dealer, St. Andrew’s hall plain

Neep, William Edward, surgeon dentist, Post-office street

Neeve, Frederick, grocer, St. Stephen’s str.

Neve, Charles James, cabinet maker, King street gates

Nelson, Thomas, carpenter, Barrack street

Nelson, William, academy, William street

Newham, George, carpenter, Front row, New Lakenham

Newbegin, J. and E., tobacco, snuff, and cigar manufacturer, Bridewell alley and Market place

p. 53Newham, John, carpenter and joiner, New Lakenham

Newby, James, Duke of Wellington, Pottergate street

Newman, Henry, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Newman, Henry Richard, baker, Ber street

Newman, John, farmer and gardener, Old Lakenham

Newman, Samuel, bookseller, stationer, and fancy repository, St. Giles’ street

Newman, Sarah, Three Pigeons, Fishgate street

Newson and Company, wholesale grocers, Magdalen street

Newson, Samuel, baker, Trowse Millgate

Newton, William, fruiterer, Swan lane

Newstead, William, draper, &c., Lower Goat lane

Newton, William, land agent, Tombland

Nichols, Elizabeth, clothier, Upper Goat lane

Nichols, John, bricklayer and plasterer, Golden Ball street

Nichols, John, the Old Friends, Ber street

Nichols, Richard, shopkeeper, City road

Nichols, William Peter, surgeon, Surrey street

Nichols, William, Curriers’ Arms, Pottergate street

Nicholson, John, surveyor of taxes; office, St. Giles’ street; h Priest’s buildings, St. Stephen’s

Nickalls, John, broker, St. Augustine’s street

Nightingale, Robert Wilson, grocer and tea dealer, St. Stephen’s gates

Ninham, Henry, engraver, Chapel field

Nixon, John Hudson, solicitor, Bracondale

Nobbs, Edward, coach plater, King street

Nobbs, Edward, Brewers’ Arms, St. Miles’ street

Nobbs, Henry, Duke of York, Lower Westwick street

Nobbs, John, the Little Tuns, Rising Sun road

Noble, Mark, organ builder, Pottergate street

Nockall, Robert, clerk, Golden Dog lane

Norgate, B. H., F.R.S., senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital and Eye Infirmary, Bank street

Norgate and Co., importers of wines and spirits, London porter and Burton ale agents, St. Stephen’s street

Norman, Robert, plumber and glazier, York place, Chapel field road

Norman, Benjamin, printer and bookbinder, Haymarket

Norris, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Charing cross; h Newmarket road

Norton, Francis James, tailor, draper, hatter, and trouser maker, Back of the Inns

Norton, George, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen’s street

Norton, Henry, Rampant Horse, Fishgate street

Norton, Henry, carpenter and builder, John street, Union place

Norton, John and Co., corn, malt, hop, and seed merchant, Guildhall corner, Market place

Norton, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, Fye bridge

Norton, Robert, plumber and glazier, Magdalen street

Notley, William, carpenter and joiner, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Nunn, John, hairdresser, St. Augustine’s street

Nursey, Claude L., artist, Thorpe hamlet

Oakley, Robert, shoeing smith, Palace street

Ollett, M. A., builder and carver, Lower close

Olley, Stephen Benjamin, brazier, St. Benedict’s street

Onley, Daniel, Red Lion, earthenware dealer, Brazen Doors road

Orams, Edward, ironmonger, Langham place, Dereham road

Orfeur, John, timber merchant, Fishgate street

Orford, William, the Brickmakers’ Arms, Drazen Doors road

Orris, Frederick, surgeon and apothecary, Magdalen street

Orris, George, chemist and druggist, St. James’ street

Osborne, Samuel, clerk, St. Benedict’s road

Osborn, Charles, Anchor Tavern, Ten Bell lane

Osborn, John, tailor, &c., Little London street

Osborne, Edward, coal merchant, Quay side

Osborne, Harriet, Queen Caroline, St. Martin’s at Oak

Ostler, Charles, the Prince of Wales, Pump street

Ostler, James, paper hanger, Suffolk street, Union place

Otty, Philip, printer and bookbinder, Orford hill

Oury and Co., British and foreign library, booksellers, stationers, and music-sellers, London street

Owen, Frederick, pawnbroker, Magdalen street

Owen, Thomas, pawnbroker, Colegate street

Owles, William, shopkeeper, Westlegate street

Oxley, Richard, hosier and glover, London street

p. 54Page, Charlotte, grocer, Bridge street

Page, Caroline, Post-office and toy shop, St. Catherine’s plain

Page, Martin Fountain, ironmonger, h Point House, Ipswich road

Page, George, currier, St. Clement’s; h Unthank’s road

Page, James, Free Trade tavern, Rose lane

Page, Jeremiah, bricklayer and plasterer, Rising Sun road

Page, Joseph, tailor, shirt maker, hosier, and outfitter, Briggs’ street

Page, Mary, bread and biscuit baker, St. John’s Maddermarket

Page, Samuel, builder, West Pottergate

Page, Samuel Daynes, brush manufactory, Haymarket

Page and Son, curriers, Magdalen street

Pallant, Robert, Ship inn, St. Miles’ Thorn lane

Palmer, John and William, black and whitesmiths, and mill bill maker, St. Augustine’s street

Palmer, Louisa, straw bonnet maker and blocker, West Pottergate street

Palmer, Nathaniel, barrister-at-law, Thorpe

Palmer, Robert, the Angel, St. Martin’s at Oak

Palmer, Robert, whitesmith, St. Saviour’s lane

Palmer, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Palmer, Thomas Hitchin, clerk of County Court, Redwell street

Palmer, Thomas, shopkeeper, Crook’s place

Palmer, William, clerk to Harvey’s Bank; h Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Palmer, William, last maker, St. John’s Timberhill

Pank, Abraham, gas fitter and bell hanger, Pottergate street

Paraman, Christiana, milliner, St. Giles’ street

Parfitt, Edward, gardener and florist, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Park, Joseph, mohair spinner, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Parker, Clare, bricklayer and plasterer, St. Martin’s at Oak

Parker, Clare, baker, St. Martin’s at Oak

Parker, James, haberdasher, St. Catherine’s plain

Parker, Joshua, fishmonger, Fishmarket

Parker, Miss M., milliner, Bethel street

Parker, Oliver, tailor, Thorpe hamlet

Parker, Thomas, fishmonger, game dealer, and artificial manure manufacturer, St. Stephen’s street

Parker, Thomas, eating house, Rose lane

Parlour, Henry Edward, ironmonger, London street

Parnell, Richard, bricklayer and plasterer, Lady’s lane

Parr, James, fruiterer, King street

Parr, John, bread and biscuit baker, St. Peter’s steps, Market-place

Parr, William M., engineer, and manager to Steam Power Company, William street

Parsley, John Robert, Duke of Wellington, Union place

Parsley, Miss M., milliner and dressmaker, Grapes hill

Parsons, Walter Uriah, clerk to the Eastern Counties’ Railway, Thorpe hamlet

Parson, William, manager of the Waterworks, Bracondale

Partridge, John, boot and shoe manufacturer, Scott’s yard, Ber street

Pashley, Anna, milliner and dressmaker, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Paston, William, Paul Pry, St. Giles’ hill

Patrick, Francis, shopkeeper, All Saints’ green

Patrick, James F., and Ellis, Thomas, saw mills, St. Miles’

Patteson, James, boot and shoe maker, St. Benedict’s street

Patteson, Henry Staniforth, maltster, St. Martin’s at Oak; h Thorpe

Paul, Greenwood, clothier, Lower Westwick street

Paul, Richard, ham and beef shop, Bridewell alley

Payne, John, All Saints’ tavern, All Saints’ green

Payne, Simon, Bee hive, Cowgate street

Payne, Sturley, surgeon, Duke street

Pearce, Henry, Central Homœopathic Pharmacy for the Eastern Counties, Davey place

Pearce, Philip, whitening maker and lime burner, Rising Sun road

Pearce, William, New Inn Brewery, marine store dealer, St. Giles’ hill

Pearson, Edward, plasterer, modeller, and Scagliola manufacturer, Bank street

Pearson, Edward Crisp, coachmaker, Stamp-office yard, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Pearson, James, cutler and surgical instrument maker, St. Andrew’s hill

Pearson, Robert, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Pease, Esther, milliner, Pottergate street

Peel, Edward, dyer, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Pegg, George, Norwich Arms, Ber street

Peggs, James Orissa, chemist and druggist, oil and colourman, agent to the Medical Invalid and General Life Assurance Society, Golden Ball street

Pegg, Thomas, baker, Bakers’ Arms, New Catton

Penton, James, broker, Rising Sun road

p. 55Penton, James, broker, Magdalen street

Perfect, Joseph, green grocer, Lower Westwick street

Perowne, Robert, tailor, &c., St. Benedict’s road

Pert, James, green grocer, Magdalen street

Petchell, William, Crown inn, St. Benedict’s street

Phillips, Miss Ann, ladies’ boarding school, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Phillips, Francis, Mancroft school, Hay hill

Phillips, Elizabeth, seminary for young gentlemen, Chatham place, St. Stephen’s gates

Phillips, Francis, fishmonger, St. Catherine’s plain

Phillips, John, Eagle and Child Brewery, Golden Ball street

Phillips, John, woollen draper and hatter, Orford hill

Phillips, Robert, wool merchant, Newmarket road

Phillips, Samuel Michael, watchmaker, Chapel field road

Phillips, William, Nelson inn, St. John’s Timberhill

Philo, Joseph, saddler and harness maker, Upper London street

Pickford and Company, general carriers, Duke’s Palace road

Pierson, W. P., brewer, St. Lawrence

Pigg, Frederic, timber merchant, Bridge street, St. George’s

Pigg, Greenwood, and Co., general furnishing and shop-fitting cabinet-makers and upholsterers, carvers and gilders, London street

Pigg, Henry, bookseller, printer, stationer, and bookbinder; agent to the Albion Life Assurance Company, London street; h Lakenham street

Pigg, Horace Samuel, woollen draper, Haymarket; h Grove road, New Lakenham

Pigg, James, the Cellar House, Barrack street

Pigg, James William, classical and mathematical teacher, Grove cottage, Thorpe hamlet

Pigg, John, commercial traveller, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Pigg, Samuel and Sons, woollen drapers and warehousemen, Haymarket

Piggin and Dyball, watch and clock makers, opticians and jewellers, Post Office street

Piggot, John Henry, linen draper, St. Stephen’s street

Pigot, Isabella, draper, Bridge street

Pike, William, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Pilgrim, John, solicitor, Chanel field

Pilgrim, John, butcher, St. Martin’s at Oak

Pilgrim, Thomas, clothier, St. James’ street

Pilgrim, William, cabinet maker, Pottergate street

Pinching, William, baker and confectioner, Bethel street

Pinching, William, baker, Queen street, Crook’s place

Pinson, Henry, ironmonger, smith, bell-hanger, &c., Bank plain

Piper, John Daniel, ironmonger, Earlham terrace, St. Giles’ road

Piper and Pigg, general ironmongers, London street

Piper, William, draper, hosier, and haberdasher, London street

Pitcher, Robert, butcher, New Catton

Pitcher, Thomas, shopkeeper, Rose lane

Pitt, John Ballard, surgeon, St. Stephen’s street

Pitts, Robert Christopher, chemist and druggist, St. Giles’ street; h Thorpe

Plane, Richard, brewery, Upper Goat lane

Plane, Richard, excise coffee-house, Lower Goat lane

Platten, John, Cat and Fiddle, Magdalen street

Platten, Peter, livery stables, Surrey Mews

Playford, Arminger, Two Quarts inn, Bridge street

Playford, John Joseph, shopkeeper, Bishopgate street

Playford, William, Rising Sun, Rising Sun lane

Plummer and Bloom, carpenters and builders, Bethel street

Plummer, Edward, tailor, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Plumstead, James, broker, St. Mary’s street

Plumstead, Frederic, hairdresser, and fancy repository, Magdalen street

Plumstead, William, cooper, Church street

Plumstead, Robert, hairdresser and perfumer, Wensum street

Plunkett, John, the Shuttle, St. Augustine’s street

Pond, James, boot and shoe maker, West End street

Pond, Margaret, green grocer, Ber street

Pooley, Richard, baker, Charing cross

Pooley, Robert, Jolly Farmers, Castle hill

Pooley, Samuel, cabinet maker, St. John’s Maddermarket

Pooley, William, cabinet maker, Charing cross

Porter, James William, Bowling Green hotel, Chapel field

Porter, John Spratt, tailor, Upper King street

Porter, Thomas, Key and Castle, St. Martin’s at Oak

Potter, James, crape manufacturer, Grove road, New Lakenham

p. 56Potter, Harriet, dressmaker, Prince’s street

Potter, Thomas and Co., hatters and furriers, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Powell, Edward, Bricklayer’s Arms, Union place

Powell, John, hairdresser, St. Benedict’s street

Powell, Robert, mercer and draper, Upper London street

Pratt, George, green grocer, Wellington terrace, Union place

Pratt and Hornor, land agents and surveyors, Queen Street

Pratt John, boot maker, St. Mary’s street

Pratt, John, Cross Keys, Magdalen street

Pratt, John, gardener, Lower close

Pratt, Robert, land surveyor, Queen street; h Newmarket road

Pratt, William, wholesale grocer, cheese factor, and fallow chandler, Wensum str.

Pratt, William, fishmonger, Fishmarket

Prentice, Lydia, milliner and dressmaker, Gildengate street

Prentice, Samuel, saddle and harness maker, Magdalen street

Prentice, William, chemist and druggist, Ber street

Press, Edward, solicitor, Tombland

Press, Frederick George, shopkeeper, Philadelphia

Press, William, and Breese, Philip, manufacturers, Philadelphia

Preston, Arthur, agent to the Royal Insurance Company, Bank street

Preston, Daniel, boot and shoe maker, New Catton

Price, John, Palace tavern, Tombland

Price, John, boot and shoe maker, Orford hill

Price, Joseph, shopkeeper, St. Mary’s street

Priest, George, watch and clock maker, Briggs’ street

Priest, Henry Raven, wine merchant, Pottergate street

Priest, Pilgrim and Co., wine, spirit, and porter merchant, St. Giles’ street

Priest, Richard, lace and fringe manufacturer, St. Giles’ street

Priest, Thomas, bookseller, printer, bookbinder, and stationer, Rampant Horse street

Primrose, Mary, bread and biscuit baker, corner of Pitt street

Prior, E. and A., managers of the Norfolk and Eastern Counties Coal Company; Norwich depot, Foundry Bridge station, office, Redwell street—S. S. Davis, agent

Provart, William, accountant, St. Augustine’s road

Provart, William, commercial traveller, St. Benedict’s road

Pulham, William, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak and St. Mary’s plain

Pulley, Henry, solicitor, Surrey street; h Carrow hill

Pummell, James, baker, Ten Bell lane

Purdy, Michael pill-box maker, Barrack street

Puxley, James, the Marquis of Granby, Bishopgate street

Pycroft, Nathaniel, butcher, Red Lion street

Pycroft, Thomas, butcher, St. Stephen’s street

Pye, Jabez, Queen’s Arms, Pump street

Pye, Robert, butler, New Catton

Pye, Robert, Bricklayer’s Arms, Pottergate street

Pye, William Martin, grocer, St. Augustine’s street

Pye, William, Oliver Cromwell, St. Miles’ street

Pymar, John, wool merchant, back of the Royal Hotel; h Newmarket road

Quadling, Henry, plumber, King street

Quantrill, James, shopkeeper, Queen street, Crook’s place

Quantrill, Sarah, grocer and tea dealer, Union place

Quantrill Robert, baker, St. Martin’s at Oak

Quin, James, Inland Revenue, St. Catherine’s plain

Quinton, John, bookbinder, Pottergate street

Quinton, John, librarian, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Quinton, William, the Sportsman, Barrack street

Rackham and Turner, solicitors, Lower close

Rackham, Hannah, private lodging house, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Rackham, John, Beehive, St. Benedict’s street

Rackham, Matthew, solicitor, the Closes; h Thorpe hamlet

Rackham, Matthew Robert, solicitor, agent to the Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Company, Surrey street

Rackham, Thomas Hanworth, and Cooke, Henry, solicitors, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street; hs Catton

Rackham, William, solicitor, Upper St. Giles’ street

Rackham, William Simon, draper, h Unthank’s road

Radford, William, Black Chequers, Cowgate street

Rain, Robert, Rose tavern, Palace street

Rainbird, Francis, the Nelson tavern, Upper market

p. 57Ralph, Sarah, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s street

Rand, William Fell, surgeon, Tombland

Randall, Emma, staymaker, St. Catherine’s plain

Randall, James, bootmaker, Ber street

Randall, Thomas, hairdresser, Vauxhall street, Union place

Ranking, William Harcourt, Esq., physician, St. Giles’ street

Ransome, Harriet, English and Foreign repository of fancy goods, Gentleman’s walk, Market place

Ransome, James, watchmaker, Briggs’ street,

Ransome and Sims, ironmongers, Little Orford street; G. and W. Stevens, agents

Ratcliff, William, tailor, Distillery street

Raven, Edward, Queen Ann, Church street

Ravy, William, shopkeeper, Fishgate street

Rawling, Henry, general shopkeeper, West Pottergate

Ray, John Anthony, hairdresser, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Ray, Orlando Dennis, Manager of the National Economic Hail Storm Company, Unthank’s road

Rayner, John, attorney’s clerk, St. Catherine’s plain

Read, James, builder, Prince’s street

Read, John, accountant, Hall road, New Lakenham

Read, Robert, corn merchant, Bishopgate street

Read, Samuel Gurney, coal merchant, Quay side

Read, Thomas William, merchant, King street

Read, William Dring, tea-dealer, grocer, and British wine merchant, bottom of Orford hill, White Lion street

Redgement, Kirby, butcher, Vauxhall street, Union place

Redgrave, Joseph, corn merchant, the Close

Redgrave, William Rant, druggist, Wensum street

Reeder, William, toll-gate keeper, Carrow bridge

Reeve, Robert farmer, Old Lakenham

Reeve, Sims, Esq., barrister, St. Giles’ str.

Reeve, Richard, wharfinger and general carrier, Unthank’s road

Reid, Samuel, draper, St. Andrew’s hall plain

Rein, Frederick, grocer, King street

Restieaux, Joseph, accountant, Lady’s lane

Reynolds, Edward, merchant, Unthank’s road

Reynolds, Johnson, miller and farmer, Philadelphia

Reynolds, Joshua, miller and farmer, St. Augustine’s road

Reynolds, William, nursery for fruit, &c., Hall lane, New Lakenham

Rice, James, Free Trade tavern, William street

Richardson, John, cabinet-maker, West Pottergate

Richender, Neville, tobacconist, Upper market

Riches, Edward, hairdresser, Pottergate street

Riches, Henry Charles, clothier; h Castle meadow

Riches, John, the Three Kings, St. Benedict’s street

Riches, Robert, hairdresser, St. John’s Timberhill

Riches and Skoyles, clothiers, outfitters, and hatters, Davey place

Riches, Susanna, straw bonnet maker, Upper London street

Riches, Thomas, tailor, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Riches, William Smith, the Foundry bridge, Rose lane

Rily, Francis, White-friars’ tavern, Whitefriars’ street

Ringer, Edward, Light Horseman, Westlegate street

Ringer, William, Berlin repository, Market-place; h Tharston

Rivett and Harmer, wholesale drapers and clothiers, Old Post-office court

Rix, George, temperance coffee house, Golden Ball street

Rix, Henry, wholesale brush manufacturer, Gildengate street

Rix, Robert, King’s Head, Upper St. Giles’

Rix, William, Three Compasses, Upper King street

Rix, William, White Horse, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Roach, Edward, house agent, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Roberts, Henry, medical botanist, Rising Sun road

Roberts, James, shoe manufacturer; h Willow place, New Lakenham

Roberts, James, boot and shoe manufacturer, St. John’s Timberhill

Robertson, Henry, cabinet and chairmaker, Grove road, New Lakenham

Robinson, Christopher, carver and gilder, Pottergate street

Robinson, John, cork manufacturer, wholesale and retail, and Corkcutters’ Arms, Bridge street

Robinson, Robert, brush manufacturer; h Rising Run road

Robson, Jonathan, whitesmith in general, Rising Sun road

p. 58Rogers, Henry, brush manufacturer, Wensum street; h Thorpe hamlet

Roe, Charlotte, Queen Victoria, Pottergate street

Roe, John, cabinet maker, Orford hill

Roe, John Chambers, merchant, St. Giles’ road

Roe, Sarah Ann, and Son, wine and spirit merchants, Walnut-tree Shades, Post-office court

Rogers, Edmund, D., reporter for the Norfolk News, Dereham road terrace

Rogers and Page, wholesale brush and clog manufacturers, Wensum street

Rogers, Samuel, and Casper, George, shoe manufacturers, Calvert street

Root, Robert, Boy and Cup, Pottergate street

Roper, Agnes, dressmaker, Ten Bell lane

Rope, Charles, whitesmith, Surrey street

Rope, William, greengrocer, Rising Sun lane

Rose, George, cork manufacturer, St. Stephen’s street

Rose, James, the Nelson, King street

Rose, John, confectioner, and tea-dealer, Golden Ball street

Rose, Philip, baker, St. Miles’ street

Rose, Sarah, toy warehouse, Castle street

Rose, Thomas, confectioner, St. Benedict’s street

Rossi, George, gold and silversmith, watchmaker, optician, and picture dealer, Market-place; h Unthank’s road

Roundtree, Charles, fishmonger, Barrack street

Rouse, Harriet, grocer, St. Stephen’s street

Rout, George, grocer, Cowgate street

Row, Frederic, pharmaceutical chemist, St. Stephen’s street

Rowland, Daniel, the Raven, King street

Royall, Daniel, tailor, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Rudd, Elizabeth, the Little Buck, St. Martin’s at Oak

Rudd, Elizabeth, broker, Ber street

Rudd, Francis, bootman, Rudring’s building’s, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Rudd, Francis, bookbinder and stationer, St. Stephen’s square

Rudd, Francis, tailor, Pottergate street

Rudd, Henry, teacher of music, St. Giles’ street

Rudd, James, shopkeeper, St. Catherine’s plain

Rudd, John, chemist, St. George’s plain

Rudd, Joseph, and Paston, William, curriers, St. Giles’ hill

Rudd, Robert, shopkeeper, St. Mary’s street

Rudd, Thomas, grocer, Golden Ball street

Rudd, Thomas, grocer, King street

Rudling, James, coachbuilder, Palace street

Rudling, William, butcher, Ber street

Rubert, Justice, shopkeeper, Lower Westwick street

Rudrum, Christopher, butcher, King street

Russell, Benjamin, watch and clock maker, Magdalen street

Russell, Henry, pianoforte manufacturer, Magdalen street

Russell, Robert, George, bricklayer and plasterer, St. Catherine’s plain

Rust, James Barrow, tailor and draper, Bethel street

Rust, Robert, Elm tavern, Prince’s street

Rust, Robert, grocer, West Wymer street

Ryan, Mary, Crown and Anchor, Gildengate street

Sacret, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Sacker, James, Church and State, St. Benedict’s street

Sadd, David, shopkeeper, St. Catherine’s plain

Saddler, James, junr., shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Sadler, John, the Roe Buck, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Salmon, C. J., Lord Nelson tavern, West Pottergate

Salmon, William, shoeing smith, King street gates

Salter, William, Mitre tavern, Briggs’ street, Rampant Horse street

Sammons, Joseph, shopkeeper, Old Lakenham

Sampson, Sarah, baker, St. Benedict’s street

Sampson, William, boot and shoe maker, Cow hill

Samuels and Joseph, boot and shoe manufacturers, St. John’s Timberhill

Samuels and Joseph, pawnbrokers, silversmiths, jewellers, and watchmakers, St. John’s Timberhill

Sanderson, Alexander, tobacconist and tea-dealer, and tea and coffee rooms, Fye-bridge street

Sanderson, Edwin, chemist and druggist, Upper St. Giles’ hill

Sands, Anthony, portrait painter, St. Giles’ hill

Sands, John, Freemasons’ Arms, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Saul, Joseph, pill-box manufacturer, West Pottergate street

Saul and Frazer, City saw mills, St. Martin’s at Palace

Saul, Thomas, tailor and draper, Orford hill

Saul, William Staff, timber merchant, Pottergate street

Sapey, Thomas, London coffee house, Rampant Horse street

p. 59Savory, Coulsey, confectioner, Upper London street

Savage, Robert, butcher, Bridge street

Savage, Stephen, butcher, Cowgate street

Sawyer and Company, surgical and philosophical instrument makers and cutlers, &c., Upper London street

Sawyer, John, gardener, Earlham road

Sawyer, John, Robert, cutler, London street; h Grove road, New Lakenham

Sayer, Daniel, veterinary surgeon, Pottergate street

Sayer, James, shopkeeper, Philadelphia

Sayer, Richard David, travelling draper, Unthank’s road

Sayer, John, bird and animal preserver, Upper St. Giles’

Say, Sarah, plumber and glazier, St. Giles’ street

Scales, Samuel, timber merchant, Grove place, New Lakenham

Scarles, Francis, linen draper, Ber street

Scarlet, Robert, Surrey tavern, Surrey road

Scarnell, William, butcher, Distillery street

Scofield, Susan, dressmaker, St. Giles’ street

Scott, Charles, sofa and chair manufacturer, Gildengate street

Scott, Eliza, milliner and dressmaker, Crescent place

Scott, Emily, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Charing cross

Scott, Frances, tollgate keeper, Thorpe gate, Thorpe hamlet

Scott, Francis, tailor, Calvert street

Scott, James, cutler, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Scott, John, B.A., teacher of languages, Bank street

Scott, John, bootmaker, Magdalen street

Scott, William John, furniture broker, Bridge street

Scott, Peter Thomas, brush, patten, and clog manufacturer, White Lion street

Scott, Robert B., cabinet maker and upholsterer, carver and gilder, carpet and paper-hanging warehouse, and mahogany merchant, Charing cross and St. John’s Maddermarket

Scott, Thomas, baker, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Scott, William, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Scotter, Mary, confectioner, Red Lion street

Scrutton, Henry, grocer, Bethel street

Seago and Son, glove manufacturers, St. John’s Maddermarket

Seaman, Cornelius, broker’s shop, St. James’ street

Seaman, Grimmer, and Co., wine and spirit merchants, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Seaman, Henry, shopkeeper, 21 Row, New Lakenham

Seaman, Robert, shopkeeper, St. Saviour’s lane

Searby, W. and W. M., late Grimmer, druggists, White Lion street

Seeley’s boarding-house, St. Stephen’s plain

Seeley, Job, shopkeeper, Pottergate street

Seeley, John, Sussex Arms, St. Augustine’s street

Seeley, William, pork butcher, Pottergate street

Self, John, Pig and Whistle, St. Stephen’s Back street

Self and Howes, plumbers, glaziers, painters, and gas-fitters, Tombland

Self, James William, superintendent at the New Cemetery (unconsecrated ground), St. Benedict’s road

Self, Thomas, shopkeeper, St. Mary’s plain

Self, Thomas, gas-fitter, Pottergate street

Sendall, William, bricklayer, Paragon street

Severn, Elizabeth, and Blackwell, Mary Ann, cloak and mantle makers, Botolph street

Severn, Samuel, St. Paul’s tavern, Cowgate street

Sewell, Mark, shoe manufacturer’s agent, Rising Sun road

Sexton, Edward, licensed brewer, Whalebone, New Catton

Sexton, Horace Watling, bricklayer and plasterer, St. Swithin’s

Sexton, John, shopkeeper, Scoles’ green

Sexton, Mary Ann, grocer, King street

Sexton, Robert Watling, builder, Calvert street

Shalders, Edward, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s street

Shalders, Noah, pawnbroker and clothier, Westlegate street

Shalders, Thomas, farrier and shoeing smith, Hay hill

Shalders, William, jun., hydraulic engineer, patent fountain pump engine, hydraulic, and leather works, Bank plain

Sharp, Daniel, solicitor, Surrey street; h Lakenham terrace

Sharon, Anthony, smith, Pottergate street

Sharpe, Benjamin Thomas, solicitor, Chapel field road

Sharp, Frederic, clerk, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Sheedy, Rachel, the Rosary tavern, Thorpe hamlet

Sheldrake, Anne, library, Westlegate street

Shenfield, Ann Jane, lodging-house keeper, Upper St. Giles’

Sheppard, Isaac, cooper, Magdalen street

Sheppard, Elizabeth, bread and biscuit baker, Upper market

Sheppard, Robert, commission agent, St. Benedict’s plain

Sheward, William, pawnbroker, King street

p. 60Shields, Daniel, hoop maker, Scoles’ green

Shields, Daniel, grocer, Golden Ball street

Shildrake, William, watch and clock maker, jeweller, &c., Upper London street

Shildrake, Thomas, clerk, Bracondale

Shipley, William, land and house agent, Chapel field road

Short, Edmund Barker, superintendent of Grout’s factory, St. Giles’ hill

Short, Henry, wine and dry cooper, St. George’s Middle street

Short, John, cashier at silk-works, Dereham road terrace

Short, Mary, milliner and dressmaker, St. George’s Middle street

Shorten, James, Bull inn, Magdalen street

Shreeve, John, shoeing smith, Magdalen street

Sidney and Armes, curriers and leather cutters, Dove street

Sidney and Ladyman, wholesale tea dealers, Market place

Silver, William, confectioner, White Lion street

Simpson, George, governor of the Great Hospital, St. Helen’s

Simpson, John, whip maker, Ber street

Simpson, John, schoolmaster, Trory place, New Lakenham

Simpson, Amelia, general dealer, Ber street

Simpson, George Elward, solicitor, Tombland

Simpson, Robert, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Sinkler, John, builder, Magdalen street

Skedge, John, baker, West Pottergate street

Skelt, William Perry, meat shop, St. Benedict’s street

Skelton, John, manufacturer of fancy hosiery, St. Martin’s Palace plain street

Skelton, John Smith, tailor, &c., St. Giles’ street

Skipper, Henry, confectioner, Magdalen street

Skippon, James, solicitor, and agent for the Lancashire Insurance Company, Castle meadow

Skipper, John, solicitor and proctor, commissioner for taking acknowledgments of married women, secretary and registrar to the Norwich Equitable Fire Assurance Society; offices, Bank street, h. Thorpe hamlet

Skipper, William, the Locomotive, Norfolk street, Union place

Skoyles, Elam, clothier, Davey place; h. Castle meadow

Skoyles, James, boot and shoe maker, Grapes hill

Skoyles, William, broker, St. Benedict’s street

Skyles, Samuel, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Slack, Thomas, engineer, St. Giles’ hill

Slade, Daniel Davis, Homœopathic chemist, and agent to the Homœopathic and General Life Assurance Society, London street

Slater, John, bookseller, Castle hill

Slater, Joseph, tailor, &c., Tombland

Slipper, Elizabeth, green grocer, Grove place, New Lakenham

Sloper, John, fruiterer, Queen street

Smith, David, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Smith, Edward, chemist and druggist, Calvert street

Smith, Edward, Waterloo tavern, Upper walk, Market place

Smith, Edward, Coach and Horses, Fountain place, Union place

Smith, George, boot and shoe maker, Southwell cottage.  New Lakenham

Smith, George, Coachmaker, St. Stephen’s square

Smith, George, Imperial Arms, Upper King street

Smith, George, linen draper, Ber street

Smith, James, accountant, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Smith, James, the Surrey, Grove place, New Lakenham

Smith, James, overseer, Newmarket road

Smith, James John, tanner, Heigham street

Smith, John, tailor and draper, Orford street

Smith, John Jasper, confectioner, Ber street

Smith, John, toyshop, St. John’s Timberhill

Smith, John, soda water manufacturer, Colegate street

Smith, John Watson, the Rose tavern, Rose lane

Smith, Lydia, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s

Smith, Robert, shopkeeper, and baker, King street, Crook’s place

Smith, Robert, bricklayer, St. Stephen’s road

Smith, Samuel, tobacconist, Gentleman’s walk, Market place; h Union place

Smith, Susannah, astrologist and artist, Southwell cottage, New Lakenham

Smith and Sons, druggists, wholesale and retail, Magdalen street, and Market-place

Smith, Thomas, umbrella maker, St. Benedict’s street

Smith, William, wholesale and retail haberdasher and general warehouse, Lower Goat lane

Smith, William, glass and china dealer, Rampant Horse back street

Smith, William, veterinary surgeon, Pottergate street

Smith, William, tin-plate worker, St. Benedict’s street

p. 61Smith, J. W., confectioner, Dove street

Smith, William Richard, wholesale and retail fancy sweet maker, Palace street

Smith, William Richard, baker, St. Benedict’s street

Smithdale, Thomas, iron and brass founder, St. Ann’s Staithe lane

Snelling, Daniel, Wrench, Golden Lion Inn, St. John’s Maddermarket

Snelling, John, Yarmouth Arms, Upper market

Snelling, Thomas, grocer, Magdalen street

Snelling, Thomas, the Swan, King street

Snelling, William, boot and shoe maker, gutta percha warehouse, Orford hill

Snowdon, Henry, draper, Chapel field road

Snowdon, John, draper and silk mercer, Gentleman’s walk

Snowdon and Sons, drapers, Bridge street

Snowling, John, Duke’s Palace inn, Duke’s Palace road

Soman, Daniel, boot and shoe manufacturer, Lower Goat lane

Soman, David, boot and shoe manufacturer, Gildengate street

Sowels, William, accountant, Distillery street

Sowels, William, accountant, Chapel field road

Sowter, Peter, green grocer, St. Paul’s street

Spalding, James, French polisher, Saint Andrew’s hill

Sparke and Co., engineers, iron and brass founders, Thorn lane

Sparke, James Bird, solicitor, Post Office street, Norwich; h Earlham road

Sparks, Francis William, wine and spirit merchant, auctioneer and valuer, St. Giles’ street

Spatchett, James, chemist and druggist, St. John’s Maddermarket

Spelman, George, auctioneer’s clerk, West Pottergate

Spelman, Henry, auctioneer, St. Giles’; h Unthank’s road

Spelman, William and Sons, auctioneers and valuers, St. Giles’ street

Spence, George, circulating library, Bridge street

Spencer, Christopher, surgeon, King street

Spencer, Robert, Elm tavern, New Catton

Spinks, Charles, bricklayer, King street

Spinks, James, grocer and draper, St. Augustine’s street

Spinks, John, clerk to District Visiting Society, Pottergate street

Spooner, Edward, Robin Hood, Barrack street

Spooner, Edward Frederic, grocer, Saint Margaret’s plain

Spratt, Sarah, academy, Bethel street

Spratt, Stephen, Old Star, Quay side

Spratt, William, hay and corn dealer, Gun lane

Springall, Benjamin, miller, New Catton

Springall, Isaac, watch and clock maker, Wensum street

Springall, James, wholesale and retail grocer, Tombland

Springfield, Son, and Nephew, manufacturers and silk merchants, St. Martin’s lane

Spurgeon, Thomas, tailor, St. Stephen’s road

Spurling, William, Trowel and Hammer, St. Stephen’s road

Stacey, Edward, estate agent, Orford hill

Stacey, Anthony, cooper, Thorpe hamlet

Stacey, Emily, ladies boarding school, Theatre street

Stacey, William, thatcher, Trowse Millgate

Staff, Charles, green grocer, Ber street

Staff, Frederic, Nelson tavern, Pottergate street

Stafford, Phœbe, Coachmakers’ Arms, Red Lion street

Stafford, Robert, the Mariner’s tavern, Mariner’s lane

Stafford, Thomas, shopkeeper, Chapel street Crook’s place

Stafford, William, baker, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Starling, Thomas, L., accountant, Paragon street

Stammers, Robert, whitesmith, Castle hill

Stangroom, John, Duke of Sussex, Saint Augustine’s street

Stangroom, Robert, shopkeeper, Fishgate street

Stanhaw, George, Coach and carriage builder, St. Giles’ road

Stanley, George, scale beam maker, Elm hill

Stanley, Joseph, statuary and mason, Saint Stephen’s street

Stannard, Arthur, artist, Upper King street

Stannard, Cubitt, silk and wool manufacturer, St. George’s plain

Stannard, Mrs. Joseph, artist, Rose lane

Stannard, Robert, John, confectioner, Little London street

Stapleton, Robert, bootmaker, St. John’s Maddermarket, and Pottergate street

Stark and Co., manufacturing and agricultural chemists, Duke’s Palace bridge

Stark and Co., dyers, dressers, &c., Duke’s Palace bridge

Starling, Miss, E., St. Augustine’s District school, St. Augussine’s road

Starland, George, plumber, glazier, and house-painter, Surrey street

Stedman, William, butcher, Lady’s lane

Steeky, Richard, tax-gatherer, Bracondale

Steel, James, leather currier, Magdalen street

p. 62Steel and Rix, Importers and dealers in fancy articles, Queen street

Stevens, Adelaide, grocer and tea-dealer, Unthank’s road

Stevens, Charles Frederic, coppersmith, brazier and tinplate worker, Magdalen street

Stevens, Gardiner, and William, wholesale and retail ironmongers, sole agents for Ransomes and Sims’ and Messrs. Howard’ agricultural implements, and Coleman’s cultivators, Orford hill

Stevens, John Thomas, law stationer, Castle hill

Stevens, Thomas William, tailor and draper, Unthank’s road

Stevens, William Horace, printer, Pottergate street

Stevenson, Thomas, E. C. Railway station superintendent, St. Faith’s lane

Steward, James, merchant tailor, hosier, draper, hatter, and general out-fitter, Tombland

Steward, Mary, green grocer, St. Benedict’s street

Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co., brewers, and spirit merchants, Barrack street

Steward, Robert, and Co., timber merchants, King street gates

Steward, Samuel, bookbinder and ruler, Prince’s street

Steward, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen’s street

Stewardson, Nathaniel Thomas, pork shop, St. James’ street

Stigles, Daniel, hairdresser, Fishgate street

Stimpson, John, butcher, Fye bridge

Stockings, Mark, butcher, St. Stephen’s street

Stocks, Alfred Joseph, draper, Brigg’s street; h Grove road, New Lakenham

Stonex, James, tea dealer, Tinkler’s lane

Storey, Samuel, plumber and glazier, West Pottergate

Storey, William, plumber and glazier, West Pottergate

Storey, William, brewer, Bull close

Storey, James, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s street

Stowers, James, silversmith and tobacconist, Red Lion street

Strachan, James, wine and spirit merchant, Guildhall tavern, Market place

Stringer, Charles, surveyor of taxes, St. Giles’ street; h Newmarket road

Stringer, Henry, clerk to the Bank of England, Grove road, St. Stephen’s road

Stroyan, Robert, cattle salesman, Bracondale

Stubbs, George, White Horse, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Studwin, Paul, clerk, St. Benedict’s road

St. Quinton, Edward Henry, surgeon, R.N., Thorpe hamlet

Suggett and Dunsford, dentists, St. Giles’ street

Sullivan, Stephen, baker, St. Margaret’s plain

Sultzer, John, St. Augustine’s street

Surflin, William, plumber and glazier, Bank tavern, Bank street

Sursham, Henry David, bootmaker, Saint Benedict’s street

Sursham, John, merchant, Fishgate street, St. Clement’s

Sursham, John, Phœnix brewery, Magdalen street

Sutcliffe, John, joiner, &c., Holl’s lane

Suttell, Henry, green grocer, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Suttell, John Watson, general shopkeeper, Mill street, New Lakenham

Sutton, Daniel Morrison, tailor and draper, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Sutton, Henry, draper, St. Augustine’s street

Sutton, James, woollen draper, Unthank’s rd.

Sutton, Robert, broker, Magdalen street

Sutton, Samuel, working cutler, &c., Royal hotel street

Swann, Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Rising Sun road

Swann, James, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen street

Swash, Maria, Turkey Cock, Church street, Saint Simon’s

Sweatman, Henry, publican and tobacconist, Back of the inns

Swinden, John, fancy repository, Magdalen street

Sword, John, livery stables, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Tadman, William, superintendent of the Gas Works, Bishopgate street

Talbot, George, tailor and draper, Bridge street

Tann, John, baker, Charing cross

Tann, Mary Ann, private lodging house, Hall road, New Lakenham

Tann, Samuel Wiseman, upholsterer and paper hanger, Pottergate street

Tattam, Richard, green grocer, Lady’s lane

Tayler, Francis George, agent to the Athenæum Fire and Life Insurance Company, Castle meadow; h Muspole street, St. George’s

Taylor, A. and C., solicitors, Orford hill

Taylor, Adam, jun., solicitor, Orford hill; h Lady’s lane

Taylor, Charles Peacock, St. Stephen’s plain

Taylor, Clement, solicitor, Orford hill; h Mile lane, Newmarket road

Taylor, Cornelius, superintendent at the New Cemetery, (consecrated ground) Earlham road

p. 63Taylor, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Prince’s street

Taylor, Elizabeth, elastic stay and bandage maker, Upper St. Giles’

Taylor, George, surgical mechanician, Upper St. Giles’

Taylor, George, green grocer, Rose lane

Taylor, James, carpenter and builder, Whitefriars’ street

Taylor, John Oddin, solicitor, St. Giles’ str.

Taylor, Mary, Castle commercial hotel, Castle meadow

Taylor, William, tailor, Prince’s street

Taylor, William, Medical Dispensary for Skin Diseases, Magdalen street

Taylor, William, jun., Bird-in-Hand, Mill lane, New Catton

Taylor, W. B., tobacconist and tea dealer, St. Stephen’s street

Taylor, William Henry, surgeon, Prince’s street

Taylor, John Oddin, and Ling, Henry, solicitors, St. Giles’ street

Temple, Robert, grocer, Ber street

Terrington, William, boot maker, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Thayne, Edward, basket maker, St. Benedict’s street

Theobald, John, glover, London street; h Newmarket road

Theobald and Son, hosiers, glovers, &c., London street

Thetford, Thomas Daniels, boot and shoe maker, St. Paul’s street

Thirkettle, Mary Ann, milliner, St. John’s Timberhill

Thirkettle, Mrs. Harriet, furrier and feather dresser, St. Benedict’s road

Thirkettle, John, cabinet maker, St. Catherine’s plain

Thurston, Carnaby, baker, New Catton

Thirtle, Maria, private lodging house, Pottergate street

Thirtle, Thomas, coachman, Golden Ball street

Thirtle, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Bridewell alley

Thompson, Alfred William, commercial traveller, Rising Sun road

Thompson, Benjamin, shopkeeper, St. Miles’ Thorn lane

Thompson, Henry, chemist and druggist, St. Stephen’s street

Thompson, Henry, photographic artist, St. Stephen’s gates

Thompson, John, boot and shoe maker, White Lion street

Thompson, John, the Anchor, Silver road

Thompson, Joseph, grocer, White Lion str.

Thompson, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker, Grapes hill

Thompson, Martin, the Griffin, Barrack str.

Thompson, Robert, surgeon, Theatre street

Thompson, Robert, ironmonger, iron merchant, &c., Calvert street

Thompson, R. and Son, iron merchants, oil and colourmen, Upper Davey place

Thompson, Thomas, currier and leather seller, Orford hill

Thompson, William, the Steam Packet, King street

Thorndick, Henry and Co., printers, Prince’s street

Thorn, Robert, Goose and Gridiron, Little Orford street

Thorns, Robert, ironmonger, Exchange str.

Thornsby, Robert, grocer and draper, St. Stephen’s gates

Thornton, Christopher, Fellmongers’ Arms, St. Martin’s at Oak

Thorpe, Thomas E., Sun and Anchor, Colegate street

Thorpe, William, hairdresser, St. Stephen’s street

Thorpe, William, shopkeeper, St. Martin’s at Oak

Thouless, James, shopkeeper, Pump street

Thouless, William, Bartholomew tavern, St. Miles’ Thorn lane

Thrower, John, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s street

Thrower, Noah, the Woolpack, Golden Ball street

Thurgar, Walter Christopher, surgeon, St. Catherine’s plain

Thurling, James, Swan with Two Necks, St. Stephen’s street

Thurlow, William, Post-office tavern, and hackney master, Post-office street

Thurst, James, Venetian wire, zinc, and rolling blind manufacturer, Castle meadow

Thurston, Barnard, butcher, Colegate street

Thurston, Daniel, Bull inn, St. Stephen’s street

Thurtle, James, shopkeeper, St. Swithin’s

Thwaites, Isaac M., writer, sign painter, decorator, gilder, and glass embosser, Sardinian court, St. Stephen’s street

Thwaites, John, the Rainbow, King street

Tibbs, Frederic, green grocer, Globe street, Union place

Tidd, Robert, grocer, St. Martin’s at Oak

Tidd, Robert, shopkeeper, Gildengate street

Tidman, George, King’s Arms, Bethel street

Tidman, Robert, the Bridge-house inn, Thorpe hamlet

Tillett, Benjamin, cabinet maker, New Catton

Tillett, Jacob Henry, solicitor, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Tillett, Leonard, bricklayer, Lower Westwick street

p. 64Tills, Benjamin, grocer and tea dealer, Magdalen street

Tillyard and Howlett, curriers and leather merchants, Pottergate street

Tillyard, Isaac, shoe manufacturer, Valentine street

Tillyard, Rebecca, draper, Magdalen street

Tillyard and Son, boot and shoe manufacturers, Elm hill

Tinkler, George, clerk to Commissioners of Inland Revenue, Magdalen street

Tinkley, Esther, boot and shoe maker, Rampant horse street

Tipple, John, commercial traveller, William street

Todd, John and Sons, tailors and trousers makers, Queen street

Todd, William, accountant, King street

Toll, Elizabeth, boarding and lodging house, St. Giles’ street

Tomlinson, Ann, straw bonnet maker, Bishopgate street

Tomlinson, Robert Stewart, hatter, hosier, and glover, Castle street

Tate, James, confectioner, St. Miles’ street

Tooke, George Stannard, fruiterer, Prince’s street

Tooke, Michael, grocer, Ber street

Towell, William, seedsman, Upper King street

Towler, Abel, shawl manufacturer, Unthank’s road

Towler, Edward, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Towler, Hannah, draper, Fye bridge

Towler, John Burrows, pawnbroker, Bethel street

Towler, Rowling and Allen, manufacturers, Elm hill, and Friday street, London

Towley, Jonathan, treasurer of County Courts, Surrey place, New Lakenham

Towlson, John, Millwrights’ Arms, Julian street

Townshend, Samuel, carver and gilder, Bethel street

Townshend, George, Crown, Elm hill

Townshend, Samuel J., jun., carver, gilder, and looking-glass manufacturer, Charing cross

Townshend, William, bricklayer, plasterer, and tobacconist, Golden Ball street

Trevor, Henry, cabinet maker and upholsterer, carver and gilder, and paper hanger, Post-office street; h St. Giles’ road

Trollop, George, gardener, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Trory, John, professor of music, Elm hill

Trowse, Christopher, tailor, Ten Bell lane

Trowse, John, parish clerk, Bethel street

Truman, James, boot and shoe maker, Grapes hill

Tubb, William, Henry, haberdasher, &c., London street

Tuck, Charles Edward, solicitor, St. Giles’ street

Tuck, James Stannard, tailor, draper, and hatter, Lower Goat lane

Tuck, Robert, confectioner, Wensum street

Tuck, Robert, confectioner, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Tuck, Robert Alexander, confectioner, Lower Goat lane

Tuddenham, Edward, Swan tavern, Swan lane

Tuddenham, John, the Swan, Cowgate street

Tuffs, William, Light Horseman, Botolph street

Turner, W. H. N., solicitor, the Close; h Newmarket road

Turner, James Mangles, iron founder, Palace plain

Turner, Joseph, the Anchor, Surrey street

Turner, Robert, barber, Trowse Millgate

Turner, Samuel, tailor, St. Miles’ street

Turner, William, boot and shoe maker, St. Swithin’s

Turner, William, green grocer, St. James’ street

Turner, William, boot and shoe maker, Palace street

Turrell, James, grocer and tea dealer, Ber street

Tuttell, Ann, shopkeeper and baker, Trafalgar street New Lakenham

Tuxford, William, trunk, portmanteau and carpet bag manufacturer, Back of the Inns

Twaites, John Henry, shoemaker, Holl’s lane

Tyce, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Charing cross

Ulph, Henry, proprietor of the Billiard Rooms, Post-office court

Ulph, James, Three Tubs, Barrack street

Ulph, William, dyer, St. Margaret’s

Underwood, Henry, plasterer, St. Margaret’s plain

Underwood, Henry, builder, King street

Upcroft, William, printer and bookbinder, Thoroughfare yard, Magdalen street

Upcroft, James, Jack of Newbery, Magdalen street

Utting, John, shoemaker, Gildengate street

Utting, Robert, miller, Chapel field road

Venteman, Deans George, revenue officer, Calvert street

Vlieland, Jerome, professor of the French language, Redwell street

Vincent, Eliza, milliner and dressmaker, West-end terrace, Grapes hill

Vincent, Henry, broker, St. Benedict’s street

p. 65Vincent, James, hat manufacturer, Red Lion street

Vincent, Mary Ann, fancy warehouse, St. Catherine’s plain

Vyall, Daniel, coal merchant, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Wade, Francis, wholesale and retail woollen cloth warehouse, London street

Wade, James, broker, Fishgate street

Wade, John, draper, &c., Chapel field

Wade, Thomas, the Pelican, Pitt street

Waite, George, brazier and gasfitter, Redwell street

Wall, James, the Rose, Cowgate street

Wallace, James, the Two Brewers’ inn, St. John’s Maddermarket

Walker, Frederic, grocer, St. Martin’s at Oak

Walker, George, Cardinal’s Cap, St. Benedict’s street

Walker, James, carpenter, Paragon street

Walker, Mr., accountant, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Walker, Richard, fancy repository, and dealer in tobacco, Bridge street

Walker, Robert, printer, Church street, St. Miles’

Walker, Robert Samuel, Bull’s Head inn, Ber street

Waller, John Gamble, sewing cotton winder and general winder, Peacock street

Waller, Martha, shopkeeper, St. Paul’s

Waller, Robert, dentist, Rose lane

Waller, Thomas, baker, Cowgate street

Walters, Martha and Eliza, ladies’ boarding school, Theatre street

Walters, William, shopkeeper, St. Catherine’s plain

Walton, William, cook, St. Benedict’s road

Ward, Charles, hairdresser, Bethel street

Ward, Elizabeth, green grocer, St. Benedict’s street

Ward, William, the Bird in Hand, Barrack street

Warne, George Thomas, marker, Pottergate street

Warner and Co., wholesale copper and zinc merchants, St. Giles’ street

Warner, Edward, Hope brewery, St. Saviour’s lane

Warner, Walter Waite, grocer and tea-dealer, St. Benedict’s street

Warnes, Elizabeth, Eastern Counties’ Railway tavern, Foundry bridge

Warnes, Henry, clerk, St. Stephen’s square

Warnett, George, bricklayer, King street

Warterton, Edward, the Cottage, Silver road

Watcham, Thomas, green grocer, Heigham street

Watering, Jeremiah, boot and shoe maker, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Watering, John, shopkeeper, Mill lane, New Catton

Watering John, linen and woollen draper, St. Stephen’s street; h Douro terrace

Watling, Sarah, dress-maker, Bethel street

Watson and Son, statuaries and masons, Castle hill and St. Faith’s lane

Watson, Daniel, carver gilder, &c., All Saint’s green

Watson, Edward Charles, carpenter and joiner, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Watson, Gilbert Pickering, chemist and druggist, King street

Watson, James, grocer, &c., Prospect house, St. Augustine’s road

Watson, James, carpenter and builder, Philadelphia

Watts, Henry, letter-press and copper-plate printer, and general news agent, Pottergate street

Watts, James, engineer, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Watts, Riches, and Buck, engineers, founders, millwrights, agricultural machine and implement makers, Rose lane

Watts, Thomas, butcher, Willow lane

Watts, Thomas, clerk, St. Stephen’s square

Watts, William, engineer, Rose lane

Waytes, Philip, Marquis of Granby, Barrack street

Weavers, Robert, ginger-beer manufacturer, Heigham street

Weavers, William, fishmonger, Fish-market

Webb, William, rope maker, Magdalen street

Webb, William, broker, St. Martin’s at Oak

Webber, Mr. William, surgeon, the Free Hospital, Willow lane

Websdale Frances, Lamb inn, Haymarket

Websdale, James, grocer and tea dealer, King street

Webster, George, shopkeeper, Botolph street

Webster, Henry, eating house, Golden Ball street

Webster, John, hairdresser, Ber street

Webster, Robert, clothier, St. Lawrence steps

Webster, Robert, jun., boot and shoe maker, St. Lawrence steps

Webster, William, Maid’s Head hotel, Wensum street

Webster, William, brewer, Ber street

Weeds, Sarah, shopkeeper, Thorpe hamlet

Weeks, William, plumber, St. Augustine’s street

Wells, Peter Michael, tailor and draper, Prince’s street

Wells, Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Castle meadow

Wells, William, Buff Coat, Buff Coat lane

p. 66Welton, Edmund, wheelwright, Brazen Doors road

West, Charles John, registrar for the Bishop’s commissary for the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, Hay hill

Weston, Charles, brewer and maltster, Bridge street, St. George’s

Whaites, Charles, solicitor, Tombland

Whall, Ann, gun seller, Little London street

Whall, Robert, shopkeeper, King street, Crook’s place

Wharton, George, physician, Upper close

Wheeler, Francis, druggist, Swan lane

Whittaker, William, green grocer, King street

Whincup, Garwood, clerk, Newmarket road

White, Jeremiah, carpenter and builder, St. Michael’s at Thorn lane

White, Misses, Berlin wool and millinery warehouse, London street

White, Richard, surgeon dentist, St. Giles’ street; h Unthank’s road

White, Richard, green grocer, Palace street

White, William, broker, St. Gregory’s church alley

Whitehead, George, register office for servants, Grapes hill

Whithers, Martha, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Union place

Whitmore, George, clerk, Grove road, New Lakenham

Whitrick, James, grocer, West Pottergate

Widdows, Mark, Arabian Horse, St. Martin’s at Oak

Wigg, Edward, the Stag, St. Benedict’s street

Wigger, John, the Dog, St. Paul’s Church plain

Wigger, John H. A., picture dealer, Bethel street

Wiggett, Harriet, private lodging house, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Wiggins, John, wine and spirit merchant, Saracen’s Head inn, St. Giles’ street

Welch, Thomas, baker, King street

Wicks, Robert, grocer, Ber street

Wild, Edward, grocer and tea dealer, Haymarket, and High street, Wandsworth, London

Wild, John, collector, Inland Revenue office, Orford hill

Wilde, Matthew, Eastern Union Railway tavern, St. Stephen’s gates

Wilde, Frederic, plumber, painter, and glazier, St. Stephen’s street

Wilde, William, auctioneer, and coroner to the city of Norwich, clerk to the city magistrates for licensing and billeting, St. Stephen’s street; h Bramerton

Wilde, William, jun., auctioneer, valuer, and High Bailiff of the County court, Post Office street

Wilding, Henry, hairdresser, Upper London street

Wiley, Samuel Hall, shopkeeper, Cowgate street

Wilkin, Charles, carver and gilder, Tombland

Wilkins, Robert Frederic, teacher of music, Bethel street

Wilkinson, Henry Joseph, saddler and harness maker, and saddlers’ ironmonger, St. Giles’ street

Willett, Edward, Nephew and Co., manufacturers, Pottergate street, and 63, Friday street, London

Willett, Edward, manufacturer; h Newmarket road

Willgress, Peter John, Masonic tavern, Elm hill

Williams, Case, and Potter, manufacturers, Gildengate street

Williams, Henry, Norwich a Port tavern, King street gates

Williams, Isaac, manufacturer, Calvert street

Williams, Josiah, grocer and tea dealer, Swan lane

Williams, Josiah, grocer and tea dealer, Globe street, Union place

Williams, Mary, general shopkeeper, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Williams, Mary Ann, Moon and Stars, Duke’s palace road

Williamson, John, commercial traveller, Distillery street

Williment, James, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s street

Willement, Richard, manufacturer, Calvert street

Willimott, Henry, baker, Mill lane, New Catton

Willis, George Edward, draper, Heigham street

Willison, Hannah, Vauxhall tavern, Julian place

Wills, Anthony, parish clerk, West End street

Wills, William, tanner, Heigham street

Willsea, Joshua, news agent and tobacconist, Orford hill

Willsea, John, Waggon and Horses, St. Miles’ street

Wilson, Misses C. and E., boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Grove house, Newmarket road

Wilson, George, confectioner, Queen street

Wilson, George, bookseller, Castle meadow

Wilson, James, Railway inn, Trowse Millgate

Wilson, James, supervisor, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

p. 67Wilson, Maria, grocer, Coslany street

Wilson, Robert, White Swan, St. Benedict’s street

Wilson, Stephen, merchant’s clerk, Grove road, New Lakenham

Wilson, Sarah, shopkeeper, Barrack street

Wilson, Thomas, cork cutter, Golden Ball street

Wilson, William Stitt, manager of East of England Bank, Hay hill; h Newmarket road

Wilson, William, firework artist, Church walk, New Lakenham

Wilson, William, commercial traveller, Ipswich road

Winter, Charles, boot and shoe manufacturer and leather merchant, Upper market; h Grove house, Heigham

Winter, George, confectioner, St. John’s Timberhill

Winter, James and Son, solicitors, St. Giles’ street

Winter, John, accountant, Valentine street

Winter, Samuel, baker, King street

Winter, Samuel, baker, Magdalen street

Winter, Thomas, the New Inn, St. Augustine’s road

Winter, William, painter and grainer, St. John’s Timberhill

Winter, William, brush manufacturer, Back of the Inns

Wiseman, Alfred, commercial traveller, St. Giles’ road

Wiseman, Isaac, wine and brandy merchant, Post-office street

Wiseman, Robert, builder, Muspole street, St. Mary’s

Wizker, Nichols, Royal Standard, Union place

Wolton and Company, family grocers and hop merchants, London street

Womack, George, merchant tailor, draper, hatter, and outfitter, White Lion street, Back of the Inns, and Davey place; h Orford hill

Wood, George, Morgan’s Cellar House, King street

Wood, William, clerk, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Woodcock, Samuel, meat shop, Palace street

Woodgate, Philip, manufacturer, Back of the Inns; h St. Giles’ road

Woodhouse, Joshua, earthenware dealer, Magdalen street

Woodrow, Anthony, clerk, Bracondale

Woodrow, Joseph, wine and spirit merchant, Unthank’s road

Woodrow, Thomas, pawnbroker, St. Miles’ street

Woods, George, fancy chair manufacturer, King street, Crook’s place

Woods, George John, currier and leather seller, St. Gregory’s church alley

Woods, John, tailor, &c., Tinkler’s lane

Woods, John, tailor, West Pottergate

Woods, John Robert, cabinet maker, St. Stephen’s street

Woods, Robert John, Golden Wheatsheaf, St. Stephen’s street

Woods, William, shopkeeper, Union place

Wood, William, Temperance hotel, Elm hill

Woodyard, James, curriers’ ironmonger, St. Martin’s at Oak

Woolbright, Robert, jun., gardener, Lower close

Woolbright, William, Henry, solicitor, Upper King street

Wooliston, Samuel, timber merchant, Hall road, New Lakenham

Woollistone, Samuel, baker, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Woolmer, Clement Amos, boot and shoe maker, and parish clerk, Bridge street

Woolnough, Theophilus C., bookseller and printer, Prince’s street

Wordingham, Robert, plumber, St. Catherine’s plain

Wordingham, William, builder, St. Catherine’s plain

Worff, W., chimney sweeper, Charing cross

Worman, James, carpenter and builder, Castle meadow

Wortley, Robert, solicitor, Upper King str.

Wortley, Thomas, warehouseman, William street

Wortley, Martha, milliner and dressmaker, Briggs’ street

Wrettham, William, carpenter, Paragon str.

Wright, Daniel, tin plate worker, Pitt street

Wright, James, bricklayer and plasterer, Ber street

Wright, James, tailor and draper, Ber street

Wright, James, the Goat, Upper Goat lane

Wright, James, land surveyor, St. Andrew’s plain; h Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Wright, Joseph, plumber and glazier, King street

Wright, Mrs. midwife, Brazen Doors road

Wright, Richard, boot and shoe manufacturer, Bridge street

Wright, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Bank plain

Wright, Robert, land agent, Lower close

Wright, Thomas, butcher, True Briton, New Catton

Wright, Walter, plumber and glazier, Lame Dog road

Wright, William, builder, Richmond hill

Wurr, Louisa, shopkeeper, Grove place, New Lakenham

p. 68Wurr, Robert, spirit and porter vaults, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Wurr, William, bricklayer, St. Giles’ hill

Wyatt, David, tailor, Paragon street

Wyatt, Esdaile, clerk, Lower close

Wyatt, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Upper King street

Wyatt, John, Carpenters’ Arms, St. Michael’s Thorn lane

Yates, W. and Co., earthenware dealers, Upper Davey place

Yaxley, Henry, King’s Arms, St. Augustine’s street

Yellop, Robert, Golden Can, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs, brewers, King street

Youngman, Harold, commercial clerk, and agent for the Scottish Union Fire and Life Insurance Company, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Youngs, James, builder, St. Benedict’s road

Youngs, John, grocer and tea dealer, West End street

Youngs, Peter, Bull Hotel and Snow’s Chop House, Upper market

Youngman, Samuel, commercial traveller, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Young, Mary Ann, general shopkeeper, Mariner’s lane

Youngs, Mary Ann, bread and biscuit baker, St. Stephen’s street

Youell, Thomas, bricklayer and plasterer, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Youngs, William, the Cherry Tree, New Lakenham

Youels, William, hairdresser, St. Catherine’s plain

Zipfel, John, watch and clock maker, Magdalen street

Zipfel, Matthew, watch and clock maker, Bridge street


Academies and Seminaries—

Baker, Henry, Rising Sun road

Basham, Miss, St. Giles’ hill

Bellamy, William, Lower close

Bending, Thomas, Magdalen street

Bexfield, Benjamin, Lady’s lane

Blakely, Miss, Lower close

Blakely, Misses, St. Andrew’s street

Blogg, William, Upper King street

Booty, Horace John, Thorpe hamlet

Boyden, Eliza, Pottergate street

Brady, Mary, Pottergate street

Brooke, William, Grey Friars

Burrage, J. C., Castle ditches

Burrage, Frederic Joseph, Golden Dog lane

Burrage, Sarah, Upper Surrey street

Cartwright, Mrs. E., New Catton

Carver, Mrs. Ruth, West Pottergate

Chapman, Emily, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Codling, Arthur John, Magdalen street

Coldwell, Misses, St. Clement’s

Coles, Mrs. Sarah, Newmarket road

Crowe, Elizabeth, Calvert street

Dead, Mrs., Somerset place, Holl’s lane

Dennington, Sarah, St. Saviour’s infant school, Golden Dog lane

Dix, Miss, Chapel Field

Drane, Hannah, Rigby’s Court

Dye, Miss, Theatre street

Farnell, James Thomas, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street

Farnell, William Keeling, Theatre street

Farmer, Benjamin, Colegate street

Firth, Miss Ellen, Bethel street

Fiddy, Mrs., Distillery street

Finegan, Thomas William, Cow hill

Fuller, Miss, Bethel street

Forder, Ellen, Horn’s lane

George, Misses, Colegate street

Hardy, Francis, Ladies’ row, Saint Stephen’s gates

Hardiman, Sarah, Bracondale

Hartt, Miss Catherine, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Heasel, Misses, Surrey road

Holmes, Mrs. E., St. Stephen’s road

Howard, Ann, Unthank’s toad

Ives, Miss, Crescent

Jarvis, William, Trafalgar place, New Lakenham

Kempster, Mrs., Tabernacle house

Lake, William, St. Benedict’s road

Lambert, Mary, Queen street

Lantenant, Madame, Prince’s street

Larke, Hannah Susannah, Cow hill

Lincolne, Misses, Surrey street

Ling, Harriet Elizabeth, Bethel street

Ling, Henry, Unthank’s road

Mills, Ann, Unthank’s road

Nelson, William, William street

Marshall, Ephraim, Chapel loke, Ber street

Paul, Francis William, Bracondale

Phillips, Francis, Mancroft school, Hay hill

Phillips, Ann, London terrace, St. Stephen’s road

Phillips, Elizabeth, Chatham place, St. Stephen’s gates

Pigg, James William, Grove cottage, Thorpe hamlet

Priest, Mrs. H., Pottergate street

Reeve, Elizabeth, Vauxhall street

Redgrave, Helen C., Priory, St. Stephen’s

Sheppard, Mrs., St. Benedict’s plain

Simpson, John, Friars’ place, New Lakenham

Spratt, Sarah, Bethel street

Stracey, Emily, Theatre street

Starling, E., St. Augustine’s District school, St. Augustine’s road

Stocks, Rev. E., Mile End School

Stocks, Mary M., St. Benedict’s gates

Walters, Martha and Elizabeth, Theatre street

Wilson, Misses E. and C., Grove house, Newmarket road

Agents and Accountants—

Baly, William, Thorpe

p. 70Barber, Charles James, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Barber, James, New Catton

Bardwell, George S., Newmarket road

Bayliss, Henry, Pottergate street

Birch, Isaac, King street gates

Burrows, George C., Post office street; h Palace plain

Buxton, Joseph, Heigham road

Cannell, Henry B., New Catton

Clark, George O., Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Clarke, Samuel, Distillery street

Cook, James, Hall road, New Lakenham

Corsbie, Dennis T., West End terrace, Grapes Hill

Corsbie, Joseph, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Corsbie, Samuel W., Distillery street

Cross, John, St. Benedict’s road

Culyer, William, Grapes hill

Day, Starling, New Catton

Dickenson, Richard, St. Stephen’s road

Driver, William C., St. Benedict’s road

Dunnan, Robert G., Bank street

Elmer, John, St. Catherine’s terrace

Etheridge, Thomas, Thorpe

Featherstone, T., Distillery street

Fison, Thomas, St. Augustine’s road

Fountain, Thomas, Seymour place, St. Stephen’s square

Grinling, George, Unthank’s road

Harmer, D. and Co., Duke’s palace

Heigham, Richard, Langham place, St. Benedict’s road

Holmes, Richard, Distillery street

Hunt, George, St. Benedict’s road

Jarvis, Thomas W., Langham place, St. Benedict’s road

Kemp, D. R., William street

Kerry, George C., Elm hill

Littleboy, John, St. Benedict’s road

Lloyd, Richard, William street

Madders, Anthony, Thorpe

Mason, John, Distillery street

Mills, Jacob, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Monteith, George, Unthank’s road

Nockall, Robert, Golden Dog lane

Osborne, Samuel, St. Benedict’s road

Parsons, Walter Uriah, Thorpe

Provart, William, St. Augustine’s road

Read, John, Hall road, New Lakenham

Restieaux, Joseph, Lady’s lane

Rogers, Edmund C., Dereham Road terrace, St. Benedict’s road

Short, John, Dereham Road terrace, St. Benedict’s road

Smith, James, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Sowells, William, Chapel Field road

Sowels, William, Distillery street

Spelman, George, West Pottergate

Starling, Thomas, Paragon street

Studwin, Paul, St. Benedict’s road

Todd, William, King street

Walker, Mr., Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Wild, John, Orford hill

Winter, John, Valentine street


Goose, William Henry, Briggs’ street

Heaviside, John, Church street, St. Simon’s

Hubbard, Mary Ann, All Saints’ green

Ladbrooke, J. B., Bridge street

Nursey, Claude L., Thorpe hamlet

Smith, Susanna, Southwell cottage, New Lakenham

Stannard, Arthur, Upper King street

Stannard, Mrs. Joseph, Rose lane

Thompson, Henry, St. Stephen’s gates

Auctioneers, &c.

Barnard, Dennis, Castle street

Butcher, William, Theatre street

Clarke and Hunter, Dove street

Clowes, Francis, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Harrison, Spencer, Upper Market

Hudbud, Stephen, St. Benedict’s street

Ives, George, Upper King street

Mason, Henry John, Duke’s Palace street

Sparkes, Francis S., St. Giles’ street

Spelman, William and Sons, St. Giles’ street

Strogan, Robert, Bracondale

Wilde, William, St. Stephen’s street

Wilde, William, jun., Post Office street


Aldous, John Tungate, Trory street, New Lakenham

Alexander, Henry, Heigham street

Anderson, Joseph, Pump street

Archer, Henry, Ber street

Artis, Francis, Castle hill

Baldwin, Henry, St. Martin’s at Oak

Bardwell, William, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Barnes, Edward Ramsbottom, Thorn lane

Baxter, Maria, Brazen Doors road

Bennett, Daniel, Ber street

Bennett, Robert, St. Giles’ hill

Bennett, Robert, junr., West Pottergate

Bennett, William, Cowgate street

Berry, John George, Ber street

Blyth, Mary, Barrack street

p. 71Bone, Francis, St. Benedict’s street

Brock, Samuel, St. Augustine’s street

Brown, John, Philadelphia

Brown, Maria, St. Swithin’s

Browne, Barnabas, City road

Burrage, Edward, Upper St. Giles’

Cannell, Robert, King street

Catling, Alfred, King street gates

Claxton, George, Tinkler’s lane

Claxton, Walter, New Catton

Daplyn, Maria, St. Augustine’s street

Davison, Matthew, Rising Sun lane

Dawson, William, Rupert street, Union place

Ding, James, Pottergate street

Dunn, John, West Pottergate

Empson, Ezra, St. Augustine’s street

Fearnside, Benjamin, Palace street

Folk, Charles, King street, Crook’s place

Folk, Charles, Gildengate street

Fox, Elizabeth, Lower close

Fox, William, Cowgate street

Freeman, James, St. Giles’ street

Freeman, William, Union place

Freestone, Anthony, Church street, New Lakenham

Gibson, William, St. Catherine’s plain

Goldsmith, Thomas, St. Stephen’s str.

Graham, Nathaniel, Union place

Graver, Thomas, St. Paul’s church plain

Hannant, Nathaniel, Magdalen street

Harden, Charles, Tinkler’s lane

Harden, Charles, Heigham street

Hardy, Michael, St. Catherine’s plain

Harrison, William, Golden Ball street

Hatch, Frederic, William street

Hemnall, Johnston, Rose lane

Hewitt, Thomas, Rising Sun lane

Hill, Robert, King street

Holl, Harriett, Gildengate street

Houghton, Robert, Ber street

Howard, Daniel, Barrack street

Hull, Mary, St. Mary’s street

Isaac, Edward, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Isaac, Edward, Upper Regent street, Union place

Iverson, Edward, West Pottergate

Kahler, John Henry, Rose lane

Kemp, James, Union place

Lake, Samuel, St. George’s plain

Land, Henry, Colegate street

Larkman, William, King street

Laws, John, Thorn lane

Leach, James, Little Queen street, Crook’s place

Leman, Thomas, All Saints’ street

Long, Joseph Page, St. James’ street

Lowe, Alfred, Holl’s lane

Massingham, Robert, Bethel street

Mitchell, Frederic, Palace street

Myhill, Benjamin, St. Martin’s at Palace

Miller, Alfred, Chapel field road

Newman, Henry Richard, Ber street

Newson, Samuel, Trowse Millgate

Page, Mary, St. John’s Maddermarket

Parker, Clare, St. Martin’s at Oak

Pegg, Thomas, New Catton

Pinching, William, Bethel street

Pinching, William, Queen str., Crook’s place

Parr, John, Saint Peter’s steps, Market-place

Plumnell, James, Ten Bell lane

Pooley, Richard, Charing cross

Primrose, Maria, Pitt street

Quantrell, Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak

Rose, Philip, St. Miles’ street

Sampson, Sarah, St. Benedict’s street

Scott, Thomas, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Sheppard, Elizabeth, Upper market

Skedge, John, West Pottergate street

Smith, Robert, King street, Crook’s place

Smith, William Richard, St. Benedict’s street

Stafford, William, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Sullivan, Stephen, St. Margaret’s plain

Tann, John, Charing cross

Thurston, Carnaby, New Catton

Tuttell, Ann, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Waller, Thomas, Cowgate street

Wilch, Thomas, King street

Willimott, Henry, Mill lane, New Catton

Winter, Samuel, King street

Woollistone, James, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Youngs, Mary Ann, St. Stephen’s str.


Harvey and Hudsons, Upper King str., draw on Hankey and Co.

East of England, Hay hill, William Stitt Wilson, manager; draw on London and Westminster bank

Gurneys, Birkbeck, and Co., Bank plain; drawn on Barclay and Co.

Savings’ Bank, Haymarket, open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, from 12 till 2.  Chief Clerk, W. Fenn

Basket Makers, &c.—

Beales, Mary, Tombland

Burman, Henry, St. Mary’s street

p. 72Gay, Mrs., Upper market

Green, Robert, St. Benedict’s street

Hovell, William, Charing cross

Mason, Samuel, Ber street

Thayne, Edward, St. Benedict’s street


Banham, Henry, Holl’s lane

Boswell, John, St. Andrew’s hill

Brooks, John, All Saints’ street

Browne, William, Barrack street

Cocks, William, St. Catherine’s plain

Huggins, John, Rising Sun lane

Oakley, Robert, Palace street

Palmer, John and W., St. Augustine’s street

Robson, Jonathan, Rising Sun road

Salmon, William, King street gates

Shalders, Thomas, Hay hill

Sharon, Anthony, Pottergate street

Shreeve, John, Magdalen street

Booksellers and Stationers—

Bacon, Richard N., London street

Candler, John, Rampant Horse street

Custance, Jonathan, Magdalen street

Darken, James, Little London street

Daynes, John, Back of the Inns

Fletcher and Alexander, Gentleman’s Walk, Market-place

Gooch, Robert, White Lion street

Hardesty, Alexander, White Lion str.

Hill, Lot, Bridewell alley

Jarrold and Sons, London and Exchange streets

Jeary, Robert, Bridewell alley

Lain, Edward, Elm hill

Mousir, Robert, St. Giles’ street

Muskett, Charles, Haymarket

Nash, William S., Lower Westwick street

Newman, Samuel, St. Giles’ street

Oury and Co., London street

Pigg, Henry, London street

Priest, Thomas, Rampant Horse street

Rudd, Francis, St. Stephen’s square

Slater, John, Castle hill

Spencer, George, Bridge street

Stevenson and Matchett, Market-place

Wilson, George, Castle meadow

Woolnough, Theophilus, Prince’s str.


Campling, James, St. Stephen’s street

Colby, Richard, Golden Dog lane

Coote, George Mark, Hay hill

Fletcher and Alexander, Gentleman’s Walk, Market-place

Grinter, Charles E., Gildengate street

Jarrold and Sons, London street

Jeary, Robert, Bridewell alley

Kerr, Stephen John, Distillery street

Lemmon, James, Gun lane

Liffen, John Palmer, Gildengate street

Muskett, Charles, Haymarket

Otty, Philip, Orford hill

Pigg, Henry, London street

Priest, Thomas, Rampant Horse street

Quinton, John, Pottergate street

Rudd, Francis, St. Stephen’s square

Steward, Samuel, Prince’s street

Thrower, John, St. Stephen’s

Upcroft, W., Thoroughfare yard, Magdalen street

Boot and Shoe Makers—

Abbott, William, Magdalen street

Allen, Mary Ann and Charles, Briggs’ street

Ames, James, St. Benedict’s street

Banham and Scotter, Wensum street

Barber, Frederick, Somerset place, Holl’s lane

Barker, Benjamin, Hall road, New Lakenham

Barnes, John, St. James’ street

Baston, William, Castle street

Blyth, John, Cross street, St. Giles’ rd.

Blyth, William B., Bethel street

Boast, John, Lower Westwick street

Borking, James, St. Benedict’s street

Bowhill, O. H., Oxford street, Unthank’s road

Bowthorpe, William, Unthank’s road

Brett, Isaac, Upper King street

Buck, Charles Harrison, Back of the Inns

Calver, John, Church street, St. Simon’s

Calver, Thomas, Upper Market-place

Campling, Browne, and Co., Pottergate street

Carver, William, Trowse Millgate

Casper, George, h Lower close

Challis, Thomas, Upper London street

Clarke, John, Distillery street

Clitheroe, William, Botolph street

Collins, James, Davey place

Cooke, Edward Thomas, White Lion street

Cousins, Thomas, Bethel street

Cox, John, Magdalen street

Crawford, William, Bank street

Cullington, Mary Ann, Queen street

Cushing, James, Distillery street

Dean, James, Bridge street

Dobson, Robert, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Fenn, Thomas, Pottergate street

Ford and Son, Colegate street

Ford, William, Earlham road

Ford, William Foyster, Calvert street

Francis, George, Castle hill

Freeman, Richard, St. Benedict’s street

Frost, John, Lower Westwick street

p. 73Goffin, Matilda Elizabeth, Palace street

Goldsmith, James, Back of the Inns

Good, Thomas, Magdalen street

Green and Company, Bethel street

Groom, George, St. Stephen’s street

Hall, Timothy, Ten Bell lane

Hammond, Jonathan, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Hardy, Jonathan, St. Benedict’s street

Harris, James Thomas, Ber street

Harrison, William, Bridewell alley

Harvey, John, London street

Howorth, William, St. Miles’ street

Hewitt, George, West End street

Holl, George, All Saints’ green

Holl, George Norton, Castle street

Holl, Robert D., Exchange street

Holl, Robert, St. Benedict’s road

Holmes, John, Surrey street

Holmes, Robert, Rigby’s court

Horne, Robert, Cambrian place, Heigham road

Horne, Robert, Little London street

Hotblack, John, Orford hill, h Carrow hill

Howes, Abraham, Rampant Horse str.

Hudson, George, West Pottergate

Isaacs, John, Gildengate street

Jay, Jonathan, Valentine street

Johnson, James, St. Giles’ hill

Jordan, John, St. Miles’ bridge

Kemp, William, Pitt street

Kent, Robert, White Lion street

Larke, Frederic William, St. John’s Timberhill

Lee, William, All Saints’ street

Leech, John, Queen str., Crook’s place

Lincoln, James, Ten Bell lane

Littell, Charles, Upper market-place

Lloyd, J. P., Davey place

Lock, Henry, St. Stephen’s street

Loombe, Thomas, St. John’s Timberhill

Lulham, William George, and Lulham, Edwin Walter, Surrey street

Mann, Samuel, Magdalen street

Martin and Son, St. Gregory’s church alley

May, James, Upper St. Giles’

Merry, John, King street

Middleton, John, St. Augustine’s street

Middleton, Thomas, West Wymer street

Minns, William, Rising Sun lane

Moon, Robert, New Catton

Norton, George, St. Stephen’s street

Palmer, Robert, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Patteson, James, St. Benedict’s street

Pond, James, West End street

Pratt, John, St. Mary’s street

Preston, Daniel, New Catton

Price, John, Orford hill

Randall, James, Ber street

Roberts, James, St. John’s Timberhill

Rogers and Casper, Calvert street

Rubert, Justice, Lower Westwick street

Sampson, William, Cow hill

Samuel and Joseph, St. John’s Timberhill

Sacret, Thomas, Magdalen street

Scott, John, Magdalen street

Skoyles, James, Grapes hill

Smith, George, Southwell cottage, New Lakenham

Snelling, William, Orford hill

Soman, Daniel, Lower Goat lane

Soman, David, Gildengate street

Stapleton, Robert, St. John’s Maddermarket and Pottergate street

Steward, Thomas, St. Stephen’s street

Sursham, Henry David, St. Benedict’s street

Swann, James, Magdalen street

Terrington, William, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Thetford, Thomas Daniel, St. Paul’s st.

Thirtle, Thomas, Bridewell alley

Thompson, John, White Lion street

Tillyard, Isaac, Valentine street

Tillyard and Son, Elm hill

Tillyard and Co., Pottergate street

Tinkley, Esther, Rampant Horse street

Truman, James, Grapes hill

Turner, William, St. Swithin’s

Turner, William, Palace street

Twaites, John Henry, Holl’s lane

Utting, John, Gildengate street

Watering, Jeremiah, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Webster, Robert, jun., St. Lawrence steps

Winter, Charles, Upper market

Woolmer, Clement Amos, Bridge street

Wright, Richard, Bridge street

Wright, Robert, Bank plain

Wyatt, Henry, Upper King street

Braziers and Tin-plate Workers (see also Ironmongers)—

Alden, Robert, St. Stephen’s plain

Ashen, Robert, St. Stephen’s street

Baker and Hornor, Post-office street

Bedford, Philip, Pottergate street

Brown, William, St. Miles’ street

Hayward, Carey, Ber street

Huson, Richard, William street

Jay, John, St. Andrew’s hill

Murton, William, St. Miles’ street

Olley, Stephen Benjamin, St. Benedict’s street

Smith, William, St. Benedict’s street

Stevens, Charles Frederic, Magdalen st.

p. 74Waite, George, Redwell street

Warner and Co., St. Giles’ street

Wright, Daniel, Pitt street

Brewers and Maltsters—

Baldwin, William, St. Giles’ hill

Barclay, Arthur K., King street gates

Bell, Stephen, Carrow hill

Boardman and Sursham, Wensum street

Branford, Benjamin, Thorpe

Burdett, Jonathan, Dereham road

Bullard, Richard, Bridge street

Clarke, Charles, St. Miles’

Gooch, Noah, Charing cross

Harmer, Daniel, King street

Mealing and Mills, King street

Morgan, J. B. and H., King street

Patteson, Henry S., St. Martin’s at Oak

Plane, Richard, Upper Goat lane

Sexton, Edward, New Catton

Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co., Barrack street

Weston, Charles, Bridge street, St. George’s

Webster, William, Ber street

Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs, King street

Brick Merchants—

Blake, George, Newmarket road

Dawson, George, Brazen Doors road

Mills, James, Castle meadow

Murrell, G. H., Duke’s palace

Brush Manufacturers, &c.—

Abel, Frederick, Unthank’s road

Bradfield, James, Little London street

Campion, Edward, West Wymer street

Cook, Samuel, Davey place

Edgar, Thomas, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Gay, Mrs., Upper market

Gibson, Matthew, Paragon street

Gooch, Thomas, Grout’s thoroughfare

Harper, James, St. Benedict’s street

Page, Samuel D., Haymarket

Rix, Henry, Gildengate street

Robinson, Robert, Rising Sun lane

Rogers and Page, Wensum street

Scott, Peter Thomas, White Lion street

Winter, William, Back of the Inns


Bale, George, St. Benedict’s street

Blake, Benjamin, Lower Westwick str.

Blazer, Robert, Regent street, Union place

Blake, Samuel, Bridewell alley

Brewster, James, Upper market

Bridges, John, Heigham street

Bunn, Thomas, Distillery street

Bushell, William, Norfolk street, Union place

Campling, Paul, West Pottergate street

Chapman, Abel, Magdalen street

Chapman, Samuel, Upper St. Giles’

Chapman, Thomas Robert, Upper market

Clarke, Samuel, Rose Valley terrace, Unthank’s road

Cobb, Leggatt, St. Augustine’s street

Cobb, Robert Leggatt, Magdalen street

Cork, Henry, St. Augustine’s

Cross, William, Rose lane

Cullington, John, St. Augustine’s street

Dawson, Jonathan, Magdalen street

Dawson, Philip, Magdalen street

Dent, Thomas, Ber street

Dickenson, Richard, St. Benedict’s street

Drake, Mary, Church walk, New Lakenham

Easton, Zachariah, St. James’ street

Ellwood, Henry, St. John’s Timberhill

Fitt, James, Ber street

Fitt, William, Ber street

Fussey, Susan, Ber street

Gray, Mary Ann, St. Benedict’s street

Greeves, Benjamin, Upper market

Greeves, Henry, Market-place; h Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Gibson, Samuel, Gildengate street

Goodwin, Sarah, Upper market

Goodson, William, St. Benedict’s road

Hall, Charles, Upper King street

Harley, John Payne, St. Benedict’s str.

Holland, Francis, West Wymer street

Howard, William, New Catton

Ives, Charles, Magdalen street

Jackson, Edward, Bridewell alley

Jones, James, Grove place, New Lakenham

Keddington, Frederic, Ber street

Kerrison, Barnard, Colegate street

Kett, George, Ber street

Key, George, St. Martin’s at Oak

King, Edward, St. Catherine’s plain

Lamb, James, Upper market

Lamb, Robert, Palace street

Lamb, William, Grapes hill

Lawrence, Thomas, St. Faith’s lane

Manthorpe, Thomas, King street

Meen, Henry P., St. Stephen’s street

Miller, George, City road

Minns, David, St. Benedict’s street

Morrison, John, St. James’ street

Pilgrim, John, St. Martin’s at Oak

Pitcher, Robert, New Catton

Pycroft, Nathaniel, Red Lion street

Pycroft, Thomas, St. Stephen’s street

Redgement, Kirby, Vauxhall street, Union place

Rudling, William, Ber street

Rudrum, Christopher, King street

p. 75Savage, Robert, Bridge street

Savage, Stephen, Cowgate street

Scarnell, William, Distillery street

Seeley, William, Pottergate street

Skelt, William P., St. Benedict’s street

Stedman, William, Lady’s lane

Stewardson, N. T., St. James’ street

Stimpson, John, Fye bridge

Stockings, Mark, St. Stephen’s street

Watts, Thomas, Willow Jane

Woodcock, Samuel, Palace street

Wright, Thomas, New Catton

Builders, Carpenters, and Joiners—

Aldous, C., St. Stephen’s street

Amies, John, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Atkinson, Richard, Bethel street

Bailey, Isaac, West Pottergate

Balls, Benjamin, Pottergate street

Balls, Daniel, West Pottergate

Barber, William, St. Martin’s Palace plain

Barking, Thomas, Pottergate street

Barnes, Matthew, Rowling’s buildings, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Bell, George, Peacock street

Bloom, Thomas, St. Giles’ road

Blyth, John, William street

Britcher, Thomas, Pottergate street

Brooks, Henry, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Brooks, James, Tabernacle street

Brooks, Thomas, Bridge street; h Thorpe hamlet

Brown and Bailey, West Pottergate str.

Brown, John, West Pottergate

Browne, Christopher, Front row, New Lakenham

Burrell, Benjamin, King street

Bush, Thomas, Globe street, Union place

Colman, John D., Magdalen street

Cunney, Robert, New Catton

Curtis and Balls, West Pottergate str.

Cushion, William, Rising Sun road

Darkins, Canuel, St. Stephen’s gates

Daws, Robert, Hampden place, Saint Benedict’s road

Doughty, John, Crook’s place

England, Robert, St. Giles’ hill

Fisher, Robert Watts, Museum court, St. Andrew’s street

Fisher, Thomas, the Crescent

Fisher, Thomas, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Fisher, William, Calvert street

Fitt, John, Rising Sun lane

Frost, Charles, Chapel Field road

Gaze, Matthew, King street

George, W. Morris, Pottergate street

Gilbert, William, St. Augustine’s

Goose, Robert, Union place

Griffin, Eliza, Cow hill

Harper, Ambrose, Southwell road, New Lakenham

Hewitt, James, St. Augustine’s road

Hood, Robert, Sussex street

Hood, Robert, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Houghton, Robert, Ber street

Howard, Charles, Bishopgate street

Howlett, James, Pottergate street

Lacey, George P., Surrey road

Lacey, James W., Surrey street

Lacey, John, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Lacey, John G., Ber street

Lacey, William, Castle hill

Lacey, William R., St. Andrew’s Broad street

Lane, James, New Catton

Leech, Philip, St. Martin’s lane

Ling, George, All Saints’ green

Lucas Brothers, St. Giles’ street, Belvidere road, London, and South wharf, Lowestoft

Mare, Stephen, Lady’s lane

Meachen, George, St. Benedict’s road

Meachen, Stephen, William street

Miller, John, Gildengate street

Minns, Edward, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Minns and Foyson, Castle meadow

Minns, George W., Tombland

Moore, William, New Lakenham

Murray, Joseph, New Lakenham

Nelson, Thomas, Barrack street

Newham, John, New Lakenham

Newham, George, Front row, New Lakenham

Nicholls, John, Golden Ball street

Norton, Henry, John street, Union pl.

Notley, William, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Ollett, M. A., Lower close

Page, Jeremiah, Rising Sun road

Page, Samuel, West Pottergate

Plummer and Bloom, Bethel street

Parker, Clare, St. Martin’s at Oak

Parnell, Richard, Lady’s lane

Read, James, Prince’s street

Russell, Robert George, St. Catherine’s plain

Sendall, William, Paragon street

Sexton, Horace W., St. Swithin’s

Sexton, Robert Watling, Golden Dog lane

Sinkler, John, Magdalen street

Smith, Robert, St. Stephen’s road

Spinks, Charles, King street

Taylor, James, Whitefriars’ street

p. 76Tillett, Leonard, Lower Westwick street

Townshend, William, Golden Ball str.

Underwood, Henry, King street

Walker, James, Paragon street

Warnett, George, King street

Watson, Edward Charles, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Watson, James, Philadelphia

White, Jeremiah, St. Miles’ Thorn lane

Wiseman, Robert, Muspole street, St. Mary’s

Wordingham, William, St. Catherine’s plain

Worman, James, Castle meadow

Wrettham, William, Paragon street

Wright, James, Ber street

Wright, William, Richmond hill

Wurr, William, St. Giles’ hill

Wurr and Page, St. Giles’ hill

Youell, Thomas, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Youngs, James, St. Benedict’s road

Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers—

Abel, Daniel, Pottergate street

Blazeby, James, Bethel street

Birch, Benjamin, Ber street

Bultitude, Edward, Charing cross

Chamberlin, William, Cowgate street

Clarke and Hunter, Dove street

Cordran, William, Chapel field road

Corrick, William, St. Giles’ street

Cox, John, Laflin’s buildings, St. Benedict’s road

Craske, James, Lower Goat lane

Cross, James, Lower Goat lane

Crowe and Sons, St. Stephen’s street

Fairweather, Henry, St. Giles’ street

Forte, W. and Watts, W. H., St. Augustine’s street

Freeman, Charles Jeremiah, Upper London street

Hales, James, St. John’s Maddermarket

Harmer, Robert, Carrow hill

Huggins, Maria, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Kirkham and Howard, Redwell street

Lawrence, William, Ten Bell lane

Leeson, Richard Croft, St. Giles’ street

Miller, George Robert, St. Andrew’s hill

Moll, Richard, St. John’s Maddermarket

Neave, Charles James, King street gates

Norris, James, Charing cross

Ostler, James, Suffolk street, Union place

Pigg, Greenwood, and Co., London str.

Pilgrim, William, Pottergate street

Pooley, Samuel, St. John’s Maddermarket

Pooley, William, Charing cross

Richardson, John, West Pottergate

Robertson, Henry, Grove road, New Lakenham

Roe, John, Orford hill

Scott, Charles, Gildengate street

Scott, Emily, Charing cross

Scott, Robert B., Charing cross

Tann, Samuel Wiseman, Pottergate street

Thirkettle, John, St. Catherine’s plain

Tillett, Benjamin, New Catton

Trevor, Henry, Post-office street

Tyce, George, Charing cross

Woods, John Robert, St. Stephen’s street

Carvers and Gilders—

Boswell, William, Magdalen street

Burrell, Benjamin, King street

Clarke and Hunter, Dove street

Crowe and Sons, St. Stephen’s street

Culyer, Thomas, Pottergate street

Daws, Larrance, St. Andrew’s hill

Freeman, William, jun., and print-seller, Rampant Horse street

Gilman, John, Upper London street

Griffin, E., Cow hill

Howard, John, Bethel street

Ollett, M. A., Lower close

Robinson, Christopher, Pottergate str.

Scott, Robert B., Charing cross

Townsend, Samuel, jun., Charing cross

Townshend, Samuel, Bethel street

Trevor, Henry, Post-office street; h St. Giles’ road

Watson, Daniel, All Saints’ Green

Wilkin, Charles, Tombland

Chemists and Druggists—

Andrews, Brothers, Bridge street

Arnold, Edward, Orford hill

Baxter, Benjamin, St. Benedict’s street

Bliss, Joseph James, Magdalen street

Cooke, William, St. Giles’ street

Cubitt, George, Gentleman’s Walk, Market-place

Dixon, Benjamin, Rose corner, King street

Farmer and Huke, Upper Market-place

Fitch and Chambers, Market-place

Fromow, William, St. Augustine’s str.

Grant, Thomas, Ber street

Greenhill, J., St. Giles’ street

Harper and Sutton, Bank plain

Hooper, John, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Hulme, John H., St. Andrew’s hall plain

James, Henry, St. Martin’s at Oak

Johnson, Ambrose, Lower Westwick street

p. 77Juler, Richard, St. James’ street

Lay, George, Wellington street, Union place

Miles, Charles, St. Stephen’s street

Orris, George, Magdalen street

Pearce, Henry (Homœopathic), Davey place

Peggs, James Orissa, Golden Ball str.

Pitts, Robert Christopher, St. Giles’ street

Prentice, William, Ber street

Redgrave, William R., Wensum street

Row, Frederic, St. Stephen’s street

Rudd, John, St. George’s plain

Sanderson, Edwin, Upper St. Giles’

Searby, W. and W. M., White Lion str.

Slade, Daniel Davis (Homœopathic) London street

Smith, Edward, Calvert street

Smith and Sons, Magdalen street and Market-place

Spatchett, James, St. John’s Maddermarket

Stark and Co., wholesale, Duke’s palace bridge

Thompson, Henry, Bridge street

Watson, Gilbert P., King street

Wheeler, Francis, Swan lane

Clothiers (see also Tailors)—

Bayes, Elizabeth and Sons, Orford hill

Bennett and Son, Wensum street

Brown, George, Bridge street

Burrage and Jeffries, Davey place

Burrows, Robert, Lower Westwick str.

Butler, James, Lower Westwick street

Christie, Thomas, Magdalen street

Cocks, Dennis, Magdalen street

Cocks, Thomas, Lower Westwick street

Fromow, John, Lower Westwick street

Hare, John, Lower Westwick street

Huby, Richard, Lower Westwick street

Kilburn, William, St. Benedict’s street

Lawcons, Virtue, Lower Westwick str.

Marshall, Peter, Ber street

Metcalf, Simon W., St. Benedict’s street

Mickleburgh, J. H., St. Margaret’s pln.

Nichols, Elizabeth, Upper Goat lane

Paul, Greenwood, Lower Westwick str.

Pilgrim, Thomas, St. James’ street

Riches and Skoyles, Davey place

Steward and Smith, Tombland

Slater, J., Tombland

Womack, George, White Lion street and Davey place

Wade, Francis, London street

Webster, Robert, St. Lawrence steps

Coach Builders—

Cordran, Henry, Magdalen street

Foulger, Robert, Mason’s court, Ber street

Gunn, Robert, Grove place, New Lakenham

Harcourt, Anthony, Vauxhall terrace, Julian place

Hart, Philip W., St. Giles’ gates

Howard, George, Little Orford street

Howes, Henry W., Ber street

Howes, Thomas S., Rose lane

Jolly, Charles W., St. Stephen’s gates

Kett, Henry, St. Giles’ street

Meadows, Jonathan, Bridge street

Pearson, Edward, St. Andrew’s broad street

Rudling, James, Palace street

Smith, George, St. Stephen’s square

Spratt, William, Chapel field

Stanhaw, George, St. Giles’ gates

Coal Merchants—

Balls, James, City road, Heigham fields

Boardman and Sursham, Wensum str.

Bowgen, John H., Lower Westwick street

Clarke, Royal, William street

Dawbarn, James, Castle hill

Dowson and Sons, Duke’s Palace street

George, Richard, Quay side

Lamb, Benjamin C., Magdalen street

Mills, James, Castle meadow

Norfolk and Eastern Counties Coal Company, Prince’s street

Orsborne, Edward, Quay side

Read, Samuel G., Quay side

Vyall, Daniel, St. Andrew’s broad street

Watson, John, Haymarket

Coffee and Eating Houses—

Beck, Samuel, Castle hill

Bloomfield, George, Market-place

Fountain, Mrs., London street

Frost, William, Upper Market

Ham, Mrs. C., Orford hill

Hemnall, Johnson, Rose lane

Hubbard, Horatio, Upper Market

Lee, George, Market place

Parker, Thomas, Rose lane

Rix, George, Golden Ball street

Sanderson, Alexander, Bridge street

Seeley’s boarding house, St. Stephen’s plain

Webster, Henry, Golden Ball street


Benslyn, Thomas, Pottergate street

Black and Co., Haymarket

Brighten, Charles George, St. Stephen’s gates

Burrage, Edward, Upper St. Giles’

Burrage, Edwin, Elm hill

Chapman, William, Wensum street

Chettleburgh, Henry, Rampant Horse street

p. 78Confectioners (continued)—

Chidwick, Francis, Magdalen street

Culyer, Thomas, St. Augustine’s street

Daynes, Richard, Lower Westwick street

Fountain, Mrs., London street

Goldsmith, Thomas, St. Stephen’s str.

Haddon, Mary Ann, Rose lane

Harrison, Francis, Elm hill

Harrison, William, St. Andrew’s hill

Hatcarton, Joseph, Swan lane

Hick, William, Bridge street

Holl, Harriet, Gildengate street

Hunt, James, St. Stephen’s

Hunt, John, St. Benedict’s street

Lake, Samuel, St. George’s plain

Lock, Charles, Exchange street

Lowe, Joseph, Gildengate street

Malvon, Jeremiah, St. James’ street

Marshall, Robert, Magdalen street

Marston, Richard, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Massingham, Robert, Bethel street

Pinching, William, Bethel street

Rose, John, Golden Ball street

Rose, Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Savory, Coulsey, Upper London street

Scottow, Mary, Red Lion street

Silvey, William, White Lion street

Skipper, Henry, Magdalen street

Smith, John J., Ber street

Smith, William R., Palace street

Stannard, Robert, Little London street

Tuck, Robert, Wensum street

Tuck, Robert, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Tuck, Robert A., Lower Goat lane

Tate, James, St. Miles’ street

Wilson, George, Queen street

Winter, George, St. John’s Timberhill


Culyer, Charles A., Rampant Horse street

Death, John, Bishopgate street

Jeckell, George, Ber street gates

Le Maitre, H., St. Stephen’s

Munday, James, St. Michael’s at Thorn lane

Plumstead, William, Church street

Sheppard, Isaac, Magdalen street

Short, Henry, Gildengate street

Stacy, Anthony, Thorpe hamlet

Cork Cutters—

Crosskill, George, Bridge street

Robinson, John, Bridge street

Rose, George, St. Stephen’s street

Wilson, Thomas, Golden Ball street

Corn and Seed Merchants—

Allen, Henry, Distillery street

Barwell and Sons, St. Andrew’s hill and London street

Batson, Edward, Magdalen street

Boardman and Sursham, Wensum str.

Burcham and Co., Wensum street

Clabburn and Sparkes, Magdalen street

Cross, James, Victoria street, St. Stephen’s road

Cubitt, William J., Magdalen street

Dunmore, Robert, St. Benedict’s street

Kitson, John, the Close

Mealing, Samuel W., King street, h Ipswich road

Norton, John and Co., Guildhall corner, Market place

Read, Robert, Bishopgate street

Redgrave, Joseph, the Close

Woolnough, M., Ber street

Curriers and Leather Sellers—

Armes, Robert, St. Giles’ street

Beare, Samuel Shalders, Bridge street, h Town close

Blackburn, J. R., St. Stephen’s plain

Brooks, C., St. Stephen’s plain

Brooks, James, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Cooke, Edward, St. John’s Maddermarket

Curtis, William, St. Benedict’s street

Foulsham, Henry, White Lion street

Gooch, S. J., Davey place

Howell, James, Castle hill

Howell, William, Lower Goat lane

Mills, William, Golden Ball street

Page, George, St. Clement’s, h Unthank’s road

Page and Son, Magdalen street

Rudd and Paston, St. Giles’ hill

Sidney and Armes, Dove street

Steel, James, Magdalen street

Thompson, Thomas, Orford hill

Tillyard and Howlett, Pottergate street

Woods, George John, St. Gregory’s Church Alley


Allison, Sophia, Upper market

Branch, George, Golden Ball street

Hewitt, William, St. Giles’ street

Huggins, John, Rising Sun lane

Lister, Son and Co., Haymarket

Pearson, James, St. Andrew’s hill

Sawyer and Company, Upper London street

Scott, James, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Sutton, Samuel, Royal Hotel street

Taylor, George, Upper St. Giles’ street


Boulger, Joseph P., Willow lane

Bridgman, William K., St. Giles’ street

Dunsford, James, St. Giles’

Gunton, Alfred, St. Giles’ street

p. 79Hay, William Post-office street

Hulme, John H., St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Neep, W. E. J., Post-office street

Suggett and Dunsford, St. Giles’ street

Waller, Robert, Rose lane

White, Richard, St. Giles’ street


Abbott, E. J., St. Stephen’s street

Aldrich, John, West Pottergate

Andrews, William, St. Stephen’s street

Armstrong, Henry, St. Andrew’s broad street

Austrin, Mrs. A., Orford hill

Betts, John, Market-place

Bishop, George, Haymarket

Blakely, Edward, Queen street

Blandon, William, Ber street

Caley, Nathaniel Henry, London street

Campling, William, Barrack street

Chamberlin, Sons, and Co., Market-place

Coleman, George Lovick, Market-place

Coleman and Sons, London street

Copeman, Bell, St. Gregory’s church alley

Cundall, B., Son, and Co., Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Delf and Co., Tombland

Edwards, W. P., St. Stephen’s street

English and Son, London street

Fairweather, Lydia, London street

Fiske, Francis Robert, London street

Flood, Harriet, St. Benedict’s street

Flower, Jonathan, Wensum street

Fraser, John, St. Benedict’s road

Gooderson and Moll, Upper market-place

Gowen, Jeremiah, St. Mary’s street

Hall, James, Regent street, Union place

Hemmant, George, Exchange street

Hipper, William, St. Benedict’s street

Henderson, John, St. Benedict’s road

Howard, Robert, New Catton

Huson, M. and Co., London street

Jackson, Joseph, All Saints’ green

Jones, Elizabeth, Briggs’ street

Kett, George, Lame Dog road

Kett, William, London street and Exchange street

Knevett, Jonathan, St. Benedict’s street

Newstead, William, Lower Goat lane

Pigot, Isabella, Bridge street

Piggott, John Henry, St. Stephen’s street

Piper, William, London street

Powell, Robert, Upper London street

Rackham, W. S., Unthank’s road

Reid, Samuel, St. Andrew’s hall plain

Scarles, Francis, Ber street

Smith, George, Ber street

Snowdon, John, Gentleman’s walk

Snowdon and Sons, Bridge street

Stocks, Alfred Joseph, Briggs’ street

Sutton, Henry, St. Augustine’s street

Thorsby, Robert, St. Stephen’s gates

Tillyard, Rebecca, Magdalen street

Towler, Hannah, Fye bridge

Watering, John, St. Stephen’s street

Willis, George Edward, Heigham street


Allen, Bryant, Scoles’ green

Blyth, Edwin A., Sussex street, St. Augustine’s

Brown, Sarah, Tombland

Carter, John, All Saints’ street

Cattermole, William, St. Andrew’s hill

Culyer, Thomas, St. Augustine’s street

Fish and Son, Lower Westwick street

Fletcher, Ann, Quay side

Furse, Maria, Gildengate street

Gedge, Frederic, St. Benedict’s

Groom, George, Brazen Doors road

Harper, George, Calvert street

Harper, Joseph, Bridge street

Houghton, David, St. Giles’

Houghton, James, Ten Bell lane

Jay, Joshua, Bethel street

King, Alfred, Tinkler’s lane

Metcalf, Francis, Colegate street

Peel, Edward, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Stark and Co., Duke’s Palace bridge

Ulph, William, St. Margaret’s

Engravers and Copperplate Printers—

Bayliss, Henry, Pottergate street

Coote, George M., Hay hill

Dallinger, Joseph, Davey place

Hall, William E., Back-of-the-Inns

Marrison, Robert, Orford hill

Ninham, Henry, Chapel Field

Engineers, &c.—

Benest, T. S., St. Andrew’s Hall plain

Blyth, R. J. and Co., Ber street

Campling, James, Pump street

Holmes and Son, Globe lane

Slack, Thomas, St. Giles’ hill

Smithdale, Thomas, St. Faith’s lane

Sparke and Co., Thorn lane

Watts, Riches, and Buck, Rose lane


Augood, Henry, Rising Sun lane

Bagshaw, George, St. Miles’ street

Bagshaw, Joseph, St. Stephen’s street

Baldwin, John, Fishmarket

Barnard, John, Fye bridge

Blyth, J. N., St. Benedict’s street

Browne, Thomas, Fishmarket

Butcher, John, Ber street

p. 80Campling, John, Magdalen street

Clayton, George, Fishmarket

Dack, Jonathan, Fishgate street

Garner, Francis, Cowgate street

George, John, St. Benedict’s street

Gurney, Francis, St. Paul’s street

Hare, William, Upper market

Hurrell, William, Magdalen street

Jay, Charles, Fishmarket

Moy, George, St. Benedict’s street

May, William, Cowgate street

Parker, Joshua, Fishmarket

Parker, Thomas, St. Stephen’s

Phillips, Francis, St. Catherine’s plain

Pratt, William, Fishmarket

Roundtree, Charles, Barrack street

Weavers, William, Fishmarket


Bayes, William, St. Martin’s at Oak

Brown and Edwards, Castle meadow

Fox, Joel, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Knight, Thomas, Castle meadow

Leist, Mrs. Harriet, William street

Potter, Thomas and Co., Gentleman’s walk, Market place

Thirkettle, Mrs. Harriet, St. Benedict’s road

Gas Fitters, &c.—

Boswell, John, St. Andrew’s hill

Leech, George, West Pottergate, Upper Goat lane

Pank, Abraham, Pottergate street

Pinson, Henry, Bank plain

Land, William, Hay hill

Self and Howes, Tombland

Self, Thomas, Pottergate street

Glass, China, and Earthenware Dealers—

Bean, Francis, Market-place

Creak, James Henry, Bridewell alley

Downing, Joseph, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Gill, John, St. Giles’ street

Hague, Francis, Charing cross

Hansell, Sarah, St. Augustine’s street

Hardiment, Jarvis, St. Benedict’s street

Lovick and Company, Bridewell alley

Meadows, Cornelius, Magdalen street

Meadows, George, Westlegate street

Murrell, James, Chapel Field road

Onley, Daniel, Brazen Doors road

Smith, William, Rampant Horse back street

Woodhouse, Joshua, Magdalen street

Yates, William and Company, Upper Davey place

Glovers and Glove Manufacturers—

Asker, Jane H., Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Boughton, Samuel, Red Lion street

Cubitt, Thomas, St. Augustine’s

Mills, William, Golden Ball street

Oxley, Richard, London street

Seago and Sons, St. John’s Maddermarket

Theobald and Son, London street

Tomlinson, Robert, Castle street

Green Grocers and Fruiterers—

Ames, Francis, St. Benedict’s road

Bancalari, Dominico, Ber street

Blyth, Sarah, St. Miles’ street

Browne, Robert, Botolph street

Browne, Thomas, King street

Bullen, William, Golden Ball street

Bullard, Robert, Swan lane

Burch, Conrade, West End street

Burrell, William, Cowgate street

Butler, James, St. Catherine’s plain

Chapman, Luke, St. Benedict’s road

Clarke, Ann, Ber street

Cohen, Phillip, Swan lane

Cousins, James, St. Benedict’s street

Dady, Daniel, St. Stephen’s street

Dann, James, Magdalen street

Dann, James, Quay side

Denny, John, Union street, Union place

Drake, John, Ber street

Ellis, Samuel, St. Martin’s at Oak

Engall, Joseph, St. Augustine’s street

Fair, Thomas, Bishopgate street

Farrow, Thomas, Union place

Francis, Thomas, St. John’s Timberhill

Freeman, Charles Robert, Upper King street

Fuller, Nathaniel, Ber street

Gardner, Thompson, Upper St. Giles’ street

Gasely, James, Lower Westwick street

Goose, Jacob, Rising Sun lane

Graver, Abraham, Magdalen street

Hansell, William, Church street, Union place

Hardiment, Eleanor, St. Martin’s lane

Harmer, James, St. Stephen’s street

Harris, James, Ber street

Hawes, Edward, St. Paul’s street

Hindle, Thomas, Ber street

Houghton, Henry, St. Giles’ street

Howes, William, Cowgate street

Jermy, Jeremiah, Pottergate street

Larkman, William, St. Augustine’s str.

Mansey, Robert, St. Benedict’s street

Newton, William, Swan lane

Parr, James, King street

Peel, James, Magdalen street

Pond, Margaret, Ber street

Pratt, George, Wellington terrace, Union place

p. 81Rape, William, Rising Sun lane

Sawter, Peter, St. Paul’s street

Slipper, Elizabeth, Grove place, New Lakenham

Sloper, John, Queen street

Staff, Charles, Ber street

Steward, Mary, St. Benedict’s street

Suttell, Henry, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Tattam, Richard, Lady’s lane

Taylor, George, Rose lane

Tibbs, Frederic, Globe street, Union place

Tooke, George S., Prince’s street

Turner, William, St. James’ street

Ward, Elizabeth, St. Benedict’s street

Watcham, Thomas, Heigham street

White, Richard, Palace street

Whittaker, William, King street

Grocers and Tea dealers—

Aldous, James, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Aldrich, John, West Pottergate

Aldridge, John, Church street, New Lakenham

Allington, John (late Diver), Upper walk, Market-place

Avey, Thomas, Ber street

Back and Co., Haymarket

Bateman and Co., London street and Swan lane

Bealby, Robert, William street

Beecheno, Frederic R., Upper London street

Belding, William, Magdalen street, h New Catton

Bell, Michael, Ber street

Bennett and Bream, Upper market

Betts, John, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Bilham, Charles, Colegate street

Blandon, William, Ber street

Boardman, Alfred, Davey place, h Upper Surrey street

Boardman Brothers, Cundall’s court, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Boardman, James Theobald, Newmarket Road

Bream, Charles John, Upper Market-place

Brighten, Charles, St. Stephen’s gates

Brown, Henry, Gentleman’s walk

Browne, Hill, Ber street

Browne, Samuel, St. Martin at Palace

Bunn, Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Burrage, Susanna, Little Orford street

Butcher, Robot, Bank plain

Carter, Edward, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Carver, Rebecca, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Castley, Thomas Godfrey, St. Stephen’s street

Caston, James, St. Benedict’s street

Chamberlin, James, Post-office street

Chase, Charles, Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Colman, Henry, Market-place

Coman, Thomas, John, and Henry, St. Benedict’s street

Copeman and Sons, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Cubitt, James, King street

Curtis, George, Thorpe hamlet

Dawson, James, Wellington terrace, Union place

De Carle, James J., West Wymer street

Doughty, Thomas, King street

Duffield, George, St. Mary’s street

Dunham, John, Trory street, New Lakenham

Durrant, Henry, Ber street

Durrant, Rebecca, Church street

Eagle, John, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Empson, Samuel, New Catton

Fenn, Robert, Magdalen street

Fisher, James Cracknell, St. Stephen’s street

Fisher, Robert, St. Augustine’s street

Fisher, Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak

Forster, Thomas, West Pottergate

Freeman, Charles Robert, Upper market and Exchange street

Freeman and Nash, Upper market

Galey, Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Garnham, William, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Gill, James, Lower Westwick street

Goggs, William, Upper St. Giles’

Goldsmith, James, St. Stephen’s street

Grant, Henry, Grove place, St. Giles’ road

Greene, Charles, J., Rose lane

Haddon, Mary Ann, Rose lane

Hannah, Peter, Pottergate street

Hannant, Richard, Rose corner

Hardesty, George, Charing cross

Hardy, James, Rampant Horse street

Harrison, John, Globe street, Union place

Harrison, Robert, Elm hill

Hemnell, Johnson, Rose lane

Herring, Henry, King street

Hicks, William, Bridge street

High, George, New Catton

Hill, John, St. Augustine’s street

Hill, John, Cowgate street

Hill, John, Heigham street

Hill, John, Gildengate street

Hill, John, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

p. 82Hodds, Catherine, Ber street

Howard, Robert, New Catton

Howes and Son, Lower Goat lane

Howlett, Thomas, St. Swithin’s

Hutton, John, corner of Briggs’ street

Jeckells, George, Ber street gates

Kemp, Mary, Golden Dog lane

King, George, West Pottergate

Kitton, George, Haymarket

Lake, William, Surrey corner, St. Stephen’s street

Lambert, Francis, Lower Goat lane

Lammas Brothers, and Co., Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Love, Ebenezer, Whitefriars’ street

Lowe, Alfred, Holl’s lane

Mann, Joseph, St. Benedict’s road

Mayhew, George, Heigham road

Mc’Michael, Daniel, Valentine street

Mitchell, Frederic Gavell, Palace street, Tombland

Monney, James, Bethel street

Moore, Joseph, Magdalen street

Morter, Robert, Rupert street, Union place

Munday, Thomas, Mill lane, New Catton

Muskett, James, St. Benedict’s road

Neale, James Frederic, St. Andrew’s hall plain

Neeve, F., St. Stephen’s street

Newson and Company, Magdalen street

Nightingale, Robert Wilson, St. Stephen’s street

Norton, Robert, Fye bridge

Page, Charlotte, Bridge street

Pratt, William, Wensum street

Pulham, William, St. Mary’s plain

Pye, William M., St. Augustine’s str.

Quantrill, Sarah, Union place

Read, William D., White Lion street

Rein, Frederick, King street

Rose, John, Golden Ball street

Rouse, Harriet, St. Stephen’s street

Rout, George, Cowgate street

Rudd, Thomas, Golden Ball street

Rudd, Thomas, King street

Rust, Robert, West Wymer street

Scrutton, Henry, Bethel street

Sexton, Mary Ann, King street

Shields, Daniel, Golden Ball street

Sidney and Ladyman, Gentleman’s Walk, Market-place

Snelling, Thomas, Magdalen street

Spinks, James, St. Augustine’s street

Spooner, Edward Frederic, St. Margaret’s plain

Springall, James, Tombland

Stevens, Adelaide, Unthank’s road

Stonex, James, Tinkler’s lane

Taylor, W. B., St. Stephen’s street

Temple, Robert, Ber street

Thompson, Joseph, White Lion street

Thornsby, Robert, St. Stephen’s gates

Tidd, Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak

Tills, Benjamin, Magdalen street

Tooke, Michael, Ber street

Turrell, James, Ber street

Walker, Frederic, St. Martin’s at Oak

Wolton and Co., London street

Warner, Walter Waite, St. Benedict’s street

Watson, James, Prospect House, St. Augustine’s road

Websdale, James, King street

Whittrick, James, West Pottergate str.

Wicks, Robert, Ber street

Wild, Edward, Haymarket, and High street, Wandsworth, London

Williams, Josiah, Swan lane

Williams, Josiah, Globe street, Union place

Youngs, John, West End street

Gun and Pistol makers—

Cartwright, Henry, Rampant Horse str.

Jeffries, George, Golden Ball street

Marrison, Robert, Orford street

Haberdashers, Hosiers, and Lacemen—

Abbott, E. J., St. Stephen’s street

Asker, Jane H., Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Austrin, Mrs. A., Orford hill

Barker, George, Thorpe hamlet

Brown, A. H., London street

Browne and Barker, London street

Edwards, W. P., St. Stephen’s street

Jones, Mrs. E., Briggs’ street

Kent, Henry, London street

Lovick and Johnson, London street

Moore and Company, Castle street

Oxley, Richard, London street

Parker, James, St. Catherine’s plain

Piper, William, London street

Ringer, Mrs., Gentleman’s Walk

Smith, William, Lower Goat lane

Theobald and Son, London street

Tomlinson, Robert, Castle street

Tubb, W. H. London street


Amis, Benjamin, St. Catherine’s plain

Bailey, John, West Pottergate street

Barnaby, S., St. James’ street

Betts, Thomas, Pottergate street

Bilby, William, Pitt street

Boughton, Samuel, Red Lion street

Bullen, William, Golden Ball street

Buttifant, David, Golden Ball street

Castle, William, Upper market

Dew, Britiffe Edward, King street

Dunn, Samuel, Magdalen street

p. 83Edwards, Edward M., Upper London street

Fairman, William, Barrack street

Foulsham, William, Bridge street

Gedge, William, St. Benedict’s street

Gedge, William, St. Martin’s at Oak

Gerard, William, Botolph street

Girdlestone, Reuben, Upper St. Giles’ street

Gray, James, Bethel street

Hallows, Joseph, Royal Hotel street

Harmer, Elizabeth, Ber street

Hartley, William, Little Orford street

Hill, Robert, Red Lion street

Holmes, Robert, Palace plain

Kew, Flora and Charlotte, White Lion street

Kemp, George P., Exchange street

Lincolne, Morris, New Lakenham

Lofty, James, St. George’s plain

Mason, Henry, Ber street

Middleton, Edward, St. Giles’ street

Moore, Isaac, St. Giles’ hill

Moore, James, Ber street

Moore, William, Ber street

Nunn, John, St. Augustine’s street

Plumstead, Robert, Wensum street

Plumstead, Frederick, Magdalen street

Powell, John, St. Benedict’s street

Randall, Thomas, Vauxhall street, Union place

Ray, John A., Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Riches, Edward, Pottergate street

Riches, Robert, St. John’s Timberhill

Stigles, Daniel, Fishgate street

Thorpe, William, St. Stephen’s street

Turner, Robert, Trowse Millgate

Tyzack, W. V., Upper London street

Ward, Charles, Bethel street

Webster, John, Ber street

Wilding, Henry, Upper London street

Youells, William, St. Catherine’s plain


Armstrong, William, St. Benedict’s road

Bayes, Elizabeth and Sons, Red Lion street

Beatley and Son, London street

Betts, John, Market-place

Bond, William, Upper London street

Browne and Barker, London street

Burrage and Jeffries, Davey place

Dye, M. and W., Bank plain

English, Joseph, Upper London street

Fraser, John, St. Benedict’s road

Grand, George, London street

Henderson, John, St. Benedict’s road

Livock, William Thomas, London str.

Mallett, Francis Charles, London street

Norton, Francis James, Back of the Inns

Oxley, Richard, London street

Phillips, John, Orford hill

Potter, Thomas and Co., Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Riches and Skoyles, Davey place

Steward, James, Tombland

Tomlinson, Robert, Castle street

Tuck, James, Lower Goat lane

Womack, George, White Lion street and Davey place

Vincent, James, Red Lion street


Abel, John, Rising Sun road

Andrews, William, Westlegate street

Feek, William, St. Giles’ road

House and Estate Agents—

Andrews, Richard, Lame Dog road

Bardwell, George S., Newmarket road

Browne, William, St. Andrew’s broad street

Campling, James, Golden Ball street

Horne, John, Castle hill

Ives, George, Upper King street

Johnson, Robert, Gun lane

Leath, Thomas, William street

Roach, Edward, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Sheppard, Robert, St. Benedict’s plain

Shipley, William, Chapel field road

Stacey, Edward, Orford hill

Hotels, Inns, and Taverns—

Adam and Eve, Howes Robert Harvey, Tabernacle street

Adam and Eve, Lawn William, St. Benedict’s street

Adelphi Inn, Browne John, White Lion street

Albert Tavern, Coleman Samuel, Ber street

Albion Tavern, Bowen Sarah, Heigham street

Albion Tavern, Cushing William, Market-place

All Saints’ Tavern, Payne John, All Saints’ green

Alma Tavern, Bush Rebecca, Cow hill

Anchor, Cannon Goss William Shepherd, Rising Sun lane

Anchor, Thompson John, Silver road

Anchor, Turner Joseph, Surrey street

Anchor of Hope, Digby Richard, Bracondale

Anchor Tavern, Osborn Charles, Ten Bell lane

Angel, Harris William, Trowse Millgate

p. 84Angel, Palmer Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak

Arabian Horse, Widdows Mark, St. Martin’s at Oak

Arabian Horse, Daynes John, New Lakenham

Bakers’ Arms, Betts John, St. Mary’s street

Bakers’ Arms, Gooch William, Lower Westwick street

Bakers’ Arms, Pegg Thomas, New Catton

Bakers’ Arms, Ives John, Ber street

Balloon Tavern, Crowe Edward, St. Margaret’s

Bank Tavern, Surflin William, Bank street

Barge, Huggins Charles, King street

Bartholomew Tavern, Thouless William, Thorn lane

Barley Mow, King Henry, Haymarket

Bath House, Hughes William, St. Martin’s at Oak

Bear inn, Ames Robert, Market-place

Beehive, Butler John, Palace plain

Beehive, Green William, St. Paul’s Church plain

Beehive, Havers James Reynolds, St. Stephen’s street

Beehive, Payne Simon, Cowgate street

Beehive, Rackham John, St. Benedict’s street

Bell, Mills Mary Ann, Lower Goat lane

Bell Commercial and Family Hotel, Murnane John, Orford hill and Cattle market

Bess of Bedlam, Baker James, St. Martin’s at Oak

Bird in Hand, Taylor William James, New Catton

Bird in Hand, Ward William, Barrack street

Black Boys, Clayton Thomas, Barrack street

Black Boys, Mackley Thomas, Colegate street

Black Chequers, Radford William, Cowgate street

Black Eagle, Dawson James, Wellington terrace, Union place

Black Horse, Gapp John Smith, St. Giles’ Road

Black Horse inn, Moll Robert, St. Giles’

Black Swan Tavern, Dean Alfred, Upper market

Boarded House inn, Knights Susannah, Castle meadow

Boar’s Head inn, Figg George, Surrey street

Boatswains’ Call, Burton William, St. Augustine’s street

Bowling Green hotel, Porter James William, Theatre street

Boy and Cup, Root Robert, Pottergate street

Brazen Doors Tavern, Moore George, Lame Dog road

Brewers’ Arms, Nobbs Edward, St. Miles’ street

Bricklayers’ Arms, Legood James, Castle hill

Bricklayers’ Arms, Powell Edward, Union place

Bricklayers’ Arms, Pye Robert, Pottergate street

Brickmakers’ Arms, Orford William, Brazen Door’s road

Bridge House inn, Tidman Robert, Thorpe hamlet

Bridge Tavern, Lovick Thomas, Wensum street

Briton’s Arms, Carr Charles, Elm hill

Buff Coat, Wells William, Buff Coat lane

Builders’ Arms, Fitt George, Pottergate street

Bullock and Butcher, Colby Samuel, Grapes hill

Bulls Head inn, Walter Robert S., Ber street

Bull hotel, Hart Bartholomew, Upper walk, Market-place

Bull inn, Shorten James, Magdalen street

Bull Inn, Thurston Daniel, St. Stephen’s street

Bushel, Gidney Samuel, St. Augustine’s street

Cabinet-makers’ Arms, Fiddeman Robt., Redwell street

Cardinal Cap, Walker George, St. Benedict’s street

Carpenters’ Arms, Wyatt John, Thorn lane

Carrow inn, Drane Henry, King street gates

Castle Commercial Hotel, Taylor Mary, Castle meadow

Cattle Market, English Richard, Castle hill

Cat and Fiddle, Platten John, Magdalen street

Catherine Wheel, Digby Peter, St. Augustine’s street

Cellar House inn, Carr William, Bridge street

p. 85Cellar House, Pigg James, Barrack street

Champion, Barnard Charles, Chapel Field road

Cherry Tree, Hardy William, Gildengate street

Cherry Tree, Youngs William, New Lakenham

Church and State, Sacker James, St. Benedict’s street

City Arms and spirit vaults, Howes George Smith, St. Andrew’s Hall plain

City of Norwich inn, Green John, St. Stephen’s plain

Coach and Horses, Cattermole David, Thorpe hamlet

Coach and Horses, Daynes Robert, Bethel street

Coach and Horses, Foulsham Thomas, Red Lion street

Coach and Horses, Smith Edward, Fountain place, Union place

Coachmakers’ Arms, Archer Elizabeth, St. Stephen’s gates

Coachmakers’ Arms, Clements Charlotte, Bethel street

Coachmakers’ Arms, Stafford Phœbe, Red Lion street

Cock, Battram William, Old Lakenham

Cock, Bidwell Joseph, Upper King street

Cock inn, Blanchflower William, Upper St. Giles’

Combers’ Arms, Arle John, Magdalen street

Cork-cutters’ Arms, Robinson John, Bridge street, St. Andrew’s

Corn Exchange tavern, Brown Rose Ann, Little London street

Cottage, Waterton Edward, Silver road

Cow, Mackley John, Barrack street

Cow and Hare, Armes William, Heigham street

Cow tavern, Cooper Samuel, Cow hill

Cricketers’ Arms, Hunt John Edwin, Red Lion street

Crocodile, Harding Levi, Heigham street

Crooked Billet, Davison John, Heigham

Cross Keys, Pratt John, Magdalen street

Crown and Angel, Daynes Maria, St. Stephen’s street

Crown inn, Emms William, St. John’s Timberhill

Crown tavern, Hart F., St. Stephen’s street

Crown, Middleton Jeremiah, Bridge str.

Crown and Anchor, Ryan Mary, Gildengate street

Crown inn, Petchell William, Saint Benedict’s street

Cupid and Bow, Matthews William, Palace plain

Curriers’ Arms, Beeton Samuel, Saint Giles’ street

Curriers’ Arms, Drane William, St. Stephen’s back street

Curriers’ Arms, Lawton William, Union street, Crook’s place

Curriers’ Arms, Nicholas William, Pottergate street

Dial, Burdett Jonathan, St. Benedict’s road

Dog, Wigger John, St. Paul’s Church plain

Dove tavern, Ellis Benjamin, Lower Westwick street

Dove, Lamercon Francis, St. James’ street

Dreadnought, Buttle Henry, King street gates

Drovers’ inn, Jarvis William, Trowse Millgate

Drum, Holmes Edmund, St. Swithin’s

Duke of Marlborough, Howard Wm., Fishgate street

Duke of Norfolk, Drake Priscilla, Church street, New Lakenham

Duke’s Palace inn, Snowling John, Duke’s Palace road

Duke of Sussex, Stangroom John, St. Augustine’s street

Duke tavern, Elliott George, Tombland

Duke of Wellington, Newby James, Pottergate street

Duke of Wellington, Parsley John Roberts, Union place

Duke of York, Coldham John, Thorpe hamlet

Duke of York, Nobbs Henry, Lower Westwick street

Duncan Arms, Burrows William, Magdalen street

Dyers’ Arms, Freeman Samuel, Quay side

Eagle and Child Brewery, Phillips John, Golden Ball street

Eagle tavern, Cattermole James, Newmarket road

Eagle tavern, High George, West Pottergate

Eagle tavern, Lord James, Lower Westwick street

Eagle tavern, Minns Susannah, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Earl of Leicester, Bunting James, Brazen Doors road

p. 86Eastern Counties’ Railway tavern, Warnes Elizabeth, Foundry bridge

East End Retreat, Buttle Henry, Thorpe hamlet

Eastern Union Railway tavern, Wilde Matthew, St. Stephen’s gates

Eight Ringers, Cunningham Thomas, St. Mary’s street

Elm tavern, Rust Robert, Prince’s street

Elm tavern, Spencer Robert, New Catton

Elephant, Easton Haylett, Magdalen street

Exchange tavern, Mills John, Bridge street

Exmouth tavern, Mackney Charles, St. Stephen’s street

Express Train, Hatch William Proctor, Rose lane

Factory, Miller John, Cowgate street

Fair Flora, Moore John, Lower Westwick street

Fellmongers’ Arms, Thornton Christopher, St. Martin’s at Oak

Fishmongers’ Arms, Burgess Richard, Fish market

Foresters’ Arms, Attle Samuel, Ber street

Fortune of War, Gooch Thomas, Calvert street

Foundry Bridge, Riches William Smith, Rose lane

Fountain, Dabbage James, St. Benedict’s street

Fox and Hounds, Cooke John, Ber street

Flying Dutchman, Harman Adam, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Free Trade tavern, Atkins Henry, St. Augustine’s street

Free Trade tavern, Page James, Rose lane

Free Trade tavern, Rice James, William street

Freeman’s Arms, Burrell Thomas, Church street, St. Miles’

Freemasons’ Arms, Sands John, Hall lane, New Lakenham

French Horn, Betts Thomas, Pottergate street

Gardeners’ Arms, Chapman Philip, Tinkler’s lane

Gardeners’ Arms, Cooper Thomas, St. John’s Timberhill

George inn, Warner Henry, Hay hill

George inn, Leamon William, Saint Stephen’s street

George the Fourth, Decks John, Ber street

George the Fourth, Martin John, Chapel street, Crook’s place

George and the Dragon, Adams Wm., Cowgate street

Globe inn, Bush Thomas, Globe street, Union place

Globe, Moore John, Rising Sun lane

Goat, Wright James, Upper Goat lane

Goldbeaters’ Arms, Lasker Mary Ann, Bethel street

Golden Ball, Girling William, Golden Ball street

Golden Can, Milnes Charles, Gildengate street

Golden Can, Yellop Robert, Saint Andrew’s Broad street

Golden Fleece, Blazey Walter, Fishgate street

Golden Lion, Mann George, King street gates

Golden Lion Inn, Snelling Daniel French, St. John’s Maddermarket

Golden Wheatsheaf, Woods Robert John, St. Stephen’s street

Goose and Gridiron, Thorn Robert, Little Orford street

Grapes Commercial and Family hotel, Clarke James, Upper St. Giles’

Grapes, Mace Mary Ann, Church street, St. Miles’

Green Dragon, Balls James, Little London street

Greenland Fishery, Durrant Zechariah, St. Mary’s street

Greyhound inn, Cawdron Henry, Rampant Horse street

Griffin, Thompson Martin, Barrack street

Half Moon, Brazell Richard, Upper Market

Half Moon, Howes Henry, King street

Hay Trussers, Fountain Mary Ann, King street

Hen and Chickens, Fenn Thomas, St. Mary’s plain

Hoop, Amies John, St. Stephen’s road

Hope Brewery, Warner Edward, Saint Saviour’s lane

Hop Pole tavern, Chapman Daniel, St. Faith’s lane

Horse and Groom, Bacon David, Castle street

Horseshoes, Girdlestone Thomas, Palace street

Hospital School Boy, Laws John, Whitefriars’ street

Imperial Arms, Smith George, Upper King street

Jack of Newbury, Upcroft James, Magdalen street

p. 87John Bull, Garrard George, Crook’s Place

Jolly Brewers, Campling Jacob, Magdalen street

Jolly Butcher, Dambrooke John, Ber street

Jolly Dealers, Francis George, Castle hill

Jolly Dressers, Burrows Mary, Saint George’s plain

Jolly Dyers, Moore Elizabeth, Wensum street

Jolly Dyers, Moore John, Fishgate street

Jolly Farmers, Casson Daniel, Charing cross

Jolly Farmers, Pooley Robert, Castle hill

Jolly Hatters, Minns Robert, Cowgate street

Jolly Maltsters, Dunch Denmark, Cowgate street

Jolly Millers, Carver William, Trowse Millgate

Jolly Skinners, Farman Henry, Saint Martin’s at Oak

Jubilee inn, Boyles Robert, Ber street

Keel and Wherry, Cooper Jeremiah, King street

Key and Castle, Porter Thomas, Saint Martin’s at Oak

King’s Arms, Jolly John, Hall lane, New Lakenham

King’s Arms, Dawson James, Thorpe hamlet

King’s Arms, Tidman George, Bethel street

King’s Arms, Yaxley Henry, Saint Augustine’s street

King’s Head, Bassey Robert, Magdalen street

King’s Head, Diver Isaac, Gildengate street

King’s Head, Doughty Richard, Davey place

King’s Head, Rix Robert, Upper St. Giles’

King of Prussia, May William, Ipswich road

Lamb inn, Websdale Francis, Haymarket

Lame Dog, Edwards Robert, Lame Dog road

Light Horseman, Kent Thomas, Barrack street

Light Horseman, Ringer Edwards, Westlegate street

Light Horseman, Tuffs William, Botolph street

Little Buck, Rudd Elizabeth, St. Martin’s at Oak

Little Tuns, Nobbs John, Rising Sun road

Lock and Key, Bell Matthew, Ber street

Locomotive, Skipper William, Norfolk street, Union place

London Coffee House, Sapey Thomas, Rampant Horse street

London Steam Packet inn, Blanch John, St. Catherine’s plain

Lord Nelson Tavern, Salmon, C. J., West Pottergate

Lord Howe, Laws Lubbock, Saint Benedict’s street

Lord John Russell, Betts Charles, St. Benedict’s road

Lord Nelson inn, Murrell William, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Lord Raglan, Boyce James, Barrack street

Maid’s Head hotel, Webster William, Wensum street

Mariners’ tavern, Stafford Robert, Mariners’ lane

Market Lane tavern, Bristol Mary, Market lane

Marquis of Granby, Puxley James, Bishopgate street

Marquis of Granby, Waytes Philip, Barrack street

Mazeppa, Cutmore William Thomas, Cowgate street

Masonic tavern, Willgress Peter John, Elm hill

Mill tavern, Dover Charles, New Catton

Millwrights’ Arms, Towlson John, Julian street

Mischief tavern, Matthew Joseph, St. Paul’s back lane

Mitre tavern, Salter William, Briggs’ street, Rampant Horse street

Moon and Stars, Williams Mary Ann, Duke’s Palace road

Morgan’s Cellar House, Wood George, King street

Napier tavern, Hinchley Samuel, Castle hill

Nelson inn, Phillips William, St. John’s Timberhill

Nelson tavern, Rainbird Francis, Upper market

Nelson, Rose James, King street

Nelson tavern, Staff Frederic, Pottergate street

New City, Moore Norris, King street, Crook’s place

New Inn, Winter Thomas, St. Augustine’s road

New Inn Brewery, Pierce William, Grapes hill

p. 88New Mills, Larkman Robert, St. Benedict’s

New Star, Buttle Richard, Quay side

Norfolk Hotel, Foster Augustus and Son, St. Giles’ street

Norfolk and Norwich Chop House, Bloomfield George, Upper market

Norfolk Railway House, near the Eastern Counties’ Railway station, Nash R. S., Foundry bridge

Norwich-a-Port tavern, Williams Henry, King street gates

Norwich Arms, Pegg George, Ber str.

Odd Fellows’ Arms, Eke Francis, Ber street

Old Barge, Nockolds Thomas, King street

Old Cat and Fiddle, Bell John, Botolph street

Old Crown, Calver French John, St. Martin’s at Oak

Old Friends, Nichols John, Ber street

Old Goat tavern, Goat Charles, Upper Goat lane

Old Star, Spratt Stephen, Quay side

Oliver Cromwell, Pye William, St. Miles’ street

Palace tavern, Price John, Tombland

Paul Pry, Paston William, St. Giles’

Peacock, Colman James, St. Stephen’s plain

Perseverance tavern, Burgess Richard, St. Martin’s at Oak

Pheasant Cock, Mills Jeremiah, St. Miles’ street

Pheasant Cock, Blake James, St. Catherine’s plain

Phœnix brewery, Sursham John, Magdalen street

Pig and Whistle, Self John, St. Stephen’s back street

Pigeons, Hague Francis, St. Benedict’s street

Pelican, Wade Thomas, Pitt street

Plasterers’ Arms, Burrage William, Cowgate street

Plough, Coe Mark, Castle hill

Plough, Cooper William, St. Benedict’s street

Plumbers’ Arms, Hewing Joseph, Prince’s street

Portland Arms, Brett Elethea, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Post-Office tavern, Thurlow William, Post-office street

Prince of Wales, Ostler Charles, Pump street

Prince of Wales’ Feathers, Canner John, St. Benedict’s street

Prince of Wales, Delph William, St. Augustine’s street

Princess Royal, Cunningham William, Rampant Horse street

Prospect House, Watson James, Philadelphia

Punch and Chop house, Dawson William, Upper market

Queen Adelaide, Arms Daniel, West End street

Queen Adelaide, Marshall Joseph, Pitt street

Queen’s Arms, Pye Jabez, Pump street

Queen Ann, Raven Edward, Church street

Queen’s Arms, Minns John, Magdalen street

Queen Caroline, Love William, Cowgate street

Queen Caroline, Osborne Harriet, St. Martin’s at Oak

Queen’s Head, Fox Isaac, St. Giles’ street

Queen’s Head, Dunn James, Quay side

Queen of Hungary, Clarke William, St. Benedict’s street

Queen Victoria inn, Brown William, Magdalen street

Queen Victoria, Gooch Isaac, Queen street, Crook’s place

Queen Victoria, Roe Charlotte, Pottergate street

Railway inn, Wilson James, Trowse Millgate

Rainbow tavern, Lock Elizabeth, Holl’s lane

Rainbow, Thwaites John, King street

Rampant Horse Commercial and Family hotel, Louth Robert, Rampant Horse street

Rampant Horse, Norton Henry, Fishgate street

Raven, Rowland Daniel, King street

Recruiting Sergeant, Crancher John, Ber street

Red House, Butcher Walter Wilton, St. John’s Timberhill

Red Lion, Howard Thomas, Bishopgate street

Red Lion, Hewitt George, Red Lion street

Red Lion, Morris George, Magdalen street

Red Lion, Howe John Carter, Magdalen street

Red Lion, Onley Daniel, Brazen Doors road

Reindeer tavern, Kerridge John, St. Benedict’s road

p. 89Richmond Hill inn, Youngs Peter, Bracondale

Rifleman, Cuddon Ann, All Saints’ green

Rising Sun, Playford William, Rising Sun lane

Rising Sun, Abel John, Rising Sun road

Robin Hood, Dawes Larrance, St. Benedict’s road

Robin Hood, Spooner Edward, Barrack street

Roebuck, Sadler John, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Rosary tavern, Sheedy Rachael, Thorpe hamlet

Rose and Crown, Gibbs Richard, Bishopgate street

Rose and Thistle, Arms Frederick Thomas, Barn road

Rose inn, Eaton Mary Ann, St. Stephen’s street

Rose tavern, Ram Robert, Palace street

Rose tavern, Burrell Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak

Rose tavern, Smith John Watson, Rose lane

Rose, Wall James, Cowgate street

Rose tavern, Florence, George, Thorn lane

Rose tavern, Seaton Mary Ann, St. Stephen’s street

Royal Oak, Browne Mary Ann, St. Augustine’s street

Royal Oak, Cooper Nathaniel, Heigham street

Royal Oak, Minford George, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Royal Oak, Cossey Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak

Royal Hotel, Heseltine James, Market place

Royal Standard, Wizker, Nicholas, Union place

Saracen’s Head inn, Wiggins John, St. Giles’ street

Sardinian tavern, Howard James, St. Stephen’s street

Saw Mills tavern, Clarke Sophia, Fishgate street

Sawyers, English Mark, St. Paul’s church plain

Seven Stars, Denmark William, Barrack street

Shakespeare tavern, Booth Thomas, Colegate street

Shakespeare tavern, Hollis Robert, Theatre street

Ship, Clarke John, Cowgate street

Ship inn, Pallant Robert, Thorn lane

Ship, Littlewood Ephraim, King street

Shirehall tavern, Ling Abraham, Castle hill

Shuttle, Atkins Thomas, Heigham street

Shuttle, Plunkett John, Saint Augustine’s street

Shoulder of Mutton, Carter James, St. Augustine’s street

Shoulder of Mutton, Beckham Benjamin, St. Stephen’s street

Shoulder of Mutton, Mann James, St. Andrew’s hill

Sir John Barleycorn, Mason John Leeds, Orford hill

Sir John Barleycorn, Bell John, Cowgate street

Somerset tavern, Leech John, Queen street, Crook’s place

Sons of Commerce, Gooch Henry James, Thorn lane

Southgate house, Brinkley James, Front row, New Lakenham

Saint Paul’s tavern, Severn Samuel, Cowgate street

Sportsman, Quinton William, Barrack street

St. John’s Head, Gent David, St. Miles’ street

Stag, Wigg Edward, St. Benedict’s

Stag’s Head, Hubbard Henry, Prince’s street

Star Commercial and Family hotel, Watson John, Haymarket

Steam Packet House, Grimes John, King street

Steam Packet, Hilling Mary, King street

Steam Packet, Thompson William King street

Suffolk Arms, Moore Elizabeth, St. Martin’s at Oak

Sun, Kemp James Samuel, Saint Mary’s street

Sun and Anchor, Thorpe Thomas, Edward, Colegate street

Surrey inn, Smith James, Grove place, New Lakenham

Surrey tavern, Scarlet Robert, Surrey road

Sussex Arms, Seeley John, Saint Augustine’s street

Swan, Tuddenham John, Cowgate street

Swan tavern, Tuddenham Edward, Swan lane

Swan hotel, Asker Eliza, Upper market

Swan, Kett George William, Magdalen street

Swan, Snelling Thomas, King street

p. 90Swiss Cottage tavern, Laws Robert, St. Benedict’s road

Ten Bells, Browne Henry, St. Benedict’s street

Theatre tavern, King Samuel, Bethel street

Three Compasses, Rix William, Upper King street

Three Kings, Riches John, St. Benedict’s

Three Pigeons, Newman Sarah, Fishgate street

Three Tubs, Ulph James, Barrack street

Three Tuns, Barber Sarah, King street

Three Turks, Codling Robert, Lower Westwick street

Tiger, Moy James, Fishgate street

Toper, Bryant Samuel, Thorn lane

Town-house tavern, Copland John, Saint Andrew’s hill

Trowel and Hammer, Spurling William, St. Stephen’s road

True Briton, Wright Thomas, New Catton

Trumpet Inn, Fuller Robert, St. Stephen’s street

Tuns tavern, Collett Robert George, Whitefriars’ street

Tuns tavern, Eastwood James, St. Miles’ street

Tunns inn, Kemp William, Rising Sun road

Tuns tavern, Cowan Charlotte, All Saints’ green

Turkey Cock, Swash Maria, Church street, Saint Simon’s

Two Brewers, Wallace James, Saint John’s Maddermarket

Two Brewers, Cubitt Thomas, Magdalen street

Two-necked Swan, Moore Eleanor, Upper market

Two-necked Swan, Thurling James, St. Stephen’s street

Two Quarts inn, Playford Arminger, St. George’s Bridge street

Two Quarts, Amies William, Pottergate street

Unicorn, Browne George, St. Stephen’s street

Unicorn, Easton Isaac, St. Mary’s plain

Vauxhall tavern, Willison Hannah, Julian place

Victoria tavern, Hammond John, Upper walk, Market place,

Victoria gardens, Blackbourne Wm. Berry, St. Stephen’s gates

Victory, Balls Frederic, Rampant Horse street

Waggon and Horses, Aylmer John, Tombland

Waggon and Horses, Willsea John, St. Miles’ street

Waterloo tavern, Smith Edward, Upper Market place

Waterman, Briggs John, St. Margaret’s plain

West-end Retreat, Barnes John Edward, Holl’s lane

Whalebone, Sexton Edward, New Catton

Wheatsheaf, Woods Robert John, St. Stephen’s street

Wheatsheaf inn, Cole Eliza, Castle hill

Wheatsheaf inn, Baxter Robert, Bethel street

White Hart, Drake Francis, St. Miles’ street

White Hart inn, Crickmore Henry, Upper market

Whitefriars’ tavern, Rily Francis, Whitefriars’ street

White Horse, Howman Samuel, Hay hill

White Horse, Stubbs George, St. Andrew’s broad street

White Horse inn, Mason William, Magdalen street

White Horse inn, Lacey William, Castle hill

White Horse, Rix William, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

White House, Coleman Timothy, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

White Lion, King George, Prince’s street

White Lion, Howman William, St. Martin’s at Oak

White Lion, Howes James, Magdalen street

White Lion, Crowe George, St. Benedict’s street

White Lion, Ives Elizabeth, Upper King street

White Lion inn, Bray Charles, White Lion street

White Lion, Hall William, St. Martin’s at Palace

White Rose inn, Browne Henry, Back of the Inns

White Swan, Wilson Robert, St. Benedict’s street

Wild Man inn, Beeton John, St. Andrew’s hill

William the Fourth, Cowan Charlotte, Gildengate street

William the Fourth, Fountain Henry, King street, Crook’s place

p. 91William the Fourth, Harper William, Second Cross street, Union place

William Tell, Kilburn William, Castle hill

Windsor Castle, Bullard William, Silver road

Wine Coopers’ Arms, Cooper Eliza, Lower Goat lane

Wine Coopers’ Arms, Emms Charles, Cross street, St. Giles’ road

Wine Cooper’s Arms, Bales Jonathan, St. Augustine’s street

Wine tavern, Blazeby Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Wine tavern, Laws James, Upper St. Giles’

Wine Vaults, Kingdom Priscilla, Queen street, Crook’s place

Woolpack, Thrower Noah, Golden Ball street

Woolpack, Mann Matthew, St. Martin’s at Oak

Woolpack inn, Barnes Mary, Saint George’s plain

World’s-end, Drage William, World’s-end lane

Wrestlers, Fake John, St. James’ street

Yarmouth Arms, Snelling John, Upper market

York tavern, Eastaugh Mary, Castle meadow

Insurance Agents—

Athenæum Fire and Life Insurance Company, Tayler Francis George, Castle meadow

Alliance Fire and Life Assurance Company, Brown Henry, Gentleman’s walk

Albion Life Assurance Company, Pigg Henry, London street

Church of England, Atkinson J. G., Post-office street

Colonial Life, Clowes Francis, St. Andrew’s hall plain

Clerical Medical and General, Cubitt George, Gentleman’s walk

Cambrian and Universal, Bardwell G. S., St. Stephen’s road

Economic (Life), Bolingbroke Horatio, St. Giles’ street

General Hail Storm Society, Forrester George, Upper close

General Fire and Life Assurance Society, Cubitt George, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Hail Storm, Gilman, C. S., Fisher’s lane

Hill Life Assurance, Land Thomas, King street

Legal and Commercial Life Insurance Company, Copeman William, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Manchester Fire Insurance Company, Copeman William, Gentleman’s walk

National Mercantile Life Assurance Society, Fletcher and Alexander, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

National Live Stock Insurance Association, Unity buildings, St. Giles’ str.

National Life Assurance Society, Goodwin Charles, Willow lane

National Economic Hail Storm Insurance Company, Unity buildings, St. Giles’ street

Norwich Union Provident Society, Cubitt George, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance Society, Surrey street

Norwich Union Fire and Life Society, Forrester George, Upper close

Norwich Equitable Fire Assurance Society, Bank street; Skipper John

Norfolk Farmers’, Gilman C. S., Fisher’s lane

Norfolk and Norwich Economic Building Society, Unity buildings, St. Giles’ street

People’s Provident, Bilby Thomas, St. Catherine’s plain

Provident Building Society, Buttifant Josiah, St. Andrew’s plain; h Cow hill

Royal Insurance Company, Preston Arthur, Bank street

Rock Life Assurance Company, Harrod Mr., Bank street

Scottish Equitable, Clowes Francis, St. Andrew’s hall plain

Scottish Widows’ Fund Life Assurance Society, Hansell Henry, Upper close

Times Life Assurance Society, Copeman William, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Travellers’ and Marine, Bilby Thomas, St. Catherine’s plain

Unity Fire Insurance Association, Unity buildings, St. Giles’ street

Unity Life Assurance Association, Unity buildings, St. Giles’ street

Unity Fire and Life, Bardwell G. S., St. Stephen’s road

United Patriots’ National Benefit Society, Bardwell G. S., St. Stephen’s road

Iron and Brass Founders—

Barnard and Bishop, Calvert street and Norfolk Iron Works, St. Miles’ bridge

Barnes, John, St. Miles’ foundry

p. 92Blyth, Robert, Westlegate street

Blyth and Co., Ber street

Campling, James, Buff Coat lane and Golden Ball street

Holmes and Sons, Castle hill

Murrell, William, Crook’s place, St. Stephen’s square

Shalders, William, jun., Bank plain

Smithdale, Thomas, St. Ann’s foundry, St. Ann’s lane, King street

Sparke and Co., Thorn lane

Stevens, G. and W., Orford hill

Turner, James, Palace plain

Watts, Riches, and Buck, Rose lane


Baker and Hornor, Post-Office street

Barnard and Bishop, Gentleman’s walk

Barnard and Boulton, London street and Castle street

Bayfield and Son, Magdalen street

Blofield, Thomas, Bridewell alley

Browne, John and Son, Upper market

Burcham, Samuel, Charing cross

Buttifant, H. and J., William street, West Pottergate

Caprani and Co., White Lion street

Colman and Glendenning, Rampant Horse street

Cubitt, Samuel Durrant, Mitchell’s court, Market-place; h Victoria place

Howlett and Co., Haymarket

Hyams, Emanuel, St. Andrew’s hall plain

Leist, James, Wensum street

Lovitt Charles, Botolph street

Orams, Edward, Langham place, Dereham road

Parlour, Henry Edward, London street

Pinson, Henry, Bank plain

Piper and Pigg, London street

Ransome and Sims, Little Orford street

Stevens, G. and W., Orford hill

Thompson, R. and Son, Upper Davey place

Thorns, Robert, Exchange street

Wilkinson, Henry, St. Giles’ street

Woodyard and Co., St. Martin’s at Oak

Livery Stables—

Beddingfield, Nelson, Westlegate street

Cooke, Mrs. Pitt street, St. Mary’s

Feek, William, St. Giles’ road

Mayhew, James, Chapel field

Platten, Peter, Surrey Mews

Sword, John, Rose lane; h Bloomsbury place


Allen, George, St. Stephen’s street

Barber, J. L. and Co., St. Martin’s lane

Blake, E. and R. W., St. Edmund’s

Bolingbroke, C. and F., St. Clement’s

Clabburn, Sons and Crisp, Pitt street

Clarke, John, Calvert street

Enfield, William, Colegate street

Foot, Henry, Calvert street

Gardom, John W., Lower Westwick street

Geary, William, St. Augustine’s

Grout and Company, St. Benedict’s

Gunton, Thomas, St. Martin’s at Oak

Hinde, E. and F., Botolph street

Kiddle, Joshua, Calvert street

Middleton and Answorth, Calvert street

Press, William, and Breeze, Philip, Philadelphia

Priest, Richard, St. Giles’ street

Skelton, John, St. Martin’s Palace plain

Springfield, Son and Nephew, St. Martin’s lane

Stannard, Cubitt, St. George’s plain

Sultzer, John, St. Augustine’s street

Towler, Rowling and Allen, Elm hill and 46, Friday street, London

Willett, E., Nephew and Co., Pottergate street

Williams, Case, and Potter, Gildengate street

Williment, Richard, Calvert street


Barber, John and Sons, Haymarket

Bateman, John, Pottergate street

Boardman, Sursham, and Co., Wensum street

Browne, Frederick, King street

Browne, George A., Bracondale

Christie, T., St. Clement’s

Culley and Hart, Duke’s Palace road

De Vear and Philips, Davey place

Everett, Thomas, Bracondale

Gorell, Robert A., silk and cotton, Tudor cottage, Unthank’s road

Harmer, D. and Co., Duke’s palace

Hart, Charles, St. Giles’ street

Hawkes, Robert, (wool,) Willow lane

Leney, Samuel, Pottergate street

Mealing and Mills, Messrs., King street

Read, Thomas W., King street

Reynolds, Edward, Unthank’s road

Rivett and Harmer, Old Post Office court

Roe, John Chambers St. Giles’ road


Read, T. W., Trowse

Reynolds, Joshua, St. Augustine’s road

Russell, William, Dereham road

Springfield, Benjamin, New Catton

Utting, Robert, Chapel Field road

Wells, William Harrison, New Mill yard, St. Swithin’s

p. 93Milliners and Dressmakers—

Andrews, Mrs. Emily, West Pottergate

Armes, Amelia, Surrey road

Bennett, Sarah, Botolph street

Bexfield, Christiana, Lady’s lane

Bird, Jane, St. John’s Timberhill

Bone, Elizabeth, Lady’s lane

Brighten, Maria, Bethel street

Browne, Maria, Bridge street

Bullen, Mary, London street

Clarke, Maria, St. Gregory’s Church alley

Clarke, Maria, Pottergate street

Cooke, Charlotte, St. Giles’ street

Cooper, Susannah, St. Giles’ hill

Dade, Charlotte, Swan lane

Davey, Jane, Upper St. Giles’

Edwards, Hannah, St. Stephen’s square

Elliot, E., Upper King street

Ford, Elizabeth, Pitt street

Goldspring, Mrs. E., William street

Gooding, Harriet, Red Lion street

Goose, Mrs., Briggs’ street

Goulder, Elizabeth, Magdalen street

Green, Ann, Post-office street

Green, Mary Ann, Colegate street

Hardesty, Mrs., Duke street

Hall, Mrs. Lucia, William street

Howard, Ann, Theatre street

Hurn, Miss E., Bank street

Huson, M. and Company, London street

James, Grace, Rose lane

Kew, Louisa, St. Giles’ street

Lamb, Miss E., Grapes hill

Lomas, Eliza, Lower Goat lane

Madge, Harriet, Pitt street, St. Mary’s

Maltman, Miss J., St. Benedict’s road

Meadows, Susanna, Prince’s street

Meek, Miss, Red Lion court, Magdalen street

Mortimer, Mary and H. E., Willow lane

Paraman, Christiana, St. Giles’ street

Parke, Mary Ann, Bethel street

Parsley, Miss M., Grapes hill

Pashley, Ann, Southwell terrace, New Lakenham

Patten, Harriet, Prince’s street

Pease, Esther, Pottergate street

Prentice, Lydia, Gildengate street

Roper, Agnes, Ten-bell lane

Scofield, Susan, St. Giles’ street

Scott, Eliza, the Crescent place

Severn, Elizabeth, and Blackwell, Mary Ann, Botolph street

Short, Maria, St. George’s Middle street

Swan, Miss Ann, Rising Sun road

Taylor, Elizabeth, Prince’s street

Thirkettle, Mary Ann, St. John’s Timberhill

Thompson, Mrs. Grapes hill

Vincent, Miss Eliza, West End terrace, Grapes hill

Watling, Sarah, Bethel street

Whithers, Martha, Union place

Wortley, Martha, Briggs’ street


Campling, James, Pump street

Cudbard, John C., Theatre street

Fulcher, William, Gas hill, Mousehold

Gaze, William, St. Paul’s back lane

Slack, Thomas, St. Giles’ hill

Wright, Robert, Muspole street

Music and Musical Instrument Sellers and Teachers—

Baldry, Miss, St. Stephen’s road

Buck, Dr. Z., Close

Burton, Frederic, St. Stephen’s road

Church, George, Theatre street

Clarke, Frederic E., Prince’s street

Darken, James, Pottergate street

Fish, William, Bridewell alley

Gooderham, Samuel, Elm hill

Harcourt, James, Colegate street

Hastings, George, Somerleyton street

Hill, J. F., St. Giles’ terrace

Hill, Horace, Pottergate street

Howlett, Walter, Valentine street

Howlett, William, Gentleman’s walk

Jackson James, Cowgate street

Jackson William, Fishgate street

Jackson William, Prince’s street

Kenningbrooke, David, St. Catherine’s terrace

Madge, G., Somerleyton street

Madge, Robert A., Pitt street, St. Mary’s

Oury and Co., London street

Rice W. H., Somerleyton street, Unthank’s road

Rose, Miss, St. Stephen’s street

Rudd, Henry, St. Giles’ street

Russell, Henry, Magdalen street

Trory, John, Elm hill


Norfolk News.  Proprietorship.  Printer and Publisher, Mr. T. W. Bond; Editor, Mr. J. H. Tillett; published every Saturday

Norfolk Chronicle.  Proprietors, Printers and Publishers, Messrs. William Matchett and Henry Stevenson; Editor, Mr. E. Garrod; published every Saturday

Norwich Mercury.  Proprietor, Printer, Publisher, and Editor, Mr. R. N. Bacon; published Wednesday and Saturday

p. 94Railway Gazette.  Published monthly by M. G. Bardwell, St. Stephen’s street

Weekly Express.  Published by Henry Watts, Pottergate street, every Saturday

News Vendors—

Darken, James, Little London street

Daynes, John, Back of the Inns

Fletcher and Alexander, Gentleman’s walk

Forster, Edwin, St. Stephen’s street

Greene, Charles J., Rose lane

Hill, Lot, Bridewell alley

Jarrold and Sons, London street and Exchange street

Jeary, Robert, Bridewell alley

Taylor, W. B., St. Stephen’s street

Tuck, Robert, Wensum street

Willsea, Joshua, Orford hill

Nursery, Seedsmen, and Gardeners—

Allen, Robert, Grove place, New Lakenham

Booty, John, St. Stephen’s road

Boulton, Richard, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Browne, David, Upper London street

Ewing, John W., Exchange street

Farman, Robert, King street

Frost, Hezekiah, Lower close

Green, John, Asylum lane

Harris, Thomas, King street

Howes, James, Magdalen street

Mackie and Stewart, Exchange street

Newman, John, Old Lakenham

Parfitt, Edward, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Pratt, John, Lower close

Reynolds, William, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Sawyer, John, Earlham road

Towell, William, Upper King street

Trollop, George, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Woolbright, Robert, jun., Lower close


Keyzor, Michael, Market-place

Piggin and Dyball, Post-office street

Rossi, George, Market-place; h Unthank’s road

Organ Builders and Pianoforte Manufacturers—

Darken, James, Pottergate street

Howlett, W., the Walk, Market-place

Noble, Mark, Pottergate street


Cott, Thomas, Pottergate street

Frary, Richard, St. Andrew’s hill

Griggs, Frederic, Upper King street

Harvey and Stannard, William street

Havers, W., St. Paul’s opening

Knight and Ballard, All Saints’ green

Knight, Charlotte, Ber street

Knight, James, St. Benedict’s street

Morgan, W. R., St. Paul’s street

Morgan, William, St. Saviour’s lane

Owen, Frederick, Magdalen street

Owen, Thomas, Colegate street

Samuels and Joseph, St. John’s Timberhill

Shalders, Noah, Westlegate street

Sheward, William, King street

Towler, John B., Bethel street

Woodrow, Thomas, St. Miles’ street

Pill-box Makers—

Martin, R., West Pottergate street

Purdy, John, Cowgate street

Saul, Joseph, West Pottergate street


Copeman, Edward, Bethel street

Dove, H., Tombland

Goodwin, John W., Queen street

Hartmann, Francis Alexander, Surrey street

Hutchinson, Charles, Surrey street

Johnson, James, Theatre street

Ranking, W. H., St. Giles’ street

Wharton, George, Upper close


Aldis, James, Prince’s street

Brooks, Henry, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Britcher, Charles, Pitt street

Bush, Thomas, Globe street, Union place

Lacey, John, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Lacey, William, Castle hill

Lacey, John G., Ber street

Lucas, William, Chapman’s yard, St. Giles’ street

Nichols, John, Golden Ball street

Page, Jeremiah, Rising Sun road

Parker, Clare, St. Martin’s at Oak

Parnell, Richard, Lady’s lane

Pearson, Edward, Bank street

Russell, Robert George, St. Catherine’s plain

Sexton, R. W., Calvert street

Sexton, H. W., St. Swithin’s

Townshend, William, Golden Ball street

Underwood, Henry, St. Margaret’s plain

Wright, James, Ber street

Youell, Thomas, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Plane Makers—

Griffiths, Hannah, Lower Goat lane and Pottergate street

Killington, Samuel, Pottergate street

Leist, James, Wensum street

p. 95Plumbers, Glaziers, and Painters—

Barker, Robert, St. John’s Timberhill

Beaty, Henry, Little London street

Belson, Robert H., King street

Bowers, William, Pottergate street

Brown, Abraham, Chapman’s yard, St. Giles’ street

Campling, Thomas, St. Mary’s street

Candler, John, St. Saviour’s lane

Clabburn, James, St. Martin’s at Oak

Cletheroe, James, Distillery street

Culyer and Bowen, Pottergate street

Delph, William, St. Augustine’s street

Devereux, Edmund, Middle street, St. George’s

Drane, Joseph, Rigby’s court

Dunn, Richard, Surrey road

Ellingham, Henry, Elm hill

Gedge, George, Wounded Hart lane, Upper market

Gilbert, James, Magdalen street

Gooch, George C., Upper King street

Green, John, Pottergate street

Hall, James, Magdalen street

Hall, James, All Saints’ green

Hardy, William E., Dove street

Hawes, George, Mariner’s lane

Jay, John, St. Andrew’s hill

Jones, Peter, St. Margaret’s alley

Kerr, John, Lower Goat lane

King, D. and Son, Prince’s street

King, J. and J., Prince’s street

Love, Charles T., Palace street

Norman, Robert, Chapel-field road

Norton, Robert, Magdalen street

Purdy, Ann, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Quadling, Henry, King street

Sands, Anthony, St. Giles’ hill

Say, Sarah, St. Giles’ street

Self and Howes, Tombland

Starland, George, Surrey street

Storey, Samuel, West Pottergate

Storey, William, West Pottergate

Surflin, William, Bank street

Thwaites, Isaac M., Sardinian Court, St. Stephen’s street

Wicks, William, St. Augustine’s street

Wilde, Frederic, St. Stephen’s street

Winter, William, St. John’s Timberhill

Wordingham, Robert, St. Catherine’s plain

Wright, Joseph, King street

Wright, Walter, Surrey place, New Lakenham

Wright, Walter, Lame Dog road


Bacon, R. N., Mercury Office, London street

Bardwell, M. G., Goodman’s yard, St. Stephen’s street

Barnes, Charles, St. George’s plain

Colby, Richard, Golden Dog lane

Daynes, Samuel, St. Stephen’s

Fletcher and Alexander, Gentleman’s walk, Market place

Iungius, J., Pottergate street

Jarrold and Sons, London street and Exchange street

Jeary, Robert, Bridewell alley

Kerr, Stephen J., Distillery street

Lemmon, James, Gun lane

Matchett and Stevenson, Market place

Muskett, Charles, Haymarket

Otty Philip, Orford hill

Oury and Co., London street

Pigg, Henry, London street

Priest, Thomas, Rampant Horse street

Stevens, William Horace, Pottergate street

Thorndick, Henry and Co., Prince’s street

Walker, Robert, Church street, St. Miles’

Watts, Henry, Pottergate street


Baldry, Miss (music), St. Stephen’s

Buck, Dr. Z., (music), Close

Bunnett, Edward (music), Upper close

Caro, Simon, (Hebrew), Westlegate street

Curtis, Lambert, (music) Surrey terrace, New Lakenham

Finegan, William Thomas (French), Cow hill

Harcourt, James, (music) St. Clement’s

Hill, J. F. (music), St. Giles’ terrace

Hill, Horace, (music) Pottergate street

Klein, Herr H. (languages) Prince’s street

Lantenant, Camille (French), Prince’s street

Rudd, Henry (music), St. Giles’

Scott, John, B.A., (languages), Bank street

Vlieland, Jerome N., (French), Redwell street

Wilkins, Robert F., (music), Bethel street

Register Offices for Servants—

Baker, Charles, Redwell street

Bayfield, Mrs. F., St. Stephen’s road

Betts, John, Castle meadow

Chandler, Samuel, St. Stephen’s road

Gaze, William, Westlegate street

Green, Ann, Post Office street

Johnson, Robert, Gun lane

Johnson, Mrs., Castle meadow

Moore, Joseph, Magdalen street

Whitehead, George, St. Giles’ hill

Rope and Sack Manufacturers—

Allman, George, King street

p. 96Bacon, Josiah Newbegin, Davey place

Hindes and Sons, Red Lion street

Hindes, James, Magdalen street

Hurn, George, Dove street,

Mountain, John, Mill lane, New Catton

Webb, William, Magdalen street

Saddlers and Harness Makers—

Adwick, Thomas, Davey place

Bowes, William, St. Benedict’s street

Breese, Robert, Magdalen street

Calver, John, All Saints’ green

Cannell, John, Ber street

Chettleburgh, Robert, Upper King street

Dickinson, Richard, Castle hill

Fuller, James, Market place

Gowing, Charles, Castle hill

Hallows, George, Rampant Horse street

Harbord, Joseph M., Upper St. Giles’ street

Jolly, Charles W., St. Stephen’s gates, Newmarket road

Kemp, Thomas, Castle hill

Philo, Joseph, Upper London street

Prentice, Samuel, Magdalen street

Wilkinson, Henry Joseph, St. Giles’ street

Saw and File Makers—

Griffiths, Hannah, Lower Goat lane, Pottergate street

Kenyon, John, Lower Goat lane

Leist, James, Wensum street

Lomas, William, St. Gregory’s church alley, Pottergate street

Saw Mills—

Orfeur, John, Fishgate street

Patrick, James F. and Ellis Thomas, St. Miles’

Saul and Fraser, City Saw Mills, St. Martin’s at Palace

Shoe Manufacturers, wholesale—

Barber and Co., Rampant Horse street

Barker and Co., Orford hill

Ford and Son, Colegate street

Gilman, Charles S., St. Giles’ street

Groom, George, St. Stephen’s street

Homan and Co., Upper market-place

Hotblack, John, Orford hill

Kemp, William, Pitt street

Lulham, W. and E., Surrey street

Partridge, John, Scott’s yard, Ber street

Roberts, James, Willow place, New Lakenham

Winter, Charles, Upper market

Woodgate, Philip, Castle street


Abel, William, St. Martin’s at Oak

Alborough, Edmund, Pottergate street

Aldham, James, Tabernacle street

Aldrich, Ewing, St. Benedict’s street

Annison, Robert, Globe street, Union place

Archer, Samuel, Peacock street

Arnup, Thomas, Barrack street

Artherton, Thomas, Cherry place, New Lakenham

Bussey, Benjamin, Gildengate street

Bennett, John, Church street, St. Miles’

Butcher, Simon, Pitt street

Boulton, Edward, Gildengate street

Browne, William, Barrack street

Batley, Richard, St. Catherine’s plain

Butler, Thomas, Barrack street

Burrows, Anthony, St. Paul’s street

Brett, Thomas, Cherry street, New Lakenham

Browne, William, Barrack street

Bexfield, James, Rising Sun lane

Buxton, Stephen, Thorpe hamlet

Blackburn, Edward, Pottergate street

Brown, John, Philadelphia

Batson, John, Barrack street

Bunting, James, St. Mary’s street

Bunting, John, St. Mary’s street

Blyth, Joshua, World’s-end lane

Brown, William, St. Margaret’s

Blyth, John, Prince’s street

Barlow, Janet, Barrack street

Bushnell, Joseph, Suffolk street, Union place

Beeston, Margaret, Barrack street

Blyth, John, St. Martin’s at Oak

Bensley, William, Union place

Baylis, Andrew, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Baxter, Benjamin, St. Paul’s street

Catchpole, John, Cowgate street

Collins, Mary, Heigham street

Campling, George, Magdalen street

Crickmore, William, St. Miles’ street

Church, William, Upper King street

Cooper, Thomas, St. Augustine’s street

Crooks, Benjamin, St. Miles’ street

Chapman, John, Union place

Crosskill, William, St. Martin’s at Oak

Calver, Eliza, Lower Westwick street

Carter, Thomas, St. James’ street

Carter, Henry, Rose lane

Douglass, John, Silver road

Durrant, Thomas, Sherbourne place

Dawson, Samuel, St. Martin’s at Oak

D’Alberg, Catherine, Palace plain

Duffield, Henry, St. George’s middle street

Drake, Samuel, Lower Westwick street

Dobson, Richard, St. Benedict’s street

Diver, Jabez, St. Paul’s church plain

Dawson, William, Magdalen street

Ellis, Mary, St. Martin’s at Oak

Evans, Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak

p. 97Evans, John, Bishopgate street

Evans, George, Barrack street

Ellis, William, St. Martin’s at Oak

Forster, Thomas, Queen street, Crook’s place

Faircloth, George, Julian place

Fox, John, Fishgate street

Fabb, Charles, St. Augustine’s street

Frost, James, Magdalen street

Fountain, Elizabeth, Heigham street

Forster, Thomas, West Pottergate

Forster, Samuel, Barrack street

Futter, John, Saint Mary’s plain

Fisher, George, Union place

Fairhead, John, Thorpe hamlet

Felsted, James, Mill street, Crook’s place

Green, Susanna, St. James’ street

Gent, George, St. Miles’ street

Gardener, Maria, St. Benedict’s street

Giddens, Samuel, St. Stephen’s street

Grimes, Maria, Botolph street

Gifford, Samuel, St. Benedict’s street

Hubbard, George, King street gates

Holmes, James, King street

Howard, Daniel, Barrack street

Holmes, William, St. Paul’s back lane

Harply, Thomas, Cowgate street

Hill, Joseph, St. Augustine’s street

Howes, Ann, Pottergate street

Humphrey, William, Pump street

Hase, Thomas, Cowgate street

Hull, Amos, Peacock street

Harvey, Samuel, Fishgate street

Hunt, John, Quay side

Hunt, George, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Hardingham, William, Barrack street

Hook, Joseph, Surrey street

Harley, John Payne, St. Benedict’s street

Jarvis, Joseph, Fishgate street

James, John, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Jeffries, William, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Kemp, James, Cowgate street

Knevett, Henry, Magdalen street

Kerridge, John, St. Benedict’s street

Lowne, James, Cowgate street

Leggatt, Daniel, Thorpe hamlet

Lenstead, Robert, St. George’s plain

Linsey, Robert, Church street

Lincoln, James, St. Martin’s at Oak

Livingstone, Thomas, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Leeds, Sarah, Tinkler’s lane

Livock, Samuel, Brazen Doors road

Lacy, Esau, Norfolk street, Union place

Muirhead, Hannah, Colegate street

Marshall, Robert, Lower Westwick str.

Mackley, Richard, St. Martin’s at Oak

Mallett, Frederic, Saint James street

Meadows, Jonathan, St. Mary’s street

Mayfield, James, St. Benedict’s street

Middleton, James, Calvert street

Middleton, John, Magdalen street

Minns, Isaac, King street, Crook’s place

Miles, Susan, St. Martin’s at Oak

Owles, William, Westlegate street

Pearson, Robert, Cowgate street

Pitcher, Thomas, Rose lane

Price, Joseph, St. Mary’s street

Playford, John Joseph, Bishopgate street

Press, Frederic George, Philadelphia

Patrick, Francis, All Saints’ green

Pike, William, Magdalen street

Pulham, William, St. Martin’s at Oak

Palmer, Thomas, Crook’s place

Quantrill, James, Queen street, Crook’s place

Nicholas, Richard, City road

Newman, Henry, Saint Martin’s at Oak

Rudd, Robert, St. Mary’s street

Ravy, William, Fishgate street

Ralph, Sarah, St. Augustine’s street

Rawling, Henry, West Pottergate

Stafford, Thomas, Chapel street, Crook’s place

Smith, David, Magdalen street

Seaman, Henry, 21 row, New Lakenham

Skyles, Samuel, Barrack street

Sayer, James, Philadelphia

Stangroom, Robert, Fishgate street

Seely, Job, Pottergate street

Sadd, David, St. Catherine’s plain

Sexton, John, Scoles’ green

Simpson, Robert, Magdalen street

Seaman, Robert, Saint Saviour’s street

Simpson, Amelia, Ber street

Saddler, James, jun., St. Martin’s at Oak

Storey, James, St. Augustine’s street

Self, Thomas, Saint Mary’s plain

Sammons, Joseph, Old Lakenham

Smith, Robert, King street, Crook’s place

Scott, William, Magdalen street

Smith, Lydia, St. Augustine’s street

Shalders, Edward, St. Benedict’s street

Tuttell, Ann, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Thouless, James, Pump street

Tidd, Robert, Gildengate street

Thorpe, William, St. Martin’s at Oak

Thompson, Benjamin, Thorn lane

Towler, Edward, Magdalen street

Thurtle, James, Saint Swithin’s

Tuttell, John Watson, Mill street, New Lakenham

p. 98Thrower, John, Saint Augustine’s street

Weeds, Sarah, Thorpe hamlet

Waller, Martha, St. Paul’s opening

Walters, William, St. Catherine’s plain

Webster, George, Botolph street

Whall, Robert, King street, Crook’s place

Wiley, Samuel Hall, Cowgate street

Williment, James, St. Augustine’s street

Williams, Mary, Vauxhall street, Julian place

Watering, John, Mill lane, New Catton

Wurr, Louisa, Grove place, New Lakenham

Woods, William, Union place

Wilson, Sarah, Barrack street

Young, Mary Ann, Mariner’s lane

Slate Merchants—

Blyth, William, St. Faith’s lane

Jecks, Charles William, St. Faith’s lane

Morris, John, King street

Smallware and Toy Dealers, and Fancy Repositories—

Beales, Mary, Tombland

Brennan, Elizabeth, Upper London street

Brown, A. H., London street

Bryan, Mary, Haymarket

Bush, George, Bridge street

Cole, Emma, London street

Cruso, Lydia, Briggs’ street

Ellison, Frances, Dove street

Hepperson, Mary, White Lion street

Holder, Reuben, St. Stephen’s street

Lane, Joseph, All Saints’ green

Lovett, Henry, St. Stephen’s street

Lovett and Kidd, Bank street

Mingay, George, Haymarket

Plumstead, Frederic, Magdalen street

Ransome, Harriet, Gentleman’s walk, Market-place

Ringer, William, Market-place

Smith, William, Lower Goat lane

Steel and Rix, Queen street

Swindon, John, Magdalen street

Tubb, William Henry, London street

Walker, Richard, Bridge street

White, Mrs., London street


Asker, Samuel Hurry, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’

Atkinson, John Goldsmith, Post Office street

Bailey, Elijah C., Little Orford street

Bardwell, Everett, Lower close

Barnham, James, Rampant Horse street

Beckwith, Augustus A. H., Palace street

Blake, Francis John, Upper King street

Blake, John Joseph, Palace street

Brightwell and Son, Surrey street

Bugg, Isaac, Surrey street

Cooper, J. N. V., the Crescent

Dalrymple, Arthur, St. Giles’ street

Dowson, John Withers, Castle meadow

Day, Alfred, All Saints’ green

Durrant, George, Surrey street

Dye and Palmer, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Fickling, Robert, Prince’s street

Field and Bignold, Upper Surrey street

Field, Edward, Surrey street

Fisher, James, King street

Fox, Frederic, Surrey street

Fox, Thomas C., Victoria street, St. Stephen’s gates

Freestone, Edward, Little Orford street

Gilman, Charles S., St. Giles’ street

Gilman, Charles Rackham, St. Giles’ street

Goodwin, John, Willow lane

Hansell, Henry, Upper close

Hansell, Robert, Surrey street

Harrod, Henry, Bank street

Jay and Pilgrim, Toll’s court, Briggs’ street

Jessup, Benjamin, Bridewell alley

Keith, Thomas, Bracondale

Kerrison and Preston, Bank street

Littleboy, George, Lower close

Long, E. S. D., Willow lane

Mendham, W. L., St. Andrew’s

Miller, Son, and Bugg, Surrey street

Nixon, J. H., Bracondale

Press, Edward, Tombland

Pulley, Henry, Surrey street

Rackham, Matthew R., Surrey street

Rackham, Matthew, the Close

Rackham, Thomas H., Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ street

Rackham, William, Upper St. Giles’

Sharp, Daniel John, Surrey street

Sharpe, Benjamin Thomas, Chapel Field road

Simpson, George E., Tombland

Skippon, James, Castle meadow

Skipper, John, Bank street; h Thorpe hamlet

Sparke, James B., Post Office street

Taylor, Adam and Clement, Orford hill

Taylor, John Oddin, and Ling Henry, St. Giles’ street

Tillett, Jacob Henry, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Tuck, Charles Edward, St. Giles’ street

Turner, W. H. N., the Close; h Newmarket road

Wortley, Robert, Upper King street

p. 99Whaites, Charles, Tombland

Winter, James and Son, St. Giles’ street

Woolbright, William Henry, Upper King street

Stay Makers—

Aldis, Jane, Prince’s street

Colsey, Emily, St. Andrew’s

Farrow, Mrs. Maria, St. Giles’ hill

Frost, Mrs., Davey place

Leach, Jane, St. George’s plain

Maine, Susan, Briggs’ street

Randall, Emma, St. Catherine’s plain

Taylor, Elizabeth, Upper St. Giles’ street

Stone and Marble Masons—

De Carle, Henry, Chapel Field road

Lloyd, Thomas, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Stanley, Joseph, St. Stephen’s street

Watson and Son, St. Faith’s lane

Want, F., St. Benedict’s road

Straw Bonnet Makers—

Clarke, Maria, St. Gregory’s church alley

Forster, John, Upper London street

Gooding, Harriet, Red Lion street

Green, Ann, Post Office street

Hansell, Mary, John street, Rose lane

Laws, Robert, Westlegate street

Leggett, Sarah, Crescent place

Palmer, Louisa, West Pottergate street

Riches, Susannah, Upper London street

Tomlinson, Anne, Bishopgate street

Whethers, Martha, Union place


Bateman, Frederic, St. Giles’ street

Bell, J. Crawford, Prince’s street

Bleakley, Elijah, St. Andrew’s broad street

Boulger, J. P., Willow lane

Cadge, William, All Saints’ Green

Cooper, Emmanuel, Tombland

Cooper and Fox, Tombland

Crickmay, Edward, Magdalen street

Crook, John, London street

Crosse, Thomas Wm., St. Giles’ street

Dalrymple, Donald, Surrey street

Dashwood, L., St. Andrew’s broad str.

Day, William Hawkes, Surrey street

Dove, Harry, M.D., Tombland

Drake, Charles, All Saints’ green

Firth, George W., St. Martin’s at Palace

Fox, John, Upper King street

Francis, W. B., Colegate street

Garthon, James Slapp, Upper St. Giles’ street

Gibson, C. M., Bethel street

Goodwin, Charles, Willow lane

Gurney Richard, St. Giles’ road

Holland, E. C., St. Stephen’s road

Johnson, John Godwin, St. Giles’ street

Marsack, Blackall, St. Giles’ street

Master, Alfred, Bethel street

Mills, F. A., All Saints’ green

Morgan, A. F., St. Giles’ street

Nichols, Wm. Peter, Surrey street

Norgate, B. H., F.R.S., Bank street

Orris, Frederic, Magdalen street

Payne, Sturley, Duke street

Pitt, John Ballard, St. Stephen’s street

Rand, W. F., Tombland

Spencer, Christopher, King street

Taylor, William, Magdalen street

Taylor, William Henry, Prince’s street

Thompson, Robert, Theatre street

Thurgar, W. C., St. Catherine’s plain

Webber, William, the Free Hospital, Willow lane

White, Richard, St. Giles’ street

Woolterton, Robert, Tombland

Surveyors, Land Agents, and Architects—

Baldry, William, St. Stephen’s road

Benest, Edward E., New Catton

Brown, John, Upper King street

Browne, William, St. Andrew’s broad street

Bunn, John, Pottergate street

Fisher, Thomas, the Crescent

Forrester, George, Upper Close

Hewitt, John, Bethel street

Hinsby, William, Prince’s street

Hornor, Charles, St. Martin’s at Palace

Johnson, Robert, Gun lane

Kitton, Robert, Tuck’s court, St. Giles’ road

Loades, Benjamin, Pottergate street

Mear, William, Lower Close

Millard and Son, Prince’s street

Newton, William, Tombland

Pratt and Hornor, Queen street

Shipley, William, Chapel Field road

Wright, James, Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Wright, Robert, Lower Close

Tailors and Woollen Drapers—

Allen and Co., Upper London street and Bank plain

Allured, James, St. John’s Timberhill

Banks, William, Earlham terrace, St. Giles’ road

Borking, Thomas, Willow lane

Bayes and Sons, Orford hill and Red Lion street

Bennett, James, Wensum street, Tombland

Betts, John, Exchange street

Bingham, Thomas, Post-office street

Bond, William, Upper London street

Bond, Joseph Daines, Davey place

Bray, Richard, St. Giles’ street

p. 100Briggs, Sampson, Golden Ball street

Browne, Frederic, Colegate street

Buck, William, Upper Goat lane

Barrage and Jeffries, Davey place

Burrows, Robert, Lower Westwick str.

Cannell, A. F., Lower Goat lane

Climpson, Edward, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Cocks, Dennis, Magdalen street

Cocks, Thomas, Elm hill

Cogman, Frederick, Prince’s street

Cole, John Beck, Post-office street

Crisp, John Wiseman, Castle meadow

Daniels, Thomas, Albert tavern, Dove street

Duffield, William, Grove place, New Lakenham

Duffield, Henry, Exchange street

Dye, M. and W., Bank plain

English, Joseph, Upper London street

Francis, Joseph, Charing cross

Fuller, Edward, Red Lion street

Gray, Francis, Surrey street

Gray, Richard, West Pottergate street

Grand, George, London street

Grand, Edward, Upper King street

Haggath, Thomas, New Catton

Hagon, George, Hall lane, New Lakenham

Haldenstein, P., Bridewell alley

Harrison, William, St. Augustine’s str.

Hawyes, John, West Wymer street

Hill, Michael, Palace street

Hipper, James, Rampant Horse street

Hoods, Richard, Elm hill

Hook, Samuel B., St. George’s plain

Hopkins, John, Bethel street

Howlett, Richard, Bridge street

Johnson, Jacob, London street

King, William Howes, Trafalgar street, New Lakenham

Larkman, William, Gildengate street

Lovick and Johnson, London street

Ling, W. S., Castle Meadow

Livock, William Thomas, London str.

Lake, James, Red Lion street

Mackley, John E., Westlegate street

Moore, James, St. Catherine’s terrace

Mower, Edward, Fox buildings, Herring’s row

Marshall, Joseph, Rampant Horse str.

Mann, Charles C., Theatre street

Minns, Samuel W., Golden Dog lane

Murry, James, Mariners’ lane

Miller, William, Grapes hill

Mitchell, John, Dereham road terrace

Mallett, Francis and Charles, London street

Mallett, Charles, Holly terrace, Unthank’s road

Mason, Robert, West Wymer street

Norton, Francis James, Back of the Inns

Osborn, John, Little London street

Perowne, Robert, St. Benedict’s road

Porter, John S., Upper King street

Phillips, John, Orford hill

Parker, Oliver, Thorpe hamlet

Pigg, Samuel and Sons, Haymarket

Page, Joseph, Briggs’ street

Plummer, Edward, Bridge street, St. Lawrence

Ratcliff, William, Distillery street

Rudd, Francis, Pottergate street

Royall, Daniel, Jay’s terrace, Rose lane

Rust, James Barrow, Bethel street

Riches and Skoyles, Davey place

Skelton, John S., St. Giles’ street

Scott, Francis, Calvert street

Steward, James, Tombland; h Thorpe

Spurgeon, Thomas, St. Stephen’s road

Stevens, Thomas W., Unthank’s road

Sutton, Daniel Morrison, St. Andrew’s broad street

Smith, John, Orford street

Sutton, James, Unthank’s road

Slater, Joseph, Tombland

Saul, Henry Thomas, Orford street

Todd, John, and Sons, Queen street

Taylor, William, Prince’s street

Tuck, James Stannard, Lower Goat lane

Trowse, Christopher, Ten Bell lane

Talbot, George, Bridge street

Turner, Samuel, St. Miles’ street

Woods, John, Tinkler’s lane

Wells, Peter Michael, Prince’s street

Wyatt, David, Paragon street

Womack, George, White Lion street and Davey place

Wright, James, Ber street

Wade, Francis, London street

Woods, John, West Pottergate

Tallow Chandlers—

Freeman, Henry; Nash, Charles, Upper market

Hardy, James, Rampant Horse street

Howes and Son, Lower Goat lane

Kitton, George, corner of Haymarket

Pratt, William, Wensum street

Timber Merchants—

Blyth, William, St. Faith’s lane

Cann, Samuel and John, saw mills, Philadelphia

Cushion, William, Rising Sun road

Gaze, George, Hamlet place, Grapes’ hill

Green, Robert and Son, St. Miles’ Thorn Garden street

Hardy, William, Pitt street

Jecks, Charles William, St. Faith’s lane

p. 101Orfeur, John, Fishgate street

Pigg, Frederic, Bridge street, Saint George’s

Saul, William S., Pottergate street

Scales, Samuel, Rising Sun road

Scales, Samuel, Grove place, New Lakenham

Steward, Robert and Co., King street gates

Woolliston, Samuel, Hall road, New Lakenham


Borrett, William, Bridge street, Saint Lawrence

Elwes, Jonathan, St. Stephen’s road

Forster, Edwin, St. Stephen’s street

Foulsham, William, Bridge street

Fuller, William, Red Lion street

Greene, Charles Jeremiah, Rose lane

Holmes, Henry, Bloomsbury place, Rose lane

Horne, Caroline, Back of the Inns

Houghton, Henry, St. Giles’ street

Kitton, Frederic, Haymarket

Middleton, John, Trafalgar place, St. Benedict’s road

Miller, Amelia, London street

Miller, Wallace Shade, London street; h Grove road, New Lakenham

Newbegin, James and E., Market place and Bridewell alley

Richender, Neville, Upper Market

Sanderson, Alexander, Fye bridge

Smith, Samuel, Gentleman’s walk, Market place

Stowers, James, Red Lion street

Taylor, W. B., St. Stephen’s street

Townshend, William, Golden Ball street

Willsea, Joshua, Orford hill

Toy Dealers—

Cunnington, William, Little Orford street

Ellison, Frances, Dove street

Ham, Mrs., Orford hill

Page, Caroline, St. Catherine’s plain

Ransome, Harriet, Gentleman’s walk

Rose, Sarah, Castle street

Smith, W., Lower Goat lane

Smith, John, St. John’s Timberhill

Vincent, Mary, St. Catherine’s plain


Blyth, James, New Catton

Cunnington, William, Willow lane

Gaul, Edward James, St. Augustine’s

Umbrella Makers, &c.—

Forster, John, Upper London street

Hall, Robert, All Saints green

Hartley, William, Little Orford hill

King, Tyrrell, St. Saviour’s lane

Martin, Thomas, Upper London street

Moore, Charles, St. Martin’s at Oak

Smith, Thomas, St. Benedict’s street

Veterinary Surgeons—

Sayer, Daniel, Pottergate street

Smith, William, Pottergate street

Wells, Thomas, Castle meadow

Venetian Blind Manufacturers—

Furze, James Thomas, Tombland

Howard, E. S., Rose lane

Thurst, James, Castle meadow

Watch and Clock Makers, Jewellers, and Silversmiths—

Abrahams, S. S. and B., Bethel street

Amies, Thomas, West Wymer street

Beha, Lickert, and Co., St. Stephen’s plain

Bell, Robert, Davey place

Block, Israel, Pottergate street

Buckenham, J. C., Tombland

Bush, Edward, Union place

Caston, Thomas, Bridge street

Cooper, John and Sons, London street

Cullen, Christopher, Pottergate street

Daynes, John, Pitt street

Dixon, Thomas, Bridewell alley

Dodson, W. R., Upper London street

Etheridge, George and Ellis, T. R., Gentleman’s walk

Fearnley, Joseph, London street

Frary, William, St. Benedict’s street

Grant, Frederick, Ber street

Gunton, Henry, Rampant Horse street

Hartt, W. G., London street

Haywood, James, J., Little London street

James, Benjamin, St. Andrew’s Broad street

Kerrison, James, Magdalen street

Linford, Robert, Red Lion street

Mackley, G. W., Westlegate street

Phillips, Samuel M., Chapel Field road

Piggin and Dyball, Post-office street

Priest, George, Briggs’ street

Ransome, James, Bridge street

Rossi, George, Market-place

Russell, Benjamin, Magdalen street

Samuels and Joseph, St. John’s Timberhill

Shildrake, William, Upper London street

Springall, Isaac, Wensum street

Stowers, James, Red Lion street

Zipfel, John, Magdalen street

Zipfel, Matthew, Bridge street

Whip Makers—

Abel, Cain, Golden Ball lane

Hard, Charles, St. John’s Timberhill

Leeds, Edward and Charles, All Saints’ green

Simpson, John, Ber street

p. 102Whitesmiths—

Culyer, Christmas and George, Cow hill

Dennis, Charles, St. Stephen’s gates

Finch, William Henry, Waggon and Horses’ lane

Leech, George, Upper Goat lane, West Pottergate

Leggatt, John, Scoles’ green

Livock, Joseph, Elm hill

Palmer J. and W., St. Augustine’s street

Palmer, Robert, St. Saviour’s lane

Rope, Charles, Surrey street

Stammers, Robert, Castle hill

Wholesale Drapers and Warehousemen—

Barker, Benjamin, Orford hill

Chamberlin, Sons, and Co., Market-place

Coleman, G. L., Market-place

Coleman and Sons, London street

De Vear and Phillips, Davey place

Pigg, Samuel, and Sons, Haymarket

Rivett and Harmer, Old Post-office court

Woodgate, Philip, Castle street

Wine, Spirit, and Porter Merchants—

Anthony, William, Upper Market

Arnold, Maria, St. Margaret’s plain

Athow, Edward, Castle street

Back and Co., Haymarket

Barley, Christopher, Bridewell alley

Barwell and Son, London street, and St. Stephen’s street

Bolingbroke, Woodrow and Co., Upper St. Giles’ street

Bowgen, J. H., Lower Westwick street

Bullard, Richard, St. Miles’ Bridge

Buxton, Isaac, Bank plain

Clabburn and Sparks, Magdalen street

Filby, Wm. E., Stamp office yard

Foster and Son, Norfolk hotel

Geldart and Son, Wensum street

Gittings, Cornelius, Calvert street

Grimmer, Samuel; h Mount Pleasant, Unthank’s road

Harman and Sons, St. Andrew’s hill

Heseltine, James, Royal hotel

Hubbard, James, Magdalen street

Louth, Robert, Rampant Horse, Rampant Horse street

Morrison, P. A., and Co., Upper Market

Murnane, John, Bell Commercial hotel, Orford hill and Cattle market

Norgate and Co., St. Stephen’s street

Priest, Henry R., Pottergate street

Priest, Pilgrim, and Co., St. Giles’ street

Roe, Sarah Ann and Son, Post-office court

Seaman, Grimmer, and Co., Saint Andrew’s broad street

Sparks, Francis, St. Giles’ street

Steward, Patteson, Finch and Co., Barrack street

Strachan, James, Guildhall tavern, Market place

Wiseman, Isaac, Post Office street

Woodrow, Joseph, Unthank’s road

Wire Workers—

Andrews, Richard, St. Miles’ street

Barnard and Bishop, Gentleman’s walk

Lamb, Mrs. S., Golden Ball street

p. 103Corporation of Norwich.

Mayor—John Godwin Johnson, Esq.

Sheriff—Timothy Steward, Esq.

Recorder—Michael Prendergast, Esq. Q.C.


Sir Samuel Bignold, Knt.  M.P.

Sir Robert John Harvey, Knt.

John Hilling Barnard

Samuel Shalders Beare

John Betts

Robert Wiffen Blake

Horatio Bolingbroke

Henry Browne

Robert Chamberlin

William Collyer

Charles Evans

William Freeman

John Henry Gurney

Robt. John Harvey Harvey

Anthony Hudson

John Godwin Johnson

John Marshall

Philip John Money

Nathaniel Palmer

Thomas Osborn Springfield

Osborn Springfield

John Sultzer

Abel Towler

Charles Turner

Edward Willett

Charles Winter

Henry Woodcock

John Wright


Judge of the Guildhall Court

Nathaniel Palmer, Esq.

Registrar of ditto

Hy. Miller, Gent.


Wm. Wilde, Esq.

Clerk to the Justices

Wm. Day, Esq.

Ditto for Licensing and Billeting

Wm. Wilde, Esq.

Clerk to the Local Board of Health

H. B. Miller, Esq.

Clerk to the Burials’ Board

W. L. Mendham, Esq.

Clerk of the Peace

A. Dalrymple, Esq.

Town Clerk

W. L. Mendham, Esq.

City Treasurer

Mr. F. Simpson

Clerk to Committees

R. Fickling, Esq.

Under Sheriff

T. Brightwell, jun., Esq.

City Surveyor & Surveyor to the Board of Health

Mr. Edward E. Benest

Inspector of ditto

Samuel Clarke


Jeremiah Butcher

John De Vear

Charles Robert Freeman

George Middleton

Robert Page, junior

John Pymar

John Oddin Taylor

John Youngs

Robert Wiffen Blake

George L. Coleman

Canuel Darkins

William Hall

Joseph D. Smith

Abel Towler

Edward Willett

Wm. Henry Woolbright


1st Ward.

2nd Ward.

3rd Ward.

John Kitton

George William Minns

Francis John Blake

Roger Kerrison

George Ives

John Underwood

Richard Bullard

Osborn Springfield

R. Chamberlin, (Deputy Mayor)

Henry Woodcock

Sir Wm. Foster, Bart.

Jacob Henry Tillett

Henry Ling

John Ferra Watson

William Trory

James Winter

Elijah Crosier Bailey

Robert Atkinson Gorell

4th Ward.

5th Ward.

6th Ward.

John Barwell

George Womack

Chas. N. Bolingbroke

Charles Winter

Thomas Brightwell

Carlos Cooper

Sir S. Bignold, M.P.

W. J. Utten Browne

A. A. H. Beckwith

Charles Wilson Jolly

Edward Field

James Hardy

John Godwin Johnson (Mayor)

Thomas Moore Keith

Henry Hindes

Wm. Manning Kitton

George Kitton

John Skipper

p. 1047th Ward.

8th Ward.

Robert French

Thos. Osborn Springfield

Joel Fox

Thomas Christie

William Andrews

William Wilde, jun.

Samuel Hill

Robert Watling Sexton

James Knights

William Pratt

John Bidwell

Richard Coaks

City Police Force, Guildhall.

Chief Constable—Stephen English, Esq., Guildhall.

Surgeon—James Slapp Garthon, Esq.

Superintendents—Edward Peck and Stephen Amiss.

Inspectors—William Barnard and George Steward.


John Minns

John Hayhow

John Fransham

William Curtis

Thomas Osborne

John Ireland

The Police Force was formed in January, 1836, and re-organised in August, 1853; and in addition to the officers above given, there are 71 Police Constables.

Its jurisdiction extends over an area of 10½ square miles, with a population of 70,000 souls.  The annual expenditure is about £4,000, including pensions.

City Fire Brigade.

Superintendent—Stephen English, Esq.

Central Office—Guildhall.

Inspectors—Edward Peck and Stephen Amiss.

This establishment was organised in August, 1853; and in addition to the officers, is composed and manned by eighty Police Officers, who are regularly trained and drilled.  Three Engines, six Hose Reels, three Fire Escapes, seven Fire Annihilators, Jumping Cloths, and other appliances for extinguishing fires and saving life, are kept ready for instant use.

Upon an alarm of fire at the Guildhall, the police throughout the city receive instantaneous notice thereof by means of signal rockets.

The city is supplied with water on the high pressure system, and fires can be extinguished without the aid of an engine.  By means of Hose Reels, the power of a hundred engines can be brought to bear upon any premises on fire.

Mr. English, the present Superintendent, has received several honorary rewards for his intrepidity and exertions in the performance of his duty.  A portable Fire Escape lately invented by Mr. English, and exhibited in London, is highly spoken of and approved by several scientific gentlemen.  It consists of two cross bars with pulleys, three coils of rope with spring-hooks attached, and a leather belt, by means of which persons may be rescued in case of fire, in an expeditious and simple manner.  The advantages of this escape, before all others hitherto invented, are, that you can rescue the inmates from the adjoining houses without passing through the fire—its simplicity, cheapness, portability, and safety.  It can also be used up narrow courts and passages, and at the rear of houses, a desideratum which the London escapes do not possess.

p. 105Norwich Union Fire Brigade.

Superintendent—Stephen English, Esq., Guildhall

Inspectors—William Barnard and John Hayhow.

Reserve—John Flaxman and James Melvin.

This establishment was reorganised in November, 1854, and placed under the management of the Police.

Two Fire Engines are kept perfectly ready to act on any emergency in town or country.  The engines are of the first class, constructed upon the most approved scientific principles, and adapted for rapid travelling into the country.

A Fire Engine upon a new principle has lately been added to the establishment, at a cost of four hundred guineas.  It has two 6-in. and two 7-in. cylinders, each worked at an 8-in. stroke, and the machinery so arranged that by simply moving a lever it can be worked as a 6-in. engine, or as a 7-in. engine, or the two can be worked together, and is then more powerful than a 9-in. engine, and throws an inch jet of water 120 feet high, and smaller jets proportionally higher.  The advantage of this arrangement being three sizes of Fire Engines to suit the available quantity of water, or number of men.  The suction has an air-vessel or reservoir, as in the American engines, a new feature in the construction of engines in this country.

Norwich Equitable Fire Brigade.

Superintendent—Stephen English, Esq., Guildhall.

Inspectors—William Curtis and John Ireland.

This establishment was organised in January, 1855, and placed under the management of the Police.

In addition to this admirable and efficient establishment, Hose Reels are kept at the undermentioned premises ready for immediate use, and available to the police day or night—St. Edmund’s Factory, Fishgate Street.  Middleton and Ainsworth’s Factory, Calvert Street.  Sultzer’s Factory, St. Augustine’s Street.  Pockthorpe Brewery, Barrack Street.

Public Establishments.

Norfolk and Norwich Museum: E. H. St. Quinton, Secretary.

Public Library, Market place, Edward Langton, Librarian.

Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, St. Andrew’s street; John Quinton, Librarian and Secretary.

Gas Light Company’s Works: William Tadman, Superintendent and Engineer.

Theatre Royal, Theatre street: William Sidney, Lessee.

Assembly Rooms, Theatre street, James Woods, Conductor.

Corn Exchange, Exchange street: James Ayton, Bailiff.

Chamber of Commerce, Post Office street, Charles S. Gilman, Hon. Secretary.

Young Men’s Institute, Post Office street.

Norwich and Norfolk United Medical Book Society, St. Andrew’s street: John Quinton, Librarian.

p. 106Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society.  President, Henry Kett Thompson, Esq.  Vice President, The Right Hon. Lord Stafford.  Treasurer, John Kitson, Esq., Thorpe.  Honorary Secretary, Mr. Arthur Preston, Bank street, Norwich.  Assistant Secretary, Mr. Wm. Hussey, St. Catherine’s plain, Norwich.

Local Board of Health, Castle Meadow: Henry Miller, Clerk: E. Benest, Surveyor.

Water Works Company, Office, Redwell street: William Parsons, Manager.

Norfolk and Norwich Magdalen: Miss Mary Ann Curson, Matron.

Girls’ Home, Heigham Causeway: Mrs. Rebecca Bales, Matron.

Rosary Cemetery.

Stamp Office, St. Andrew’s street: Francis Gostling Forster, Distributor.

Inland Revenue Office: J. Wilde, Receiver.

Gaol and House of Correction.  Chaplain: Rev. Robert Wade, clk.  Gaoler and Keeper: Robert Campling.  Matron: Julia Campling.  Schoolmaster, Samuel Richardson.  First Turnkey of Gaol: John Shingles.  Second Turnkey: John Blaza.  Female Turnkey and Warder: Eliz. Fulcher.  Surgeon, Mr. Wm. Peter Nichols.  Turnkey of House of Correction: Christopher Hall.  Assistant Turnkey and Taskmaster of the Tread Wheel: John Blyth.  Turnkey and Cook: John Moll.

County Prison.  Governor: Mr. George Pinson.  Chaplain: Rev. J. L. Brown.  Surgeon: Mr. Alfred Master.  Clerk to Visiting Justices: Mr. G. Pinson, junr.  Deputy Governor: Mr. John Harrod.

List of Officers of the Court of Guardians.  Governor: A. A. H. Beckwith, Esq.  Deputy Governor: James Winter, Esq.  Treasurer: Henry Birkbeck, Esq.  Surgeons (District): Mr. L. Dashwood (man midwife), Mr. C. Drake, Mr. W. B. Francis, Mr. T. W. Crosse, Mr. J. B. Pitt, Mr. W. H. Day, Mr. Sturley Payne, Mr. J. S. Garthon.  Chaplain: Rev. Philip Brown.  To Infirmary and Asylum: Rev. E. J. Bell.  Apothecary, Mr. R. R. Cremer.  Clerk: Mr. E. C. Bailey.  Cashier: Mr. Starling Day.  Office Clerk: Mr. W. Wicks.

Charitable Institutions.

Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, St. Stephen’s gates: House Surgeon, Mr. John Skaife: Matron, Miss Cooper; House Steward and Secretary, Mr. R. E. Houghton.

Bethel Hospital, Bethel street: Surgeon, Mr. C. M. Gibson: Master, E. J. Dodd.

Boys’ Home, J. Lingwood, Master.

Doughty’s Hospital, Calvert street: Master, Robert Minns.

Great Hospital, Bishopgate street: Governor, George Simpson.

Pauper Infirmary, Catton road: Governor, W. C. Bell: Matron, Mrs. Bell.

Magdalen Institution, Life’s green: Matron, Mrs. M. A. Curson.

Norwich Lying-in Charity, Pottergate street: Matron, Mrs. Sarah Stannard.

Orphans’ Home, Pottergate street: Matron, Miss Ann Barnsdale.

Norfolk and Norwich Eye Infirmary, Pottergate street: Treasurer, Earl of Leicester: Hon. Secretary, John Goodwin, Esq.: Medical Officers, G. W. W. Firth, B. Norgate, Dr. Goodwin: Matron, Mrs. Sarah Bennett.

Norwich Dispensary, Pottergate street: Apothecary, Peter Pinyon.

Indigent Blind Institution, Magdalen street: Super Secretary, E. W. Yarrington: Matron, Miss De Carle.

Workhouse, St. Andrew’s: Master, Mr. W. Tallack.

p. 107A List of the Carriers,
The Places they carry to, the Inns they put up at, and the days and Hours they leave Norwich.

Places they Carry to.

Carriers’ Names.


Leave Norwich at



York Tavern, Castle Hill





Star and Crown, Timberhill



Aldboro’, Norfolk


Golden Lion, Maddermarket



,, Suffolk


Star, Haymarket





Bull, St. Stephen’s

W 4 S




White Horse, Haymarket

T Th S



Crown and Angel, St. Stephen’s




Star, Haymarket





Jolly Farmers, Charing Cross




Post Office Tavern




Golden Lion, Maddermarket








Duke’s Palace



White Horse, Haymarket





Bull Inn, Magdalen Street




White Horse, Magdalen Street





Lamb Inn, Haymarket




White Hart, St. Peter’s




Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.




Bull, Magdalen Street




White Horse, Magdalen street





Queen’s Head, St. Giles’




Cock, St. Giles’



Barnham Broom


Cock, St. Giles’





White Horse, St. Miles’




Woolpack, St. George’s




Prince of Wales, St. Benedict’s





Star, Haymarket





Star and Crown, Timberhill





White Hart, St. Peter’s




Star, Haymarket





Duke’s Palace




White Horse, St. Lawrence





Woolpack, St. George’s




Golden Lion, Maddermarket





Golden Lion, Maddermarket





York Tavern, Castle Hill




White Lion, Palace Plain





Star, Haymarket





Horse Shoes, Palace Street





Woolpack, St. George’s




Elephant, Magdalen Street




Duke’s Palace





Star and Crown, Timberhill





Lamb Inn, Haymarket

daily 4, S


Star, Haymarket





Bull, St. Stephen’s





White Horse, Haymarket



Bury St. Edmund’s


Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.



Star, Haymarket





Cross Keys, Magdalen Street




White Horse, Magdalen Street




Bell Inn, Orford Hill





York Tavern, Castle Ditches

W 3, S


p. 108Caston


Crown and Angel, St. Stephen’s





Bell Inn, Magdalen Street




Bell Inn, Orford Hill



Waggon and Horses, Tombland





Guildhall, Market Place

daily 11 and




Eight Ringers, St. Miles’




Lord Camden, Charing Cross




Unicorn, St. Mary’s




Elephant, Magdalen Street





Woolpack, St. George’s





White Horse, Magdalen Street





White Lion, White Lion Street




Norfolk Hotel



Black Swan, St. Peter’s





Golden Lion, Maddermarket




Globe, Scoles’ Green





Woolpack, St. George’s




Duke’s Palace




White Horse, St. Lawrence

W 2, S



Crown, St. George’s





Fountain, St. Benedict’s





White Horse, Haymarket




White Hart, St. Peter’s




Woolpack, St. George’s




George and Dragon, Haymarket





Star and Crown, Timberhill





Coach and Horses, Bethel street




Wheatsheaf, Bethel street




White Hart, St. Peter’s




Cross Keys, Magdalen street




Bull Inn, Magdalen street




White Horse, Haymarket





Star, Haymarket





Curriers’ Arms, St. Giles’





White Horse, St. Andrew’s




Bess of Bedlam, St. Martin’s

T Th F S




Crown, St. Benedict’s

T Th S


East Tuddenham


Crown, St. Benedict’s

T Th S


East Ruston


White Horse, Magdalen street




Cross Keys, Magdalen street





Elephant, Magdalen street





Bull, St. Stephen’s




Crown and Angel, St. Stephen’s




Bull, St. Stephen’s





Prince of Wales, St. Benedict’s





George, Haymarket



Field Dalling


White Horse, St. Lawrence

W 2, S




Bull, St. Stephen’s

W 4, S



Bull, St. Stephen’s





White Horse, St. Lawrence




Pheasant Cock, St. Miles’





York Tavern, Castle Hill

W 3, S




King’s Arms, Ber Street





Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s





Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.




Beehive, St. Benedict’s





Bell Inn, Orford Hill





Star, Haymarket





York Tavern, Castle Hill

W 3, S




City of Norwich, St. Stephen’s





Star, Haymarket



p. 109Hardwick


Bakers’ Arms, Ber street





Fountain, St. Benedict’s




Queen’s Head, St. Giles’





Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.




Bell Inn, Orford Hill




Lamb Inn, Haymarket



White Lion, White Lion Street





Curriers’ Arms, St. Giles’





Queen Caroline, St. Martin’s

twice a week




City of Norwich, St. Stephen’s




Star and Crown, Timberhill




Bakers’ Arms, Ber Street




Jubilee, Ber Street





Horse Shoes, Palace Street




Bull, Magdalen Street





Golden Lion, Maddermarket




Woolpack, St. George’s





Queen’s Head, St. Giles’





George, Haymarket





Cardinal’s Cap, St. Benedict’s





Golden Lion, Maddermarket




Woolpack, St. George’s




Crown, St. George’s





Star and Crown, Timberhill





Bull Inn, Magdalen Street





Crown, St. Benedict’s

T Th S




Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.




Wheat Sheaf, Bethel Street





White Horse, Magdalen Street





Star, Haymarket





Bull, Magdalen Street





Lamb Inn, Haymarket

F F morn.




Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.








Bell Inn, Orford Hill





White Lion, White Lion Street




Woolpack, Golden Ball Street





Bess of Bedlam, St. Martin’s

T Th S




Coach and Horses, Bethel Street




Prince of Wales, St. Benedict’s





White Lion, White Lion Street




George Inn, Haymarket



Long Stratton


White Lion, White Lion Street




Lamb Inn, Haymarket



Star and Crown, Timberhill





Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.








Waggon and Horses, Tombland





White Horse, St. Andrew’s




Queen’s Head, Quay-side





Coach and Horses, Bethel Street




White Hart, St. Peter’s



Wheat Sheaf, Bethel Street




Prince of Wales, St. Benedict’s





Shirehall, Castle Meadow




Star and Crown, Timberhill





Bull, Magdalen Street





Fountain, St. Benedict’s




White Hart, St. Peter’s





Coachmakers’ Arms, St. Stephen’s





Black Swan, St. Peter’s



p. 110Mundsley


Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s




Bull Inn, Magdalen Street




Waggon and Horses, Tombland



New Buckenham


White Horse, Haymarket

T Th S



Lamb Inn, Haymarket




George Inn, Haymarket





Woolpack, St. George’s



North Walsham


Norfolk Hotel



White Horse, Haymarket




Star Inn, Haymarket





Curriers’ Arms, St. Giles’



Old Buckenham


Lamb Inn, Haymarket





Woolpack, St. George’s





Horse Shoes, Palace Street





White Lion, White Lion Street




Bell Inn, Orford Hill




Lamb Inn, Haymarket




Horse Shoes, Palace Street





Jolly Farmers, Charing Cross



Moon and Stars, St. Miles’




Crown and Angel, St. Stephen’s




Bull, St. Stephen’s





Wheat Sheaf, Bethel Street





Lobster, Lobster Lane





Bakers’ Arms, Ber street




King’s Arms, Ber street





Star, Haymarket




Lamb Inn, Haymarket

daily 4, S



Globe, Scoles’ Green





White Hart, St. Peter’s



Moon and Stars, Duke street




Lobster, Lobster lane





Fountain, St. Benedict’s





King’s Arms, Ber street




Jubilee, Ber street





White Horse, Haymarket




Elephant, Magdalen street




Bull Inn, Magdalen street





Woolpack, St. George’s



South Walsham


Horse Shoes, Palace street




White Lion, Palace plain





Prince of Wales, St. Benedict’s



St. Cross


Star and Crown, Timberhill





White Horse, Magdalen street








Bell, Orford Hill




Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.




Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s





White Horse, St. Lawrence





Lamb Inn, Haymarket





Horse Shoes, Palace street









Woolpack, Golden Ball street





Star, Haymarket





Bull, Magdalen street









Coach and Horses, Bethel street




White Hart, St. Peter’s


Swanton Abbots


Cross Keys, Magdalen street



Swanton Morley


Beehive, St. Benedict’s





Star Inn, Haymarket



p. 111Thorpe


Horse Shoes, Palace street





Golden Lion, Maddermarket





Golden Ball, Castle Hill





Coach and Horses, Bethel street





Star and Crown, Timberhill





Black Swan, St. Peter’s




Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s





White Horse, Magdalen street





White Horse, Magdalen street





Black Horse, St. Giles’

Th morn.




White Hart, St. Peter’s




Curriers’ Arms, St. Giles’




King’s Arms, Bethel street





Black Horse, St. Giles’

Th morn.



Duke’s Palace




Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s




White Horse, Haymarket









Lamb Inn, Haymarket

T F morn.



Cardinal Cap, St. Benedict’s





Horse Shoes, Palace street





Star Inn, Haymarket



Wood Dalling


White Horse, St. Lawrence





Star and Crown, Timberhill





Bull Inn, Magdalen street




White Horse, Magdalen street





Star and Crown, Timberhill





George and Dragon, Haymarket





Golden Lion, Maddermarket




City of Norwich




Bull, St. Stephen’s







Norwich Post-Office.

Samuel Base, Esq., Post-Master.

Mr. T. Ruddock, Chief Clerk.

Messrs. Rainger, W. Base, H. Base, Hunt, and Snelling, Clerks.

The London Mail arrives at 2 28 a.m. and 4 35 p.m.; the Ipswich at 6 25 a.m. and 4 p.m.  The same Mails are dispatched as under, viz.: London at 5 40 a.m. and 9 40 p.m.; Ipswich at 5 50 a.m. and 7 20 p.m.  One bag is received from Yarmouth at 7 a.m. and another at 6 20 p.m.; and three are sent to Yarmouth daily, viz.: First, at 6 50 a.m.; the second at 4 20 p.m.; and the third at 9 30 p.m.  Mails to Aylsham and Cromer are sent off at 6 a.m., and return at 7 p.m.; Drayton, Attlebridge, Cawston, Coltishall, North Walsham, Stalham, Burlingham, Blofield, Acle, Brooke, Bergh Apton, Loddon and Reepham, at 6 50 a.m., and return at 6 20 p.m.

There are Foot-posts at 6 40 a.m. from Norwich to Keswick, Mulbarton, and Bracon Ash; to Hellesdon and Cossey; to Old Lakenham, Caistor, Stoke, Shottesham, and Saxlingham; to Earlham, Bawburgh, and Marlingford; to Trowse, Surlingham, and Rockland; to Newmarket Road, Eaton, and Cringleford; to Easton, Upper Heigham, and Honingham; to New Catton and Sprowston; also to Mousehold, Great Plumstead, Witton, and Brundall.  From North Walsham to Mundesley; to Bacton; also to Bradfield, Antingham, Southrepps, and Trimmingham.  From Hevingham to Buxton, Lammas, Brampton, and Oxnead.  From Cromer to Sherringham.  From Blofield to South Walsham, Panxworth, Ranworth, Woodbastwick, and Salhouse.  From Stalham to Happisburgh; to Sutton, Catfield, and Ludham; to Hickling and Palling.  From Loddon to Heckingham, Raveningham, Norton, Thurlton, Thorpe, and Haddiscoe.  p. 112From Acle to Moulton, Halvergate, Freethorpe, and Reedham: to Upton.  From Reepham to Sall, Wood Dalling, Heydon, Corpusty, and Saxthorpe.  From Attlebridge to Morton, Weston, Lenwade, Great Witchingham, Sparham, and Lyng.  From Burlingham to Lingwood, Strumpshaw, Buckenham, Hassingham, and Cantley.  From Attlebridge to Swannington, Brandiston, Haveringland, and Cawston.  From Filby to Stokesby.  From Hanworth to Barningham.  From Aylsham to Itteringham.  From Bergh Apton to Thurton and Ashby.  From Burgh St. Margaret’s to Rollesby, Repps, Oby, Clippesby, and Billockby.  From Smallburgh to Dilham, Honing, Crostwight, and Ridlington.

The delivery of letters brought by the London Night Mail, the Yarmouth and Ipswich, commences at 7 a.m.; and those by the London and Ipswich Day Mails at 5 p.m.—Letters received by the other Mails and Foot-posts arriving between 6 and 7 p.m., are delivered about 7 15 p.m., including those from Cromer.

For the London Mail, leaving at 5 40 a.m., letters are received till 5 40; for the same Mail, dispatched at 9 40 p.m., and for the Yarmouth, the box is closed at 9 0; but letters received till 9 30, with an extra stamp affixed.  For the Ipswich Night Mail, one hour before its departure; but letters received till 7 10, with an extra stamp affixed.  Stamped and unpaid letters may be put into the box till a quarter before 6 a.m., for the local posts.

Villages around Norwich.


Bawburgh, or Baber, is a small parish and village in Forehoe hundred, East Norfolk, 3 miles N. of Trowse station, and 5 N.W. of Norwich, containing 1,400 acres of land; and, in 1851, the population was 460.  The church of St. Walstan is a small old building, with a round tower; the living is in the gift of the dean and chapter of Norwich; the incumbent is the Rev. George Carter, M.A. of Norwich.

Blyth, Sarah, victualler, King’s Head

Brown, Daniel, blacksmith

Candler, Edward, corn miller

Child, David, baker

Matthews, W. F., boarding school

Cole, Robert, smith and wheelwright

Cross, Thomas, farmer

Crow, George, farmer, the Hall

Cuthbert, Henry, police officer

Davey, Sarah, shopkeeper

Dunham, James, shoemaker

Fisk, Edward, saddler

Forster, William, victualler, Cock

Hart, Thomas, farmer, the Lodge

Lovett, Edward, shopkeeper

Page, Mr. Robert

Page, Robert, jun., farmer

Reeve, Thomas, butcher

Surgess, Wm., schoolmaster and registrar

Tann, Daniel, carpenter


Beeston St. Andrew is a very small village in Taverham hundred, East Norfolk, 3½ miles N. of Norwich, containing three farms and a few cottages.  The “‘Old Hall” was built in 1610, and is still standing.  The chief part of the land belongs to N. Micklethwaite and O. Barnes, Esquires.  Sir Thomas B. Leonard, Bart., is lord of the manor.  There is no church, but a sinecure rectory, in the patronage of the Rev. Henry Banfather, who is also the incumbent.  The population in 1851 was 41.

Barnes, Orlando, Esq., Old Hall

Bowen, Thomas, farmer

Harcourt, Howlett, farmer, Daily farm

Thompson, Mr. Robert Park Cottage


Bowthorpe parish, 3 miles W. by N. of Norwich, has only 5 houses, 31 souls, and 600 acres of land, all in one farm, the property of R. Frank, Esq.  The church, dedicated to St. Michael, was unroofed in 1792; but much of the ruined walls still remain.  The curacy, certified at £15, is consolidated with Earlham.

Howlett, Mr., farmer


A pretty village in the hundred of Henstead, situated on an eminence about 3 miles S.E. of Norwich, on the Loddon road.  It consists of nearly 700 acres of land, chiefly the property of the Earl of Roseberry, who is lord of the manor.  The population in 1851 was 128.  Bixley Hall and Bixley Lodge are two exceedingly pretty seats, the former occupied by Mrs. Martin, and the latter by Mr. Base.  Here is a large brick-built windmill, which from its extraordinary height, commands an extensive view of Norwich and the suburbs.  It is of circular form, measures 100 feet at the base, and consists of 11 stories.  It is the property of Mr. Charles Clare, who has a neat residence adjoining.  The church is a small and ancient structure, built in 1272, with a tower; the interior is neat, and possesses many ancient monuments.  The living is a rectory, with that of Framingham Earl annexed, in the gift of the Rev. Chas. David Brereton, M.A.  The Rev. G. J. Bird is the incumbent.

Base, Mr., the Lodge

Clare, Charles, corn miller

Martin, Mrs., the Hall

Parker, George, farmer

Seamon, William, farmer

Sowter, James, farmer

Sowter, John, farmer


An extensive but detached village and parish, in the hundred of the same name, East Norfolk, distant from Norwich 7 miles east.  The Norwich and Yarmouth line of railway passes within a mile and a quarter, and a neat station-house has been erected at Brundall, 119½ miles from London.  The parish contains 2,277 acres of land, and the population in 1851 was 1,175 inhabitants.  Petty Sessions are held at the Globe Inn every alternate Monday; also a statute fair, or sessions for the hiring of servants, a few days before Michaelmas.  Here is an endowed School for educating poor boys, which is conducted by Mr. R. J. Codling.  The church, a plain structure, possesses a fine and lofty tower, containing six bells.  The interior is neat, and the windows spacious; it was re-pewed in 1819.  There are several ancient tablets, &c.  The living is a rectory, in the patronage of Caius College, Cambridge.  The present incumbent is the Rev. Thomas Smith Turnbull, M.A., and his curate, the Rev. J. V. Button, M.A.

Allen, John, farmer

Bailey, John, shoemaker

Bane, J. E., farmer

Barker, Mary, schoolmistress

Bell, Robert, shoemaker

Benns, Thomas, shopkeeper

Benns, Thomas, jun., joiner, &c.

Benstead, Thomas, saddler

Bowen, James, shopkeeper

Brooks, William, farmer

Broom, John, joiner, &c.

Browne, John, beer house

Browne, John, farmer

Browne, William, farmer

Browne, William, jun., farmer

Bulley, Robert, shoemaker

p. 114Button, Rev. John V., M.A., curate

Caston, William, butcher

Chapman, Emily, schoolmistress

Chapman, Jeremiah, farmer

Cheyne, John, chimney sweeper

Clarke, Charles, shoemaker

Clarke, William, bricklayer

Codling, John, jun., schoolmaster and registrar of births and deaths

Codling, William H., Union and Magistrates’ clerk and superintendent registrar

Coleman, Timothy, veterinary surgeon

Cooke, William, Life Commission agent

Eade, Peter, M.D., surgeon and registrar

Edrich, Henry, farmer

Ellis, William, bricklayer

Emms, Henry William, plumber, &c.

Evans, John, cooper

Farman, William, shoemaker

Fisher, William, shopkeeper

Fox, George, plumber, painter, &c.

Fox, Richard, shoemaker

Gapp, Richard, schoolmaster and assistant overseer

Gibbs, Alfred, corn miller

Goulder, Robert, farmer and malster

Goulder, Robert, farmer

Gowen, Benjamin, shoemaker

Gowen, Benjamin, beerhouse

Green, Mr. John

Griston, Francis, tailor

Griston, Matthew, corn miller

Haggata Leonard, (victualler) Swan

Harfley, Tovel, shoemaker

Hazel, Charles, gardener

Hazel, Saml., gardener and pork butcher

King, James, Globe, post-office

Lambert, Thomas, tinman and brazier

Long, Robert, farmer

Lynes, Joseph, junr., joiner, &c.

Lynes, Joseph, machine maker

Massey, A. L. & M., school

Mingay, John W., cabinet-maker

Newby, Daniel, tailor

Onslow, Capt., R.N.

Orsborne, William, farmer

Palmer, Mr. Charles

Postle, Jehosaphat, relieving officer

Postle, Jehosaphat, D., farmer

Postle, Philip, farmer

Read, Richard, cattle dealer

Read, Robert, junr., butcher

Redgment, Robert, butcher

Reynolds, Noah, farmer

Riches, Thomas, farmer

Riston, Thomas E., Esq.

Rogers, Sarah, corn miller

Rushmore, Anthony, bricklayer

Rushmore, Robert, senr., joiner, &c.

Rushmore, Robt., junr., shopkeeper

Sadler, Mrs. W., shopkeeper

Scurll, Wm., blacksmith

Sizer, Henry, blacksmith

Spanton, John, farmer

Stockings, William, joiner, &c.

Sutton, Benjamin, farmer

Tidman, Charles, King’s Head

Trower, John, farmer

Tuck, John Henry, Esq., High house

Tuck, the Misses

Tunmore, John, sawyer

Tunmore, John, farmer

Turnbull, Rev. T. S., M.A., Rectory

Waters, Robert, junr., farmer

Waters, William, farmer

Womack, Lindoe, Esq.

Waters, R., carrier to Norwich, Saturday


King, James, receiver, Globe Inn.

Letters received from Norwich, ¼ past 7 a.m., and dispatched ¼ past 5 p.m.


Clerk to Magistrates and Union, W. H. Codling.  Registrar, Peter Eade, junr., Surgeon.  Relieving Officer, Jehosaphat Postle.  Superintendent Registrar, W. H. Codling.  Assistant Overseer and General Collector, Richard R. Gapp.


A long, straggling village, adjoining Brundall station, and extending 1¾ miles further E. by S., 7 miles E. of Norwich, and 126½ from London, in Blofield hundred, East Norfolk; containing about 160 inhabitants, and 510 acres of land, chiefly the property of T. G. Tuck, Esq., the lord of the adjoining manor, who farms the principal part of the land.  The church of St. Michael is a handsome building with square tower, principally of flint, situated in a meadow half a mile N.E. of the village.  The living is a rectory consolidated with Strumpshaw, and the incumbent is the Rev. E. S. Whitbread.

p. 115Agus, Sarah, victualler, White Horse

Chapman, Mary, shopkeeper

Gilbert, T. W., Esq., hall

Laws, William, shopkeeper

Miller, Wm. Chas., land agent

Postle, John, coal merchant

Smith James, blacksmith


A parish in Henstead hundred, East Norfolk, beautifully situated 2 miles west of Rockland, 118 miles from London, and 4¾ S.E. of Norwich station.  The population in 1851 was 227, and it contains 728 acres of rich land, belonging to several owners, the largest of whom is John Blake, Esq., who resides at the Hall, a mansion facing the common, which has been recently enclosed.  The church of St. Peter is an ancient structure, rebuilt in 1462; it has a square tower, ornamented with small spires at each corner.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of Robert Fellowes, Esq.  The Rev. Edmund Blake is the incumbent, who resides in the rectory house adjoining the church.  Here is a small Free School.

Balls, Robert, H., cattle salesman

Beaumont, Robert, farmer

Beaumont, Henry, carpenter

Blake, John, Esq., hall

Blake, Rev. Edmund, M.A., rectory

Forder, John, shopkeeper

Frost, James, gardener

Miller, James, farmer

Orsborne, Jacob, farmer

Reeve, John, gardener

Rudd, Robert, farmer

Todd, David, blacksmith

Tubbs, William, farmer

Turner, Samuel, victualler, Wood’s End ferry

Wilde, William, coroner for the City of Norwich


A parish and pleasant village on a bold elevation above the Yare, nine miles E. by S. of Norwich, comprises 907 acres of land, 12 houses, and 56 souls.  Sir Wm. B. Proctor, Bart. owns all the land (except 37a. of glebe), and is lord of the manor, and patron of the living.  The church, dedicated to St. Nicholas, a venerable structure, with an octagonal tower, was thoroughly repaired in 1820.

Beauchamp, Rev. Henry Thomas, rectory

Green, John, farmer

Layton, Charles, victualler, Three Horse Shoes

Waters, Benjamin, farmer, White Horse


A small and scattered village and parish, in Henstead hundred, East Norfolk; distant 2 miles from Swainsthorpe station, 110 from London, and 3 miles from Norwich; contained in 1851, 154 inhabitants, and 1020 acres of land.  This unimportant village was once a flourishing city and fortified town, also a Roman station of great importance; traces of its walls, &c., are still to be seen.  The church is a small building, and the living is a rectory in the gift of Mrs. Dashwood, of Caistor Hall, who is also lady of the manor; the incumbent is the Rev. John Arthy.

Caistor is supposed to be the capital of the Iceni, a Belgic tribe, and was by the Romans called Venta Icenorum; and for distinction, Castrum, the camp, whence the East English on their conquest of the country, called it Caistor.  Many Roman antiquities have been found here, and the camp and Roman tower were preserved from intended destruction by a railway.

p. 116Arthy, Rev. John, M.A., rectory

Cogman, John, blacksmith

Cullin, Thomas, farmer, French farm

Dashwood, Mrs. Harriet, the Hall

Davey, Alfred, carpenter and wheelwright

Hewitt, Benjamin, gardener

King, Alfred, farmer

Spurrell, James, farmer, Old Hall

Williamson, Thomas, High Ash


Carlton St. Mary, or East Carlton, is a parish and scattered village, in Humbleyard hundred and Henstead Union, East Norfolk; distant from Swainsthorpe station 2 miles N.W., and Norwich 5 miles S.W. by S., containing 284 inhabitants in 1851, and 1,116 acres of land.

The Church of St. Peter went to ruins in 1550, but its discharged Rectory, valued at £140, still remains as a sinecure in the gift of the crown, and incumbency of the Rev. Samuel Barker, of Lakenhall, in Suffolk.

The Church of St. Mary is a small edifice with a short tower surmounted with a wooden spire.  The living is a Rectory, valued, in the King’s book, at £4, and in 1831 at £181, in the patronage of the Norwich Charity Trustees, and incumbency of the Rev. Robert John Francis, for whom the Rev. Frederic Cavill officiates.

Aldborough, William, gardener

Bunting, John, wheelwright

Cavill, Rev. Frederick

Freestone, Edward, attorney, Lodge

Forster, William, blacksmith

Huggins, William, farmer

Points, William, farmer

Richards, James, farmer

Smith, Mr. Matthew, Carlton house

Steward, Rev. John Henry

Thrower, Isaac, shoemaker


Catton is a picturesque village, containing many very pretty seats, about 2½ miles N. of Norwich Station, and 116 miles from London, with 900 acres of land; and in 1851, a population of 618.  This being a short distance from the City of Norwich, many opulent merchants have residences here.

The Church of St. Margaret is a very neat and pretty building, with an ancient round tower, octagonal at the top.  The inside of the church is in excellent repair; it was enlarged and beautifully restored in 1850–1852, at the expence of nearly £1,000, and contains some good specimens of carving and stained glass.  The living is a vicarage in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and the vicar is the Rev. Richard Hart, B.A.  There are several bequests for the poor; also a Free School, supported by subscription.

Attoe, George, lime burner

Badcock, William, blacksmith

Barker, William, farmer

Belman, Rev.

Chamberlin, Robert, Esq.

Cooke, Henry, Esq.

Cuddon, James, Esq.

Dickson, Owen, farmer

Foulsham, Miss

Gurney, John Henry, Esq., M.P.

Guymer, Joseph, carpenter and wheelwright

Guymer, Richard, carpenter, parish clerk

Guymer, William, senr., carpenter

Guymer, William, junr., carpenter

Hart, Rev. Richard, vicar

Hawtayne, Admiral

Heath, Charles, Esq.

Hind, Ephraim, farmer

Hipper, Robert, Maid’s Head

Holmes, Edmund, licensed to let horses and flys for hire

Howald, John, boot and shoemaker

Jackson, Samuel, tailor

Minty, Miss Mary

Neale, William, blacksmith

p. 117Newman, Mrs. Mary A., laundress

Orsborne, Mark, the Woodman

Paul, William, shoemaker, George inn

Plowman, Robert, saddler, Magpie inn

Potter, Ambrose, grocer

Powley, Jonathan, Royal Oak

Rackham, Thomas H., solicitor

Springfield, Osborn, Esq.

Walker, Thomas, baker


Costessey, a parish and town corrupted into Cossey, is pleasantly situated 4½ miles N.W. of Norwich.  The Hall is the seat of Lord Stafford, and stands in an extensive park, close to the Wensum.  A fine sheet of water crosses the park.

The Church of St. Edmund, 1½ mile east of the hall, is a large building with square tower and lofty wooden spire.  The living is a perpetual Curacy, in the gift of the Trustees of the Great Hospital, and enjoyed by the Rev. James William Evans, M.A., who resides here.  There is a National School, a large Roman Catholic School, and a handsome Roman Catholic Chapel.  The Baptists have a Chapel.

Baker, B., butcher

Banham, James, well-sinker

Banham, William, farmer and butcher

Barker, Robert, farmer

Bealey, Thomas, shopkeeper and wheelwright

Blowers, John, land agent, Hall

Cannell, Jacob, butcher

Cole, William, gardener

Culley, Henry Utting, corn miller

Culley, John, farmer

Cushion, William, shoemaker

Evans, Rev. James W., Cottage

Fairman, Benjamin, basket-maker

Frost, Philip, National school

Grant, Joseph, glass-stainer

Gunton, Edward, victualler, Red Lion

Gunton, George, brickmaker

Hall, Horatio, druggist and grocer

Harman, James, farmer, Park

Harman, Leonard, spirit merchant

Hastings, Edward, carpenter

Hastings, William, carpenter

Howard, Peter, farmer

Hudson, James, victualler, Falcon

Husenbeth, Rev. F. C., D.D. (Catholic)

Ivory, Rev. John, (Baptist)

Jewell, Samuel, veterinary surgeon

Kidd, S. L. S., bricklayer and lime-burner

Kidd, Mr. Thomas

Laws, Mark, shoemaker

Ling, Daniel, farmer

Lovett, Mary, farmer

Martin, Edmund, farmer

Miller, John, beerhouse

Norman, John, bricklayer and limeburner

Perry, John L., grocer and draper

Rising, Robert C., farmer, Lodge

Sadler, John, shoemaker

Savage, George, saddler

Sidney, Robert C., shopkeeper

Sisson, Thomas, victualler, Black Swan

Smith, Charles, registrar of marriages

Sparks, Mary, British school

Spaul, John, tailor

Spaul, John, shopkeeper

Taylor, Mrs., victualler, White Hart

Taylor, John, watchmaker (victualler), the Bush

Taylor, Wm., farmer

Watcham, Charles, butcher

White, John, gamekeeper, Park

Whiteman, Richard, woodman

Whighton, John, gardener

Wymer, Harriet, National school

Carrier to Norwich, Mrs. Whighton, Wednesday and Saturday.


A small village and parish in Humbleyard hundred, about 2½ miles south-west of Norwich, near Hethersett Station, and 120 miles from London.  It contains nearly 1000 acres of land, and the population in 1851 was 189.

The Church of St. Peter is a neat building with a square tower.  The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the Trustees of the p. 118Great Hospital, Norwich; the incumbent is the Rev. Edward Priest, B.A.  There is a large corn mill, of ancient establishment, on the river Yare, and a good bridge.

Burton, William, toll-keeper

Candler, Horatio, miller

Canham, Mr., farmer

Cracknell, John, wheelwright and smith

Davie, Rev. W. C.

Drane, William, farmer

Pagenstecher, G., Ph.  D.

Priest, Rev. E. B., B.A.

Smith, Rev. William


A compact and pleasant village in Taverham hundred, East Norfolk, and the vale of the river Wensum.  It is situated about 4 miles N.W. of Norwich station, and 117½ from London.  The church of St. Margaret is a plain building with thatched roof.  A new tower has just been erected; the inside contains several monuments.  The living, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, is a rectory consolidated with Hellesdon, and held by the Rev. Thomas Calthorpe Blofield, M.A., incumbent, who resides at the Rectory, a neat dwelling.  There are a Baptist Chapel, and a Free School for boys and girls.  The parish contains 1,284 acres of land, and in 1851 the population was 472.

Adcock, Edmund, farmer

Adcock, William, shoemaker

Arger, John, pork butcher

Arger, William, gardener and butcher

Beasey, John, shoemaker

Blyth, Matthew, beer retailer

Blyth, Matthew, junr., carpenter

Blyth, William, carpenter

Bradshaw, Fras. G. and F. W., Esqrs., D. house

Bunn, Samuel, farmer

Buttle, Henry, shopkeeper

Cannell, John, blacksmith

Collins, William, victualler, Red Lion

Fenn, Robert, shoemaker

French, Ann, farmer

Green, Rev. J. Spurgeon, curate, M.A.

Hipper, Thomas, butcher

Howard, Jeremiah, flour and saw mills

Laton, Charles Henry, Esq., Lodge

March, John, shopkeeper

Mumford, George, gardener

Oxley, Misses Elizabeth and Margaret

Thomas, Robert, carpenter and victualler, Cock

West, John, beerhouse


A small parish on the river Tas, in Humbleyard hundred, distant from Swainsthorpe station 2 miles N.E., and from Norwich 4 miles; contained, in 1851, 126 inhabitants, and 613 acres of land, principally the property of Robert Kellett Long, Esq., of Dunston Hall, who is also lord of the manor.  The church of St. Remigius is a small building; it has a brass in the chancel.

Brighton, Robert, cottager

Byles, Benjamin, farmer

Fish, Mr. John

Lincoln, Jeremiah, farm bailiff

Long, Robert Kellett, Esq., the Hall

Moy, John, tea-dealer

Symonds, Robert, gardener

Wenn, Rev. J. W., curate


A small village and parish in the county of Norwich, from which city and station it is distant 2 miles south-west.  The dean and chapter of Norwich are lords of the manor, which contains about 1,300 acres of land.  The church is dedicated to St. Andrew.  The population in 1851 was 785.  Rev. George Day, incumbent.

Ewing, John William, nurseryman, seedsman, and limeburner

Fish, Miles, boot and shoemaker, Cellar House

p. 119George, Thomas William, licensed brewer

Jeffries, John, butcher

Newson, Henry, grocer and tea-dealer

Nixon, Robert, the Lamb

Starrad, James, Red Lion

Thirkettle, William, blacksmith

Webb, William, grocer, post office


Great Melton, 3 miles N. of Hethersett station, and 5½ west of Norwich, with 393 inhabitants, and 2,540 acres of land.  The church of St. Mary has a square tower, built in 1440, containing 3 bells.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of Caius College, Cambridge; and the incumbent is the Rev. Charles Eyers.

Andrews, John, carpenter

Bloom, Thomas, farmer

Burrell, John, farmer

Cox, Alfred, smith and victualler, Green Man

Eyers, Rev. Charles, rectory

Gee, Mary Ann, school-teacher

Howard, Matthew, farmer

Howett, William, gardener

Pearson, George and James, farmer

Reynolds, John, farmer

Rose, Philip, farmer

Rose, Mr. Thomas

Sutton, Wm., farmer


A small village and parish in Blofield hundred, East Norfolk, distant from Norwich 5 miles east; the population was returned in 1851, at 359 inhabitants.

The church of St. Mary is a plain building, partly of brick.  The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich; the incumbent is the Rev. Edward Cole.

Abigail, Samuel, farmer

Brown, Robert, farmer

Campbell, Fras. Alex., Esq.

Chenery, Robert, machine maker

Clarke, Jonathan, shoemaker

Cockrell, John, blacksmith

Cole, Rev. Edward, curate

Foster, Mr. Francis

Gedge, William, carpenter

Gooch, Thomas, carpenter

Goose, William, farmer

Gostling, John, farmer

Hambleton, John, farmer

King, Randall, farmer

Lond, Thomas, shoemaker

Maidstone, Jonathan, shopkeeper

Maidstone, Robert, farmer

Newman, Robert, farmer

Pile, Henry, victualler, Hare

Scott, Jonathan, farmer

Summons, Francis, shoemaker

Sutton, Thomas, smith and farrier


Hellesdon, or Hellesden, situated in Taverham hundred, about 2 miles N.W. of Norwich station, and 115½ from London, and lying in a vale on the verge of the Wensum.  In 1851 the population was 467, but a great part is at Hellesdon hamlet, in the county of the city of Norwich.  There is a small but neat church, dedicated to St. Mary; it is square built, without a tower, but has a neat wooden belfry and spire.  The living, a Rectory consolidated with that of Drayton, is in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and the incumbent is the Rev. T. C. Blofield.  There is a large corn mill; and a National School was erected in Hellesdon hamlet in 1852.

Those marked * reside in the Hamlet.

* Abbs, Isaac, shopkeeper

* Armes, Timothy, cowkeeper

* Baker, Timothy, corn miller

* Baldry, John, gardener

* Basey, John, cowkeeper

* Batson, Edward, corn miller

* Beales, Mr. Robert

* Bleakley, Elizabeth, farmer

Blyth, James, carpenter

* Brown, Rev. Philip Utting

* Clarke, Horace J., manufacturer

* Clement, Gallant, gardener

p. 120Cross, George farmer

Delane, Mr. William

Denington, Job, gardener

Gowing, George, farmer, Old Hall

* Greenfield, Samuel, gardener

Holman, Josiah, blacksmith

* Kenney, Mr. Edward

* Knopwood, John, victualler, Windmill

* Lemmon, Edward, shoemaker

* Lock, Miss Elizabeth

* Porrett, William, butcher

* Reynolds, Joshua, corn miller

Sharman, Mr. John

* Steward, Samuel W. P., brickmaker

* Tallowin, Josiah, victualler, Mile Cross

* Upton, James, gardener

Wells, W. H., corn miller

White, George, grocer

* Wright, Harriet, schoolmistress


A railway station, and neat and extensive village and parish on the Ely and Norwich railway, in Humbleyard hundred, East Norfolk, distant from London 120 miles, Wymondham 5 miles, and 6 from Norwich.  There are several donations bequeathed by different parties, principally for the benefit of the poor of this parish, which are distributed annually.  Petty Sessions are held at the Queen’s Head.  Here are Chapels for Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists; also a National School for boys and girls, which are both well attended, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Curson.

The church, which is plain, with a square tower and small wooden spire, has five bells.  The living is a rectory, with Canteloff annexed, in the gift of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.  The Oak of Reformation, under which Kett and the Norfolk rebels took their Oath of Covenant in 1549, is still alive.  The number of acres is 2,635, and the population 1,209.  The station is in Ketteringham, about a mile distant.

Andrew, Rev. William W.

Back, Henry, farmer

Baker, Benjamin, farmer

Bale, Thomas, poulterer

Blomfield, Miles, farmer, Holly Farm

Brown, Edward, farmer

Buckingham, Nicholas, farmer

Clarke, Julia, grocer, tea dealer, and draper

Clarke, Rowland, baker

Cullingham, John, boot and shoe-maker

Cursons, John, boot and shoe-maker, parish clerk

Curson, Smith, National Schoolmaster

Davey, Robert, farmer

Dickman, John

Emms, Mrs., tuscan and straw bonnet maker

Fish, John

Fisk, Edward, harness maker

Ford, William, butcher, King’s Head

Fox, James, Greyhound

Gurney, Mrs. Mary, Thickthorne Hall

Guyton, Henry, miller

Hoste, Lady

Hurn, Thomas, blacksmith

Langford, Captain George

Lofty, Jeremiah, builder

Morter, William, glover, boot and shoemaker

Parker, Lofty, Queen’s Head and post-office

Reynolds, Susanna, grocer

Richardson, Hardiman, farmer

Secret, William, pensioner

Sewell, Mrs.

Sharman, Thomas, tailor and draper

Smith, James, farmer

Smith, James, jun., farmer

Stannard, William, farmer

Thrower, James, veterinary surgeon

Traxton, James, tailor and draper

Thraxton, Richard, carpenter

Worgate, T. S., Esq.

Youngman, William, miller


Hillington, or Hellington.  A parish and small village, 7 miles S.E. from Norwich, is in Loddon hundred and Clavering Union, East Norfolk, containing 87 inhabitants.  The area of the parish is 516 acres, which belong to Miss Barham, J. Marcom, Esq., Richard Denny, p. 121Esq. and Doughty’s Hospital, Norwich.  The church of St. John the Baptist is small, with a round tower.

Barham, Judith

Hurrell, John, butcher

Martin, William, farmer

Thorpe, Robert, butcher


A village and parish in the hundred of Forehoe, East Norfolk, distant from Norwich and East Dereham 8 miles.  This parish contains 232 inhabitants, and 2,522 acres of land.  The church of St. Andrew is a small building; the rectory is in the gift of the Rev. George Bayning.  Here is a National School.

Balls, Thomas, farmer

Bayning, Rt. Hon. and Rev. Lord

Beckett, William, gardener and shopkeeper

Child, James, blacksmith

Doubleday, Elizabeth, milliner

Ephraim, Job, national school

Gooch, Stephen, farmer

Grand, Charles, shoemaker

Grand, John, tailor

Hipkin, Stephen, farmer

Neeve, Robert Johnson, corn miller

Reeve, Howard, farmer

Reeve, William, farmer, plumber, and glazier

Spratt, Mrs., national school

Thurston, John, farmer

Ward, Rev. W. C., curate

Young, James, victualler, Buck


A parish in Taverham hundred, East Norfolk, better known as St. Faith’s, including Newton St. Faith, one mile further north, on the direct road to Aylsham from Norwich, and distant 5 miles north of the latter station, 7 miles south of Aylsham, and 118½ from London, containing, in 1851, 923 inhabitants in Horsham, and 288 in Newton.  The church of the Virgin Mary is an old building, with four large windows, and high embattled tower of Gothic architecture.  The land comprises 2,700 acres of tolerably good land, belonging to several proprietors, the largest of whom is Lord Viscount Ranelagh, who is lord of the manor and patron of the living a curacy, enjoyed by the Rev. William Atthill, M.A.  The Wesleyans have a chapel here, and also one at Newton St. Faith’s.  The Union Workhouse, half a mile north-east of the church, is a large brick building, with accommodation for 300 inmates.  There is a large cattle fair held for three weeks, commencing October 17th, where a vast quantity of cattle from Scotland and the surrounding country is sent.  Here was anciently a market, a Benedictine priory, founded in 1105, and an hospital of Knights Templars.


The Rev. A. S. Warner, Chaplain.  Robert Thompson, Esq., Surgeon.  James and Mahala Goodchild, Master and Matron.  Esther Goodchild, Assistant Matron.  Joseph and Elizabeth Howlett, Schoolmaster and Schoolmistress.  Andrew Child, Porter.  30 parishes in Union.

Atthill, Rev., William, rector of St. Faith’s; h Horsford

Barker, Edward, horse farrier

Batley, Stephen, cabinet and chair maker

Blyth, John, boot and shoe maker

Bridges, John, boot and shoe maker

Britcher, William, the Crown

Bullard, Robert, shopkeeper and butcher

Cable, Robert, King’s Head

Carman, Philip Lincoln, superintendent registrar

Cooper, James, gardener

Eglington, Richard, miller and farmer

Forster, William, bricklayer

p. 122Gear, Joseph, and Potter, Eliza, superintendents of the day and sunday schools

Harper, Elizabeth, shopkeeper

Hook, Samuel B., tailor

Holmes, George, clerk to St. Faith’s church

Kerry, Henry, tailor

Lovick, John, beer retailer and farmer

Lovick, Samuel, baker

Newton, Edward, the Crown

Nunn, Eve Elizabeth, Jolly Butchers

Osborn, George, haircutter

Pearce, John, smith in general

Painter, Thomas, boot and shoe maker

Priestley, William Stanton, surgeon

Reynolds, Charlotte, day school for children

Reynolds, Edward, farmer

Reynolds, James, corn and seed merchant

Rice, James, Black Swan, and post-office

Scarnett, John, farmer and builder

Scarnett, John, general shopkeeper and blacksmith

Snelling, Elizabeth, Cross Keys

Webb, Benjamin, shopkeeper and basket-maker

West, John, farmer

Woolsey, Alfred, shopkeeper

Youngs, Peter, saddle and harness maker


A very small village and parish, pleasantly situated near the Hethersett station, 3½ miles S.W. of Norwich, containing upwards of 600 acres of land, all the property of Joseph Salisbury Muskett, Esq., who rebuilt the hall in splendid style.  The church of All Saints is in the patronage of J. S. Muskett, Esq., and the incumbent is the Rev. W. Day, M.A.  The population in 1851 was 73.

Allden, William Spratt, farmer

Clarke, Jacob, gardener

Davie, Rev. W. C., curate

Muskett, J. Salisbury, Esq., hall


Keswick is a small parish in Humbleyard hundred, 3 miles S.S.W. from Norwich.  The population in 1851 was 126.  The London and Norwich railway passes close to the village, which contains 722 acres of land, principally belonging to Hudson Gurney, Esq., who is lord of the manor, and occupies the New Hall.

Bennett, James, gardener, old hall

Birkbeck, Mrs. Elizabeth Lucy, old hall

Blomfield, Miles, corn miller

Edwards, John, farmer and land agent

Emms, Frederic, gardener, new hall

Gurney, Hudson, Esq., new hall

Phillips, James, gardener, new hall


Ketteringham is a small village and parish in Humbleyard hundred, distant from Wymondham station 3½ miles, and six from Norwich.  The principal part of the land in this parish belongs to Sir John Peter Boileau, Bart.  The church is a neat building.  The living is a vicarage, in the gift of Sir John P. Boileau, and the incumbent is the Rev. W. W. Andrew.  The number of acres is 1,600, and the population 209.

Beadley, Miss Caroline

Blomfield, William, farmer

Boileau, Sir J. Peter, Bart., hall

Cook, John Sewell, farmer

Easton, George, gardener

Hunter, Robert, carpenter

Ringer, John Michael, farm bailiff

Thrower, James, blacksmith


Kirby Bedon, a village 4½ miles S.E. of Norwich, in the Henstead hundred.  Its houses are scattered; containing 296 inhabitants, and 1362 acres, belonging to several proprietors.  Sir H. J. Stracey, Charles Lombe, Esq., and Edward Lombe, Esq., are lords of the manor, to whom great part of the land belong.  The church of St. p. 123Andrew’s stands on a height, and is a low square building with thatched roof, and a tower with a base of flint about 10 feet high, and the upper part of wood.  The inside is plain, and contains several monuments to the Brooke family; also an ancient sculpture, representing a man and woman kneeling at the altar, but time has nearly obliterated the inscription.  The living is a rectory, enjoyed by the Rev. E. Day.  The old hall, a very ancient mansion—the lower part only now remains, which is inhabited by labourers.

Bird, Joseph, farmer

Clare, Charles, junr., farmer

Day, Rev. Edward, rectory

Drake, George F., Esq.

Horne, Robert, victualler, Stracey Arms, and gardener

Mendham, Mr. Richard

Neeve, Richard, gardener and shopkeeper

Money, William F., farmer

Seal, John, blacksmith

Smith, Robert, shoemaker

Varville, James, farmer and brickmaker

Woolsey, Jeremiah, farmer and brickmaker


A parish, with 379 inhabitants, principally small farmers.  The lord of this manor is — Lombe, Esq., to whom belongs the greater part of the land, which comprises nearly 700 acres.  The church, St. James’, is a small thatched building, with a square tower.  The living is a vicarage in the patronage of Emanuel College, Cambridge.  The incumbent is the Rev. J. C. Berkley, M.A.

Aldred, Thomas D., farmer

Andrews, John, carpenter and beerhouse

Barnes, Mary, shopkeeper

Berkley, Rev. J. C., vicar

Beverley, Miss Mary

Child, Charles and Mary, school teachers

Coggle, John, farmer

Davey, John, gardener

Eadon, E., gardener

Forster, Thomas, farmer and parish clerk

Fox, Edmund, plumber and glazier

Gaff, John, farmer

Howard, Mr. Thomas

Kemp, John, gardener

Lovett, John W., corn miller

Long, James, farmer

Ringer, Daniel, farmer

Rudd, Francis G., farmer

Webster, James, gardener


A small, neat village and parish in Blofield hundred, contained, in 1851, 309 inhabitants; distant from Norwich 6 miles E. by north.  The church (St. Gervase) is a small neat building, with a square tower.  The inside is tastefully fitted up, and contains several handsome monuments.  A handsome painted window is placed at the east end.

Boast, Moses, farmer

Bolton, John, farmer

Bussey, Benjamin, parish clerk

Crow, Robert, farmer

George, John, farmer

Goulder, Robert, farmer

Green, James, brick and tile maker

Jones, Peter, farmer

Morter, Robert, shopkeeper

Nicholls, John, farmer

Read, George, farmer

Spanton, Francis, victualler, Brick Kilns

Worth, Misses Susan, Maria and Sophia, the Hall


A parish and considerable village in South Erpingham hundred, Aylsham Union, East Norfolk, 2 miles south of Aylsham, and 10 north from Norwich: contained, in 1851, 662 inhabitants.  The p. 124area of the parish is 1,819 acres; the soil belongs to various owners.  W. Repton, Esq., is lord of the manor.

The church of All Saints has a nave, chancel, and square tower, 8 bells, and an ancient screen and font.  The chancel has some stones to the memory of the Norris and other families.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Earl of Lichfield; the Rev. John Gunton, B.A., is the incumbent, by whom a neat rectory house has been built, assisted by Queen Anne’s bounty, the tithes commuted for £344.  The poor’s land produces a rental of £16 5s. per annum.  Here is a school, supported by the rector.  The Primitive Methodists have a chapel here.

Cook, John, shopkeeper and brickmaker

Elvin, David, miller

Elvin, William, shopkeeper

Farmer, James, farmer

Forster, William, schoolmaster to parish school

Gunton, Rev. John, rector

Howlett, John, farmer

Jones, John, boot and shoe maker and shopkeeper

Jones, John, farmer

Jones, Robert, boot and shoe maker

Kellington, Samuel, post-office

Lake, William, White Hart

Lambert, John, farmer

Marsham, Rev. Henry, rector of Brampton and curate of Stratton, Marsham Hall

Mason, Edward, Plough and Shuttle

Moore, Edward, blacksmith

Skipper, Isaac, boot and shoe maker

Soam, Peter, farmer

Spink, Peter, shopkeeper

Tredwell, John, farmer

Warnes, Miss Elizabeth

Warnes, Mrs. Emily, Baldwick Hall

Watts and Brothers, farmers

Wighton, Thomas, farmer


A village and parish in Humbleyard hundred, East Norfolk, near the Swainsthorpe station, 109 miles from London, and 5 S.W. from Norwich, containing 587 inhabitants, and 1350 acres of land.  The church of St. Mary Magdalen has some old tombs.  The rectory is in the gift of the Rev. J. H. Steward; and the Rev. Richard Gay Lucas, B.A., is the incumbent.  Petty Sessions are held on the third Monday of every month, at the World’s End Inn, where there is an Odd Fellows’ Lodge, M.U.

Banham, John, carpenter

Barrell, Samuel, miller

Barrell, William, miller

Blake, John, farmer and butcher

Blake, Robert, farmer and butcher

Brett, Major, the Lodge

Claxton, George, farmer

Cremer, Charles, miller

Dye, Robert, shoemaker

Gowing, Samuel, farmer

Harvey, William, farmer

Lane, John, farmer

Lucas, Rev. Richard Gay, B.A., rectory

Norris, Mr. James

Norris, Mr. John

Overed, Walter, veterinary surgeon

Petchall, Mark B., shoemaker

Rice, James, blacksmith

Rice, Robert, wheelwright, &c.

Squires, Paul, Esq., the Hall

Todd, John, post-office

Todd, William, World’s End

Turner, James, yeoman

Turner, John, yeoman

Wright, William, tailor


A village in Walsham hundred, comprising 600 acres of good land, situated 9 miles E. of Norwich, and 5 N. of Brundall station, containing 134 inhabitants, wholly dependent on agriculture.  A new Church was built in 1847, at a cost of £500.  The benefice is a rectory, consolidated with Woodbastwick, and enjoyed by the Rev. Henry Dunster, M.A.

p. 125Easton, Robert, farmer and maltster

Ely, Elijah, veterinary surgeon and victualler, Red Lion inn

Riches, John, farmer

Rix, Matthew, grocer

Rose, William, farmer

Starling, Thomas, blacksmith

Thirtle, Robert, gamekeeper

Wyatt, Elijah, miller


Rackheath, in Taverham hundred, 4½ miles N.E. of Norwich, was originally divided into two parishes, called Great and Little Rackheath, now united in one.  The population in 1851 was 281, employed chiefly in husbandry.  The houses are very widely spread; some are two miles distant from each other.  The parish contains about 2000 acres.  The Hall, a splendid mansion, has lately been much added to and embellished by the present owner, Sir Henry J. Stracey; it is in the centre of a large and well-wooded park.  The Grange is also an adjoining estate, belonging to the same owner.  He is also lord of the manor, and patron of the church of All Saints, which stands half a mile from the village, in a meadow.  The incumbent is the Rev. F. H. S. Hodgson.  There is also a Free School, supported by Sir H. J. Stracey.  Here was formerly a Priory.

Aldous, Frederic, farmer

Buttifant, William, farmer

Clark, John, W. victualler, Green Man

Davey, Emma, school-mistress

Etheridge, Thomas, farmer

Forder, Joseph, blacksmith

George, Henry, farmer

Gillingwater, Edward, gardener

Goulder, Christmas E., farm bailiff

Pyle, Robt., farmer, Green Farm

Stracey, Sir Henry J., the Hall

Ward, James, shopkeeper

Watts, Robert, farmer


A large village, pleasantly situated in Henstead Union, 6 miles S.E. of Norwich, with 485 inhabitants, and containing 1,338 acres of rich, well-cultivated land, in the vale of the Yare.  Sir Charles H. Rich is lord of the chief manor, and the present proprietors are Hudson Gurney, Esq., and Robert Gilbert, jun., Esq.  The church (St. Mary) is a neat building, on a height, and commands an extensive view of the country: it has a chancel and aisle, with thatched roof, and a small square tower.  The ivy-covered ruins of another church are still visible in the same churchyard.  The living is a rectory annexed to Holverstone, in the gift of Queen’s College, Cambridge, and incumbency of the Rev. J. Dewe, B.A., who lives in the rectory, a new residence adjoining the churchyard; and at the southern extremity of the village, in a vale of the river Yare, is the New Inn, commanding a most extensive view of the river and broad, or lake, of nearly 100 acres.  There is a National School for educating 50 children.

Beeston, Robert, smith and iron-founder

Blaza, Philip, farmer

Blake, George, brickmaker

Blake, Robert, shopkeeper

Coleman, Mr. John

Coleman, Rhoda, school-mistress

Dewe, Rev. Joseph, B.D., Rectory

Edwards, John, farmer

Forder, Richard, carpenter

Forder, Robert, thatcher

George, George, farmer

Gilbert, Robert, farmer

Goodrum, Richard, farmer

Potter, James, gardener

Rudd, Henry, victualler, the Crown

Roberts, James, shopkeeper and wheel-wright

p. 126Rudd, Miss Jane

Minns, George, farmer

Nobbs, Samuel, farmer

Thurston, Robert, saddler

West, John, victualler, Star

Watson, William, victualler, New Inn

Wickham, James, bricklayer


A small agricultural village in Taverham hundred, about 4½ miles N. of Norwich.  It contains about 2000 acres of land; and in 1851 the population was 41.  The church of St. Peter is a neat building, with two large Gothic windows; it has a small but lofty tower.  The inside contains several monuments to the memory of the Pecks and also the Longes.

Broughton, John, blacksmith

Eaton, George, farmer

Holmes, Benjamin, farmer

Howes, Rev. George, Rectory

Longe, John, Esq., Hall

Porter, Mrs. Jane, farmer


Strumpshaw is a parish and scattered village, distant 8½ miles E. of Norwich, 1¾ mile N. from Buckenham station, and 122 miles from London; in Blofield hundred and Union, East Norfolk.  The church of St. Peter has a square tower, containing 3 bells.  The living is a rectory, value about £520, with that of Bradestone.  The Rev. E. S. Whitbread, M.A., is patron and incumbent: there are about 64 acres of glebe land attached.  The parish contains about 1,337 acres; and the population in 1851 was 441.  There are a few small charities, distributed in fuel and wheat, left by the late Mr. Black.

Alexander, Thomas, tailor

Atkins, Thomas, farmer

Barnes, John T., farmer

Burton, Mr. Robert

Chapman, John, miller

Culley, Mr., boarding academy

Denton, James, timber merchant

Dingle, John, shopkeeper

Goffin, Alexander, bricklayer

Goffin, Thomas, brickmaker

Hylton, John, blacksmith

Oakley, Thomas, parish clerk

Plow, Christopher, shoemaker

Porter, Benjamin, coal merchant

Postle, Thomas, farmer

Pyle, John, farmer

Shrewe, John, victualler, Goat

Simmons, Thomas, gardener

Smith, Richard, blacksmith

Spooner, John, wheelwright and victualler, Shoulder of Mutton

Steward, Thomas, cattle dealer

Tuck, Thomas Gilbert, Esq.

Wells, William, farmer

Whitbread, Rev. E. S., M.A., Rectory


A railway station, village, and parish in the hundred of Humbleyard, 108 miles from London, and 5½ from Norwich S. by W., containing 240 inhabitants, and 819 acres of land.  The church is dedicated to St. Peter; the rectory of which is in the patronage of R. K. Long, Esq., and the Rev. Henry Long.

Bennett, Benjamin, shoemaker

Brandford, Ezra, victualler, Dun Cow

Canham, E., station master

Cannell, Jacob, butcher

Carpenter, Robert, farmer

Ecclestone, Henry, police officer

Freeman, Mr., academy

Gooch, G. Sutton, veterinary surgeon

Gooch, Rachel, smith and wheelwright

Muttimer, George, farmer

Turner, Mr. and Mrs., master and matron of Union House


A village and parish in Henstead hundred, near the Swainsthorpe station, 4 miles S.S.W. from Norwich, containing 950 p. 127acres of land, and in 1851 a population of 381.  The church of the Virgin Mary is a neat building: the Rev. John Henry Steward, M.A., of East Carlton, is patron, and incumbent of the vicarage.  It has a fine screen, some stained glass, and some tombs.

Arundel, Samuel, cooper

Barrett, Elizabeth, shopkeeper

Barrett, William, thatcher

Brown, Robert D., bricklayer

Brown, James, shopkeeper

Bond, Robert, farmer

Cannell, Isaac, blacksmith

Cunningham, John, tailor

Cunningham, Wm., butcher

Cannell, Henry, gardener

Davy, Barnard, blacksmith

Fairman, Samuel, bricklayer

Fish, Miles, shoemaker

Hamnell, Paul, shoemaker

Hall, James, wheelwright

Hubbard, John, gardener

King, Robert, farmer

Kemp, Daniel T., Esq., Rectory

Raven, Benjamin, farmer

Stewart, Rev. H., B.A., curate

Turner, Daniel, victualler, Dog

Twiss, Christopher, farmer

Wesleyan chapel.  National school, erected 1841, enlarged 1855, called Rev. Samuel Chapman’s school: school-master, Joseph Cook.



Thorpe, near Norwich, or Thorpe St. Andrew.  A picturesque village, 2 miles east of Norwich, on the banks of the river Yare, over which the Norwich and Yarmouth railway passes, by two newly-constructed bridges.  The church of St. Andrew is a small Gothic building, with a plain thatched roof, and a small square tower.  The inside contains many old monuments; one, dated 1700, to the memory of Peter Vertigans, Esq.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Rev. Armine Herring, M.A., and the incumbent is the Rev. Armine Herring.  One mile S.E. of the village is the County Lunatic Asylum.  The parish is in Blofield hundred, and the population in 1851 was 912.  There is a neat chapel belonging to the Congregationalists.

Alborn, Samuel, farmer

Bacon, Miss Mary Ann

Bailey, George, King’s Head

Barker, Henry John

Batley, Mrs. Susannah

Bolingbroke, Frederic, Esq.

Bracey, Frederick, boot and shoe maker

Bracey, Robert, shopkeeper

Bright, John, Red Lion

Brightwen, John, Esq.

Brinded, Robert, bricklayer

Bulley, William, shopkeeper

Burton, Thomas, flour merchant

Clabburn, William, Esq., shawl manufacturer

Cattermole, Mary, Three Tuns’ inn

Clayton, Miss Margaret Elizabeth

Dale, Robert, timber merchant

Davey, Joseph, manufacturer

Emms, Thomas, gardener

Etheridge, Philip, Esq.

Farman, William, carpenter and joiner

Frost, Rev. William, Thorpe Lodge

Gurney, Charles, Esq., banker

Gurney, Hay, Esq., banker

Harvey, Sir Robert, Bart., Household House

Hastings, Elwin

Herring, Rev. Armine, rectory

Hopcroft, Mr. Thomas

Jay, George, fish merchant

Jecks, Charles, Esq., grove

Jecks, William, merchant

King, Robert, Esq.

Lincoln, Edmund, carpenter

Lincoln, Francis, shopkeeper

Martin, William, whitesmith

Morgan, Henry, brewer

Palmer, Nathaniel, Esq., barrister

Palmer, Thomas Fletcher, solicitor

Patteson, Henry, brewer

Postle, Misses

Rose, Ann, shopkeeper

Rowling, Nathan S., Esq.

Sabberton, Thomas, smith in general

Shardelow, Benjamin, plumber and glazier

Smith, Joseph, the Buck

Southgate, Henry, the Griffin

Spooner, John, boot and shoe maker

Starling, Samuel, farmer

p. 128Tinker, Harris, boot and shoe maker

Todd, Daniel, post-office

Upcroft, Mrs. Sarah

Wells, Robert Esq.

Western, Charles, brewer

White, William, gardener

Willett, Henry, Esq., manufacturer

Wines, Miss, milliner

Wright, Robert, land agent


A village, situated 1 mile S.E. from Norwich, on the river Yare.  Its population is 639; but, including the whole parish, which extends into Norwich, is 1,363.  The church is a neat edifice, with tower and one bell.  The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich.  Rev. George Carter, M.A. is the incumbent.

Alborough, Thomas, farmer

Bullard, Mrs. Maria, grocer

Cannell, Edward, coal merchant

Carter, Rev. George, vicar

Coleman, S., Trowse Eye

Daniels, Robert, blacksmith

Denny, Thomas, butcher

Digby, Robert, White House

Ellis, Joseph, farmer

Fox, Henry, Lime Kilns

Finch, John, wheelwright

Goose, Robert, lime burner

Gowing, George, wheelwright

Gowing, L. George, farmer

Gowen, John, gardener

Grief, James, White Horse

Grief, Jonathan, butcher

Grief, William, clerk to the church

Harris, Robert, gardener

Huson, William, boot and shoe-maker

Jecks, Mr. Isaac

Lingwood, John, shoemaker

Middleton, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker

Money, Archibald F., the Crown Point

Murrell, George, Crown Point tavern

Plant, James, farmer

Proudfoot, Misses E. and A., grocers

Smith, John, gardener

Spruce, John, dealer

Stageman, Miss, National School

Thetford, William, gardener and pork butcher

Thurlow, John, baker and grocer

Tompkins, Miss, Trowse British School

Turner, John, farmer, hall

Youngs, William, Carpenters’ Arms


A very small agricultural village and parish in Blofield hundred, with 587 acres of rich land, situated 2 miles from Brundall station, and 5 miles E. of Norwich.  Principal owners, John Penrice, Esq., and Rev. C. Penrice.  The church (St. Margaret) is a plain building, and contains nothing worthy of remark.  The rectory, of small value, consolidated with Little Plumstead and Brundall, is enjoyed by the patron, the Rev. Charles Penrice, who resides at Little Plumstead.  Two farm houses and one mill, with a few cottages, form the village; and the population, in 1851, was 120.

Chenery, Robert, blacksmith

Culley, George B., farmer

Culley, George Scott, farmer and maltster

Penrice, Mrs., Witton House

Palmer, Frederic, farmer

Ward, Joseph, farmer and corn miller


A village and parish in Forehoe hundred, 4 miles north from Wymondham station, containing 245 inhabitants, and 830 acres of land.  The church of St. Peter and Paul is a small ancient edifice, with a round tower and octagonal top.  The rectory is in the gift of Robert Marsham, Esq.; and the Rev. Thomas Gordon Marsham, M.A., is the incumbent.  There is a school for the education of the children of this parish, supported partly by the rector.

Brighty, Jacob L., victualler, King’s Head, and smith

Cann, Rev. John S.

Cullyer, William, farmer

p. 129Farrer, Mrs. Sophia

Fisher, George, carpenter

Fisher, Thomas, farmer

Hubbard, John, farmer

Marsham, Rev. Thomas, rector

Ringer, William, farmer

Sayer, Shadrach and David, millers

Walker, Robert, farmer



Wymondham is a pleasantly situated market town and parish in the Forehoe hundred, 115½ miles from London, and 10½ miles S.W. from Norwich.  The town stands on an elevated position, and is of some antiquity.  The market is held on Friday, but from its vicinity to Norwich, is not well attended.  There are three annual Fairs, February 14th, May 17th, and September 29th; the two former for cattle, and the latter a pleasure fair.

The old market cross, situated in the centre of the town, is an object of curiosity on account of its antique appearance, and its carved devices, representing different articles of turnery, which originally formed one of the staple branches of the trade of this place, but now nearly extinct; the manufacture of bombazines, crapes, &c., is carried on to a considerable extent for Norwich houses.  There are a brewery and corn mills.  There are several respectable mansions and family residences in the town and neighbourhood.  Gas works are erected on Fairland, and the town is well lighted.  A Free Grammar School for the education of tradesmen’s sons was established and endowed by Henry VI., and various sums have been subsequently left by benevolent parties, which have enabled the trustees to carry out fully the intentions of the founder, by appointing a gentleman in holy orders as master of this important establishment.  St. Thomas à Becket’s chapel, a commodious building, has been repaired, and is now used for the school-room.

There are several charities, bequeathed by sundry persons, for the benefit of the poor, which funds are distributed annually, in money, coals, &c., and for the repairs of the church, also for increasing the stipend of the vicar.

The Bridewell, or House of Correction, is situated at the entrance of the town from Norwich, and is devoted to the reception of female prisoners only, who are sentenced to hard labour, where they serve their periods of imprisonment in washing, sewing, &c., for the prisoners p. 130confined in Norwich gaol.  This well-conducted establishment is under the matronship of Mrs. Greenfield.

The Norwich and Brandon railway passes close to the town, and here is the junction with the Dereham branch line; a neat station is erected, as well as warehouses for the reception of goods, &c.

The population was returned, in 1851, at 5,175 inhabitants, of whom about 3,300 are in the town.  The number of acres is 10,600.  The church, which is a large noble edifice, had formerly a monastery attached, but it was destroyed many years back; a portion of the ruins still remain.  The octagon tower at the east end of the church is in good preservation.  At the west end, a spacious and lofty square tower was built by the inhabitants many years since, (and contains five bells,) which gives an imposing effect to the whole structure; the interior is neat, with a carved roof, supported by full-length figures of angels, and, and with the valuable organ, underwent repair in 1845.  There are several monuments and tablets to the families of Clifton, Burroughes, Jermy, &c.  The living is a vicarage in the patronage of the Bishop of Ely, who is appropriator of the great tithes.

The Quakers, Independents, Methodists, Wesleyans, Baptists, and Plymouth Brethren, have each a chapel here.

Post-Office—James Fison, postmaster.  Money Orders are granted at this office.


Abbott, Mrs. Charlotte, Fairland street

Anderson, Rev. J., Independent Minister

Cooper, Mr. James, Bridewell street

Culyer, Mrs., Town green

Daniel, Rev. William, Town green

Eden, Rev. Robert, vicar, Vicar street

Grisdale, Rev. Joseph, B.A., master of the Grammar school, Town green

Jones, Rev. David, chaplain to the Bridewell

Jones, Mrs. Sophia Ann, Hill House

Knapman, Capt. John, R.N.

Lloyd, Mrs., Fairland street

Poll, Mr. John, Town green

Rayner, Mr. William Edward, Town close

Skoulding, Charles, M.D., Market place

Sparkhall, Mrs. Elizabeth, Bridewell street

Stone, Mrs. Mary, Town green

Wiffen, Mrs. Ann, Bridewell street


Adams, Samuel, retailer in beer, Town green

Atkins, Obadiah, schoolmaster, Bridewell street

Bale, Charlotte, milliner, Market place

Bale, William, butcher, Town green

Barnard, John, boot and shoe maker, Market place

Barnard, Matthew, saddle and harness maker, Fairland street

Betts, Sarah, shopkeeper, Town green

Bircham, John, the Dove, Town green

Bowgen, Philip, plumber and glazier, Damgate street

Brabetor, Honour, butcher, Damgate str.

Brewster, Sarah, Black Horse, Suton str.

Browne, Eliza, Queen’s Head, Bridewell street

Browne, William, Sun inn, Damgate str.

Bunn, John, cooper, Damgate street

Bunn, John, bootmaker, Market place

Bunn, William, baker, Fairland street

Camp, William and Son, carpenters, Bridewell street

p. 131Cann and Clarke, brewers and maltsters, wine and spirit merchants, Market place

Cann John, Stephenson, attorney and solicitor

Cann, John, miller, agent to the Norwich Union Life and Fire offices, and General Hail storm office; h Town green

Cann, S. J. Stephenson, solicitor, clerk to Magistrates, Commissioner of Taxes, and the Forehoe Board of Guardians, Superintendent Registrar, Secretary to the Gas Company, Branch Bank of Messrs. Harvey and Hudson, Market place

Cann, Samuel, wheelwright and retailer in beer, Town green

Cann, William, butcher, Market place

Chambers, John, licensed dealer in spirits, Market place

Chapman, James, King’s Head hotel, Market place

Clarke, Cordal, solicitor’s clerk, Vicar street

Clarke, Ellen, milliner and dressmaker, Market place

Clarke, Ethelbert, carpenter, Market place

Clarke, Edward Palmer, solicitor, Vicar street

Clarke, William B., builder, Market street

Colman, James, builder, Fairland street

Colman, Thomas Edward Tawell, surgeon, Vicar street

Colman, William, plumber and glazier, Bridewell street

Cooper, Charles, painter and glazier, Damgate street

Cooper, Jane, boarding and day school, Bridewell street

Cooper, John, hairdresser, Fairland street

Cowell, Henry, bootmaker, Market street

Cowell, John, shoeing smith, Fairland street

Cowell, William, whitesmith, Suton street

Crannas, William, Duke’s Head, Damgate street

Crosby, William, White Swan, Vicar street

Cross, John, Two Brewers, Damgate street

Cross, John B., Cock inn and butcher, Town green

Cross, Mary, Duck and Dog, Market street

Dannoch, William, whitesmith, Church street

Davey, John, tailor and draper, Market street

Davey, Maria, butcher, Market street

Dawdry, Charles, corn and seed merchant, Town green

Denny, John, Leather Bottle, Town green

Dover, Elizabeth, green-grocer, Church street

Dunham, William, White Hart, Market st.

Fison, James, chemist and druggist, and post-master, Market street

Fitt, Lee Felix, saddle and harness maker, Market street

Flaskett, William, Permanent Way Inspector for the Eastern Counties’ Railway Company; h near Wymondham station

Forster, Robert, printer, bookbinder, and parish clerk, Market street; h Church street

Foulsham, Richard, the Griffin, Market street

Foulsham, Samuel, leather cutter, Town green

Fox, Benjamin, boot and shoe maker, Town green

Foyster, David, broker, Chapel street

Fulcher, John, whitesmith, Fairland street

Glasspoole, William, auctioneer and estate agent

Goodings, Robert, green-grocer, Damgate street

Greenfield, Mrs. E., superintendent of the Wymondham bridewell

Hall, Robert, farmer, Bridewell street

Harvey and Hudson, bankers, Market pl.

Harvey, Jesse, cooper, Town green

Harvey, Thomas, earthenware dealer, Damgate street

Harvey, William, builder, Damgate street

High, Charlotte, shopkeeper, Church street

High, Sophia, Coach and Horses, Vicar street

Howes, James, the Goat, Churchgate str.

Howes, John, fishmonger, Town green

Hubbard, John, White Horse, Suton street

Hubbard, John, butcher, Damgate street

Hubbard, Mary, Wool Pack, Fairland str.

Hubbard, Sarah, Three Feathers, Town green

Hubbard, Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Fairland street

Jackson, Maria, milliner, Market place

Jermy, William, farmer, Linfield

Kemp, John, blacksmith, Bridewell street

Kemp, Richard, smith in general, Town green

Kerrison, Elizabeth, bootmaker, Market street

Kerry, John, relieving officer, Market place

King, Henry, miller, Church street

Lemon, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Damgate street

Mason, Henry, Excise officer, Town green

Morley, John, boot and shoe maker, Fairland street

Morris, Moore, linen draper, Market street

p. 132Moys, Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Town green

Parker, Mrs. James, fancy repository, Market street

Parker and Son, linen drapers and grocers, Market street

Parsel, Benjamin, boot and shoe maker, Town green

Parsley, Henry, tailor, Fairland street

Peacock, James, bootmaker, Town green

Perfitt, Ephraim Joseph, watch and clock maker, Market street

Perfitt, John, boot and shoe maker, Fairland street

Plowman, John S., George and the Dragon, and butcher, Market place

Plunkett, William, shopkeeper, Town green

Poll, Emily, shopkeeper, Town green

Poll, James, carpenter and joiner, Damgate street

Poll, William Cooper, carpenter, Town green

Proctor, Martha Ann, milliner, Damgate street

Reeve, Thomas Marshall, ironmonger, Market place

Rix, Thomas Colman, builder, Market street

Robins, Edward James, stone mason, Suton street

Robins, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Damgate street

Rudling, William, watch and clock maker, Church street

Scarles, Charles, accountant, Town green

Secker, Robert, basket-maker, Bridewell street

Secker, William, basket-maker, Bridewell street

Seely, Joseph Henry, haircutter, Damgate street

Self, Edward, confectioner, Market street

Self, Henry H., confectioner, Town green

Self, Robert, confectioner, Fairland street

Skipper, James, hairdresser, Market street

Skoulding, William, chemist and druggist, Market place

Smith, John, grocer, Damgate street

Smith, John, broker, Damgate street

Smith, Washington William, bookseller, stationer, &c., agent for Norwich newspapers, Atlas Insurance office, Market place

Sparkhall, James and Edward, butchers and farmers, Town green

Spinks, Thomas, grocer, Damgate street

Standley, George, Green Dragon, Church street

Standley, John, auctioneer and appraiser, Market street

Stanley, John, farmer, Church street

Stanley, William, tailor and draper, Church street

Stebbings, Edward, Crown, Market street

Stimpson, James, ginger beer manufacturer, Town green

Taylor and Son, merchants, Damgate str.

Taylor, William H., agent to the Sun Fire office, and Life Association of Scotland, Town green

Tipple, Sarah, grocer and draper, Vicar street

Traxon, Esau, glover, Market street

Traxon, Israel, grocer and draper, Town green

Trixon, Frederic, baker, Town green

Tunaley, Robert James, surgeon, Market street

Turner, David, linen draper, Market place

Ward, Thomas Samuel, station master, Wymondham station

Watson, Henry, leather cutter, Bridewell street

Watson, Samuel, railway hotel, Wymondham station

Weed, Benjamin, pipemaker, Town green

Wells, John, shopkeeper, Town green

Welton, Robert, corn dealer, Churchgate street

White, Jesse, commission agent and accountant; bookseller, stationer; china, glass, and fancy goods warehouse, Market place

Woodbine, John, builder, Town green

Woods, Henry, draper, Fairland street

Wright, Robert, saddler and harness-maker, Suton street

Wright, Robert, saddle and harness maker, Market place


Attleborough, a small market town and railway station, 15 miles from Norwich, 5½ from Wymondham, and 14¾ from Thetford.  The population in 1851 was 2,324, and about 5,251 acres of land.  One long street includes most of the houses.  The market is on Thursday, and the fairs are held on the Thursday Easter and Whit-Sunday, and August 15th for cattle; also a pleasure fair the day before March assizes.  The Norwich and Brandon railway passes close to the town, where a handsome station has been erected, distant from London 110 miles.

The church, which is a noble edifice, with spacious tower containing six bells, is much admired for its antiquity.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of Sir Wm. B. Smijth, Bart.; the present incumbent is the Rev. A. J. E. B. Smijth, M.A., and the curate the Rev. S. A. Cooke, M.A.  Sir W. B. Smijth, Bart., is lord of the manor.

Here are chapels for the Wesleyans, Baptists, &c.; also a National School, well supported and attended.

Post-Office—George Parson, postmaster.  Money Orders granted and paid at this office.


Beevor, Thomas, Esq., Market hill

Cooke, Rev. Stephen Atkinson, curate

Doughty, Mr. Samuel, Mares’ street

King, Mrs. Sarah, London road

Lemmon, Rev. James, Wesleyan Minister, Rivett’s lane

Marner, John, Esq., Market hill

Salter, William, Esq., Norwich road

Smijth, Rev. A. J. E., rector

Warrel, Mrs. Sarah, London road


Allen, George, horse-breaker

Anderson, Sarah Ann, milliner and dress-maker, Mill street

Ayton, Charles, builder and appraiser, Church street

Ayton, Robert, carpenter and joiner, Market hill

Bacon, James, accountant, Market street

Barker, George, tailor, Market hill

Barker, Sarah, White Hart, Market hill

Barnard, Robert, baker and tea dealer

Barnard, William, painter, plumber, and glazier, Mares’ street

Barnard, William, tailor, London road

Bateman, William, tailor and draper, Rivett’s lane

Beale, James, printer, Norwich road

Bowden, William, builder, Back lane

Brown, Rev. William Shrieve, minister to the Baptist Chapel, Rivett’s lane

Buckenham, William, miller, Mares’ str.

Byles, John, grocer and draper

p. 134Caffay, Richard, shopkeeper

Cage, James, basket-maker and cooper, London road

Caley, Samuel W., the Grapes, news agent, Mares’ street

Calver, John, farmer, West carr

Canham, John, the new Inn and Commercial house, near the Railway station

Chatters, Henry, boot and shoe maker, London road

Childerhouse, William, farmer and dealer, West carr

Clarke, James, farmer, Borough common

Clifford, Thomas, Fair View Cottage, London road

Cockell, Charles, solicitor

Cockell, Mrs. Jane, farmer, Church plain

Colman, Mr., farmer, West carr

Cook, John, White Horse inn, London road

Cowles, William, farmer, West carr

Crawford, John, station master

Cushing, Stephen, Odd Fellows’ Arms, Mill street

Dawes, William, watch and clock maker, Market hill

Defew, William, saddle and harness maker, Church street

Downs, James, farmer, West carr

Downs, John, farmer, West carr

Drake, Charles, coachmaker, the street

Eaton, John, auctioneer and appraiser

Ebbage, Robert, the Bear inn, blacksmith, and machine maker, Bear road

Etheridge, Ann, boot and shoe maker

Etheridge, Henry, boot maker, Mares’ street

Fox, Mary, Mrs., green-grocer

Francis, James, general shopkeeper and druggist, Market street

Franklin, Frederic F. and George F., solicitors

Franklin, Frederic F., clerk to the County Court office, and agent to the Phœnix Fire office and Palladium Life office

Gates, Mr. James, Lay’s farm

Gayford, William, licensed to let horses for hire, Market street

Goldspink, Richard, butcher, Mill street

Green, John, farmer, West carr

Green, Mary Ann, the Crown, Church st.

Hewitt, William, butcher and salesman, Market street

Hazelwood, Robert, painter, plumber, and glazier, Ellingham road

Hill, George, postman, London road

Hipper, Charles, King’s Head, London road

Howes, Charles, tailor, London road

Howlett, George, ironmonger and brazier, Market street

Hubbard, Henry, farmer, West carr

Huggins, Mr., farmer

Jessup, Mr., farmer, Borough common

Kettringham, Robert, bricklayer and broker, Market hill

Lane, Mrs., farmer

Lawrance, Michael, farmer, Borough common

Leighton, Charles, corn merchant and maltster, Rivett’s lane

Leyton, John, butcher, Market street

Lincoln, Miss Elizabeth, ladies’ boarding academy, Norwich road

Littleproud, Alfred, grocer and draper

Littleproud, William, baker

Lovett, Robert, miller, the street

Lovick, Sarah, the Angel inn, Market street

Mann, Thomas, Norwich carrier, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Market hill

Merry, Robert, corn and coal merchant, Norwich road

Miles, William, saddle and harness, Mill street

Muskett, Alfred, grocer and draper, and manager to the bank, Market hill

Myhill, John, farmer, Mares’ street

Nicholls, John, clothier and harness maker, Mill street

Orford, Robert, carpenter and joiner, London road

Parke, William B., manager to the Goods department of the railway station

Parson, George B., postmaster and printer, Market hill

Pinnock, Jonathan, bricklayer, Mares’ st.

Pinnock, William, boot and shoe maker, London road

Potter, George, surgeon

Potter, Joseph, farmer, Borough common

Ponder, Thomas, tailor, Market hill

Revel, William, Norwich Castle

Robinson, Charles, brick and tile merchant, Norwich road

Rose, James, grocer and draper, Market street

Salter, George William, auctioneer and land agent, Market street; h Old Buckenham

Salter, Thomas, architect and land Surveyor, Norwich road

Sewell, Mary, the Griffin inn, Market street

Shickle, John, inspector of weights and measures

Simmons, John, miller, Rivett’s lane

Simpson, William, auctioneer and farmer, Back lane

Smith, James, boot and shoe maker, Mill street

p. 135Spanton, Christopher, agent for the Norwich Union Fire office and Norwich Equitable Fire office

Sparkall, John, farmer, Nobbs’ corner farm

Sparrow, Jonathan, shopkeeper, Mill street

Stebbings, Michael, farmer and dealer, Rivett’s lane

Stebbings, William, cattle dealer, London road

Tillett, John, tailor, London road

Toop, Francis Hart, the Cock inn, Mares’ street

Turner, John, blacksmith

Upston, George, seedsman, London road

Upston, William, dealer in Sheffield goods

Vince, Benjamin, farmer

Walsh, Gerald, coal merchant, Market hill

Ward, John, farmer, Borough common

Warren, John, watch and clock maker, Church street

Warren, Charles Ling, farmer

Webster, James, hair dresser, Market street

Webster, William, boot and shoe maker, Market street

Wells, Samuel, registrar of births, deaths, and marriages for the district, Market hill

Wiles, Charles Barsham, surgeon, Market hill

Wright, Daniel E., provision house and butcher, Church street

Wright, John, wheelwright

Wright, Mrs., straw bonnet maker and dyer, Back lane


Hingham is a small near market town in Forehoe hundred, East Norfolk, about 116 miles from London, 14 W.S.W. from Norwich, 6 from Wymondham station W., and 6 N.W. from Attleborough station.

The church of St. Andrew is a fine, noble structure, with a handsome tower, containing 8 bells.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of Lord Wodehouse.  The parish consists of 3,525 acres, and the population in 1851 was 1,698.  Here is a Free Grammar School, which was founded and handsomely endowed in 1727, by Thomas Parlet, Esq.; also a National School, which is wholly supported by the Hon. and Rev. W. Wodehouse, M.A.  Here is also an Independent chapel.

Post-Office—Miss Large, postmistress.  This is also a Money-order office.


Bassum, Mr. Charles

Bowles, Rev. J. S., Independent minister

Darby, Rev. Martin B., rector of Hackford by Hingham, Market street

Daynes, Mrs. Mary, Chapel street

Gilman, Mrs., Chapel street

Gilman, Samuel H., Esq.

Gilman, Lieutenant Colonel Philip Case, Market street

Greaves, Mr. David, Chapel street

p. 136Halsey, Mrs. Mary, Chapel street

Hardy, Miss Sarah, Market place

Hodgson, Rev. Walter C., curate; h Market place

Howard, Mrs. Elizabeth, Market place

Hurnard, Rev. W. B., curate of Fenning-hall

Hurnard, William, Esq., the Green

Fickling, Miss Frances, Market place

Laing, Mrs. Frances, Market street

Matthews, Rev. R. B.

Pigg, Mrs., the Green

Pitts, Mrs. Sarah, Market place

Priest, Miss Mary, the Green

Rushbrook, Miss Ann, Chapel street

Slipper, Rev. R. B., rector of Coston, master of the Grammar school, Chapel street

Stone, Miss, Market street

Vince, Mr. John, Market place


Adcock, Mrs., dressmaker, Turnpike

Alexander, Daniel, solicitor, agent to the Atlas and the Law Union offices, Fair Land place

Barton, F., excise officer, Chapel street

Bayes, William, farmer, Mill road

Bedford, William, watch and clock maker, Turnpike

Bowles, William, miller, Market street

Bradfield, George, grocer and draper, Market place

Bunn, Benjamin, cooper, Copper lane

Cobon, Mrs. Jane, day and boarding school for young ladies, Church street

Cannell, Abraham, George inn, Mill road

Caston, W., tailor, Church street

Chamberlain, Charles, grocer and draper, Church street

Clarke, E. W., builder

Coe, Frederick, White Hart inn Commercial hotel, Market place

Drewell, William, painter, plumber, and glazier, Church street

Eagling, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Fair Land place

Elsy, George, stationer, draper, &c., Market place

Elsy, William, bricklayer and builder, Back street

Emmerson, William, ironmonger and brazier, Market street

Feltham, James, solicitor, Fair Land place

Feltham, Mrs. Mary, blacksmith, Market street

Feltham, Philip, plumber and glazier, Market street

Feltham, Robert, saddle and harness maker, Market street

Fisher, William, baker and miller, Fair Land place

Gapp, Charles, general smith, Hall lane

Gricks, John, the Cock inn and stone mason, Market street

Griston, James, tailor, Market street

Harvey, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Baxter row

Howard, Philip, wine and spirit merchant, &c., Market place

Howchin, Edmund, butcher

Hubbard, John S., wheelwright, Fair Land place

Hubbard, John, junr., school-master to the National school, Chapel street

King, Ellen, milliner, dressmaker, and straw bonnet maker, Church street

King, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Market place

King, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Fair Land place

Kingaby, Thomas, hairdresser

Lane, Franklin, tailor, Chapel street

Langford, Samuel C., chemist and druggist, Market place

Large, Miss, grocer, draper, and post manager, Market place

Large, Robert, farmer, Mill road

Laskey, John, the Dog inn, carrier to Norwich and Hingham

Lilley, Richard, baker and farmer, Market place

Lincoln, Henry, chimney sweeper, Baxter lane

Monement, Mr. Edward, surgeon, Chapel street

Money, Robert, the Ringers, Turnpike

Muffett, William, plumber, glazier, and painter

Newson, Benjamin, the Unicorn, and butcher, Fair Land place

Nicholson, John N., butcher, Market place

Norton, Francis, general shopkeeper, Fair Land place

Pearce, Charles, Three Horse-shoes and blacksmith, Market place

p. 137Pigg, Charles, farmer, Dereham road

Pitts, George W., baker and miller, Market-place

Pitts, John, farmer, Dereham road

Pitts, Phineas, tailor and draper, agent to the Sun Fire Office, Market-place

Precious, Richard, Angel Inn, Market-place

Riddlesworth, Francis, grocer and draper, Fair Land place

Riddlesworth, Francis, harness maker, Fair Land place

Rose, Philip W., boot and shoe maker, and leather cutter, Turnpike

Semmence, Francis, tailor and confectioner, Turnpike

Scott, Charles, linen draper, grocer, &c., Market street

Spruce, William, farmer, Mill road

Stafford, John, the Oak, Turnpike

Tallant, John Thomas, surgeon, Market-place

Thompson, John, tailor, Market-place

Vince, James, grocer and draper, Market-place

Waller, William G., tailor, Turnpike

Ward, John, the Bell, Baxter row

Woodrow, John, schoolmaster at the Grammar School, High street

Wyatt, Davey, tailor and shopkeeper, Fair Land place


Thetford is an ancient borough and market town, 31¼ miles S.W. from Norwich, 80 miles N.E. from London, by road, and 95¼ miles by rail.  Part of the town is in Suffolk; it is well paved, and lighted with gas.  The river is navigable, and great quantities of coal and timber are imported from Lynn; and corn, malt, wool, &c., are exported; but since the railway from Brandon to Norwich has been opened for the conveyance of merchandize, it has materially affected the navigation interest, and it is anticipated the railway conveyance will entirely supersede the water conveyance, although the corporation has been at a great expense in erecting locks, &c.  The town has been gradually declining for many years, which is attributed mainly to the removal of the assizes from this borough to Norwich in 1833.

The Norwich and Brandon railway passes through the northern side of the town; the station is at the northern part of the town.  The market is held on Saturday for pedlary and small wares, but it is almost obsolete, merely being for butter, eggs, meat, and vegetables, and sometimes a few pigs.  There are four large breweries in the town; a tanner’s, a fellmonger’s, and two brick and lime yards, a large paper-mill, (giving employment to a great many women), also a powerful water-mill (flour), several malting houses, bone-crushing and manure works, coach works, ropemaking, and an extensive iron foundry and agricultural implement manufactory, which is situated on the site of old St. Nicholas church, the last remains of that once noble edifice being now razed to the ground.

p. 138In the parish of St. Mary, and on the Suffolk side of the river, are still to be found the remains of a monastery (St. Sepulchre’s); the porter’s gate is visible, as also part of the church, now converted into a barn; it is called the “Canons.”

Thetford formerly had twenty churches and eight monasteries, of which there are numerous ruins, and the surrounding country abounds with “barrows,” or “tumuli.”

Out of twenty churches which originally stood here, three only now remain: the oldest, St. Mary’s, situated on the Suffolk side, is a large structure with thatched roof, a high square tower, built chiefly with flint, 6 bells and no spire; the interior is in good repair, has a chancel, aisles, and gallery; it contains several monuments, one of handsome marble, to the memory of Sir Rd.  Fulmerston.  The Duke of Norfolk is patron of the living, a perpetual curacy, enjoyed by the Rev. Wm. Collett.  St. Peter’s is a handsome commodious building and lofty tower, built principally of flint, with various devices of the same material, inlaid with considerable taste.  The tower and church were partly rebuilt in 1789.  This is a rectory, united to the perpetual curacy of St. Cuthbert’s, also in the gift of the Duke of Norfolk: the Rev. E. H. Gibbon is the incumbent.  St. Cuthbert’s church, situated near the market-place, has been restored.  There is a large Wesleyan chapel, with a commodious gallery, a large Independent and also a Primitive Methodists’ chapel, and a meeting-house for Quakers, (the latter is very seldom used); also a Catholic chapel on the Suffolk side of the town.

The Guildhall, where the quarter sessions are held for the borough, is situated in the centre of the town, overlooking the new market-place, which is enclosed by a neat iron railing.

The Gaol, enlarged in 1816, is a neat stone building, but since the removal of the assizes to Norwich, in 1833, has been very little used.

The fairs are held, May 14th, August 2nd and 16th, and September 26th.


Bidwell, Mrs. Mary Ann, Paddock

Bullen, Mr. William, Magdalen street

Burton, Miss Sarah, Great Magdalen street

Cobb, Mrs. Sarah, White Hart street

Cooper, Mrs. Caroline, King street

Farrow, Miss Rose, King street

Faux, Mr. Gregory, White Horse street

Faux, Mrs. Susan, Wells street

Gibbon, Rev. E. H., rector of St. Peter’s, and incumbent of St. Cuthbert’s

Hill, Mrs. M., Guildhall street

Hobbins, Mrs. Elizabeth, London road

Hubert, Rev. Henry, rector, Santon with Downham, Wells street

Jennings, Mr. Frederic, Market place

Lloyd, Rev. Morgan, Independent Minister, Great Magdalen street

Mann, Mr. T. W., Great Magdalen street

Marsham, Miss Sophia, Gaol street

Methold, Mrs., King street

Moore, Rev. John, rector of Kilverstone, Wells street

Norman, Mrs. Sarah, Ford street

Palmer, Mr. Joseph, Magdalen street

Palmer, Mrs. Mary Ann, London road

Palmer, Mrs. Sarah, White Hart street

Pollard, Mrs., London road

Sansum, Mrs. Mary, Bury road

Snare, Mrs. Louisa, Bury road

Stokes, Mrs. Susan, Great Magdalen street

Tabraham, Rev. Richard, Bury road

p. 139Taylor, Rev. John, Catholic priest, London road

Tyrrell, Mr. George, White Hart street

Vantier, Mr. Edwin, White Hart street

West, Miss Elizabeth, Guildhall street

Wright, Mr. William, Earl’s street


Able, Samuel, saddle and harness maker, White Hart street

Allison, William, tailor, White Hart street

Atkins, William, cabinet maker, Earl’s lane

Bailey, Henry Woodroffe, F.R.C.S.E., C.M., R.C.C., Guildhall street

Barber, John Lee, merchant and maltster, Ford place

Barnard, John, harness maker, Great Magdalen street

Bartlett, Henry Albert, farmer, Brandon road

Battell, John, carpenter and builder, Guildhall street

Bennett, James, baker, St. Giles’s lane

Bennett, William, Red Cow, Back street

Best, H. W., surgeon, King street

Betts, William, carpenter and joiner, Magdalen street

Bibbry, William, baker, Great Magdalen street

Bidwell, Leonard, brewer, Old Market street

Bond, William, gun and pistol manufacturer, Market-place

Booth, Richard, blacksmith, Back street

Boyce, Henry, builder, Wells street

Boyce, Luke, bricklayer, plasterer, and slater, Castle row

Boyce, Thomas, plumber and glazier, King street

Boyce, William, the Dolphin, and builder, Old Market street

Brock, Ann, milliner and dress-maker, Earl’s lane

Brown and Colby, furnishing ironmongers, Bridge street

Brown, Peter, plumber and glazier, White Horse street

Browne, William, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Browne, William, pipe manufacturer, Croxton road

Burgess, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Burrell, Charles, engineer and millwright

Campkin, Josiah, tailor and draper, White Hart street

Canham, Robert, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Carley, Philip, tailor, King street

Carley, Robert, printer, stationer, bookseller, and bookbinder, King street

Carr, George William, watch and clock maker, King street

Carr, Isaac, boot and shoe maker, White Hart street

Carter, John, Trowel and Hammer, Bury road

Catton, Mary and Ann, china and glass warehouse, King street

Challis, John, the Castle, Magdalen street

Christopher, Benjamin, hair dresser, White Hart street

Clarke, James, grocer and cooper, White Hart street

Clarke, Robert Eagle, solicitor, Bridge street

Clarke, William, corn, coal, and seed merchant, King street

Clarke, William, Norwich carrier, Magdalen street

Clarke, William, brazier, Great Magdalen street

Codling, Mrs. R., milliner and dress-maker, Bury street

Cole, William, King’s Head, White Hart street

Cook, James, rope and twine manufacturer, Magdalen street

Cook, John, dyer, Magdalen street

Cooper, John W., Auctioneer, &c., Bury road

Corrins, Henry, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Cracknell, Henry, the Chequers, King street

Craske, Elizabeth, baker, Raymond street

Cronshey, James, chemist and druggist, and artificial manure manufacturer, Bridge street

Cross, Mary, ladies’ day school, Guildhall street

Darsley, William, Green Dragon, Market-place

Davey, Daniel, White Horse Inn, Ray-street

Davy, James, surveyor, White Hart street

Davy John, cabinet maker and joiner, Guildhall street

Deeks, George, grocer and draper, White Hart street

Diver, David, brazier, Gaol street

Diver, John, ironmonger and gas fitter, Guildhall street

p. 140Diver, Mrs. Mary, baker, Magdalen street

Dickman, M. A., straw bonnet maker, White Hart street

Dulley, Frances, grocer and draper, King street

Edwards, James, confectioner and grocer, Wells street

Edwards, Jeremiah, White Hart Inn, White Hart street

Edwards, Robert, Bell Inn, Bridge street

Edwards, Robert James, dealer in game, Bridge street

Ellis, George, fishmonger, Great Magdalen street

Ellis, Philip, tailor, Great Magdalen street

Emms, Joseph, furniture broker, Great Magdalen street

Esling, Henry, tailor, Guildhall street

Farr, Alfred, printer, bookseller, and general stationer, King street

Farrow, Benjamin, tailor, Earl’s street

Feltham, Mrs. Mary, watch and clock maker, Market-place

Fendick, Francis Edward, tailor, King street

Fetch, Sarah, Victoria Shades, Nether road

Fleet, James, bookseller and binder, Earl’s street

Foulsham, Charles, baker, King street

Fowell, Henry, dealer in tea and coffee, Earl’s street

Foyson, Cornall, merchant, Ford place

Foyson, James and Sons, maltsters and wool merchants, Bridge street, h King street

Frost, Edward, tanner and wool merchant, Wells street

Frost, Edward and Sons, tanners and felmongers, wool staplers, curriers, and leather merchants, White Hart street, and Tanners’ lane

Frost, George, boot and shoe maker, Raymond street

Gates, John Henry, English master at grammar school, London road

Gill, Francis, shopkeeper, Old Market street

Gill, Garner, merchant, Wells street

Gill, John Willis, miller, Cage lane

Gill, Robert, whitesmith and bell-hanger, Old Market street

Gill, William, fishmonger and fruiterer, Guildhall street

Godfrey, George, boat builder, &c., Bury road

Golding, John, Railway Tavern, near the Station

Gooch, William, shopkeeper, Back street

Goodricks, Thomas George, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street

Greene, William, tailor, Earl’s street

Gunstone, David, shopkeeper, Bury road

Hammond, Sophia, grocer and draper, Great Magdalen street

Hardy, Charles Wilmot, classical master at the grammar school, London road

Harold, Mrs. Ann, baker, Guildhall street

Harris, Henry, watch maker, jeweller, and silversmith, King street

Harvey and Hudsons, bankers, Bridge street

Harvey, James M., draper, &c., King street

Harvey, William, brush and clog manufacturer, Great Magdalen street

Hassam, John H., Excise officer, White Hart street

Henley, Mrs., milliner and dress-maker, Magdalen street

Hill, Charles, grocer, Magdalen street

Hollingsworth, Richard, timber merchant, Magdalen street

Houchen, John, solicitor, clerk of the peace, and agent to (Messrs. Oakes, Bevan, and Co., bankers, Bury Saint Edmund’s,) London road

Howard, Jacob, boot and shoe maker and postmaster, Market-place

Howard, Joseph, veterinary surgeon, Town street

Howard, Maria, the Horse Shoes, Great Magdalen street

Huggins, Charles, butcher, St. Cuthbert’s, Market-place

Hunt, Edward, King’s Arms, King street

Jackson, John, the Plough, Croxton road

Jennings, Mr., farmer, Place farm, Mill lane

Johnson, Henry, carpenter and builder, Market street

Joslin, George, accountant, London road

Juler, John, grocer and draper, Bridge street

Kent, Robert, Coach and Horses, Mundford road

King, Thomas, wheelwright, Back street

Kingdon, George, grocer, Old Market place

Leech, Mrs., dress and stay maker, Earl’s street

Lock, Henry, the Star Inn, Bury road

Lockwood, George, tobacconist, Earl’s street

Mackenzie, G. W., surgeon, Bury road

Mann, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Matthew, William G., tailor, Raymond st.

Matthews, Miss S., milliner and dress maker, Raymond street

p. 141Meadows, Josiah, tailor, King street

Moore, Henry, Half Moon, Mundford road

Munn, Richard, Winchester and Co., paper manufacturers, Mill lane

Musk, Thomas, Three Hoops, Magdalen street

Neobard, John, and Son, wine merchants, London road

Nye, Charles, dispensing chemist, King street

Oakes, Bevan, Moor, and Co., bankers, Bridge street

Oldman, John and S., cabinet makers, upholsterers, auctioneers and woollen repository, King street

Palmer, Alfred, coach builder, London road

Palmer, James, bricklayer, Great Magdalen street

Palmer, John, baker, White Hart street

Peachey, Samuel, accountant, Church street

Peacock, William, draper, King street

Peak, Lewis, supervisor, Magdalen street

Pechey, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Great Magdalen street

Pechey, William, accountant, Bridge street

Peck, Edward, stone and marble mason, London road

Peck, Sarah Ann, milliner and dress maker, London road

Petteny, William, the Spread Eagle, Old Market street

Plumpton, Mary Ann, Anchor Hotel, Bridge street

Pollard, Alfred, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Pratt, Sarah, confectioner, King street

Pretty, Elizabeth, plumber and glazier, Guildhall street

Puttick, Henry, day classical academy, Magdalen street

Reeder, Robert, Golden Horse Shoe, Back street

Reeve, Henry, carrier, Earl’s lane

Reynolds, John, basket maker, Wells street

Reynolds, Robert, bird preserver, Bridge street

Richardson, Thomas, agent for Harvey and Hudson, bankers

Ripper, William, Engine and Tender, Mundford road

Rogers, Wallis, grocer and draper, Market-place

Rumblow, George, foreman to paper mills, Mill lane

Sakens, Elizabeth, straw bonnet maker, Magdalen street

Salter, W. P., farmer, Abbey farm

Scales, Mary, fancy repository, White Hart street

Scott, Emma, draper, King street

Sharp, William, stone and marble mason, Guildhall street

Shaw, Robert, gardener and seedsman, Great Magdalen street

Skippins, Charles, currier and leather cutter

Slipper, James, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street

Smart, Charles, ironmonger, King street

Smith, Dennis, registrar of births, deaths, and marriages, Guildhall street

Smith, John, carpenter and builder, Back street

Snare, Rebecca, shopkeeper, Bury road

Snare, Susan, milliner and dress maker, Mill lane

Spalding, John, licensed brewer, Bury road

Sparrow, Sarah, shopkeeper, Garden place

Spendlove, Hannah, watch and clock maker, Bridge street

Spendlove, Robert, Dog and Partridge, Guildhall street

Steward, Stephen, Fleece Inn, Croxton road

Stokes, Joseph, cork manufacturer, Guildhall street

Stone, Mary, carrier to Bury, Back street

Tingay, Samuel, shopkeeper, Tavern lane

Tompson, George, timber merchant, Magdalen street

Towell, William, tailor, Magdalen street

Trail, William, accountant, Magdalen street

Traise, Edward, baker, Guildhall street

Tudd, Henry, hair dresser, Magdalen str.

Tunney, John, saddle and harness maker, rope and twine maker, Bridge street

Tyler, Charles Dewing, Red Lion inn, Market-place

Tyrrell, John, Black Horse, Great Magdalen street

Tyrrell, Henry Robert, maltster and farmer, White Hart street

Ward, George, baker, Great Magdalen street

Watson, Cornelius, butcher, Back street

Webb, Richard, baker, White Hart street

West, John, veterinary surgeon, Market-place

West, William, boot and shoe maker, leather seller, agent to the Fire and Life Insurance Office, Guildhall street

Whistler, William, game dealer, and sheriffs’ officer, King street

Whiterod, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street

p. 142Wicks, William Watts, brewer and spirit merchant, Thetford

Wilson, Philip, hair dresser, Magdalen street

Woolsey, Abraham, Albion inn, Magdalen street

Woolsey, William, George inn, Back street

Wright, George, plumber and glazier, Great Magdalen street

Youngs, Thomas, the Angel, Guildhall street


Fakenham, formerly called Fakenham-Lancaster, is a market-town and parish, 33¾ miles from Norwich, and 137½ from London.  The town is very pleasantly situated on a declivity, north of the river Wensum.  It has of late years been considerably improved by the erection of several neat houses: the streets are well paved, and lighted with gas.  The market; held on Thursday, is well supplied and attended.  There are two fairs; on Whit-Monday and November 22nd.  The population, in 1851, was 2,347.

The New Corn Exchange was opened August 23rd, 1855, and is a very fine erection, suitable for the purposes required.

The church of St. Peter is a handsome structure, chiefly in the later English style, with a lofty embattled tower, crowned by crocketted pinnacles, and containing eight bells; it has a nave and chancel, with north and south aisles.  A new east window, in five compartments, partly filled with stained glass, was erected in 1805, and a new organ in 1826—the latter at the expense of the late rector.  The inside of the church is neatly pewed; the chancel is separated from the nave by a finely-carved screen; the font is octangular, and embellished with carvings of the arms of the duchy of Lancaster, and the emblems of the Evangelists, the Trinity, and the Passion.  A beautiful altar-piece of Bath stone, in the Gothic style, designed by Mr. Brown of Norwich, and executed by Mr. Daniel Forster, was put up in 1844.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of Trinity College, Cambridge.  The Rev. M. A. Atkinson is the rector.


Atkinson, Rev. Michael Angelo, rector of Fakenham, Post-office street

Blanchflower, Miss Ann, Wells road

Blanchflower, Mr. John, Wells road

Canham, Mr. William, Bridge street

Cousins, Mrs. Mary Ann, Wells road

p. 143Damant, Thomas William Esq., M.D., M.R.C I.L.L.I.A., Post-office street

Legge, Rev. William, dissenting minister

Marrison, Mrs. Frances, Wells road

Potter, Richard Goodwyn, Esq., Market-place

Roberts, Mrs. Matilda, Wells road

Rogers, Mrs. Phebœ, White Horse street

Rudds, Mrs. Alice, Bridge street

Rudling, Mrs. Alice, Wells road

Seppings, Mr. Edmund, Norwich street

Sillett, Miss, Post-office street

Soams, Mrs., White Horse street

Woodcock, Mrs. Ann, White Horse street


Alderslade, Henry, clothier and general outfitter, opposite the Corn Hall

Allshorn, Lavel Lawlor, station master

Anderson, George, British schoolmaster, White Horse street

Ansell, Robert, cabinet maker, auctioneer and appraiser, Norwich street

Antingham, James, shopkeeper and bricklayer, Oak street

Bacon, William Brett, grocer and tea dealer, Norwich street

Baker, William, baker and farmer, Norwich street

Baldwin, George Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Norwich street

Bambridge, Martin, china and glass dealer, Post and Stamp-office, Post-office street

Barley, Edmund Johnson, chemist and druggist, Market-place

Barrett, Robert, cattle dealer, Rampant Horse street

Barrett, William, butcher, Oak street

Berrett, James, butcher and dealer, Wells road

Bottomley, Charles, stone and marble mason, Norwich street

Boulter, Robert, plumber, glazier, and painter, Market-place

Brereton, John, licensed brewer, Hall staithe

Brett, John, baker, Norwich road

Burrell, Daniel, hair dresser and perfumer, Market-place

Burrell, Daniel, furnishing ironmonger and clerk to the market, Market-place

Burrell, George, hair dresser, Bridge street

Burrell, Mary Ann, Berlin wool shop, Norwich street

Bushell, Charles D., furnishing ironmonger, Market-place

Bushell, John Dunham, wholesale and retail grocer and tea-dealer, Market-place

Bushell, Samuel, saddler and harness maker, Broad street

Campbell, Robert, farmer, Hay’s lane

Carter, William, shopkeeper, Bridge street

Cates, Robert, solicitor, the Grove

Chapman, Charles, draper, White Horse street

Clark, John, boot and shoe maker, Oak street

Clarke and Son, tailors, Oak street

Clipperton, Robert, saddler and harness maker, Market-place

Coker, William, boot and shoe maker, Mill lane

Cole, R. F., miller, Holt road

Cole, Thomas, grocer and draper, Market-place

Collett, Jonas, watch and clock maker, Market-place

Cowles, Messrs. and Son, classical and commercial academy, Norwich street

Cook, Mary Elizabeth, straw bonnet maker, White Horse street

Cook, Edward, coach builder, Bridge street

Cooper and Ward, linen drapers, Bridge street

Cox, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Norwich street

Crane, Robert, shopkeeper, Post-office street

Crisp, William, brewer, Market-place

Cummings, T. C., tailor, draper, and hatter, Norwich street

Cushing, John, brazier, Post-office street

Davey, Samuel, corn and seed merchant, Wells road

Davy, John Mays, watch and clock maker, silversmith and jeweller, Market-place

Dawson, William, watch and clock maker, Norwich street

Diggins, Henry, the Oak inn, Post-office street

Donaldson, John, manager to the East of England bank, Market square

Drew, Alfred, surgeon, Norwich street

Drewell, Robert, hair dresser, Bridge street

Druery, John, tailor and outfitter, Market-place

Dunham, William, boot and shoe maker, Oak street

Ebberson, Robert M., grocer, Bridge street

p. 144Eglington, John, draper, Norwich street

Fidgett, William, currier and leather merchant, Broad street

Fidgett, William, pianoforte warehouse, musical instruments and music seller, Broad street

Flowers, Robert Hall, Railway tavern and farmer, Norwich road

Flowers, Rouse, cooper, Norwich road

Forster, Daniel, stone and marble mason, Bridge street

Frost, Robert, shopkeeper, Oak street

Fyson, Joseph, miller and maltster, Fakenham mills

Gant, Richard, baker, Hay’s lane

Gardiner, David, tailor and draper, Upper Market

Garrod, John, iron foundry and engineer, Wells road

Gates, John, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Girling, Robert, builder, Hay’s lane

Goggs, Arthur, plumber, glazier, and confectioner, Norwich street

Goggs, Nathaniel D., grocer and draper, Corn Hall square

Goggs, Thomas R., miller, Bridge street

Goodman, Ann, dress-maker, Wells road

Goulson, Robert, Bull inn, Bridge street

Gray, Baker, baker, Oak street

Green, Henry, solicitor, Bridge street

Gricks, William, the Nelson, Hay’s lane

Grimes, William, Corn Hall tavern, Oak street

Gurneys, Birkbeck, and Co., bankers, Market-place

Habberton, Mrs. Elizabeth, boot and shoe maker, Norwich street

Hamond, Robert N., bank manager, Tuns street

Harding, John, sub-contractor for the Eastern Counties railway company, Wells road

Harper, William, shopkeeper, Wells road

Harrison, Roger, Red Lion hotel, Market-place

Hendry, William, boot and shoe maker, Oak street

Herring, Robert, gardener and seedsman, Wells road

Hill, Martha, school mistress, Infant National school, Wells road

Hipkin, Mary Ann, straw bonnet maker, Post-office street

Horne, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Horsley, Charles and Son, coach builders, Bridge street

Horsley, Elizabeth, the Bell, Norwich road

Horsley, Mary, whitesmith in general, Tuns street

Horsley, Richard, relieving officer and register, Tuns street

Horsley, Robert, Black Horse, Quaker’s lane

Horsley, Robert, gunsmith and bell-hanger, Quaker’s lane

Howchin, Mary Ann, milliner and straw bonnet maker, White Horse street

Howorth, Edward, corn and seed merchant, Hay’s lane

Hubbard, Robert, linen draper, grocer, and tallow chandler, Norwich street

Hunt, James, agent to Norwich Fire and Life Office, Bridge street

Hyder, William S., plumber, glazier, and ornamental painter, Norwich street

Johnson, Henry, plumber and glazier, Tuns street

Kendall, Joshua, Cattle Market inn, Market-place

Kent, Henry, solicitor, Market-place, h Balance hall, Norwich street

Kent and Watson, solicitors, Market-place

Langley, Benjamin, horse breaker, Wells road

Langley, Vincent, builder, Oak street

Leeder, Besome, furniture broker, Market-place

Leverage, Maria, baker, Quaker street

Lulman, Charles, surveyor, Bridge street

Mace, Charles, draper, Market square

Margetts, Job, coach builder, Wells road

Mason, Matthew, green grocer, Norwich street

Mason, Samuel, fishmonger and carrier, Norwich street

Middleton, Francis B., actuary to the Savings bank, Post-office street

Miles, T. A., bankers’ clerk, Norwich street

Miller, Thomas John, printer, bookseller, binder, and stationer, Market-place

Newby, William, draper and silk mercer, Market-place

Nicholson, Samuel, chemist and druggist, opposite the Corn Hall

Oakford, James, brazier, Holt road

Page, William, attorney’s clerk, Tuns street

Pawley, Robert, the Cow, Holt road

Pawley, Susan, straw bonnet maker, Norwich street

Plattin, Howard, chemist, druggist, and surgeon dentist, Market-place

Readwin, Joseph, builder and surveyor, York street

Readwin, Joseph, builder and surveyor, Quaker’s lane

p. 145Readwin and Tuck, milliners and dress-makers, Wells road

Richardson, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Norwich street

Rivett, William, whitesmith and bell-hanger, Quaker’s street

Rivett, William, cattle dealer, Rampant Horse street

Rolf, James, basket maker, Oak street

Rudge, Edward D., physician, Wells road

Rudland, George, butcher, Bridge street

Rudland, Henry, butcher, Market-place

Rudling, Joseph, the Star, Oak street

Sands, Isaac, Brewers Arms, Tuns street

Sayer, John, butcher, Norwich road

Sayer, Misses. R. and S., milliners, Corn Hall square

Scarle, George, chemist and druggist, Market-place

Sharpe, John, bankers’ clerk, Oak street

Scurl, Benjamin, the Sun inn, Norwich street

Sheringham, William, wine merchant, Market-place

Sly, Samuel James, confectioner, Bridge street

Sillett, Robert, wine, hop, seed, and wool merchant, Post-office street

Skipper, John, postman, Mill lane

Smith, Henry, miller, Bridge street

Smith, John, earthenware dealer, Oak st.

Smith, John, tailor, Holt road

Smith, John W., carpenter, Market-place

Southgate, William, coach builder, Post-office street

Stewardson, G. N., printer, bookseller, binder, stationer, and fancy repository, Upper Market

Stoke, Mrs., ladies’ day school, Mill lane

Stoughton, James, Crown hotel, commercial inn, and posting house, Market-place

Strangleman, George, horse dealer, White Horse street

Strutt, Samuel, the Rampant Horse, Rampant Horse street

Syder, George, farmer and seed merchant Oak street

Syder, Soughton, coal merchant, Quakers’ street

Trundall, Ann, milliner and dress maker, White Horse street

Turner, John, builder, Rampant Horse street

Tye, John, butcher and grocer, Norwich street

Utting, George, tailor, Quakers’ street

Utting, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Vurley, Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, Rampant Horse street

Ward, William, tea-dealer, Wells road

Waters, Benjamin, coach builder, Holt road

Waters, Elizabeth, milliner and dress-maker, Holt road

Waters, John, coach builder, Holt road

Wilson, Thomas, policeman, Police station, White Horse street

Winter, George, cabinet maker, Brewers’ Arms street

Woodhouse, Henry, smith in general, Holt road

Wright, Gregory, marine store dealer, Oak street

Wright, John, clerk to the magistrates, do. taxes, do. board guardians, Wellingham union, superintendent registrar, secretary to Corn Exchange, agent to Sun Fire office, Bridge street

Wright, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, White Horse street


Aylsham.  A market and union town, in South Erpingham hundred, East Norfolk, 125½ miles from London, and 12 N. of Norwich; contained, in 1851, 2,741 inhabitants, and 4,311 acres.  The annual value of assessed property in 1846 was £9,191 2s. 6d.  It stands on the river Bure, which is navigable to Yarmouth.  The market is held on Tuesday.  Fairs are held yearly on March 23rd and last Tuesday in September, and a hiring for p. 146servants on the first Tuesday in October.  Petty Sessions are held every Tuesday at the Black Boys Hotel; Mr. Frederic Roe, Clerk to Magistrates.

The church of St. Michael was built by John of Gaunt, of Lancaster, the court of whose duchy was once hold in this town.  The font is enriched with bas-reliefs of the four emblems of the Evangelists, the instruments of the Passion, and the arms of Gaunt, with other armorial insignia.  Here is a monument to the memory of Richard Howard, Sheriff of Norwich, who in 1488 built the church porch.  The east window is decorated with stained glass.  The church has ten bells, a large and lofty steeple, clock, and organ.  The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury.  The Rev. E. T. Yates is the vicar.

The Baptists, Wesleyans, and Primitive Methodists, have each a chapel here.


Bond, Mrs. E., Cawston road

Browne, Miss Martha, Cromer road

Butler, Miss Mary, Millgate

Butler, John, Cromer road

Colby, Miss Charlotte, White Halt str.

Copeman, George, Esq., Cromer road

Ebbetts, Mrs. Elizabeth, Market place

Gunton, Miss Frances, Cromer road

Gunton, George, Esq., White Hart street

Hilliman, Mrs. Cromer road

Houndsfield, Mrs. Mary, Cromer road

Mileham, Miss Mary, Millgate

Postle, Robot, Esq., farmer, Cawston road

Short, Miss Sarah, Rod Lion street

Walpole, Mrs. Emily, White Hart street

Yates, Rev. E. T., vicar of St. Michael’s, Vicarage house

Young, Miss Elizabeth, Millgate


Abbs, William, baker, Church hill

Ager, George, Diocesan school (president, Lord Sondes; visitor, the Bishop of Norwich) Post-office street

Austen, Baker S., ironmonger, Market-place

Ayton, Harriet, milliner and dress-maker, Market-place

Bane, Mary, shopkeeper, Millgate

Bane, William, chemist and druggist, Red Lion street

Barber, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Red Lion street

Bartram, William and Son, builders and timber merchants, Millgate

Bird, Joseph, Ship tavern, White Hart street

Blyth, Isaac, tailor, Millgate

Bonn, Winter, millwright, Cawston rood

Breeze, James, Black Boys hotel and posting house, Market-place

Breeze, Stephen, tailor and woollen draper, Market-place

Bullock, F. T. and millers and maltsters, Millgate

Burrell, George, builder, cabinet maker, upholsterer, and auctioneer, Market-place

Burton, William, shopkeeper, White Hart street

Butler, William, smith in general, Cawston road

Cary, Thomas, shopkeeper, Millgate

Case, James Lee, farmer, Millgate

Chapman, Robert, butcher, Red Lion street

Charlton, Thomas, Primitive Methodist preacher, White Hart street

Clarke, George, Red Lion, Red Lion str.

Clemente, Charles and Son, printers, bookbinders, stamp office, reading room and library.  Market-place

p. 147Clover, John, baker and confectioner, (agent to the General Hail Storm Company) Market-place

Copemans and Gurney, bankers; manager, Jacob Middleton, jun., Norwich road

Colk, Ann, day school, Bridewell corner

Connold, Thomas, watch and clock maker, agent to Norwich Equitable Fire office, Market-place

Culley, Benjamin, bricklayer, Cawston rd.

Dale, Robert, hair-dresser and bird preserver, Market-place

Davison, James, baker and miller, Butt Land lane

Edwards, John, china and glass dealer, Red Lion street

Elden, Eleanor, milliner and dress-maker, Red Lion street

Elden, Elizabeth, general shopkeeper, Red Lion street

England and Roper, grocers and drapers, Red Lion street

Eston, Robert, baker, Millgate

Feek, Dick, the New Inn, Red Lion street

Firmage, John, boot and shoe maker, Pinfold street

Fitt, Edward, gardener, Red Lion street

Fitt, James, the Anchor, Millgate

Fitt, John, watch and clock maker, Red Lion street

Forster, William, solicitor

Foxhall, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Caston street

Franklin, James, harness maker, Red Lion street

Freeman, John, stone and marble mason, and Stone Masons’ Arms, Millgate

Gatterson, Thomas, wheelwright and carpenter, Cromer road

Goodwin, Keziah, straw bonnet maker, Butt Land lane

Griffin, John, grocer and draper, Market-place

Grimson, John, carpenter, Pinfold street

Haddon, James, glover, &c., White Hart street

Harris and Nitch, millers and farmers, Caston road

Harrod, James, agent to the Norwich Union Fire and Life office, h Paradise

Hatcher, Jane, milliner and dress-maker, Red Lion street

Hill, William, the Unicorn inn, Post-office street

Horstead, John, bricklayer, Post-office street

Howes, Matthew, general dealer, White Hart street

Ingate, Lewis, coachmaker, Commercial road

Jones, Edmund, superintendent of the police station, Cromer road

Johnson, Jane, school-mistress, Post-office street

Johnson, John, boot and shoe maker, Post-office street

Larke, John, cabinet maker, Cromer road

Laxen, Henry, saddle and harness maker, Market place

Laxon, Richard, baker and confectioner, Red Lion street

Lemon, Benjamin, saddle and harness maker, Red Lion street

Lomax, George, beer retailer, Millgate

Mark, Charles, grocer, draper, and shoe man, Market-place

Margetson, Robert, Norwich carrier and merchant

Mash, Eliza, shop-keeper, Millgate

Matthews, Richard, the Star inn, Red Lion street

Miller, Sarah, straw bonnet maker, Cromer road

Middleton, Jacob, jun., bank manager, Norwich road

Miller, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, White Hart street

Morton, R. K. Esq., physician, Cromer road

Moy, John, the Feathers, Cawston road

Mole, Elijah, baker, Pinfold street

Nicholls, John, the White Horse, Millgate

Nobbs, Mary Ann, superintendent of the post-office, Post-office street

Ostick, Robert, boot and shoemaker, White Hart street

Page, William, draper and grocer, Red Lion street

Parmeter, Robert W., Esq., solicitor, clerk of the Peace for the County of Norfolk: h Cromer road

Payne, James, boot maker, Red Lion str.

Payne, William, boot and shoe maker, Red Lion street

Pert, David, plumber and glazier, Red Lion street

Pike, Robert, smith in general, Red Lion street

Platten, Edward Suffolk, Temperance house, Church hill

Poll, Frederic, sawyer, Town lane

Poll, Henry, beer retailer and brewer, White Hart street

Powell, Benjamin, grocer and draper, Market place

Proudfoot, John, carpenter and joiner, Post-office street

Puncher, William, the Dog inn, Norwich road

Purdy, James, patten and clog maker, Market place

p. 148Purdy, James, Norwich carrier and fishmonger, Red Lion street

Pye, Allen, the Swan, rent collector, Post-office street

Ransome, Horatio, tailor and draper, Red Lion street

Repton, William, solicitor, Market place

Roe, Daniel, F., solicitor’s clerk, Town lane

Rust, William and Eliza, ironmongers and boot and shoe makers, Red Lion street

Sands, Sarah, butcher, Post-office street

Sands, James, butcher and farmer, Red Lion street

Scott, George, grocer and draper, Red Lion street

Scott, William Henry, solicitor, offices Market place: h Norwich road

Sexton, Joseph, baker, Post-office street

Smart, William, beer retailer and brewer, Post-office street

Smith, Frederick P., surgeon, Market place

Smithson, James, hairdresser, Red Lion street

Soame, Henry, farmer, Cawston road

Soame, John, baker, White Hart street

Starling, William, basket maker, Red Lion street

Stearman, Ann, shopkeeper, Red Lion street

Stearman, Frederick, tailor, Post-office street

Stearman, James, gardener, Cawston road

Sutton, John, tailor and draper, Red Lion street

Symonds, John, chemist and druggist, Market place

Tattam, George Edward, smith in general, Cromer road

Thirtle, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Norwich road

Tuck, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Millgate

Turner, Frederick James, ladies’ boarding and day school, Market place

Ulph, John Hook, Cross Keys and wheelwright, Red Lion street

Waller, J. W., Commercial road

Warren, Thomas, tea dealer and draper, Market place

Watson, James W. B., basket maker and reed merchant, Millgate

Williamson, Henry, the Bull inn, Red Lion street

Wright, William, day and boarding school for young gentlemen, Commercial road


Diss.  A neat and well-built market town, in Diss hundred, East Norfolk, with a railway station 26½ miles N. of Ipswich, 24 miles E. of Bury St. Edmund’s, 19 S.W. of Norwich, and 94½ N.E. of London.  It is separated from Suffolk by the river Waveney.  The town is flourishing, and contains some good shops.  The population is 3,600, and the area in acres is 3,382, including Westbrook green, Walcot green, and Diss Heywood.  The Earl of Albemarle is lord of the manor of the latter, a large farming district, to the N. of Diss.  There are two fairs held here, on the third Friday in September, and on the 8th of November.  It has also a weekly market held on Friday.  The town is lighted with gas.  The Church of the Virgin Mary is a large, handsome structure, with a fine square tower and eight bells, upon which a set of chimes play every four hours.  The rectory produces an annual income of £900, and the patron and incumbent is the Rev. W. Manning.

p. 149The Wesleyans, Independents, Primitive Methodists, Baptists, Unitarians, and Quakers, have chapels here.  There is also a National School for boys and girls.

The petty sessions are held every alternate Monday, at the King’s Head Inn.  The Excise office is held at the same place; likewise the Diss Horticultural meeting.

The Eastern Union extension railway passes through the parish, at about a mile E. of the town.

The New Corn Hall is in the Grecian style of architecture, with a lofty stone portico, approached by a flight of steps from St. Nicholas’ street; the interior is 77 ft. long, 42 ft. wide, and 27 ft. high; it has a glass roof with a ground glass ceiling beneath it, to prevent the glare of the sun.


Barkham, Mr. Thomas, Crown street

Barnard, Mrs., Mount street

Brook, Samuel, Esq., Mere street

Clubbe, Rev. James H., curate of Reydon, St. Nicholas’ street

Cox, Miss E., Roydon road

Davey, Mrs. M., the Common

Farrow, Samuel, Esq., Bridge street

Farrow, Miss Temperance, Crown street

Field, Rev. J., Independent minister

Jerrett, Mr. John, the Common

Juba, Mr. Thomas, Roydon road

Lewis, Rev. John Philip, Baptist minister, Crown street

Manning, Rev. C., M.A., the Cottage

Manning, Rev. Wm., rector of St. Mary, h the Rectory

Mines, Mrs. Elizabeth, Market-place

Rose, Miss Hannah, Mount street

Shepherd, Rev. Henry James, curate of St. Nicholas, Crown street

Smith, Mrs., Mere street

Tacon, Mrs. Rachel, Crown street

Tares, Mr. Joseph, the Common

Taylor, Miss Mary, Mount street

Thompson, Mr. Robert, Crown street

Wells, Mr. James, Common

Whaite, Mr. Thomas, Mere street


Abbott, Edward, printer, bookbinder, stationer, and music seller, Mere street

Abbott, Joseph, tea-dealer, the Common

Aldrich, George, butcher, Bridge street

Aldrich, Henry, commercial traveller, Mount street

Aldrich, John, ironmonger, brazier, painter, plumber, and glazier, St. Nicholas’ street

Aldrich, Robert, brush and patten manufacturer, St. Nicholas’ street

Aldrich, Mrs. Robert, grocer and tea-dealer, St. Nicholas’ street

Aldrich, William, hat manufacturer, Crown street

Alger, Cleersewell, land agent, surveyor, and lithographer, agent to the London Indisputable Life office, and the London Unity Fire office, Mere street

Alger, James, accountant, Crown street

Allen, Ann, the Star, Mere street

Amyott, Thomas E., surgeon, Crown str.

Andrews, William, watch and clock maker, jeweller and silversmith, St. Nicholas’ street

Angold, Henry, carpenter and joiner, Mount street

Atkins, George and Son, carpenters and joiners, Back lane

Atkins, James, carpenter and builder, Church street

Austin, Edward, saddle and harness maker, Mere street

Baldwin, Cutty, dealer, the Tuns, Common

Baldwin, John, currier and leather seller, Church street

Barkham, W. H., cabinet maker, upholsterer, paper hanger, appraiser, &c., Market-place

Barkway, Edward, gardener and seedsman, Common

p. 150Barnard, Alfred Francis, solicitor, St. Mary’s terrace

Barrett, Philip, grocer, tea-dealer and porter merchant, Mere street

Battel, John, broker, Mount street

Battel, William, the Greyhound, St. Nicholas’ street

Berrett, Benjamin, basket maker and cooper, Mere street

Berrett, William, corn chandler, the Sun inn, Mere street

Bishop, Henry, boot and shoe warehouse, opposite the Church

Bobby, Henry, tailor, draper, and hatter, Market square

Bobby, James H., draper, &c., Saint Nicholas’ street

Boggis and Son, silk mercers and drapers, Mere street

Bond, George, tailor, St. Nicholas’ street

Booty, James, tea-dealer, St. Nicholas’ street

Broad, Mrs. A., milliner, Mere street

Broad, George W., brush and patten manufacturer, St. Nicholas’ street

Browne, George F., solicitor, Mount street

Browne, Samuel, clothier, Market-place

Browning, Samuel, grocer and tea-dealer, Market-place and Common

Brunning, John, carpenter, Church street

Bryant, Daniel, tailor and draper, Mere street

Bull, Charles, surgeon, Mount street

Bunyan, John W., saddle and harness maker, St. Nicholas’ street

Burch, Susannah, seminary for young ladies, Mount street

Burch, Thomas, cooper, Mount street

Burrows, Band, G., grocer and tea-dealer, ladies’ boot and shoe establishment, Mere street

Burrows, Robert, maltster, Crown street

Burrows, Thomas, hair-dresser and bird preserver, Market-place

Carman, Robert, brewer and retailer of beer, Crown street

Cary, John S., general dealer, Market-place

Chambers, Edmund, the Half Moon, St. Nicholas’ street

Chaplyn, Mary Ann, milliner and dress-maker, Crown street

Chaplyn, William, hair-dresser, Crown street

Chaplyn, William, corn, coal, and malt merchant, Common

Chapman, George, farmer, Heywood

Chase, Charles, butcher, Market-place

Chatton, Zachariah, farmer, Heywood

Cobb, Harriet, baker, Bridge street

Cobb, Samuel, plumber, glazier, and sheriffs’ officer, fancy toy shop, Mere street

Cobb, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Church street

Coe, Jarvis, painter, plumber, and glazier, Mere street

Coleman, Benjamin, tailor, Mount street

Collier, Charles, station master, Station

Cooke, James, linen manufacturer, St. Nicholas’ street

Copeman, William, broker, Crown street

Copping, William, grocer and draper, Bridge street

Cotman, Thomas, registrar of births, deaths, and marriages, and corn inspector, Bridge street

Cracknell, John, grocer and draper, Market hill and St. Nicholas’ street

Creasey, Emily, milliner and dress-maker, St. Mary’s terrace

Crisp, Simon, butcher, Crown street

Cubitt, Clara, fancy repository, Mere st.

Cupiss, Francis, chemist and druggist, veterinary surgeon, printer and bookbinder, Mere street

Cuthbert, Henry, corn, coal, and seed merchant, Mere street

Cutting, John, farmer, Heywood

Dakin, George, commercial traveller, the Common

Debenham, Edward, linen draper, Crown street

Denlock, Mr., boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Church street

Digby, Josiah, fishmonger, Crown street

Dove, John, watch and clock maker, Crown street

Downing, Robert, builder, Park fields

Easto, Richard, beer retailer, Common

Edwards, Francis, Saracen’s Head, Mount street

Eglington, William, tailor and draper, Mere street

Elliott, Thomas, auctioneer and valuer, St. Mary’s terrace

Elliott, Wm. W., auctioneer, valuer, and farmer, Thelton; firm, Elliott and Son

Ellis, Robert, farmer, Common

Ellis, Stimpson, farmer, Heywood

Elsey, Jonathan, farmer, Walcot green

Esling, John, grocer and tea-dealer, St. Nicholas’ street

Everett, George, farmer, Heywood

Farrow, Charles, brewer, maltster, wine, spirit, and porter merchant, Bridge street

Farrow, Joseph, timber merchant, Crown street

Farrow, Thomas, architect and builder, Crown street

p. 151Fincham and Simpson, bankers, Diss, Harling and Eye; London agents, Barclay, Bevan and Co.

Foulger, Edward, farmer, Walcot green

Freeman, Robert, green grocer, Market-place

Garrett Brothers, coach builders, Mere street

Gilman, John, baker, Bridge street green

Goldsmith, Mary, cowkeeper, Common

Goold, Philip, shoeing smith, Ship inn, Mere street

Gostling, Harriet, bookseller, stationer, and dealer in china and earthenware, Mere street

Gostling, Thomas, chemist, druggist, oil and colorman, Market-place and Mere street

Gray, Frederic W., organist, Mount street

Hague, Sarah, stay and corset maker, St. Nicholas’ hill

Hague, William, tailor and draper, St. Nicholas’ hill

Hammond, William, boot and shoe maker, Mount street

Harbour, William, farmer, Heywood

Harris, Henry, farmer, Heywood

Harrison, Henry, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Mere street

Harrison, William, cabinet maker, Crown street

Harveys and Hudsons, bankers; H. P. Engshom, manager

Hayward, Henry, shoeing smith, Crown street

Hearn, John, farmer, Burston road

Heffill and Barnard, solicitors

Heffill, Henry, solicitor, Mount street

Hewitt, Robert, the Two Brewers, Saint Nicholas’ street

Holmes, John, dyer and dresser, Mere street

Holmes, Margaret and Eliza, milliners and dress-makers, Mere street

Humphrey, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, Common

Jay, Sarah, miller, Common

Kent, John, clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, agent for the Norwich Fire Office, and Chief Constable, St. Mary’s terrace

Kent, John, farmer, Darrow road

Kerry, John, corn chandler, St. Nicholas’ street

Kerry, Jonathan, wheelwright, Mount street

Knights, Samuel, shopkeeper, Bridge street green

Knowles, Mary Ann, straw bonnet maker, St. Nicholas’ hill

Knowles, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, St. Nicholas’ hill

Lacy, William, butcher, Mere street

Lait, Charles, coach builder, Mere street

Lait, Thomas, clothier, Crown street

Leathers, Richard, corn chandler, Mere street

Leech, John, currier, Crown street

Leeder, Simon, confectioner, Mere street

Legood, Mrs., milliner and dress-maker, Mount street

Lines, Harriet, ironmonger, brazier, and smith in general, St. Nicholas’ street

Lines, John, cattle dealer, Common

Luccock, James, farmer, Church street

Lusher, William, baker, Church street

Lyns, George, solicitor, Terrace

Mallott, John, gunsmith, Mere street

Mallott, Mildred, spice bread maker, Mere street

Marsh, Arthur F., watch and clock maker, jeweller and silversmith, Crown street

Mason, Charles, timber and coal merchant, Common

Mayerows, James, shopkeeper, Common

Mice, Hannah, glover, St. Nicholas’ street

Moore, William, King’s Head commercial posting house and revenue office, Mere street

Murton, Henry, farmer, Heywood

Murton, Robert, sen., farmer, Heywood

Musgrave, Mary Ann, post mistress, Mount street

Muskett, John, surveyor, St. Mary’s terrace

Muskett, John, solicitor, clerk to the magistrates, coroner of the liberties of the Duke of Norfolk, Crown street

Mutimer, Edward, Bee Hive, Crown street

Newdick, William, farmer, Heywood

Nunn, Richard C., auctioneer and estate agent, Mere street

Payne, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Market place

Payne, John, Red Lion, the Common

Payne, Jonathan, the Cock, Bridge street

Payne, Mrs., Railway tavern, Common

Pearce, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, St. Nicholas’ street

Plummer, John, farmer, Mount street

Poll, Wm., confectioner, Mere street

Quadling, Benjamin, timber and coal merchant, common

Rands, Israel, gardener, Crown street

Rayner, William, coal merchant, Mount street

Read, John, shopkeeper, St. Nicholas’ street

Ready, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Church street

Reeve, John, saddle and harness maker, Crown street

p. 152Robinson, Elizabeth and Rose, day and boarding establishment for young ladies, Mount street

Robinson, John, linen and woollen draper, Market-place

Rogers, Mrs., Crown commercial inn, Crown street

Roper, Miss Hannah, dressmaker, Mount street

Rose, Frederick R., surgeon, the Common

Rout, John, bricklayer, Roydon road

Ruffell, Henry, builder, Church street

Sayer, John W., miller, the Common

Scrivener, Edward, watch and clock maker, Common

Slack, Richard, proprietor to the Gas Works and shoeing smith, Back lane

Smith, Edward, medical botanist, Crown street

Smith, Edmund, farmer, Heywood

Spink, Henry, butcher, Church street

Spurling, William, farmer, Walcot green

Stollery, Charles, farmer, Westby green

Taylor, Dennis, watch and clock maker, silversmith, and jeweller, Mere street

Taylor, Thomas L., brewer, wine and spirit merchant, Crown street

Teasdel, Henry, ironmonger and bar-iron merchant, Mere street

Tippell, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Crown street

Tovell, William, fishmonger, Back lane

Turrell, William, butcher, Market place

Wallace, Edward, solicitor, Roydon road

Ward, Henry, surgeon, Crown street

Ward, John, the Chequers, Bridge street

Ward, William, the Bell, Market place

Welham, Robert, builder, Mount street

Welham, Sarah, the Dolphin, Church street

Welham, Thomas, hair dresser and wig maker, Mere street

Wells, Frederic, farmer, Heywood

Whaite, Sabina, ironmonger, tin plate worker, brazier, and ironfounder, Market-place

Whitehead, —, hair dresser and bird preserver, Mere street

Whitrod, Benjamin, watch and clock maker, &c., Market tower

Wilkinson, Joseph, solicitor, Common

Witting, Charles, tea-dealer, Church street

Woodrow, Charles, farmer, Walcot green

Woodrow, Richard, baker, &c., Saint Nicholas’ street

Woodrow, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Crown street

Woodrow, William, baker and confectioner, Market square

Wright, George, the White Horse, Market place

Wright, George, the Cherry Tree, Roydon road


East Dereham, or Market Dereham, is a market town, railway station, and parish, partly in Mitford and partly in Launditch hundred, West Norfolk, 12¼ miles E. by N. of Swaffham, 11 from Wymondham, 16 E. by N. of Norwich, and 102 N.N.E. of London.  The parish contains 5,661 acres, and a population, in 1851, of 4,385.  It is a very ancient town.  The market is held on Friday.  The fairs are held in the market-place on the Thursdays before July 6th and September 29th.  Petty Sessions are held every alternate Friday, and there is a county court.

p. 153The church of St. Nicholas is an ancient building, on the site of the conventual chapel: the bell tower is square, and is detached from the church.  It was built 1508–20, and contains a peal of 8 bells.  Wm. Cowper, the poet, is buried in this church.

The vicarage of East Dereham, with the curacy of Hoe annexed to it, was valued, in 1831, at £480.  Here is also a sinecure rectory, valued, in 1831 at £710.  The Rev. Wm. Chas. Wollaston holds the sinecure rectory, in lease from the crown, and is also patron of the vicarage, which is enjoyed by the Rev. B. J. Armstrong.

The Baptists, Wesleyans, Independents, and Primitive Methodists, have chapels here.  There is also a British and Foreign, and National School; the former situated on the London road, and the latter in Theatre Street.  The town is well lighted with gas.  The works were constructed by Mr. George Malan, but are now in the possession of a company of shareholders: the gasometer will hold 7,000 cubic feet of gas.  Mr. Stephen Harvey is secretary, and Mr. C. Aldis is the manager.

Here are Assembly Rooms, built in 1756.  In February, 1852, a Savings’ Bank was established here, under the auspices of the leading families, and will, undoubtedly, become a great benefit to the labouring classes.

Dillington is a hamlet of this parish, 1 mile N.W., with 40 inhabitants.  Dumpling Green, 1 mile S.  Etling Green, North Hall Green, South Green, and Toftwood, are other hamlets.


Andrews, Thomas, Esq., Quebec road

Armstrong, Rev. B. J., M.A., vicar, Vicarage

Aufrere, Norris, Esq., the Dale

Baker, Misses, Quebec road

Browne, Mrs. Colville, Market-place

Cooper, Mrs. Edmund, Church street

Cooper, Mr. William, Back lane

Curtis, Rev. John, Market-place

De Groube, Mrs. Mary, Church street

Durrant, William, Esq., Gorgate hall

Ellis, Mrs., Norwich road

Girling, Barry, Esq., Hambletoft house

Gooch, Mrs. James, Market-place

Harvey, Thomas, Esq., South green

Holland, Miss, South green

Humphreys, Edward, Esq., Shipdham road

Jeffreys, Rev. George Y., Quebec road

Johnson, Mrs. Ann, High street

Lee Warner, Mrs., Quebec hall

Markant, Mrs. E., Quebec road

Minn, Lewis, Esq., Quebec road

Nalson, Mrs. Caroline, South green

Parke, James, Esq., Norwich road

Pillans, Mrs. Margaret, High street

Ramsdale, Mrs. Thomas, Quebec road

Warner, Mrs., Shrubland lodge

Wollaston, Rev. W. C., M.A., rector, South green

Wright, Miss M.A., Quebec road


Abram, Joseph, chemist, Market-place

Adams, John, farmer, Dumpling green

Aldis, Christopher, manager of the Gas Works, Quebec road

Aldis, William, academy, Norwich road

Armstrong, John, shopkeeper, Norwich road

Bailey, Edward, hairdresser Market-place

p. 154Baker, William, chimney sweeper, South green

Balls, Henry and Son, grocers and hardwaremen, Hall lane

Bambridge, Joseph, baker, Market-place

Banyard, Mrs. Sarah, farmer, Norwich road

Banyard, Matthias, baker, High street

Barkham, T. H., grocer and tea-dealer, High street

Barker, Charles, boot maker, Church street

Barker, James, beer retailer and boot maker, North Hall green

Barker, William, pork butcher, High street

Barkway, James, nursery and seedsman, Baxter row

Barnes, Robert, carrier, the Fleece, Norwich road

Barratt, Frederic, baker and tailor, Norwich road

Barton, Lewis, boot maker, Market-place

Barwell, Edward, corn, wool, wine, and spirit merchant, Market-place

Bates, Samuel, tailor and woollen draper, Market-place

Bayfield, Mrs. Harriet, butcher, High street

Beals, Ishmael, farmer, Etling green

Beals, Samuel, farmer, Toftwood

Bell, Thomas Robert, gun maker and cutler, Church street

Bennett, C., and Co., grocers, Market-place

Bidwell, Samuel S., brewer, maltster, wine and spirit merchant, South green

Blade, Mrs. Mary, hair cutter, High street

Boyce, Samuel H., watchmaker, Quebec street

Boyce, William, printer, &c., Market-place

Brewster, Edmund and Co., tea-dealers, Market-place

Brock, Robert, tinman, Light Horseman, Baxter row

Broom, Stephen, chimney sweeper, Church street

Brown, Thomas, farmer, Dillington

Bullen, Chamberlain, carpenter, Back lane

Burleigh, William, boot maker, Quebec street

Burton, Henry, boot maker, Baxter row

Carr, James, tailor, Hall lane

Carr, John, tinman, and eating house, High street

Carr, Margaret, milliner, High street

Carter, Mrs., carrier, Back lane

Carter, Matthew, plumber, Norwich road

Carter, Richard, veterinary surgeon, Norwich road

Carthew, George Alfred, solicitor, Quebec street

Catchpole, Robert, beer retailer, Etling green

Catton, Henry, surveyor, Norwich road

Chapling, William, beer retailer, Church street

Clarke Brothers, merchant tailors, hatters, outfitters, and agents for the waterproof hat and clothing department, Market-place

Coghill, Wm. A., gardener, South green

Cooper and Sons, solicitors, Market-place

Cooper, Charles, butcher, High street

Cooper, Charles, farmer, Toftwood

Cooper and Bowles, ironmongers, &c., High street

Cooper and Johnson, Misses, milliners and dress makers, Church street

Cooper, Henry, jun., baker, Baxter row

Cranmer, John, Chequers, Hall lane

Crofts, Benjamin, chemist, Market-place

Cross, James, farmer, Norwich road

Crowther, Henry, printer and stationer, High street

Cutting, Mrs., George inn, Market-place

Danford, Charles S., beer retailer, London road

Davey, William, farmer, Theatre street

Drake, William, solicitor, Quebec street

Dunn, George, boot maker, Norwich road

Dunn, John, blacksmith, Hall lane

Dye, Anthony, plumber and painter, Quebec street

Eastoe, Harriet, baker, High street

Eastoe, John, boot maker, High street

Eastoe, Mary Ann, school, High street

Eastoe, William, farmer, Etling green

Edwards, James, plumber, Back lane

Edwards, Martin, farmer, Etling green

Elsden, Benjamin, rope maker, Norwich road

Elsy, George, auctioneer, &c., Norwich road

Elsy, Martha, straw bonnet maker, Norwich road

Elsy, William, brazier, Church street

Elvin, James and Son, coach builders and steam saw mills, Norwich road

Elvin, Charles, heraldic painter, Norwich road

Emms, Samuel, beer house, Yaxham road

Feltham, William, boot maker, High street

Filby, William, Eagle inn, Market-place

Francis, W. K. and Co., grocers and drapers, Church street

p. 155Francis, John, sack manufacturer, Church street

Frary, Riches, farmer, Dumpling green

Frost, George, butcher, High street

George, Elizabeth, milliner, Norwich road

Gibson, Timothy, Duke of Wellington, Quebec street

Gidney and Son, ironmongers, iron and brass founders, agricultural implement makers, coal and timber merchants, &c., Market-place

Gill, James and John, iron and brass foundry, engineers and machine makers, Theatre street

Girling, James B. and Nathaniel, solicitors, Market-place

Girling, George, boot maker, High street

Girling, John, saddler, Market-place

Goshawk, John, gun maker, the Rose, Baxter row

Goward, Lucy, beer house, Yaxham road

Grant, Hannah, straw bonnet maker, Theatre street

Greenacre, James, auctioneer, land, estate and house agent, and sheriffs’ officer, Norwich road

Greenacre, Robert, beer house, Norwich road

Green, Sophia, cooper, High street

Hambling, Robert, brass and iron founder, and agricultural machine maker, Norwich road

Hambling, Thomas, brass and iron founder, and agricultural machine maker, High street

Hammond, James, baker, Church street

Hammond, James, leather cutter, Norwich road

Hardcastle, John W., school, Norwich road

Hardy, James, millwright, Back lane

Hastings, Horace C., surgeon, Market-place

Hatfield, Leonard, printer and bookseller, Market-place

Head, James, butcher, Baxter row

Hinsby, Samuel, farmer, North hall green

Hislop, James, watch maker, Quebec

Howarth, Samuel, Red Lion square

Howlett, William, butcher, Baxter row

Howlett, W. Curry, miller and baker, Quebec road

Hubbard, William, builder and contractor, High street

Hudson, John, blacksmith, Quebec street

James, Walter, tailor, Market-place

Jarred, Robert, butcher, Quebec street

Jex, George, grocer and draper, Market-place

Johnson, F. and Son, saddlers, Market-place

Juby, Charlotte, milliner, High street

Keeler, John, beer house, South green

Kemp, Mrs., milliner, basket maker, &c., Market-place

Kerslake, Thomas, auctioneer, &c., Scarning road

King, John, King’s Arms hotel commercial and posting house, Market-place

Maidwell, Thomas, corn dealer, High street

Margetts, Mary Ann, clothes dealer, Hall lane

Marriott, John and Robert, corn and coal merchants, Railway station

Martin, John Upchurch, teacher of music, Norwich road

Martin, Ann, china and glass dealer, High street

Mason, Ann, straw bonnet maker, Church street

Mayes, Ann, plumber, Church street

Mayes, James, farmer, Dumpling green

Mayes, Robert, shopkeeper, Baxter row

Meachen, Edward, brick maker, London road

Merry, Robert, jun., coal and corn merchant, Railway station

Miles, Thomas, glover, &c., Norwich road

Milk, William, farmer, North Hall green

Moore, James, gardener, Norwich road

Moore, William, nursery and seedsman, Norwich road

Monument and Son, carpenters, Baxter row

Munford, James, carpenter, Theatre street

Newell, William, stone and marble mason, Norwich road

Nicholson, Goddard, saddler, High street

Nicholson, James, cabinet maker, Back lane

Nicholson, Thomas N., butcher, High street

Norton, Mrs., shopkeeper, Norwich road

Nuthall, Elizabeth, milliner, Norwich road

Oakley, Francis, stone mason, Baxter row

Oakley, Henry, boot maker, Church street

Pack, Nathaniel, boot and shoe maker, Norwich road

Page, Thomas, grocer, draper, and wholesale and retail tallow chandler, Market-place

Parke, Thomas, King’s Head commercial inn, brewer, maltster, wine and spirit merchant, Norwich road

Parker, John, bricklayer, Norwich road

Payne, Minns, beer shop, South green

Peebles, William Skipp, builder, High street

p. 156Perkins, James, builder, Norwich road

Phillipo, Edward, shopkeeper, Church street

Philo, George, tax collector and parish clerk, Church street

Pilch, William, tailor, High street

Plowman, Henry, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Norwich road

Potter, Elijah, farmer, Etling green

Potter, R. and J., corn and seed merchants, Railway station

Ramsdale, Mrs., currier and leather cutter, Quebec street

Ramsdale, Robert, auctioneer, corn and coal merchant, Quebec street and Railway station

Rawlings, Mrs. Wm., shopkeeper, Church street

Read, Burrows, currier and leather cutter, Norwich road

Rising, H. C., grocer, draper, &c., Norwich road

Rix, Charles, boot maker, Theatre street

Rix, Henry, bricklayer and confectioner, High street

Rix, James, farmer, Badley moor

Rix, Mary, baker, Quebec street

Rust, John, blacksmith and confectioner, Market-place

Scholes, Jacob, hatter and furrier, Quebec street

Scraggs, Edward John, plumber, &c., Norwich road

Scraggs, Robert Beeston, clerk to the magistrates and commissioner of taxes, Quebec road

Sendall, Jonathan, furniture broker, High street

Sendall, William, wheelwright, Baxter row

Sharp, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Quebec corner

Ship, Robert, shopkeeper, High street

Skerritt, William, the Greyhound, High street

Skerry, John, carrier

Skipper, William, baker, Theatre street

Smith, James, farmer, North green

Smith, John P., farmer, Watering farm

Smith, Mary, miller, Toftwood

Smith, Robert, veterinary surgeon, Back lane

Smith, Susan, ironmonger, High street

Speakman, Thomas, boot maker, Waggon and Horses, London road

Speakman, William, boot maker, Norwich road

Springle, William, shopkeeper, Norwich rd

Staines, Timothy, farmer, Badley moor

Stone, Daniel, smith, Norwich road

Stonock, Barney, smith, Etling green

Stonock, Bernard, farmer, Haw hill

Stringer, Mary, straw bonnet maker, Baxter row

Taylor, John, plumber, glazier, &c., High street

Taylor, Thomas, bricklayer, High street

Thacker, John, farmer, and beer house, Hall lane

Thompson, Rev. Joseph, boarding school, Paternoster row

Tomlinson, James, cabinet maker, Market-place

Trollop, James, tailor, Norwich road

Trollop, Mrs., milliner and dress maker, Norwich road

Trollop, John, glove maker, Hall lane

Tuck, James, Cherry Tree, Theatre street

Varden, William, tailor, Market-place

Vincent, Dr. James, Quebec street

Vincent, William, farmer, Etling green

Ward, Jonathan, boot maker, Norwich road

Warman, Thomas, farmer, Dumpling green

Warren, Samuel and Son, corn and coal merchants, Railway station

Webster, Son, and Co., grocers and drapers, Market-place

Wells, H. and W., coach builders and blacksmiths, Norwich road

Wells, Elijah, dyer, Baxter row

Wells, John, auctioneer, &c., Lord Nelson, High street

Wells, Mrs. Catherine, beer house, Norwich road

Wenham, Charlotte, watch maker, Market-place

Wenham, John, watch maker and jeweller, Church street

Wenham, William, boot maker, Church street

Wharton, James, the Bell, Theatre street

Wigg, Charles, jun., farmer, Etling green

Wigg, Grigson, farmer, Park farm

Willden, John, miller, Norwich road

Willimont, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Church street

Willimont, Kirby John, baker, Baxter row

Wilson, James, beer shop, Back lane

Wilson, Thomas, baker, Hall lane

Woodcock, Sarah, beer retailer, Etling green

Wright, Elizabeth, milliner, Market-place


Swaffham.  A parish, market, union, polling town, and railway station, in South Greenhoe hundred, West Norfolk, and Norwich Bishopric, 15 miles E.S.E. of Lynn, 27 miles W. of Norwich, and 93 miles N.N.E. of London.  The population, in 1851, was 3858; and the yearly value of assessed property, in 1815, was £11,218.

This town, one of the most beautiful in the county, is pleasantly situated on a rising ground, in a fine open country.  The market is held on Saturdays.  Annual fairs are held on the second Wednesday in May, the third Wednesday in July, and the first Wednesday in November, for cattle and sheep; the latter is one of the largest cattle fairs in Norfolk.  The general quarter sessions of the peace are held here, by adjournment from the city of Norwich.

The Church of St. Peter and St. Paul is said to have been built in 1474, and is cruciform in plan, with an embattled tower, bearing two shields.  About seven years since, in repairing the Church, and in removing the “Tinker and the Dog,” they found, carved in Latin,

“Love me, love my dog.”

The living is a vicarage, value £738 per annum, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich.

The Baptists, Wesleyans, and Independents, have meeting houses here.  There is a large bridewell here for 600 prisoners.  The town is lighted with gas.  Here is an iron foundry, coach works, bank, and savings’ banks.

SWAFFHAM PRISON, Edward A. Johnson, Governor.

The YOUNG MEN’S INSTITUTE, supported by the members, Market-place.

GRAMMAR SCHOOL, endowed by Nichols Hammond, Esq.  James Hacon, Head Master: John Kelland, Second Master, Queen’s College, Cambridge.

The NATIONAL SCHOOL, situated upon Campling Land.  Schoolmaster, Charles Wells; Schoolmistress, Mrs. Wells.

GAS WORKS, Lynn Road.  Superintendent, Manager and Secretary, Francis Trundell.

SAVINGS’ BANK.  William Wells, Secretary: H. T. Day, Esq., Manager.



Archer, Rev. Charles G., curate of Narborough cum Narford, London street

Balders, Mrs. Susan, Market-place

Brown, Mrs. Harriet, London street

Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth, Station street

Cooper, Mrs. Matilda, Station street

Dalton, Rev. W., Castleacre street

Dugmore, John, Esq., London street

Everard, Salisbury, Rev., vicar to St. Peter’s, the vicarage

p. 158Girling, Mrs., Station street

Say, Hall, Esq., Norwich road

Hammond, Miss Sarah, Norwich road

Kemble, Mrs. Elizabeth, London street

Montague, Rev. George, rector of South Pickenham

Morse, James, Esq.

Newton, Mary, Lynn street

Peck, James, London street

Pillans, Mrs. Martha, Market-place

Sands, Mrs. Sarah, Lynn street

Stratton, Miss Elizabeth, London street

Trundle, Mrs. Martha, Castleacre street

Williams, James, Castleacre street


Alderton, Robert, lodging house for travellers, Lynn street

Allen, John, fishmonger, Market-place

Alpe, Robert, brewer, White Hart lane

Arnold, Henry, grocer and draper, Market place

Allet, Timothy, tailor, Market-place

Avis, John A., boot and shoe maker, London street

Barker, Willis, bricklayer, Lynn street

Barrett, John, bailiff of the county court, and house keeper of the Institute, Market-place

Bayfield, Benjamin, butcher, Lynn street

Bayfield, Edward William, hairdresser, Market-place

Bayfield, George B., flour factor, London street

Blanchflower, James, Maid’s Head inn, Market-place

Brown, Charles, baker, London street

Brundall, Henry T., parish constable and gardener, adjuster of weights and measures, bailiff of the fair, has a very fine collection of old coins, pictures, china, &c., and clerk to the market, Lynn street

Bullen, George, Trowel and Hammer, the Pool

Bullen, James, farmer

Butters, John, White Hart, Market-place

Butters, Richard, boot and shoe maker, London street

Carman, Abraham, tailor, Lynn street

Carr, John E., watch and clock maker, Market-place

Carter, Charles, veterinary surgeon and shoeing-smith, Lynn street

Carter, Thomas, the Pool

Clarke, Benjamin, blacksmith, Albert terrace

Clarke, James, clothier, Castleacre street

Clarke, James, tailor, London street

Clarke, William and Thomas, boot and shoe makers, Church lane

Clements, Thomas, baker, Market-place

Clifton, Edward, Station street

Clifton, William Wilson, station master

Cock, Edward, Ship inn, Lynn street

Codling, Phœbe, shopkeeper, Lynn street

Coe, Robert, Norfolk Hero, Castleacre street

Colman, Thomas, farmer, Norwich road

Cook, John, coach builder, Lynn street

Cory, Sendall, clothier, Market-place

Cross, Joseph, cooper, London street

Dawson, John, tailor and draper, Market-place

Davidson, Miss Hannah, milliner and dress-maker, London street

Day, Henry Framingham, manager to the East of England Bank, Market-place

Dickenson, George, the Angel, Market-place

Doughty, William, Red Lion inn, Market-place

Dunn, James, boot and shoe maker, the Pool

Dutchman, Durrant, farmer, Westacre street

Ellis, Norton, boot and shoe maker, London street

Ellis, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Block street

Ellis, Thomas, the Chequers, Castleacre street

Ellis, Thomas C., carpenter and builder, Providence terrace

Elvin, Charles, heraldic artist, agent to the Unity Fire Office, London street

Elvin, James, and Son, coach builders, London street

Emerson, Robert N., surgeon, Market-place

Filbey, John, boot and shoe maker, Campin’s land

Finch, J., and H. F., chemists and druggists, oil and colourmen, agents for the sale of Lowe’s Patent Manure, Farmer’s Insurance Office, Market-place

Forby, John, grocer and draper, Market-place

Fuller, John, farmer, Norwich road

Gainsbury, Daniel, Royal Oak, and timber dealer, Castleacre street

p. 159Gardiner, John, bookseller and stationer, stamp office, Market-place

Gardiner, William V., brazier, coffee and eating house, Lynn street

Goodrich, George, boot and shoe warehouse, Lynn street

Goodrum, Anne, dressmaker and tailoress, London street

Goose, Morris, painter and gilder, Lynn street

Goose, Morris, and Barber, Robert, painters and gilders, Mangate street

Greeves, Thomas, leather currier, London street

Hall, Charles, butcher, Castleacre street

Hall, William, baker, Lynn street

Hammond, Robert, grocer, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Harper, Henry, cabinet-maker and upholsterer, London street

Harrison, Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, Lynn street

Hart, Joseph, baker, Castleacre street

Harvey, Charlotte, fancy repository, Market-place

Hewett, Elizabeth, boarding and day school for young ladies, London street

Hewett, Miss Sarah, bookseller and stationer, London street

Heyhoe, John, stone mason and builder, Station street

Heyhoe, John James, stone and marble mason and builder, Market-place

Heyhoe, Robert, plumber and glazier, London street

Hook, John, baker, Castleacre street

Howard, Henry, baker, Lynn street

Howard, Mary Ann, clothier, Market-place

Howarth, William, brewer and maltster, wine and spirit merchant, agent to the Equitable Fire office, Market-place

Hubbard, Charlotte, Spread Eagle, London street

Hudson, George, Black Horse inn, London street

Ingram, Esther, hosier, Castleacre street

Jackson, Robert, wheelwright and smith, London street

Jarvis, William, basket maker, Market-place

Jeary, John, farmer, the Pool

Jeffrey, Charles, William, and Co., malsters, wine and spirit merchants, seed, corn, coal, and wool merchants, London street

Jeffries, Henry, the Pool

Johnson, James, tailor and draper, Market-place

Johnson, Mary Ann, straw bonnet maker, Castleacre street

Johnson, William, the Greyhound, Market-place

Josh, Isaac, blacksmith, White Hart lane

Kemble, Benjamin, gardener, Norwich road

Kiddle, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Castleacre street

Lack, John, artist, Market-place

Lasscock, William, saddle and harness maker, Market-place

Lindsay, Thomas, grocer and draper, Market-place

Lack, William, saddle and harness maker, Agent for the Royal Exchange Fire and Life Assurance society, Market-place

Loveless, Samuel, plumber, glazier, and painter, London street

Lusher, Robert, the Sun, Lynn street

Mace, Charles, dealer in tea, Station street

Maddison, George, grocer and tallow chandler, Castleacre street

Marcon, Andrew, solicitor, Market-place

Marsh, Edward, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Martin, David William, ironmonger, china dealer, and leather cutter, Market-place

Mason, George B., colonel in the army, White Hart lane

Matthews, John, harness maker, Lynn street

Matthews, Robert, tailor, Block street

Mendham, Harriet and Elizabeth, straw bonnet makers and milliners, Market-place

Mendham, James, plumber and glazier, Market-place

Moore, Henry, grocer and draper, Market-place

Morse, Arthur, brewer, Market-place

Muffett, John, general shopkeeper, Market-place

Muffett, Samuel, cabinet maker and carpenter, Market-place

Naunton, Walter, confectioner, Market-place

Nokes, William, commercial traveller, London street

Nooks, Robert, tax gatherer, the Pool

Oaks, Richard, builder, Market-place

Overton, Elizabeth, dressmaker, London street

Page, William, Crown Hotel commercial, family, and posting house, and farmer, Market-place

Parson, William, gun maker and superintendent of the post-office, Market-place

Perry, Mary, fancy repository, Mangate street

Petch, Pooley, boot maker, London str.

Philo, James, clerk to St. Peter’s, Block street

p. 160Philo, James, china and glass dealer, and boot and shoe maker, London street

Pilbeam, Thomas, grocer and draper, Market-place

Pitcher, William, Horse and Groom, Lynn street

Plowright, Henry, general and furnishing ironmonger, founder, &c., Market-place

Plowright, S. S., boarding and day school for young ladies, London street

Ponder, Nathaniel, shopkeeper, Lynn street

Pope, William, drapery and shoe warehouse, Market-place

Porter, James, boot maker, Albert terrace

Powley, Benjamin, tailor and draper, Market-place

Powley, Robert, tailor, London street

Powley, Susan, milliner and mantle maker, Market-place

Pratt, John, land surveyor and register office for servants, Market-place

Pratt, Matthew, watch and clock maker, Market-place

Pullock, Peter, registrar of births and deaths for the Saham Toney District, and relieving officer, London street

Randall, Thomas, butcher, Market-place

Reeve, Edmund, surgeon, London street

Rolfe, William, music master, organist to the church, Mangate street

Rose, Caleb Burrell, surgeon, Market-place

Rose, John, Railway Tavern, Castle street

Rust, James, chemist and druggist, Market-place

Sands, William, builder, Lynn street

Seaman, David, horsebreaker, Lynn str.

Sear, Charles, White Lion, Castleacre street

Selfe, Samuel, beer retailer, London str.

Sewell, Robert, solicitor, Block street

Smith, George, general dealer, London street

Smith, George, baker, London street

Smith, John, butcher, Market-place

Smith, Robert, engineer and iron and brass founder, White Hart lane

Smith, Robert, dealer in marine stores, Lynn street

Smith, William and Frederic, painters, plumbers, and glaziers, Market-place

Southwell, William C., manager of Gurney and Co.’s Bank, and agent for the Sun Fire and Life Office and General Hail Storm Assurance society, Bank, Market-place

Spinks, John, shopkeeper, London street

Steel, William, the Swan, Castleacre str.

Sutton, James, baker and confectioner, Market-place

Takes, Israel, temperance coffee and eating house, Lynn street

Tennant, James, boot and shoe maker, Block street

Thomas, Frederic John, surgeon, Castleacre street

Trundle, James and Son, auctioneers and saddlers, Market-place

Utting, Anne, milliner and straw bonnet maker, and has the full management of the Assembly Rooms and Shirehall, h Market-place

Vince, Allen, shopkeeper and brick maker, London street

Vince, Henry, market gardener, London street

Vout, Henry, lodging house for travellers, Lynn street

Wake, John, cattle dealer, London street

Wales, Richard, George commercial hotel, Castleacre street

Wales, Thomas, butcher, Market-place

Walker, George, boot and shoe warehouse, Market-place

Ward, William, the Fleece, Lynn street

Watts, John, hairdresser, Market-place

Wells, William C., printer, bookseller, and binder (book club), Market-place

Wenham, James, watch and clock maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Market-place

Wharton, William, hairdresser and fancy repository, Market-place

Whitby, George, King’s Arms, Lynn str.

Whithers, George, farmer, White Hart lane

Wilkerson, Goss, fishmonger, Market-pl. place

Winearls, William, solicitor, London str.

Woods, Rev. William, Baptist minister, Station street

Wright, John, baker, London street

Wyatt, Joseph, commercial traveller, Market-place

Wyers, Edward, boot maker, Campling lane

Young, Job, umbrella maker, Lynn str.

p. 161REEPHAM.

Reepham is a small market town, on the banks of the Eyn brook, a branch of the Wensum; 6 miles N.E. of Elmham station.  136 miles from London, and 12 N.W. from Norwich, and extends into four parishes, which contain together, 1,800 inhabitants; the acreage of the four parishes is 2,427.  The chief trade of this town is in malt for ale, the parish being well adapted for the growth of barley.  There is also a large brewery, and two extensive tanneries.  The market, which is held on Wednesday, being for corn and cattle; and a fair is held on June 29th, for stock, horses, &c.

A police station has been erected on the Dereham road, about a quarter of a mile from the market-place, opened March, 1856.  There are also two fire engines kept in this parish.  Engine house situated in the Back lane.

The living is a rectory, value £600 per annum, with Kerdistone.  There are two Cemeteries: one for the parish of Reepham with Kerdistone, and the other for the parish of Hackford with Whitwell; consecrated, July 9th, 1856, by Dr. Henry Spencer, late of Madras.

Reepham and Kerdistone, ST. MARY’S CHURCH.  Rev. Frederic Field, M.A., Rector: Rev. Richard Gilbert, B.A., Curate.

Hackford and Whitwell.  Rev. Edward Holley, M.A., Rector; Rev. Frederic Thompson, Curate.

Wesleyan Chapel, Wesleyan Reform Chapel, Primitive Methodist Chapel; various Ministers.

POST OFFICE.  Miss Amelia Sands, postmistress.  Letters arrive from Norwich at 9 a.m., and are dispatched at 25 min. to 5 p.m.  The box closes at 4 p.m., but letters can be posted till 4½ p.m., by affixing an extra stamp.

Insurance Agents.  Equitable Fire office, Robert Keeler.  Norwich Union Fire and Life, and Norwich Hail Storm Company, George St. John, and F. S. Bircham, solicitor.

Parish Clerk, Henry Bishop.


Bircham, William, Esq., the Ollands

Bircham, William, jun., Esq., Hackford

Collyer, the Very Rev. John Bedingfield, archdeacon of Norwich, Hackford hall

Field, Rev. Frederic, M.A., rectory

George, Mr. Robert, Hackford

Gilbert, Rev. Richard, B.A., curate

Holly, Rev. Edward, M.A., Hackford

Leamon, Robert, Esq., Whitwell

Leeds, Stephen, Esq., Whitwell

Thompson, Rev. Frederic, curate, Hackford


Alderton, Thomas, farmer

Amiss, John, wheelwright, Hackford

Amiss, Richard, grocer and draper, Hackford

Andrews, George O., excise officer, Reepham

Baldwin, Nathaniel, shoemaker

Barker, Robert, grocer, &c., Hackford

Barrett, Martin, blacksmith, Hackford

Barrett, Robert, miller, Whitwell

Barrett, Mrs. Sarah, farmer, Whitwell

Besford, John, farmer, Kerdistone

Bircham, F. S., Esq., solicitor, clerk to the magistrates of this hundred, and to the commissioners of Income tax, and agent to the Norwich Union Fire and Life offices, Hackford

Bircham and Parmeter, brewers, maltsters, and spirit merchants, Hackford

Bishop, Henry, plumber and glazier, the Duke of York, parish clerk, apparitor for the diocese, and carrier, Hackford

Briggs, James, cabinet maker, Hackford

Brown, William, smith, Kerdistone

Buck, James, boys’ school, Hackford

Bush, John, King’s Arms, Hackford

Burcham, Thomas, tailor, Hackford

Burton, John, shoemaker, Hackford

Burton, Joseph W., butcher, Hackford

Burton, Thomas, butcher, Hackford

Cooper, Orlando H., academy, Hackford

Davidson, James, baker, Hackford

Doughty, William, plumber and glazier

Dungar, Thomas, farmer, Whitwell

Dyball, Robert, horse breaker, Hackford

Dye, Henry, farmer, Kerdistone

Eglington, Emerson, tailor, Hackford

Eglington, Mark, farmer, Whitwell

Ellis, Edward, saddler, Hackford

English, John, shoemaker, Hackford

Filby, John, farmer, Kerdistone

Fish, James, shoemaker, Hackford

Frankland, Robert, ironmonger, Hackford

Frankland, Robert, shoemaker, Hackford

George, Henry, farmer, Kerdistone

George, William, ironmonger, Hackford

Hart, Thomas G., grocer and draper, Hackford

Hawes, James, tailor, Hackford

Hill, Charles W., tailor and draper, Hackford

Howard, George, carpenter, Hackford

Howe, Samuel, Lord Nelson, Hackford

Hurrell, Dennis, V.R. and George and Dragon, Hackford

Hurrell, T., grocer and draper, Hackford

Isaacks, Nathaniel, grocer and draper, Hackford

Jewell, George, veterinary surgeon, Hackford

Keeler, R., grocer and draper, Hackford

Lacey, John, druggist and stationer, Hackford

Leamon, Robert, tanner and timber merchant, Whitwell hall

Leeds, Stephen, farmer, Kerdistone

Leeds, William, Sun inn, and carrier, Hackford

Mason, Edward, cooper, Hackford

Neale, William, baker, Hackford

Parke, William B., farmer

Partridge, Thomas J., farmer

Perry, Charles H., surgeon, Hackford

Prior, Henry, saddler, Hackford

Pumfrey, James, farmer, Kerdistone

Rodham, William M., farmer, Hackford

Rudd, William, hairdresser, Hackford

Scurll, Brettingham, baker, Hackford

Secker, John, basket maker, Hackford

Seeley, Barnabas L., farmer, Kerdistone

Sewell, John, farmer, Hackford

Sewell, William, carpenter, Hackford

Smith, Mrs. Susan, farmer, Kerdistone

Springall, Thomas, bricklayer

Staples, Thomas, chemist and druggist, Hackford

St. John, George, grocer and draper, Hackford

Tann, Thomas, farmer, Kerdistone

Tindale, William, grocer and draper

Timber, Elizabeth, grocer and draper, Hackford

Travis, Thomas, Greyhound, Hackford

Tuddenham, Richard, cooper, Hackford

Vardigans, Mary Ann, bonnet maker, Hackford

Vial, Samuel, Victoria Fall Gate, Whitwell

Watson, James, Cock inn, Whitwell

Watson, Job H., shoemaker, Hackford

Watson, Job H., grocer and draper

Whurr, Thomas, tea dealer, Whitwell

Woolmer, Jas. S., watchmaker, Hackford

Wright, David, plumber and glazier


Foulsham is a small scattered town in Eynesford hundred and Aylsham Union, situate about 4 miles from Elmham railway station, 8 S.E. of Fakenham, and 18 N.W. of Norwich.

The living is a rectory, in the gift of Lord Hastings; the Rev. Henry Milles Astley, B.A., is the present rector.  The church of Holy Innocents is a large and handsome structure, with a fine square tower.  The Baptists have a place of worship.  There is also a National School for boys and girls.  The magistrates meet at the Ship Inn every alternate Monday.  There is a fair for cattle and pleasure on the first Tuesday in May.  The population is 1,076.  The parish contains about 3,190 statute acres.  Lord Hastings is lord of the manor, and chief land proprietor.


Astley, Rev. Henry, B.A., rector

Bennett, Mr. William

Gilbert, Rev. Richard, B.A. curate

Leeds, Misses M. and E.

May, Miss M. A.

Peterson, Mr. William


Archer, James, grocer, &c.

Archer, Richard, butcher

Archer, William, plumber and glazier

Austin, Robert, butcher

Austin, Thomas, farmer

Austin, Watts, butcher

Austin, John, farmer

Barber, James, carrier

Bartlett, Henry, druggist and stationer

Bell, Benjamin, farmer

Bircham, Amelia, dress maker

Blogg, Richard, bricklayer

Body, Henry, farmer

Butler, W. G., currier and leather cutter

Carr, Sarah, boarding and day school

Carrison, Charlotte, grocer, &c.

Chamberlain, Edward, farmer

Clarke, Louisa, straw bonnet maker

Clarke, Robert, carpenter

Dack, —, carrier to Norwich

Dawson, Michael, blacksmith

Dench, Robert, solicitor, coroner for the Duchy of Lancaster, clerk to the magistrates, and commissioners of taxes

Drozier, Robert, parish clerk

Eke, James, blacksmith

Emms, Henry, veterinary surgeon

Fallow, Thomas, Ship inn

Frost, Robert, tailor

Girling, Christopher, surgeon

Girling, John, carpenter

Gilham, William, baker

Godfrey, Thomas, farmer

Gooch, Robert P., veterinary surgeon

Graver, Luke, baker

Heasel, Elizabeth, baker

Howlett, Stephen, King’s Arms

Hubbard, Stephen, painter, plumber, &c

Hunt G. P., National School

Knights, Fenn, academy

Knights, Frederic, glover

Leamon, Charles, saddler

Leamon, Edmund, ironmonger

Leamon, Edward, farmer

Leamon, Richard, baker

Long, Robert, grocer, &c.

Mace, Charles, grocer, &c.

Manning, Susan, dress maker

p. 164Neale, Charles, farmer

Neale, George, Bull inn

Oldman, James, boot and shoe maker

Powell, John, tailor

Pratt, Richard, grocer, &c.

Prior, John, boot and shoe maker

Purdy, Robert, farmer

Quarles, William, solicitor

Russell, Edward, watch maker

Saunders, James, miller

Saunders, James, jun., solicitor, agent to the Royal Farmers’ and Hail Storm, and the Farmers’ and Graziers’ Cattle Insurance Office

Saunders, James and Charles, surgeons

Sawyer, Thomas, wheelwright

Sawyer, Thomas, carpenter

Sawyer, Thomas, blacksmith

Seaman, William, farmer

Smith, James, boot and shoe maker

Smith, Matilda, dress maker

Smith, William, grocer, &c.

Spencer, Edward, plumber and glazier

Spragg, Thomas, boot and shoe maker

Towler, George, wheelwright

Towler, John, grocer, &c.

Tuddenham, John, tailor

Turner, James G., grocer, &c.

Wade, Matthew, ironmonger

West, C. S., carpenter and cabinet maker

Williamson, John, glover


Watton, a small market-town in Wayland hundred, is 10 miles N.W. from Attleborough station, 12 N. of Thetford, and 10 from East Dereham.  The church of St. Mary stands a short distance from the town, and is a very neat, though ancient structure, being built in the reign of Henry II.  It has a tower, small spire, and 3 bells.  The living is a discharged vicarage, in the gift of the Rev. W. H. Hicks, B.A., and the curate is the Rev. G. Nelson.

The parish contains 1807 acres, and the population, in 1851, was 1353.  A market is held on the Wednesday.  Fairs are held on July 10th, October 11th, and November 8th for cattle, &c.


Adcock, J. W., watchmaker

Alexander, E., grocer and draper

Amas, Charles, grocer and draper

Amas, Mary Ann, milliner

Baldry, Edward, bricklayer

Bales, John, police officer

Baley, Robert, auctioneer

Balls, James, boot and shoe maker

Barber, Ann, berlin wool depot

Barber, Mr. John, Rose cottage

Barber, John, upholsterer and cabinet maker

Barnard, Robert, butcher

Beets, James, farmer

Bicker, George, hairdresser, &c.

Boreham, John, boot and shoe maker

Bowles, Barnard, saddler

Brown, James, tailor

Brunton, Thomas, Green Man

Brunton, William, tailor

Buxton, Henry, brazier

Chaston, Mr. Alfred

Cornwall, William, joiner

Cornwall, Robert, saddler

p. 165De Grey, Hon. Brownlow, N.O.

Dorr, Mrs. Mary

Dorr, Charles, farmer

Drake, Thomas, painter, plumber, &c.

Drew, George, boot and shoe maker

Emerson, Stephen, George commercial and family hotel, posting house, and architect and surveyor

Elsegood, James, baker, &c

Feakes, Charles, farmer

Garner, James, fishmonger

Gathergood, James, farmer

George, George, bookseller and leather dealer

George and Kiddle, grocers and drapers

Gooderstone, Mary A., milliner

Gowing, James Warden, bookseller, printer, and stationer

Greengrass, Robert, beerhouse

Grigson, E. R., solicitor

Grickman, Charles, solicitor

Hargraves, George, surgeon

Hargraves, John, surgeon

Harper, Samuel, sack and seed merchant

Hart, Mr. Joseph

Hart, Joseph, joiner

Harvey, James, carrier

Hastley, Rev., academy

Hastings, Edward, maltster

Hastings, John E., wine & spirit merchant

Hendry, Henry, grocer and draper

Hendry, Thomas, plumber, &c.

Hicks, Rev. W. H., vicar

Jacobs, Thomas, machine maker

Jacobs, George, Crown Commercial hotel, posting house, and Inland Revenue office

James, William, tailor

Layt, Robert, carrier

Lacey, Rebecca, butcher

Leggatt, Robert, butcher

Massey, William, solicitor

Mallows, James, butcher

Minns, George, tailor

Munnings, George, tailor

Nelson, Rev. G., curate

Payne, Edward, carrier

Playle, Henry, beerhouse

Parker, Joseph, butcher

Read, Robert, gardener and seedsman

Reeve, Barnabas, basket maker, and beer-house

Rice, Mr. William

Rice, George, butcher

Rice, Mrs. Harriet, milliner, &c.

Ringer, Robert, gunmaker

Rook, W., grocer and draper

Sampson, Mrs. Dorothy

Salmon, Richard, farmer

Secker, Samuel, basket maker

Siggins, Henry, plumber, &c

Smith, Thomas, veterinary surgeon

Smith, Charles, master of National school

Smith, Mary, school-mistress

Smith, Thomas, gardener

Snare, George, academy

Spanton, Thomas, Bull inn

Sprigg, Squire, surgeon

Standley, James, tailor

Stanham, George, baker

Stebbings, John, bricklayer

Stebbings, Mrs.

Stebbings, George, joiner

Stevens, Robert, brewer and maltster, wine and spirit merchant

Sturgeon, William, blacksmith

Thurling, John, horse breaker

Thompson, John, joiner, &c.

Twaits, Barnabas, shoemaker

Wace, Richard, farmer

Ward, John, police officer

Watson, Burton, hairdresser

Waters, Charlotte, Rose

Warnes, Reuben, grocer and draper

Wenham, George, watchmaker

Warne, James, veterinary surgeon

Ward, Robert, farmer

Warman, William, farmer

Wightwick, Miss, academy, Willow house

Wright, Misses, academy

Wright, Robert, corn merchant and baker

Woodcock, John, beerhouse

Wortley, Jonathan, King’s Arms

Young, James, boot and shoe maker

Young, Robert, boot and shoe maker


Harveys and Hudsons’ Bank, Mr. Benjamin Chaston, agent.  Draw on Hankey and Co.

Savings’ Bank, Mr. B. Chaston, Secretary.

Atlas Fire and Life Office, Mr. W. P. Pillans.

Clerical and Medical Life Office, Mr. John Hargraves.

English and Cambrian Life Assurance and Loan Society, Mr. B. Chaston.

Farmers’ and General Hail Storm, Mr. B. Chaston.

Norwich Union, Mr. William Massey.

Suffolk Alliance, Mr. Alfred Griffin.

Unity, Mr. W. Rook.


Yarmouth or Great Yarmouth, is, next to Norwich, the most important town in the Eastern Counties, celebrated for its fisheries, its shipping, trade, and manufactures, and is also much frequented in the season as a bathing-place.  It is distant 19 miles E. by S. from Norwich, 9 miles N. from Lowestoft, and 123 miles N.E. from London.  The population of the town and borough, including Gorleston and Southtown was, in 1851, 30,879.  The town derives its name from the Yare, on the east bank of which river it is situated.  There are very few principal streets, but in the more modern parts are some commanding edifices.  The north and south quays, extending for nearly a mile and a quarter, and very broad, are among the peculiar and interesting features of Yarmouth.  The principal streets run parallel with the quays, and are crossed by 145 narrow lanes, called rows, which are numbered; it is for the traversing of these rows that the many small narrow carts are used which abound in Yarmouth.

There is a new and elegant bridge over the Yare.  A handsome and substantial suspension bridge crosses the Bure, over the same spot whence 79 persons were suddenly plunged by the fall of the previous bridge in May, 1845; whilst a handsome iron tubular bridge, in two compartments, connects the railway with the tramways, which extend the entire length of the quays.  The New Pier is a great accommodation to the visitors and inhabitants.

There are numerous and very extensive malting-houses in Yarmouth and its neighbourhood, belonging to the metropolitan brewers and others, which afford employment for a large number of hands.  The town is a great centre of the fishing trade.  The mackarel fishery employs upwards of 3,000 tons, with about 90 boats and 870 men, and produces about 16,000 a year.  The herring fishery, for which Yarmouth is so highly and justly celebrated, employs about 6,000 tons, with 160 boats and 1,300 men, besides those on shore; the produce is about 100,000 barrels yearly, about 20,000 of which are sent to the southern countries.  There are also fisheries of cod, sprats, turbot, soles, skate, whitings, eels, and shrimps.  A large portion of this produce is sent to London, Manchester, Birmingham, and other distant towns.  The number of vessels belonging to the port is about 500, besides 250 fishing-boats and other smaller craft.  Ship and boat building employs many hands, and vessels of 460 tons are built here.  The silk mills, p. 167belonging to Grout and Co., erected in 1818, give employment to nearly 700 operatives of both sexes.

The church of St. Nicholas is a fine cross-shaped building, of unusually large dimensions.  It had formerly sixteen chapels.  The spire is 168 feet high, erected in 1683.  There is a fine peal of ten bells and a clock.  The organ is of some celebrity, and has been most materially improved by Gray and Davidson; it was built in 1733 by Muller.  Here are monuments of the Englands, and some few other families of distinction, while plain marble slabs point out the resting-places of John Carter, a great friend of Cromwell, and of Mrs. Bridget Bendish, daughter of General Ireton, grand-daughter of the Lord Protector.  The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich.  The font, which is of Purbeck marble, is octagonal and very ancient.  The vestry contains a small collection of old books.

St. George’s chapel was built in 1714, and is a fine building, partly of stone, with square tower.  St. Peter’s church was built in 1833, at a cost of £12,000; it is in the Gothic style, of white brick, with a tower 118 feet high; there is in it a copy of Ruben’s Descent from the Cross.  There is also an ancient church at Gorleston, with curious font and brasses.  St. Mary’s Southtown was built in 1831.  The Roman Catholic chapel is a new Gothic building, of neat appearance.  There is a Jews’ synagogue, which has been rebuilt.  Here are meeting-houses for Independents, General and Particular Baptists, Wesleyans, Countess of Huntingdon, Society of Friends, Primitive Methodists, and Unitarians.  The Roman Catholics have a small cemetery, situate on the road leading to Caistor, north of the town.

The Town Hall, built in 1716, is of the Tuscan order, with a fine suite of rooms; it contains also the court rooms.  There is also a Town House, belonging to the corporation.  The Borough Gaol was built in 1260, and much of the original building remains.  The market-place is very extensive, covering an area of three acres; the fish market adjoins it.  The Corn Exchange is in Regent-street, and the Commercial Club House on the Quay.  The Custom House, on the Quay, is a large and handsome building.  The Bath House was built in 1759, and has a large public room and all requisite bathing accommodations.  There are several small docks or basins belonging to the shipbuilders, and one of which will take a 500 ton ship.  The town is well paved and lighted with gas, and watched by a borough police.  The large naval and military hospital, situate at the southern extremity of the town, is now used as a Government asylum for insane officers of the navy and army.  One of the chief ornaments of the town is the conspicuous column, erected on the South Denes by county subscription in 1817, to commemorate the immortal Nelson; it is a fine pillar, of the Doric order, with fluted shaft: its extreme height is 144 feet; the summit is reached by 270 steps; the views from it of the sea and surrounding country are varied and extensive.

p. 168CLERGY, GENTRY, &c.

Agar, Moses, 78, Southtown road

Aldis, Mr. John, North end

Alexander, Mrs. Caroline, Regent road

Ames, Edward, Esq., East street

Ansell, the Misses, 1, North Beach terrace

Arbon, Noah, back of Wall

Ashill, Mrs. Ann, King street

Bailey, Mr. Robert, 1, Wiltshire Cottage, Victoria road

Bampton, Rev. John, South Beach terrace

Barber, Mrs. Hannah M., South Quay

Barber, Mr. Robert David, Regent road

Barclay, Mrs. M. A., 86, Southtown road

Barnard, Mrs. M. A., 5, Providence place

Bateley, Mrs. Harriott, Regent road

Bartram, Cubitt Engall, 12, St. George’s terrace

Bartram, Mr. William, 58, Southtown road

Baynes, Mrs., North Quay

Beasley, Mrs. G., 85, Southtown road

Beckett, Miss Mary Ann, back of Wall

Bee, Mr. James, 13, Bath place

Blake, John, Esq., 3, Ely place

Blake, Mr. Thomas, 7, Seymour place

Boardman, the Misses, South Quay

Borrett, Mr. George, 7, Bath place

Borrett, Dr. James, King street

Branch, John, Esq., Regent street

Brock, Mrs., 70, Southtown road

Brock, Miss, Southtown road

Brown, Mr. George Penrice, South Quay

Brown, Mrs. Priscilla, 6, St. George’s terrace

Brown, Mr. Robert, 1, Bath Hill terrace

Brown, Mr. Robert Fitzwilliam

Buck, Mrs., 1, Devonshire place

Bunn, Mrs. Sarah, 17, Southtown road

Bunn, Samuel G., Esq., 69, Southtown road

Bunn, Thomas, Esq., 47, Southtown road

Burton, Samuel, Esq., 67, Southtown road

Burton, Mrs. Mary, Hall Quay

Butcher, Mrs. Maria, King street

Butcher, Mrs. M., 10, St. George’s terrace

Button, Mr. James, 2, Bath place

Carter, Mr. Daniel, King street

Chandler, Mrs., 6, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Chevalier, Mrs. Sophia, 14, Southtown

Christmas, Mr. Cornelius H., South Market road

Clarke, Mrs., 2, Royal place

Clifton, Mr. Robert, 2, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Cobb, Mrs. Frances, King street

Cobles, Mrs. Rebecca, 6, Henry place

Colls, Mrs. Elizabeth, 84, Southtown road

Costerton, Mr. Frederic, Southtown road

Coston, Mrs. M. A., 7, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Creak, Mrs. Maria, Gaol street

Crickmay, Mrs. M. A., 37, Southtown road

Crowe, Mr. James, Fuller’s hill

Crowe, Miss M. A., 1, Flushing terrace

Crowther, Miss Mary, Church square

Cudeon, Mrs. Sarah, Regent street

Day, Mrs. Charlotte, King street

Decarle, Mrs., Trafalgar House

Dick, Mrs., South Quay

Diggins, Miss Elizabeth, 31, Southtown

Dilliston, Mr. Henry, row 142

Drake, Mrs. Amelia, 83, Southtown road

Dobson, Rev. St. N., 4, Claremont terrace

Doughty, Capt. James, Regent road

Douglass, Mr. James, Theatre plain

Douglass, Mr., 6, St. James’ terrace

Duffield, Mr. James, Southtown road

Dunne, Dr. John, Regent road

Dye, Mrs. Mary, King street

Emes, Mrs. Elizabeth, Fuller’s hill

Fabb, Miss, 62, Southtown road

Fear, Mrs. Mary, North Quay

Feek, Mrs., Recent road

Fell, — Esq., Regent road

Fenn, John, Esq., magistrate, North Quay

Fiddes, Joseph, Esq., Church square

Field, Mr. Michael, 12, Southtown

Fish, Mr. Simon, 79, Southtown road

Foreman, Mr. Thomas, Gaol street

Frane, Frederic, Esq., Regent road

Frere, Rev. Edward Borke, King street

Gibbs, Henry, H., Esq., Brunswick place

Godbolt, Mr. Joseph, Southtown road

Goodwin, Mr. John, North end

Gourlay, Joyce, Esq., Regent road

Green, Rev. Joseph, Baptist minister, Nelson’s terrace

Greenward, Mr. G., 7, Southtown road

Hales, Mrs. Lydia, Jetty road

Hall, John, 12, Henry’s place

Hammond, Mrs., 2, St. George’s terrace

Hammond, Richard, Esq., North Quay

Hankes, William, Esq., South Quay

Hardingham, Mr. W., 14, Seymour place

Harrison, Mr. James Hargroom, Gaol st.

Haw, Miss Jane, Regent street

Hayman, Rev. H., Gaol street

Hills, Rev. George, Parsonage House, Church square

Holt, Mrs. John, Southtown road

Hurst, Rev. Samuel, 80, Southtown road

Hutson, Mrs. Sarah, Southtown road

Jex, Mrs. Ann, 9, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Johnson, William, Esq., Southtown road

Keable, Mrs. Hannah, 3, Blake’s buildings

p. 169Keymer, Miss Anne, 63, Southtown road

Kiddall, Mr. Robert, King street

Lacon, Sir Edmund Knowles, Bart., Youell & Co., Bankers, Hall Quay

Lacon, Sir Edmund, Hopton, near Yarmouth

Lamb, Mrs. Mary, 87, Southtown road

Larklam, Mrs. Mary, Gaol street

Last, James, Esq., 35, Southtown road

Lawes, Capt. John Porter, (Hon. E. I. C.’s Madras Artillery), 5, St. George’s terrace

Layton, Mrs. Mary Hannah, North end

Layton, Mrs. Mortlock, North Quay

Lee, Mr. Henry, St. George’s road

Linder, Mrs. Mary Ann, King street

Long, Miss Susan, North Quay

Manthorp, Mr. George, 1, Sefton terrace

Marsh, Mrs. Ann, South Quay

Martin, Hezekiah, Esq., 32, Southtown

Mayhew, Mrs. Mary Ann, St. George’s road

Meen, Henry, 2, Apsley terrace

Middleton, Mrs. Susan, 7, Norfolk terrace

Miller, Richard, Esq., 19, Southtown road

Mitchell, Mrs. Amelia, South Quay

Moore, Mr. Charles, 48, Southtown road

Mountjoy, Mr. William, Jetty road

Mouse, the Misses Hannah M., 68, Southtown road

Naunton, George, Esq., 64, Southtown road

Neeve, Miss E., North end

Newman, Mrs. Mary, Regent street

Nisbett, Major Richard Blundell, North Quay

Orfeur, Mrs. E. Regent terrace

Orfeur, John, 12, Claremont terrace

Page, Miss Matilda, 84, Southtown

Page, Mrs., 11, Southtown

Paget, Samuel, Esq., 9, St. George’s terrace

Palmer, Charles John, Esq., Regent street

Palmer, Henry, Esq., Regent street

Palmer, Mrs. John B., 45, Southtown road

Partridge, Rev. John, Southtown road

Penrice, Mrs. Anne, King street

Pestell, Henry, 2, Henry’s place

Pigott, Jacob, 1, Henry’s place

Pillar, Joseph, row 142

Pope, Mrs. Sarah, 9, Albion terrace

Preston, E. H. L., Esq., North Quay

Preston, Mrs. Hannah, 11, St. George’s terrace

Preston, the Misses, Quay

Ray, Mrs. Catherine, 8, St. George’s terrace

Read, Mrs., 4, Trafalgar road

Richardson, William Josiah, 6, Trafalgar road

Richmond Edward, Southtown road

Rising, Mrs. Charlotte, King street

Rising, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1, Apsley terrace

Rising, George, Esq., 22, Southtown road

Rivett, Richard, Regent terrace

Roberts, Harold, Esq., South street

Roberts, William, Esq., 29, Southtown

Rounding, Thomas J. W., 33, Regent road

Russell, Rev. James, Gaol street

Sacret, Thomas, 60, Southtown road

Sault, Rev. Francis, 6, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Sayer, Mrs. Mary, 4, Norfolk terrace

Sculley, Edward, Buckenham House

Shephard, Mrs., 6, Ely place

Silcock, Mrs., 3, St. James’ terrace

Slipper, John, 92, Southtown road

Smith, Mrs. M. A., 41, Southtown road

Smith, Mr. Ormond, 11, Henry place

Spillings, William, Esq., Southtown

Spillings, William, 14, Henry place

Squire, Mr. William, North end

Steele, Edward, Esq., Regent road

Stephenson, Mrs. Eliza, Jetty road

Steny, Mrs., 5, St. James’ terrace

Steward, Mrs. Ann, South quay

Steward, Robert, Esq., magistrate, Southtown road

Stonex, Henry, 32, Regent road

Tann, Rev. James, Baptist minister, Regent road

Taylor, Mrs. Susannah, Gaol street

Terhance, Lieut. John, 5, Trafalgar road

Thaxter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 51, Southtown road

Thede, Mrs. Fanny, Regent road

Thetford, Miss Mary, 5, Norfolk terrace

Thirtle, Mrs. Harriet, 8, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Thirtle, William, Esq., South quay

Thornton, Mrs. Susannah, North end

Tillson, George, Esq., 52, Southtown road

Titshall, Miss Maria, 39, Southtown road

Tolver, Samuel, Esq., Hall quay

Turner, Miss M. A., Regent road

Tydeman, the Misses, Queen street

Tyler, Frederic, Esq., 23, Southtown road

Upjohn, Rev. Francis, M. A., vicar of Gorleston

Waller, Mr. William, Southtown cottage

Walpole, Mr. Jonas, Regent street

Walpole, William, Esq., Southtown

Warner, Mrs. Elizabeth, Apsley terrace

Waters, Rev. Mark, vicar of St. George’s, 15, Southtown road

West, Mrs., Chapel Paved row

Wigg, Mr. Samuel, White Horse plain

Willemite, Mrs. R., 2, Norfolk terrace

Woolverton, Mrs. M., Catherine, King st.

Worship, Francis, Esq., Regent street

Yetts, William, Esq., King street


Abbott, Edward, Fishing Boat tavern, Row 143

Ablett, Edward, Fishing Boat tavern, Gaol street

Absolon, William, Steam Packet tavern, North quay

Adams, Robert, Rainbow, Rainbow corner, North quay

Albrow, William, upholsterer and cabinet maker, George street

Alden, Daniel, Regent tavern, Monument road

Alden, Amy, lodging house, 2, Litchfield place

Aldis, Thomas, banker’s clerk, King str.

Aldred, Edward, jeweller, h North quay

Aldred and More, mast and plank makers, North quay

Aldred, Charles Cory, surgeon, Market-place

Aldred and Son, jewellers, &c., George street

Aldred, Thomas, tailor, &c., Gaol street

Aldridge, Samuel, Queen Victoria tavern, North end

Alexander, Alfred, marine store dealer, Laughing Image corner, North quay

Allan, John, commission agent, Quay

Allcock, Mrs., milliner, &c., Market row

Allrow, Richard, tailor, Gaol street

Ames, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Broad row

Amis, James, Black Boy, Queen street

Ames, Henry, baker, George street

Amos, Samuel, Earl St. Vincent, King street

Andrews, Susanna, hair dresser and toy warehouse, King street

Arbon, Charles George, bricklayer, Back of Wall

Arbon, James N., plumber, glazier, and painter, King street

Archer, Robert, grocer, Southtown road

Archer, Robert, carpenter, Southtown road

Archer, Thomas, confectioner, Jetty road

Artis, James, cutler, Howard street

Artiss, Miss, milliner, &c., Row 120

Artiss, William, cutler, Row 129

Ashly, Benjamin, shopkeeper, George street

Ashley, Benjamin, captain Royal Navy, 36, Southtown road

Atkins, William, whitesmith, North quay

Ayers, James, fish merchant, Regent road

Ayers, Thomas, watch and clock maker, silversmith and jeweller, Regent road

Ayers, William, gardener, Mansfield terrace, Monument road

Bacon, Robert, hatter, Charlotte street

Bacon, William, Golden Ball, George street

Bailey, James, captain, St. George’s road

Baker, James, Wheel of Fortune, George street

Baker, Robert, linen draper, mercer and hosier, Market-place

Baldwin, Charles, shoe maker and mender, North end

Bales, Christopher, butcher, Fuller hill

Bales, James, grocer and tea dealer, Market place

Bales, John Barney, coroner’s officer and crier at the quarter sessions, Railway hotel, North quay

Bales, William Ellis, confectioner, Market-place

Balls, Amy, fancy repository, King street

Balls, James, boot and shoe maker, York road

Balls, John, fish merchant, North quay

Balls, John, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Balls, Samuel, White Horse inn, White Horse plain

Balls, William, shopkeeper, George street

Banks, Isaac, seaman, Brunswick place

Barber and Co., shipping and general agents, South quay

Barber, Robert, rope manufacturer, York road

Barber, Robert David, savings’ bank and agent to the Economic Life Assurance Office, Howard street

Barber and Son, ship agents, White Lion opening, King street

Barber, Thomas Robert, haberdasher and small ware dealer, Church square

Barber, William, tailor and draper, Hall quay

Barcham, Emma, boarding academy, King street

Barham, Charles, fly owner, 2, Neptune terrace

Barker, John, shipowner and merchant, Quay

Barker, Francis, Bear inn, Southtown road

Barker, Misses, haberdashers and fancy dealers, Market row

Barker, M. A., lodging house, York road

Barker, William Wilson, cooper, Theatre plain

Barking, James, dyer, George street

Barlow, Elizabeth, Coach and Horses, North end

Barnaby, William Henry, fish merchant, 24, Southtown road

Barnes, —, butcher, Market-place

p. 171Barnes, Alfred John, hair-dresser, Hall quay

Barnes, Charles, hair-dresser, George str.

Barnes, Henry, broker, Charlotte street

Barnby, John Eager, wine and spirit merchant, Charlotte street

Barrett, Benjamin, classical and commercial boarding academy, North quay

Barratt, William, tailor, &c., Howard street

Bartram, John, Royal Vauxhall garden and refreshment rooms, opposite the railway station

Bartram, John, grocer and tea dealer, King street

Bartram, John Clarke, pawnbroker, Church square

Bate, William, architect and surveyor, North end

Bateman, Matthew, captain, Flushing terrace

Bateman, S. and J. M. A., muslin and fancy warehouse, Market-place

Batley, William, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Bayes, Benjamin, Sailors’ home, South quay

Bayfield, Doily Scott, shipowner, Jetty road

Beales, William, Anchor of Hope, St. George’s road

Beaxwell, Charles, Steam Packet tavern, South beach

Beazor, Martin, saddler and harness maker, Charlotte street

Beckett, Cubitt Thomas, grocer, &c., Factory yard

Beckett, James, eating house, Row 107

Becksfield, Henry, master mariner, 3, Norfolk terrace

Bee, James, boot maker, King street

Bee, Robert, boot maker, Market-place

Bee, Thomas, boot maker, Gaol street

Beecroft, Peter, confectioner, Charlotte street

Beevor, Thomas, confectioner and baker, Gaol street

Bell, Charles, lawyer, Nelson terrace

Bell, George, baker, George street

Bellamy, Daniel W., butcher, King street

Bellamy, Frederic, baker, Gaol street

Bellamy, Winter, butcher, King street

Bennett, John B., cooper, Row 102

Benstead, James, Rose and Crown, Charlotte street

Bessey, John, Lord Nelson tavern, North quay

Bessey, Robert, North tavern, North quay

Bessey, William Henry, coal merchant, Hall quay

Betts, Alfred, tea dealer and grocer, King street

Betts, Hannah, milliner and mantle establishment, Regent street

Betts, John, cordwainer, George street

Bexfield, Joseph, White Lion opening, King street

Bignell, George C., flour dealer, Theatre plain

Bird, William, corn merchant, 54, Southtown road

Bishop, Charles, hair dresser, St. George’s road

Bitson, George, British Lion, Market-place

Bitton, John, broker, Charlotte street

Bird and Co., auctioneers, Middlegate chambers, Gaol street

Blagg, Edward, Eagle tavern, North quay

Blagg, Thomas H., tea dealer and grocer, Market row

Blake, Garson, ship owner, broker, and commission agent, Marine Fire and Life Assurance, 74, Southtown road

Blake, Robert, fishmonger, Charlotte street

Blake, William, St. Nicholas’ tavern, fish merchant

Blaxell, Charles, Steam Packet tavern, South beach

Blaxell, Samuel, the Birds, Hall quay

Blogg, James, the George and Dragon, Church square

Bloomfield, Mary Ann, Humber Sloop, King street

Blyth, Henry, gutta percha dealer, Market-place

Blyth, John T., boot maker, Market-place

Blyth, Robert J., tobacconist and cigar dealer, Broad row

Bly, Samuel W., Bath hotel, North beach

Boast, James, clerk at the Silk mills factory, 4, Henry’s place

Bootwright, Ann, Rose and Thistle

Boatwright, Geoffrey, pawnbroker, Gaol street

Boatwright, Mary, London tavern, Gaol street

Bolt, James, pilot, 5, Devonshire place

Bond, John, chemist, &c., King street

Bond, Valentine, bonnet presser, Gaol street

Borcham, Philips, pawnbroker, George street

Borrett, Henry, coach builder, George street

Borrett, Simon, lodging house, 5, Apsley terrace

Botwright, Charles, cabinet maker, Gaol street

Boulter, Edward, lodging house, 2, St. James’ terrace

Boulter, Henry, confectioner, North road

p. 172Boulter, Thomas, railway terminus, North quay

Bowell, John, pilot, 11, Seymour place

Bowen, Samuel, Britannia tavern, South Market road

Boivers, Robert, haberdasher, George street

Bowles, Samuel, marine store dealer, Gaol street

Bracey, John, grocer, Fuller’s hill

Bracey, John, rope manufactory and ship owner, St. Peter’s road

Bracey, William, tailor, Charlotte street

Bradenham, Benjamin, fruiterer, Gaol str.

Bradenham, Joseph, green grocer, Gaol street

Branch, Elizabeth, stay maker, Charlotte street

Brand, Joseph S., agent to the Scottish Union Athenæum Fire and Accident Company, Quay

Brand, Robert M., tailor and draper, corner Broad row

Brand and Sons, general outfitters, Broad row

Brandford, Thomas, ship builder, Southtown road

Breese, Robert, ironmonger, Market-place

Brereton, Benjamin, mariner, Jetty road

Brewer, George, shoemaker, Charlotte street

Brewer, Sophia, Carpenters’ Arms, Howard street

Briggs, William, day and evening school, Fuller’s hill

Brighten, Isaac, East and West Flegg house, North end

Brock, John Harvey, tin, iron, copper, and zinc-plate worker, Theatre plain

Brock, Samuel, fish merchant, South beach

Brooks, John, blacksmith, Row 142

Brooks, William, boot and shoe maker, North end

Brown, Charles, corn merchant, 81, Southtown road

Brown, Charles, maltster, Foot of bridge

Brown and Colby, iron merchants, Gaol street

Brown and Cox, furniture dealers, Charlotte street

Brown, Francis, grocer, Jetty road

Brown and Hebner, milliners and dress makers, 2, St. Peter’s jetty road

Brown, Geoffrey, boot and shoe maker, Monument road

Brown, John, Angel inn, Market-place

Browne, John, Jolly Waterman, and cooper, Fuller’s hill

Browne, Mrs., register office for servants, row 48

Brown, Richard, fishmonger, 2, Brown’s buildings

Browne, William P., New Fountain, Gaol street

Browne, Frederic W., Nelson Tavern, King street

Budds, Horatio James, hairdresser, Howard street

Budds, William J., sail maker, and marine store dealer, row 138; h 59, Southtown road

Bullen, Sarah, Queen’s Head, Charlotte street

Bulley, Joseph, boot and shoe manufacturer, paved row 129

Bullimore, Robert, Elephant and Castle, Market-place

Bullimore, Thomas, Shakespeare tavern, King street

Bunn, Henry Vincent, butcher, Howard street

Bunn, James, merchant, King street

Bunwell, William, baker, row 45

Burgess, Benjamin, plumber, glazier, &c., North End

Burgess, Thomas, stone and marble mason, North quay

Burkett, Mary Ann, lodging house, South beach

Burling, William, shopkeeper, and post-office, White Lion opening, King street

Burroughes, William Norton, wine and spirit merchant and ship owner

Burton, Benjamin, Waterman’s Arms, and carter, North Quay

Burton, Charles, plumber and glazier, Gaol street

Burton, George, Queen’s Arms, foot of the bridge

Burton, Hezekiah W., boot and shoe maker, King street

Burton, James, family grocer and Italian warehouseman, King street

Burton, James, tin and zinc-plate worker, off St. Nicholas’ road

Burton, Samuel C., solicitor, King street

Burwood, Isaac, Bricklayers’ Arms, Leicester terrace

Burward, John, clerk, 4, Blake’s buildings

Butcher, Matthew, tanner, Jetty road

Butcher and Sons, commission merchants and ship agents, White Lion opening, King street (and Lowestoft)

Butler, Mrs. Elizabeth, green grocer, North Quay

Button, Benjamin, surgeon, Regent street

Buxton, John Trueman, house and estate agent, Impey house, Fuller’s hill

Bycroft, George, orange merchant, Charlotte street

p. 173Cable, Jeremiah, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Cady, George, Victoria tavern, Charlotte street

Cain, Elizabeth, straw bonnet and millinery establishment, Market-place

Calthorpe, Edward, hay merchant, Wheelwrights’ Arms, Southtown

Campbell, Robert, silk mercer, King str.

Capon, William, master mariner, 53, Southtown road

Carr, George William, clerk, Elmer place

Carr, Onesimus, grocer, 1 Wiltshire place, St. George’s road

Carr, Mrs. Sarah, lodging house, 7, Bath Hill terrace

Carrell, Roger, royal bazaar, King street

Carrier, William, baker, Gaol street

Carriers, William P., baker, 116 row

Carter, George C., Bell and Crown, South Quay

Carter, Maria, South Market road

Carter, William, Spread Eagle, King street

Carter, William, sailor, row 143

Carver, Isaac, basket maker, Gaol street

Cattermole, James, Holkham tavern, North beach

Catton, Charles, organ builder, row 108

Catton, William, watchmaker and jeweller, row 108

Caverly, Mrs. Susan, eating house, North Quay

Ceiley, Thomas, painter and glazier, George street

Chamberlin, Charles H., solicitor and notary, King street

Chambers, William, sail maker, row 112

Chapman, James, Angel, South Quay

Chapman, John, fruiterer, Theatre plain

Chapman, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, North end

Chapman, William, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Chase, John, hairdresser, South street

Chasteney, Everson, baker, East End road

Chasteney, John, baker and shopkeeper, North end

Cheston, William, coach trimmer, and lodging house, 3, 5, 7, Britannia terrace

Child, James, clerk, North Quay

Childs, Robert, private subscription rooms, Regent street

Childs, William, carter, row 137

Child, William, tailor, Gaol street

Childs, William C., hairdresser, Gaol street

Chilvers, James, grocer and tea dealer, Charlotte street

Christmas, John Waters, Royal Exchange, South Quay

Church, Charlotte, shopkeeper, Howard street

Church, Elizabeth, milliner, &c., St. Nicholas’ road

Clare, Adam, captain, 13, Seymour place

Clarke, Mrs. Ann, lodging house, South beach

Clark, Edmund, confectioner, Gaol street

Clarke, Richard, cabinet maker, Charlotte street

Clark, Samuel, surgeon, King street

Clarke, William, shipwright, Howard street

Claxton, James, baker, George street

Clayton, John Thomas, cabinet maker and upholsterer, King street

Clements, Thomas, beach post office, grocer and tea dealer, 12, Norfolk terrace

Clifton, Hezekiah T., wheelwright and coal merchant, North end

Clipperton, James, seaman, Elmer place

Clowes, George W., ironmonger, Howard street, and corner of Market-row

Clowes, John, grocer, tea and coffee dealer, Hall Quay

Clowes John, solicitor, agent to the Norwich Union Fire office, Regent street

Clowes, John, solicitor, King street

Coachman, Edward R., Lloyd’s surveyor of shipping, 42, Southtown road

Coble, John, chemist and druggist, opposite Broad row

Cobb and Son, tanners, curriers, and boot manufacturers, George street

Cobb, John, currier and leather merchant, Charlotte street

Cobb, James, custom-house officer, Regent street

Cobb, James, attorney and notary, Regent street

Cobb, James, leather cutter, George str.

Cobb, John, lodging house, Nile cottage

Cocks and Son, woollen drapers, tailors, and hatters, King street

Cocks, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker, 12, Seymour place

Cohen, David Leyser, fruiterer, tobacconist, &c., Market row

Coleman, Edmund, wine cooper, 3, Henry’s place

Cole, Miss Rebecca, school, St. George’s plain

Collier, Thomas William, fish salesman, back of Wall

Collins, Ann, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Collins, John, shoemaker, row 132

Collis, James, master mariner, 4, Apsley terrace

Coman, William, post-horse master, King street

p. 174Combe, Harvey, licensed maltster, Southtown road

Combs, Marmus, ham curer, Gaol street

Cooke, Sarah, grocer, &c., Victoria road

Cooper, John, bookseller, stationer, and printer, Market-place

Cooper, Thomas, builder, South Market road

Cooper, Clarke, plumber and painter, George street

Cooper, Henry, miller, Southtown

Cootes, Henry, fish agent, St. George’s road

Corbyn, Hartwell, tailor and draper, 4, Albion terrace

Corke, John, officer of Inland Revenue, 1, Ely place

Corp, Mrs., lodging house, 11, Claremont terrace

Cory, Charles, solicitor and notary, public town clerk, and clerk to the Board of Health, Gaol street

Cory, Samuel B., solicitor, Regent street

Cossey, John, Peace and Plenty, Market gates

Costerton, Joseph, Haven and Pier duties office, South Quay

Courlay, David Abraham, haberdashery, cutlery, and toy warehouse, Market row

Crampton John, 5, Buckingham place

Crane, Isabella, shopkeeper, Charlotte st.

Crane, John, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Crane, Clement, shoemaker, Gaol street

Craske, William, carpenter and builder, North end

Crawford, Kennedy, draper and tea dealer, Monument road

Crick, William, clerk at the crape mills, 1, Trafalgar place

Crickmore, Samuel, Hall tavern, Southtown

Crisp, Samuel Bedford, general ironmonger, St. George’s street

Crisp, Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, South beach

Crisp, Edward, coach and fly proprietor, row 104

Crosby & Co., shawl and lace warehouse, King street

Crowe, Frederic, estate agent, Howard street

Crowe, James W., surgeon, Regent str.

Crowe, William R., Bush tavern, South Quay

Cubitt, Samuel, maltster, Southtown road

Cufaude, John Lomas, attorney, Howard street

Curson, Matthew, watch and clock maker, Charlotte street

Curtis, William, corn merchant, Charlotte street

Curtis, Mrs. Ann, milliner, Market row

Curtis, Henry Laws, shopkeeper, Howard street

Curtis, Mrs. Maria, lodging house, 12, Bath place

Dale, Thomas, Water Works Company’s office, Regent street

Darnell, James, master mariner, 2, Seymour place

Darnell, William, master mariner, row 143

Dashwood, Charles Burton, surgeon, King street

Davy, Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 2, Trafalgar place

Davy, Elijah, jun., watch and clock maker, North end

Davy, Frederic, dispensing and family chemist, King street

Davy, John W., lodging house, 1, South Beach road

Davey, Robert, watch maker, Charlotte street

Davie, William, Trinity superintendent, South street

Davis, Philip, draper, Jetty road

Dawson, Benjamin, corn merchant, Hall Quay

Dawson, Robert, steam-packet master, Gaol street

Dawson, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, row 21, North Quay

Dawson, William, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Dawson, William, boot and shoe maker, Broad row

Day, George, boot and shoe maker, North Market road

Dendy, Frederic, draper, silk mercer, &c. corner of Regent street

Dendy, Mrs., baby linen warehouse, Regent street

Dene House, Yarmouth, boarding and lodging for ladies, gentlemen, or families, conducted by Mrs. Sloman

Denew, James M., printer and bookseller, 72, Hall square

Denton, David, Three Tuns inn, Southtown

Derry, James Fulcher, Black Swan, Howard street

Derry, William L., tailor, &c., Howard street

Diboll, Joseph William, bookbinder, Howard street

Dyboll, Ann, glass and china warehouse, Market row

Ding, John, cabinet maker, North end

Diver, Boswell, spirit merchant, Regent road

p. 175Diver and Son, wine and spirit merchants, King street

Doidge, Sampson, lodging house, 9, Blake’s buildings

Doughty, Charles, currier and leather seller, White Horse plain

Doughty, Henry, plumber and glazier, Trafalgar Cottage, North beach

Doughty, Thomas, plumber, glazier, and gas fitter, Gaol street

Doughty, Thomas Drane, grocer and tea dealer, North end

Douglass, Sarah, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Dove, James, sailor, row 132

Dowland, John, White Horse tavern, King street

Downing, Capt. Thomas, 1, Claremont terrace

Dowson and Sons, maltsters, foot of bridge

Drane, James, clerk at Gurneys’ bank, 21, Southtown road

Draper, John, butcher, Market-place

Draper, Joseph, butcher, King street

Draper, William Henry, Turk’s Head, Gaol street

Dublack, James P., marine store dealer, row 104

Duffell, Robert, shopkeeper, George str.

Duffell, Thomas, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Duffield, William, dealer in fruit, &c., Rainbow corner

Duffield, William, greengrocer, George street

Dunn, William, shoemaker, St. George’s road

Dunnell, George, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Dye, George, grocer and flour dealer, North end

Dysons, William, sail manufacturer, Nelson terrace

Earrol, Isaiah P., baker and shopkeeper, Gaol street

Eastick, Henry, fishmonger, row 142

Eastick, Jabez, draper, Market row

Eastick, L., manager of Gas Works, Southtown road

Eaton, Capt. William W., North Trafalgar House

Ecclestone, William, lodging house, 6, Seymour place

Ecclestone, Richard, draper, Broad row

Edward, Ann, hat and hosiery warehouse, George street

Edwards, David, baker, grocer, and tea dealer, Southtown road

Edwards, Edward R., tailor, Gaol street

Edwards, Mary, pork butcher, George st.

Edwards, Thomas B., tailor, George str.

Edwards, William, greengrocer, Gaol str.

Ellen, Mrs., poulterer, St. George’s road

Ellerd, Eliza, general shopkeeper, George street

Ellerd, Robert William, confectioner, King street

Ellett, James, mast and block maker, Hall Quay

Elliott, George, William Tell, Howard st.

Elliott, Philip, lodging house, North Quay

Ellis, Mrs. M. A., lodging house, 17, Trafalgar terrace

Ellis, Robert, Two-necked Swan, Market-place

Ellis, Robert, Victoria hotel, South beach

Ellis, Robert Bean, brush manufacturer, Broad row

Ellis, A, and Son, brush and cork manufacturer and fancy dealer, Market-place

Ellis, William, shipwright, 6, Buckingham place

Elmer, James, lodging house, 8, Seymour place

English, Charles, lodging house, North Market road

English, Joseph, grocer, &c., North Market road

English, Robert, fish merchant, South Market road

Everitt, John, rope maker, King street

Everitt, William, Millwright, North end

Ewls, Clara, greengrocer, Gaol street

Falk, Thomas, Two Brewers, George st.

Farman, Samuel, baker and publican, North Quay

Farrow, George, tailor, Albion cottage, North beach

Farrow, John, ship agent, King street

Faulke, William, butcher, back of Wall

Febb, John Charles, lawyer, Nelson’s terrace

Fellowes and Son, ship builders, Southtown

Fenn, John, grocer and tea dealer, Market-place

Ferrier, Frederic W., solicitor, Regent street

Ferrier, Richard, corn chandler, White Horse plain

Field, Michael, china and earthenware shop, King street

Fill, Samuel John, ship chandler, South Quay

Fish, Charlotte, straw bonnet maker, Church square

Fish, John, cooper, Regent road

Fish, Sothern, lodging house, 2, Wiltshire cottage

Fisher, John, solicitor, South Quay

Fisher, William T., optician, &c., South Quay

Fiske, Henry, orange merchant, Market row

p. 176Fisk, Robert, City of London tavern, Charlotte street

Flaxman, Robert, coach smith, North Quay

Fletcher, Robert, shoe maker, King str.

Flegg, Charles, millinery establishment, Market row

Flowerday, Maria, Saracen’s Head, Church square

Flower, Joseph George, general dealer and potatoe merchant, Market row

Folk, Thomas Nickolds, glass and china warehouse, Market row

Ford, Martha, lodging house, Gaol street

Forder, Edward H., hair dresser, Regent street

Forder, Frederic, cabinet maker, St. Nicholas’ road

Forder, Joseph Sharman, Tanners’ Arms, off Market road

Forder, Rebecca, broker, Charlotte street

Foreman, Elizabeth, haberdasher, Broad row

Foreman, James, master mariner, 2, Somerset place

Foreman, Thomas, baker, &c., Gaol str.

Foreman, William J., coal merchant, Hall Quay

Fosdike, Robert, ironmonger, Nelson terrace

Fowler, Daniel Reed, manufacturer and linen and woollen draper, Market-place

Francis, George, fishmonger, North end

Franklin, John, Crown and Anchor, Hall Quay

Freeman, Charles, grocer and flour dealer Charlotte street

Freeman, Charles, ironmonger, Church square

Freeman, Charles, ironmonger, King str.

Freeman, John, Mariner’s Chart, Gaol street

Freeman, William, engraver, lithographer, and printer, Market-place

French, John, Royal Standard, Victoria road

French, Matilda, shopkeeper, George street

French, Thomas, fish merchant, Royal Standard, North beach

Fromow, Thomas, shoemaker, Gaol str.

Frosdick, William, grocer, &c., Market road

Frost, Thomas, ginger beer merchant, Charlotte street

Fry, John, hair dresser, Charlotte street

Fulcher and Dyson, sailmakers, row 108

Fulcher, Edmund, hairdresser, Market-place

Fulcher, William, blacksmith, Fuller’s hill

Fyson, Joseph, draper and haberdasher, Market row

Fyson, Joseph, linen and woollen draper, Market-place

Godbur, Matilda, lodging house, Wellington Lodge, South beach

Gambling, Horace, miller, 13, Southtown

Garnham, Lieut. John, R. N., Southtown road

Garrod, David, gas fitter, Charlotte street

Garrad, Sarah, shopkeeper, George street

Garson, Susan, school, King street

Gayfer, John, fish merchant, North Quay

Gaze, Hannah, lodging house, 3, Providence place

Gaze, John, builder, 1, Somerset place, North Denes

Gee, Richard, Duke of Sussex, Market-place

George, John, shipwright, Howard street

George, Thomas, seaman, Jetty road

George, Thomas, draper, King street

Garrod, Edward, Princess Charlotte, George street

Gibbs, Robert, waterproof hat manufacturer, North Quay

Giles, George William, ship bread baker and auctioneer, South Quay

Gilkes, Sarah, dressmaker, South Market road

Gillings, Benjamin, shoemaker, Gaol str.

Gillings, George, baker, &c., George str.

Gillings, Mary Ann, Nelson’s Head, King street

Glanfield, William, common and general agent, St. George’s road

Glenister, Ann, lodging house, 1, Kent place

Godbolt, Joseph, cooper, &c., Southtown

Goddard, Henry E., chemist, agent to the London Union Fire and Life Assurance office, White Horse plain

Goddard, James, lodging house, South Market road

Goffin, Alfred, dealer in marine stores, Fuller’s hill

Goffin, John, junr., plumber and glazier, Southtown

Goffin, John, plumber and glazier, King street

Goffin, Martha, day school, row 8

Gold, John Daniel, hairdresser, Market-place

Gooch, Borrett, stationer, Regent road

Gooch, David, pawnbroker, Gaol street

Gooch, Thomas, hotel, Monument road

Gooch, Thomas, basket maker, North Quay

Gooda, Thomas William, blacksmith and wheelwright, foot of bridge

Goodram, James, shopkeeper, Gaol street

p. 177Goodrick, George T., boot and shoe manufacturer and auctioneer, Market-place

Goodwin, Richard, dealer in hay, Tomlinson Arms, Gaol street

Goodwin, Samuel, lodging house, Thorpe cottage

Gosling, William, fish merchant, Jetty road

Gould, Mrs., lodging house, 3, Britannia terrace

Gowing, Elizabeth, draper, 7, Victoria road

Gowing, John, Sir Samuel Hood, Charlotte street

Gray, Thomas Edward, bell hanger, gas fitter, and engineer, King street

Green, Charles, boot and shoe maker, King street

Green, Robert, wine and spirit vaults, Fuller’s hill

Greenacre, James, flour shop, North end

Greenacre, Thomas, carpenter, Monument road

Greenwood, Edward, builder, Market road

Grief, James, fish merchant, row 137

Grudgefield, Robert W., Her Majesty’s Customs, King street

Grumble, Henry, pork butcher, South st.

Gull, William, mariner, King street

Gunn, William, grocer, &c., North Market road

Gunton, Samuel, butcher, Market-place

Gunton, Simon, jun., butcher, Market-place

Gurney, Matthew, fishmonger, North end

Guydon, William, bonnet warehouse, Church square

Guyton, George, upholsterer, &c., North Quay

Guyton, Thomas, cabinet maker, row 129

Guyton, William, cooper, row 45

Guyton, James, Albion, Monument road

Hacon, Henry, butcher, George street

Hacon, Henry Thomas, butcher, South street

Hacon, William Craske, grocer and tea dealer, White Horse plain

Haines, John, Prince Regent, Gaol street

Haines, William C., Waterloo tavern, Jetty road

Halfnight, John, master mariner, 9, Henry place

Hall, Abraham, shopkeeper, Fuller’s hill

Hall, Henry, grocer and baker, near Nelson place

Hall, Henry, licensed to let horses and gigs

Hall, James B., grocer, Millers’ Arms, North Market road

Hall, James, baker, Hall Quay

Hall, John, mariner, 3, Devonshire place

Hall, John, Grapes, George street

Hall, William, boot and shoe maker, row 140

Hall, William, sailor, 2, Buckingham place

Halland, James, dealer in tea, Temperance coffee house, Gaol street

Halliday, Daniel, hairdresser, King street

Hales, Ann Maria, midwife, Charlotte st.

Halsey, James, lodging house, 2, Blake’s buildings

Hammond, Hinchman, carpenter and joiner, King street

Harbord, Thomas, whitesmith, Priory plain

Harbord, William, corn and flour merchant, North Market road

Harman, Henry, Crown tavern, North end

Harmer, Benjamin, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Harmer, Henry Robert, solicitor, South Quay

Harmer, Robert, solicitor, Quay

Harris, John, pipe maker, Fuller’s hill

Harrison, John, dealer in marine stores, row 136

Harrison, William, grocer and tea dealer, Gaol street

Hart, Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 1, Blake’s buildings

Harvey, George, whitesmith, row 136

Harvey, George, veterinary surgeon, Southtown road

Harvey, James, dealer, &c., row 139

Harvey, Robert, whitesmith, row 118

Harvey Robert, lodging house, South beach

Hastings, Susanna and Mary Ann, milliners and dressmakers, Market road

Hastings, William B., baker and grocer, Victoria place

Hatch, William, plumber and glazier, Howard street

Havers, Caroline, milliner and straw bonnet maker, South Market road

Hawes, Charles, boot and shoe maker, row 129

Hawkins, Elizabeth, lodging house, St. George’s road

Hawkins, John, baker, North Quay

Hawkins, —, lodging house, Albion terrace

Hawkins, William, pork butcher, Gaol st.

Hay, Louisa, news agent, Charlotte street

Hayward Ann, ladies’ day school, Theatre plain

Hayward, Edward G., basket maker, St. Nicholas’ road

Henry, Jonathan, fishmonger, North Quay

Herring, John George, ham, tongue, and bacon curer, King street

p. 178Herrington, William, boot and shoe maker, White Horse plain

Hewby, Elizabeth, lodging house, Jetty road

Hewett, William Henry, chemist and dentist, Market-place

Hickling, Robert, auctioneer, Cattle Market inn

High, Louisa, lodging house, 10, Albion terrace

High, William, boot and shoe maker, Gaol street

Hill, Robert, mercer, Market row

Hodgkinson, Frederic, solicitor, South Quay

Hogg, Capt. Robert, 3, Seymour place

Holland, George, mariner, 6, Norfolk terrace

Holley, Thomas, seaman, George street

Holliday William, hairdresser, Church square

Hollis, Job, cutler and grinder, Gaol str.

Holmes, George, hairdresser, South street

Holmes, G. W., East of England bank, Regent street

Holmes, Joseph, coachman, Market road

Holmes, Robert, mariner, Gaol street

Holsworth, Stephen, Suffolk tavern, Gaol street

Holt & Son, solicitors, agents to Norwich Union Assurance office, Quay

Horn, Robert, lodging house, 4, Devonshire place

Houchen, George, confectioner, Howard street

Houghton, Thomas, baker, Gaol street

Houghton, William, boat builder, North Quay

Howard, Charles Mills, Steam Packet tavern, Hall Quay

Howard, Hannah, stay maker, Gaol street

Howard, James, gardener, North end

Howard, James, Barking Smack, opposite jetty

Howard, John, Barking Smack, South beach

Howard, Mary, baker, Charlotte street

Howard, Samuel, baker, George street

Howes, Henry, plumber and glazier, Southtown

Howes, Thomas, master mariner, 6, Somerset place

Howes, Mrs. Wm., lodging house, 1, Russell square

Howes, William, Old White Lion, King street

Howlett, Ann, pawnbroker, Howard str.

Howlett, George, baker, George street

Howlett, John, broker, Gaol street

Howlett, William, broker, Charlotte str.

Hubbard, John, dyer, Gaol street

Hudson, Thomas, Rose tavern, King str.

Hull, Mary, Royal Oak, Hall quay

Humphrey, John, agent to the County Fire and Provident Life Office, Ely place

Hunt, Charles B., plumber and glazier, Market road

Hunt, Elijah, shopkeeper and potatoe merchant, Gaol street

Hunt, Frederic Thomas, hairdresser, agent to the Observer Life Assurance, King st.

Hunt, Henry, watch maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Broad row

Hunter, Cornelius, draper, 9, Somerset place

Hunter, Henry C., Foundry Arms, Gaol street

Hunter, Henry Lovick, tailor, hosier, and haberdasher, Fuller’s hill

Hurren, George, Ferry Boat inn, Southtown

Hurst, Thomas, lodging house, 4, Buckingham place

Hylton, John B., shipowner and coal merchant, South quay

Ingram, Charles, North Star, North quay

Ingram, William, Railway tavern, Fuller’s hill

Isaac, John Jacob, builder, St. Nicholas’ road

Ives, Samuel, confectioner, Howard str,

Ives, Samuel R., confectioner, Church square

Jackson, James, Priory house, Priory lane

Jackson, James, cheese factor and general provision merchant, North quay

Jackson, Wm., corn and seed merchant, and commission agent, North quay

Jackson, William, corn merchant, Southtown road

Jacobs, Jacob, general dealer, Broad row

Jarred, Frederic, fishmonger, North quay

Jarrald, William, grocer, 5, Seymour place

Jarvis, Thomas H., mariner, Jetty road

Jay, Amelia, dress maker, Row 128

Jay, Benjamin, coal merchant, King str.

Jay, Elizabeth, Church square

Jay, Francis, baker, King street

Jay, Henry M., shipowner, King street

Jay, James B., baker and shopkeeper, Rainbow corner, North quay

Jay, Edward Ward, chemist, King street

Jecks, W. and C., importers of timber and deals, South quay

Jackman, James, shopkeeper, Charlotte st.

Jenkinson, Samuel, shipowner, South Market road

Jephson, Charles, Assam tea warehouse, Hall quay

Jewell, Edmund D., solicitors’ clerk, 7, Henry’s place

p. 179Jewell, William, Red Lion, Gaol street

Johnson Brothers, waterproof clothing manufacturers, Row 136

Johnson, George, Horse and Groom, Market-place

Johnson, Henry, tailor, Monument road

Johnson, James, sailor, 9, Southtown

Johnson, Job, builder, Theatre plain

Johnson, Joshua, baker and shopkeeper, Howard street

Johnson, Joshua, cabinet maker and lodging house, St. George’s road

Johnson, John William, draper, King street

Johnson, Robert S., evening school, South Market road

Johnson, Robert, bricklayer, Hall quay

Johnson, Robert, pork butcher, George street

Johnson, Sturwaight, linen draper, 18, Southtown road

Johnson and Sons, carpet warehousemen and drapers, corner Market row

Johnson, William Steward, draper, 4, Britannia terrace

Johnson, William, linen draper, 82, Southtown road

Johnson, William, baker, Market row

Johnson, Samuel, draper, &c., 8, Henry’s place

Joygel, Robert, Coachmakers’ Arms, Market-place

Juby, Elizabeth, lodging house, 9, Bath Hill terrace

Juler, Miles, watch maker and jeweller, Row 129

Julier, John, ship captain, Swan’s buildings

Keable, Henry, window blind manufacturer, Theatre plain

Keable, John, butcher, Market-place

Keevil, George, stationer and news agent, King street

Kelf, Thomas Philip, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Kemp, Stephen, Marine hotel, South beach

Kemp, William, boot and shoe maker, Market row

Kemp, John Charles, tailor, draper, and hatter, King street

Kemp, William, baker, row 125

Kemp, Capt. Richard, 89, Southtown road

Kent, William, baker, St. George’s road

Kerrenhappuch, Hammond, milliner and straw bonnet maker, King street

Key, John, builder, North quay

Key, William, St. George’s tavern, St. George’s road

Key, Robert, Market gate, Market road

King, Alfred, White Swan, South Quay

King, Elizabeth Ann, lodging house, 16, Trafalgar terrace

King, Frederic, grocer, &c., row 129

King, George, shoemaker, King street

Kittle, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Jetty road

King, William, Norfolk tavern, Gaol str.

Knowles, James, mast, block, and pump maker, North Quay

Lacey, Mary, Yarmouth Arms, Hall Quay

Lacon, Sir E. and Sons, brewery, Church square

Ladbrooke, Robert, carver and gilder, Gaol street

Laird, Robert, Pleasure Boat tavern, North Quay

Lake, Robert John, Blue Anchor, Market-place

Lake, William, silk mills, Saint Nicholas’ road

Lamb, James, basket maker, Market row

Lamb, William, butcher, St. George’s road

Lamb, Richard, butcher, King street

Lamb, Matthew, fishmonger, North Quay

Lamb, Thomas, jeweller and silversmith, row

Lane, James S., coach builder, North end

Lane, Benjamin, collector of Market tolls and poor rates, Flushing terrace

Larke, Robert, clothier, King street

Larke and Bartram, stone and marble masons, North Quay

Lark, Robert, tailor and clothier, Gaol st.

Larke, Edgar, shoe manufacturer and general outfitter, Broad row

Lark, James, Cross Keys, Gaol street

Larke, William, grocer and baker, South Market road

Lark, Mary, lodging house, 2, Claremont terrace

Larlham, Jane, dress and mantle maker, King street

Last, William Robert, silversmith, King street

Lawn, James, tailor, hatter, and woollen draper, Broad row

Laws, William, grocer and tea dealer, George street

Laws, James, grocer, Millers’ Arms, North Market road

Laws, Joseph, baker, St. Nicholas’ road

Lay, James, shopkeeper, Howard street

Layton, William B., hairdresser, Theatre plain

Layton, Hezekiah M., assessor of taxes, 6, Southtown

Layton, Thomas, pilot, 7, Providence place

Lee, John, chemist and cod liver oil maker, Kimberley terrace, South beach

p. 180Leeder, Richard Edmund, boot and shoe maker, Broad row

Leggett, James, bricklayer, back of Wall

Lessey, Samuel, grocer and tea dealer, King street

Lettis, Thomas, rope maker, King street

Levy, Solomon, dealer in cigars and foreign fruit, Broad row

Lexon, John, grocer, &c., North Quay

Libbis, James, Anson Arms inn, Southtown

Lincoln, Sarah, milliner and dress maker, Hall Quay

Lincoln, Henry, tailor, North Quay

Lingwood, Charles, Greyhound, Southtown road

Little, David, grocer and tea dealer, wholesale and retail

Lock, James, lodging house, 3, Bath hill terrace

Locket, William, grocer, &c., Southtown road

Lorimer, John, grocer and tea dealer, Broad row

Lott, John Henry, ship chandler, King st.

Louttid, William, haberdashery and fancy warehouse, Market row

Lovewell, Thomas S., Norfolk and Norwich Arms, St. George’s road, Denes

Lovick, William, mast and block maker, lodging house, 3, York terrace

Lowrie, Catherine, milliner, Gaol street

Lubbock, Charles, common brewer, row 144

Lucia, William, grocery and provision warehouse, King street

Lumber, Charles, shopkeeper, George str.

Lupson, Edward John, Scripture reader, 8, Somerset place

Lydamore, Mary, milliner, Gaol street

Mabson, William, chemist, Market-place

Mack, William Leeder, tailor and draper, Market row

Mack, William, tailor, Market road

Mack, Isaac G., boat builder, 71, Southtown road

Mack, William Christmas, organ builder, pianoforte tuner, &c., 3, Somerset place

Mainprice, John, wine and spirit merchant, wholesale and retail

Mallett, Samuel, marine store dealer, Gaol street

Mann, William, fish salesman, St. George’s road

Mann, William, shopkeeper, George street

Manning, George Henry, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Manning, Mrs. Hannah, blacksmith, St. Nicholas’ road

Manship, George, Excursion Train, North Quay

Margerom, Daniel, shopkeeper, Howard street

Margeston, Henry, gardener, South Market road

Margetsons, Joseph, florist, &c., North end

Margeston, Hannah M., dressmaker, South Market road

Marsh, William, pork butcher, George street

Marsh, Samuel Charles, importer and dealer in Foreign wines and spirits, Regent street

Marshall, William, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Marshall, Edward, greengrocer, Fuller’s hill

Marshall, Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 2, Providence place

Martins, Richard and Thomas, tailors, hatters, hosiers, and general outfitters, Market row

Martins, Samuel, shoemaker, Gaol street

Maryson, Francis, ruler and bookbinder, row 101

Mason, Madame de, Jetty road, French milliner and dressmaker

Mason, William, lodging house, 6, Bath inn terrace

Mason, John, boot and shoe maker, Fuller’s hill

Matthews, Benjamin, baker, Gaol street

Mayers, John, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Mayston, Robert, Steam Packet, George street

Meadows, William, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Meall, Louis Alfred, stationer and printer, Hall quay

Mede, George, confectioner, King street

Medex, Sampson, A., merchant, King street

Miles, James T., shopkeeper, 10, Bath place

Miles, Richard, Duke of York, George street

Miller, Mrs. Caroline, grocer, Monument road, Dowager place

Miller, Miss S. B., dressmaker, row 127

Miller, William, shoemaker, South quay

Miller and Hunt, linen and woollen drapers, Market place

Mingay, Jonathan, tailor, North quay

Minns, William, Norfolk Hero, Gaol street

Mitchell, James, shopkeeper, South street

Mitchell, Michael, south-westers and water-proof manufacturer, Howard str.

Mobbs, Wm., Mariners’ tavern, Howard street

Moise, Thomas, warehouseman, 10, Norfolk terrace

Molloth, William N., pianoforte dealer, King street

p. 181Money, Thomas, confectioner, Charlotte street

Money, Mrs. Maria, lodging house, 19, Trafalgar terrace

Monsey, Mary, clothes dealer, George str.

Moody, Jeremiah, eating house, Church square

Moore and Nuthal, tailors and hatters, Market place

Moore, Joseph B., drapery, bonnet, mantle, and dress-making establishment, Market place

Moore, Thomas, tailor, draper, and hatter, Broad row

Moore, James B., carpenter and joiner, Osborne terrace

Morly, Mrs. Mary, registrar office for servants, Regent street

Morris, Charles, manager of Athenæum Fire, Professional Life, General Life, Cattle, Accidental, and Compensation Offices, Regent street

Moss, Thomas, mariner, Jetty road

Moss, William, leather cutter, George str.

Moss, Mary Ann, dressmaker, North end

Moss, Mrs., lodging house, 4, Devonshire place

Moss, William, greengrocer, Jetty road

Nash, Henry, mariner, Neptune terrace

Nash, John, currier, shoe mercer, and leather cutter, King street

Neale, Ann, Neptune, Priory place

Neale, Stephen, fish merchant, 11, Bath place

Neave, Richard, baker and shopkeeper, Fuller’s hill

Neaves, George, rope and twine manufacturer, North end

Neave, James William, woollen draper, tailor, hatter, and general outfitter, North end

Neave, James, rope and twine spinner, North end

Newark, Henry, cabinet maker and broker, George street

Newark, Isaac, shopkeeper, Charlotte str.

Newark, John, broker and shoemaker, Charlotte street

Newman, William, tailor, 8, Providence place

Newstead, Thomas, vessel rigger, Brunswick place

Newton, William, boot and shoe maker, Market row

Nichols, John Cubitt, Sir John Franklin, Victoria road

Nickerson, Robert, bricklayer, Gaol str.

Nightingale, Samuel, maltster, 9, Parish row

Noble, Henry, lodging house, Southtown

Nolloth, William, bootmaker, King street

Nolloth, John, tailor, draper, and hatter, Regent street

Norfor, Henry James, builder, St. George’s road

Norgate, William, lodging house, 1, Brown’s buildings

Norman, Simon, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Charlotte street

Norman, Richard M., surgeon, St. George’s road

Norman, John, plumber, glazier, and painter, Theatre plain

Norman, Simon, cabinet maker, 9, Bath place

Norton, Alfred Crowe, grocer, tea dealer, and coffee roaster, Market row

Norton, Henry B., builder, St. George’s road, and row 118, Gaol street

Norton, William, Ship tavern, Gaol street

Norton, James William, bookseller, Gaol street

Norton, Thomas Richard, coal merchant, Southtown road

Noverre, Frank, dancing academy, (on Wednesdays), back of Wall

Nunn, Joseph, lodging house keeper, Jetty road

Nutman, Edward, confectioner, Market row

Nutman, Mary Ann, Sons of Commerce, South Quay

Nutman, John Hawkins, smith and ironmonger, branch post-office, Fuller’s hill

Obee, Obadiah, builder, Regent road

Offord and Son, cutlers and surgical instrument manufacturers, Howard street

Oliver, George, seaman, Gaol street

Olley, James, coffee and eating house, Market-place

Olley and Son, tailors and drapers, Market row

Olley, Thomas, tailor, 3, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Orfeur, John, timber and deal merchant, Southtown road

Orfeur, Thomas, captain, 4, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Orfeur, Thomas, captain, back of Wall

Osborne, Omar, sexton of St. Nicholas’ church, back of Wall

Osborne, Thomas, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Owles, John, chemist, Hall quay

Page, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Page, Joseph Nathaniel, Buck inn, Hall quay

Page, Nathaniel, Mariners’ Compass tavern, Row 142

Page, Thomas H., grocer and tea-dealer, King street

Page, Sophia, lodging house, 4, Bath pl.

p. 182Page, Philip William, hair dresser and fishing tackle maker, Howard street

Page, William, shopkeeper, George str.

Palk, Thomas, china, glass, and earthenware warehouse, Market row

Palmer Brothers, linen and woollen drapers, and carpet warehouse, Market-place

Palmer, James H., brewer, King street

Palmer, Charles, surgeon, King street

Palmer, George D., merchant, South quay

Palmer, Charles, solicitor, Quay

Palmer, Frederic, surgeon, Market

Palmer, James Henry, Stamp office, Regent street

Palmer, Edmund R., solicitor, County Court Office, and agent to the Suffolk Fire Office, Regent street

Palmer, Henry, solicitor, King street

Palmer, James, jun., brewer, Jetty road

Palmer, James, Quadrant tavern, York road

Palmer, N. B., draper, Market-place

Palmer, Garwood, linen draper, Southtown terrace

Palmer, Robert, lodging house, 90, Southtown road

Palmer, Henry D., timber merchant, Southtown road

Pammant, William, timber and coal merchant, &c., North Quay

Panks, Henry, boot and shoe maker and corn extractor, back of Wall

Panks, Henry, shoemaker, &c., 1, Bath place and back of Wall

Parker, George, shopkeeper, Charlotte st.

Parker, John, miller, Regent road

Parkerson, James, shipwright, &c., row 143

Parmenter, Richard, Happy Home, North Quay

Paston, James, jun., Cock, Gaol street

Paston, James, White Horse, Gaol street

Patterson, James, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Paul, Thomas, account-book maker and stationer, Gaol street

Payne, Robert, boot and shoe maker, South Market road

Peak, Samuel, tailor and waterproof manufacturer, row 129

Perry, William, baker, Gaol street

Pestall, Mary, Star hotel, Hall Quay

Pestell, Elizabeth, greengrocer, North Market road

Peterson, M. A., lodging house, Bath place

Pestall, Simon, shopkeeper and baker, Laughing Image corner, North Quay

Pettingill, Walter, solicitor, agent to the Sun Fire office, Regent street

Pettingill, William, licensed brewer, the Conge

Phinn, Nathan, bootmaker, Gaol street

Pike, Robert, sailmaker and greengrocer, St. George’s road, North beach

Pile, John, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Pilgrim, Robert, draper, Market place

Pincanea, Miss Hannah, dressmaker, 6, Providence place

Pitcher, William, bootmaker, George street

Pitnell, Edward, banker’s clerk, 44, Southtown road

Plane, John, Norwich Arms, North quay

Plane, Thomas, Captains’ Arms, Fuller’s hill

Platford, James, eating house, Howard street

Platt and Read, Misses, milliners and straw hat makers, St. Nicholas’ road

Pleasants, Ann, ironmonger and grocer, South quay

Plumb, James, Duke’s Head, Hall quay

Plummer and Co., merchants and ship owners, King street

Plummer, Henry, Griffin, George street

Plummer, Joseph Goulding, collegiate and commercial boarding school, King street

Plummer, Joseph, lodging house, 2, Devonshire place

Plummer, Joseph Andrew, plumber and painter, Gaol street

Pomfrey, James, Cambridge tavern, Gaol street

Porter, Edward, Star and Garter, Hall quay

Porter, Edward, agent to Seaman, Grimmer, and Co., and agents to Truman, Hanbury, and Co., North quay

Powell, Benjamin, merchant, King street

Powell, Benjamin, Castle tavern, South quay

Powell, Joseph, ship builder, 91, Southtown road

Powley, John, ginger beer and cordial manufacturer, Fuller’s hill

Pratt, Alfred, hairdresser, Gaol street

Pratt, James H., builder, North quay

Pratt, James, wine merchant and auctioneer, Howard street

Pratt, Samuel, shopkeeper, Southtown road

Press, George, miller, East street

Preston, Edward, Market house, Victoria place

Preston, Isaac, sen., timber merchant, Quay

Preston, Jacob, wine merchant, South Quay

Pulford, George, cheesemonger, Market road

p. 183Purdy, James, whitesmith, Railway foundry, Fuller’s hill

Purdy, James, iron and brass founder, &c., North Quay

Purdy, Joseph H., printer, Hall Quay

Purdy, Thomas, Liverpool tavern, Gaol street

Purdy, Robins, ship owner, Southtown road

Purkiss, Thomas, St. John’s Head, North Quay

Pye, Martin, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Pye, Richard, baker, White Lion opening, King street

Pye, William, butcher, Howard street

Pyke, Morris, commercial traveller, Regent road

Quinton, John, hairdresser, Jetty road

Quinton, John, hairdresser, Fuller’s hill

Quinton, Mrs. Mary Ann, lodging house, 3, Trafalgar place

Rackham, James, chemist, Charlotte str.

Rackham, John, shopkeeper, King street

Rainer, Francis, boot and shoe maker, King street

Rainer, George, tailor, 2, Victoria place

Rand, William, cow-keeper, Southtown road

Ransome, Sarah, eating house, George street

Rant, George, grocer and tea dealer, Market-place

Rant, George, shopkeeper, George street

Ratcliffe, John, coach builder, Fuller’s hill

Ranney, William, grocer, &c., Alma place

Ray, Mrs. Charlotte, green grocer, South market

Read, John, Weavers’ Arms, Market-place

Read, Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Read, William, carpenter, North Quay

Reading, Isaac, Lion and Lamb, King street

Reed, Robert, shopkeeper, George street

Reed, James Robert, wine and spirit merchant, South Quay

Remblants, William, shopkeeper, South street

Reynolds and Palmer, Admiralty office, Regent street

Richardson, John, collector of customs, Jetty road

Riches, John, King’s Arms, North end

Richmond, John, New Queen’s Head, Howard street

Richmond, Robert, confectioner, Charlotte street

Richmond, Samuel C., coal merchant, Southtown road, Coal wharf

Riches, William, grocer, &c., North end

Rising, Edwin, baker, South Market road

Rising, William, shopkeeper, White Lion opening, King street

Rivett, James, confectioner, Broad row

Rivett, John Richard, confectioner, King street

Roberts, Robert, Marine Tap, South beach

Roberts, Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 8, Britannia terrace

Robins, William D., draper, Broad row

Rogers, Joseph, boarding and day school, King street

Roll, Daniel, Guardian Angel, Southtown road

Rolling, James, baker and shopkeeper, Laughing Image corner, North Quay

Rosette, Sig. G., dealer in cigars and tobacco, Jetty road

Rous, George, twine spinner, row 137

Rouse, John, Dover packet, South street

Rowland, William, baker, Charlotte street

Royall, John, tailor, Charlotte street

Rushmer, Mrs. Hannah, lodging house, York place

Rushmer, Mrs. Hannah, 2, York terrace

Rushmer, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, row 107

Rushmer, William, tobacconist, York terrace

Runniff, John, fish merchant, 3, Bath place

Sacret, Robert, boot and shoe warehouse, Broad row

Sager, Daniel, boot and shoe maker, off St. Nicholas’ road

Salmon, John, fishmonger, row 130

Samson, Henry, Champion tavern, King street

Sayer, Christopher, solicitor and notary, Queen street

Sayer, Thomas, baker, Gaol street

Sayer, Thomas, porter merchant, Southtown road

Scales, William, captain, St. George’s road

Scott, Henry, Regent gardens, Theatre plain

Scott, Miss J., dressmaker, row 118

Scott, James, shipowner, King street

Scott, James Alger, baker, White Lion opening, King street

Scott, Robert, Jolly Tar tavern, Saint George’s road

Scotter, John, hairdresser, Jetty road

Scotten, Mrs. Sarah, grocer, Fuller’s hill

Scruton, Mrs. Susan, lodging house, 11, Norfolk terrace

Seager, James, shopkeeper, Charlotte street

p. 184Seaman, Misses, fancy repository, King street

Self, George, bootmaker, Howard street

Self, James, fish curer, row 145

Sewell and Appleton, Misses, Berlin wool and fancy repository, Market row

Sewell, Edward, grocer and tea dealer, Market place

Sewell, Thomas, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Sewell, William, master mariner, 11, Somerset house

Shales, William, eating house, Charlotte street

Sharland, Mrs. M. A., lodging house, Victoria place

Sharman, John C., confectioner, King street

Sharpe, George, music seller, pianoforte warehouse, King street

Shelley and Co., agents to Lloyd’s Insurance and Shipping Cos., South quay

Shelly, John Wilson, hemp merchant, South quay

Sherwin, Mary Ann, straw-bonnet maker, South street

Shingles, George, chemist, Gaol street

Shipston, Samuel, butcher, South quay

Shorten, Samuel, shopkeeper, George street

Shreeve, Henry Stacey, tailor and draper, King street

Shuchford, Isaac, fish merchant, St. Nicholas’ road

Silvers, Robert, chemist, Gaol street

Simmons, Edward, shopkeeper, King street

Simmons, Robert, mariner, Jetty road

Simons, Godfrey, William the Fourth, George street

Simmons, Joseph Henry, gas-fitter, George street

Simons, William, blacksmith, row 137

Simpson, Charles, gun and whitesmith, Fuller’s hill

Simpson and Co., linen and woollen drapers, King street

Simpson, William, watch and clock maker, Broad row

Sims, Samuel, Dog and Duck, South quay

Sizeland, Mrs. tailoress, row 130

Shakel, John, day and boarding academy, Howard street

Sloman, Charles, printer, bookseller, stationer, and news agent, King street

Smith, Charles, cooper, &c., row 130

Smith, Charles, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Smith, Frederic, general dealer, Market-row

Smith, James, haircutter, George street

Smith, Job, grocer and tea dealer, Charlotte street

Smith, John C., surgeon, back of Wall

Smith, John C., surgeon, King street

Smith, John, blacksmith, York road

Smith, Mrs. Lucia, lodging house, Victoria cottage, South beach

Smith, Mrs. Lydia, brazier, row 130

Smith, Mrs. Mary, grocer, &c., Conge

Smith, Martha, broker, George street

Smith, Robert, lodging house, North Quay

Smith, Robert Thomas, cabinet maker, Charlotte street

Smith, Robert, eating house, Church square

Smith, Thomas, baker and grocer, Howard street

Smith, Thomas, fishmonger, St. George’s road

Smith, William, shop-keeper, Gaol street

Smith, William, milliner, Gaol street

Smith, William, and Son, tailors and drapers, Broad row

Smith, William, cooper, George street

Smyth, Spencer Thomas, physician and surgeon, 1, St. George’s terrace

Soanes, Thomas, fishmonger, George str.

Solesby, James, sailor, row 132

Solomon, Abraham, optician, jeweller and watchmaker, King street

Somner, John, revenue officer, Southtown road

Sothern, Samuel, bookseller, stationer, and printer, reading rooms and library, King street

Sothern, W. Alexander, short-hand writer, York place

Sowell, Edmund, painter and glazier, Gaol street

Spashett, Christopher Hewitt, agent, Fishing Smack, Southtown

Spelman and Sons, auctioneers, Hall Quay

Springall, Robert, tobacconist, snuff-maker, and importer of cigars, Broad row

Staff, Amelia, staymaker, Howard street

Staff, William, mariner, row 143

Stagg, Edward, auctioneer, Howard street

Stagg and Son, ironmongers and braziers, Broad row

Stagg, James Henry, chemist, Broad row

Stanley, John, stone and marble mason, North end

Starling, Frederic, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Starling, John, hat and cap manufacturer, Market row

Starling, Jonathan, shopkeeper, Howard street

p. 185Starling, George, boot and shoe maker, North Market road

Steel, Richard, grocer, haberdasher, hosier, &c., Jetty road

Stephenson, Samuel, collector of assessed taxes, York road

Stephenson, Mrs., lodging house, 9, Seymour place

Stevenson, Mrs. Priscilla, grocer, &c., Seymour place

Steward, Arthur, brewer, King street

Steward, Patteson and Co., brewers, North Quay, and Norwich

Steward and Son, chemists, Market-place

Steward, Richard, carpenter and builder, Regent road

Steward, John, Theatre tavern, Theatre plain

Steward, Christopher, pawnbroker, row 87

Steward, Robert, timber and deal merchant, Southtown road

Stevens, John, linen and woollen draper, Market-place

Stolworthy, Edmund, Anchor of Hope, Church square

Stolworthy, Robert and Edmund, millwrights, North end

Stone, A. D., sail maker, Row 124

Stone, David, sail manufacturer, 20, Southtown road

Stove, William D., saddler and harness maker, Howard street

Storey, John, carpenter, 72, Southtown road

St. Quinton, Charles, supervisor, 9, Norfolk terrace

Strowger, Samuel, surgeon, King street

Striker, Joseph, mariner, 8, Norfolk terrace

Sturgeon, Mary, Druids’ tavern, Gaol street

Suggate, Henry, chemist, Jetty road

Sumner, Elizabeth, plumber and glazier, York house

Sumner, George, house painter and decorator, Hall quay

Sumner, John, clothier, White Lion opening, King street

Sumner, William, cutler, Chapel paved row

Swanbrow, John, Scripture reader, 13, Henry’s place

Swann, Samuel, butcher, Market-place

Swann, William, butcher, Market

Swanston, Samuel, millinery establishment, Gaol street

Swanston, William, boot and shoe maker, Regent road

Sann, Mrs., milliner and dress maker, North end

Tanner, Henry, spirit merchant, North end

Taster, Robert, lodging house, 3, Abley terrace

Taylor, George, confectioner, Jetty road

Taylor, Henry, hair cutter and perfumer

Taylor and Son, builders, North quay

Taylor, Thomas, carpenter and joiner, Conge

Taylor, Thomas, Waggon and Horses, North end

Teasdel, Henry, ship chandler and general merchant, Foot of bridge

Teasdel, Samuel, painter, plumber, and glazier, 60, Southtown road

Thacker, James, corn porter to Mr. Watling, Southtown

Theobald, Benjamin, boot and shoe maker, Gaol street

Theobald, Benjamin, leather dealer and shoemaker, 2, Russell square

Theobald, John, boot and shoe maker, and leather merchant, Row 123

Theobald, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Row 122

Thompson, Benjamin, auctioneer, King street

Thompson, James Thomas, builder, Regent road

Thompson, Margaret, plumber and glazier, Gaol street

Thompson, Henry, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Thorndick, Thirza, stationer, Market row

Thorndick, Mrs., lodging house, 5, Somerset place

Thorpe, William, draper, King street

Timber, Samuel P., grocer and tea dealer, Gaol street

Titlow, Patience, lodging house, 18, Trafalgar place

Todd, Robert, shoemaker, Priory place

Todd, Robert, grocer and baker, North end

Tomlinson, Joseph, brewer, maltster, wine and spirit merchant, Howard street

Tooley, Elizabeth, miller and flour seller, Church square

Townsend, George, draper, &c., Row 108

Townsend, William John, officer of Inland Revenue, 16, Southtown road

Tricker, James, hair dresser, South street

Tricker, John, fruiterer, Jetty road

Trip, William, White Swan, North quay

Trip, William, shoemaker, Church square

Tryer, Christopher, Lord Nelson, North quay

Tuck and Son, plumbers and glaziers, Fuller’s hill

Tunbridge, Richard, tallow chandler, Market-gates

Tyrrell, Charles, builder, lodging house, 54, Wiltshire place

p. 186Turner, Hannah, White Hart, Church square

Turner, Mary, umbrella and parasol maker, Market row

Tuttle, William, commission agent, Regent road

Tyrrell and Read, bricklayers, 6, Queen’s place

Utting, Le Neave, paper hanger, &c., Gaol street

Valients, Charles, cooper, South street

Veale, Henry John, confectioner, King street

Vince, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, 2, Ely place

Vince, Joseph, shoemaker, Church square

Vones, William, physician, 7, St. George’s terrace

Walker, John, St. George’s tavern, King street

Walker, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Walker, Thomas James, the Feathers, Market gates

Wallow, William, Wool Pack, Laughing Image corner, North quay

Waller, George, upholsterer, George str.

Waller, George, Homœopathic dispensary, King street

Walpole, William, druggist, agent to the Monarch Fire and Life Assurance and Marine and General Travellers’ Insurance Society, White Lion opening, King street

Walsh, John, seedsman, Regent road

Walsh, John, hatter, Howard street

Walton, James, tea dealer, Market-place

Wangler, William, watch and clock maker, South Market road

Ward, Charles, master mariner, 4, Somerset place

Ward, Charles, master mariner, 5, Ely place

Warnes, Mary, general shopkeeper, St. Nicholas’ road

Warren, Eliza, gentlemen’s shirt maker, Howard street

Waters, Tabitha, Three Hands, South quay

Waters, James Denew, solicitor, Hogg hill; h 8, Brandon terrace, Wellington Pier

Watts, Robert, King’s Head, King street

Watson, Charles, grocer and tea dealer, George street

Watson, George, game dealer, Fuller’s hill

Watson, Robert, Wrestlers’ inn, Church square

Watson, Richard, the Bull, Market-place

Watson, Joseph, broker, Charlotte street

Watson, James, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Watson, Mrs., midwife, the Conge

Weeds, Francis James, tailor, Monument road

Welch, Alfred, wholesale stationer, King street

Wells, James, pawnbroker, King street

Wells, Thomas, Ropemakers’ Arms, Charlotte street

Wells, George, seaman, South street

West, Thomas, shipowner, Howard street

West, John Davey, coach builder, Market road

West, Harriet, lodging house, 2, South-beach road

Weston, Miss, lodging house, 2, North beach terrace

Westrup, William, commission agent, Regent road

Whisker, John, marine store dealer, George street

Whitbread and Co., Southtown; brewery, Chiswell street, London; agent, James Allen

White, Richard, surgeon dentist, Back of wall; attendance on Thursdays

White, Peter, boot and shoe maker, White Horse plain

White, Mary, dress-maker, Church square

White, Anthony, general dealer, Broad row

White, Henry, baker, Row 143

Whittleton, George, grocer, &c., North end

Wigg, William, Half Moon, Market-place

Wilkins, James, lodging house, 8, Bath place

Williams, Charles, hat and cap maker, Market row

Wilshack, Harris, Crow tavern, Monument road

Wilson, Henry, commission agent, Southtown road

Wilson, Henry, corn merchant and commission agent, foot of Bridge

Wincup, Philip, Gallon Can, South quay

Winter, Ann, butcher, Market-place

Winter, Cornelius J. W., artist, Regent rd.

Winter, John, sailor, 2, Leicester terrace, Victoria road

Winter, Matthew, Norfolk Hotel, North beach

Withers, Joseph, whitesmith, Row 90

Woden, Thomas, Unicorn, South quay

Woden, Rachel, Gallon Pot, Gaol str.

Woodrow, Edmund, baker and confectioner, King street

Woodrow, Neville F., grocer and tea-dealer, Gaol street

Woodhouse, Charles James, plumber and glazier, Queen street

p. 187Woodhouse, James, painter, Theatre plain

Woods, Jemima, flour seller, North end

Woods, Thomas, Unicorn, South quay

Woods, George, Odd Fellows’ inn, Gaol street

Woods, John, collector to Gas Company, Bath place

Woodyard, James, carpenter and joiner, 9, Providence place

Woolnough, James, mail contractor, St. George’s road

Woolsey, Mary, milliner and straw bonnet maker, King street

Woolsey, Louisa, milliner and straw bonnet maker, South market row

Woolsey, Miss, boarding school, North quay

Woolvern, Charles, shopkeeper, George street

Wolverton, Charles, plumber, glazier, and painter, South quay

Woolverton, James, fish merchant, King street

Woomenger, Samuel, eating house, Charlotte street

Worledge, William, baker, East Nettle hill, near Battery

Worship, William, solicitor, Regent street

Wrackham, Sarah, milliner, Fuller’s hill

Wright, Henry, lodging house, 2, Kent place

Wright, Joseph, pork butcher, Howard street

Wright, James, boot maker, King street

Wright, Mrs., milliner, &c., Row 130

Wright, Richard, shoe maker, Gaol street

Wright, Robert, grocer, King street

Wright, Richard, boot and shoe manufacturer, wholesale and retail, Church square

Wright, Thomas, dyer, King street

Wright, William, shopkeeper, Charlotte street

Wright, William, architect, surveyor and builder, North end

Wright, William, the Horse and Groom, North end

Yaxley, Robert, fish merchant, 9, Norfolk terrace

Yaxley, William, fish merchant, Market place

Youell and Co., nursery and seedsman, Market-place

Youell, Elizabeth, ironmonger, Broad row

Youell, Henry, florist, North end

Youell, John, bankers’ clerk, White Horse plain

Youels, Messrs. and Co., nurserymen, North end

Younghusband, Mrs., lodging house, 4, Kent place

Youngs, Joseph, Golden Lion, George street

Young, Mrs. M. A., lodging house, 2, Bath place



David Hogarth, postmaster, Hall quay.  Money orders are granted and paid from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.  London day mail dispatched at a quarter to 6 a.m.  All letters, with stamps, put into the box after 10 p.m. and before half-past 5 a.m., will go the same morning.  First Norwich mail dispatched at 20 minutes past 3 p.m.; box closed at 3 p.m.  Suffolk and Essex bags dispatched at half-past 5 p. m.; box closed at 5 p.m.  London mail, with second Norwich bag, dispatched at 9 p.m.; box closed at half-past 8 p.m.  All letters must have an extra stamp if intended to go after the box is closed.  London mail, with first Norwich bag, arrives at thirty-eight minutes past 3 a.m.  Letters ready for delivery in the summer months at 7 a.m., in winter at half-past 7 a.m.  Suffolk and Essex mails arrive at 8 a.m., and not delivered with the London.  Second Norwich mail arrives at 10 a.m., ready for delivery at quarter past 10 a.m.  London day mail with the third Norwich bag, arrives at half-past 5 p.m., delivered at 6 p.m.  No letters received, or attention given at the window for 10 minutes before the dispatch of any mail.  Office closed on Sundays after 10 a.m.  Branch offices, Fuller’s hill and White Lion opening.

p. 188Bankers.

East of England, Regent street—draw on London and Westminster Bank.

Gurneys, Turner, and Brightwen, Quay—draw on Barclay and Co., London.

Lacon, Sir Edmund Knowles, Bart., Quay—draw on Glynn, Mills, and Co., London.

National Provincial Bank of England, Quay—draw on London Joint Stock Bank.

Public Establishments.

Custom House, South quay.  Inland Revenue office, Hall square.  County Court office, Regent street.  Yarmouth Military Lunatic Asylum, South denes.  Royal Hospital, Chapel Mount.  Fisherman’s Almhouses, Church street.  Stamp Office, Regent street.  Gas Works, South quay.  Town Hall, South quay.  Haven and Pier office, South quay.  Armory, Southtown.  Ballast office, South quay.  Borough Gaol and Bridewell, Gaol street.  Commercial Club House and Corn Exchange, quay.  Met. Farm office, quay.  Corn Meter’s office, quay.  Port Dues office, quay.  Police office, Town hall.  Trinity store department, South quay.  Workhouse, North end.  Commercial Reading Rooms, King street.  Private Subscription Reading and Billiard Rooms, King street.  Public Library, South quay.  Young Men’s Institute, Hall quay.  Bible and Tract Society Depôt, 72, Hall square.  Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Depôt, Regent street.

Places of Worship.

St. Nicholas’ Church, Rev. G. Hills, M.A.  St. Peter’s Church, Rev. B. Vaux, M.A., incumbent.  St. George’s Chapel of Ease, Rev. M. Waters.  St. Andrew’s Church, Gorleston, Rev. F. Upjohn, rector.  St. Mary’s Church, Southtown, Rev. F. Salt, vicar.  Baptist Chapel (General), 85 Row.  Baptist (Particular), 15 Row.  Catholic Chapel, Regent road.  Friends’ Meeting House, 60 Row.  Independent Chapel, Gaol street.  Independent Chapel, King street.  Independent Chapel, Gorleston.  Jews’ Synagogue, 42 Row.  Lady Huntingdon’s, Market-gates.  Mariner’s Chapel, South quay.  Methodist’s New Connexion Chapel, King street.  Primitive Methodist Chapel, Priory lane.  Primitive Methodist Chapel, Southtown.  Unitarian Chapel, Gaol street.  Wesley an Chapel, Regent road.  Wesleyan Chapel, Gorleston.


Lowestoft is a market town, sea-port, railway station, packet station, and the seat of an extensive fishery, 136¾ miles from London, 9 S. of Yarmouth, 23¼ S.E. of Norwich, and 10 E. of Beccles.  It stands upon the most easterly point of land in England, on a lofty eminence, commanding an extensive view of the German Ocean.  The principal street is about a mile in length; it is well paved, and lighted with gas.  The declivity of the cliff is unperceived through hanging gardens, or terraces covered with plantations, and between these and the sea is a tract of land, locally denominated the Denes, on which is an extensive line of buildings, appropriated to the curing of fish.

Lowestoft is much frequented as a sea-bathing place, having bathing machines, warm baths, and the shore being composed of a hard, firm sand, intermixed with shingle.  There is a theatre, an assembly room, a public library, a mechanics’ institute, and gas works.  The Mutford and Lothingland General Dispensary and Infirmary is in Lowestoft.  The market is on Wednesday; and annual fairs are held on May 13th and October 11th, for small wares.  The chief source of commerce is the herring fishery, which begins about a fortnight before Michaelmas, and lasts till Martinmas.  Before the commencement of the herring season, many of the fishermen are employed in the mackarel fishery.  The manufactures consist of rope, twine, oilcake, sail-making, boat-building, and ship-building; and there are oil and flour mills.  This town being part of the ancient demesne of the Crown, the inhabitants are exempted from serving on juries, either at the assizes or sessions.  Petty sessions are held every Monday at the Crown Inn, every alternate quarter.

The church, dedicated to St. Margaret, is situated westward of the town, which is much admired for its antiquity and beauty.  The height of the tower, including that of the steeple, is 145 feet.  The living, a vicarage, valued at £350 per annum, is in the patronage of the Bishop of Norwich, and incumbency of the Rev. Francis Cunningham, M.A., vicar.  A chapel of ease, dedicated to St. Peter, was built near the old market a few years back, partly by subscription, the sale of pews, and assisted by the Society for Building and Enlarging Churches.  St. p. 190John’s school-room (licensed by the Bishop for divine service) stands on the south side of the harbour.  The church of St. John, erected in 1854–5–6, is a handsome structure, opened in 1856, which stands near the Royal Hotel.  Here are two foundation schools, Annott’s and Wilde’s; a British school, a free school, and an infant school; and Sunday schools belonging to the church establishment, and every denomination of Dissenters, with chapels.  There are a vast number of ancient charities here, and one established a few years since—namely, six almshouses, built for six of the poorest master fishermen of Lowestoft, and who partake of the charities alluded to above.

The Eastern Counties’ Railway Company have a handsome station here, close to the harbour.  The progress of this place, since the formation of the harbour, has been very rapid; from a dull fishing station, it has become a thriving little town.  Its advantages as a packet station have induced the formation of the Northern Steam Packet Company, for the communication with Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.  The harbour is formed by two piers, one on the north, 430 yards in length—that on the south, 400 yards; at the centre of the extremity of each pier is a lighthouse, showing a red light, from sunset to sunrise.  The south pier is defended by a parapet, and boarded for a promenade.  Both piers are formed by massive timbers, braced together longitudinally, and filled with blocks of stone; the outer surface is faced with dressed masonry.  The inner harbour consists of a piece of water, two miles in length, which communicates with the river Waveney, by which merchandise can be conveyed to Beccles and Norwich, of which Lowestoft is the outport.  Lowestoft is now an independent port, and a custom-house has been established.  To the coasting trade as a harbour of refuge it has been of the greatest benefit; many lives and much property have been saved which otherwise would have been swallowed up in the waters of the German Ocean.  Contiguous to the harbour and railway a new town is springing up.  The Royal Hotel is quite metropolitan in its size and apartments; the Esplanade and the Marine Parade, are fitted for families of distinction; many houses are retained by county families for summer occupation.  The Esplanade and the south pier, which it joins, form a promenade unequalled in extent and beauty on the eastern coast.  On a point of land, a little to the north of the town, is the upper lighthouse, a circular tower, erected in 1676, and partly rebuilt by order of the Brethren of the Trinity-house in 1778; and on which is a frame of wood which can be removed at pleasure to meet the changes which are continually occurring in the situation of the sands.


Branch Provincial Bank of England, Joseph L. Porter, manager, Quay.  Draw on London Joint Stock.

Crown Branch Bank, Harveys and Hudsons, South Quay, Mr. William B. Youngman, manager.

Gurneys Turner, and Brightwell, Yarmouth and Suffolk Bank, High street, Mr. William Woods, manager.

Children’s Hospital, John William Hewke, master, Charlotte Goffin, Mistress.

Custom House, South Quay, John Richardson, Esq., collector, Thomas Avery, Esq., comptroller.

p. 191Fisherman’s Hospital, Market-place.

Gas Company’s Office, King street, William Henry Willis, manager.

Gas House and Works, Beach, James Betts, foreman.

Harbour Office, Mr. Francis Echalaz, harbour master and general superintendent.

Harbour Company’s Tugs, Imperial, Mr. Samuel Marjoram, master.

National and Provincial Bank of England, Mr. J. B. Bowden, manager.  Draw on London Joint Stock.

Public Library, South Quay, Mr. David Duffield Offord, Librarian.

St. Margaret’s Church, Rev. F. Cunningham, vicar.

St. John’s Church, in Kirtley, incumbent, Rev. M. H. Beaumont.

Steam Navigation Works, Mr. William Martin, managing engineer, Mr. Edward Codham, cashier.


Ashley, Mr. Francis, Royal Esplanade

Astell, Miss Eliza, 48, Marine parade

Balls, Mr. James, High street

Balls, Mrs. Mary, Duke street

Barber, Mr. James, Duke street

Beaumont, Rev. Matthias H., Marine Parade

Bexfield, Mrs. Isabella, London road

Breame, Capt. James, 26, Marine Parade

Briggs, the Misses, London road

Brown, Rev. James, Wesleyan minister, Crown street

Bugg, Mr. George, St. Peter’s road

Carriage, John, Esq., Royal Esplanade

Chambers, Mr. William H., Marine Parade

Clark, Mrs. Elizabeth P., London road

Clarke, Miss Elizabeth S., Marine Parade

Clements, Mr. John H., Marine Parade

Cole, Mr. Richard, White Horse street

Collins, Mr. George, Denmark road

Cootes, Mrs. Ann, Nelson street

Cootes, Edward, Esq., London road

Crowe, Miss Eliza, London road

Cunningham, Rev. Francis, M.A., vicar and rural dean, vicarage house, High st.

Cutler, Miss Mary, Marine Parade

Delf, Mr. Robert, London road

Deverne, Thomas, Esq., Boston lodge

Dewing, Edward, Esq., Royal Esplanade

Disney, Mr. Henry, Beach

Doughton, the Misses, High street

Dovey, Rev. J., Baptist minister

Ducker, Mr. Francis W., Duke street

File, Mrs. Sophia, London road

Garwood, Miss Margaret, High street

Gowing, Mr. Stephen, Prospect cottage

Green, Mr. James, Crown street

Grickson, Mr. William, London road

Harmstone, Mr. Henry, Denmark road

Hilling, Mr. James, London road

Hockley, Mr. John B., London road

Howard, Mr. Samuel, High street

Hubart, Miss Hannah, High street

Jackson, William, Esq., Marine Parade

Jeckell, Mrs. Hannah, High street

Lees, Henry, Esq., Royal Esplanade

Lincoln, Mrs. Catherine R., High street

Lucas, Thomas, Esq., Royal Esplanade

Martin, Mrs. Fanny, London road

Masterson, the Misses, High street

Matcham, Dr. Alfred, London road

More, Mr. John, Denmark road

More, Rev. H., Independent minister

Nelson, Mr. William, Marine Parade

Norton, Edmund, Esq., London road

Olley, Miss Susan, Old Market plain

Parkinson, Rev. Richard, High street

Parr, Samuel, Esq., Royal Esplanade

Payne, Mr. Thomas, London road

Peto, James, Esq., Royal Esplanade

Pratt, Mr. Ebenezer, St. Peter’s road

Pratt, Mr. William, London road

Ray, Mr. T., London road

Reeve, R. H., Esq., Esplanade

Reeve, Mrs. L., High street

Robertson, Mr. John, Marine Parade

Rodgers, Rev. Edward, curate, High street

Rump, Miss Elizabeth, Royal Esplanade

Scarll, Mrs., London road

Self, Mr. Thomas, London road

Smith, Mrs. Mary, Denmark road

Spark, Miss Hannah, Nelson street

Staff, Mrs. Ann, London road

Sterry, Mr. John, High street

Thompson, the Misses, London road

Trery, Mr. William, Marine Parade

Walton, Mrs. Ellen, Marine Parade

Watson, Mr. William, Denmark road

Webb, William, Esq., Royal Esplanade

Wellum, Mr. William, Commercial road

Wheals, Mr. Charles, Marine Parade

Woods, Mr. Henry, Rose Cottage

Woods, Mr. Jecks, London road


Abbott, Edward, tailor, draper, and hatter, High street

Abbott, Samuel F., stationer, printer, grocer, and dealer in Berlin wool, High street

Able, John W., cabinet-maker and upholsterer, High street

Adams, Adam, grocer and teadealer, agent to Observer Life Assurance Society, Crown street

Adams, Mrs. Ann, confectioner, High street

Adderton, Abraham, china and glass merchant, London road

Albrow, Jeremiah, Fisherman’s Arms, South quay

Alexander, William, hairdresser, Commercial road

Allan, George, builder and stone merchant, Marine Parade

Allen, George, stone merchant, mason, and builder, South Quay

Allen, John, porter rooms, London road

Allen, William, haberdasher and dealer in Berlin wool, Commercial road

Allerton, Thomas, fish merchant, London road

Allum, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Nelson street

Archer, Robert John, pilot, London road

Archer, William R., solicitor, Prairie, London road

Armes, William, beer house, Beach

Artiss, Alfred, manager of the Electric and International Telegraph company

Baker, George, boot and shoe maker, Commercial road

Balls, Brothers, cabinet-makers and upholsterers and general mart, Chapel street

Balls, James, deputy harbour-master

Balls, Phœbe, carrier, St. Peter’s street

Balls and Son, stone and marble masons, London road

Balls, Thomas, fish salesman, fishing salt, and agent for trawl nets and twines, auctioneer and valuer, commission merchant and smack agent, Raglan street

Balls, William Thomas, County court bailiff, auctioneer, valuer, and estate agent, Chapel street

Baney, William, carpenter, Mariners’ lane

Barber, John, cooper and fish merchant, Duke’s Head street

Barber, Samuel, victualler, First and Last tavern, Infirmary square

Barnard, Charles, butcher, High street

Barnard, William Vincent, conveyancer and agent for Lacons, Youell and Co., bankers, and to the County Fire and Life Office, and Law Union

Baines, Sarah, blacksmith, St. Peter’s street

Barratt, John, sexton, White Hart street

Barrett, Charlotte, plumber, glazier, and painter, London road

Bean, George, house agent, Marine Parade

Beckett, James, butcher, Chapel street

Bemment, Charles, Beer House, Tonning street

Bennett, William, baker, Old Market-plain

Benstead, Robert, Three Herrings, High street

Beecroft, Mrs. Eliza, butcher, High street

Bird, A. H., carver and gilder, Duke str.

Bishop, John P., brazier, Duke street

Bloomfield, Isaac S., silversmith and jeweller, High street

Blyth, Abel, ropemaker, St. Peter’s road

Blyth, John T., boot and shoe maker, High street

Boor, Thomas, fruiterer, London road

Bowden, J. B., manager of the National and Provincial Bank

Bracey, Samuel, builder, Fly’s close

Bradbeer, Benjamin M., fish salesman, sail maker, general ship chandler, stationer, tobacconist, sub-postman, auctioneer and valuer, flag manufacturer to the Royal Yacht Club, agent for Stewart’s patent Scotch and cotton nets, and to the Westminster Fire Office, Commercial road

Brame, Samuel S., surgeon, London road

Breame and Son, merchants, ship and commission agents, South Quay

Breeze, Frederick, hairdresser, High str.

Brett, William, fruiterer, Tonning street

Brewster, Robert, builder and town surveyor, High street

Bright, John, Ship inn, High street

Brock, Benjamin, tailor and draper, Tonning street

Brown, James, coke burner, Denmark road

Brown, Robert, grocer and organist, High street

Browne, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Chapel street

Brunning, John, gardener, London road

Bullard, Richard, maltster, High street

Bunn, James, tailor, Dove street

Burrows, John, Duke’s Head, Duke street

Burton, Clement, butcher, High street

p. 193Burton, John, farmer, Infirmary plain

Burwood, James, Rising Sun, Beach

Butcher, John, fish merchant, London road

Butcher, Samuel, shopkeeper, South Quay

Butcher, William, tailor and draper, High street

Cannell, James, blacksmith, Gun lane

Cannell, Samuel, blacksmith, Duke street

Capps, Elizabeth, beer house, Beach

Capps, James, shopkeeper, Beach

Carr, John, saddler and harness-maker, Crown street

Carron, James, cabinet-maker, Old Market-plain

Castleton, John, shopkeeper, Mariners’ lane

Catchpole, William, seaman, Tonning str.

Chambers, Samuel, hairdresser, High str.

Chandler, Thomas C., general agent, High street

Chapman, George, Compasses, Compasses’ lane

Chapman, Joseph, schoolmaster, Nelson street

Chaston, Robert, chemist, High street

Chipperfield, Edward, confectioner, &c., High street

Chipperfield, Thomas, butcher, High str.

Church, William, Herring Fishery, High street

Clarke, John, baker, Duke street

Clarke, Robert, Suffolk inn, near the railway terminus

Clarke, Cephas William, tin and zinc plate worker

Clarke and Hunter, upholsterers and cabinet-makers, London road

Clements, Shadrach, shoemaker, High str.

Cleveland, Charles, corn chandler, Crown street

Cleveland, George, surgeon, High street

Cockle, John, British Queen Steam Packet, Dove street

Collins, Robert, shopkeeper, Chapel street

Colman, Joseph, lodgings, 2 & 3, Marine Parade

Colman and Stacey, booksellers, stationers, music sellers, and publishers of the Lowestoft Advertiser, High street

Cook, Elizabeth, baker, High street

Cook, James W., mariner, Duke street

Cook, Samuel L., confectioner, High str.

Cook, Samuel, baker, High street

Cook, William, mariner, Crown street

Cooper, Alfred, harbour police-constable

Cooper, James, blacksmith, Crown street

Cooper, James, blacksmith, South Quay

Cooper, John Robert, confectioner, High street

Cooper, Lewis, bread and biscuit baker, confectioner, &c., Mariners’ lane

Corduy, Charles, paper hanger, Denmark road

Cornaby, Thomas, cordwainer, White Horse street

Cotterell, James, soap and candle warehouse, Factory street

Cowling, John, shopkeeper, Chapel street

Cox, Adelaide, shopkeeper, Duke street

Cox, George, Railway Tavern, High str.

Cox, William, Engineers’ tavern, Denmark road

Crake, Ambrose, watchmaker, Duke street

Crake, Edmund F., junr., watch and clock maker, jeweller, optician, stationer, umbrella and parasol manufacturer, &c., High street

Crickmay, Lincoln, butcher, Commercial road

Crisp, George S., bookseller, &c., High street

Crisp, Thomas, herring curer, Beach

Crowe, Thomas, bookseller, stationer, and printer, Berlin wool and fancy repository, High street

Culley, Charles, Princess Royal, Beach

Cunningham, William, Eagle tavern, Tonning street

Curtis, Elizabeth, grocer, &c., High street

Curtis, James, grocer and druggist, High street

Dance, Thomas, pilot, London road

Darby, William, Brewers’ Arms, South Quay

Davy, Stephen, New Market inn, Compasses lane

Day, John, shopkeeper, New Nelson str.

Day, John, Globe inn, High street

Dennis, Martin, dispensing and family chemist, High street

Dent, Matthew, shoemaker, High street

Devereux, James Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, High street

Devereux, John, grocer and tea dealer, High street

Dillon, John, bookseller and stationer, London road

Dowling, George, surveyor, London road

Dowling, George, land agent, Nelson str.

Downing, Mary Ann, milliner and straw bonnet maker, High street

Downing, William, boot and shoe maker, High street

Dowson, H., Ferryman’s Arms, Mariners’ lane

Durrant, George, fruiterer, London road

Durrant, William, seedsman, London road

Dye, John, watch and clock maker, High street

Ebbs, Samuel, confectioner, High street

Echalaz, Francis, Grove house, London road

p. 194Edmonds, Benjamin M., chemist, High street

Edmonds, John, shoemaker, High street

Edwards, Mary Ann, day school, St. Peter’s road

Emms, Ellen, hair dresser and perfumer, High street

Emms, Jewitt D., flour seller and shopkeeper, Tonning street

Everett, John, butcher, High street

Farrett, William B., chemist and druggist, High street

Farrow, Matthew, mariner, Nelson street

Few, James, drapery and millinery establishment, High street

Fisher, Edward, hairdresser, High street

Fisher, James W., eating house, Commercial road

Fisk, James, boot and shoe maker, Chapel street

Fiske, James, shoemaker, Infirmary plain

Flaxman, Sarah Ann, Blue Anchor tavern, High street

Foreman, James A., clerk of fishmarket

Foreman, John, fancy repository, High street

Foreman, John, brazier and gas fitter, High street

Foreman, John, cooper, Beach

Fuller and Son, drapers, High street

Fulcher, William, shoemaker, Mariners’ lane

Furniss, Maria, lodgings, 17, Marine Parade

Fysh, Nathaniel, grocer and draper, Raglan street

Gamble, Thomas, butcher, High street

Garrod, William, tailor, Sterry buildings, Infirmary plain

Gaul, George, rope maker, Rose place

Garwood, Robert, beer seller, White Horse street

Gay, Samuel, baker and confectioner, Alma street

George, Henry N., tailor, Battery green

George, Johnson, draper, High street

Glover, George, architect and surveyor, Marine Parade

Glover, George, architect and surveyor, agent to Norwich Equitable Fire office, estate and house agent, Station corner, Denmark road

Goffin, Francis, carpenter, Duke street

Goffin, Louisa, milliner and dressmaker, Duke street

Goffing, James, wheelwright, St. Peter’s street

Golder, Michael, tailor, woollen draper, and hatter, High street

Gowing, Augustus E., custom house officer, St. Peter’s street

Gowing and Balls, licensed fish salesmen, agents for Scotch cotton nets, and Towler and Mc Collins’ patent fishing boat capstan, Harbour

Gowing, James J. W., fish merchant, rope maker and twine spinner, High street

Gowing, Sons, and Rounce, ship and custom house agents, Commercial road

Greathead, James T., school, South end

Green, William, Fox and Hounds, London road

Hall, Isaac, shopkeeper and beer-house, Beach

Hambley, James, superintendent of harbour works

Hannah, John, cabinet maker, bonnet and toy warehouse, High street

Harding, James, blacksmith, Duke street

Harper, Phœbe, shopkeeper, St. Peter’s street

Hart, John, blacksmith, South Quay

Harvey, Saunders, veterinary surgeon, White Horse street

Harvey, Stephen S., veterinary surgeon, Chapel street

Haase and Warman, corn factors and foreign commission merchants, South Quay

Hill, Alfred, schoolmaster, High street

Hindle and Pearce, eating house, Commercial road

Hogg, William Johnson, cabinet maker, High street

Holbrook, Robert, King’s Head, Mariner’s lane

Housten, William A., hair cutter, High street

Howard, Samuel Robert, butcher, London road

Howett, Samuel, Harbour inn, Harbour

Howett, Samuel, Royal hotel, Marine Esplanade

Hubbard, John, marine store dealer, St. Peter’s road

Isaac, Joseph, carpenter, High street

Jackson, Sarah, dressmaker and tailoress, Sterry buildings, Infirmary plain

Jarvis, David, Pier gate keeper

Jeffery, Edward, surgeon, Denmark road

Joachim, Lieut. Richard, R.N., London road

Johnson, Robert, timber, deal, coal, and hop merchant, agent for London and Lowestoft traders, Commercial road

Johnson, Samuel, tax collector, High street

Johnson, William, sailors’ missionary, Commercial road

Kersy, Francis, confectioner, London road

Kersy, George, baker, Beach

King, George, shopkeeper, Nelson street

p. 195King, William, beer house, Beach

Knight, Susan, eating house, Commercial road

Lark, James, clothier, High street

Lee, Robert, merchant, Parade, London road

Leely, Robert, bellman and smallware dealer

Lemon, Frederic, pork butcher, Benham’s buildings, Infirmary plain

Levy, Alkini, fishmonger, High street

Ling, Jeremiah, shopkeeper, Beach

Ling, Job, sen., boot and shoe maker, St. Peter’s road

Ling, Job, boot and shoe maker, Duke street

Ling, John Watson, plumber, glazier, painter, and gas fitter, High street

Ling, Robert B., draper, High street

Littteproud, John, lodging house, London road

Littlewood, Marmaduke, trinity pilot, Parade, London road

Loveday, Sarah, fruiterer, Duke street

Lovick, William, ale and porter merchant, Duke street

Lovick, William, porter and ale stores, London road

Lubbock, John, ship builder, Commercial road

Lucas Brothers, builders and contractors

Major, William, basket maker, High street

Malboro, George, office clerk, Denmark road

Mallett, Samuel, Mariners, Mariners’ lane

Manning, John, wheelwright, St. Peter’s street

Marsh, Joseph, linen draper, &c., London road

Martin, John, butcher, High street

Martin, William, engineer, Denmark road

Matthews, Sarah, dress maker, Denmark road

Mayhew, John, Crown and Queen’s Head hotel, High street

Mayhew, Matilda, milliner and dress maker, High street

Mellish, Sidney, mariner, St. Peter’s road

Mercer, James, fish salesman, Denmark road

Millett, James, harness maker, Benham’s buildings, Infirmary plain

Mitchell, Thomas, tailor and woollen draper, agent to the Yorkshire Life and Fire Assurance office, High street

Moor, Edmund, carpenter, High street

Moore, John, shopkeeper, Mariners’ lane

Morris, Robert, dispensing and family chemist, stamp office, High street

Morse, Frederic, brewer, Nelson street

Morse and Woods, brewers, wine and spirit merchants, Crown street

Morter, Thomas, tailor, London road

Muff, William, pastry cook and confectioner, tea, coffee, and dining rooms, Denmark road

Munday, Henry, shopkeeper, Dove street

Murrell, John, grocer and tea dealer, Denmark road

Murrell, Joseph, fish dealer, Commercial road

Nash, James E., fish merchant and smack owner, Nelson street

Nash, Samuel, fish merchant, Nelson str.

Nash, Samuel, fish office, Beach

Naylor, Thomas, watch and clock maker, High street

Newson, Hobart, parish clerk, High street

Newson, William, Bowling Green, Crown street

Nichols, Charles, draper, High street

Nicholls, William J., boot and shoe maker, Chapel street

Nobbs, William, Norwich Arms, High street

Norton, James, new and second-hand clothes dealer and furniture broker, Mariners’ lane

Norton and Reeve, solicitors, agents to Sun Fire and Life Assurance office, and County Court office, High street

Nursey, John, butcher, Mariners’ lane

Orchard, Jonathan, boiler maker, Prairie, London road

Oulton, James, carter, Crown street

Palmer, Benjamin, builder, Denmark road

Palmer, William B., house agent, auctioneer, and shopkeeper, St. Peter’s road

Parker, George, cabinet maker and builder, Crown street

Parkinson, John, bookseller and stationer, London road

Payne, Maria, shopkeeper, High street

Peek, William, cooper, Denmark road

Peek, William, cooper, Factory street

Pierson, Benjamin Alfred, leather merchant, Mariners’ lane

Peters, John, baths and refreshment rooms, Beach

Pile, Keziah, boot and shoe warehouse, High street

Pocock, Maria, establishment for young ladies, Marine Parade

Podd, William, bricklayer and plasterer, Tonning street

Porter, John, shoemaker, Old Market pln.

Porter, John, shoemaker, High street

Powell, William, baker and grocer, Commercial road

p. 196Prentice, John, surgeon, High street

Pratt, Thomas, Post office, High street

Precious, Robert, ironmonger, High str.

Pritty, Samuel, chimney sweeper, Chapel street

Punchard, Charles, tailor and clothier, High street

Pye, Walter, beerhouse, Beach

Rabbinowitz, Alexander, tobacconist, London road

Rackett, Robert, postmaster, St. Peter’s street

Rackham, George, plumber, glazier, and painter, Duke street

Rackham, William, butcher, High street

Rampling, Richard, shoemaker, Chapel street

Ratcliffe, John, boot and shoe maker, Denmark road

Ratcliffe, William, coach builder, Crown street

Read, Henry John, eating house, High street

Redgrave, John, corn chandler, London road

Redgrave, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Crown street

Reed, William, shipwright, Commercial road

Reeve, Henry, solicitor, Royal Esplanade

Reynolds, James, Newcastle Arms, Denmark road

Rix, George, builder, Factory lane

Riches, Robert, milliner, &c., High str.

Roberts, John, pawnbroker, High street

Roberts, George, fishmonger, High street

Robertson, John, collector, Custom house

Roll, Robert, Maltsters’ inn, High street

Rose, William, Pilot Boat, High street

Rounce, John, ship chandler, Denmark road

Rouse, James, engineer, Prairie, London road

Rowe, John, shipwright, High street

Salter, John, seaman, High street

Salter, William, baker, Beach

Salter, William, draper, &c., High street

Sampson, William, custom house officer, Commercial road

Saunders, Joseph, shoemaker, Chapel street

Saunders, Richard, beerhouse, Beach

Sayer, Elizabeth, milliner, High street

Sayer, Robert, fish merchant, London road

Scarlett, Charles, porter stores, High street

Scarlett, Joseph, porter stores, Old Market plain

Scarll, John, Rose and Crown, Crown street

Seago, William R., solicitor, agent to the Norwich Union Fire Insurance, Fishermen and Marine Society, and public notary, High street

Seppings, George, merchant, High street

Sharman, George, watch and clock maker, and beer seller, High street

Sharman, Samuel G., grocer and tea-dealer, High street

Shreeve, William, shopkeeper, New Nelson street

Skeet, John, shopkeeper, High street

Skoyles, Benjamin H., millinery and dress-making establishment, High str.

Skoyles and Co., iron founders and contractors, Dove street

Small, Thomas, general commission agent, London road

Smith, Ambrose, lath cutter, High street

Smith, Edward, shopkeeper, Beach

Smith, George, pork butcher, Chapel str.

Smith, John S., grocer and tea-dealer, High street

Smith, James, baker, Crown street

Smith, John, shopkeeper, Mariners’ lane

Smith, Robert, corn chandler, High street

Smith, Robert, provision merchant, High street

Smith, William, ginger beer manufacturer, Old Market plain

Smith, William, jeweller, London road

Smith, William, fish merchant, Denmark road

Snell and Hotson, coach builders, St. Peter’s road

Soons, Edwin, fruiterer and seedsman, High street

Sparham, Samuel, ship builder, Nelson street

Sparham, William, builder, Gun lane

Sparham, William, grocer and tea-dealer, Duke street

Spaull, William, relieving officer, High street

Stebbing, George, Crown and Anchor, High street

Stebbings, William, mariner, Battery green

Sterry, James, rate collector, High street

Suggate, Alfred, music seller, London road

Swatman, Thomas, builder, Beach

Tansley, Isaiah, Trinity pilot, Nelson str.

Taylor and Ling, solicitors, the Harbour

Thirtle, James P., furnishing ironmonger and bell hanger, High street

Thurlby, George, chemist and druggist, agent to Britannia Life and Royal Fire Assurance Company, Commercial road

Tilmouth, Charles, collector, Harbour Dues office

Tilmouth, Bethel, sail maker, Gun lane

p. 197Tooke, William, basket maker, Old Market plain

Triggs, William, Odd Fellows’ tavern, St. Peter’s street

Tripp, George, beerhouse, Factory street

Tungate, Mary, shopkeeper, Crown street

Turner, Daniel, plumber and glazier, Chapel street

Turner, Henry, Lowestoft Arms, Denmark road

Tuttle, Henry, grocer and tea-dealer, High street

Utting, Robert, lodging house, Denmark road

Utting, Walter, laceman, hosier, and haberdasher, High street

Wales, William and John, grocers and tea-dealers, High street

Ward, Mary, lodgings, London road

Ward, Samuel L., St. Peter’s road

Ward, Horace, marine store dealer, Beach

Warnes, William, baker, Mariners’ lane

Waters, George, gardener and publican, High street

Watson, John, boot and shoe maker, High street

Webster, Hannah, lodging house, London road

Wellum, John, sail maker, Denmark road

West and Shove, ship chandlers, Commercial road

Wheals, Charles, tailor and hatter, Commercial road

Whincop, George, plumber, glazier, and painter, St. Peter’s street

Wicks, Samuel, baker, Mariners’ lane

Williams, Thomas, tailor, Denmark road

Wilton, William B., engineer to the Northern Steam Packet Company, Harbour house

Winter, William, plumber, glazier, and painter, Rose place

Wiseman, William C., draper, High street

Wood, John, shoemaker, Duke street

Woods, William, manager of Gurneys’ bank

Woodcock, George, cordwainer, High street

Woods, William James, fish merchant, Denmark road

Woods, William, Trinity pilot, Nelson street

Worthington and Meadows, surgeons, High street

Worthington, William C., surgeon, London road

Wright, Richard, boot and shoe maker, London road

Yallop, James, Bee Hive, London road

Youngman, Henry, miller, &c., High street

Youngman, William, brewer, Rant score

Youngman, William, brewer, High street

Youngman, William, jun., maltster, ale and porter brewer, High street


Beccles.  An ancient market town and polling place, on the borders of Norfolk, 109 miles from London, 40 N.E. of Ipswich, 14 S.W. of Yarmouth, and 5 E. of Bungay, in the hundred of Wangford, and Norwich bishopric.  The area is 1,952 acres, including marsh and common land; and the population, in 1851, was 4,398.  It is situated on the river Waveney, navigable for vessels of 100 tons burden to Yarmouth and Lowestoft, and by which a considerable trade is carried on.  Here are breweries and iron foundries.  The town is large and well built, consisting of several streets, joining in a market-place; and is lighted with gas.  The market is held on Friday.  Beccles is a polling-place for East Suffolk.  Quarter p. 198sessions are held here for the Geldable district of Suffolk; the quarter and petty sessions are holden in the Town Hall.

The church, dedicated to St. Michael, is in the Gothic style of architecture, and stands in the New Market.  It was erected about 1369, and consists of a nave, chancel, north and south aisles, north and south porches, and tower.  The tower is considered a fine specimen of florid Gothic, and presents a singular appearance from its being detached, and placed a short distance from the south-eastern angle of the church.  It was built about 1515, is 92 feet high, but unfinished, probably owing to the dissolution of Bury Abbey, and contains a fine peal of 10 bells.  The Rev. J. T. Johnston, B.A., is the present incumbent, and the Rev. C. Langham is the curate.  The living is a rectory, value £370 per annum, in the patronage of the Rev. E. Hollond, Benhall Lodge.  H. S. Farr, Esq., is lord of the manor.  There are chapels for Independents, Baptists, Wesleyans, and Primitive Methodists.  The charity funds amount to £250 a year.  Here is a House of Correction, which will hold 30 prisoners.  Also National, British, and Infant Schools.


Ashford, William, Esq., Blyburgate street

Bardwell, Mrs. Sarah, Old Market

Bird, Mrs. Martha, Newgate street

Bruce, Mrs. Mary, New Market-place

Chaplin, Mr. Edward, Northgate street

Chenery, Mrs. Elizabeth, Smallgate street

Cox, Mrs. Elizabeth, New Market-place

Crisp, John, Esq., Old Market

Crowfoot, Miss Mary, Ballaygate street

Dashwood, Charles, Esq., New Market-place

Dashwood, Rev. Jarrard, Saltgate street

Drewell, Mr. Samuel, Smallgate street

Farr, Henry, Esq., Pudding moor

Ferrier, Mrs., Saltgate street

Fiddes, Miss Elizabeth, Old Market

Flower, Rev. John, New Market-place, Independent minister

Gilbert, Mrs. Anne, Smallgate street

Goffin, William, Newgate street

Gordon, John R., Esq., New Market-place

Grant, Miss Sarah, New Market-place

Hammond, Rev. James, M.A., New Market

Hartley, Rev. A. O., head master of grammar school, Ballaygate street

Howman, Miss L. Dorothy, Northgate street

Kent, Mrs. Susan, Ballaygate street

Langham, Rev. Charles John, B.A., curate, Saltgate street

Meen, Mr. James, Blyburgate street

Montague, Edward P., Esq., Northgate street

Newman, Mrs. Mary, Smallgate street

Parker, Mr. Thomas, Gillingham

Pedgrift, Mr. John, Northgate street

Peskett, Dr. George, Saltgate street

Talbot, Rev. John J., rector, Saltgate str.

Thompson, Miss Sophia, Sheepgate street

Woolner, Miss Charlotte, Exchange square

Worman, Mrs. Hannah, Pudding moor


Aldous, John, upholsterer and cabinet-maker, New Market-place

Aldred, James, baker and confectioner, Northgate street

Aldred, John, grocer and draper, Northgate street

Allcock, William, junr., shoeing-smith, Smallgate street

Arnold, William, cabinet-maker and upholsterer, New Market-place

Ayres, Edward, watchmaker, Blyburgate st.

Bailey, George, the Falcon, New Market

Baldry, William, Bell inn, Smallgate str.

Barber, William, carpenter, Newgate str.

Barker, William K., ironmonger, New Market-place

p. 199Barkway, Charles, Dolphin, New Market-place

Barkway, Edward, Pickerel inn, Pudding moor

Barkway, Samuel, Red Lion, Blyburgate street

Bartram, Stephen, sawyer, Blyburgate street

Barwood, Richard, blacksmith, Northgate street

Beddingfield, Henry, Angel inn, Ballaygate street

Benns, Philip C., boot and shoe maker, Smallgate street

Bird, Benjamin, baker, Blyburgate street

Bird, John, confectioner, Ballaygate street

Blaxill, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Old Market

Blaxill, Samuel, tailor, Old Market

Block, Robert, wholesale and retail grocer and tea dealer, New Market-place

Boast, George, builder, Smallgate street

Boatright, John, seedsman, New Market-place

Bobbitt, Charles, clerk, Commissioner of Taxes, agent to Suffolk Alliance Fire and Life Office, Blyburgate street

Bohun and Rix, solicitors, General Insurance Office, collectors to Beccles Waterworks Company, Ballaygate street

Borrett, Simon, porter shop, Sheepgate street

Boston, Henry, hairdresser, Old Market

Boyce, Henry, second master Fauconberg Grammar School, Ballaygate street

Brewer, James, saddler and harness maker, Sheepgate street

Brooks, John, agent to County Fire Office, Northgate street

Brown, Thomas, shoemaker, Blyburgate street

Buck, Edward, wool dealer and spirit merchant, Northgate street

Bullock, Robert, watch and clock maker, Exchange square

Burtsal, Robert A., grocer and tea dealer, New Market

Butler, John, tailor, Bridge street

Carr and Son, boot and shoe makers, New Market-place

Catchpole, John, Cross Keys, Sheepgate street

Cattermole, Harriet, bookseller and stationer, New Market

Chapman, Jeremiah, Marquis of Granby, Northgate street

Chenery, Sarah, grocer, &c., Sheepgate street

Cherry, T., boot and shoe maker, Blyburgate street

Claxton, Robert, bootmaker, Sheepgate street

Claxton, Sarah Ann, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Sheepgate street

Claxton, Thomas, tailor and draper, Northgate street

Clements, Joseph W., musician, Northgate street

Cleveland, James, veterinary surgeon, Blyburgate street

Cocks, William R., banker’s clerk, New Market-place

Collins, Barney, cooper, Ballaygate street

Collins, M and R., grocers and tea dealers, Smallgate street

Cooper, Catherine, shopkeeper, Smallgate street

Copeman, Robert, butcher, Blyburgate street

Copeman, John, shopkeeper, Blyburgate street

Copeman, Mrs. Hannah, butcher, Blyburgate street

Corbyn, Joseph B., chemist and druggist, agent for Westminster Life Assurance Society, New Market

Cowles, William, junr., boarding school, Northgate street

Cowles, William, Northgate house Academy, Northgate street

Crawford, William, Ship inn, Bridge str.

Crickmay, John, post-office, agent to Yorkshire Fire and Life Assurance Office, Smallgate street

Crickmore, James, Malsters’ Arms, Bridge street

Crisp, John, junr., malster, corn and coal merchant, Bridge street

Crisp, James, auctioneer, Smallgate str.

Crisp, Read, accountant, bookbinder, bookseller, stationer, printer, general advertiser, jeweller, agent to Royal Exchange Life and Fire office, fancy repository and toy warehouse, New Market

Crosby, William, shopkeeper, Blyburgate street

Crowfoot, William, E., surgeon, New Market-place

Cullen, Mrs., day and boarding school, New Market

Cullen, Richard, T., plumber and glazier, New Market

Custance, Mary, shopkeeper, Smallgate street

Cutting, William D., blacksmith, Old Market

Dale, Robert, gunmaker, New Market-place

Darby, Samuel, coal and timber merchant, Bridge street

Darby, Samuel, Hermitage inn, Bridge st.

p. 200Darkin, Robert, Crown and Anchor inn, Ballaygate street

Dashwood, Robert, surgeon, New Market-place

Davy, Henry W. R., surgeon, Old Market

Davy, John, plumber and glazier, Saltgate street

Dennant, Jeremiah, boot and shoemaker, Newgate street

Durrant, Richard, watch and clock maker and jeweller, New Market-place

Eastaugh, J. D. and G., corn and coal merchants, Corporation Wharf

Easter, John, gun and pistol maker, Smallgate street

Ecclestone, Harriet, confectioner, Sheepgate street

Edwards, Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, Newgate street

Edwards, Eliza, straw bonnet maker, Sheepgate street

Edwards George, boot and shoe maker, Sheepgate street

Edwards, George, pork butcher, Sheepgate street

Edwards, Noah, well sinker and pump maker, Newgate street

Everett, Edward, plumber, glazier, and painter, Sheepgate street

Farrow, Charles, wine and spirit merchant, brewer, &c., Blyburgate street

Feltham, William, boot and shoe maker, New Market-place

Fenn, George, limeburner, Pudding moor

Fiske, Edward B., assistant clerk to County Court, Ballaygate street

Fiske and Son, solicitors, agents to Atlas Fire and Life Insurance office, and Equity and Law Life, Ballaygate str.

Flowers, James, greengrocer, Northgate street

Forman, Martha, shopkeeper, Newgate street

Francis, Letitia, straw bonnet maker, Northgate street

Francis, William, schoolmaster, Northgate street

Franklin, R. and W., saddlers and harness makers, Blyburgate street

Garnham, William W., draper, agent to Manchester Fire and Pelican Life offices, Blyburgate street

Garrod, J. K. and W. H., tanners and curriers, Northgate street

Garrod, William H., currier, Sheepgate street

Gent, Charlotte, glass and china warehouse, Sheepgate street

Gilbert, Henry, coach builder, Sheepgate street

Goffin, George, shoemaker, Ballaygate str.

Goldsmith, Robert, Checquers inn, Smallgate street

Goldsmith, Thomas, bricklayer, Ingate road

Goodburne, Harriet, greengrocer, New Market-place

Gooderham, John, shopkeeper, Northgate street

Green, Isaac, boot and shoe maker, New Market

Green, James, corn chandler, New Market-place

Gurneys and Co., bankers, Bohun and Rix, agents, Ballaygate street, (draw on Barclay and Co., London)

Hadingham, George, miller, corn and coal merchant, Bridge street

Haken, Henry, saddler and harness maker, New Market

Haldron, William, tailor, draper, and hatter, New Market-place

Halecock, William, senr., whitesmith, Sheepgate street

Harmer, Joseph, watch and clock maker, Old Market

Harper, William, ironfounder and agricultural implement maker, Sheepgate street

Harper, William, ironfounder, Sheepgate street

Harvey, James, White Lion inn and posting house, Smallgate street

Hayward, Robert, cooper, Bridge street

Hellsdon, William, shopkeeper, Northgate street

Hickman, Rev. Charles, Independent minister, Hungate lane

Hindes, Edward, veterinary surgeon, Northgate street

Holland, Robert, Blyburgate street

Holmes, James, brewer, Fenn lane

Holmes, Thomas, shopkeeper, Bridge str.

Hook, Elizabeth, general fancy toy dealer, Smallgate street

Harding, Henry, farrier, &c., Sheepgate street

Horsley and Son, coach builders, Hungate street

Hoskin, William, timber merchant, Corporation Wharf, Old Market

Haward, Samuel, stonemason, Bridge street

Hunt, Ann, shopkeeper, New Market-place

Ingram, Benjamin, bricklayer, Smallgate street

Jarman, Robert, printer, Old Market

Jarmy, Philip, Fox and Hounds, Newgate street

Johnson, Caroline E., straw bonnet maker, Smallgate street

p. 201Jones, Garwood, watch and clock maker, Blyburgate street

Jordon, Robert, butcher, Ballaygate str.

Jordon, Robert, butcher, New Market-place

Kent, Joseph L., ironmonger, gas fitter, and oil and colourman, Sheepgate str.

Kerrison, Henry S., draper, New Market

Kindred, John, agent for Mr. Farrow, wine and spirit merchant, Blyburgate street

Knights, Ann, Berlin wool and fancy repository, Exchange square

Knights, George, baker, Northgate street

Knights, John, shopkeeper, Smallgate st.

Knowles, Martin, King’s Head inn and commercial hotel, New Market-place

Lay, John, Bear and Bells, Old Market

Lay, John, butcher, Northgate street

Leavold, William H., corn, coal, salt, cement, and slate merchant, agent to the London traders, Corporation Wharf

Lenny, William, Waveney brewery, agent to Sun Fire and Life office, Northgate street

Lillistone, Mary Ann, New Market-place

Love, Alfred G., general agent to tax commissioners and to Royal Life and Fire Assurance company, Ballaygate street

Marshall, James, dyer, Northgate street

Mayhew, Joseph, linen and woollen draper, Exchange square

Mayhew, Mary Ann, baker and confectioner, Smallgate street

Mills, Edward, Crown, Blyburgate street

Mills, Frederic, tailor and woollen draper, Blyburgate street

Mills, Robert, George and Dragon, Hungate lane

Money, James, baker and confectioner, Sheepgate street

Mullett, James, tailor, Ballaygate street

Neal, William, shopkeeper, Hungate lane

Nicker, John, butcher, Old Market

Nicker, Mary, dressmaker and shopkeeper, Saltgate street

Norman, John, carpenter, Sheepgate str.

Norman, Joseph, beer-house, Sheepgate street

Norman, Joseph, builder, Sheepgate str.

Norman, Robert, brazier, Blyburgate str.

Oakes, Elizabeth, dress-maker, Sheepgate street

Oswald, Robert, auctioneer, Northgate street

Oxborough, Charles, ropemaker, Smallgate street

Page, Robert, glover, Sheepgate street

Pells, Nathaniel, builder, carpenter, and lane burner, Pudding moor

Pigg, Alfred, draper, New Market-place

Piper, Isaac, tailor, Smallgate street

Piper, Isaac, tailor, Sheepgate street

Piper, Isaac, beer house, Northgate street

Piper, James, tailor and hatter, Sheepgate street

Piper, William, ropemaker, Northgate street

Purland, Samuel, the Plough, Newgate street

Rand, John, shopkeeper, Northgate street

Read, Eliza, butcher, New Market

Reynolds, John, corn inspector, Ballaygate street

Roberts, James, cooper, Sheepgate street

Rodwell, John, boot and shoe maker, New Market

Sayer, Thomas, plumber and glazier, Ballaygate street

Sharpin, William, solicitor, Exchange str.

Sharpins and Swatman, solicitors, and agents to the Law Fire Assurance Office, Exchange square

Shipley, Edward, postman, Northgate street

Shreeve, Eliza, confectioner, Saltgate str.

Smith, Eddy, Queen’s Head, Newgate street

Smith, James, baker and confectioner, Northgate street

Smith, Shephard, grocer and toy dealer, New Market place

Smith, Thomas, corn, coal, and seed merchant, Northgate street

Snell and Hotson, coach builders, Smallgate street

Sprunt, Francis, shopkeeper, Pudding moor

Stacey and Scott, tailors and hatters, New Market-place

Stamp Office, Clarke, Abraham, sub-distributor and insurance agent, Smallgate street

Steel, Samuel, chemist and druggist, New Market-place

Stimpson, John, shoemaker, Saltgate street

Swatman, Edward, solicitor, Northgate street

Syder, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, New Market-place

Taylor, George, brazier and coppersmith, New Market-place

Thirtle, James, green grocer, New Market

Thornton and Co., brewers and maltsters, Blyburgate and Northgate street

Thornton, Richard F., brewer, Ballaygate street

Thrower, Benjamin, confectioner and grocer, New Market

p. 202Thurling, James, tailor and clothes cleaner, Newgate street

Tillett, Frederic, fishmonger, New Market-place

Titshall, Deverson, shoemaker, Sheepgate street

Toll, George H., miller, Bridge street

Tuck, Robert, shoemaker, Smallgate str.

Vyse, William, boot and shoe maker, Northgate street

Wade, Denny, Fleece, Blyburgate street

Walker, Rhoda, straw bonnet and dressmaker, Saltgate street

Walne, Sarah, White Horse, New Market

Ward, Robert, grocer and wine and spirit merchant, Sheepgate street

Warner, Richard, coach driver, Sheepgate street

Webster, John C., solicitor, agent to the Phœnix Fire Office and Pelican Life Office, Old Market

Welch, William, whitesmith and bell-hanger, New Market-place

Welton, John, boot and shoe maker, Northgate street

West, Robert, gardener, Blyburgate street

White, Harriet, stationery and fancy repository, New Market

Whitehead, George, stone and marble mason, Northgate street

Wigg, George, beerhouse, Fenn lane

Wigg, Horace, cabinetmaker, Northgate street

Winter, Betsy, shopkeeper, Northgate street

Woodroffe, Thomas and William, builders, Lower Bridge street

Woodward, William, hairdresser, register office for servants, New Market

Wolfe, George E., cabinet maker and broker, Blyburgate street

Woolner, George, shoemaker, Northgate street

Woolner, William, horse clipper, Blyburgate street

Woolnough, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, New Market

Worroffe, William W., builder, White Swan, New Market-place

Wright, William, boat builder, Northgate street

Youell, George, Pleasure Yatch, Northgate street


Bungay.  A market-town on the borders of Norfolk, 108 miles from London, through Romford, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, and Harleston, and 14 miles S.E. from Norwich, 40 miles N.E. from Ipswich, 20 miles S.W. of Yarmouth, 15 miles W. of Lowestoft, and 6 miles W. from Beccles; is in Wangford hundred and union, East Suffolk, Norwich bishopric; contained, in 1851, 3,841 inhabitants, fairs are held for horses, cattle, &c., on the 14th May and on the 25th September (the latter is also a sessions or hiring for servants).  Near the town is a large silk manufactory, belonging to Messrs. Grout and Co., Norwich; also some extensive flour mills, malt-houses, paper mill, iron foundries, printing offices, and lime kilns.

Bungay contains two churches: the one dedicated to St. Mary, is a handsome edifice, with square tower, and 4 spires, an excellent peal of 8 bells, and a clock.  The living is a perpetual curacy, value £115 per p. 203annum, a donative of the Duke of Norfolk.  The Rev. Wm. H. Archdeacon Glover, B.A., is the perpetual incumbent.  The other church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, is an ancient structure, with round tower.  The living is a vicarage, value £317. per annum, in the gift of the Bishop of Ely.  The Rev. W. Glover, B.A., is the incumbent, and the Rev. H. T. Deacle, M.A., is the curate.

The Baptists, Independents, Wesleyans, and Roman Catholics, have chapels here.  The town is lighted with gas, and the inhabitants are amply supplied with excellent water from the numerous springs with which the town and its neighbourhood abound.  The houses are mostly of modern date, having been erected since 1688, when nearly the whole town was burned in a fire, which originated in an uninhabited dwelling.


Messrs. Harvey and Hudson’s Bank, Market-place.  Manager, Mr. Graystone Baker.

Gurneys, Birkbeck, Turner and Co.’s Bank, Broad street.  Manager, William Hartcup, Esq.  Clerk, Mr. Robert Smith.

East of England Bank, Broad street.  Manager, Samuel Smith, Esq.  Cashier, Richard Cracknell.  Draw on London and Westminster Bank.


Aldis, Charles, Esq., the Grove, Uplands

Allsopp, Mrs. Ann, Earsham street

Angel, Mrs. Harriet, Earsham street

Atkinson, Rev. Samuel, Wesleyan minister, Prospect place

Barnes, Mrs. Lucy, Earsham street

Burtsall, Mrs., Grove road

Bewicke, Miss Jane, Trinity street

Chambers, Mr. Jonathan, Lower Olland st.

Childs, Mrs. Hannah, Earsham street

Cuddon, Mrs. Susanna, Earsham street

Currie, Mrs. John, Trinity street

Deacle, Rev. Thomas Hicks, curate of Holy Trinity; h Upper Olland street

Denny, Mrs. M., Prospect place

Edwards, Rev. William, Wesleyan minister, Upper Olland street

Fisher, Mrs. Eliza, Upper Olland street

Franklin, Mrs. Mary Ann, Trinity street

Garnham, Mrs. Maria, Broad street

Garneys, Charles, M.R.C.S. and L.S.A., Trinity street

Glover, Rev. W., Rector of St. Mary’s, Trinity street

Hogarth, Rev. Arthur, curate of Redisham, h Lower Olland street

Marfew, Miss Phœbe, Grove road

Mayhew, Mrs. Charlotte, Bull lane

Minns, Mr. John, the Ollands

Morell, Mrs. Sophia, Market-place

Plowman, Mrs. Mary, Bridge street

Pratt, Mrs. Ann, Upper Olland street

Pratt, Mr. Henry, Lower Olland street

Rogerson, Mrs. Earsham street

Reynolds, Mrs. Louisa, Lower Olland street

Sayer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Trinity street

Scott, Miss Charlotte, Earsham street

Scott, John, Esq., Earsham street

Smith, Mr. the Ollands

Webb, Mr. John, Upper Olland street

Wills, Rev. Charles, minister of the Independent chapel, Upper Olland street

West, Mrs. Lydia, Plough street


Abel, Matthias, postmaster, post-office, Earsham street

Adams, Edw. B., surgeon, Earsham str.

Adkin, Fred., tailor and draper, Olland st.

Adkin, William, gunmaker, Market-place

Airey, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, Bridge street

Aldous, Richard, butcher, Lower Olland street

Alexander, W., confectioner, Bridge str.

p. 204Alger, William, baker, Broad street

Allen, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Bridge str.

Archer, John, saddle and harness maker, Olland street

Archer, Mary Ann and Eliza, milliners and dressmakers, Upper Olland street

Ashby, John Samuel, printer, bookbinder, and depository of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, Upper Olland street

Ashby, Richard D., bookseller and stationer, Upper Olland street

Atmeare, James, corn dealer, &c., Earsham street

August, Isaac, tailor, Upper Olland street

Baker, Allen, shopkeeper, Upper Olland street

Baker, George, auctioneer and surveyor, Trinity street

Baker, William T., writer, Plough street

Baldry, George, the Rose and Crown inn, Upper Olland street

Balls, George, millwright, Lower Olland street

Balls, John, ironmonger, smith, and bell hanger, Market-place

Banham, William, shopkeeper, Bull lane

Barcham, Edward, plumber, glazier, and painter, Lower Olland street

Barker, Harriet, dress and mantle maker, Market-place

Barkway, Rev. Frederic, curate of Ilketshall St. Andrew, h, Earsham street

Barrell, Samuel, shopkeeper, Lower Olland street

Barrell, Samuel, seedsman and fruiterer, Market-place

Beare, Robert, hay dealer, Upper Olland street

Beare, William, boot and shoe maker, Olland street

Bedingfield, John, butcher, Lower Olland street

Bellman, Henry, solicitor, clerk to the magistrates, and agent to the Globe Fire and Life office, Broad street

Bidwell, Mark, baker, Lower Olland str.

Botwright, Ambrose, attorney’s clerk, Grove road

Botwright, George, travelling draper, Upper Olland street

Booty, William, whitesmith and bell hanger, Lower Olland street

Botwright, John D., builder, agent to the Phœnix Fire office, Upper Olland str.

Botwright, Thomas, clothier and register office for servants, Upper Olland street

Botwright, William T., tailor and draper, Earsham street

Branford, James, saddle and harness maker, Earsham street

Brindle, Rev. William, Roman Catholic minister, h, Olland street

Brown, Mrs. Harriet, dressmaker, Upper Olland street

Brown and Son, plumbers, glaziers, painters, and paper hangers, Bridge st.

Brown, William, watch and clock maker, Bridge street

Bruce, Thomas F., brewer and retailer of beer, Bridge street

Bull, Louis, bricklayer and plasterer, Chapel street

Bullock, Robert Henry, watchmaker and silversmith, Market-place

Burgess, George, superintendent of the paper mills, Lower Olland street

Butcher, Benjamin, the Red Lion, Upper Olland street

Butcher, Robert, registrar of marriages, New road

Butcher Robert, coal and corn merchant, Trinity street

Buxton, James, shopkeeper, Broad street

Cadge, John P., boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Bridge street

Calver, Elizabeth, King’s Arms, Bridge street

Cameron, Daniel, iron and brass founder, Earsham street

Cane, Abel, butcher and tea dealer, Upper Olland street

Capon, Charles, King’s Head, Market-place

Carley, Richard, pawnbroker, Bridge str.

Carley, Richard, watch and clock maker and jeweller, Earsham street

Cattermole, Alfred, saddle and harness maker, Olland street

Cattermole, Henry, plumber, glazier, and painter, Bridge street

Cattermole, Henry, painter, plumber, and glazier, Broad street

Cattermole, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Upper Olland street

Cattermole, Richard, carver and gilder, Bridge street

Cattermole, S. and H., milliners and dress-makers, Bridge street

Cattermole, Susan, toy shop, Bridge street

Chalker, Jane, the White Horse, Trinity street

Chamberlain, Mary, milliner and dress-maker, Upper Olland street

Charlish, William, fishmonger, Lower Olland street

Chase, Robert, Queen’s Head, Market-place

Chase, Charles, butcher, Bridge street

Chase, Robert, junr., butcher, Olland str.

Chenery, Frederic, watchmaker and jeweller, Olland street

p. 205Childs, Charles, steam printer, Office lane, h, Broad street

Churchyard, William, chemist and druggist, Market-place

Clarke, John, baker, Bridge street

Clarke, Sarah, hat and cap manufacturer, Earsham street

Clarke, William, tailor and draper, Earsham street

Clutten, James, Cherry Tree inn, Earsham street

Claxton, Robert, clothier and bootmaker, Bridge street

Cocks, Gilbert and Son, grocers, drapers, and earthenware dealers, Earsham street

Cocks, William, grocer, tea dealer, and dealer in British wines, Market-place

Codling, William, boot and shoe maker, Lower Olland street

Colby, George, hairdresser and perfumer, Olland street

Cornaby, Matthew, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Cornish, Charles, chimney sweeper and fire defender, Broad street

Cossey, James, the Ship, Lower Olland street

Crisp, Samuel B., the Crown, Market-place

Crook, Augustus, veterinary surgeon, Bridge street

Cross, William, boot and shoe maker, Earsham street

Cuddon, Miss, dressmaker, Plough street

Cuddon, William, timber merchant, Olland street

Cullingford, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Lower Olland street

Cullingford and Bayles, carpenters and joiners, Chapel street

Cullingford, William, carpenter and joiner, Earsham street

Cullingford, Richard, butcher, Lower Olland street

Cunningham, Miss Mary Ann, dress-maker, Upper Olland street

Currie, Charles W., surgeon, Market-place

Dale, Mary, lodging house for travellers, Bridge street

Darvy, Robert, builder, Chapel street

Day, George, cabinet maker, Lower Olland street

Dipson, William, wheelwright, Lower Olland street

Dodd, Philip Henry, solicitor, the Ollands

Dodd, Philip William, solicitor, Olland Downs

Drake, Charles, solicitor, Trinity street

Draper, Francis, hay and corn seller, and baker, Bridge street

Driver, William, Prince of Wales, and wool stapler, Upper Olland street

Dyball, Robert, linen draper, Market-place

Earl, Richard, sheriff’s officer, Earsham street

Ebbage, Mrs. Hannah, brick and tile manufacturer, Earsham street

Ecclestone, Robert, baker and confectioner, Upper Olland street

Farrants, Sarah, shopkeeper, Broad street

Farman, Elizabeth, painter, Broad street

Farrow, Joseph, timber merchant, Lower Olland street

Fenton, John, professor of dancing, Bull Jane

Fisher, Samuel, grocer and stamp distributor, Earsham street

Foulger, Joseph, carpenter and joiner, Upper Olland street

Francis, Eliza, stay and dress maker, Lower Olland street

Girling, John W., butcher, Earsham street

Gosling, Mary, shopkeeper, Bridge street

Grimmer, Charles, veterinary surgeon, Upper Olland street

Hammond, Robert, veterinary surgeon, Earsham street

Harding, Simon, cooper, Bridge street

Hinsby, William, cooper, Lower Olland street

Howes, Robert, accountant, Lower Olland street

Howes, Miss Harriet, ladies’ boarding academy, Earsham street

Howard, Edwin, grocer and tea dealer, Earsham street

Holley, William, plumber, glazier, and painter, Chapel street

Hogg, Robert, carrier, Bridge street

Hudson, James, ironmonger, Olland str.

Hunt, Miss Susannah, milliner and dress-maker, Bridge street

Ife, Charles, the Chequers, Bridge street

James, John H., solicitor, agent for the Caledonian Fire, and Fire Insurance company, Trinity street

Jennings, William Howes Dundas, inland revenue officer, Upper Olland street

Jermy, John, the Two Brewers, Chapel street

Jordan, Thomas, beer retailer, Bull lane

Judge, Joseph, shopkeeper, Upper Olland street

King, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Ellen, dressmakers, Earsham street

p. 206King, Michael, wheelwright, Earsham st.

Lait, Alfred, linen and woollen draper, Olland street

Lait, John, clothier, Earsham street

Larke, William, wine and spirit merchant, Broad street

Laws, James, Three Jolly Butchers, Market-place

Leggatt, Robert, Horse and Groom, Broad street

Lodge, Edward, coal merchant, Bridge st.

Lover, Charles, basket and sieve maker, Market-place

Martin, Benjamin, the Angel inn, Lower Olland street

Martin, George, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Martin, William, the Fleece inn, Market-place

Masterson, James, glover and tailor, Lower Olland street

Mayhew, Jeremiah, confectioner, Earsham street

Meadows, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Trinity street

Minns, Charles, draper and milliner, Olland street

More, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, Upper Olland street

Newman, John, White Lion, Earsham street

Nickless, Frederic, linen and woollen draper, Olland street

Nunn, Robert, bricklayer and plasterer, Plough street

Nursey, Henry, stonemason and sculptor, Upper Olland street

Nursey, James, stone and marble mason, Lower Olland street

Nursey, James, leather currier, Upper Olland street

Oaken, Martha, straw bonnet maker, Market-place

Owles, James, chemist and druggist, Market-place

Owles, Thomas, grocer, tea dealer, and tallow chandler, Trinity street

Palmer, David, pump maker and well sinker, the Greyhound, Upper Olland street

Pearson, Robert, plumber and glazier, the Ollands

Phillips, William L., grocer and tea dealer, Market-place

Pratt, John, paper manufacturer, Trinity street

Pricker, Jonathan, excise officer, Lower Olland street

Raven, James, corn and seed merchant, Broad street

Rayner, Henry, wheelwright, New road

Reeve, John R., boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Reeve, William, pork butcher, Earsham street

Reeve, Jesse, hairdresser, fancy repository, bookbinder, stationer, and hardwareman, Market-place

Reeve, Charlotte, boarding and day school, Upper Olland street

Reeve, Hannah, dressmaker, Upper Olland street

Redgrave, Samuel, plumber, glazier, and painter, Chapel street

Reynolds, Sarah Ann, ladies’ day school, Broad street

Richards, Eliza, milliner and dressmaker, Lower Olland street

Riches, Frederic, tailor, Lower Olland st.

Riches, John, carpenter, &c., the Ollands

Richmond, William, ironmonger, Bridge street

Roper, John, Three Tuns inn, Market-place

Rose, Robert, cabinet maker, Upper Olland street

Sadd, John, tailor and draper, Bridge street

Sayer, John, beer retailer, Bridge street

Sayer, Manning, baker and confectioner, Upper Olland street

Scarlett, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Sewell, Bloomfield, registrar of births and deaths, the Ollands

Smith, George, boot and shoe maker, Lower Olland street

Smith, Henry, general shopkeeper, Olland street

Smith, Hannah, children’s day school, the Ollands

Smith, James, Bell inn, Market-place

Smith, James, tailor and draper, Market-place

Smith, Lucy, Ann, fancy repository and stationer, Market-place

Smith, Robert, tailor, Lower Olland street

Smith, Susannah, governess of the Plough school, Lower Olland street

Smith, Thomas, corn, coal, and seed merchant, Market-place

Smith, William, carpenter and joiner, Chapel street

Spall, Henry, auctioneer, wine and spirit merchant, New road

Spall, William, coach builder, New road

Spooner, Elizabeth, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Upper Olland street

Spooner, John, plumber and glazier, Upper Olland street

Stockdale, John, the Swan, Market-place

p. 207Sutton, Amelia, tailor and hatter, Olland street

Sutton, Lucy, dressmaker, Olland street

Taylor, John, hairdresser and perfumer, Earsham street

Taylor, Nathaniel, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Earsham street

Thirtle, John Brown, linen and woollen draper, Market-place

Tillett, Benjamin, fishmonger, Bridge st.

Tillett, William, fishmonger, Earsham st.

Tilley, Charles, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Tilley, Eliza, shopkeeper, Bridge street

Trower, James, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Turner, William, basket and sieve maker, Upper Olland street

Tye, John, boot and shoe maker, Broad street

Walesby and Son, saddle and harness makers, Earsham street

Walker, David, corn and coal merchant, Trinity street

Waller, John, cabinet maker, Earsham st.

Walpole, Mary Ann, draper, Bridge st.

Ward, Benjamin, rope maker, Market-place

Ward, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Olland street

Waters, John, yardman to Mr. Walker, merchant, Lower Olland street

Watson, John, blacksmith, New road

Watts, John, boot and shoe maker, Broad street

Watts, William, grocer, Earsham street

Wayling, T., confectioner, Earsham str.

Weavers, Henry, the Plough, Plough str.

Weavers, John, grocer and tea dealer, Olland street

Winter, John, glass stainer and painter, Earsham street

Woods, William, linen draper, Market-place

Woodward, B. B., littérateur, Trinity str.

Woolnoughs, Mrs. Hannah, ladies’ boarding and day school, Broad street

Woor, James, boot and shoe maker, Upper Olland street

Woor, James, boot and shoe maker, Lower Olland street

Wright, Robert, brewer, Grove road


Halesworth is a market town, distant 31 miles N.E. from Ipswich, 8 miles from Bungay, 9 miles from Beccles, 8½ from Southwold, and 100 from London, in the Blything hundred and union, Norwich bishopric, East Suffolk; is situate on the river Blyth, which is navigable to Southwold, where it falls into the North Sea.  The living is a rectory, with the vicarage of Chediston annexed, value £600, and 10 acres of glebe land, in the gift of Andrew Johnston, Esq.  The Rev. Robert Edward Hankinson, M.A., is the incumbent, and the Rev. David Stevenson, B.A., is the curate.  The church of St. Mary is a Gothic building, with square tower and fine peal of 8 bells; also nave, aisles, and organ.  The Baptists, Wesleyans, and Independents, have chapels here.  Here is also a National School, and a British and Foreign School.

There is a small theatre here; also a neat police station for the Beccles division of police.  It is a polling place for the Eastern division of the county.  The town is lighted with gas.  The trade consists in corn and malt, which is exported to London by means of small crafts to Southwold.  Here are also iron foundries, coach building, and several p. 208manufacturing establishments.  The market is held on Tuesday.  Fairs are held on Tuesday in Easter and Whitsun weeks, and 29th and 30th of October.  The petty sessions are also held here.

The population is 2,665, acreage 1,420, gross rental £10,000, rateable value, £7,990.  John Crabtree, Esq., is lord of the manor of Halesworth and Dame Margerie, in Halesworth; and the rector is lord of the manor of the rectory.


Crown bank; Harveys and Hudsons, bankers.  Agent, Thomas T. B. Bedwell, Thoroughfar

Gurneys and Company; Barclay and Co., Market-place

East of England bank; manager, Josiah Humphries, London and Westminster bank agents, Thoroughfare

Savings’ bank; manager, Mr. James Tippell.  Quay street

Gas works; John Foreman, manager, Wissett road


Atthill, Rev., Bridge street

Bayley, Mrs. Susan, Pound street

Bunyan, Mr. John, Quay street

Chapman, Mr. John, Bungay road

Clarke, Mr. John, Bridge street

Crabtree, Misses, Bungay road

Cracknell, Thomas, Esq., Market-place

Eastaugh, Mrs. Hannah, Chediston str.

Fox, Mrs. Lucy, Quay street

Hankinson, Rev. Robert Edwards, rectory

Moore, Mrs., Bungay road

Prime, Mr. Edward, Bungay road

Ringwood, Mrs., Bridge street

Rudge, Mrs. Mary Anne, Rectory street

Spilling, Miss Charlotte, Quay street

Stevenson, Rev. David, curate, Pound street

Taylor, Mrs. Mary, Thoroughfare

Turner, Rev., rector of Linstead, round street


Aldred, William Henry, grocer, tea-dealer and tallow chandler, Market-place

Allex, Captain Peter, superintendent of police, Bungay road

Appleton, Robert, architect and surveyor, Pound street

Archer, William, the Golden Ball, Chediston street

Atmer, William, Angel inn commercial hotel, Thoroughfare

Baker, William, shopkeeper and postman, Thoroughfare

Baker, William, baker, Chediston street

Balls, John, Hawk inn, Bridge street

Balls, Robert, stone mason, Pound street

Barber, Emma, shopkeeper, Chediston street

Barber, Robert C., the White Lion, Market-place

Barker. T., teacher of music, Pound str.

Bass, Robert Beales, solicitor, agent for the Crown Life Office, clerk to the County Court, and to the Ipswich turnpike, h Market-place

Beales, John, surgeon, Market-place

Bedwell, John, tailor and draper, Market-place

Bedwell, John, grocer and draper, Market-place

Bird, John, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Boniwell, William, register office for servants, Thoroughfare

Botham, Benjamin, linen draper, Bridge street

Botham, Benjamin, tailor, &c., Quay str.

Boyce, William, plumber, glazier, and painter, Pound street

Boyden, Susannah, ladies’ boarding academy, Quay street

Brown, Mary, butcher, Thoroughfare

Brown, Samuel, grocer and draper, Quay street

Bryant, Charles, solicitors’ clerk, Quay street

Buller, Elizabeth, basket maker, Pound st.

Burgess, Nathaniel, general ironmonger, Thoroughfare

p. 209Burleigh, Robert W., maltster and corn merchant, Quay street

Butler, William, tailor, Thoroughfare

Carliell, William, coal merchant, Thoroughfare

Carnova, Peter, silversmith and jeweller, Thoroughfare

Chambers, William, White Hart inn, Thoroughfare

Chaplain, Jonathan, the Grapes, Thoroughfare

Chapman, John, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Chappell, William, painter and glazier, Rectory street

Chilvers, Ambrose, grocer and draper, Chediston street

Chilvers, William, musical instrument Chediston street

Clarke, George, plumber and glazier, Thoroughfare

Clark, William E., the Perseverance tavern, Quay street

Cole, Ellen, fancy repository, Market-place

Cole, John, boot and shoe maker, Chediston street

Collett, George Thomas, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Thoroughfare

Collett, William H., coach builder, Pound street

Crabtree and Cross, solicitors, Thoroughfare

Crisp, William, saddle and harness maker, Quay street

Croft, Daniel, broker, Market-place

Croft, Daniel, lodging house and broker, Chediston street

Croft, George, haircutter, Quay street

Croft, James, general shopkeeper, Chediston street

Cross, Frederic, solicitor, Market-place, h Quay street

Cullingford, Emma, straw bonnet maker, Chediston street

Cullingford, James, shopkeeper, Chediston street

Cullingford, Titus, boot and shoe maker, Bungay road

Davey, Thomas P., linen draper, Thoroughfare

Day, John, printer, China, glass, and Staffordshire warehouse, Bridge street

Dennison, David, confectioner, Pound st.

Dyer, Joseph, clothier and outfitter, Thoroughfare

Easterson and Son, iron and brass founders, and implement makers, Market-place

Edmonds, Jonathan, supervisor, Bungay road

Ellis, William, watch maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Market-place

Elworthy, Sarah, boarding school for young ladies, Quay street

Farrington, Robert, grocer, Thoroughfare

Farrow, Joseph, timber merchant, Quay street

Farrow, Thomas, builder and architect, Bungay road

Fisher, Edward, tailor, Thoroughfare

Foreman, John, grocer, draper, and post master, Thoroughfare

Forman, Daniel, clerk to Blything Union, Quay street

Forman, James, butcher, Bridge street

Freeman, G. P., auctioneer, land agent, &c., Thoroughfare

Garrard, Seaman, surgeon

Gibson, William, the Half Moon, Rectory street

Gilham, John, Brewers’ Arms, Bungay road

Girdlestone, Owen, whitesmith, Pound street

Gobbett, Henry G., tailor, draper, and bootmaker, Thoroughfare

Gooch, James, fruiterer, and dealer in marine stores, Chediston street

Gooch, John, marine store dealer, Chediston street

Gooderham, John, earthenware dealer, Bridge street

Green, Lucy, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Hardingham, William, the Queen’s Head, Chediston street

Hellen, Robert, Rose and Crown, Chediston street

Holder, Henry, brewer, Quay street

Hopson, William, saddle and harness maker, Thoroughfare

Howard, Charles, Trowel and Hammer, Pound street

Howard, Frederic, surgeon, Quay street

Hugman, Robert, linen draper, Bridge street

James, Henry, accountant, Quay street

Jarmy, John, smith and ironmonger, Chediston street

Jarvis, Walter Scott, station-master, Halesworth station

Johnson, Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Market-place

Keeble, Francis, carpenter and joiner, Rectory street

Kemp, Samuel, butcher, Bridge street

Kent, Thomas, cooper, Coopers’ Arms, Quay street

Lanes, Frederic, shopkeeper, Market-place

p. 210Lockwood, James, greengrocer, Bridge street

London, John F., hatter, outfitter, &c., agent for the Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Office, Thoroughfare

Mannall, Mrs. Elizabeth E., milliner and dressmaker, Bridge street

Mannall, John, day academy for young gentlemen, Rectory street

Miller, James, baker, Chediston street

Miller, James, tailor and town crier, Chediston street

Millett, William, shopkeeper, Pound str.

Mills, Isaac, the Tuns, Market-place

Moore, Caroline, milliner and dressmaker, Bridge street

Musk, Edward H., stationer and toyman, Bridge street

Neeve, Thomas, Swan inn, veterinary surgeon, Pound street

Newson, Frederick, grocer and teadealer, Bridge street

Newson, Nelson, W., watch and clock maker, silversmith, jeweller, &c., Thoroughfare

Newson, Richard, whitesmith, Chediston street

Newson, Samuel, bricklayer and plasterer, Pound street

Newson, Stephen, bricklayer, Chediston street

Newson, William, bricklayer and farmer, Chediston street

Nunn, Ephraim, pork shop, Pound street

Owles, John, plumber and glazier, Thoroughfare

Parsley, Frederick, Esq., manager to Gurney’s bank, Market-place

Page, Thomas, corn and seed merchant, baker, &c., Bridge street

Peachy, Robert, ropemaker, Pound street

Pedgrave, Augustus, surgeon, Bungay road

Pedgrift, Fred. W., surgeon, Thoroughfare

Prime, Samuel, fishmonger, Bridge street

Rackham, George, chemist and druggist, printer and publisher of the Halesworth Times, Quay street

Read, John, solicitor, Pound street

Reynolds, William, chemist and druggist, Thoroughfare

Rignall, William, gunsmith, Market-place

Robinson, William, boot and shoe maker, Quay street

Rudland, George H., surgeon and druggist, Chediston street

Sawyer, James, carrier to Norwich, Ipswich, and Aldborough, Quay street

Scarle, Mrs. Catherine, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Quay street

Scraggs, Elizabeth, dyer, Chediston street

Seaman, John, bailiff to the County court, Rectory street

Seaman, George, butcher, Thoroughfare

Self, Samuel, maltster, brewer, and retailer of beer, Chediston street

Self, Samuel, shopkeeper, Quay street

Shade, Nathaniel, boot and shoe maker, Thoroughfare

Simmonds, Robert, the Ship, Thoroughfare

Smith, Caroline, dressmaker, Chediston street

Smith, James, builder, Chediston street

Smith, John and Robert, farmers, Steeple lane

Smith, Robert, police constable, police station, Quay street

Smith, Sidney, veterinary surgeon, Chediston street

Sowen, Robert, brick maker, Steeple lane

Sparrow, Samuel, umbrella maker, Chediston street

Spore, James, broker, Chediston street

Squire, George, dealer in game, Chediston street

Squire, William, baker and grocer, Pound street

Stagoll, John, land surveyor, Black Eagle, Chediston street

Stevens, William, accountant, Market-place

Strathern, F. B., maltster, Bungay road

Strathern, F. B. and Co., wine and spirit merchants, Quay streets

Sutton, Robert T., tailor and draper, Thoroughfare

Symonds, Robert, coachmaker and smith, Quay street

Taylor, Caroline, straw bonnet maker, Pound street

Taylor, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Bungay road

Taylor, George G., King’s Arms commercial hotel, Market-place

Thompson, William, gun and lock smith, Bridge street

Thompson, George, brewer, farmer, and maltster, Market-place

Tillett, Samuel, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Bridge street

Tilney, Henry, blacksmith, Pound street

Tippell, James, printer, bookseller, stationer, dealer in china, glass, and earthenware, agent to Norwich Union Life and Fire Insurance society, Thoroughfare

Took, Adam, basket and sieve maker, Quay street

Took, Peter, beer retailer and butcher, Chediston street

Took, Robert, confectioner and baker, Bridge street

p. 211Tyrrell, Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Bungay road

Tyrrell, William, brewer, Bungay road

Wade, Denny, cooper and brewer, Bridge street

Wade, Sarah, ladies’ boarding school, Pound street

Wade, Thomas, cooper, Pound street

Waters, Ann, the King’s Head, Quay str.

Watson, William, the Wherry, Quay str.

Webb, T., farmer, Walpole road

Wigg, Caroline, straw bonnet manufacturer, Thoroughfare

Wigg, Lionel, stock dealer, Rectory str.

Wigg, William, watch and clock maker, Thoroughfare

Wild, Thomas, accountant, Bungay road

Woods, William, shopkeeper, Chediston street

Woodward, Francis, banker’s clerk, Pound street

Wright, James, plumber, glazier, and painter, Market-place


Eye.  An ancient borough and market town, occupies a low situation at the confluence of two rivulets, 20 miles N.E. of Ipswich, 24 S. of Norwich, 94½ from London through Colchester and Ipswich, and 3½ from the Mellis station of the Eastern Union Railway.  It contains 4,174 acres, and the population in 1851 was 2,419.  General Sir Edward Kerrison, Bart., of Oakley Park, is lord of the manors, and proprietor of the greater part of the soil.  The market is on Tuesday for corn, &c.; and a fair is held on Whit-Monday for pleasure.  Through the energetic exertions of Mr. Henry Bishop and Mr. Robert Chase, of this town, assisted by Sir Edward C. Kerrison, Bart., M.P., of Broome Hall, a new era has dawned on the place by the erection of a flax manufactory on such an extensive scale, as to be capable of giving employment to a great number of hands.  Here are breweries and an iron foundry.  The town is governed by a mayor, 4 aldermen, and 12 councilmen; and has a Commission of Peace, and Court of Record.  Petty sessions are holden here.  It returns one Member to Parliament; and the present member is Sir Edward Clarence Kerrison, Bart.

The public buildings include the parish church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, a large, handsome structure, with a fine embattled tower, clock, and a handsome Gothic porch.  The living is a vicarage, valued at £331 per annum.  Sir Edward C. Kerrison, Bart., is the patron, and the Rev. James William Campbell, M.A., the incumbent.  There are Wesleyan and Baptist chapels; likewise a Free Grammar and National Schools.  The Hartismere Union Workhouse, a neat building, stands at the east end of the town, near the church.

The Freemasons have a Lodge (Prince Edwin, 751) held at Mrs. Rowling’s, White Lion Hotel.  There is a town hall, and a small theatre, now occasionally used for lectures.  The Eye Savings’ Bank and p. 212Annuity Institution is held at Mr. Henry Bishop’s, in Broad Street, who is Secretary and Manager; and in November, 1851, there was due to 1,184 depositors the sum of £28,177 1s. 7d.  At the north entrance of the town stand Bedingfield’s almshouses, for poor widows or old maids of Eye, which have been rebuilt by the charity trustees, and have a picturesque appearance.


Gas Works, Magdalen street, Mr. John Waterman, superintendent, h Lambeth street.

Gurneys & Co., bankers, Edgar Chenery, Esq., solicitor, agent, Broad street


Ashford, Mr. Seaman, Castle street

Ashwell, Miss, Castle street

Bishop, Mrs. Mary, Castle street

Branch, Mr. John, Lambeth street

Campbell, Rev. James W., M.A., vicar, h the vicarage

Collins, Mrs. Hannah, Church street

Day, Miss Ellen, Church street

Eade, the Misses, Castle street

Edwards, Mrs. Lucy, Magdalen street

Flowerdew, Mr. Thomas, Church street

Hayward, Mr. Lionel, Lambeth street

Notly, Rev. Charles, vicar of Redlingfield, and Master of the Grammar school, h Grammar school

Prettyman, Mr. Robert, Church street

Southwold, Miss, Miss Reeve, and Miss Garland, Castle street

Thornton, Mrs. Emily, Castle street


Aldred, Frederic, miller, Lambeth street

Arbourn, Robert, the Star, Castle street

Ashford, Henry, surgeon, Castle street

Baldry, George, miller, Church street

Barber, Thomas, chemist and druggist, Lambeth street

Barber, William, ironmonger, agent to the Norwich Union Life and Fire office, Broad street

Batchelor, Henry F., mechanical dentist, jeweller, watchmaker, and engraver, Castle street

Bevis, George T., Hill House establishment for young gentlemen, Lambeth street

Bird, Henry, the Grapes, Church street

Bird, Thomas, rock and sweetmeat maker, Church street

Bishop, Robert, chemist and druggist, printer and stationer, agent to the Indisputable Life office, Broad street

Broad Charles, brushmaker, Castle street

Buckenham, Charles G., the Horseshoes, Castle street

Burton and Chase, flax manufacturers, flax mills

Burton, John Watson, flax manufacturer, Lambeth street

Calver, Susannah, watchmaker and glass dealer, Broad street

Cason and Bicker, linen and woollen drapers, agents for Dakin’s tea, Broad street

Catchpole, Edward, the Red Lion, Church street

Chase, Robert, butcher, Lambeth street

Collins, Henry, blacksmith and machinist, Cross street

Collins, John, tallow chandler and grocer, Church street

Cooper, James, baker, Church street

Costerton, Charles Fisher, clerk to the Guardians of the Hartismere Union, and superintendent registrar

Coston and Co., brewers, maltsters, wine and spirit merchants

Cream, Charles, solicitor, clerk to Magistrates of the County for the Hundred of Hartismere, Lambeth street

Cross, Charles O., grocer and draper, Lambeth street

Dade, Robert, shopkeeper, Magdalen str.

Day, Daniel, builder, Church street

Day, Joseph, wheelwright, Back lane

Dove, James, shopkeeper, Church street

Dykes, Robert, cooper, King’s Head, Church street

Evans, Harriet, dressmaker, Church street

French, Thos. Esq., bank agent and solicitor, Stayer House

p. 213Frost, Charles, Queen’s Head inn, Cross street

Gardner, William, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Garrod, William, iron and brass founder and manufacturer of farmers’ implements in general, Lowgate street

Gibbs, Robert, tailor, Magdalen street

Girling, Daniel, wheelwright, Castle str.

Gissing, Anthony, confectioner and baker, Castle street

Gissing, Samuel, linen and woollen draper, agent to the Royal Exchange and the General Fire and Life offices, Broad street

Gooderham, Daniel, hairdresser, Magdalen street

Goold, George, gardener and seedsman, Cowgate street

Harvey, William, hairdresser, Broad street

Herbert, Hannah, the Eight Bells, Church street

Hindes, James, carpenter and builder, Lowgate street

Howe, Anthony, boot and shoe maker, Lambeth street

Hursam, Edward, boot and shoe maker, Lambeth street

Jeffry, Martha, milliner and dress maker, Church street

Jessop, Samuel, dealer, Church street

Jillings, Samuel, corn chandler and butcher, Castle street

Kemp, Edward, bankers’ clerk, Castle street

Kirby, Susan, milliner and dress maker, Lambeth street

Lacon, Charles, jun., solicitor, Lambeth street

Lacon, Richard and Charles, brewers, and wine and spirit merchants, Lambeth street

Lacon, Thomas Henry, agent to the Britannia Insurance office

Lake, William, the Swan inn, Cross str.

Lawrence, Jesse, broker, Church street

Lawrence, Robert, the Cherry Tree, Castle street

Lawton, George Warner, solicitor, Castle street

Ling, Charles H., plumber, glazier, and painter, Lowgate street

Marriott, John, tailor, Castle street

Marsh, John, saddle and harness maker, Castle street

Mendham, Robert, coach maker and artist, Church street

Moore, James, surgeon, Magdalen street

Moss, Susan, milliner and dress maker, Magdalen street

Moss, William, the Crown, Magdalen str.

Mudd, George, grocer, registrar of marriages for the Hundred of Hartismere, Church street

Neale, James, plumber and glazier, Castle street

Norman, James, Duke of Wellington, Back lane

Nurse, Richard, printer, bookseller, stationer, stamp distributor, and postmaster, Broad street

Offord, Edmund, Bedingfield Arms, Lambeth street

Olden, John, tailor, Church street

Page, Edward, leather cutter, Castle str.

Palmer, Mary, stay maker, Back lane

Penning, Daniel, builder and surveyor, Lambeth street

Perfitt, Robert, gardener, Cross street

Perry, Thomas, baker, Church street

Prentice, David, gunsmith, Cross street

Rampling, Henry, beer retailer, Castle street

Rampling, Henry, tailor, Castle street

Rampling, Horace, butcher, Castle street

Rands, William, basket manufactory and rod merchant, Lambeth street

Rowling, Susan, White Lion commercial hotel, Broad street

Read, William, tailor and draper, Church street

Read, William, tailor, Broad street

Remington, Richard, saddle and harness maker, Church street

Richardson, Humphrey, fishmonger, Church street

Robinson, James, glover, Castle street

Robinson, William, glover, Church street

Rose, David, boot and shoe maker, Back lane

Runacres, Mary, corn chandler, Church street

Rush, John, fancy toy shop and veterinary surgeon, Castle street

Scales, Harriet, straw bonnet maker, Church street

Scales, Henry, King’s Arms, Castle street

Short, George G., maltster and builder, Church street

Sivel, George, cooper, Lambeth street

Skelton, Joseph, dyer, Castle street

Skinner, George, watch and clock maker, Castle street

Skuffham, David, blacking manufacturer, Lambeth street

Smith, Joseph, blacksmith, Church street

Smith, Robert, confectioner, Broad street

Strutt, Joseph, White Horse, Church str.

Sturgeon, Daniel, painter, plumber, and glazier, Castle street

Sturgeon, George, painter, plumber, and glazier, Castle street

p. 214Thimblethorpe, Henry, carpenter and joiner, Castle street

Tillett, William, fishmonger, Castle street

Todd, Henry, coach maker, Lambeth street

Tricker, William, saddle and harness maker, Lowgate street

Tye, Mark, bricklayer, Cross street

Vine, Henry, stone and marble mason, Lowgate street

Walter, William Miller, surgeon, Lambeth street

Waterman, John, corn and coal merchant, Back street

Watling, John, the Bull, Lambeth street

Weeden, Henry, horse dealer, Church str.

Whayman, Owen, professor of music and dancing, Church street

Williams, William, governor of the Hartismere Union; Williams, Eliza, matron

Woolner, Francis, accountant, Church street

Wythe, Henry, the Victoria Arms, Back street


Stowmarket.  A market town and railway station, in Stow hundred, West Suffolk, 80¼ miles from London, 12½ N.N.W. from Ipswich, and 14¼ E.S.E. from Bury; contained, in 1851, 3,299 inhabitants, besides about 1,000 in the Upland, being nearly 4,300.  It is nearly the centre of the county, on the Eastern Union Railway, at the junction of the three rivulets which form the river Gipping, which was rendered navigable in 1793, and has proved a great source of prosperity to the town.  A considerable trade in corn, malt, coals, slate, and timber, is done here.  The Corn Exchange and Assembly Boom were built at a cost of £3000 about 20 years since.  The corn market, held on Thursday, is well attended by farmers.  A grand agricultural show of cattle, sheep, and pigs, is held early in September; and a horticultural show is held in July for flowers, fruit, and vegetables.  There are two annual fairs—viz. on the 10th of July and two following days for toys and pleasure, and on the 12th of August a large lamb fair.  The town is well lighted with gas; and it is now a polling-place for the Western division of the county.

The living is a vicarage, valued in the King’s books at £16 15s., is now valued at £380 per annum.  The Rev. A. G. H. Hollingsworth is patron and incumbent.  The church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Mary, is a large cathedral-like building, in the decorated and early English style of architecture, with tower, nave, aisles, long chancel, and a side chapel, belonging to C. Tyrrell, Esq., called Gripping chapel.  In the church is a monument to Dr. Young, once vicar of this place, and tutor to the immortal Milton.  There are chapels for Independents, Baptists, Wesleyans, and Primitive Methodists; also a National school, and several benevolent institutions for the relief of the poor.


p. 215Harveys and Hudson’ Bank.  William Isley, Esq., manager, Butter market.

Oakes, Bevan, and Co.’s Bank.  Manager, John G. Hart, Market-place

Reading Rooms for Young Men, supported by Subscribers—about 100 members, Market-place.  Open daily.

Corn Exchange, Market-place.  Market on Thursdays; large trade carried amongst farmers, maltsters, millers, and merchants.


Bond, Miss Susan, Childer road

Bradley, Mr. Robert, Childer road

Bridges, Mrs. Sarah, Ipswich road

Cooper, Mrs. Amelia, Bury street

Cross, Mr. Henry, Ipswich street

Dydeman, Mr. George, Bury street

Freeman, Mrs. Susan, Ipswich street

Gaymour, Miss Mary Ann, Childer road

Grimsby, Miss M. N., Ipswich road

Hollingsworth, Rev. A. G. H., vicar of Stowmarket and Stowupland, Vicarage, Ipswich street

Kent, Mrs., Childer road

King, Mrs., Hill house

Maberly, Rev. Frederic H., vicar of Great Finborough, h Tavern street

Pennington, Mrs. Emma, Ipswich street

Purr, Misses Mary Anna and Sophia, Bury street

Revett, Mrs. Elizabeth, Bury street

Reynolds, Rev. William, Violet hill

Rust, Mrs., Bury street

Smith, Rev. W., curate of Stowupland, Ipswich road

Smith, William, Bury road

Symonds, Mrs. Elizabeth, Tavern street

Thornley, Rev. John, Baptist minister, Violet hill road

Turner, Mrs. Susan, Childer road

Webb, Joseph, Esq., Ipswich street


Adams, Robert, pipe maker, Market-place

Andrews, Henry, shopkeeper, Pleasant row, Regent street

Andrews, Joseph, builder, Tavern street

Archer, Edward P., assistant clerk to the Court, clerk to the Union, and County Court office, Tavern street

Arenson, Louis, jeweller, Childer road

Bailey, William, cabinet maker, Ipswich street

Balls, George, tailor and draper, Churchyard

Banyard, Theodore, bricklayer and plasterer, Violet hill lane

Barker, Robert, baker, Stowupland street

Barnard, Edward, baker, Stowupland street

Barnard, Philip, beer retailer, Gipping street

Bellchambers, John, tailor and draper, Market-place

Bethel, F. W., bushel and harness maker, Ipswich street

Betts, Francis, carpenter and builder, Bury street

Bewley, Hunter, King’s Arms inn, Stowupland street

Bloomfield, Rebecca, shopkeeper, Bury st.

Bloomfield, Thomas W., the Railway tavern, Stowupland street

Boby, George, linen and woollen draper, tea-dealer and grocer, Market-place

Boby, Robert, ironmonger, Market-place

Bowey, William, shopkeeper, Stowupland street

Bree, Charles, surgeon, Strickland

Brett, Thomas, tailor and draper, Ipswich street

Brett, Martha, grocer and haberdasher, Stowupland street

Brett, John, gardener, Duke’s Head inn, Ipswich street

Bridges, Samuel and Son, coach builders, Tavern street

Brook, A. M. and R., milliners and dress makers, Ipswich street

Broom, John, Carpenters’ Arms

Brownsmith, John, Fox and Hounds, Bury street

Caley, Samuel, fishmonger, Ipswich street

Carter, Sarah, day school for young ladies and gentlemen, Ipswich street

Chapman, John E., wine and spirit merchant, Ipswich road

p. 216Charles, Richard, outfitter, Market-place

Clarke, A., milliner, Tavern street

Clarke, Mary Anne, milliner, &c., Regent street

Claxton, George, painter, plumber, glazier, and earthenware dealer, Market-place

Cobbold, James, porter’s lodge, Stowupland street

Codd, William, boot and shoemaker, and parish clerk, Ipswich street

Coe, Thomas, painter and decorator, Bury street

Cole, Thomas, commercial traveller, Tavern street

Cole, Thomas, cabinet maker, Childer road

Coleby, Ephraim, the Crown, Regent street

Coleman, Benjamin, the Pot of Flowers, Bury street

Collen, George, plumber, glazier, and corn merchant, Ipswich street

Colson, John, gun maker, Ipswich street

Colson, William, the Staff of Life, and shopkeeper, Stowupland street

Colson, John, boot and shoe maker, Stowupland street

Cordwell, Charles, boys’ school, Regent street

Corner, William, Pickerell inn, Stowupland street

Cracknell, George, basket maker, Stowupland street

Cracknell, Samuel, whitesmith in general, Bury street

Crawley, George, station master

Creasey, John, tailor, Bury street

Crispin, Thomas, pawnbroker, Butter Market

Cullum, Edward, Cricketers’ Arms, Childer place

Cuthbert, Gibbs E., tailor, White Hart, Crow street

Cuthbert, Thomas, butcher, Bury street

Cuthbert, Robert, bootmaker, Red Lion, Tavern street

Dade, Joseph, Bell inn, Bury road

Day, John, ozier merchant, Bury road

Day, John, beer retailer and boot and shoe maker, Churchyard

Dennis, Hannah, milliner and furrier, Bury street

Diaper, Abraham, shopkeeper, Bury street

Diaper, James, boot and shoe maker, Bury street

Diaper, James, wine, spirit, and porter merchant, agent for the General Fire and Life Assurance, Stowupland street

Downing, Henry S., King’s Head, Ipswich street

Drake, Charles, tailor and draper, Ipswich street

Druce, William H., fancy toy shop

Druce, William, hair dresser, and fancy toy shop, Bury street

Durrant, Jeremiah, fishmonger, Stowupland street

Dye, John, shopkeeper, Gipping street

Earthy, Reuben, coach builder, Bury str.

Eley, Joseph, pork butcher, Ipswich str.

Ellis, Robert, carpenter and joiner, Ipswich road

Esling, Henry, painter, plumber, and glazier, Stowupland street

Felgate, Elizabeth, tailoress, Childer place

Felgate, William, grocer and draper, Bury street

Feltham, William, watch and clock maker, working silversmith and jeweller, registrar of marriages for the district of Stow, and agent for the Protector Life Assurance Society, Stowupland street

Fenton, Eliza, confectioner, Ipswich str.

Fiske, John, baker, Bury street

Footman and Company, linen and woollen drapers, hatters, &c., Tavern street

Francis, Hannah, dyer, Bury street

Francis, James, umbrella maker, Bury street

Freeman, Spencer, surgeon, registrar of births and deaths, Market-place

Frewer, John Edwin, nurseryman, Violet hill nursery

Frewer, Mary, straw bonnet maker, Regent street

Frewer, Mary, knitting and crochet establishment, Market-place

Fuller, R. G., solicitor, Ipswich street

Garnham, George, manager for Footman and Co., linen draper, Tavern street

Gilson, John, butcher, Stowupland street

Gladwell, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Stowupland street

Gooderham, Charles, butcher, Ipswich st.

Gosling, Sophia, shopkeeper, Regent str.

Green, Sarah and Hannah, boarding and day academy for ladies, Bury street

Greengrass, George, baker, Childer road

Groom, Robert, carpenter, Gipping str.

Gudgeon, James, solicitor, Bury street

Harling, B. A., surgeon, Bury street

Harper, John W., surgeon, Stowupland street

Hayward, George, butcher, Bury street

Hayward, George, wheelwright, Regent street

Herring, William, supervisor, Stowupland road

Hewitt, William Robert, corn and timber merchant, Tavern street

p. 217Hopson, John, stone and marble mason, Bury street

Ives, James, boot and shoe maker and beer retailer, Ipswich street

Jackson, Abraham, superintendent of British Schools, Childer road

Jackson, Isaac, cooper, Bury street

Jackson, William, chemist and druggist, Market-place

King, Benjamin, maltster and merchant, h Tavern street

King, William, upholsterer, cabinet maker, and broker, Ipswich street

King, William, corn and coal merchant, Tavern street

Lambert, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Ipswich street

Lankester, Joseph A., grocer and draper, wine merchant, and tallow melter, Market-place, and at Felsham

Larke, Sarah, dress maker, Bury street

Leathers, Ann, shopkeeper, Ipswich street

Lilystone, Charles, baker, Bakers’ Arms, Violet hill

Lilystone, William, shopkeeper, Bury street

Limmer, James, China and glass establishment, Market-place

Limmer, William F., confectioner, Market-place

Lock, John, farmer, Bury road

Lockwood, John, the Fox commercial hotel, and Inland Revenue office, Ipswich street

Lusher, Elijah, the Hop Pole tavern, Stowupland street

Makens, Robert, butcher, Ipswich street

Malyan, William, Barge inn, Stowupland street

Martin, Phœbe, ladies’ boarding and day school, Bury street

Martin, John, miller, the Rose tavern, Butter market

Matthews, John, farmer, Bury road

Mc’Lachlan, John, brewer, Bury street

Miles, Edward F., whitesmith, Ipswich road

Mills, Elizabeth, straw bonnet maker, Ipswich street

Mills, William, White Horse inn, Stowupland street

Morly, Thomas, painter, plumber, and glazier, Bury street

Mumford and Chapman, wine and spirit merchants, and agents to the Suffolk Alliance Fire and Life Office, Ipswich street

Myal, Leonard, Greyhound inn, Tavern street

Offord, James, cutler, Ipswich street

Ormes, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Crow street

Palmer, William, baker, Stowupland str.

Palmer, Ellen, dress maker, Stowupland street

Parmenter, Isaac, China and glass dealer, hairdresser, and clerk to the market, Market-place

Parker, William, baker and confectioner, Ipswich street

Paxman, Ann Smith, draper, Ipswich str.

Payne, Henry, solicitors’ clerk, Violet hill

Payne, James, house agent, Violet hill road

Payne, Emma, ladies’ boarding school, Violet hill

Pearson, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, Ipswich street

Pettit, Edward, merchants’ clerk, Childer road

Pooley, Thomas, broker, Stowupland street

Pooley, William, clothier, Butter market

Prentice and Hewitt, bar iron, timber, slate and coal merchants, maltsters, &c., Stowupland street

Prentice, William, corn and timber merchant, h Market-place

Prentice, Samuel, grocer and draper, Market-place

Purr, William W., ironmonger, oil and colorman, Stowupland street

Raffe, Matilda, boot and shoe maker, Bury street

Reddish, Edward, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Rednall, Ephraim, builder and surveyor, Ipswich street

Reynolds, John, miller, Ipswich street

Robinson, Frederic, ironmonger, Regent terrace

Rodwell, Edward, tailor, Crow street

Roper, David, boot and shoe maker, Regent street

Runneckles, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Bury street

Rush, Edward, pork shop and postman, Market-place

Rust, Isaac A., ironmonger, Bury street

Salmon, Edward, ironmonger and brazier, Ipswich street

Salmon, Thomas, and Tillott, Albert, tailors and drapers, Bury street

Salmon, William, corn, coal, and seed merchant, Stowupland street

Sawyer, Randall, carpenter and joiner, Regent street

Scrivener, Philip, watch and clock maker, silversmith, jeweller, dentist, &c., Market-place

p. 218Sillett, John, superintendent of police, Tavern street

Simpson, Edward, stone mason, Ipswich road

Simpson, George B., private grammar school, Bury street

Simpson, Thomas, chemist and druggist, and agent for the Sun Fire office, Bury street

Smith, Robert, miller, Ipswich street

Smith, Thomas, Inland Revenue officer, Bury street

Smith, William, blacksmith, Ipswich str.

Smyth, Francis, whitesmith, Bury street

Stegall, John G., miller, Bury street

Stevens, William, basket maker, Stowupland street

Stevens, J. W. and G., common brewers, Stowupland street

Stevens, George, brewer and maltster, Stowupland street

Strait, Elizabeth, preparatory school for boys, Ipswich road

Studd, William, hairdresser, Bury street

Suttle, Louisa, milliner and dress maker, Ipswich street

Suttle, William, dyer, Stowupland street

Sutton, William, Duke of Wellington, Stowupland road

Taylor, Henry T., sack, tilt, and grease manufacturer, Childer road

Tillott, Joseph, tailor, Tavern street

Tillott, T., corset and stay maker, Tavern street

Towcock, James, foreman, to Mr. Woods’ iron foundry, Childer road

Tricker, Robert, baker, Bury street

Tricker, William, shopkeeper, beer retailer, and cooper, Bury street

Turner, William, hurdle maker, Bury str.

Tydeman and Cracknell, furniture brokers’, Ipswich street

Tydeman, George, watch and clock maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Ipswich street

Ward, Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, Regent street

Ward, Joshua, boot and shoe maker, Regent street

Warne, Mr., farmer, Bury road

Webb, Henry, grocer and tea dealer, Bury street

Webb, L. and Son, curriers, tanners, and leather sellers, Stowupland street

Wenham, William, pipe manufacturer, Stowupland road

Whayman, Owen, veterinary surgeon, Regent street

Williams, Charles, Queen’s Head, Stowupland street

Williams, James, White Lion, Stowupland street

Williams, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, Stowupland street

Woods, James, manufacturer of agricultural machinery and implements, Suffolk iron works

Woolby, Arthur B., bookseller, printer, and stationer, Ipswich street

Woolby, Thomas B., postmaster, Ipswich street

Worledge, Robert, tailor, Stowupland str.

Wright, Samuel, saddle and harness maker, Tavern street

Youngman, Thomas, confectioner, Ipswich street


Needham Market.  A railway station and well-built town, lighted with gas; is a hamlet of the parish of Barking.  It is situated on the Eastern Union Railway, 76¾ miles from London, 8¾ from Ipswich, 3½ from Stowmarket, and is bounded on the east by the navigable river Gipping.  This town is in Bosmere and Claydon hundred and union, Norwich bishopric East Suffolk.

p. 219The living is a perpetual curacy, of the annual value of £91, in the gift of the rector for the time being of the parish of Barking.  The Rev. G. A. Paske, is the incumbent.  The church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist.  It is a humble structure, with wooden belfry.  There is a Free Grammar School for the education of 21 youths, connected with the church.

There is an Independent chapel, of which the Rev. Joseph Perkins is minister, and connected therewith is a British School.  The Society of Friends also have a small meeting, and a Girls’ Free School attached.  The almshouses are for 8 poor persons, and the occupiers have a small weekly allowance, with coals and candles.  The population in 1851 was 1,367, and it occupies nearly 1000 acres.  The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Ashburnham is lord of the manor.  A fair is held on October 28th.  There is a manufactory for crown glue in this town.  In 1850, a public library and reading room was established here.


Bedingfield, Miss Caroline, High street

Bedingfield, Miss Harriet, High street

Burlingham, Mr. Thomas, High street

Catchpole, Mrs., High street

Clarke, Mr. William, High street

Maw, Mrs. Lucy, High street

Maw, Samuel Alexander, agent for Alexander and Co’s bank, High street

Paske, Rev. George Alexander, perpetual curate of Needham Market

Sammons, Rev. John Coulson, M.A., head master of the grammar school, Needham Market, and curate of Gipping

Squires, Mrs. Rachel, High street

Ward, Mrs., High street

Wilkinson, Mr. B., High street


Abbott, Mr. Jonathan, farmer; h High street

Bayley, James T., grocer and draper, High street

Baker, John, superintendent, police station, High street

Baskett, James, shopkeeper, High street

Baskett, Robert, boot and shoe maker, and leather seller, High street

Beard, Philip, watch and clock maker, High street

Beck, Thomas B., surgeon, Valley House, Creeting St. Mary

Beck, Henry, surgeon, High street

Bedingfield, James, M. D., Longville House, Needham Market

Blomfield, Thomas, painter, plumber and glazier, High street

Bowell, Robert, pork shop, High street

Brill, John, station-master, Needham station

Brook, Mr. James B., solicitor, High street

Brooke, Richard C., boot and shoe maker and fancy repository, High street

Brown, Edward, blacksmith, High street

Burrell, Henry R., watch and clock maker, High street

Button, Robert, Victoria Arms, High str.

Chapman, William, cabinet-maker, &c., Hawk Mill street

Childrick, John, millwright, Hawk Mill street

Childrick, William, miller, Hawk Mill st.

Clabon, William, wheelwright, High str.

Claxton, Edward, blacksmith, High street

Clover, John, butcher, High street

Cookson, Rev. Frederic, curate of Combs; h High street

Cooper, Mrs. Mary, painter, plumber, and glazier, China shop, High street

Dearing, John, saddle and harness maker, High street

Fairweather, Lionel, pork shop, High str.

Fairweather, Samuel, Queen’s Head inn, Hawk Mill street

p. 220Fox, John, grocer, High street

Garnham, Mrs. Susan, shopkeeper, High street

Garrod, Frederic John, watch and clock maker, jeweller and silversmith, High street

Garrard and Paddle, grocers and drapers, High street

Godfrey, Henry, carpenter and joiner, High street

Green, John, tailor, &c., High street

Groom, Robert, boot and shoe maker, High street

Haggar, Joseph, rakemaker, Coddenham road

Haggar, Samuel, the Swan inn commercial posting house, High street

Hall, Robert, gardener, Bridge street

Harrington, Allen, chemist and druggist, High street

Hayward, John, butcher, High street

Hayward, Frederic, solicitor, clerk to the magistrates for Bosmere and Claydon Hundred, superintendent registrar

Hazell, James, shopkeeper, High street

Jeckell, Robert, accountant, High street

Kerridge, Miss Celia, school governess, High street

Lockwood, Luke, baker, High street

Lockwood, William, baker, High street

Lovick, Mary Ann, beer retailer, High street

Lucas, Thomas, baker, Bridge street

Martin, Enoch, George commercial inn, High street

Mount, Mary Ann, Rampant Horse inn, Coddenham road

Mount, William, wireworker, High street

Mulley, Edward, broker, Chapel street

Page, Thomas, tailor and confectioner, High street

Pennington, James, surgeon, Chapel str.

Potter, Thomas, basket-maker, High str.

Quinton, John, druggist, bookseller, and stationer, stamp office, High street

Rabitt, Susan, milliner and dressmaker, High street

Rainbird, John, shopkeeper and fishmonger, High street

Read, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, High street

Read, William, boot and shoe maker, High street

Ruffell, Francis, beer retailer, High street

Sage, Susan, King’s Head inn, High str.

Sage, William, carrier to Ipswich every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, High street

Scopes, Henry, the Bull, Bridge street

Scopes, Richard, bricklayer, &c., Stowmarket road

Scopes, Susan, whitening maker, Stowmarket road

Simpson and Son, coopers and timber dealers, manufacturers of all kinds of bent timber, High street

Snell, Samuel, farmer, High street

Soughgate, Abraham, miller, High street

Soughgate, Mrs. John, flour seller, High street

Steward, George, maltster, High street

Steward, John, blacksmith, High street

Stewart, William James, solicitor, High street

Studd, George, hairdresser, High street

Studd, John, tailor, &c., High street

Taylor, Miss Ann, day school for young ladies, High street

Taylor, Thomas, librarian to the lecture room, High street

Taylor, William, grocer, draper, and baker, Bull lane

Tydeman, Mrs. Harriet, Three Tuns inn, Hawk Mill street

Tydeman, John, post-master, post-office, High street

Vincent, Jonathan, veterinary surgeon, High street

Ward, Mrs. Sophia, brick and lime works, High street

Webb, Frederic, beer retailer, High street

Wells, Mrs. Maria, straw bonnet maker, High street

Woodward, John, grocer and draper, High street

Woollard, George, whitesmith and bell-hanger, High street

Woollard, Jane, straw bonnet maker, High street

Wright, Freeman, crown glue manufacturer

Wright, Henry, beer retailer, High street


Woodbridge, in East Suffolk, is a parish and market town, and port, on the banks of the river Deben, 76 miles from London, and 8 N.E. from Ipswich.  The population in 1851 was 5,000.  The town is well lighted with gas; it consists principally of four streets.  Large quantities of corn and malt are shipped from Woodbridge; and the imports are very considerable, consisting of coal, timber, seed, oilcake, wine, spirits, &c.  Upwards of 50 vessels are connected with the port.  A very extensive market is held on Wednesday, for corn and cattle.  Fairs are held on the first Tuesday in April, and Michaelmas day and the day following.  A county court is held here.  The petty sessions are every Wednesday, and quarter sessions are held here.

The Parish Church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a very handsome structure, and in 1840, was repaired and decorated at the expence of George Thomas, Esq.  The living is a perpetual curacy; the Rev. T. W. Meller, M.A., is the present incumbent—annual value, £329.  A new church, dedicated to St. John, has been completed within the last 8 years.  The Rev. Joseph Rowley, B.A., is minister.  The Wesleyans, Independents, and Society of Friends, have each a chapel here.


SEKFORDE HOSPITAL.  Governors—Right Honourable Sir John Romilly, Master of the Rolls.  Right Honourable Sir John Jervis, Knight, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas.  Chaplain—Rev. William Thomas Meller, M.A.


Aldous, Mr. William, Sekford street

Alexanders and Co., bankers; F. Alexander, Esq., resident partner, Church st.

Allen, Miss Lydia, Thoroughfare

Baily, Mrs. Mary, St. John’s street

Baldry, Mrs. Mary, Church street

Brooke, George, Esq., Cumberland street

Carthew, Mrs. Charlotte, Cumberland str.

Clarke, Mrs., Bredfield street

Cook, Mr. William, Brook street

Daniels, Misses, St. John’s street

Doughty, Frederic, Esq., Cumberland st.

Duffy, Rev. Aaron, Independent minister, Quay side

Garrard, Mr. William, Thoroughfare

Gissing, Mrs. Ann, Cumberland street

Griffiths, Rev. David, Independent minister, New street

Grimwood, Mrs., St. John’s street

Hart, Mr. Daniel, Quay House

Heard, Mrs. E., Castle street

Hillen, Mr. Robert, the Quay

Hughes, Thomas William, M.R.C.S., Cumberland street

Hughes, Rev. Thomas William, B.A., chaplain of the Suffolk asylum, Cumberland street

Hunt, Mrs. Harriet, St. John’s street

Jackson, Rev. Postle, head master of the Free Grammar school, Sekford street

Knight, Mrs. Ann, Thoroughfare

Linstead, Mr. John, St. John’s Church street

Loder, Mr. Charles, Thoroughfare

Martin, Mr. William, Thoroughfare

Martin, Mr. William, Doric place

p. 222Miller, Rev. T. W., rector of St. Mary’s; rectory house

Morley, Mr. William, Thoroughfare

Norton, William, Esq.

Pulham, James, Esq., Sekford street

Rowley, Rev. Joseph Moss, incumbent, St. John’s: h St. Johns parsonage

Sheming, Mr. Thomas, Cumberland street

Taylor, Rev. Henry: h Chapel lane

Toll, Miss Hannah, Seckford street

Turner, Mrs., St. John’s street

Wainwright, Miss Rachel and Miss Elizabeth, Church street

Watson, Rev. Christopher George, rector of Melton: h Church street

Whitnall, Mrs. Elizabeth, Castle street

Wilson, Miss Mary, Doric place


Adcock, George, national school master, Castle street

Aldring, W. H., milliner and dressmaker, Thoroughfare

Alexander and Co., bankers, Church str.

Alexander, William, boot and shoe maker, Sekford street

Allcock, Thomas, baker, Market-hill

Allen, John, the Royal William, Theatre street

Allen, Alethea, corset maker, Cumberland street

Allen, Loder, plumber and glazier, Church street

Amos, Sarah, private lodging house, Cumberland street

Andrews, Jonathan, builder, St. John’s street

Andrews, W. F., grocer and tea dealer, registrar of marriages, agent to Royal Liverpool Insurance and Accidental office, Thoroughfare and Market hill

Bacon, Cobbold, and Co., bankers, Thoroughfare

Baker, James, watch maker, Thoroughfare

Baldwin, C. A., Free Trade tavern, Sekford street

Balls, Mary Ann, pork butcher, Sekford st.

Balls, Edward, tailor, Thoroughfare

Bannister, William G., British schoolmaster, St. John’s terrace

Bardwell, Elmer, broker and grocer, Cumberland street

Barnes, Robert, shop keeper, Thoroughfare

Barritt, James, confectioner, Church str.

Batchelor, Richard, grocer and tea dealer, Thoroughfare

Baxter, Isaac, green grocer, Sekford street

Baxter, Harriet, dress maker, Doric place

Baxter, Sarah, blacksmith, Brook street

Bays, Thomas, hat manufacturer, Market-place

Beckett, John, farming bailiff, Kingston road

Beecroft, Sarah, milliner and dress maker, Church street

Beecroft, William, grocer and tea dealer, Church street

Bendall, James, iron and brass founder, Thoroughfare

Berry, Sharman West, gun manufacturer, Market hill

Betts, John, farmer, Thoroughfare

Betts, John, chemist, druggist, and colorman, Thoroughfare

Beverley, Sarah, and Stubbs, Eliza, fancy repository, Thoroughfare

Bird, Emma, dress and cloak maker, St. John’s street

Bird, Robert, librarian to the Mechanics’ institution, St. John’s street

Bloxsome, Joseph, linen draper, Church street

Bond, Samuel, tailor, &c., Wellington inn, Cumberland street

Braham, Robert, boot maker, New street

Brickles, John, bricklayer, Castle street

Brickles, Margaret, shopkeeper, Castle street

Brighten, George, haircutter, Quay

Brinkley, William, butcher, Church street

Broadbank, Rosa, straw bonnet maker, New street

Broadbank, William, boot maker, New street

Broadbank, T., plumber, glazier, and painter, Brook street

Brook, Henry William, wine and spirit merchant, stock and share broker, Church street

Brooks, German, Queen’s Head inn, Sekford street

Brown, Joseph F., tailor, woollen draper, and hatter, Thoroughfare

Buckmaster, Mark, brewer, St. John’s str.

Bull, Elizabeth, dress maker, Brook str.

Bunn, Walter, Saddlers’ Arms, Castle street

Burditt, John, watch maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Thoroughfare

p. 223Burrows, Charles, pawnbroker, silversmith, and jeweller, Church street

Burrows, John, whitesmith, Angel lane

Butters, John, boot and shoe maker, New street

Butters, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Thoroughfare

Cage, John, tin-plate worker, New street

Cana, Robert, agent for the Norwich Fire and Life Assurance society, commissioner for taking special bails for the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire

Carr, John, baker, Castle street

Carr, James, boot and shoe maker, and leather cutter, Thoroughfare

Catchpole, John, bookseller, stationer and fancy repository, Thoroughfare

Chappell, William George, tailor and woollen draper, Church street

Charters, Sophia Augusta, King’s Arms, Thoroughfare

Clarke, Henry, green grocer, New street

Cole, Jacob, butcher, Church street

Cole, James, beer retailer, Cumberland street

Cook, Thomas, coach builder, New street

Cook, Alfred, auctioneer, appraiser, and estate agent, Thoroughfare

Cook, Thomas, the Coopers’ Arms, Market hill

Cook, Alfred B., the Swan inn, Market hill

Cook, Alfred Thomas, estate agent and auctioneer, Thoroughfare

Cork, Henry, rope and twine manufacturer, Church street

Cousins, William, bricklayer, Sekford street

Cowing, Samuel, Stannon inn, Brewer’s lane

Cranmer, Alexander, King’s Head inn, Market hill

Cross, James, rod merchant, &c., Thoroughfare

Crowe, Davy, grocer and tea dealer, Church street

Culham, John, pork butcher, New street

Culham, William, ironmonger, brazier, and tin-plate worker, Thoroughfare

Cullingford, Samuel, linen draper, Thoroughfare

Cullingford, Anne, milliner and dress maker, Thoroughfare

Cullingford, Joseph, builder, St. John’s street

Curtis, John, felmonger, Brewer’s lane

Cutting, James, boot and shoe maker, Church street

Dallenger, John, accountant, Thoroughfare

Daniels, William, baker and beer retailer, Cumberland street

Dawson, James, captain of merchant vessel, Thoroughfare

De Medewe and Brooke, solicitors, agents to the Globe Insurance office, the Rock Insurance, and the Female Provident Society, New street

Dickerson, William, shopkeeper, Cumberland street

Dove, Benjamin, bricklayer and builder, Castle street

Dougar, Robert, railway contractor, Cumberland street

Downing, Edward, coach builder, Thoroughfare

Dowsing, William, corn chandler, New street

Dowsing, William, shoeing smith, Chapel lane

Durrant, Isaac, saddle and harness maker, Thoroughfare

Dunnett, Philip, hairdresser, &c., Market hill

Easto, John, and Co., grocers, tea dealers, and tallow chandlers, Church street

Edwards, Henry, wine and spirit merchant, Thoroughfare, h Church street

Edwards, Henry, jun., maltster and merchant, h Church street

Edwards, Henry, sen., wine and spirit merchant, Thoroughfare

Elliott, Henry, miller, Mill hill

Ellis, Benjamin, watch and clock maker, Thoroughfare

Everett, Lucy, boarding school for young ladies, Brook house, Cumberland street

Fenn, E., boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Cumberland street

Fenn, Mary Ann, boarding and day school for young ladies, Cumberland street

Fisher, Henry, locker to the Custom house, Quay lane

Fisher, William, confectioner and baker, Thoroughfare

Fisk, Eunice, corset maker, St. John’s terrace

Fisk, Samuel, cabinet maker and upholsterer, St. John’s street

Fitzgerald, Edward, superintendent of the East Suffolk police division

Footman and Co., linen drapers, Thoroughfare

Foreman, John, gardener and seedsman, New street

Fosdike, John, bricklayer and plasterer, St. John’s terrace

Francis, Sarah, dyer, Cumberland street

Freeman, Charles, draper, Thoroughfare

Frost, John, builder, St. John’s street

Frost, William, cooper, Thoroughfare

p. 224Gall, Benjamin D., chemist and druggist, and cashier of the savings’ bank, Thoroughfare

Gall, George, furnishing ironmonger, Church street

Gammage, Benjamin, baker and confectioner, Thoroughfare

Gammage, James, baker, Cumberland street

Garnham, John, Royal Oak, Thoroughfare

Garrard, George, master mariner, Brewer’s lane

Garrard, Eliza, milliner, Brewer’s lane

Garrard, Charles, master mariner, Brewer’s lane

Garrard, William and Charles, boat and ship builders, Brook street

Gennills, John, turner, Castle street

Gibbs, Susan, dressmaker, St. John’s street

Gibbs, William G., master mariner, St. John’s street

Giles, George, rope manufacturer, New street

Giles, George, boot and shoe maker, Thoroughfare

Gillingham, George, the Anchor, Quay lane

Gissing, John S., surgeon, &c., Market hill

Godbould, George, veterinary surgeon, the Sun inn, Thoroughfare

Goodwin, Susanna, ladies’ day and boarding school, Church street

Goldsmith Thomas, machine maker, shopkeeper, and agent for Ransomes and Sims’ agricultural implements, Market hill

Gray, Samuel, butcher, Sekford street

Green, Robert, haircutter, New street

Grimwood, William, brushmaker, Cumberland street

Grimwood, T. W., and G. A., timber, slate, tar, and cement merchants, Woodbridge and Snape bridge

Gross, Frederic, wine and spirit merchant, offices, Thoroughfare, h Church street

Gross, James and Co., grocers, tea dealers, wine and spirit merchants, Thoroughfare

Gross, Alfred, accountant, Sekford street

Gurney, Godfrey, the Cross inn, Church street

Gurney, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, Cumberland street

Hambly, Parmenas, clerk, Castle street

Hammond, James, pork and poultry dealer, Church street

Harding, Amos, smith and wheelwright, Theatre street

Harris, William, shopkeeper and carrier from Woodbridge to Ipswich, Chapel street

Hart, John, and Wrinch, Henry, maltsters, corn, coal, and seed merchants, Woodbridge

Hartridge, James, coach proprietor, St. John’s street

Hartridge, James, coach proprietor, New street

Hartridge, William, coach office and shopkeeper, New street

Hayward, Emma, milliner and dressmaker, Church street

Hayward, James, estate and fire and life insurance agent, Castle street

Hayward, Robert, grocer and draper, St. John’s street

Head, Mary, furniture broker, New street

Heffer, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, St. John’s street

Hildyard, John, watch and clock maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Thoroughfare

Hornor, Mrs. boarding and day school for young ladies, Doric place

Houghton, John, clerk and sexton to St. John’s, Castle street

How, John, Boat inn, the Quay

Hunt, James, boot and shoe maker and leather seller, Thoroughfare

Hunting, William, greengrocer, New street

Issett, John W., hardwareman, agent to the County Fire and Provident Life Insurance offices, Thoroughfare

Jasper, William H., carpenter, &c., Theatre street

Jeffries, Alfred, painter, plumber, and glazier, Thoroughfare

Jeffries, John, seedsman and florist, Thoroughfare

Jeffries, John, florist and seedsman, Castle street

Johnstone, Thomas M., collector of Customs, North Hill Cottage

Jones, Richard, surgeon, Church street

Jones, Thomas, supervisor, St. John’s terrace

Keeble, William, ship agent, Castle street

Keeble, William, hairdresser and perfumer, Thoroughfare

Keel, Robert, painter, &c. New street

Kemp, Susan, milliner and dressmaker, Thoroughfare

Kemp, John, boot and shoe maker, Castle street

Kemp, George, grocer and tea dealer, Cumberland street

Kemp, William, ironmonger, Market hill

p. 225Kent, Edwin, general draper and silk mercer, Market hill

Larter, Jonathan, boot and shoe maker, Bredfield street

Last, S., boarding and day school for young ladies, St. John’s street

Last, Elizabeth, dressmaker, St. John’s street

Last, Edward, cooper, Cumberland street

Law, William, Lion inn, Eastern Counties Railway Goods Depôt, Thoroughfare

Laurance, William, the Ship, Quay

Leech, Francis, gardener, Castle street

Lincoln, James, shopkeeper, Bay Horse, Castle street

Ling, George, maltster, offices, Brewer’s lane, h Bedford

Lockwood, William, jun., brewer, sole agent for Truman and Hanbury’s porter and stout, Castle street

Loder, John, bookseller, stationer, printer, and binder, agent for the Advertiser East Suffolk Newspaper, Thoroughfare

Loder, John, jun., auctioneer, office, Thoroughfare: h Doric place

London, William, accountant, Thoroughfare

Lucock, Mrs. Sarah, Cherry Tree inn, Cumberland street

Lucock, Thomas, registrar of births and deaths, Castle street

Mallett, William, plumber and glazier, Market hill

Mallett, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, Sekford street

Mallett, Mary, dress and cloak maker, Market hill

Manby, George, general merchant, Thoroughfare

Markham, Miss Maria, milliner, &c., Thoroughfare

Marsh, William N., hairdresser and perfumer, Market hill

Marshall, Charles, surgeon, Thoroughfare

Matthews, William, the Tankards, New street

Mayes, Miss Sarah, dressmaker, Doric place

Mayhew, Samuel, general hardware dealer, Thoroughfare

Mayhew, James, confectioner and baker, Market hill

Mickleburgh, Mrs. Emma, clothier and corn chandler, Market hill

Middleditch, George, butcher, Market hill

Minter, James, confectioner and baker, Market hill

Moore, William, surgeon, Cumberland st.

Moore, George, solicitor and county treasurer, Cumberland street

Moore, Martin, brazier, engraver, &c., Thoroughfare

Moore, George, solicitor and county treasurer, Cumberland street

Moore, William, surgeon, Cumberland st.

Moore, William C., painter, plumber, and glazier, New street

Morley, Joseph R., china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Thoroughfare

Moss, Rosamond, straw hat maker, Sekford street

Moulton, Benjamin, auctioneer and land surveyor, clerk to the guardians of the Woodbridge Union, and superintendent registrar, Thoroughfare

Munro, John D., bookseller, stationer, and post-master, Church street

Naunton, Charles, watchmaker, Chapel lane

Neale, Horace, grocer and tea dealer, agent to the Phœnix Fire Office, Thoroughfare

Newson, Mrs. Mary Ann, milliner, &c., St. John’s street

Norris, George, watch and clock maker, Market hill

Nunn, H. & C., milliners and dressmakers, St. John’s street

Nunn, James, brazier, New street

Osborn, Mr. S., miller, Theatre street

Owles, Charles, whitesmith, &c., New st.

Oxx, Amos, corn chandler and game dealer, Thoroughfare

Palmer, Miss Caroline E., ladies’ day school, Thoroughfare

Palmer, Henry, shopkeeper and baker, Sekford street

Passifull, Edward, captain of a merchant vessel, St. John’s street

Pattison, William, architect, St. John’s Church street

Peake, Charles, Golden Lion, Market hill

Peake, Thomas, builder, surveyor, and brick merchant, agent for Leeds and Yorkshire Life and Fire Assurance Company, Cumberland street

Peckham, Alfred S., inland revenue officer, Sekford street

Pitcher, John, accountant, New street

Pite, Edward, printer and bookseller, Church street

Pite, George Alfred, linen draper, Thoroughfare

Pite, Mary Ann, milliner and straw hat maker, Church street

Pizey, Henry, auctioneer, &c., Cumberland street

Pizey, Philip, printer, bookseller, and deputy registrar, New street

Pooley, Emma, Cock and Pie inn, New street

Potwright, Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Castle street

p. 226Quadling, George, Waggon and Horses, Bredfield street

Quinton, Mrs. stay and corset maker, St. John’s street

Quinton, Richard, shopkeeper, Sekford street

Read, Alfred, greengrocer, &c., Thoroughfare

Read, George, greengrocer, Theatre street

Rebett, Brady, grinding cutler, New str.

Reeve, Mr. A., solicitor; offices, Thoroughfare; h Melton

Revell, William, grocer and tea dealer, Cumberland street

Revell, William, pork butcher, Cumberland street

Reynolds, William, officer of the inland revenue, Kingston road

Richardson, John, fishmonger, St. John’s street

Riches, John, tailor, Castle street

Robertson, Margaret, preparatory school for young ladies and gentlemen, Castle street

Salmon, John, Crown hotel, posting house and receiving office for parcels, Thoroughfare

Salmon, John, Bull commercial inn, Market hill

Sawyer, Christian, shopkeeper, Chapel lane

Sawyer, John, Horse and Groom, Cumberland street

Scolding, William, White Horse inn, Market hill

Scott, Mrs. Thomas, milliner, Thoroughfare

Scott, Thomas, draper, Thoroughfare

Scrutton, John, cabinet-maker and upholsterer, Thoroughfare

Scrutton, William, baker, Brook street

Seaman, James, carpenter and builder, Thoroughfare

Sheming, Fenn, farmer, Cumberland str.

Ship, Joseph, saddler, St. John’s street

Shribbs, James, manager to the E.C.R. Company, goods department; h Cumberland street

Silver, Thomas T., ironmonger, Church street

Simpson, Frances Ann, milliner and dressmaker, New street

Simpson, Thomas, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Thoroughfare

Skinner, John, greengrocer, Thoroughfare

Smith, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Sekford street

Smith, Henry, fishmonger, Thoroughfare

Smyth, William, basket and sieve maker, Thoroughfare

Smith, James R., chemist and druggist, Market hill

Smith, James, master mariner, Quay lane

Smith, Robert, butcher, New street

Smyth, Mrs. Lydia and Miss Leah, boarding and day school for young ladies, Bredfield street

Southgate, Henry, coffee and eating house, Church street

Stanford, Harriet, milliner, Thoroughfare

Stannard, William, the Bell inn, New st.

Stananought, John, whitesmith and inspector of weights and measures, New street

Steel, William, the Grapes inn, Bredfield street

Stephenson, William, stone and marble mason, Thoroughfare

Stimpson, Ann, dressmaker, St. John’s terrace

Syer, John, cabinet maker, Cumberland street

Taylor, Alfred, bailiff of the County Court, New street

Taylor, Samuel, confectioner and baker, New street

Thompson, George, county surveyor, Doric place

Thompson, George Edward, corn merchant, Thoroughfare

Thompson, Robert, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Thoroughfare

Tills, William, corn and coal merchant, Thoroughfare

Trott, George, shipowner, Castle street

Trafford, Susan, shopkeeper, Sekford str.

Trott, Pierce, miller, Birket road

Trott, William, shipowner, Quay lane

Tuck, Charles, chemist and druggist, shop, Church street, h Sekford street

Turner, Catherine, greengrocer, New str.

Turner, George, butcher, Thoroughfare

Turner, John, butcher, Thoroughfare

Turner, Robert, farmer, Dry Bridge hill

Turner, Wm. clothier and shoemaker, Chapel lane

Tye, William, shopkeeper, Sekford Arms, Sekford street

Wade, George, hairdresser, Cumberland street

Wade, Martha, straw bonnet maker, Cumberland street

Wade, Maria, confectioner and baker, Thoroughfare

Waller, Jeremiah, boot and shoe maker, Castle street

Ward, Ann, upholstress, New street

Waspe, Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, St. John’s street

Webb, James, boot and shoe maker, Castle street

p. 227Webb, James, sen., boot and shoe maker, Thoroughfare

Welton, Julia, boot and shoe maker, New street

Westrup, John, the Angel inn, Theatre street

Whayman, Matthias, confectioner and baker, St. John’s street

Whincopp, William, wine merchant, Market hill

Whisstock, Frederic, house agent, Sekford street

Whisstock, Mary, boarding and day school for young ladies, Castle street

Whisstock, William, tailor and draper, Thoroughfare

Wilmshurst, William, Mariners’ Arms, New street

Wilson, William, town crier, Angel lane

Woods, John, master mariner, St. John’s street

Woods, Robert, sailmaker and shopkeeper, Plough inn, Bredfield street

Wood, John, solicitor and coroner, offices, Church street, h Thoroughfare

Woods, Charles, boot and shoe maker, St. John’s street

Woods, John and Son, nursery and seedsmen, Cumberland street

Woods, Jane, straw bonnet maker, New street

Wright, Jeremiah. jun., tailor and woollen draper, Church street

Wright, Harriet, dyer, Thoroughfare

Wright, William, boot and shoe maker, Church street

Wright, James, shopkeeper, Bredfield st.

Wright, John, baker, Bredfield street

Wright, John, plumber and glazier, Brook street

Wrinch, Henry, corn merchant, Cumberland street

Youell, John, horsebreaker, Cutting’s lane


Ipswich is a flourishing market town and port, and the capital of the Eastern division of the county of Suffolk, pleasantly situated on the North-east side of the Gripping.  By means of the Eastern Union Railway, Ipswich has now a direct communication with London, Colchester, Norwich, Peterborough, and all parts of the kingdom, and is distant 68 miles N.E. of London; 17 miles N.E. of Colchester; 45 S. of Norwich; 54 S.S.W. of Yarmouth; 8½ W.S.W. of Woodbridge; and 26 miles S.E. by E. of Bury St. Edmund’s.  Contained in 1831, 20,454 inhabitants; in 1841, 24,000; and in 1851, 32,697.  It stands on a gentle declivity, forming part of a circle round a reach of the river, and over which there is an iron bridge, leading to Stoke.

The Public Buildings are—the Town Hall; the Custom House, situated on the Quay; the Corn Exchange; the County Gaol; and the Borough Gaol, in the front of which are the Courts for holding the Summer Assizes, and the Sessional business of the district.  This is an Assize town for Suffolk, place of election, polling place for East Suffolk, p. 228a Poor Law Union, and a County Court.  The chief trade of the town arises from the export of corn, malt, cheese, and butter, agricultural implements, &c.

Messrs. Ransomes and Sims., the celebrated agricultural implement makers, have opened an immense trade and manufacture in the town during the last few years.  The Eagle Foundry of Mr. Mason, and St. Peter’s Foundry, belonging to Messrs. Turner, are large establishments, and employ a large number of hands.  There are breweries, maltings, tanneries, ship and boat yards, coach works, cooperages, rope yards, shot foundry, anastatic printing works, soapery, seed mills, manufactory of bricks, tiles, Roman cement, artificial stone, lime, tobacco pipes, baskets, &c.

The Orwell is noted for its picturesque beauty.  This river has been much improved and deepened, and a wet dock has been formed, comprising an area of 33 acres, in which vessels drawing from 14 to 15 feet of water can at all times lay afloat.  The trade and commerce of this port has very materially increased since its formation.  Steam vessels sail every tide to Harwich.

The Market for corn and cattle is held on Tuesday, and the general Market on Tuesday and Saturday.  St. George’s Fair is held on the first Tuesday in May, and two following days, there is also a Stock Fair at the same time.  The Lamb Fair on August 22nd, and two following days, is held at Handford Hall Farm, and is a considerable Fair for the sale of lambs and stock.  There are also monthly sales by auction for horses, cattle, &c., conducted by Mr. J. W. Knights, at his sale yard.  The Corporation consists of the mayor, 10 aldermen, and 30 town councillors.  The town is divided into five wards, viz., St. Clement’s, St. Margaret’s, Middle ward, Bridge ward, and Westgate Gate; each ward returns six councillors for three years, two go out of office every year.  There is a Borough Police.  Since the year 1839, the Summer Assizes have been held here.  The Petty Sessions are held here, and here is a Court both for civil and criminal causes.  No freeman can be compelled to serve on juries out of the town, or to discharge the duties of county officers, excepting that of Sheriff.  The borough returns two members to Parliament.  The parishes are—St. Clement, with 7,050 inhabitants; St. Mary Key, 1,013; St. Lawrence, 590; St. Margaret, 5,892; St. Helen, 2,593; St. Stephen, 522; St. Mary Tower, 995; St. Mary Westfield, 324; St. Matthew, 5,806; St. Peter, 2,541; St. Mary Stoke, 2,031; St. Nicholas, 1,940; St. Mary Elms, 1,051; and St. Mary Whitton, 476.  Trinity church is a chapel of ease to St. Clement’s.  Here are a Jews’ Synagogue, Roman Catholic chapel, 5 Baptist chapels, 2 Independent chapels, an Unitarian chapel, a Quakers’ meeting house, 3 Wesleyan chapels, a Primitive Methodists’, and a Swedenborgian chapel.

There are many objects of interest to the antiquarian in and about the town.  A very fine building was erected on the common Quay in 1845, the centre of which is appropriated as a hall of commerce.

The Mechanics’ Institution is in a very flourishing condition and has a library of more than 4000 volumes.

The Literary Institution, held in a portion of the Town Hall, has belonging to it a library of ancient and modern literature.  The Philosophical p. 229and Philological Societies hold fortnightly meetings, from September to March.

Here are also a Museum, Theatre, Temperance Hall, Public Bath, Fine Art Association, French and Theological Libraries.  There are several Charity Schools, Almshouses, and many charitable institutions, amongst which are the Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital and Dispensary, with 30 beds, situated in Berners street.

About a mile Westward from the town is Sproughton Chantry; the mansion, from its elevated position, commands an extensive and picturesque view of the adjacent country.  Other seats in the neighbourhood are Birkfield Lodge, Holy Wells, the Red House, and Stoke Park, the seat of Peter Robert Burrell, Esq.

St. Clement’s Church, erected about 1500, is a plain structure, consisting of a nave, two spacious side-aisles, and a fine tower, in which are a good clock and six musical bells.  A few years ago, the interior was re-seated, and the exterior flinted and thoroughly repaired.  Among the monuments in the interior is one to the memory of Thomas Eldred, who accompanied Cavendish in his circumnavigation of the globe, during the years 1586–7–8.  The benefice is a rectory, consolidated with that of St. Helen’s, and now valued at £326 per annum.  In monastic times, it was appropriated to the Priory of St. Peter.  The executors of the late Rev. J. T. Nottidge are patrons, and the Rev. W. W. Wodehouse, M.A., is the incumbent.

Trinity Church is a Chapel of Ease, or District Church, erected in 1835, at a cost of £2,000, by the late Rev. J. T. Nottidge, then patron and incumbent.  The present incumbent is the Rev. F. H. Maude.

St. Helen’s Church, on the East side of the town, is of very ancient foundation, but was rebuilt in 1835, and neat brick transepts added in 1837; and a few years ago the nave was rebuilt and fitted with new open benches.  It was anciently appropriated to the Leprous hospital of St. James, or Mary Magdalen, which stood near it; but it is now a rectory, which ever since the Reformation, has been consolidated with that of St. Clement’s, and is valued in K.B. at £8 13s. 9d.

St. Lawrence’s Church is a plain but ancient fabric, which is mentioned in Domesday Book, but is said to have been rebuilt in 1431 by John Bottold, who was buried in it, as also was Edmund Daundy, one of the benefactors of the town, who died in 1515.  Upon the wall, behind the western gallery, is a painting of Christ disputing with the doctors, executed by Sir R. K. Porter, a military officer, during his sojourn at the barracks here.  The benefice was appropriated to Trinity Priory, and is now a perpetual curacy, valued at £175.  The parishioners are patrons; the Rev. J. C. Aldrich, incumbent.

St. Margaret’s Church, on the green to which it gives name, is a large and ancient structure of mixed architecture, consisting of a chancel, nave, aisles, and transepts, with a fine tower and south porch.  It has a curious antique font, and a singularly painted ceiling, with several grotesque carvings standing out from the walls.  The benefice is a perpetual curacy, valued at £115, in the patronage of Simeon’s Trustees, and incumbency of the Rev. J. Owen, M.A.

St. Mary-at-Elms is an ancient church, with a brick tower, supposed to stand near or upon the site of St. Saviour’s, as already noticed.  In p. 230front of it is a row of fine elms, and near it are Smyth’s almshouses, and several old dwellings, bearing marks of former grandeur.  This church was appropriated to Trinity Priory, and is now a perpetual curacy, valued at £80, in the gift of the parishioners, and incumbency of the Rev. W. Aldrich, A.B.

St. Mary-at-the-Quay is a plain structure, with a tower curiously built of flint, and containing six bells.  It is commonly called Key Church, and must have been rebuilt after 1448, when Richard Gowty ordered his body to be buried in the churchyard, and gave Calyon stone “for the whole new church, which was to be erected.”  The church spoliator, Dowsing, paid a visit to this edifice in 1643, and tore down nine superstitious pictures, and destroyed many inscriptions.  The roof is supported by light clustered columns; and in a small transept is the tomb of Henry Tooley, the founder of the almshouses bearing his name.  The living is a perpetual curacy, valued at £103, in the gift of the parishioners, and incumbency of the Rev. John Duningham, M.A.

St. Mary-at-Stoke, commonly called Stoke Church, is picturesquely seated on the south bank of the river Gipping, opposite the rest of the town, and consists of a nave, chancel, north aisle, a fine tower, and a brick porch.  It is of ancient foundation, but has undergone so many repairs and renovations, that little of the original fabric remains.  It was given by King Edgar, in 970, to the prior and convent of Ely; and their successors, the Dean and Chapter of Ely, are now patrons of the rectory, which is valued in K.B. at £12, and is now worth about £500 per annum; the tithes having been commuted for a yearly modus of £475.  The Rev. Stephen Croft, M.A., is the present incumbent.

St. Mary le Tower is the largest, and is considered the principal church in the town, though only a perpetual curacy, valued at £103, in the gift of the parishioners, and incumbency of the Rev. Wm. Nassau St. Leger, B.A., who is now military chaplain at Corfu.  The present officiating curate is the Rev. L. Stanton.

St. Matthew’s Church, at the west end of the town, stands in a large burial ground, and is a plain, unassuming structure, consisting of a nave, chancel, side aisles, tower, and south porch.  It was re-pewed about 1840, and was enlarged in 1843 by the extension of the south aisle.  A further enlargement is in contemplation.  The font is ancient, and has a finely carved cover, executed and presented by Mr. Hewett.  At the east end of the south aisle is an elaborately painted glass window, inserted in December, 1853, in memory of the late wife of the present rector.  It was executed by Geo. Hedgeland, Esq., from a design by Edward Howard, Esq., a brother of the deceased.  The church has galleries and about 850 sittings.  The Lord Chancellor is patron, the Rev. Charles Hicks Gaye, M.A., incumbent.

St. Nicholas’ Church, in the lower part of the town, near the river, is supposed to have been built upon the site and partly with the materials of St. Michael’s, which is mentioned in Domesday Book.  It is built partly of flint, and has a cemented tower, containing four bells.  It was repaired and newly fitted with open benches in 1848, at the cost of about £300.  It was appropriated to St. Peter’s Priory, and is now a perpetual curacy, valued at £150, in the gift of the parishioners, and incumbency of the Rev. Charles Ward, M.A.

p. 231St. Peter’s is one of the most ancient churches in the town, standing close to the site of Wolsey’s College.  It is a plain structure, consisting of a chancel, nave, aisles, south porch, and a tower containing six bells.  The tower is a good specimen of the flint work so frequently observed in Suffolk and Norfolk.  In 1842–3, the church was repaired and repewed, and the burial ground enclosed.  A new gallery was erected in 1848.  The font is very ancient, and covered with carvings of animals.  The perpetual curacy, valued at £138, is in the gift of Simeon’s Trustees, and incumbency of the Rev. H. T. Lumsden, M.A.

St. Stephen’s is one of the churches mentioned in Domesday Book, and is mostly built of flint, except the tower, which is brick cemented.  It contains a monument, with kneeling effigies of Wm. Leeman and his wife.  The rectory, valued in K.B. at £4. 12s. 8½d., and now at £150, is in the patronage of the Rev. W. Burgess, and incumbency of the Rev. Thos. Davidson, B.A.

Chapels.—The twelve parish churches, and the chapel of ease just described, have seat room for about 8,500 persons; and there is accommodation for about 10,000 in the sixteen other places of worship in the town, of which four belong to Baptists, three to Independents, two to Wesleyans, and one each to Roman Catholics, Unitarians, Friends, Primitive Methodists, Swedenborgians, and Jews.

Tacket Street Independent Chapel was erected in 1720, by the Presbyterian congregation, who had previously, for more than 40 years, occupied a small chapel in the Green yard, St. Peter’s, and were the successors of the Nonconformists, who were so called from their refusing to subscribe to everything contained in the Book of Common Prayer, as required by the Act of Uniformity, passed soon after the restoration of Charles II.  This chapel will seat about 800 hearers, and has a good organ and a burial ground.  Near it is a house for the minister, the Rev. W. Notcutt, whose grandfather officiated here till his death in 1756, in his 84th year.  The Independent Chapel, in St. Nicholas’ street, is a neat Gothic structure, which was opened in 1829.  It has about 1000 sittings, including the galleries erected in 1839 and 1845.  The Rev. J. Raven is the minister.  Salem Independent Chapel, in St. George’s street, is small, and the Rev. J. Gay is its minister.

The Unitarian Chapel, in St. Nicholas’ street, is one of the oldest chapels in the town, and has a beautifully carved pulpit, and about 1,200 sittings.  Its congregation originated from the meetings of the Nonconformists about 1660, and was for many years Presbyterian, but the chapel was not built till 1700.  The Rev. Henry Knott is the present pastor.

The Friends’ Meeting House, in Bank street, was built in 1796, and will seat about 700 hearers.

The Roman Catholic Chapel, on the Woodbridge road, was erected in 1825, and enlarged in 1839, chiefly at the expence of its first priest, the Rev. P. L. Simon, one of the refugees who left France at the commencement of the Revolution, and resided here till his death, in September, 1839.  It is a small building in the early English style, with sittings for 700.  Its priests reside at Stoke by Nayland.

The Baptist Chapel, in Dairy lane, was built by a congregation of p. 232Baptists formed in 1758.  It has 800 sittings, and is under the ministry of the Rev. Thos. Poock.  Zoar Chapel, in David street, was built in 1841, by the Baptists who seceded from Dairy lane chapel in 1829.  It cost about £900, and has 500 sittings, but no pews.  Turret Lane Chapel, erected in 1842, belongs to the Particular Baptists, and is under the ministry of the Rev. Isaac Lord.  Stoke Chapel is the largest of the four Baptist chapels in Ipswich, and was erected in 1774, but has since been rebuilt and several times enlarged, so that it will now seat about 900 hearers.  It is an octangular building, and is now under the ministry of the Rev. J. Webb.

The Wesleyan Chapel, in New Market lane, was erected in 1816, and is a neat brick building, containing about 1000 sittings.  The Wesleyan Association Methodist Chapel, in Friar street, was built in 1837, for about 850 hearers; and the Primitive Methodist Chapel, in Rope lane, was built in 1839, and has about 500 sittings.

The Jews’ Synagogue, in Rope lane, is a small brick building with pointed windows.  The Jews have a small burial ground in Salter’s lane, and Mr. Levy Lamburgh is their rabbi.

The New Jerusalem Church, in High street, is a small building erected in 1847, by Swedenborgians, and now under the ministry of the Rev. D. G. Goyder, M.D.

The Plymouth Brethren have a meeting room in Prince’s street.


Abbott, Rev., St. George’s terrace, Globe lane

Adye, Mrs. Elizabeth S., Silent street

Aldrich, Rev. William, Northgate street

Alexander, Richard D., Esq., Saint Matthew’s street

Alexander, Capt. Henry, Woodbridge road

Alexander, Miss Jane, St. Helen’s street

Anness, Richard, St. Austin’s street, St. Peter’s

Archer, Mr. William, Woodbridge road

Bacon, Edward, Esq., Tavern street

Baker, Mrs. Sarah, Carr street

Barney, Mr. William M., Victoria road

Bartlett, Mrs. E., Lower Brook street

Blanchflower, Rev. George, Wesleyan minister, St. George’s terrace, Globe lane

Boby, Mr. William, Tacket street

Bond, Henry Cooper, Esq., St. Helen’s street

Bond, Mrs. Maria, St. Margaret’s street

Baynes William, Esq., Berrington road

Bradley, Mr. Jonathan B., St. Matthew’s terrace, London road

Bridges, John Hart, Friars’ road

Broadbank, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Margaret’s plain

Brown, William, Esq., Gyppeswyk hall

Bruff, Peter, Esq., Handford lodge, Handford road

Buck, Mr. George, Woodbridge road

Buck, Mrs. Mary, Norwich road

Burton, Joseph, Esq., Bolton hill

Burrows, Samuel, Esq., Fonnereau road

Burrows, Mr. Robert, senr., Victoria road

Butcher, Mr. George Frederick, Barrington road

Butler, the Misses, Berners street

Byles, Jeremiah, Esq., Hill house

Chapman, Samuel B., Esq., Berners street

Chapman, Mr. H., Tower lodge, Tower str.

Chevalier, Barrington, Esq., Grove house, St. Helen’s

Churchman, William, Esq., Belmont terrace, London road

Christie, John, Esq., Norwich road

Clarke, Misses, St. Nicholas’ street

Clarke, Mr. Joseph, Berners street

Clarkson, Rev. William, Albert terrace, Norwich road

Cobbold, John, Esq., Cliffe house

Cobbold, John Chevalier, Esq., M.P., Tower street

Cobbold, Mrs., Northgate street

Cobbold, Arthur, Esq., Rose Hill cottage

Coe, Charles, Esq., Berners street

Cole, Mr. Ebenezer, St. Nicholas’ place

p. 233Cole, Mr. James, Berners street

Corder, Edward, Esq., Woodbridge road

Corder, Mr. James, Berners street

Cowell, Mrs. Martha, St. Nicholas’ street

Cowell, Samuel Harrison, Esq., Berners st.

Crisp, Miss Susanna, Norwich road

Cutting, Miss Elizabeth, Haills terrace, London road

Crowe, Mrs. Harriet, Woodbridge road

Daniel, Rev. J. E., chaplain to the County gaol

Davy, John, Esq., Bramford road

Deane, Charles, Esq., Woodbridge road

Dobson, Miss, St. Peter’s street

Dove, Mrs., Berners street

Eade, Mrs. Ann, Priory place

Elwes, Timms H., Esq., Fonnereau road

Ensor, Mrs. Hannah, Northgate street

Faires, Mr. William B., Berners street

Fison, Joseph, Esq., Stoke hill

Fitch, Miss Emma, Norwich road

Footman, Mrs. Harriet, Tower street

Forter, Miss Louisa, Lower Brook street

Fosdike, Mrs. Elizabeth, Silent street

Frewer, Mr. Isaac, Berners street

Fuller, Mr. James, Berners street

Gale, Mr. William, Norwich road

Goss, Miss Louisa, Park terrace

Gooch, Miss Mary, Museum street

Goodchild, Miss Emma, St. Helen’s str.

Gower, C. F., Esq., Novia Scotia house, Wherstead road

Green, Mr. William, Woodbridge road

Groom, Mrs. Ann, London road

Hardy, Mrs. Elizabeth, Orwell place

Harper, Mrs. Mary, Norwich road

Harcourt, Frederic, Esq., Norwich road

Heath, Mrs., Belmont terrace, London road

Head, Miss Caroline, Woodbridge road

Hedge, J. H., Esq., North Lodge, Norwich rd

Hill, Mrs. Mary, Park terrace

Howard, Mr. Crisp, Berners street

Hockley, Colonel, St. Matthew’s street

Howth, Mrs. Eliza, Northgate street

Hunt, Edward, Esq., Woodbridge road

Hunt, John, Esq., Norwich road

Hunt, Mr. J., St. Peter’s street

Hunt, Miss Ann, London road

Hunt, Mr. William, Fonnereau

Innes, Miss Charlotte, Westgate street

Jackson, Mrs. Sarah, Elm street

Jaynes, Mrs. Mary Anne, Priory place

Johnson, Mrs. Ann, Victoria road

Jones, Mrs. Harriet, Globe lane

Kittoe, Mrs., Northgate street

Kelly, Sir Fitzroy, M.P. for East Suffolk, the Chantry

Kembell, Hamment, Esq., Museum street

Kent, Mr. Abraham, Curriers’ lane

Kerrison, Roger H. Esq., Hill house, Woodbridge road

Kindred, Mr. Matthew E., Berners street

Last, Mrs. Elizabeth, Park terrace

Lackard, Edward, Esq., Westfield house

Lane, Samuel, Esq., Lower Brook street

Leath, Thomas R., Esq., Woodbridge rd.

Lester, Miss Mary Ann, Berners street

Leverett, Mrs. Maria Ann, Berners street

Lott, Miss, Westgate street

Marriott, Mrs. Martha D., Woodbridge road

Mason, Mrs. Eliza, Lower Brook street

Mason, Rev. Thomas, Carr street

Maw, John, Esq., Woodbridge road

May, Mr. John M., Berners street

Matthew, Mrs. Hannah, Promenade terrace, London road

Mitchell, Mrs. Ann, Victoria road

Morgan, Mrs. Louisa, Woodbridge road

Morgan, Miss Elizabeth, Bolton hill

Mudd, Mr. George, London road

Neves, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Nicholas’ street

Orford, John, Esq., Brook hall, Norwich road

Parker, Miss Betsy, Berners street

Pering, Mrs. Mary, Berners street

Perkin, Mrs. Mary Ann, St. Helen’s street

Perry, Robert, Esq., Berners street

Perry, Miss Sophia, Berners street

Phillips, Lieut.-Col., Stoke hall

Pitcairn, Mrs. May, Fonnereau road

Pipe, Mrs. Ann, Tavern street

Porter, Mrs. Mary Ann, Orwell place

Powell, Miss, St. Peter’s street

Pyemont, Miss, Park terrace

Ram, James, Esq., barrister, Silent street

Ramsay, Mrs. Jeannet, Berner street

Ransome, Robert, Esq., Fonnereau road

Ransome, James A., Esq., Carr street

Ransome, Frederic, Esq., Lower Brook street

Raven, Rev. John, Independent minister, Berners street

Read, Mr. Edward, London road

Ridley, Frederic, Esq., Adelphi place, Lower Brook street

Ridley, Mrs. Marian, Adelphi place, Lower Brook street

Rist, Mrs., Adelphi place, Lower Brook street

Rudkin, John, Esq., Adelphi place, Lower Brook street

Reeve, Mr. Robert, Berrington road

Ridley, Samuel, Esq., Norwich road

Rivers, Mrs., Woodbridge road

Rodwell, William, Esq., Woodlands

Root, Mr. William, jun., Lower Brook st.

Sanders, Mrs. Elizabeth, Oriel cottage, London road

Shuttleworth, Thomas, Esq., Rosary, Bramford road

p. 234Sibly, Miss Urania, Globe lane

Smith, Misses A. and C., Fonnereau road

Spalding, Mrs. Rachel, Silent street

Squirrill, Mr. Robert, Victoria road

Stanford, Mrs., St. George’s terrace, Globe lane

Stone, Misses M. and L., St. Nicholas, street

Stebbings, Miss Susan, Orwell place

Thurston, Mrs. Sarah B., Queen street

Trill, Mrs. Louisa F., St. Matthew’s street

Turner, Edward, College street

Turner, Major, Westgate street

Turner, Miss, London road

Turner, the Misses, Christ Church park house

Tunney, Mrs. Louisa, Foundation street

Unwin, Mrs., Berners street

Vulliamy, Frederic, Esq., St. Margaret’s green

Ward, Rev. Charles, Woodbridge road

Walford, Capt. William, of the royal navy, Haills terrace, London road

Waitehill, Mrs., Adelphi place, Lower Brook street

Ward, Miss Elizabeth, Priory place

Webber, Samuel, Esq., White House

Williams, Mr. Robert, Victoria road

Whitbread, Captain, Promenade terrace, London road

Walford, Desboro, London road

Worts, Mr. Frederic, St. Nicholas’ street

Waller, Mr. Stephen, Falcon street

Welton, Edward, Esq., Woodbridge road

Wood, Miss Mary, Woodbridge road

Woodhouse, Rev. Walter, St. Helen’s, Woodbridge road

Wood, Mr. William, Norwich road

Woodward, Miss E., St. Matthew’s street


Abraham, John, stationer, Queen street

Abbott, Jonathan, Globe inn, Globe lane

Abbot, Jonathan, Waterman’s Arms, St. Peter’s dock

Abbott, Samuel, cheese and butter factor, and grocer, Corn hill

Adams, Emma, pork dealer, St. Matthew’s street

Adams, Webster, surgeon and apothecary, medical officer to St. Clement’s district, Fore street

Ager, Edmund, milliner, draper, haberdasher, &c., Westgate street

Alderson, George F., dispensing and family chemist, Corn hill

Alderton, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Old Butter market

Alderton, Thomas, turner, Falcon Street

Aldous, Arthur H., solicitor, agent to the Albion Life, and Law Union Fire and Life Offices, and solicitor to the E. C. Building Society, Princes street

Aldred, Elizabeth, dress maker, Elm str.

Allcock, Edward, tailor, Lady’s lane

Allowy, John, governor of the Gaol

Allen, Mark, shopkeeper, St. Helen’s str.

Allen, Joseph, shopkeeper, Handford road

Allarad, Elijah, tailor, Friars’ new road

Alexander and Co., bankers, Bank street

Alexander, Henry, cooper, St. Helen’s street

Alexander, William, hair cutter, Falcon street

Alston, Stephen, merchant tailor and hatter, Old Butter market

Amis, John, Elephant and Castle, Handford road

Andrews, John, butcher, Old Butter Market

Andrews, Maria, fancy repository, St. Peter’s street

Andrews, Robert C., miller, Woodbridge road

Andrews, Charles, corn chandler, St. Austin street

Andrews, George W., butcher, Westgate street

Andrews, John, tea dealer and grocer, the Mount

Andrews, James, tea dealer, Woodbridge road

Anright, Catherine M., shopkeeper, Upper Orwell street

Annes, Samuel R., pharmaceutical chemist, Tower street

Archer, George T., furnishing and general ironmonger, Tavern street

Archer, Robert, coal merchant, St. Peter’s dock wharf, h Norwich road

Ardley, Martha H., milliner and dress maker, St. Matthew’s street

Armstrong, John, tea dealer, Woodbridge road

Arnouss, George G., boot and shoe maker, Fore street

Artis, James, Blue Coat Boy, Silent street

Ashford, Alfred, general clothier and silversmith, Fore street

Ashford, Alfred, furniture broker, Fore street

p. 235Ashford, Charles, grocer and tea dealer, Westgate street

Ashford, George, Running Buck, St. Margaret’s plain

Ashford, William, watch and clock maker, Fore street

Atthill, Robert, surgeon, Fore street

Attle, Henry, bread and biscuit baker, Borough road

Austin, Henry, painter, St. Stephen’s lane

Austin, William, shoemaker, Tacket st.

Backhouse, Noah, stove and kitchen range manufacturer, St. Matthew’s street

Backhouse, Benjamin, architect and surveyor, agent for District Fire Insurance and Amicable Life offices, Norwich road

Bacon, Cobbold, and Comp., bankers, Tavern street; draw on Glyn and Co.

Bacon, John, boot and shoe maker, Carr street

Bacon, Harriet, pastry cook, Norwich road

Bacon, Samuel, builder, Berners street

Baillie, John, town mission, St. Nicholas’ street

Bailey, William, boot and shoe maker, Church street

Baldwin, Stephen, shoe maker, Wyke’s Bishop street

Bailey, William, boot and shoe maker, Fore street

Baker, Joshua, shoe maker, Woodbridge road

Baker, Richard W., butcher, St. Margaret’s street

Baker, Thomas, tobacconist, Dial lane

Baker, John, hairdresser, Tower street

Baker, Robert L., shoe maker, Rope lane

Baker, Richard, butcher, Rope lane

Baker, Isaac P., solicitor and agent to the Law Fire office, Lower Brook street

Baker, William, Dolphin, St. Mary’s quay

Ball, Squire, music seller and pianoforte tuner, Old Butter market

Baldwin, William, boot and shoe maker, Northgate street

Bales, George W., gun maker, Cornhill

Bantoft, John, corn chandler, Saint Matthew’s street

Bantoft, Richard, tailor, draper, and hatter, Queen street

Baker, Thomas, butcher, Tavern street

Ball, John H. G., teacher of music and dancing, Upper Brook street

Baldry, Emily, dress maker, Westgate street

Baldwin, William, Ferry inn, Back street

Balderson, Samuel, builder, Stoke street

Barber, Samuel C., bookbinder, Carr st.

Barber, Samuel, flour agent, Tacket street

Barber, Robert, hairdresser, St. Margaret’s street

Barker, John, jun., cabinet maker and upholsterer, Old Butter market

Barber, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, St. Stephen’s lane

Barker, Samuel, shopkeeper, St. Helen’s street

Barker, Charles, Harp inn, Prince’s str.

Barratt, William, shoemaker, Key street

Barnett, Phineas, wholesale shoe and slipper manufacturer, St. Peter’s street

Barnes, Frederic, architect and surveyor, Lower Brook street

Bartelett, H., surgeon to Gaol

Barns, Clark, cooper and basket maker, St. Peter’s street

Barnes, Benjamin, basket maker and cooper, Westgate street

Barton, Marianne, Berlin and fancy repository, Westgate street

Barnes, Benjamin, butcher, Carr street

Bass, William, pork butcher, Fore street

Batley, John T., hatter, &c., Old Butter market

Bateley, Henry B., plumber, glazier, painter, and gas fitter, Westgate street

Baxter, John, Water Lily, St. Helen’s street

Baxter, Joseph, tinman and brazier, Rope lane

Baxter, Robert and Ronald, tea and coffee dealers, Westgate street

Beaumont, Charles, builder, St. Matthew’s street

Beaumont, Emily, milliner and dress maker, St. Matthew’s street

Beaumont, James, agent to the Accidental Death Assurance company, St. Helen’s street

Beard, William, butcher, St. Peter’s street

Beard, Samuel, ironmonger, Upper Brook street

Beard, Isaac, butcher, Norwich road

Beaumont, William, coal merchant, Fore street

Beattie, John, photographic gallery, Museum street

Belcher, Joseph, tailor, Carr street

Bell, Robert C., tailor and hatter, St. Matthew’s street

Benham, Dorothy, shopkeeper, Upper Orwell street

Bennett, Henry, coach and harness maker, Fore street

Bennett, William, boot and shoe maker, Tavern street

Bennett and Co., tea dealers and grocers, Tavern street and Fore street

p. 236Berryman, Thomas, valuer and house agent, Upper Brook street

Berryman and Nunn, accountants and surveyors, Upper Brook street

Berridge, Edward C., ironmonger, Old Butter market

Berry, Samuel, May Bush, St. Helen’s street

Betts, Edwin, confectioner, St. Peter’s street

Betts, William, naturalist, Woodbridge road

Betts, Edward, shopkeeper, Key street

Bevan, Charles, butcher, Carr street

Bevan, Henry, green grocer, St. Margaret’s street

Birch, Robert, cabinet maker, paper hanger, and upholsterer, St. Matthew’s street

Bird, Ashrud, chemist, Woodbridge road

Bird, Buckingham, plumber, glazier, and gas fitter, Carr street

Bird, Joseph, shoemaker, St. Helen’s street

Biddle, George, Rose cottage, Bishop hall

Bilham, Ellen, grocer, Crown street

Bird, M. and S. A., milliners, &c., Upper Brook street

Bird, James, cutler, &c., St. Nicholas’ street

Bird, Joseph, tobacconist, Westgate street

Bird, Edward, umbrella and parasol maker, King street

Bird, William, blacksmith, Wyke’s Bishop hill

Bird, William, painter, gas fitter, plumber, and glazier, Fore street

Bird, William, fishmonger, Bridge street

Bishop, Frederic, Ipswich Arms, Handford road

Birt, Mary Ann, Crystal ale stores, St. James’ street

Bishop, Edward W., brush maker and undertaker, Old Butter market

Blacktin, Thomas, saw and tool maker, Upper Orwell street

Blasby, Barnes, saddler and harness maker, St. Matthew’s street

Blogg, Ashton, maltster, brewer, and spirit merchant, Orwell place

Bloomfield, John, Ten Bells, Tower terrace

Bloomfield, James, railway contractor, Wolsey street

Bloomfield, Charles, blacksmith, St. Margaret’s street

Blomfield, James, bread and biscuit baker, Fore street

Blasby, Catherine, dress maker, New street

Blyth, John, corn dealer, Victoria road

Boby, Robert, Royal Oak, Northgate street

Boor, Joseph, Market hotel, Upper Brook street

Bond, Henry C., tanner, currier, and leather merchant, St. Helen’s street

Bore, Jonah Edgar, green grocer, Upper Orwell street

Borley, Joseph, cabinet maker, Friars’ street

Bowles, James, town missionary, Globe lane

Bowles, Alfred M., dancing master, London road

Bowers, Enoch, glass and China depot, Westgate street

Bray, Jacob F., clerk to guardians, Berners street

Brill, James, file cutter, Bishop’s hill

Brewster, Thomas, hair dresser, St. Helen’s street

Brett, John, boot maker, Tavern street

Broker, Benjamin, Marsh tavern, New Friars’ road

Bridges, John Hart, brewer and wine and spirit merchant, Falcon street

Bridges, John Hart, agent for Combe, Delafield, and Co’s London stout porter, and to the Provident Life Assurance society, Friars’ lane

Brinsead, Henry, machine maker, Fore street

Bristo, Henry G., wine and spirit merchant, Tacket street

Brook, James, bookbinder, Prince’s street

Brooks, James, cab proprietor, Norwich road

Brook, Edwin, grocer, King street

Brown and Comp., timber, deal, and slate merchants, St. Nicholas’ street

Brown, Charles, baker, Dog’s head lane

Brown, Lawrence, watch and clock maker, Tacket street

Bruce, Elizabeth, milliner, Carr street

Bryant, Sarah, dress maker, Carr street

Buck, Jane, dress maker, St. Austin street, St. Peter’s

Buck, Mary, and Daughters, boarding and day school, St. Helen’s street

Buck, John D., B.A., boarding school, Lower Brook street

Bugg, George W., boot and shoe maker, Queen street

Buckingham and Son, boot and shoe manufacturers, Tavern street

Bugg, Joseph, shopkeeper, Salthouse street

Bugg, Frederic J., boot and shoe maker, Tacket street

p. 237Bugg, Emily, dress maker, Tower terrace

Bugg, Ann, clothes dealer, St. Margaret’s street

Bull, Benjamin, rent and debt collector, Victoria street

Bullen, George, sen., surgeon, Carr str.

Bullen, George, jun., surgeon, Carr str.

Bullett, Mary, milliner, St. Matthew’s street

Bumstead, Timothy, the Grapes, Norwich road

Bumstead, Charles, green grocer, Norwich road

Bunn, William, solicitor, Museum street

Bunn, Henry, solicitor, Elm street

Burrell, James, marine store dealer, St. Helen’s street

Bulwer, William, draper, Tacket street

Burgess, Charles T., silversmith and jeweller, Tavern street

Burch, Allen, shopkeeper, Rope lane

Burley, David, tea dealer and coffee roaster, St. Peter’s street

Burkle, David, watch and clock maker, St. Peter’s street

Burrows, Robert, jun., silversmith, &c., Silent street

Burnett, William, grocer, Fore hamlet

Burton, Joseph, and Co., booksellers and publishers; Reeve’s and Read’s library office, Cornhill

Burton and Sons, wholesale grocers, College street

Burrows, Maria, brazier &c., Queen street

Buston, John, straw bonnet manufacturer, Carr street

Burwood, Thomas, tailor, Woodbridge road

Burwood, Eliza, dress and stay maker, Woodbridge road

Button, Joseph, baker, Fore hamlet

Butcher, John, hat maker, Old Butter market

Button, Emily, boarding and day school, Norwich road

Buxton, Henry, boarding school, Carr street

Byles and Comp., maltsters, College street

Byford, Eliza, the Gun, Key street

Catchpole and Company, brewers, Queen street

Catchpole, Giles, shopkeeper, St. Helen’s street

Canham, Simon, bricklayer, Back hamlet

Cansdale, Solomon, watchmaker, Carr str.

Carr, James, boot and shoe maker, St. Lawrence street

Carter, John, confectioner, baker, and beer house, Wearstead road

Carter M., glove and shirt manufacturer, Tavern street

Carter, Mrs. Jane, Priory House, Wolsey street

Cattermole, Charles, baker, St. Helen’s street

Cattermole, William, sen., builder, Carr street

Card, Henry, builder, Bolton lane

Chandler, Charles S., periodical dealer and fancy repository, Tacket street

Chaplin, Abednego, ironmonger, oil and colour man, Old Butter market

Chaplin, William, builder, Foundation st.

Chaplin, William J., wine and spirit merchant, brewer, and cork cutter, Barley-Mow, Westgate street

Chaplin, Shadrach, eating and coffee house, Carr street

Chaplin, Frederic, carpenter, Norwich road

Chaplin, Richard, green grocer, St. Matthew’s street

Chapman, Samuel, furniture broker, New Market lane

Chapman, Charles, baker and confectioner, Crown street

Chapman, Brothers, chemists and druggists, Cornhill

Chenery, William, chemist and druggist, Tavern street

Chilver, George, chemist, Bell lane

Chilman, Robert, bootmaker, Friars’ str.

Chilton, Richard H., draper and silk mercer, Tavern street

Chisnall, Thomas, builder, Fore street

Christopherson, Charles, British and foreign fruiterer, Tacket street

Christopherson, George, ironmonger, Fore street

Christie, John, coal and salt merchant, Salthouse street

Christie, George, pawnbroker, Fore street

Church, Beaumont, Prince Albert, Lady’s lane

Church, Edward, painter, Lady’s lane

Churchman, Henry C., importer and manufacturer of tobacco and cigars, Hyde Park corner

Clarke, Eliza, shopkeeper, Lady’s lane

Clark, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Elm street

Closson, Henry P., baker, &c., Carr str.

Clarke, J. and C. soap and candle manufacturers, Great Friars’ road

Clarke, John, boot and shoe maker, Fore street

Clarke, H. and G. S., wholesale shoe manufacturer, Prince’s street

Clarke, A. and M. R., drapers, &c., Fore street

Clarke, Mary, schoolmistress, Gaol

p. 238Clarke, Robert, boot and shoe maker, St. Peter’s street

Clarke, James, baker and confectioner, Eagle street

Clarke, Samuel, surveyor, Upper Brook street

Clarke, Thomas K., pianoforte tunist, St. Helen’s street

Clarke, William, glass and china shop, Orwell place

Clarke, William B., boot and shoe maker, Friars’ street

Clark, William M., joiner, St. Margaret’s street

Clarke, William, outfitter, Upper Brook street

Clements, Thomas T., wholesale and retail grocer and tea dealer, corner of Woodbridge road

Clent, Thomas, tea dealer and Italian warehouseman, Tavern street

Cobbold and Son, brandy and wine merchants, Lower Brook street

Cobbold, John, corn and coal merchant and ship owner, Fore street

Cocks, James, confectioner, Tacket street

Cocks, William, confectioner, Crown str.

Cocks, George, confectioner, Victoria road

Cocks, Robert, confectioner, St. Matthew’s street

Coe, David, wholesale milliner, Crown st.

Cole, John, coachman, Globe lane

Cole, Arthur, Old Grammar School House, Lower Brook street

Cole, Richard S., jeweller, King street

Cole, Ebenezer, agent for the Norfolk Shipping company, Quay Wharf

Collins, Henry, shopkeeper, Foundry road

Collins, George, basket maker, St. Helen’s street

Collins, Robert, basket maker, Old Butter market

Collins, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Westgate street

Conder, Thomas, rate collector, St. Nicholas’ street

Conder, James, haberdasher, grocer and tea dealer, Old Butter market

Connor, Joseph, tobacconist, Norwich road

Conder, Thomas, currier and leather merchant, gutta percha depôt, Old Butter Market

Counel, William M., tea dealer, Woodbridge road

Cook, Augustus, River Queen, Stoke str.

Cook, John, newsvendor, Carr street

Cook, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Bell lane

Cook, George, clothier, Dog’s Head lane

Cook, James, shopkeeper, St. Peter’s street

Cook, Alfred, S., ironmonger and stove and range manufacturer, Westgate str.

Cook, Thomas, Anchor, Bell lane

Cook, John, bookseller and news agent, Upper Orwell street

Cooke, Jonathan, boot and shoe maker, Fore street

Cook, William, plumber, glazier, painter, and gas fitter, Upper Brook street

Cook, James, corn chandler, Fore Hamlet

Cook, Jasper, green grocer, Cornhill

Cooper, Edward, fishmonger, St. Margaret’s green

Cooper, William, green grocer, Carr street

Cooper, John, broker, Dog’s Head lane

Cooper, John, plough and harrow manufacturer, Marsh Iron Works

Cooper, William, general dealer, St. Peter’s street

Cooper, John, whitesmith and blacksmith, St. Margaret’s green

Corbyn, William, tailor and draper, Berners street

Cornell, Philip S., chemist, Tavern str.

Corder, E. and H. S., drapers, Tavern st.

Cornish, S., Bear and Crown inn, London road

Corner, John, baker, Upper Orwell street

Corbyn, William, jun., fancy repository, St. Matthew’s street

Cornish, Emma, milliner and dressmaker, Globe lane

Cossey, Mary Ann, straw bonnet maker, Norwich road

Cossey, Richard, bricklayer and plasterer, Norwich road

Cott, William, coach builder, St. Matthew’s street

Cove, Thomas, watchmaker and photographic artist, Orwell place

Cowell, Samuel Harrison, wholesale stationer, lithographic, letterpress, and anastatic printer, and account book manufacturer, Old Butter Market

Cowell, Samuel Harrison, tea dealer and wine and spirit merchant, New Market lane

Cox, George, butcher, Norwich road

Cox, William, green grocer, St. Helen’s street

Cox, William, shopkeeper, Rope lane

Cox, Samuel, pork butcher, Bell lane

Crapnell, Joseph, grocer, Bramford road

Creaseys, E. and E., milliners, Queen st.

Creswell, George, hairdresser and perfumer, Cornhill

Creswell, James, boot and shoe maker, Queen street

Creswell, Henry K., baker, Wolsey street

Crickmere, William, grocer, Duke street

p. 239Crickmer, Samuel, shopkeeper, Wyke’s Bishop street

Crickmer, George, shopkeeper, Rope lane

Crisp, Frederic, painter, Foundation str.

Crisp, Charles, plumber, glazier, and painter, St. Nicholas’ street

Crispin, John, tailor, draper, and hatter, Silent street

Crisp, Charles, furrier, Falcon street

Crone, Alexander M., tea dealer, Tower street

Cross, Alfred, turner, &c., St. Stephen’s lane

Croydon, John F., shirtmaker, Fore street

Cropling, Joseph, blacksmith, Bell lane

Cuckow, James, shipowner, sailmaker, ship chandler, and general merchant, Quay Wharf

Cudding, William, tailor and draper, King street

Cudding, Alfred, Cock and Pie, Upper Brook street

Cullein, George, Red Lion, Fore hamlet

Cummings, Alexander, builder, Fore street

Cutting, Miles, patent medicine vendor, St. Margaret’s street

Curtis, William M., Orwell Cottage, London road

Curtis, Daniel, Rose inn, St. Peter’s road

Cuthbert, William, painter and glazier, Agent to Patent office, London, Bridge street

Cuthbert, Edward, plumber, painter, and glazier, Carr street

Dade, Walter, Sir Robert Peel, St. Helen’s street

Daldry, William, lodging house keeper, St. Margaret’s plain

Daleson, George, tea dealer, Woodbridge road

Dale, William, shoemaker, Silent street

Dale, Thomas, Swan inn, King street

Dallinger, William H., engraver and copper-plate printer, Tacket street

Dallinger, Sarah, dressmaker, Northgate street

Damant, James, builder, Orchard street

Daniell, Joseph, fishmonger and poulterer, Queen street

Davy, Henry, artist, Globe lane

Davy, Charles, Welcome Sailor, Fore hamlet

Davy, John, shoemaker, Woodbridge road

Dawson, William, saddler and harness maker, St. Margaret’s street

Day, Joseph, plumber and glazier, Barley Mow lane

Day, Robert, green grocer, Silent street

Daynes, Geo., carpenter, St. Nicholas’ st.

Day, Samuel, green grocer, College street

Death, Edward, beerhouse and eating house, Tacket street

Deaves, John, shopkeeper and beerhouse, Elm street

Demuth, Frederic, hairdresser and corn extractor, Handford road

Denny, Henry, paper hanger, Norwich road

Dennant, Benjamin, Royal George, Victoria street

Dennington, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, St. Margaret’s green

Deward and Cook, milliners and straw bonnet makers, Old Butter Market

Diaper, Charles, Bell inn, Bell lane

Dorkin, James, stationer and news agent, Upper Brook street

Dorling, Edward, district superintendent of Eastern Counties railway, Northgate street

Downs, William, St. Nicholas’ street

Downs, William, basket and sieve maker, Woodbridge road

Downing, John, rope maker, St. Nicholas’ street

Dothie and Soundy, tobacco manufacturers, Orwell place

Drew, Francis, glazier, Rope lane

Driver, James, tailor, St. Matthew’s Church lane

Driver, John, shopkeeper, Tanner’s lane

Driver, Levi, green grocer, Rope lane

Drake, John, shoemaker, Silent street

Drummond, Henry P., surgeon, Silent st.

Dunn, Smith, plumber, glazier, and painter, Globe lane

Dunnant, William, Defiance, Stoke street

Dunnett, Thomas, shopkeeper, Fore street

Dunnett, Thomas, wheelwright, Upper Orwell street

Durrant, Christopher M., surgeon, Northgate street

Durrant, Jonathan, tailor, &c., St. Margaret’s place

Durant and Hammond, umbrella and parasol manufacturers, Tavern street

Eade and Son, wine and spirit merchant, Hyde Park corner, and Suffolk Wine and Spirit Vaults, Westgate street

Eaton, John, boot and shoe maker, Church street

Edgley, George, tailor and draper, St. Peter’s street

Edmonds, Christopher, stone and marble mason, Blackson street

Edwards, Alfred, haircutter, fancy repository, Tavern street

Edwards, George C., surgeon, Carr street

Edwards, William, Admiral’s Head inn, St. Margaret’s street

p. 240Edwards, Sarah, corset maker, Upper Brook street

Elliott, Walter, butcher, Fore street

Ellis, James, bookseller, St. Nicholas’ st.

Ellis, Henry, pipe maker, Tanner’s lane

Ellis, Harriet, milliner, Carr street

Ellis, John, fruiterer, Tacket street

Ellis, George E., bricklayer, St. Nicholas’ place

Ellis, Thomas, Pot of Flowers, Wyke’s Bishop street

Ellis, Henry, green grocer, Victoria str.

Elliston, Edmund, bread and biscuit baker, Upper Brook street

Ellisden, William, Shipwright’s Arms, Wearstead road

Elliston, William, baker, Handford road

Elwin, Thomas, corn chandler, Norwich road

Elwin, Laura, dressmaker, Norwich road

Ely, William, shoemaker, St. Helen’s street

Emmerson, Thomas, saddler, St. Matthew’s street

Emmerson, James, tailor, Handford road

England, Dr., William, Fonnereau road

Ennew, Esther, dressmaker, Silent street

Esling, Robert, Tower brewery, Tower st.

Ewrington, William, and John Metcalf Pollard; Shirreff and Son, solicitors, St. Margaret’s green

Eyre, Alfred B., chemist Tacket street

Fagan, Ellen, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Carr street

Faiers, Samuel H., hair cutter and perfumer, Tavern street

Fairweather, Edward, shopkeeper, Upper Orwell street

Fair, William, Britannia inn, Whip street

Farman, Robert, builder, St. Helen’s str.

Farritt, George, Friars’ Head, Friars’ str.

Farrow, George (late Tovell), stone and marble mason, Carr street

Farrow, Joseph, Angel inn, Angel lane

Farthing, Jonathan, butcher, Spread Eagle, Fore street

Fayers, Robert, coach maker, Tower street

Fayers, Rose, straw bonnet maker, Tower street

Fell, John, Lion and Lamb, Victoria str.

Fenton, Abraham, baker, Globe lane

Fenton, John, bookseller, Wherstead road

Feek, John, pastry cook and confectioner, Corn hill

Field, Frederic butcher, St. Peter’s street

Field, William, shopkeeper, Fore street

Fitch, William, post master, Queen street

Finch, William W., pilot, Quay

Finnegan, Sarah, fancy repository, Fore st.

Firman, John C., tea dealer and grocer, St. Matthew’s street

Firth, William, shoe manufacturer, St. Nicholas’ street

Firth, William, boot maker, London road

Fish, Frederic, undertaker, mourning warehouseman, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, hosier, haberdasher, &c., Tavern street

Fisher, Mary, milliner, Upper Brook str.

Fisk, Francis, white and red brick maker, St. Helen’s street

Fisk, Elizabeth, furniture broker, Bolton lane

Fisk, William, Orwell inn, Lower Orwell street

Fisk, Edgar, tailor, Norwich road

Fisk, William, grocer, Friars’ street

Fiske, Charles, wholesale druggist, Carr and Northgate streets

Fison, Joseph, chemical manure manufacturer, and seed and wool merchant

Fison, Joseph, miller, Eastern Union mills

Flaxman, Hannah, E. U. R. hotel, opposite railway station

Fletcher, Robert, grocer, Borough road

Fletcher, Joseph, grocer, Woodbridge road

Flory, Caroline, wine and spirit merchant, St. Peter’s street

Flory, William, post and job master, Coach and Horses yard, Upper Brook street

Fox, John, pork butcher, St. Matthew’s street

Footman and Company, linen drapers and silk mercers, Westgate street

Foreman, Samuel, cattle dealer, Falcon street

Foster, Robert W., professor of music, Norwich road

Foster, Robert, teacher of music, Tavern street

Foulger, Hamilton Lazarus, clothier and shoe manufacturer, Lower Orwell street

Fountain, Robert, general dealer, New Friars’ road

Fountain, Samuel, green grocer and carpenter, Norwich road

Fox, Robert Fox on the Hill, Silent street

Fox, Robert, upholsterer, Silent street

Ford, William, tobacconist, Tavern street

Fox, John, auctioneer, Westgate street

Fox, Emma, upholsteress, Friars’ street

Francis, James O., surgeon and registrar of marriages, Elm street

Fraser, Roderick D., pawnbroker, Elm street

Fraser, William, woollen and Manchester warehouseman, King street

Frewer, James, sculptor and stone mason, Woodbridge road

Freestone, John, shoemaker, Tower str.

Freeman, William, shoemaker, Rope lane

p. 241Francis, Richard, watchmaker, Queen street

Frost, John Winter, shopkeeper, St. Margaret’s street

Frost, James, cooper, Salthouse street

Frost, John, worm extractor, Mayor’s corner, St. Margaret’s

Frost, John S., jun., hairdresser, Westgate street

Fuller, George, tailor and green grocer, Carr street

Fuller, George, shopkeeper, Fore hamlet

Fulcher, Robert, baker, Wyke’s Bishop hill

Fulcher, Alfred, boot and shoe maker, St. Austin street, St. Peter’s

Fulcher, Mary, Cardinal’s Head, Wolsey street

Fryers, Charles, Safe Harbour, Borough road

Gall, James, corn chandler, New Friars’ road

Galsworthy, Robert, solicitor, Carr street

Garlic, Mary Ann, gutta percha dealer, Tavern street

Gardener, James, fruiterer, Falcon street

Garnham, Robert, corn chandler, Borough road

Garnham, William, house agent and valuer, agent to the United Service Insurance office, Northgate street

Garnham, John, tailor, Handford road

Garnham, William, Queen’s Head, St. Matthew’s street

Garrett, Garrett, iron merchant and Welsh fire brick merchant, St. Margaret’s green

Garrod, John, Golden Lion hotel, Cornhill

Garrod, John Joseph, baker, Bath street

Garrod and Turner, auctioneers, Old Butter market

Garrod, William, tailor, Crown street

Gatrell, John H., silk mercer and draper, Tavern street

Geard, John B., agent to the Mutual Life Assurance company, Friars’ road

Geard, John B., public accountant and auditor, Flint wharf

Gibbons, Edward, builder and brick and timber merchant, Wolsey street

Gilbert, James, gardener, St. Margaret’s green

Gill, George R., ironmonger, Westgate street

Gill, Edward H., tailor and draper, Upper Brook street

Girling, William, Grove tavern, St. Helen’s street

Girling, Henry William, hat manufacturer, Steam Packet, Duke street

Gladding, George, haircutter, Mount str.

Gladding, James, butcher, Earl Grey, Fore hamlet

Gleed, Thomas, Inland Revenue office, Woodbridge road

Glyde, John, haircutter, Eagle street

Glyde, John, bookseller, St. Matthew’s street

Gocher, Thomas, jun., wholesale butcher, Westgate street

Gocher, Charles, wholesale butcher, St. Peter’s street

Godfry, Robert, Colchester Arms inn, Bridge street

Godbold, Charles, New Globe, John str.

Godbold, William, musician, St. Margaret’s green

Godball, Charles W., Coach and Horses inn and posting house, Upper Brook street

Goldsmith, Thomas, carpenter, Tower terrace

Gooch, George, corn chandler, St. Stephen’s lane

Goodchild, Henry, razor grinder, Wyke’s Bishop hill

Goodchild, Elmer, glove maker, Woodbridge road

Goodwin, Henry, tobacconist, Tacket str.

Goodwin, Eliza, straw bonnet maker, Upper Orwell street

Goodwin, John, tobacconist, St. Peter’s street

Gooding, William, shoemaker, Upper Orwell street

Goodwin, William S., furniture broker, Prince’s street

Goodwin, Edward, pipe maker, Fore str.

Goodram, William, Staff of Life beerhouse, and shopkeeper, Bramford road

Goreham, Christmas, coach builder, Coleman street

Goreham, Edward, baker, New street

Gosling, Edward, tailor, Tower street

Gosling, William, hairdresser, Crown street

Gosling, William, bellhanger, St. Nicholas’ street

Gosling, Henry, Star, Rope lane

Goss, James, Wool Pack inn, Bolton lane

Gower and Hunt, soap manufacturers and merchants, St. Peter’s

Gowing, Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Victoria street

Goyder, David G., chemist, Norwich road

Gray, William, New White Horse, Albion street

Gray, Thomas, shoemaker, Eagle street

Gray, Mary, clothes dealer, Upper Orwell street

p. 242Green, Alfred L., coach builder and timber bender, Norwich road

Grayston, Daniel, boot and shoe maker, Norwich road

Green, Thomas, Victoria hotel, Berners street

Green, William, green grocer, Friars’ street

Green, A. and L., hosiers, glovers, and shirt makers, Tavern street

Green, Cutten, coach maker, Norwich road

Green, Elijah, baker, Duke street

Green, James, Malt and Hop Brewery and tap, Queen street

Greenleaf, William, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Fore street

Greir, Robert, shopkeeper, St. Helen’s street

Grimsey, Benjamin F., solicitor, St. Nicholas Street

Grimwade, Richard, woollen draper, tailor, and hatter, Westgate street

Grimwood, Caroline, shopkeeper, Orwell place

Groom, William, baker, Friars’ street

Groom, Samuel G., surveyor, Norwich road

Groom, George, marine store dealer, Eagle street

Gross, Charles, basket and sieve maker, Old Butter market

Gurney, John Smith, cabinet maker and turner, St. Peter’s street

Guiver, Henry, Great White Horse hotel and posting house, Tavern street

Gyford, Samuel, Maltsters’ Arms, Key street

Haddock, James, bookseller, printer, binder, and engraver, public library, Old Butter market

Hager, James, brickmaker and shopkeeper, St. Helen’s street

Hagg, William, tailor, draper, hatter, and general outfitter, Upper Brook street

Haggon, David, ship owner, King street

Haggon, David, plumber, glazier, painter, and gas fitter, King street

Haill, George, boot and shoe maker, St. Matthew’s Church lane

Haken, Louisa, Fox inn, Upper Brook street

Hall, Charles, shopkeeper, Carr street

Hambling, Noah, White Lion, Stoke bridge

Hamby, George Henry, master mariner, St. Helen’s street

Hamilton, Andrew, saddler, Wherstead road

Hamblin, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Westgate street

Hammond, Frederic, Tooley’s Arms, Foundation street

Hammond, Charles J., tea dealer, grocer and provision merchant, opposite St. Peter’s Church

Hammond, Samuel, green grocer, St. Helen’s street

Hammond, William, furniture dealer, St. Matthew’s street

Hammond, Charles C., surgeon, Lower Brook street

Hammond, Susanna, straw bonnet maker, Handford road

Hancock, Christopher T., millinery establishment, Tavern street

Hancock and Son, confectioners, Carr st.

Hancock, John, bread and biscuit maker, Saint Nicholas’ street

Hancock, Thomas, clothes renovator, Fore hamlet

Haken, George, Heart of Oak inn, Duke street

Hardy, Theophilus, plumber, gas fitter, &c., Orwell place

Harpham and Vink, iron merchants and wholesale ironmongers, Quay, Iron wharf

Harmer, Henry, beerhouse and shopkeeper, Borough road

Harris, Thomas, banker’s clerk, agent to the Edinburgh Life Assurance society, Park terrace

Harris, Ebenezer, dyer, Upper Brook st.

Harris, Ebenezer, grocer, Norwich road

Harris, George, corn chandler, Upper Orwell street

Harris, Sophia, shopkeeper, Handford road

Harrison, Mary Ann, boot and shoemaker, Upper Brook street

Harrison and Gislingham, cabinet makers and upholsterers, Museum street

Harrison, Susan C., Crown and Anchor Family and Commercial hotel, Westgate street

Harrison, Robert L., Park Cottage, Bolton lane

Hart, Morris, dealer in Birmingham and Sheffield goods, wholesale and retail, China, glass, and earthenware warehouse, Westgate street

Hart, John, tailor, Handford road

Hartridge, Mary Ann, Mulberry Tree, Woodbridge road

Harvey, Daniel, painter, &c., Wherstead road

Harwood, James, Bull inn, Quay street

Harwood, James, smith in general, Back street

Hartridge, George, Marquis Cornwallis, Coleman street

p. 243Haszel, Joseph, hair cutter, Fore hamlet

Hazell, Joseph, the Reapers, Stoke street

Hayward, Edward, chemist, Upper Brook street

Hayward, Stephen, dyer, St. Nicholas’ street

Haward, James, builder, Mount street

Havell, William G., hat maker, St. Margaret’s plain

Hicks, John, Promenade terrace, London road

Hicks, Henry J., butcher, Tavern street

Hicks, Isaac, grocer and tea dealer, St. Matthew’s street

Hill, Isaac, shopkeeper, St. Margaret’s green

Hill, Thomas, hairdresser, St. Peter’s street

Hill, James, Wherry, Quay

Hill, Joseph, wire worker, St. Matthew’s street

Hillyard, Charles, boot and shoe maker, Fore street

Hines, William, Britannia, Wyke’s Bishop hill

Hearson, John, surveyor, builder, and patent shuttle maker, Crown street

Heard, Thomas, commercial traveller, London road

Hedge, John H. H., North Lodge, Norwich road

Hedges, Samuel, shopkeeper, Carr street

Helsdon, Dennis, fancy toy warehouse, Tacket street

Head, Jeremiah, manager of Savings’ Bank, Queen street

Hewitt, Charles, Case is Altered, Woodbridge road

Herbert, Samuel, pork butcher, Rope lane

Hoffman, Octavius Wm., surgeon, Prince’s street

Hoffman, Octavius W., surgeon, Queen street

Holden, John, fruiterer, Queen street

Holden, John, boot and shoe maker, Norwich road

Horne, William, sail maker, Ram inn, Quay

Horrex, Eldred, carpenter, Norwich road

Holder, Henry, head warder to Gaol

Hopson, Edmund, grocer and earthenware dealer, Rope lane

Hopper, Thomas, builder, Friars’ road

Horsnaill, George, grocer, Fore street

Howes, Charlotte, Bank Buildings, Bank street

Howlett, William, blacksmith, Angel lane

Hooper, Thomas, malthouse, New street

Howe, John B., Salutation inn, Carr str.

Howke, George, Fleece inn, St. Matthew’s street

Howgoo, Jeremiah, baker, St. Margaret’s plain

Howard, Charles, grocer, Crown street

Hudson, John L., hairdresser and perfumer, Lower Brook street

Hughes, Edward, green grocer, Rope lane

Hunniball, Timothy, coach builder, Wyke’s Bishop’s hill

Hunt, Miles, grocer, Norwich road

Hunt, William, solicitor, St. Matthew’s street

Hunt, William, bookseller, publisher, and stationer, Tavern street

Hunt, John, flour dealer, Bell lane

Hunt, Wright, corn merchant, St. Nicholas’ street

Hunt and Co., merchant tailors, woollen drapers, and hatters, Tavern street

Hurricks, Henry, bricklayer, Tower street

Hutchinson, William, accountant, registrar of births and deaths, secretary to the Permanent Building society, Soane street

Hutchinson, William, agent for the brick yard, Woodbridge road

Ireland, Robert, mason, Old Gaol lane

Ilott, Alexander, hosier, St. Austin’s str., St. Peter’s

Jackaman, Simon Batley, solicitor, coroner for the borough, and clerk to the lighting and paving committee, Silent street

Jackson, Charles T., Rising Sun, Friars’ street

Jackson, Alfred, confectioner, St. Peter’s road

James, Joseph, shoemaker, Fore hamlet

James, Robert, draper, Duke street

Jarman, Thomas, surgeon, St. Matthew’s, London road

Jarman, William, tailor, St. Helen’s str.

Jay, Elizabeth, watchmaker, Fore street.

Jeffries, Samuel, cabinet maker, Queen street

Jeffries, James M., Rose Villa, London road

Jeffries, William B., seedsman and nurseryman, Westgate street

Jennings, James, shopkeeper, Jolly Sailor, Handford road

Jennings, John, painter and glazier, Handford road

Jennings, Hannah, straw bonnet maker, Old Gaol lane

Jennings, John, hatter, Tavern street

Jennings, Richard F., solicitor, Falcon st.

Jennings, Mark, Boar’s Head, St. Austin’s street, St. Peter’s

Jervis, Henry, baker, Handford road

p. 244Johns, Isabella, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Carr street

Johnson, H. and E., milliners and dressmakers, Old Butter market

Johnson, Robert, grocer, Rope lane

Johnson, William, boot and shoe maker, Upper Brook street

Johnson, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Tacket street

Jones, John, C., butcher, St. Matthew’s street

Jones, Richard, engineer, Woodbridge road

Jones, John, shoemaker, St. Austin’s st., St. Peter’s

Josselyn, George, solicitor, agent to the Sun Fire and Life office, vice-chairman of Ipswich dock commission, clerk to Ipswich and Stratford turnpike trusts, and actuary to Ipswich Tontine, Tower street

Juby, E. and S., straw bonnet makers, Old Butter market

Julian, Ezekiel S., corn chandler, Norwich road

Keeble, George, plumber, glazier, and painter, Quay street

Keeble, Charles, hairdresser, St. Matthew’s street

Keeble, Jeremiah, wire worker, Old Butter market

Keeble, William, brazier, Upper Orwell street

Keeley, William, shopkeeper, College st.

Kent, William, butcher, Fore hamlet

Kent, Frederic, baker, St. Matthew’s street

Kent, Abraham, coach broker, Tanner’s lane

Kent, John, White Hart inn, St. Lawrence’s street

Kerry, Nicholas, Ipswich Arms, Lower Brook street

Kerridge, Herbert, Golden Key, Woodbridge road

Kersy, Robert S., shopkeeper, Upper Orwell street

Kettle, Horace, G., corn chandler, Key street

Kimble and Co., linen drapers, St. Peter’s street

Kimble, Benjamin, grocer, St. Peter’s st.

Kimpton, William, upholsterer, St. Matthew’s street

King, Henry, saddler and harness maker, beerhouse, Prince’s street

King, John, ecclesiastical glass painter, Upper Brook street

King, Stephen B., butcher, Fore street

King, Henry, grocer, Norwich road

King, Stephen, butcher, Friars’ road

King, George H., naturalist, Norwich road

Kimmance, John, Park House school

Kingston, George R., wholesale milliner, St. Peter’s street

Kitton, Harry H., baker, Norwich road

Kittrel, Robert G., tailor, Falcon street

Knights, James W., auctioneer and mercantile and agricultural agent, Quay House

Knights, Thomas, blacksmith, Shoulder of Mutton, Upper Orwell street

Knights, James, ship’s smith in general, Salthouse street

Knights, James, Green Man, Salthouse street

Knivet, William, shopkeeper, Bell lane

Lacey, Robert, farmer, Woodbridge road

Lamb, Wray P., copperplate printer, Tower street

Lamb, Robert, Blue Bell, Cornhill

Lambert, William, tailor and woollen draper, St. Lawrence’s street

Lancaster, James, boarding and day school, Lower Brook street

Lambert, John, Birmingham and Sheffield warehouse, St. Matthew’s street

Lane, William, tailor, Upper Orwell str.

Langbridge, George, dyer, Carr street

Langlin, Thomas, Fox and Hounds, Tanner’s lane

Larst, Henry, confectioner, Westgate str.

Last, Benjamin, corn chandler, Fore hamlet

Last, Alfred, pianoforte tuner and regulator, Westgate street

Last, Benjamin, baker, Bell lane

Last, Mary, shopkeeper, St. Margaret’s street

Last, Henry, bricklayer, Tower street

Lawrence, Edward E., coroner for the Duke of Norfolk liberty, clerk to the Association for the Prosecution of Felons, solicitor, clerk to the magistrates for the borough, and clerk to the magistrates of Samford Hundred, Tower street

Leathers, John, Crown tavern, Crown street

Lee, Pleasant, Bull and Dog, Fore street

Lee, John, umbrella maker, Silent street

Lee, Henry, King’s Arms, Cornhill

Leek, Timothy, baker, Key street

Leverett, Henry W., cabinet maker, Westgate street

Levi, Moses, hardwareman, Tavern street

Licence, Paul, hairdresser, Wherstead road

Lindley, John, blacksmith, Tanner’s lane

p. 245Ling, George, Royal Albert inn, opposite the railway station

List, Deborah, shopkeeper, King street

Lloyd, James, pork butcher, Fore hamlet

Long, Daniel, house agent, St. Helen’s street

Long, John, veterinary surgeon, Tower street

Long, Peter B., solicitor and clerk to dock commissioners, Museum street

Long, Alfred W. M., rate collector, Park terrace

Love, Capt. Edward M., Upton House, Woodbridge road

Lovewell, Henry, clothier, Market lane

Lovett, John, tailor, Fore street

Luff, Henry, builder, Neal street

Lyons, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Elm str.

Lyon, Robert, chemist and druggist, Upper Brook street

Maddow, Jonathan, bookseller, St. Peter’s street

Mallett, William, shopkeeper, Tower str.

Mann, Hannah, hat box maker, Foundation street

Mann, James, baker and shopkeeper, St. Helen’s street

Manning, William, grocer, Upper Orwell street

Manning, Benjamin, fishmonger, Cornhill

Manning, John S., wine and spirit merchant, Cornhill

Manning, George, plumber, glazier, and painter, Norwich road

Mann, William, Anchor inn, Duke street

Manistre and Dawson, grocers and foreign warehouse, Fore street and the Hamlet

Mason, B. S., agent to the Norfolk and Eastern Counties coal company; managers, E. and A. Prior, Bishopsgate, London

Mason, George, timber merchant, College street

Mason and Co., Engle foundry, Lower Brook street

Manistre, George, tea dealer and grocer, St. Matthew’s street

Mash, James, bazaar and fancy repository, Old Butter market

Mason, George, marine store dealer, Duke street

Mason, William and Robert, pawnbrokers, clothiers, &c., Fore street

Marchant, Hezekiah, silk mercer, and shawl and mantle warehouse, Westgate street

Marchant, Charles F., chemist and druggist, Old Butter market

Martin, Mary, shopkeeper, Wherstead road

Martin, Samuel, shopkeeper, Bell lane

Matt, Elijah, paper hanger, St. Matthew’s street

Matt, Jonathan, cooper, King street

Mays, West, green grocer, Foundation street

May, John, ship owner, Berners street

May, John, jun., cheese and butter factor, Stoke Bridge wharf

Mayhew, George, house agent, Friars’ street

Mc’Pherson, Donald, merchant’s clerk, Woodbridge road

Mead, Elijah, cab proprietor, Tower str.

Mead, Aaron, Half Moon and Stars, St. Matthew’s street

Meadows, Charles and Son, furnishing and general ironmonger, Tower street

Meadows, Henry W., wine and spirit merchant, King street

Messent, George, draper, &c., Whip str.

Middleditch, Deborah, the Crown, St. Peter’s street

Miller, Jonathan B., grocer, Borough road

Miller and Son, linen drapers, Old Butter market

Miller, Henry, manager to the National and Provincial Bank of England, draw on London Joint Stock bank; Old Butter market

Miller, R. and Son, wine and spirit merchants, tea dealers and grocers, Old Butter market

Milnes, B. G., pianoforte tuner, St. Matthew’s street

Mills, William P., surgeon, Museum str.

Mills, Edward, fruiterer, Victoria road

Minter, John, Smack, Key street

Mitchell, Mesdames, dress makers, Museum street

Moffatt, Walter, tea dealer, hatter, and furrier, Lower Brook street

Moffat, James, draper and tea dealer, Adelphi place, Lower Brook street

Morgan, William, naval officer, Park terrace

Morgan and Whipson, architects and surveyors, Museum street

Margerson, Daniel, Waggon and Horses, Old Butter market

Morley, David, bookseller, stationer, and free picture gallery, Queen street

Morley, Joseph R., glass and China dealer, Tavern street

Morton, George S., hat manufacturer, Upper Brook street

Moyse, John, dealer in horses, Crown street

Moore, George, butcher, Carr street

Moore, Samuel, shoemaker, Upper Orwell street

p. 246Moore, Walter H., solicitor, and agent to the Wellington and the Age Life Assurance offices, Elm street

Mulley, George, inspector of nuisances, St. Helen’s street

Mulley, John, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Upper Brook street

Mulley, Charles C., register office for servants, Tacket street

Mullett, Edmund, pipe manufacturer, Falcon street

Mullett, Samuel, dealer in tea and tobacco, Carr street

National Provincial Bank of England, Old Butter market

Naunton, John, Lord Chancellor, Friars’ road

Neale, Thomas, bricklayer, &c., Victoria street

Neale, James, Duke of Kent, Upper Orwell street

Neale, Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, Fore street

Newton, Charles, cork manufacturer, and agent for the sale of Goddard’s Photographic Lenses, St. Matthew’s street

Newby, John, green grocer, Crown street

Newson, William, stone mason, Norwich road

Notcutt, Stephen A., town clerk, clerk of the peace and charity trustees, and solicitor to gas company, Museum street

Norbrook, James, saddler and harness maker, Fore street

Norman, Sarah M., shopkeeper, Fore hamlet

Norman, Isaac, Plough inn, St. Stephen’s lane

Norman, James, green grocer, Norwich road

Norman, Henry, baker, Handford road

Norman, Edward, beer house, Baker str.

Noy, Isaac, ship broker and general commission merchant, Quay

Nunn, Jarvis, shoemaker, Upper Orwell street

Nunn, John B., tailor, woollen draper, and hatter, Tavern street

Nunn, James, printer and bookseller, Carr street

Nunn, Rowe, shoemaker, Upper Orwell street

Olive, John Thomas, Hare and Hounds, Norwich road

Orford, John, jun., solicitor to the Water Works company, and agent to the Law Union Fire and Life office, Silent str.

Osborne, Alfred, butcher, Mount street

Osborne, Jacob, green grocer, Fore hamlet

Osborn, Robert, whitesmith and bell hanger, Upper Orwell street

Osborne, Henry, shopkeeper, Norwich road

Osborn, Roger, boot and shoe maker, Tavern street

Osboldstone, Charles, grocer, Woodbridge road

Oxborow, Edmund, confectioner

Oxford, John, glove and truss maker, New Market lane

Pack, Robert, shoemaker, St. Helen’s str.

Packard, Edward, and Co., manufacturers of oil of vitriol, superphosphate of lime, and turnip manure, Bramford and Carr street

Page, Miss Elizabeth S., Promenade terrace, London road

Page, William, Corn Exchange tavern, Cornhill

Page, Richard M., horse dealer, Victoria road

Pake, Robert M., Berners street

Pallant, Mary Ann, milliner and dress-maker, Woodbridge road

Palmer, L., baker, Norwich road

Palmer, Alfred, millinery establishment, St. Peter’s street

Pannifer, Nathaniel, clothier, Fore street

Pape, Richard, collector of inland revenue, Lower Brook street

Parker, Joseph, baker and confectioner, St. Matthew’s street

Parker, Letitia, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Tavern street

Parker, Benjamin, printer, Fore street

Parker, Nathaniel W., currier and leather seller, Fore street

Parker, Mary Ann, mantle maker, St. Stephen’s lane

Parsons, Charles, hair cutter, St. Peter’s street

Parsons, Alfred, boot and shoe maker, Old Butter market

Pask, Charles, A., bookseller, Elm street

Patterson, F. and E., builders, Saint Nicholas’ street

Paternoster, Samuel, bricklayer, Fore street

Patrick, Orlando, painter and glazier, St. Nicholas’ street

Paul, Robert, Fonnereau road

Paulton, Rebecca, Orwell hotel

Payne, William, saddler, St. Peter’s street

Payne, Martha, Gardeners’ Arms, Fore hamlet

Pay, William, grocer, Fore street

Peachey, John, Wesleyan day school teacher,—agent to the Wesleyan General and Provident Assurance Society, Fore hamlet

p. 247Peacock, Thomas, surgeon, Berners street

Peck, Shadrack, cork cutter, Dial lane

Pear, William, White Elm, Bishop’s hill

Pearce, Joseph, accountant, agent to the County Fire and Provident Life, Eastern Counties’ Building Company, East Anglian and Suffolk Improved Building Company, and Free Land Society, Prince’s street

Pearce, Fred., wholesale furrier, Tavern street

Pearce, James, eating house, St. Matthew’s street

Pearce, James, confectioner, Fore street

Pegg, William, shopkeeper, Woodbridge road

Pells, John, boot and shoe warehouseman, Old Butter market

Pettit, John, sen., carpenter, St. Matthews’ square

Pettit, Jonathan, wheelwright, Elm street

Pettit, Daniel, saddler and harness maker, St. Peter’s street

Pettit, Thomas, carpenter, St. Stephen lane

Pettit, Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, St. Stephen’s lane

Pettit, Joseph A., builder, Lower Orwell street

Pickess, Jonathan O., sail maker, Fore street

Pinner, Jeremiah, fishmonger, Queen street

Pigg, Hannah, Robin Hood and Little John, Woodbridge road

Pipe, Jeremiah, St. Margaret’s street

Piper, Stephen, stamp office and printer, Old Butter market

Piper, Alfred, printer, St. Nicholas street

Pitcairn, David, manager of the Tract and Bible depot, Queen street

Pitcher, John, surgeon, Fore street

Phillips, John, cabinet-maker, upholsterer, and paper hanger, St. Matthew’s street

Plane, Dawson, draper and mercer, corner of Brook street

Plant, Emma, dressmaker, Foundation street

Plantin, Henry, confectioner, St. Nicholas’ street

Pleasants, E., Half-moon, Foundation street

Plumb, William, hat maker, Rope lane

Podd, Percival, boot and shoe maker and bird stuffer, St. Stephen’s lane

Pollard, Henry S., boot and shoemaker, and dealer in new and second-hand clothes, St. Stephen’s lane

Poole, William, boot maker, Friars’ street

Pooley, Robert, fancy bazaar, Cornhill

Pooley, William, fruiterer, Tavern street

Porter, Alfred, Lower Brook street

Potter, John Amiss, baker, Orchard street

Potter, William, merchant’s clerk, College street

Potter, John, confectioner, St. Lawrence’s street

Powell, William, grocer and tea dealer, Westgate street

Pratt, Louisa, shopkeeper, Upper Orwell street

Prentice, John, draper and silk mercer, Old Butter market

Prentice, Oliver, maltster and merchant, Fore street

Prentice, William, jun., College street

Presso, Joseph, baker, St. Matthew’s street

Prentice and Barton, milliners and dressmakers, Tacket street

Pretty, William, Fonnereau road

Prettyman, Charles, solicitor, Silent street

Pryke, John, Freemasons’ tavern, Victoria street, London road

Pryke, Frederic, tailor and draper, St. Matthew’s street

Pryke, Elizabeth, milliner and dress-maker, Victoria road

Pryke, John, shopkeeper, St. Peter’s street

Price, Frederic, boot and shoe maker, Tacket street

Pulfer, William, carpenter, St. Peter’s street

Pye, George, flax manufacturer, Gray Friars’ Works

Quadling, Edwin, coach builder, St. Austin’s street

Rackham, Samuel R., master mariner, Fore street

Raffe, Charles, merchant’s clerk, Priory place

Rainbird, Robert, printer, and clerk and sexton to St. Margaret’s church, Soane street

Ralph, Carrington, fishmonger, Fore street

Randall, William G., broker and auctioneer, Upper Brook street

Rands, Nathaniel, shopkeeper, Victoria street

Ranson, Henry, flour seller, Fore street

Ransomes and Sims, ironfounders, engineers, and manufacturers of agricultural implements, Orwell Works

Ransome and Co., patent stone manufacturers, Kent wharf

p. 248Ransdale, Robert, Norwich Arms, Fore street

Raphael, Abraham, hat and cap manufacturer, Fore street

Ralph, Charles, Wellington inn, Carr street

Rayner, John, shoemaker, Fore hamlet

Ray, William J., linen draper and silk mercer, Upper Brook street

Ray, Maria and Emma, milliners, Upper Brook street

Raynham, Eliza, fancy repository, St. Nicholas’ street

Rea, Robert, seedsman and florist, London road

Read, William, St. Edmund’s Head, St. Mary Elms

Read, John, Postchaise, Woodbridge road

Read, Daniel, watch and clock maker, Westgate street

Read, Mary Ann, dressmaker, King street

Read, Henry, French polisher, King street

Read, Charles, hairdresser, Fore street

Read, Edward T., tailor and hatter, Tavern street

Read, Harriet, dressmaker, Coleman street

Read, Adolphus, carver, gilder, and house decorator, Westgate street and Queen street

Read, James, bookseller, Cornhill

Redgrave, Joseph, saddler, trunk and portmanteau manufacturer, &c., Old Butter market

Redgrave, James, agent for Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co., brewers and spirit merchants, &c., St. Margaret’s green

Reeder, Robert, baker, Fore street

Reeve, James, shopkeeper, Bath street

Reeve, Robert, painter and glazier, Silent street

Reeve, Samuel, carpenter and builder, Upper Orwell street

Richardson, Robert, Duke of Cambridge, Old Gaol lane

Richardson, Thomas, Butchers’ Home, Friars’ street

Rice, Philip, White Bear, Clay street

Richards, John, tailor and tobacconist, St. Matthew’s street

Richmond, James, boot and shoe maker, Upper Orwell street

Ridley and Grimwade, chemists, wholesale and export druggists, oil and colormen, and inventors of the improved anti-corrosive paint, Fore street

Ridley, John, ironmonger, Cornhill

Ridley, G. and H., wine and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters, agents to the Norwich Union Fire and Life offices, and coal merchants, Fore street

Ringer, William Smith, shopkeeper, California

Ringer, Edward, saddler, Fore street

Ringham, Henry, carver, Trafalgar road

Ring, Richard, saddler and harness maker, Crown street

Ringe, William, saddler and harness maker, Carr street

Ritchie, James, tea and china dealer, and agent to the Scotch Provincial Life and Fire Assurance office, Old Butter market

Ringer, William S., grocer and tea dealer, Tacket street

Rix, Benjamin, brewer, land agent, and auctioneer, Westgate street

Robinson, Henry, gun and pistol maker and cutler, Westgate street

Robinson, James, haircutter and perfumer, Westgate street

Robinson, William, grocer, Bell lane

Robinson and Co., drapers, Fore street

Robertson, Cranmer, and Co., watchmakers and jewellers, Upper Brook street

Robinson, Charles, whitesmith and bell hanger, King street

Roberts, Thomas, haircutter, Coleman street

Robertson, Alexander, silversmith, Silent street

Robson, William, tea dealer, Little Coleman street

Roe, William, auctioneer and broker, Thoroughfare

Roe, Owen, carver and gilder, Upper Brook street

Roe, Joseph, broker, Upper Brook street

Rogers, Elijah, boot and shoe maker, Baker street

Rogers, William, shopkeeper, Baker street

Root, William, plumber and painter, Adelphi place, Lower Brook street

Rose, Edward, fruiterer, Fore hamlet

Rose, John, eating house, St. Matthew’s street

Rose, George, shopkeeper, Globe lane

Ross, Thomas B., auctioneer, estate agent, and agent to the Crown Life Assurance company, St. Nicholas’ place

Roy, William, fishmonger, Prince of Wales, Fore street

Rudland, Maria, eating house, St. Stephen’s lane

Rudling, Henry, Happy Return, Foundry road

p. 249Russell, William, Saracen’s Head, St. Margaret’s green

Russell, Frederic B., artist, Orwell Cottage

Rush, William, draper and tailor, Upper Brook street

Sallows, Robert, corn chandler, Carr str.

Sallows, Robert, merchant, Mill house, Bramford road

Salmon, George, joiner and cabinet maker, St. Peter’s street

Sampson, George G., surgeon, St. Matthew’s street

Scarlett, William, plumber, glazier, &c., Dial lane

Schulen, Mary Ann, coarseware potter, Rope lane

Schulen and Co., watchmakers, silversmiths, jewellers, and opticians, Cornhill

Schulen, John William, earthenware manufacturer, Eagle street; works, St. Helen’s

Schulen, John, Crown and Anchor, Dock road

Scoggins, John, printer and stationer, Orwell place

Scott, James, shopkeeper, Lower Orwell street

Scope, Richard, shopkeeper, St. Margaret’s street

Scott, James, hairdresser, Fore street

Scrivener, John, bread and biscuit baker, Cornhill

Scrivener, John T., ironmonger, Queen street

Scrivener and Grimwood, corn merchants, St. Helen’s street

Seagrave, David, butcher, Tacket street

Seagriffe, William, Cross Keys, Carr street

Seagrave, William N., marine store dealer, St. Margaret’s street

Seager, Joseph, pork butcher, Friars’ street

Setterfield, George, grocer, Queen street

Sewell, James, hat manufacturer, Northgate street

Sewell, Edward, cheese merchant, St. Peter’s road

Self, Henry, shopkeeper, Rope lane

Senton, James, Free Trade tavern, Handford road

Setterfield, Eliza, eating house, Fore street

Setterfield, Henry, coachmaker, Falcon street

Sharman, David, Griffin inn, Handford road

Shave, Charles, purveyor, Fore street

Shephard, Simon, beer house, Foundry road

Shephard, William, butcher, Upper Brook street

Shephard, Robert, merchant, St. Helen’s street

Shewell and Smith, linen and woollen drapers, tailors, and Manchester warehousemen, Cornhill

Ship, Robert, corn chandler, St. Margaret’s green

Ship, William, corn chandler, King str.

Shildrake, John, C., boot and shoe maker, Carr street

Shribbs, William, carpenter, Handford road

Shorten, Charles F., veterinary surgeon, Museum street

Silburn, Charles, tea and Italian warehouse, Tavern street

Silverston, William, chemist, St. Nicholas’ street

Simpson, Henry, butcher, Thoroughfare

Simpson, James, boot and shoe maker, St. Lawrence street

Simpson, Samuel, builder, Museum street

Simons, Robert, butcher, Lower Orwell street

Singleton, W. and Son, ironmongers, Old Butter market

Singleton, G. and W., wheelwrights, St. Margaret’s green

Singleton, George, grocer, St. Margaret’s green

Singleton, Thomas B., short-hand writer, St. Helen’s street

Skeet, R., Griffin cottage, Bromford road

Skinner, William B., carpenter and joiner, Norwich road

Skinner, W., builder, Norwich road

Smart, John, artist, Park terrace

Smith, Thomas, shoemaker, Victoria road

Smith, William, tailor, New Friars’ road

Smith, W., builder, Back hamlet

Smith, William, hair cutter, Angel lane

Smith, William, Albion Hill brewery, Woodbridge road

Smith, Daniel, cow keeper and gardener, Woodbridge road

Smith, Thomas, hairdresser, St. Matthew’s street

Smith, William and John, linen drapers, and baby linen warehouse, St. Matthew’s street

Smith, Joseph, tailor, Fore street

Smith, Edward, Lord Nelson, Fore street

Smith, Brown, Sorrel Horse, Fore street

Smith, John, boot and shoe maker, Prince’s street

Smith, —, builder, Fore street

Smith, Henry, hairdresser, St. Helen’s st.

Smith, John, tailor and woollen draper, Tavern street

p. 250Smith, William, carpenter, Upper Orwell street

Smith, Paul, grocer, Rope lane

Smith, Thomas, coach spring maker, Old Goal lane

Smith and Gladill, ornamental japanners, house painters and decorators, John street, St. Clement’s

Smith, William, manufacturing cutler, Westgate street

Smith, James, cabinet maker, Friars’ road

Smith, William, shopkeeper, St. Nicholas’ street

Smith, Harriet, Horse and Groom, Woodbridge road

Smith, James, cabinet maker, Tanners’ lane

Smith, Thomas, marine store dealer, Lady’s lane

Snell, Robert B., baker, Rope lane

Southeron, Samuel, hair cutter, Friars’ street

Southgate, Thomas, whitesmith, locksmith, and bell hanger, Friars’ street and Wolsey street

Spalding, William, bookseller and stationer, Westgate street

Sparks, John, chronometer, watch and clock maker, Tavern street

Sparrowe, John E., solicitor, Tower court

Sparrow, John, paper hanger, Back street

Sparrow, William, baker, St. Margaret’s street

Spearman, James, junr., dyer, &c., St. Matthew’s street

Spearman, James, senr., dyer, &c., St. Matthew’s street

Spinks, Edward, brush maker, St. Nicholas’ street

Sporle, Hannah, ladies’ shoe warehouse, Dial lane

Sporle, George, boot and shoe maker, Bell lane

Spring, Henry Thomas, soda water manufacturer, St. Matthew’s street

Spurling, Samuel, shopkeeper, Crown street

Squires, Susannah H., shopkeeper, Upper Brook street

Squires, William, confectioner, Tacket street

Squirrell, Obadiah, corn merchant, Orwell place

Stannard, William, baker and grocer, Mount street

Stammers, John, furniture broker, Dog’s Head lane

Stannard, John, hairdresser, St. Nicholas’ street

Stannard, John, Portobello inn, and painter, Upper Orwell street

Steam, Thomas, plumber, glazier, and painter, Fore street

Steadman, William, clerk, Fonnereau road

Stevens, Charles, cabinet maker and upholsterer, St. Peter’s road

Stevens, Edward T., furniture broker, Cheapside

Stevens, William, shopkeeper, branch post-office, Bridge street

Stevens, Robert, Royal William gardens, London road

Stevens, Henry, plumber, glazier, painter, and gas fitter, Carr street

Stevens, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Upper Brook street

Stewart, Henry, shopkeeper, St. Helen’s street

Stewart, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Carr street

Stephens, Harriet, inn, St. Stephen’s lane

Steel, William, shopkeeper, St. James’ street

Stidolph, George F., organ builder and pianoforte manufacturer, Woodbridge road

Stokes, Samuel, green grocer, Church street

Stokes, Susanna, shopkeeper, St. Peter’s street

Stockins, Thomas, saddler, Dock street

Stokes, Joseph, photographic artist, St. Peter’s street

Storey, George, watchmaker, St. Margaret’s street

Stollery, John, Welcome Stranger, Fore hamlet

Stuart, Charles, printer, Elm street

Stubb, John C., manager of the Electric Telegraph Office, Queen street

Sugars, William, Eclipse, Orwell place

Suthers, William, Falcon inn, Queen street

Suthers, William, fancy repository, Old Butter market

Sulley, Charles, newspaper proprietor and general printer, Old Butter market

Surl, Robert, corn chandler, Carr street

Swindle, James, clothes dealer, Upper Orwell street

Symonds, Samuel, Old Times, California

Sykes, John, corn chandler, St. Margaret’s green

Talbott, George, commercial coffee and dining rooms, Queen street

Talbot, John, senr., soda water and ginger beer manufacturer, Crown street

Talbot, John, junr., bookseller and news agent, Crown street

Taylor and Sons, musicians, Norwich road

p. 251Taylor, John, butcher, Tacket street

Taylor and Co., linen and woollen drapers, Cornhill

Taylor, John, perfumer and family chemist, Fore street

Taylor, Augustus R., grocer and tea dealer, Key street

Taylor, William, Vine inn, Church street

Taylor, Robert, corn chandler, St. Matthew’s street

Taylor, Thomas, coal merchant, Whip street

Taylor, Samuel, butcher, King street

Taylor, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Norwich road

Taylor, Robert, district locomotive superintendent, Barlow Cottage

Taylor, Caroline, milliner, Carr street

Taylor, William, grocer, Woodbridge road

Taylor, William, timber merchant, Pimplet street

Thurman, Isaac, corn chandler, Key street

Thurston, Joseph, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Old Butter market

Thrower, Henry, wholesale and retail grocer, St. Peter’s street

Thomas, Sidney, gas engineer, St. Helen’s street

Thomas and Brothers, wholesale stay manufacturers, St. Stephen’s lane

Thurston, John, Feathers, Westgate str.

Thompson, Susan, confectioner, Tavern street

Thurlow, John, Dove inn, St. Helen’s street

Thurston, George B., Theatre tavern, Tacket street

Teager, John H., engineer, whitesmith, and bell hanger, King street

Tilley, George, glass and china shop, St. Peter’s street

Titlow, Robert, tailor and woollen draper, Fore street

Todd, James, boot and shoe maker, St. Matthew’s street

Tognola, James, cane worker, Crown str.

Todd, Louisa, corset maker, St. Matthew’s

Tomkin, the Misses, boarding school, Norwich road

Tooke, John, basket maker, Fore street

Tooley, Robert, Trafalgar, Trafalgar road

Townsend, J. E. and E., outfitting establishment, King street

Townsend and Son, fishmongers, King street, Prince’s street

Tovell, George S., stone and tile merchant, 3, Crane’s wharf

Townshend, Alicia, Quay House, College street

Tracy, John, surgeon dentist, Tacket str.

Trenton, Henry, butcher, St. Matthew’s street

Tricker, Frederic, Porter’s House, Fore street

Trundle, James S., saddler and harness maker, Cornhill

Tunmer, Henry and George, woollen drapers and tailors, Tacket street

Turner, E. R. and F., agricultural implement makers, St. Peter’s

Turner, W. and A. J., leather merchants, tanners, and curriers, Prince’s street

Turner, George, auctioneer and valuer, land and brewery agent, Carlton Chambers, Westgate street

Turner and Kettle, gardeners and florists, Blooming Myrtle Gardens, St. Clement’s

Turner, George, woollen draper and tailor, Tavern street

Turner, Robert, George and Dragon, St. Margaret’s plain

Turner, James, baker, Lower Orwell str.

Turner, John, butcher, Westgate street

Turner, Shadrach, shoemaker, Carr street

Turner, Joseph, junr., grocer, Wyke’s Bishop hill

Turner, William, confectioner, St. Austin’s street, St. Peter’s

Tye, Mary Ann, boot and shoe maker, Victoria street

Ungless, Henry R., metal dealer, Rope lane

Utting, George R., Black Bell, Elm str.

Vesey, William, tailor, Crown street

Vince, Daniel, Rose and Crown, Norwich road

Vince, John, blacksmith, St. Margaret’s plain

Vincent, Nathaniel, veterinary surgeon, Handford road

Wade, John, Beehive tavern, Old Butter market

Wade, George, saddler and harness maker, Cornhill

Wade, Stephen, grocer, Wherstead road

Wade, William, hairdresser, Fore street

Wainwright, Samuel, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, Tavern street

Wall, Edward, confectioner, Old Butter market

Ward, James, carpenter, Old Gaol lane

Wallis, Messrs. H. and A., corn merchants, Old Butter market

Waller, Joseph, butcher, St. Peter’s street

Waller, Frederic, grocer and tea dealer, Upper Brook street

Ward, John, builder, Woodbridge road

Ward, William, fishmonger, Tacket str.

Ward, Robert, grocer, Eagle street

Ward, Emma, dressmaker, Victoria road

p. 252Waller, Henry, farmer, Handford hall

Wardle, Samuel, commercial traveller, St. Helen’s street

Warmisham, Samuel, scale and mill maker, St. Nicholas’ street and Bishopsgate street, London

Warren, John, working jeweller, Westgate street

Warne, William, fruiterer, Prince’s street

Warner, William, cooper, Fore street

Warwicker, Thomas, saddler, Norwich road

Watson, Edward, hat manufacturer, Old Butter market

Watson, Sarah, milliner and dress maker, Tavern street

Watson, Henry, registrar of births and deaths, for St. Matthew’s district, Norwich road

Webb, William, Wheat Sheaf, Commercial road

Webb, William, Foresters’ Arms, Rope lane

Webb, Robert, grocer and corn chandler, Fore street

Webb, Samuel, Halberd, St. Mary’s tower

Webber, Hedge and Co., linseed merchants and crushers, Handford mills

Weightman, Isabella, fruit and seed establishment, Queen street

Webster, William H., surgeon, Woodbridge road

Welham, John, tailor, King street

Welham, George, broker, Fore street

Wellum, Robert, Castle inn, Lower Orwell street

Wellum, Nicholas, Neptune inn, Fore street

Wellington, Amelia, shopkeeper, Upper Orwell street

Webster, Joseph, Maltsters’ Arms, Bell lane

Wells, Charles L., broker, Carr street

Wells, Higgs, and Co., tea dealers, Tavern street

Wells, John, Cow and Gate, Key street

Wells, William, pork butcher, Fore street

Wenn, Eleanor, dressmaker, Friars’ street

West, Sarah, shopkeeper, Lady’s lane

Westhorpe, Stirling, solicitor, Thoroughfare

Westhorpe, Samuel, shoemaker, Handford road

Whait, William, millinery establishment, St. Margaret’s street

Whayman, Matthias, confectioner, Tavern street

Wheeler, George, King’s Head, King str.

Whight, John, builder, Foundation street

White, Sarah, green grocer, Fore street

Whitehead, Joseph, Bull’s Head, Orwell place

Whitehead, William, beerhouse and shopkeeper, New street

Whittle, William, Saddlers’ Arms, Victoria street

Whybrew, William, cooper, Norwich road

Wiggin, John, chemist, dealer in oils, colors, and British wines, agent to the Atlas Fire office, St. Matthew’s street

Wiles, Mary A., baby linen warehouse, Tavern street

Wilkins, William P., engineer, coppersmith, and millwright, St. Helen’s str.

Williams, James, sculptor and mason, California

Williams, John, working jeweller, St. Matthew’s street

Wilson, Henry, clothes dealer, Upper Orwell street

Wilkinson, Henry, Shannon inn, Foundry road

Williams, Joseph, furniture dealer, New Market lane

Wilson, George, shoemaker, Silent street

Wilson, William, linen draper, Fore str.

Wisby, Edward, fruiterer, Fore street

Wisby, Eliza, green grocer, Fore street

Wolner, Thomas, shopkeeper, St. Helen’s street

Woolner, George, hairdresser, Rope lane

Woolnough, Susan, milliner, Northgate street

Woolnough, William L., builder, Norwich road

Woolnough, Henry, architect and surveyor, Colman street

Woolterton, Robert, corn chandler, St. Matthew’s street

Wood, William, Cow and Pail, Rope lane

Woods, Robert, sea captain, Upper Orwell street

Woods, James D., plumber and glazier, St. Margaret’s street

Woods, William, Three Crowns, St. Austin’s street, St. Peter’s

Woods, Geo., shoemaker, Wyke’s Bishop hill

Woods, James, baker and shopkeeper, Woodbridge road

Woods, William, fishmonger, Queen street

Woods, Robert, Eagle tavern, Upper Orwell street

Woods, George, grocer, &c., Victoria street

Worby, David, Sea Horse, College street

Worts, Joseph, solicitor’s clerk, St. Nicholas’ street

Wretts, the Misses, boarding and day school, Fonnereau road

p. 253Wright, George, boot and shoe maker, Berners street

Wright, Henry, hairdresser, Fore hamlet

Wright, Edward, Lion inn, St. Margaret’s street

Wright, Daniel H., shoemaker, Upper Orwell street

Wright, John, shot foundry, Falcon street

Wright, Benjamin, baker, Bell lane

Wright, Misses L. E. and M., millinery, dressmaking, straw bonnet, and baby-linen establishment, Westgate street

Wyard, Charles, dealer in marine stores, St. Margaret’s street

Youngman, Emma, Masons’ Arms, Rope lane


The POST-OFFICE is at the top of Queen-street.  Mr. William Stevenson Fitch is the postmaster.  Three deliveries of letters take place in the town each day, and eight village postmen go daily to the surrounding country.  There are four receiving boxes in different parts of the town.  The Mails are despatched by rails, &c., to London and all parts at 7.55 morning and 10 night, and to Bury St. Edmund’s, Cambridge, North of England, &c., at one afternoon.  Mail Carts to Felixstow, Woodbridge, Saxmundham, Yarmouth, &c., every morning.  The Letter Box closes at 10 night.  Money Orders are granted and paid from 9½ morning to 6 evening.  The Post-office Clerks are Messrs. John Madocks, James Saxty, William Whitehead, and Richard Charles Duningham.  The Town Letter Carriers are Messrs. George Brame, Edgar Boar, Jos. Wilson, William Goddard, and Thomas Wilde.  A new Post-Office is in course of erection.


A railway station, parish, and considerable village on the Eastern Union railway and navigable river Gipping, 2½ miles north-west from Ipswich, in Bosmere and Claydon Hundred and Union, East Suffolk; contained a population of 833 in 1841, and in 1851, 997.  Its area is 3,168 acres.  Here is a common of 10 acres, and 10 acres in cottage gardens.  Sir P. Broke, Bart., is lord of the manor, and owner of a large portion of the soil.  The church of St. Stephen is a neat building, with square tower and leaden spire; the living is a vicarage in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and the Rev. S. W. Maul is the present incumbent.  There is also a small Independent chapel.

Allen, Alfred, and Emma, National school for boys and girls

Bagley, John, blacksmith

Baxter, Benjamin, grocer, &c.

Bowman, James, baker

Bramford, James, farmer

Burch, John, saddler and harness maker

Chamberlain, James, boot and shoe maker

Clarke, Mr. William Chapman, Bramford hill

Doe, William, bricklayer

Dyer, Mrs.

Giles, Isaac, shoemaker

Green, W. P., farmer

Hardy, George, Cock, and butcher

Harrison, Francis, carpenter

Haward, Henry, farmer

Hitchcock, Ebenezer, miller, maltster, and baker

Hughes, Thomas, carpenter and wheelwright

Kerridge, Samuel, beer retailer

King, James, wheelwright and post-office receiving house

Larter, Thomas, nursery, seedsman, and florist

Leadbetter, Mrs. Ann

Leggatt, John, Esq.

Lewis, Joseph, farmer

Lewis, Mary Ann, seminary

Lovely, Wm., Crown, and nurseryman, Whitton road

Mays, Thomas, shoemaker

Morgan, John, farmer, Pigeon farm

Mudd, John, farmer, Tye farm

p. 254Mumford, R. W., farmer, Grove house

Mumford, William Henry, farmer, Sycamore House

Pallant, Thomas, butcher and farmer

Parish, Ann, shopkeeper and beer retailer

Steward, Rev. Ambrose, M.A., Whitton White house

Stokes, Mr. Robert, Bramford hill

Palmer, Henry, Angel

Simpson, George, cooper

Talmash, William, tailor

Wake, Henry, farmer and assessor of taxes

Wood, R. R. Esq.


A parish and village, 1½ miles N.E. from Bramford station, 72 miles from London, and 2 N. from Ipswich; contained a population of 484 inhabitants in 1851.  The church of Whitton, dedicated to St. Mary, has lately been rebuilt, and very much enlarged.  The living is a rectory, valued at £250.  The Bishop of Ely is patron, and the Rev. W. Howorth, M.A. is the incumbent.

Badham, George D. Esq., Sparrow’s Nest

Bloomfield, John, farmer

Bowman, Alfred, farmer

Catt, Samuel, farmer

Catt, Samuel, jun., farmer

Clarke, Richard, farmer

Clarke, Richard, junr., wheelwright

Clark, Richard, carpenter and timber merchant

Day, Edward, shoemaker

Field, Edward, corn miller

Flindell, John, Orford tavern

Gall, Mr. James

Hallam, Miss Maria

Hewitt, Benjamin, shoemaker

Hitchcock, E., miller

Howard, Stephen, farmer

Howorth, Rev. W. m.a., rector

Hubbard, Jonathan, bailiff, Lodge

Kersey, Thomas E., farmer

Kersey, Clement, farmer

King, Henry, blacksmith

Lovely, William, nurseryman and seedsman, Crown inn

Nunn, James, butcher, &c.

Nunn, James, farmer

Nichols, Mr. George

Office, Edward, bailiff, Dale Hall

Palmer, Elizabeth, schoolmistress

Pike, Jeremiah, baker and gardener

Pratt, Isaac, victualler, Maypole

Rogers, Miss

Rowland, Samuel, farmer

Scutcheon, William, shopkeeper

Smith, Richard, shoemaker and sexton

Sparrowe, Miss Sarah

Stevenson, Henry, cattle dealer

Steward, Charles, Esq., Thurlston lodge

Steward, Rev. Ambrose, White house

Travis, Mr. William Hardy

Wood, Francis, whitesmith

Wollard, Edward, shoemaker

Wollard, Thomas, wheelwright


Kesgrave is a small village 3½ miles E. from Ipswich, and 3½ S.W. from Woodbridge, in Carlford Hundred and Norwich Bishopric.  The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of Sir John Shawe, value £58.  The church is a brick building with square tower.  The Rev. W. Collett, M.A., is the incumbent.  Population 86.  Robert Newton Shawe, Esq., is lord of the manor.

Cornwell, Robert, victualler, Bell inn

Turner, William, farmer

Wolton, Samuel, jun., farmer


Rushmere is a neat village, 3 miles N.E. from Ipswich station, and 5 S.W. of Woodbridge, in Carlford Hundred and Norwich Bishopric, East Suffolk.  The living is a vicarage, value £170, in the gift of the Marquis of Bristol.  The church of St. Andrew is an ancient building with flint tower.  The Rev. W. Wigson, B.A., is the incumbent.  Population in 1851 was 678.

p. 255Abbott, Mr. Nathaniel

Baker, Thomas, victualler, Greyhound

Barham, Mr. William

Betts, Henry, miller, Tower mill

Birch, Mr. John

Boggis, Rev. W. R. T., b.a., Cottage

Clarke, Joseph, farmer, Poplar farm

Crisp, John, carpenter

Dawson, William, miller and farmer

Durrant, Christopher Mercer, m.d., and Ipswich

Everett, Joseph D., farmer

Farthing, G., butcher and victualler, Britannia

Gale, John, farmer, Hall

Halls, Jas., shopkeeper and colt breaker

Hillin, James, Bixley decoy ponds

Howes, Lucy, National schoolmistress

Jackson, Isaac, joiner, &c.

Janson, Richard, Esq., White House

Kennell, William, brickyard manager

Mann, William, shoemaker

Newson, William, farmer

Parish, Joshua, beer house, Hop Garden

Perry, Mr. Stephen

Potter, James, wheelwright

Potter, Frederick, boot and shoe maker

Schreiber, W. Frederick, Esq., Round Wood

Segger, Philip, parish clerk and smith

Segger, John, blacksmith

Sherman, Mr. Thomas

Shewell, Mr. John

Skeet, Robert James

Walford, Thomas, shopkeeper

Wigson, Rev. William, M.A., vicarage

Wilson, Pettit, farmer and beer house

Wolton, Samuel, junr., Bixley farm


Martlesham, near the Deben estuary, is a parish and small village, 1½ mile S.W. of Woodbridge, and 6 E. by N. of Ipswich, in Carlford Hundred and Norwich Bishopric, East Suffolk.  The living is a rectory, value £370, in the gift of Frederick Gooden Doughty, Esq., who is lord of the manor.  The Rev. Thomas D. Betts, B.A., is the incumbent.  The church of St. Mary is a stone building, with a tower.  Population 477.

Balls, Zedekiah, blacksmith

Betts, Rev. Thos. D’Eye, B.A., rectory

Brighton, Thomas, farmer

Cadd, William, corn miller

Fletcher, Charles, carpenter

Garrod, Lydia, farmer

Gobbett, William, farmer

Groom, Roger, brewer and victualler, Red Lion, and farmer

Groom, Frederick, farmer

Hayward, Robert, farmer

Hill, James, farmer

Howes, James, farmer

Hudson, John, shopkeeper and shoemaker

Kent, Catherine, shopkeeper

Kerridge, Daniel, blacksmith

Pollard, John, farmer

Rampling, Charles, farmer

Ramsey, George, parish clerk

Read, George, wheelwright

Runnacles, Robert, farmer

Spink, Major-General Sir John, K.H., Beacon Hill house


A village 2 miles N.E. of Ipswich.  Its population in 1841 was 324.  The church of St. Mary is a small, neat building, with square tower.  The living is a rectory.  The tithes have been commuted for £350 per annum: the Bishop of Norwich is patron, and the Rev. Charles Drage, M.A., is the incumbent.

Ablett, Mr. Adolphus

Adams, Hannah, gardener

Aldrich, Rev. John Cobbold, M.A., incumbent of St. Lawrence, Weaterfield House

Birch, Joseph, carpenter

Birch, Thomas, farmer

Bird, Thomas, farmer

Cage, William, blacksmith

Davy, Robert, pig dealer and beer house

Drage, Rev. Charles, M.A., rectory

Edwards, E., Hall

Garrod, John, gardener

Haggar, J., bailiff

Hammond, Jeremiah, shoemaker

Norman, Nathaniel, jun., shopkeeper

Payne, Ann, farmer

Payne, George, farmer

p. 256Potter, Robert, parish clerk

Salter, Henry, farmer

Shelby, Robert, farmer

Smith, E., bailiff

Threadkell, William B., corn miller

Turner, Joseph, shopkeeper



A pleasant village, on the banks of the river Orwell, 3½ miles south of Ipswich, and 3½ E. from Brently station; is in Samford Hundred, and contained, in 1851, 224 inhabitants.  The church of St. Peter is a neat fabric, with square tower.  The living is a rectory, value £376.  The Rev. Alfred Bond is the patron and incumbent.

Bond, Rev. Alfred, rector, Rectory

Birch, John, blacksmith

Coulson, Charles, parish clerk

Hare, George, farmer

Hunt, John, builder

Manning, John and William, farmers

Mead, Aaron, Boat inn

Sage, Benjamin, farmer, Wood’s farm

Sage, Joseph, joiner, (Post-office)

Sage, Thomas, shopkeeper, &c.

Venn, Edward Beaumont, Esq., Lodge

Waterman, Henry, farmer

Williams, Hannah, schoolmistress


Copdock is a village and parish 3½ miles S.W. from Ipswich, in Samford Hundred and Union, East Suffolk, Norwich Bishopric.  The living is a rectory, with the vicarage of Washbrook annexed.  It is in the gift of Lord Walsingham; the incumbent is the Hon. and Rev. Fred. de Grey, M.A.  The church of St. Peter has a square tower, containing 5 bells.  The population in 1851 was 349.  Lord Walsingham is lord of the manor.

Bickmore, Thomas, farmer

Bond, Mrs. Elizabeth, Copdock house

Bruce, Richard, farmer

Cook, Robert, blacksmith

Davis, Thomas, organist

De Grey, Hon. and Rev. Frederic, M.A.

Edwards, Henry, farmer

Josselyn, James, Eagle

King, George, wheelwright and parish clerk

Marshall, Stephen, farmer, Copdock hall

Mayhew, Samuel, corn miller

Norfolk, James, Mace hall

Pallant, John, thatcher

Plumb, Mr. and Mrs., National school

Salmon, George, butcher

Shepherd, George, shoemaker

Shorten, Charles T. and A. J. veterinary surgeons, New hall and Ipswich

Whight, Robert Frederic, carpenter and victualler, White Elm

Wrattisham, John, Esq., Copdock lodge


A small, pleasant village, 2 miles S. from Ipswich, in Samford Hundred, containing 238 inhabitants.  The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a neat fabric, with square tower and 3 bells.  The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Crown, and the Rev. Foster Barbara Zincke, A.B., is the present incumbent.

Addison, Daniel, parish clerk

Baxter, Enos Page, victualler, Ostrich inn

Bradbrook, Thomas, woodman

Calver, Edward, carpenter

Frost, Charles, farmer, Parrington hall

Hawes, John, bailiff, Hall

Heigham, George T., Esq., the Grove

Page, Joseph, gardener

Sexton, George, Thorington hall

Sexton, Robert, farmer, Brown hall

Schreiber, Capt. Charles, Blue Gates

Wilsmore, Joseph, blacksmith, Post office

Zincke, Rev. F. B., B.A., vicar


A parish and village, 3 miles north-east from Ipswich, in Carlford Hundred and Woodbridge Union.  The church of p. 257St. Martin is an ancient edifice, with square tower, containing 5 bells and clock.  The living is a vicarage, now enjoyed by the Rev. A. Paton, A.M.  The population in 1851 was 425.

Allen, Eli W., farmer

Amass, John, victualler, Fountain

Betts, Charles and Frederic, farmers

Bugg, Samuel, farmer

Chapman, Samuel, farmer

Damant, Arthur, joiner, &c.

Finch, W., shopkeeper

Garnham, John, shopkeeper

Hammond, W., postman to Ipswich

Keer, John, saddler

Kill, George, blacksmith and beer house

Lacey, Robert, farmer

Ling, Samuel, Tuddenham hall

Luff, James, farmer

Luff, James, brick and tile maker

Neve, John, farmer and corn miller

Paton, Rev. Alexander, M.A., Vicarage

Rice, John, maltster

Robinson, Samuel, farmer

Rush, David, farmer

Strait, Isabella Grace, boarding school

Woolnough, W., farmer


A village and parish 2½ miles north of Capel station, 3½ S.W. of Ipswich, in the Samford Hundred and Union, East Suffolk.  The living is a vicarage, annexed to the rectory of Copdock, of which the Hon. and Rev. Frederick De Grey, M.A., is the incumbent.  The population in 1851 was 514.  There is a small Wesleyan Chapel, and a Police Station of the East Suffolk Constabulary.

Bishop, Robert, parish clerk

Cant, William, baker and flour dealer

Cattermull, Jonathan, police officer

Catton, Herbert, farmer, Amor hall

Dakin, John, farmer

Dakin, Mercy, farmer

Edwards, George, bricklayer

Game, John, farmer, Birch house

Gentry, James, farmer

Hayward, Edward, provision dealer

Kerridge, Daniel, relieving officer

Lambert, John, shoemaker

Martin, James Darby, Rookery

Minter, Wm. brewer, malster, and victualler, Swan

Nunn, Samuel, shopkeeper

Raw, Mr. John, Washbrook grove

Trent, William, farmer

Twaites, John, shopkeeper

Watcham, John, painter and glazier

Whight, Thomas, joiner, &c.


Melton is a large and populous village on the river Deben, ½ a mile north-east from Woodbridge, of which it is a suburb, in Wilford Hundred, East Suffolk.  The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Ely; the Rev. Christopher George Walton, M.A., is the incumbent.  The church, which is situated at a distance from the village, is dedicated to St. Andrew.  About a mile on the left, on the road to Wickham Market, is the County Lunatic Asylum, which was formerly a house of industry for the Loes and Wilford Hundreds, and was purchased by the county magistrates in 1827, and opened in 1829 for the reception of pauper lunatics: John Kirkman, M.D., is the superintendent, and Mr. George Durrant, house steward.  The parish contains 1,420 acres of land, and the population, in 1851, was 1,039, including 269 in the asylum.

Adderson, Mr. Joseph, Retreat

Anderson, Wm. Hennesey, saddler

Aplin, Capt. Richard, Melton lodge

Ashford, Alfred, clerk

Asten, James, beerhouse

Baker, Mr. James

Bilby, Mrs. Sarah

Barrall, George, parish clerk

Bennington, Nathaniel, corn merchant, &c.

Booth, George, tailor

Brooke, Cooper Charles, solicitor, Grove

Buckingham, Mrs. Matilda Sophia

Calver, Thomas, wheelwright

p. 258Capon, Francis, butcher

Carthew, Wm. Morden, Esq.

Churchyard, James, gent.

Collins, Thomas, millwright, and Mrs. Eliza

Cook, Wm., brick and tile maker, Wilford Bridge

Culpil, John, wheelwright

Cullum, Samuel, gardener and florist

Durrant, George, steward, Asylum

Durrant, Mrs., milliner

Fisher, Henry, hay and straw dealer

Frost, Francis, farmer

Gillingham, Isaac, victualler, Red Lion

Girling, Horace, iron founder, &c.

Goldsmith, John, farm bailiff

Gwyn, Mrs.

Hayward, Alfred, miller, and corn and coal merchant

Hughes, Rev. Thomas Williams, B.A., chaplain at Asylum

Hunt, John, gent.

Kirkman, Mr. Henry

Kirkman, John, M.D., supt., Asylum

Last, Robert, builder

Leech, Mary, midwife

Miller, Thomas, farmer

Moss, John, joiner, builder, plumber, &c.

Moss, J., blacksmith

Newson, John, farmer

Osborn, Jeremiah, shoemaker

Pratt, Ishmael, horse dealer and vict., Horse and Groom

Page and Girling, ironfounders, engineers, and agricultural implement manufacturers

Page, James, ironfounder, &c.

Provart, Mr. Pp.

Patrick, Noah

Pytches, Major Thomas (deputy lieut.)

Read, Elizabeth, schoolmistress

Reeve, Robert Ashby, solicitor, Fern Villa

Riches, John, baker, &c.

Rout, W., farmer

Sawyer, Edward, baker and brewer

Schreiber, Wm. Fred. jun., Esq., Hill house

Shemmin, David, farm bailiff

Skoulding, William, grocer and draper

Smith, B., farmer

Smith, Edward, vict., Coach and Horses

Thompson and Bennington, corn and coal merchants, seedsmen and maltsters

Thompson, George Edw., h Woodbridge

Walford, Charles, Esq., Foxburgh hall

Walker, John, corn miller

Waller, Mrs. Maria

Wood, John, sen., Esq., Melton hall


Sutton is a village, distant 4 miles S.E. from Woodbridge in Wilford Hundred and Norwich Bishopric, East Suffolk.  The living is a vicarage, value £470.  The Rev. W. Nixon is the incumbent and patron.  The church of All Saints is an ancient stone and brick structure.  There is also a small Baptist Chapel here.  The population, in 1851, was 697.  Thomas Waller, Esq., is lord of the manor.  Chicory is extensively cultivated here.

Barrett, Robert, farmer, Little Hough

Edwards, Henry, Esq., Wood hall

Fairhead, — carpenter and parish clerk

Field, Rev. Robert, M.A., vicar

Freston, George, blacksmith

Garrod, Robert, bailiff

Girling, — Fenhall farm

Kett, Wm. Kell, surgeon

Large, Rev. W., Baptist minister

Nichols, James, corn miller

Roper, Charles, farmer, Vale farm

Skipper, James, shopkeeper

Solomon, Robert, vict., Plough inn

Walker, Isaac, farmer, Cliff

Walker, Nathaniel, farmer, Ferry

Waller, Thomas, Sutton hall

Wolton, Robert, shopkeeper


Bromeswell is a small village and parish, distant 4 miles S. from Wickham Market, and 2 E. from Woodbridge.  The living is a rectory, value £250, in the gift of the Marquis of Bristol.  The Rev. Robert H. King, M.A., is the incumbent.  The church of St. Edmund is a brick structure, with stone tower.  The population in 1851 was 206.

p. 259Burrows, Charles, shoemaker and shopkeeper

Burrows, John, farmer

Cook, Thomas, shopkeeper

Denington, George, farmer

Fairs, Samuel, farmer

Fairs, William, farmer

Gobbitt, Mrs., farmer

Goodchild, Robert, parish clerk

King, Rev. Robert H., Rectory

Parker, — victualler, Cherry Tree

Whaley, Mrs., schoolmistress


Bury St. Edmond’s, is a borough, market town, and the capital of West Suffolk, and has railway communication with Ipswich, Norwich, London, &c.  It is 94½ miles from London, 43 miles S.W. from Norwich, 14 miles E. from Newmarket, and 26½ miles N.E. from Ipswich.  Its population in 1841 was 12,538, and in 1851, 13,902.

Bury is supposed to have been the Villa Faustina of the Romans, and became a considerable town of the East English.  It derived its chief fame and importance, however, from becoming the burial-place of St. Edmund the Martyr, King of the East Angles.  The parishes are two, St. Mary’s and St. James’s.  Here are held the spring assizes for Suffolk, and the quarter sessions for the franchise of St. Edmund, of which this is the chief place.  This is the place of election for West Suffolk, and a polling place.  It is a borough, returning two members to Parliament, and has a municipal corporation, with separate jurisdiction, consisting of a mayor and the usual functionaries.  The market days are Wednesdays and Saturdays.  At the former the dealings in corn and cattle are large; the latter is chiefly for provisions.  The fairs are on Easter Tuesday, October 2, and December 1.  The October fair is the great fair, and much resorted to.  The December fair is a great cattle fair.  Bury is a grand market for agricultural produce of all kinds.  The town is well built, and is lighted with gas, and there are some good public buildings and private dwellings.

St. James’s church was not finished till the reign of Edward VI., who gave £200 towards its completion; it was thoroughly repaired in 1820, when a new gallery was added; it has about 2,000 sittings, of which 250 are free; the benefice is a donative, endowed with a stipend, and is in the patronage of Henry Wilson, Esq., of Stowlangtoft Hall, Suffolk; the Hon. Rev. Edward Pellew, M.A., is the present incumbent.  The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was commenced in 1424.  In the chancel is a monument in memory of Mary, daughter of King p. 260Henry VII., first married to Louis XII., King of France, and afterwards to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk; she died at Westhorp, in 1533, and was buried in the abbey church here.  It has been thoroughly repaired, at a cost of between £6,000 and £7,000.  The repairs were made under the superintendence of Mr. Cottingham, architect, Mr. Nash of London, Mr. Farrow of Diss, and the chancel by Mr. Darkin, of this town; it has 2,000 sittings, of which 500 are free.  The benefice is a donative, endowed with a stipend, in the patronage of John Fitzgerald, Esq.; the Rev. Charles James Phipps Eyre, M.A., is the present incumbent.

St. John’s church is an elegant structure, built by subscription at a cost of about £6,000, and consecrated October 21st, 1841; it has 850 sittings, half of which are free.  The church, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, is a perpetual curacy, endowed by the Marquis of Bristol and Earl Jermyn with £100 per annum, out of land at Little Saxham; the Bishop of Ely is patron, and the Rev. Robert Rushdall, M.A., incumbent.

A Roman Catholic chapel, dedicated to St. Edmund, was erected here in 1837, from designs by C. Day.  The Grammar School, in Northgate street, was founded by King Edward VI., and is well endowed.  The Norman tower of the grand abbey, erected in the reign of William the Conqueror, and now forming the grand entrance of the churchyard of the two churches, St. James and St. Mary, to the former of which it serves as the bell tower, is considered one of the noblest specimens of Norman architecture in the kingdom, and has undergone a complete repair, under the superintendence of Mr. Cottingham, at an estimated cost of £3,000, contributed by the parish and by public subscription.  King Edward IV. founded a college of priests in College Street, and the building is now occupied as a workhouse.  There were formerly several hospitals in the town, the principal of which are God’s House at Southgate, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist: St. Nicholas’s Hospital, at Eastgate, near the roads leading to Ixworth and Fornham, founded by one of the abbots of Bury; the extensive remains of the hospital and chapel form the principal part of a farm-house: St. Saviour’s Hospital, founded by abbot Sampson, belongs to St. John’s College, Cambridge.  Without Risby Gate stood an hospital dedicated to St. Peter, founded by abbot Anselm in the reign of Henry I.  In the wall forming the eastern boundary of the abbey precinct, are some arches, commonly known by the name of “The Abbot’s Bridge,” which seem intended to form an occasional foot-bridge, by means of planks laid from buttress to buttress, through which there are passages, the greatest distance being about 24 feet.

There are many other vestiges of ancient structures to which the antiquary, and others, will attach considerable interest.  Exclusive of those appropriated to divine worship, are the following: The Shirehall, a modern erection in the churchyard, comprising two convenient courts for the trial of civil and criminal causes.  The Guildhall is for the town court of sessions, and the transaction of the general business of the borough; petty sessions are held here every Thursday.  It is vested in the trustees of the Guildhall feoffment, by whom it is kept in repair: p. 261it has an ancient porch, and some portraits of local worthies.  The County Gaol, which serves also for the borough and the liberty of St. Edmund, is an extensive building at Southgate Green, on the London road; it was erected in 1803 at an expense of £30,000, and is calculated to contain 140 prisoners, with a separate bed for each.  The Police Station is a fine specimen of a Norman house; the age of its erection is obvious from its general appearance and circular windows.  The Theatre, a neat structure in Westgate Street, was opened for dramatic performances in October, 1819.  The Subscription Rooms, on the south side of Angel hill, comprise ball, billiard, and reading rooms, and were completed in 1804, at an expense of about £5,000.  There is an exceeding good public library at the Guildhall, which contains many valuable books.  The Botanic Garden, the entrance to which is under that magnificent remain, the Abbey Gate, is an important acquisition to this branch of scientific study; it was established in 1820, and is under the superintendence of N. S. Hodson, Esq.  The Suffolk Hospital is a handsome structure in an open and healthful situation; it has been repaired and enlarged by adding considerably to the wings.


Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth, Guildhall street

Andrews, Mr. Peter, Risbygate street

Barton, Mr. John, College street

Barton, Miss Mary Ann, Hatter street

Beard, Charles, Esq., Risbygate street

Bedford, Rev. William, Northgate street

Bevan, James J., Northgate house, Northgate street

Beales, Mr. William, Low Baxter street

Blyth, Mr. James, Churchgate street

Botwright, Mrs. Sophia, Angel hill

Bullock, Misses, Loomes lane

Bridgeman, Thomas, Esq., Risbygate street

Chapman, Mr. William, St. Andrew’s street

Chapman, Mr. John, Well street

Clodd, Mrs. Louisa, Northgate street

Collett, Mrs. Harriet, Angel hill

Cook, Mr. James, Union terrace

Cook, Mr. Benjamin, Salem cottage, Cemetery road

Cooper, Thomas White, Esq.

Crosbie, John, Esq., Crown street

Daubeny, Mrs. Elizabeth, Angel hill

Denton, Thomas, Esq., Churchgate street

Denny, Mrs. Mary Ann, Crown street

Dotton, William, Esq., Northgate street

Edwards, John, Risbygate street

Filby, Miss Matilda, Honey hill

Filby, Miss Mary, Union terrace

Flint, Mrs. Ann, Brentgovel street

Forte, Miss Caroline, Guildhall street

Gedge, Johnson, Esq., Northgate street

Gilly, Mrs. Jane C. M., Northgate street

Girling, Mr. Thomas, Garland street.

Gray, Mrs. Maria, Northgate street

Goodchild, Mr. Edward, Risbygate street

Green, Edward, Westgate street

Hare, the Rev. C. J. P., Crown street

Harvey, Mr. Robert, Westgate road

Hibble, Mrs. Hannah, Union terrace

Hickman, Rev. Thomas G., chaplain to the Hospital and Union, h Westgate street

Hine, Thomas, Esq., Loomes lane

Holworthy, Mrs. Sarah, Crown street

Hubbard, Capt. William, Northgate str.

Jones, Mrs. Maria, Union terrace

Lathbury, Miss Mary Ann, Angel hill

Lines, Mrs. Mary Ann, Garland street

Lock, Mrs. Sarah, Cemetery road

Lumley, Mrs. Elizabeth, Crown street

Matthew, Mrs. S., St. John’s terrace, Well street

Mc’Gregor, John, captain and adjutant of the West Suffolk Militia, Southgate street

Miller, Mr. Dearson John, Garland street

Mitchell, Mrs. Eleanor, Angel hill

Motlock, Miss Gertrude, Crown street

Muskett, Jno, Esq., Abbey ruins, Churchyard

Moore, George, Esq., Northgate street

p. 262Nunn, Frederic, Westgate street

Oliver, Mrs. Elizabeth, 97, Risbygate street

Paine, Miss Hannah, Northgate street

Palfry, Mrs. Sophia, Cornhill

Pellew, Hon. and Rev. Edward, Northgate street

Potts, Mrs. Ann, Westgate street

Probart, Dr. Francis G., Westgate street

Pozey, Mrs. Margaret, St. John’s terrace, Wells street

Quitter, Mrs. P., Angel hill

Rayner, James, Risbygate street

Reeves, Mrs. Emma, Well street, St. John’s terrace

Ridley, Mrs. Mary, Northgate street

Rumbelow, Mr. John, Angel hill

Rushdall, Rev. Robert, St. John’s parsonage, St. John’s street

Sale, Mrs. Hannah, St. John’s terrace, Wells street

Shelford, Mrs. Emily F., St. Mary’s square

Sidebottom, Edward, Esq., 99, Risbygate street

Smith, the Misses Frances, Jane, and Ann, St. Mary’s square

Stutter, Mrs. Catherine Jane, St. John’s terrace, Well street

Sutton, Mrs. Hannah Maria, Union terrace

Sutton, Frederic, Esq., Westgate street

Symonds, Misses Eleanor and Elizabeth, 12, Brentgovel street

Walsham, Sir John, Court house, Honey hill

Wastell, Misses Fanny and Isabella, Northgate street

Walton, Mr. W., St. John’s terrace, Well street

Wells, Rev. E. C., St. Mary’s square

Weston, Miss Juliana, Honey hill

Williams, Mr. William, Union terrace

Wing, Mrs. Henry, Guildhall street

Worlledge, John, sen., Esq., Chevington

Wollaston, Col. Charles, Northgate street

Woods, Mrs. Harriet, Angel hill

Wratislaw, Rev. A., School hall, Northgate street

Wright, Miss Ann, Cemetery road


Abbott, Jane, milliner, Churchgate street

Abbott, Frederick, butcher, Angel hill

Allen, James, baker, Ramgate street

Allen, Daniel, St. Edmond’s Head, Cannon place

Allsop, George, shoeing smith, Tayphin road

Armstrong, William, printer, &c., Northgate street

Armes, Jonathan, King’s Arms inn, Brentgovel street

Armes, Lucy, straw bonnet maker, College street

Armstrong, Robert, boot and shoe maker, out Westgate

Backhouse, Henry, corn and hay dealer, Risbygate street

Backhouse, James, corn and seed merchant, Brentgovel street

Baker, Henry, baker, Whiting street

Baker, Joseph, baker, Westgate road

Baker, John, White Lion inn, Brentgovel street

Baker, Elizabeth, ladies’ boarding school, the Abbey, Angel hill

Baker, William, Three Tuns, Crown street

Baker, Thomas, the Castle inn, Cornhill

Balaam, Charles, the Grapes inn, Brentgovel street

Baldwin, James, shopkeeper, Cemetery road

Baldwin, James, the Bushel, St. John’s street

Balls, Thomas, Royal Oak, Tayphin road

Balls, John, fruiterer, Abbeygate street

Bilson, William, gunmaker and ornithologist, Abbeygate street

Banham, John, Three Crowns inn, Southgate street

Barely, Spencer, boot and shoe maker, Southgate street

Barker, Horace, publisher of the Bury and Norwich Post, Northgate street

Barnard, Benjamin, blacksmith, Butts

Barnard, William, grocer, Whiting street

Barrell, Henry, baker, Northgate street

Barrell, Henry, baker, Risbygate street

Barrett, John, nurseryman, florist, &c., Cotton lane

Barton, John, Clerk of the Peace, Hatter street

Barton, Martha, milliner and dress-maker, Churchgate street

Barton, Robert, County Court Bailiff, Churchgate street

Barton, Frederick, bookbinder, Churchgate street

Battley, Maria, ladies’ day school, Westgate road

Baxter, Thomas, watch and clock maker, Hatter street

p. 263Baxter, Samuel, cutler, St. John’s street

Baxter, Mrs. Eliza, grocer and tea dealer, Angel hill

Baxter, William, cork manufacturer, Whiting street

Bear, Thomas M., iron and brass founder, shops Cornhill; h Well street

Beckford, Bevan, Esq., banker, Guildhall street

Bedells, Samuel C., grocer and tea dealer, Cornhill

Bellmam, William, shopkeeper, St. John’s street

Betts, Samuel, butcher, Churchgate street

Betts, E., confectioner, St. John’s street

Bethel, Emma, milliner and dressmaker, Churchgate street

Biggs, Isabella, stay maker, Meat market

Biles, George, watch and clock maker, Churchgate street

Bird, Ann, shopkeeper, St. John’s street

Bird, Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, Southgate street

Bishop, John, Saracen’s Head, Guildhall street

Blake, George H., Esq., High Bailiff of County Court, out Eastgate street

Boby, Robert, ironmonger, Cornhill

Bowles and Rushbrook, whitesmiths and shoeingsmiths, St. Andrew’s street

Brabrook, James, basket and sieve maker, Risbygate street

Brabrook, James, brazier, St. John’s street

Brabrook, William, Blackbirds, Bridewell lane

Braddock, Henry, brewer and maltster, Southgate street

Bradbury, John, cabinet maker, Risbygate street

Brame, John, pork shop, Low Baxter street

Brett, John, currier, Churchgate street

Brewster, John, grocer, Southgate street

Brewster, John, builder, Southgate street

Brewster, Robert, baker and general shopkeeper, Westgate road

Branch, Mary, fancy repository, Abbeygate street

Bridges and Son, coach builders, Sparhawk street

Bridge, Benjamin, grocer, Southgate str.

Bridgman, John, Angel family and commercial hotel, Angel hill

Britton, John, boot and shoe maker, St. John’s street

Brook, Henry W., corn chandler, Southgate street

Brooke, William L., solicitor, Risbygate street

Brown, Caroline E., milliner, Abbeygate street

Brown, Susan, day school, Churchgate street

Brown, Frederick E., boot and shoe maker, Abbeygate street

Brown, Henry, Beehive, College street

Bruce, Susan, Plough, Southgate street

Bryant, John, cutler, &c., Traverse

Buckle, James, Wheat Sheaf, Cemetery road

Bull, Benjamin, builder, Church road

Bullock, Walter, shopkeeper, Mustow street

Bullock, R. W., ginger-beer manufacturer, Northgate street

Bullens, T. G., upholsterer, auctioneer, house agent, and agent to the Pelican and Phœnix Fire Offices, Market hill

Burroughes, Robert, Fox inn, Eastgate street

Burroughes, Charles, boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Mustow street

Byford, Elizabeth, dress and stay maker, Guildhall street

Cambridge, John, jun., solicitor, offices Brentgovel street; h Risbygate street

Cann, Honoria, shopkeeper, Garland str.

Caney, Richard, fruiterer, Traverse

Caney, Richard, fruiterer, Cornhill

Carter, W., grocer and tea dealer, Hatter street

Carter, William Henry, tobacconist and hair dresser, St. John’s street

Carliell, Charles, builder, Crown street

Carver, Daniel, Bull inn, Angel hill

Cooper, Isaac, corn and seed merchant, St. John’s street

Catton, Charles, broker, St. John’s street

Cattermole, Martha, dress maker, Risbygate street

Cattermole, Emma, straw bonnet maker, Risbygate street

Challis, Thomas, painter, plumber, and glazier, Westgate road

Chapman, Thomas, carpenter, St. John’s street

Chapman, W. and S., clothiers, Butter market

Childs, George, grocer and clothier, Guildhall street

Childs, Joseph, whitesmith, bell hanger, and gas fitter, Churchgate street

Childs, Maria, milliner and fancy worker, Churchgate street

Clark, the Misses, day and boarding school, Guildhall street

Clark, Frederick, King’s Head inn, Brentgovel street

Clark, Henry, watchmaker, Southgate street

Clark, George, tailor and draper, Cornhill

p. 264Clark, Frederick, wine and spirit stores, St. John’s street

Clark, James W., tax collector, Whiting street

Clarke, John, tailor and draper, Crown street

Clarke, G. and R., coach builders, Crown street

Clarke, Alexander, shopkeeper, Cannon place

Clarke, James, fishmonger, poulterer, and dealer in game, Abbeygate street

Clarke, Alfred M., hairdresser, Abbeygate street

Clarke, William, boot and shoe maker, Cornhill

Clarke, Isaac, butcher, St. Andrew’s str.

Clarke, John, brewer and maltster, Risbygate street

Clayton, Eld Edmund, linen draper, &c., shop Butter market; h Guildhall street

Clements, Samuel, Six Bells commercial and family hotel, Chequers’ square

Cocksedge, Sarah Ann, Queen’s Head, Churchgate street

Cocksedge, William, Sedgman house, Tayphin road

Coe, Jane, dressmaker, Westgate road

Coe, Thomas, surgeon, Guildhall street

Coe, John, plumber, glazier, and painter, Guildhall street

Coe, William, painter, plumber, and glazier, Low Baxter street

Coe, Walter, veterinary surgeon, St. Andrew’s street

Collins, Robert, Stag and Dog, College street

Cooper, William, surgeon, Guildhall street

Cooper, John, boot and shoe maker, Brentgovel street

Cooke, John, hat manufacturer, Abbeygate street

Cook, James, net maker, Northgate street

Cook, John, miller, Southgate street

Copping, Robert H., plumber, &c., Whiting street

Cornish and Sons, iron and brass founders, engineers, and machine makers, Whiting street

Cornish, Simeon, Woolpack inn, Cornhill

Cotton, Richard, veterinary surgeon, St. Andrew’s street, north

Collins, Thomas, Clerk of County Court, Angel hill

Crane, William, coach builder, Mustow street

Crane, Francis, Coachmakers’ Arms, Raingate street

Craske, Charlotte, hosiery warehouse, Butter market

Crassweller, William E., chemist, druggist, and dentist, Abbeygate street

Cremer, John, clothier, Northgate street

Crick, James, butcher, St. John’s street

Crick, Robert, blacksmith and broker, Southgate street

Croft, John, surveyor and land agent, Hatter street

Crowe, Elizabeth E., milliner and dress maker, Brentgovel street

Cullem, John, Fox and Hounds, and shopkeeper, Brackland

Curry, Frederick, boot and shoe maker, Well street

Dallison, William, boot and shoe maker, High Baxter street

Dalton, J. H., Three Goats Head, Guildhall street

Dalton, Rowland, surgeon, Whiting street

Dalton, John, surgeon and apothecary, Whiting street

Darken, George, stonemason, Westgate road

Day, Robert, grocer, Southgate street

Death, Daniel, baker, Southgate street

Death, Fanny, ladies’ day and boarding school, Angel hill

Death, Henry, baker, St. John’s street

Deasley, John, Ten Bells, Whiting street

Devereux, Richard, trunk manufacturer, Cemetery road

Devereux, Charlotte, shopkeeper, Risbygate street

De Carle, Benjamin, stone and marble mason, Sparhawk street

Denovan, John, grocer, tea and coffee dealer, Abbeygate street

Doe, John, furniture broker, Angel hill

Dooley, Sophia, Jolly Waggoner, Mustow street

Downs, Jane, general dealer, Butter market

Downs, John, clothier, Westgate street

Drake, Robert, Seven Stars, Long Brackland

Dudley, William, architect and surveyor, Cemetery road

Dyball, John, boot and shoe maker, Butter market

Edgar, Robert, travelling tea dealer and draper, Hospital road

Ellis, Thomas, pork butcher, Brentgovel street

Ellis, George, Coach and Horses, School Hall street

Ellis, John, linen draper, Guildhall street

Earl, Samuel, plasterer, Guildhall street

Elven, Cornelius, jun., coal merchant, Whiting street

Elven, Rev., Cornelius, Baptist minister, Whiting street

p. 265Emanuels, Money, tobacconist, Churchgate street

Emerson, James and Son, builders and stonemasons, Well street

English, Mary Ann, news agent, St. John’s street

Everard, John P., wool merchant and tanner, Southgate street

Everard, Lucy, Suffolk commercial hotel, Butter market

Fake, John, the Dragon, Cemetery road

Fake, Thomas, builder, Loomes lane

Falkerd, Samuel, hairdresser and dealer in clothes, Guildhall street

Farrow, Thomas, builder, Churchyard

Farrow, Thomas, stonemason and builder, Westgate street

Fenton, Reuben, broker and auctioneer, Meat Market

Fergusson, Robert, manager of the National Provincial Bank of England; and Henry James Graves, accountant

Fenton, George, general broker, Market hill

Fitch, John B., grocer, Cornhill

Fletcher, Frederick, grocer and tea dealer, Risbygate street

Flynn, William, draper and tea dealer, Risbygate street

Footer, William, builder, Sparhawk street

Freelove, William, grocer, Guildhall str.

Frewer and Son, plumbers, glaziers, and painters, Chequers square

Frost, Henry, builder, &c., College str.

Frost, Thomas, shopkeeper, Mill lane

Frost, John, leather currier, &c., Crown street

Fuller, William, printer, bookseller, &c., Butter Market

Galley, William, watch and clock maker, St. John’s street

Gallant, Thomas, glover, &c., Southgate street

Garwood, Thomas, Railway hotel, Northgate street

Garrod, George, watchmaker, Westgate street

Gardener, Henry, Half-Moon commercial inn, 28, Butter Market

Gedge, Johnson, proprietor of Bury Post, Hatter street

Gibbs, William, confectioner, Cornhill

Gilmour, Francis, Rose and Crown, Westgate street

Green, John F., solicitor, Abbey Ruins

Green, Jonathan, Three Bulls, Meat Market

Greene, Edward, Westgate brewery, Westgate street

Grayson, Matthew, seed merchant, Cornhill

Grayston, Eliza, glass and china warehouse, Butter Market

Graves, Eliza, straw hat and dressmaker, Westgate street

Graves, Robert, tailor and woollen draper, Abbeygate street

Grange, William, baker, Guildhall street

Gross, William, chemist, Chequers square

Gowing, Ellis S., commercial traveller, Lower Baxter street

Goodwin, James, boot and shoe maker, Eastgate street

Goodrich, Joseph, saddle and harness maker, Abbeygate street

Godbald, S. A., ladies’ day school, Brentgovel street

Godbold, Kezia, dressmaker, Brentgovel street

Goldsmith, Mary, butcher, Butter Market

Goldsmith, David, ironmonger, Market hill

Goff, Ezekiel, Star inn, Mustow street

Golder, Simon, builder, Cemetery road

Goodwin, George, plumber and glazier, Northgate street

Glover, John, cabinet turner and screw cutter, Loomes lane

Glew, Ann, jeweller and silversmith, Abbeygate street

Gissing, Patience, baker, Angel hill

Gurney, Frederic, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street

Hadfield, Frederic, chemist and druggist, Abbeygate street

Hagreen, the Misses, school, Guildhall street

Haggitt, Henry, Esq., farmer, St. Mary’s square

Hales, John, saddle and harness maker, Eastgate street

Hammant, Thomas, St. John’s terrace, Well street

Hardwick, John E., medical botanist, Market hill

Hardy, William, coach builder, Brentgovel street

Hardy, Julia and Ellen, Berlin and fancy repository, Butter market

Harris, Henry, Dolphin, Cannon place

Harris, John, nurseryman, St. Andrew’s street

Harrison, Robert, millwright, Westgate road

Harrald, William B., basket and sieve maker, Whiting street

Harrald, William, butcher, St. Andrew’s street north, and St. John’s street

Harrald, Samuel, general warehouseman, Hospital road

Harrington, Philip, organist, Northgate street

p. 266Hartley, Robert, marine store dealer, Long Brackland

Hart, Alfred, brazier, &c., Prospect place

Harvey and Hudson, branch hank, Abbeygate street

Harvey, Rant, draper, Abbeygate street

Hayhoe and Son, plumbers, glaziers, and painters, Whiting street

Hayles, William, shopkeeper, St. John’s street

Hayward, Samuel, goods delivery for the E. C. R. company, Risbygate street

Head, Henry W., boot and shoe maker and naturalist, Abbeygate street

Head, Hannah, butcher, Northgate street

Head, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Hatter street

Hempstead, James, house agent, Union terrace

Herd, John, the Marquis Arms, Union terrace

Hicks, Alexander, dyer, Low Baxter str.

Hinnell, George F., surgeon, Risbygate street

Hinnell, Charles, solicitor, Risbygate str.

Hinnell, Thomas, chemist and druggist, Abbeygate street, h College street

Hirst, Joseph, tobacco manufacturer, Whiting street

Hodgson, Henry Rayner, ironmonger, Cornhill

Holden, James, Black Boy, Guildhall street

Holden, John, shopkeeper, Westgate road

Holden, Michael, ironmonger, &c., Hatter street

Holmes, John, dyer, St. John’s street

Hopkins, Thomas, painter, Guildhall str.

Houghton, William, boot and shoe maker, Abbeygate street

Howe, George, Swan inn, Northgate str.

Howe, Robert, corn merchant, Southgate street

Howchin, Robert, coachmaker, Mustow street

Hay, James, hosier and silk mercer, Abbeygate street

Hubbard and Son, surgeons, Crown street

Hunter, Arthur, upholsterer, Abbeygate street

Hunter, John, wine, spirit, vinegar, and porter merchant, Abbeygate street

Huscroft, John, news agent, St. John’s street

Ion, John W., solicitor, Hatter street, h Risbygate street

Image, William Edward, surgeon, Honey hill

Jackson, John, solicitor, commissioner for taking affidavits in Chancery, and clerk to the Guildhall feoffment, Hatter str.

Jackson, Thomas, bricklayer, Cemetery rd.

Jackson and Frost, booksellers, stationers, bookbinders, printers, and agents to the Sun Fire and Life office, Angel hill

Jacob, Harriet, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Hatter street

James, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Westgate road

Jarman, Isaac, butcher, Southgate street

Jay, Maria Eliza, ladies’ boarding school, Southgate street

Jennings, Benjamin, wine and spirit merchant, 20, Meat market

Jennings, Benjamin, corn merchant, Corn hill

Jennings, Robert, agent to the Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance Societies, and manure merchant, St. John’s terrace, Well street

Johnson, John, architect and surveyor, agent to the Lancashire Life and Fire office, Whiting street

Johnson, Charles, toy dealer, Cornhill

Johnson, William, Three Horse Shoes, Northgate street

Jones, C. W., classical and commercial school, hon. sec. to the Athenæum, Angel hill

Jones and Co., dyers, Abbeygate street

Jordan, Elizabeth, pork butcher, Churchgate street

Kemp, Robert Day, turner, St. John’s street

Kemp, Charles, shopkeeper and baker, Union terrace

Kemp, James, Frederic of Prussia, Southgate street

Kidson, Robert, tailor and hatter, Abbeygate street

Kilner, John, surgeon, &c., Guildhall street

King, Frederic W., wine and spirit merchant, St. Mary’s square

King, Henry William, builder, Loomes lane

King, Henry, general warehouseman, Butter market

Kirkham, Thomas, chemist and dentist, 34, Butter market

Lamb, Samuel, tobacconist, Abbeygate street

Last, William B., watchmaker, jeweller, engraver, and fancy repository, Abbeygate street

Last, Henry, Sword in Hand, Southgate street

Last, William N., watch and clock maker, Whiting street

Last, Robert, Cross Keys, Church row

Last, Ann, and Ward Elizabeth, general shopkeepers, Northgate street

p. 267Lowes, William, ironmonger, Sparhawk street

Leonard, Barnard, Lamb and Flag, St. John’s street

Lee, James, timber merchant, Risbygate street

Leech, Mary, haberdasher, Hatter street

Leech, Charles Denton, solicitor and agent to the Essex and Suffolk Fire office, Crown street

Le Grice, Henry, solicitor, Market hill

Lease, Edward, banker’s clerk, St. John’s street

Locke, William, hop warehouse, Risbygate street, h Shimpling

Lock, Michael, confectioner and grocer, St. John’s street

Lock, Alfred, confectioner, Guildhall street

Lock, John, confectioner, College street

Lofts, Thirza, the Cricketers, Cemetery road

Lofts, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, Angel hill

Lankaster, Frederic, bookseller, stationer, &c., Abbeygate street

Lord, William, nursery and seedsman, Northgate street

Lumner, Lincoln, grocer and eating house, Brentgovel street

Lummes, Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Bridewell lane

Limmer, James, miller, Cemetery road

Lucas, James, corn chandler, Guildhall street

Lucher, Mary Ann, staymaker, Whiting street

Madder, James, tailor and woollen draper, Hatter street

Maderson, Emma, milliner and dressmaker, Whiting street

Mann, W. and E., soap and tallow chandlers, Churchgate street

Mann, William, auctioneer, Hogg lane

Mann, William and Edgar, soap and tallow works, 27, Churchgate street

Manning, William, baker, Cemetery road

Major, William, glass and earthenware dealer, and basket maker, the Traverse

Major, Josiah, tailor and draper, Abbeygate street

Matthews, Joseph, clothier and outfitter, corner of St. John’s street

Mayhew, Mary Ann, George inn, Westgate road

Mayes, Abraham, shoemaker, St. John’s street

Mead, Samuel, painter, plumber, and glazier, Hatter street

Meekins, David, China and glass warehouse, Butter market

Mc’Lerath, Hannah, maltster and liquor merchant, Guildhall street

Middleditch, John, cork manufacturer, the Traverse

Middleditch, Alfred, boot and shoemaker, Guildhall street

Middleditch, James, tailor, &c., High Baxter street

Middleditch, Mary, Hare and Hounds, Risbygate street

Miller, Robert, boot and shoe maker, St. John’s street

Miller, Harriet, fruiterer, Westgate street

Miller, William, saddle and harness maker, and commission agent for the sale of carriages, Angel hill

Mingay, John, chimney sweeper, Long Brackland

Mountain, Robert, fishmonger, Abbeygate street

Moore, Robert, whitesmith, Cotton lane

Morris, John, pork butcher, Garland str.

Mortlock, John, general dealer, St. John’s street

Mower, Samuel, Griffin inn, Cornhill

Neale, Elizabeth, staymaker, Hatter str.

Newby, Robert, Globe, School Hall str.

Newdick, Elizabeth S., staymaker, Whiting street

Newdwick, Charlotte, bonnet maker, Whiting street

Newell, James, Spread Eagle, Westgate road

Newham, Samuel, surgeon, Low Baxter street

Newman, William, silk mercer, laceman, and importer of French millinery, &c., Butter market

Newson, Henry, postmaster, Butter market

Nice, Robert, Masons’ Arms, Whiting st.

Nice, William, clothier, Butter market

Nice, George, hairdresser and fancy repository, Abbeygate street

Norfolk, Caroline, register office, Cornhill

Norfolk, Thomas, game marker, Cornhill

Norfolk, James, tailor, &c., Guildhall str.

Norman, Benjamin, shopkeeper, College street

Norman, Benjamin, brush manufacturer, Churchgate street

Nunn, Hinnell and Skepper, chemists, Abbeygate street

Nunn, James, tailor and hatter, Risbygate street

Nunn, Walter J., hosier, glover, and shirt maker, Abbeygate street

Nunn, Elizabeth, furrier, &c., Guildhall street

p. 268Nunn, Edmund, clerk to Gas Works, Guildhall street

Nunn, Frederic, butcher, Risbygate street

Nunn, Robert, music master, Abbey ruins

Oglesby, Samuel, photographic artist, Churchgate street

Oliver, George J., grocer and tea dealer, Abbeygate street

Oliver, John, grocer and tea dealer, Risbygate street

Orsben, George, tobacconist, St. John’s street

Owers, Robert, marine store dealer, St. John’s street

Owles, Thomas, druggist, Cornhill

Outlaw, Thomas, Rising Sun inn, Risbygate street

Pace, John, watch and clock maker, jeweller, &c., Abbeygate street

Page, George, shopkeeper, Cemetery road

Palmer, Thomas, painter, &c., Cemetery road

Parker, Benjamin, draper, Butter market

Parker, Robert, painter, Chequers square

Parson, William, grocer and tea-dealer, Southgate street

Partridge, Henry, saddle and harness maker, Cornhill

Partridge, the Misses, ladies’ boarding and day school, Angel hill

Partridge, Sophia, saddler, Southgate street

Pashley, George, baker, Guildhall street

Pattle, Thomas, grocer and tea-dealer, the Traverse

Pawsey, Robert, carpenter, &c., High Baxter street

Pawsey, Robert, baker, Churchgate street

Pearce, Sophia, milliner, &c., Meat market

Pearson, George W., builder, Brentgovel street

Pechey, Jabez, leather seller, Cornhill

Pechey, Robert, printer and bookbinder, St. John’s street

Pechey, Elisha, gas fitter and metal dealer, St. John’s street

Peck, Alfred, boot and shoe maker, Mustow street

Peckham, John, rope and sack maker, St. John’s street

Pendred, Samuel, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Risbygate street

Pendred, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Market hill

Perfect, Epton, White Hart inn, Southgate street

Pettit, John, cabinetmaker, Churchgate street

Pettit, Edward, carpenter, Whiting street

Place, Maria, linen draper, Churchgate street

Place, William, grocer and tea-dealer, Churchgate street

Plumpton, William, draper and silk mercer, Butter market

Portway, John, pharmaceutical chemist, Abbeygate street

Prigg, Henry, tailor and woollen draper, Abbeygate street

Prigg, John, boot and shoe maker, Whiting street

Pritty, Thomas, ironmonger and iron-founder, Abbeygate street

Pryer, Jane, servants’ register office Hatter street

Pryke, John, baker, Brentgovel street

Pyman, Jonathan, grocer, tea dealer, and tallow chandler, Guildhall street

Rae, John, tea dealer, Whiting street

Rouse, David, tailor, &c., Churchgate street

Ranson, Frederick, grocer, &c., Whiting street

Ranson, Mary, Anchor, Northgate street

Ranson, Charles, shopkeeper, Long Brackland

Ray, William, watch and clock maker, Brentgovel street

Reach, William, Odd Fellows’ Arms, College street

Reach, Thomas, saddle and harness maker, Cornhill

Reach, John, sausage maker, Southgate street

Reach, Wm., jun., shopkeeper, Brentgovel street

Reach, Sarah, shopkeeper, Northgate street

Reed, Henry, builder, stone and marble mason, Northgate street

Reeve, John, music seller, Angel hill

Reeve, Sarah, baby linen warehouse, Angel hill

Reeve, Robert, Waggon inn, Risbygate street

Reffell, Elizabeth, pipe manufacturer, High Baxter street

Richardson and Bonfellow, linen drapers, Butter market

Richardson, George W., woollen draper, 26, Butter market

Ridley, George, soap and candle maker, Low Baxter street; h 16, Brentgovel street

Ridley, John, coal and iron merchant, and tanner, Northgate street

Ridley, Frederick, currier and leather cutter, St. Andrew’s street

Ridley, Thomas, grocer, tea dealer, oil and colorman, Abbeygate street

p. 269Risbrock, William, the Dog and Partridge, Crown street

Robinson, Frederick, bread and biscuit baker, Crown street

Robinson, John, shopkeeper, Cemetery road

Robinson, Charles, mail contractor, Risbygate street

Robinson, John, bookseller, printer, bookbinder, and stationer, Market hill

Robinson, William, baker, College street

Rutter, George, butcher, Guildhall street

Rutter, Alfred, confectioner, Cornhill

Rudland, Henry, Three Kings’ inn, Cornhill

Salmon, William, tailor and draper, Abbeygate street

Salmon, William, solicitor and town clerk, secretary to the gas company, clerk to the lieutenancy of Suffolk, Guildhall street

Saunders, William, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street

Savage, Charles, retailer of beer and porter, Meat market

Sawyer, James, butcher, Churchgate street

Scholes, John, hat manufacturer, Butter market

Scholes, Mary Ann, milliner, &c., St. John’s street

Scott, Stephen, bootmaker, Abbeygate street

Scott, George, surgeon dentist, Whiting street

Scotchmer, David, furniture broker, &c., Risbygate street

Scrivener, Frederick, photographic artist, Well street

Seargent, James, cork manufacturer, the Traverse

Seakens, James, cooper, Risbygate street

Seaden, Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, Brentgovel street

Sexton, William W., dyer, Churchyard

Sexton, William W., tobacconist and tea dealer, Abbeygate street

Sewell, Robert, Marquis Cornwallis, St. John’s street

Shittelo, James, butcher, the Traverse

Simper, Sarah, dressmaker, Westgate street

Simkin, brush manufacturer, Guildhall street

Simmonds, Jonathan, shoeing smith, St. Andrew’s street north

Simper, Robert, cabinet maker, Guildhall street

Smith Charles, surgeon, Guildhall street

Smith, Joseph, town crier, St. John’s street

Smith, W. H. and Son, patten and clog manufacturers, American overshoe importers, Birmingham and Sheffield warehouse, wholesale hosiers, haberdashers, and general warehousemen, 24, Butter market

Smith and Son, machine makers, Westgate road

Smith, William, upholsterer, Low Baxter street

Smith, John, Chequers inn, Risbygate street

Smith, Sarah, muffin and crumpet maker, Brentgovel street

Snithyes, John, grocer and tea-dealer, Hatter street

Snell, James, confectioner, Hatter street

Southgate, William, hairdresser, Churchgate street

Sore, Samuel, cooper, Abbeygate street

Soar, John, hairdresser, Guildhall street

Spanton, William, plumber, glazier, painter, and paper hanger, Abbeygate street

Sparke, James, tailor, Southgate street

Sparke, James, solicitor, clerk of the peace for the borough, clerk to the Thurgoe union, and clerk to the commissioner of taxes for Thurgoe hundred, Hatter street

Sparke, John, grocer, &c., Tayphin road

Sparkes, George, turner, Guildhall street

Spooner, John, soda water and ginger beer manufacturer, Eastgate street

Steel, John, family grocer and tea-dealer, and stamp office, Butter market

Steele, William, boot and shoe maker, High Baxter street

Stebbing, John, fruiterer, the Traverse

Stebbing, John, baker, Northgate street

Steel, William, pawnbroker and clothier, Guildhall street

Stearn, William G., boot and shoe maker, Whiting street

Stebbings, Eliza, milliner and dress-maker, Churchgate street

Stebbings, Noel, painter and paper-hanger, Churchgate street

Stearn, George, sexton to St. James’, Churchgate street

Stiggles, Frederic, stone mason, Whiting street

Stow, Thomas, accountant, St. John’s terrace, Well street

Sturgeon, James, baker and confectioner, Guildhall street

Sturgeon, James, baker and confectioner, Westgate street

Stutter, Arthur, draper, Market hill

p. 270Suffolk Alliance Life and Fire Assurance office, Hatter street

Suttle, George, Golden Lion, Guildhall street

Syrett and Son, ironmongers, and hot-water apparatus manufacturers, Whiting street

Tagliabue, Henry, tobacconist and general dealer, Whiting street

Taylor, Edwin, veterinary surgeon, Churchgate street

Taylor, Emily, ladies’ boarding school, Angel hill

Theobald, Frederic, grocer and green grocer, Brentgovel street

Theobald, Frederic, licensed to let horses for hire, Brentgovel street

Thompson, Thomas, brazier, &c., Cemetery road

Thompson, George, bookseller and stationer, Abbeygate street

Thompson, Robert, confectioner, Abbeygate street

Thompson, John, silversmith, China and glass warehouse, and Norwich Union Life and Fire office, Market hill

Todd, George, house and ornamental painter, St. Andrew’s street north

Tolladay, Mary, straw bonnet maker, Butter market

Tolladay, Dallar, bootmaker, Abbeygate street and Butter market

Tolladay, Dallar, watch and clock maker, Northgate street

Tompson, William, whitesmith and brazier, Mustow street

Tozer, Charles F., corn merchant, Risbygate street

Townsend, William, Crown and Anchor, Prospect row

Trevetham, John, paving commissioner, Hospital road

Tricker, William, soda water and ginger beer manufacturer, St. Andrew’s street

Turner, Martha, straw bonnet maker and milliner, Guildhall street

Vale, John, silversmith, Abbeygate street

Vismara, John, barometer maker, St. John’s street

Wade, Robert, coal merchant and builder, Brentgovel street

Walford, Frederic James, Six Bells hotel tap, Churchgate street

Watson, Miss Susan, Churchgate street

Watling, Sarah, dressmaker, Churchgate street

Watling, Richard, the Jolly Toper, Southgate street

Wallis, Benjamin, shopkeeper, St. John’s street

Warner, James, shopkeeper, Peas Porridge green

Warren, Abraham, baker, Risbygate str.

Waterfall, John, commercial traveller, St. Mary’s square

Watson, Robert, builder, Crown street

Watson, William, baker, Whiting street

Ward, John, paving rate collector and house agent, Risbygate street

Wayling, George, surgeon dentist, Whiting street

Weavers, Edward, shopkeeper, Westgate street

Webb and Co., tanners, curriers, and leather sellers, Whiting street

Welton, Charles, shoeing smith, High Baxter street

Welton, Amelia and Harriet, milliners and dress makers, Risbygate street

Wenn, William, baker, Southgate street

Weston, Robert John, watch and clock maker, Meat market

Westrup, Charlotte, biscuit baker and confectioner, Angel hill

Weston, John W., plumber, glazier, and painter, Butter market

Weston, Susannah, milliner, Brentgovel street

Whitaker, George R., rate and rent collector, Westgate road

Whiting, Elizabeth, broker, Angel hill

Wicks, William, Bell Hotel, Market hill

Wiggetts, William E., coffee and eating house, Risbygate street

Williams, William, horse breaker, Mustow street

Wilson, Samuel, baker, Cannon place

Wilson, Richard S., plumber, glazier, and painter, Whiting street

Wincup, Mary Ann, dressmaker, Brentgovel street

Wincup, Thomas, hair cutter, Cornhill

Wing, Frederic, solicitor, Hatter street

Winkup, Thomas, baker, Brentgovel str.

Winn, Samuel, tailor, Abbeygate street

Wodehouse, Charles, solicitor, notary, and registrar of the archdeaconry of Sudbury and town of Bury St. Edmund’s, Churchgate street, h Whiting street

Woolnough, Frederic D., baker, Churchgate street

Woollard, William, Joiners’ Arms, Garland street

Woodgate, Thomas, cooper, St. Andrew’s street

Worlledge and Co., bankers, Meat market

Wright, Reuben, carpenter, &c., Cemetery road

Wright, Caroline, baker, St. John’s street

p. 271Wright, Robert, brush maker, Market hill

Wright, William, cordwainer, Churchgate street

Wright, James, Two Brewers, Westgate street

Wright, Thomas, artist, Northgate street

Young, William, gunmaker, Market hill

Young, William, cabinet maker, &c., Northgate street

Youngman, Edward, chemist and druggist, Market hill

Youngman, Sophia A., baby linen ware house, Berlin wool and fancy repository, 32, Butter market